Calorie content of semolina porridge prepared with water and milk, beneficial properties of semolina. Semolina porridge with milk - calorie content

Semolina porridge is a dish known to everyone since early childhood. The cereal for it is obtained from wheat grain by grinding it to obtain a fraction of a certain size. It contains a variety of vitamins, micro and macroelements, which are almost not destroyed during the cooking process. The porridge cooks very quickly, without requiring any special knowledge in the field of cooking. There are a large number of recipes for its preparation with the addition of different components, so the calorie content of the finished food can vary significantly. Thus, cereals cooked in water can be considered the most dietary. Adding butter, sugar, milk, and dried fruits further increases its energy value.

How many calories does semolina porridge with water without sugar contain per 100 g:

  • calories - 50-80 kcal
  • proteins - 2.5 g
  • carbohydrates - 17 g
  • fats - 0.2 g

The calorie content of semolina in water can be kept to a minimum, if not added to ready dish additional butter or sugar. This option is good for those who are watching their figure. However, excessive use of semolina is not recommended for people who have intestinal problems. It would be optimal to consume it several times a week in the morning as breakfast.

Everyone knows semolina porridge. Many people associate it with Soviet childhood. In those years, the benefits of semolina for children were considered an axiom. Now there is more and more talk about its harm and even a serious threat to health. Is everything so categorical? It cannot be stated unequivocally that it is harmful or beneficial. Like any product, semolina is useful for some, but not so much for others.

Semolina contains gluten, so it is contraindicated for patients with celiac disease.

It is made from wheat by coarse grinding. Depending on the variety of the original wheat, it can be hard or soft. There are three brands of semolina:

  • M - soft wheat porridge, white, opaque, quickly boils and increases in volume;
  • T – the porridge is yellowish, translucent, almost does not increase in volume;
  • MT is a cereal made from soft varieties with an admixture (up to 20%) of hard ones (the porridge turns out to be motley).


The main components of semolina are starch and vegetable. Thanks to this, the cereal quickly boils and is easily digestible. There is little fiber in it - only 0.2%. There are vitamins (E, B1, B2, PP) and minerals ( , ) in semolina, but there are fewer of them than in other cereals. At the same time, it contains a lot of gluten (gluten), so porridge is contraindicated for patients with celiac disease.

100 grams of dry semolina contain 320 kcal, but the energy value of porridge boiled in water is only 80 kcal. Therefore, semolina porridge can be considered dietary product. It gets its main calorie content from additives: butter, sugar, jam, and so on. Therefore, it can be useful not only for people who want, but also dream of gaining a couple of kilograms.

Useful properties

  1. Semolina boils quickly and is easily digested without irritating the stomach. Moreover, only this cereal is digested in the lower intestine.
  2. Cleanses the intestines, eliminating excess mucus and fat.
  3. Due to its low fiber content, it is useful for people with diseases of the digestive tract, kidney failure, after operations and serious illnesses.
  4. Thanks to quick cooking, vitamins and minerals are preserved in semolina porridge.
  5. For older people, eating semolina porridge helps prevent the development of cancerous tumors in the large intestine.
  6. It perfectly replenishes the body with energy, helps to say goodbye to chronic fatigue, and is useful for exhaustion.

Semolina porridge on the children's menu

Modern experts do not recommend feeding semolina porridge to babies under one year of age. Children simply do not need starch in such quantities; their bodies are not yet ready to digest starchy carbohydrates. Perhaps that is why many children intuitively refuse it. Semolina is also harmful due to the presence of gluten, which can cause allergies, stool upset and cramps in a still fragile stomach. But older children should not be fed semolina porridge more than once a week. Phytin, which is part of the cereal, blocks the entry of calcium into the blood. And if there is a shortage of an element so important for a growing organism, it begins to be removed from the bone tissue. Therefore, overfeeding a child with semolina entails leaching of calcium from the bones. In addition, with frequent feeding of semolina, children begin to grow too quickly, which negatively affects the ratio of their weight and the amount of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Harm of semolina

The most harmful is considered to be porridge made from brand M cereals, which are the most delicious. Due to the high glycemic index, semolina porridge sharply raises blood sugar levels, and therefore is contraindicated for people with other metabolic disorders. People with celiac disease should also avoid semolina porridge. In them, semolina contributes to the thinning of the intestinal lining, thereby interfering with absorption nutrients. For healthy people, semolina, like many other foods, can only cause harm if it is abused.

