Interesting startup ideas. excellent profit with minimal investment. Production and delivery of ready meals

When youth, creative thinking and the desire to earn money come together, it’s time to think about creating a new idea that would be useful modern society. The main criteria for this are novelty, social significance, usefulness. The chosen idea should arouse interest, only then will it find a place under the “sun of the modern business world.”

What is a startup?

The term “start-up” itself is of English origin and is translated as the beginning of the process. Today this concept defines projects at the initial stage of development.

This term was first used in the USA in 1939 during the development and discovery of innovative technologies. After that given word has migrated to other areas, the main thing is that the idea is new (regardless of the direction). For example, in Russia you cannot call it a startup. But Facebook, Google, Amazon - vivid examples, as they contain innovation and creativity. By the way, many well-known corporations that were presented as startups began their existence as small businesses.

Main differences and characteristics of startups

A startup is:

  1. A new project that has just begun its development. There are no specific time parameters during which a business ceases to be considered a startup. But each of them has its own destiny - one grows into a powerful business, the other simply closes due to irrelevance.
  2. Innovation of ideas;
  3. Working in a new market segment, an unusual algorithm for conducting business and business processes;
  4. Constant search for capital. No profitable enterprise will exist without financial influence, so the essence of a startup is to find an idea that would attract investors in 2016. To introduce and develop new ideas you need a lot of capital, so financial questions are always in first place during the development period;
  5. Quick implementation of the chosen idea is one of the main conditions for a modern startup. Investors who have invested money in an innovative project will not wait forever, so they need results in a short time. Either the selected startup will begin to progress, receiving new sources of funding, or it will close just as quickly.

Is it possible to create a successful startup?

Examples of successful startups

A successful startup is not just a business plan with a specific algorithm of actions. The creators of such projects claim that this is a whole philosophy into which the soul of its creators is invested. Let's look at examples of the brightest startups.

Inscription on the sand - kind, reasonable, romantic

“A business devoid of human feelings and emotions is a dead business,” say the creators of the Sand Sign project. The essence of the idea is to create an Internet service that allows anyone to order an inscription in the sand on the beaches of Costa Rica or Hawaii.

In order to use the service, you need to go to the website and specify the text that will be written on the coast (up to 30 characters), or make a sketch yourself, indicating all the design features. Within 10 days you will receive the desired inscription on the sand and its photo (or video). The cost of this service is 590 rubles per photo and 990 per video.

Those who are not interested in developing new ideas can start.

“Social alarm clock” – business in real time

Hrachik Adzhamyan (developer of this startup) once overslept due to workload and did not receive a visa to Germany. A few months later, he overslept again and didn’t get his dream interview with Yandex. This situation prompted him to create his new useful service - a social alarm clock. The bottom line is that instead of an annoying call, to which most of us may not respond at all, an unknown person will call you asking you to wake up. According to the creators, this is the only way to wake up the most inveterate sleepyheads. You can use this service today for free. But those who want to use a social alarm clock every day can purchase a paid package in 2016, in which they can wake up with the voices of the stars or read out horoscopes, news, etc.

Startup "To Each Other"

The developers of this idea were graduates of St. Petersburg state university. Initially, the idea was that people leave their desires, and they choose the ones they like and bring them to life, giving joy to others. But it was impossible to cope with such a flow of desires, so the project was transformed, and registered users of the project themselves embody each other’s desires.

The project “To Each Other” is innovative, responds modern realities Russia. The essence of the idea is that you can not only make your dreams come true, but also help in finding someone who will make them come true. The initial capital required to implement such a business is $50 thousand.

“Life button” - helping loved ones

According to statistics, 30% of elderly people over 65 years of age fall at least once a year, some of them are not able to stand up on their own. The theme of supporting loved ones became the basis for the creation of the “Life Button” startup. This project combines a call center, website and software, which helps to monitor the elderly and help in difficult times.

How it works:

  • instant signal reception at the call center if a company client is in trouble;
  • calling an ambulance to the place where the signal was received;
  • informing relatives about what happened;
  • storage of information about diseases, allergies, medical assistance call histories.

“Life Button” is also a powerful monitoring system that helps determine a person’s location. Elderly people are the most vulnerable; they often get lost, may forget their address or be subject to robbery.

Now everyone can help their elderly relative if it is not possible to constantly be with him. The cost of such a service depends on the selected package and ranges from 200-1100 rubles per month.

“Super pot” - everyone is welcome to the table

The idea of ​​the “Super Cauldron” is simple and clear. Any person who has the potential and passion for cooking can cook their favorite dish, photograph it and post it on the company’s website, describe the “culinary masterpiece.” After this, the cost and address where it can be purchased are indicated. All that remains is to wait for brave and hungry clients who are not against culinary experiments.

Stages of startup development

Each business project in Russia has its own path to development. If you don't know, you'll probably go with the standard methods.

Since a startup involves an innovative idea, the algorithm for implementing and developing a small business can be different and not always logical. But it is worth highlighting the overall development strategy, which consists of the following stages:

  1. Creating an idea. At the first stage, the idea of ​​the product or service provided is formed, hypotheses are built about the significance for people, and ways of promotion.
  2. Testing. The chosen direction is checked, the potential client base is analyzed, a presentation is created and a business plan is drawn up.
  3. Search for an investor. A person who looks for profitable startups and directly provides capital to such new companies at an early stage of development is called a business angel. Your task is to present the project in such a way as to find interested people who will agree to finance the startup, for example, by providing the new kind.

After launching the project, the main task is to interest a potential buyer and promote your services or product. The main problem at the start is the lack of demand for the products. Therefore, at the very beginning it is recommended to analyze beneficial features selected material, assess its availability and relevance.

Who can support a startup in Russia?

All the developed countries in 2016, funds are allocated to support and develop startups, since each of them can create economic growth in the future. The most advanced country in this direction is the USA. It operates a large number of business schools, technology parks, universities, venture funds, which are constantly “hunting” for new ideas and developing small businesses. Russia is a little behind in in this direction. But in 2016, a number of companies and associations can be identified that are interested in financing profitable projects:

  • National Association of Business Angels. On their official website you can find a list of business angels (private investors) who are involved in the development of startups.
  • National Community of Business Angels. Visit their website and read the recommendations of experts, apply for financing, and also become a participant in a business incubator (specialized programs for the development of small businesses).
  • Skolkovo Investors Club;
  • SOBA (National Commonwealth of Business Angels of St. Petersburg).

There are well-known private investors who are considering offers of cooperation with creative young people. These include Alexander Aivazov, Alexander Vashchenko, Andrei Golovin, Dmitry Maslenikov, Vadim Kulikov, Leonid Volkov, Mikhail Paulkin, Sergei Gribov and Sergei Zhukov.

When you contact one of the investors, be prepared to have 1 to 5 minutes to present your idea. As a rule, business angels are not interested in diagrams and graphs at the first meeting. Their task is to find out the essence of the project and evaluate its profitability. Therefore, they prepare a small presentation of 10 slides, a teaser (1 page description) and a financial plan.

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A startup is an innovative idea that becomes a great prospect for enterprising and resourceful people who do not have financial resources. The dynamic business sphere of Russia, like other countries, is oversaturated, it is subject to the laws of fierce competition and constantly changing demand. This is why innovation and creativity are valued in 2016. A startup generates new directions, becomes socially significant for society, and most importantly, opens up horizons for ambitious businessmen. The key advantage is accessibility. You can find investors both in Russia and abroad. The main thing is to find a really profitable idea and build a competent plan for its promotion.

In contact with

Platform for learning programming in English language