There was a period when semolina was at the peak of popularity. There was also a time when it was vehemently criticized as useless carbohydrates. You will learn about what semolina is, what its benefits and harms are for the body, from this article.

What is it?

Coarsely ground wheat flour is called semolina. Simply put, it is a secondary product resulting from the manufacture of wheat flour. The diameter of its particles is 0.25-0.75 mm.

There are several varieties of this cereal: hard (marked with the letter “T”, made from durum wheat), soft (labeled “M”, based on soft varieties of wheat) and a mixed product, consisting of 20% hard and 80% – from soft varieties (“TM”). Visually, soft cereals can be identified by their snow-white color. The remaining two varieties have a slightly darker, grayish tint.

Soft cereals swell well in liquids, making it delicious porridge. Hard and semi-hard varieties cook less well; they are usually placed in casseroles and pies.

Semolina was known back in pre-revolutionary Russia. However, at that time the process of its production was quite expensive, which determined the high cost of the cereal. It is not surprising that it was not widespread at that time and was available only to wealthy citizens.

During the Soviet period technological processes were automated, which greatly simplified and reduced the cost of semolina production. It is enough to add to this the simplicity and efficiency of preparing the product to understand why semolina literally “poured” into children's institutions and apartments.

Semolina is the basis of many dishes, but the most famous are porridge and dumplings. Therapeutic diets for certain ailments are based on semolina porridge. As a rule, they are aimed at restoring the gastrointestinal tract after inflammatory diseases and operations.

The cereal contains a minimum of fiber, but it cooks quickly and well due to the large amount of starch and gluten. Another feature is that semolina is the only grain that is digested by the lower intestine. That's where it gets absorbed.

Composition and calorie content

Semolina contains a lot of vegetable proteins and starch, but there is almost no fiber in it. Chemical composition The product is poor when compared with other popular cereals. It is represented by vitamins B, E, A and PP, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron and sodium. These components remain in the cereal even after thermal exposure.

Semolina boasts a record gluten content. This is a type of protein that causes allergies in some people. Thus, semolina is not suitable for those who suffer from gluten intolerance.

The calorie content of the dry product is 328 calories (kcal) per 100 grams. One tablespoon (spoons are usually used to measure cereals when cooking porridge) contains 58 kcal. However, when cooked, the nutritional value of semolina decreases by 2.5-3 times. Thus, a product prepared with water has 80 kcal per 100 g. The energy value of a similar amount of product prepared with milk is 98 kcal.

As you can see, the calorie content of the product cannot be called high, but the addition of sugar, honey and other additional ingredients increases the performance of the dish. If you are watching the amount of calories you consume, then it is better to include semolina in KBZHU, because a serving (300 g) with butter and sugar can “give” you 400-500 kcal.

The BJU of the product is as follows: 10/0.7/68 g. The main component is carbohydrates, which are combined with starch, dietary fiber and sugars. The proteins in semolina are “complete”, that is, they contain amino acids (including leucine, proline), some of which are essential (that is, not produced by the body, but supplied with food). Most of the fats are unsaturated, only about 15% are saturated fats.

Glycemic index

In dry form, cereals have a glycemic index of 60-70 units. If you cook a dish with milk, it will increase to 80 units. For a healthy person this is not much, but diabetes mellitus The second type should be consumed with caution. It is worth noting that in case of type 1 diabetes mellitus, semolina should be avoided completely.

The permitted dose of semolina for type 2 diabetes is 100 g of porridge. At the same time, you need to eat it not every day, but 1-2 times a week.

It is better to consume a dish with vegetables, as they will help reduce the rate of absorption of sugars, which will “unload” the pancreas a little.

Semolina porridge with carrots

Semolina porridge with pumpkin


Despite the poor composition of semolina, its use is very useful. It gives energy and strength and is almost completely absorbed by the body. The high starch content has a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa. Cereal-based dishes demonstrate an enveloping and soothing effect. It is no coincidence that liquid semolina is included in therapeutic diets for diseases of the stomach and intestines, as well as after surgical interventions in these organs.

Although cereals do not contain much fiber, they stimulate intestinal motility and remove mucus and toxins from it. This prevents the development of fermentation processes and, as a result, disruption of the intestinal microflora, the appearance of pain and a feeling of heaviness. Due to the fact that semolina is digested in the lower intestine, it is possible to “unload” the stomach and upper intestinal section, which is important after operations on these organs, as well as in case of serious gastrointestinal diseases.

Starch and a number of other components of porridge promote the healing of wounds and cracks in the gastric mucosa, so doctors recommend a liquid dish with milk for exacerbations of gastritis and peptic ulcers. Cereals are also useful for kidney diseases, especially if the patient is prescribed a protein-free diet (refusal to consume animal proteins). Thanks to the potassium in its composition, cereals are able to remove excess liquid from the body.

Magnesium and potassium make the cereal healthy for the heart. It helps strengthen the heart muscle and improve conductivity. Antioxidants in the form of vitamin E and protein amino acids, as well as nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) help increase the elasticity of vascular walls and improve capillary permeability. This, in turn, protects the body from atherosclerosis and other diseases associated with insufficient elasticity and partial “obstruction” of blood vessels.

Thanks to the presence of iron, it is possible to maintain hemoglobin at the proper level. This means that the blood is sufficiently enriched with oxygen and carries it to organs and tissues. The periodic appearance of semolina in the diet is one of the ways to avoid the development of iron deficiency anemia.

The large amount of starch and carbohydrates in sweet semolina made with milk and added butter makes it one of the most important products for underweight people. Semolina will help you gain weight, while giving the body energy and strength. It is not surprising that in Soviet years semolina porridge was the first complementary food and the dish that was often prepared for the growing population of the country.

Nutritious, high in vitamins B and E, semolina has a positive effect on the condition nervous system, therefore its use is indicated for emotional overload, breakdowns, and chronic fatigue. Traditionally, semolina porridge is cooked for breakfast, but if you eat a dairy dish for dinner, you can avoid problems with falling asleep.

In addition, vitamin B is involved in metabolic processes and hematopoiesis. Its deficiency often causes skin problems. Vitamin E is considered an antioxidant and also a “beauty vitamin.” It binds radionuclides and slows down the age-related processes of cell change.


Despite the benefits of semolina porridge, you should not feed your child with it several times a day. Adults are also not recommended to consume this dish too often. A special feature of the cereal is the combination of phytin and calcium, which “oppose” each other when absorbed by the body. The first component binds calcium salts, preventing them from entering the blood. When the levels of the second element in the body become below normal, calcium salts begin to be washed out of the bones. Thus, By consuming semolina in large quantities, a person may begin to suffer from calcium deficiency.

Cereals can also cause harm if you are gluten intolerant. If you are allergic to lactose, you should not consume porridge with milk. Excessive consumption of semolina is fraught with excess weight gain due to high content it contains carbohydrates and starch. In addition, porridge “strengthens”, so overeating this dish can cause constipation and abdominal pain.

Use for weight loss

There is a lot of debate about the possibility of losing weight on semolina. Proponents of the idea that you can lose weight by eating semolina point to its low calorie content. Of course, we are talking about cereals cooked in water or low-fat milk without adding sweeteners and oil.

However, most experts agree that such diets are irrational. Despite its low nutritional value and the ability to provide a long-lasting feeling of fullness, semolina contains few important vitamins and microelements. It’s fair to say that with most diets, the body experiences a deficiency.

In addition, consuming semolina in large quantities can cause digestive problems. It also threatens to reduce the calcium content in the body. Finally, semolina has a high glycemic index, which cannot be called beneficial, especially for overweight people.

Despite the arguments of nutritionists, there are mono-diets based on semolina, which can be classified as express methods of losing weight. They are designed for 1-3 days and offer semolina in water as the main component of the diet. The dish is combined with vegetables, lean meat, kefir, and herbal teas.

Such diets are allowed only in the absence of contraindications, and even in this case, resorting to them is allowed no more than once every 5-6 months.

For information on how to cook semolina porridge without lumps, see below.

Each of us has been familiar with the taste of semolina porridge since childhood. Not only adults, but also children love her. One of the reasons for this is that semolina has excellent taste qualities and nutritional properties. The calorie content of this cereal is sufficient to ensure that the growing child’s body is saturated with the necessary vitamins and microelements.

Semolina is a cereal made from wheat grains. It differs from wheat cereal only in size. Typically semolina grains are no more than 0.75 mm in diameter. There are three varieties of semolina.

The taste of the prepared dish will depend on what brand of semolina is used:

Composition of semolina porridge

69 g of semolina consists of carbohydrates, 10 g of the nutritional value is protein, and only 1 g is fat. Semolina also contains a relatively small amount of water - 12.6 g, fiber - 3.7 g and ash - 0.5 g.

Semolina is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements.

Semolina contains vitamins in large quantities:

The cereal also contains:

  • thiamine,
  • riboflavin,
  • pyridoxine,
  • folic acid.

Semolina is a complete source of:

  • phosphorus,
  • potassium,
  • gland,
  • sodium,
  • zinc,
  • calcium,
  • as well as magnesium - extremely essential microelements for the human body.

You can also detect the presence of:

  • sulfur,
  • chlorine,
  • zinc,
  • fluorine,
  • chromium,
  • molybdenum
  • vanadium

The benefits of semolina porridge

On at the moment there is no clear definition of whether semolina is healthy or should not be consumed at all daily diet person.

The minerals and vitamins contained in semolina are especially important for the human body:

  • Potassium promotes normal functioning of the kidneys and heart;
  • Phosphorus helps to better absorb energy;
  • Magnesium necessary to avoid problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • Calcium strengthens bones;
  • Zinc helps improve immunity;
  • Iron increases the level of hemoglobin in the human body;
  • Sodium removes waste from the body, toxins and heavy metals;
  • Sulfur maintains the required level of blood clotting, as well as normal bile concentration, which is a necessary condition for digesting food;
  • Chromium maintains normal blood serum sugar levels;
  • Molybdenum regulates metabolic processes in the body, serves as a good prevention of diabetes;
  • Vanadium regulates lipid and carbon metabolism, reduces cholesterol levels, helps the body actively produce energy;
  • Vitamin E has powerful antioxidant and radioprotective properties, helps slow down the aging process and tissue regeneration;
  • Vitamin PP promotes normal flow, dilates blood vessels, preventing the appearance of blood clots, prevents hypertension, and also improves the body’s detoxification processes;
  • Vitamin B helps improve blood microcirculation, red blood cell production, and lipid metabolism.

What remains clear is that there are diseases for which semolina porridge is good help to traditional methods of treatment.

Semolina has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Once inside, semolina envelops the stomach, thus healing cracks that may occur in the intestines. It also helps relieve pain and spasms of the gastrointestinal tract and is completely absorbed in the intestines.

Thanks to these healing properties, semolina is indispensable in the diet of people suffering from gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the digestive system.

In dietary nutrition, this cereal should be prepared simply in water, excluding the addition of milk, salt, sugar, and especially butter.

Semolina porridge helps cleanse the body of toxins, heavy metals and toxic substances. For this purpose, it should be consumed in the morning. In this case, it will absorb harmful components found in other products.

The positive effect of semolina on the human body is also explained by the presence of fiber in its composition, which helps to avoid many problems with the cardiovascular system and prevents the growth of cancer cells.

Regular consumption of semolina will reduce cholesterol in the blood and also help maintain a figure in excellent shape.

Semolina is useful in the postoperative period, as well as during a serious illness. It is easily absorbed by the body and saturates the body with energy, promotes rapid recovery strength

Due to its high energy value, semolina is indispensable in the fight against chronic fatigue syndrome.

The consumption of semolina porridge is indicated in the presence of chronic kidney failure, since patients with such a diagnosis require a protein-free diet.

In small quantities the product can be used by children, since this type of cereal helps to quickly restore wasted energy. For children, it is better to cook semolina with milk.

For older people Porridge is useful in that it prevents demineralization of blood cells and the development of intestinal cancer.

Harm of semolina porridge

In addition to its benefits, semolina can also cause harm to both adults and children:

  • Sometimes mothers use semolina as the first complementary food.. But this cannot be done. This product is contraindicated in children under one year of age.

    Semolina is not suitable for baby food, since it is a difficult product for a child’s body to digest. The reason for this is the gluten content in semolina. The consequences of eating semolina can manifest themselves in the form of allergic rashes and colic.

    For small children, it is better to cook rice or corn porridge.

  • For adults with natural gluten intolerance, eating semolina porridge can cause allergies, eczema, swelling and loss of consciousness. This disease is called celiac disease. This is a hereditary disease, the main symptom of which is thinning of the intestinal walls and impaired absorption of nutrients.
  • Another danger in children consuming semolina is the presence of phytin in it.— an organophosphorus chemical compound. An excess of this substance in a child’s body leads to impaired absorption of calcium. Phytin also removes zinc, iron, and magnesium from the body. This is dangerous due to disturbances in the formation of the musculoskeletal system. As a result, rickets and spasmophilia may occur.
  • Excessive use Eating semolina porridge by older people will lead to osteoporosis.
  • Another disadvantage of semolina porridge is the presence in its composition large quantity starch, another name for which is “empty carbohydrates”. This can cause obesity.
  • During the preparation of semolina care should be taken not to overcook it. Since overcooked cereals do not contain any useful substances.

But still, you should not completely exclude semolina from your diet. In order to avoid negative influence of this cereal, it is necessary to reduce the amount of its consumption in food.

Calorie content of semolina porridge on water

Semolina cooked in water has an unattractive gray, it has practically no taste, it has a sticky viscous consistency. Most often, this semolina is used in dietary nutrition for people with digestive tract problems. The calorie content of the porridge will be 113 kcal per 100 grams.

Calorie content of semolina porridge with milk

In most cases, semolina is cooked in milk. In this case, its nutritional value increases up to 173 kcal.

Calorie content of semolina porridge with milk and sugar

Semolina with added sugar will contain 184 kcal. If you add butter, the calorie content will be almost 200 kcal. look here.

Semolina diet

There is an opinion that daily consumption of semolina contributes to gaining extra pounds, but this is not so.

Nutritionists say that semolina helps to get rid of excess weight, thanks to the property of this cereal to remove fats and mucus.

However, the risk of gaining overweight appears when butter, honey, jam, sauces and gravies are added to semolina prepared with milk. This is how semolina turns into a delicacy, and not a dietary component.

Portion size also matters. To avoid signs of obesity, it must be consumed in small quantities.

To saturate the body with useful substances, and not calories, you need to cook semolina in milk with vanilla or cinnamon.

The term “diet” is often associated with an endless desire to eat in order to dull the feeling of hunger. But the semolina diet will help you lose weight easily and unnoticeably.

A huge advantage of this diet is that it is financially affordable for most people, and there is no need for intense physical activity. Effectiveness is up to 4 kg in 7 days.

The semolina diet has various variations. But no matter which option you choose, you should follow some rules:

The diet is designed for one week.

During this period the following products should not be consumed:

  • butter and sunflower oil;
  • sugar;
  • conservation;
  • bakery products;
  • semi-finished products;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • sweet sparkling water.

You need to drink a lot of water. This will contribute to the processes of removing toxins and accelerating metabolic processes. Physical activity should be moderate. It is not advisable to eat after 19.00.

1 option for a semolina diet:

  1. Breakfast: semolina porridge (200-250 g) and fruits (100 g - apple, kiwi, orange, banana).
  2. Dinner: semolina porridge (200-250 g) and dried fruits (4-5 pieces of dried apricots, prunes).
  3. Dinner: semolina porridge (200-250 g) and flower honey (1 tsp).

Option 2 of the semolina diet:

This option is not very diverse. For all three meals, only semolina porridge is consumed. A glass of walnuts is allowed. look here.

If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you can eat one serving of salad per day.

The diet is attractive due to its simplicity, but it should be remembered that the diet has some contraindications. You cannot go on a semolina diet if you have an individual intolerance to semolina or milk, diabetes mellitus, metabolic disorders, pregnancy, lactation, or under 18 years of age.

It would seem that everything has been known about semolina porridge for a long time. But it’s still worth weighing the pros and cons before using it, so as not to harm your body and stay in great shape.

Semolina porridge is a favorite dish for many, and its taste is often associated with childhood. And the pleasant vanilla aroma reminds of the care and tenderness with which my mother prepared it. Made with love, with a spoonful of jam and a thin slice of butter, it always turned out tasty and sweet and therefore the kids really liked it.

How many calories are in semolina porridge?

The low energy value of cooked cereal allows it to be used during weight loss, but despite this, the benefits of semolina are less than in other cereals. The calorie content of semolina porridge with milk is 98 kcal per 100 g of product. The same option, but on water - 79 kcal. And if you add butter to the dairy variation, the figure can increase to 120 kcal. Moreover, the same weight of dry product already accounts for 330 kcal. This is because when cooked, the cereal softens, increasing in volume and becoming heavier. As a result, the original figure turns out to be not one hundred, but almost three hundred grams.

This value, of course, varies for different cereals, and also depends on the cooking method - an almost dry side dish or a soft, watery dish. Remembering the energy value, it is worth saying that the calorie content of semolina porridge is distributed among proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the proportion of 12%: 28%: 60%. Thus, we can say that it is mostly a carbohydrate product, and the carbohydrates are simple, quickly digestible.

As for the composition, we should assume that semolina porridge is a derivative of wheat, ground to millimeter-sized granules. Consequently, for the most part, the microelements in it are approximately the same as in flour, only due to the less global degree of purification, the benefits are greater. For example, it contains a sufficient amount of vitamins B and E, potassium, phosphorus and iron, which are essential for blood circulation, brain activity, proper operation nervous system, strengthening bones and muscle tissue.

Due to its calorie content, semolina porridge is a very satisfying product, which at the same time is quickly absorbed and does not irritate the gastrointestinal tract. For this reason, it is included in medical diets indicated for people with problems with digestion, kidneys, heart and blood vessels. It is also capable of lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, which makes semolina attractive to those who are losing weight. But, like any product, this cereal also has negative side medal, which consists of two microelements: phytin and gliadin. The first one takes an active part in metabolism and belongs to the B vitamins.

In diets with a low protein content, it is necessary to reduce the risk of liver dystrophy, as well as to slow down the development of various types of low-quality tumors. However, this trace element is capable of being produced by the body independently and is available in almost all food products, which does not make semolina porridge its main source. Yes and him daily norm not that high - 500 mg.

Gliadin is a substance obtained from wheat, and is one of the catalysts for food problems such as celiac disease. Due to the fact that this element is gluten, it can complicate the absorption of nutrients, leading to disorders and pain of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, and eczema.

Energy value of semolina porridge - detailed information

It is almost impossible to track the exact energy value of a dish. The nutritional value of a product is influenced by many variables: the thickness of the food, the serving size, the choice and combination of added ingredients, and the fat content of the milk.

The consistency of the dish depends on individual preferences, so let’s pay attention to the cooking methods.

The calorie content of semolina porridge per 100 grams varies primarily from additional components:

  1. For 100 grams of dry cereal, the calorie content is 330 units.
  2. The calorie content of semolina porridge with water (100 g) is 79 kcal (when boiled, the volume of the product increases 10 times, so the nutritional value of the prepared version differs from the original).
  3. For thick semolina porridge cooked in water, the calorie content rises to 100 units (100 g).
  4. The calorie content of semolina porridge with milk depends on the fat content of the latter - for 3% the indicator will stop at 98 kcal (100 g).
  5. Semolina porridge - calorie content with milk and butter will increase to 120 kcal (100 g)
  6. The calorie content of semolina porridge with milk and sugar varies depending on the consistency - 90-120 kcal (100 g).
  7. Milk semolina porridge with butter and sugar - the highest calorie content is 155 units (100 g).
  8. The calorie content of semolina porridge is approximately 80 kcal per 100 grams of product

While semolina has a calorie content of 330 kcal per 100 grams. But you won’t eat dry cereal, will you?

Depending on the cooking method, the number of calories in semolina porridge may vary:

How many calories are in semolina porridge with sugar?

Many believe that this dish contributes to weight gain. Of course, the calorie content of 100 g of semolina porridge with milk and sugar is about 101 kcal.

Summing up

It would seem that everyone has known about semolina porridge for a long time. However, as it turned out, the benefits and harms of semolina porridge are still an open question, since nothing can bother any person more than a tasty and healthy diet.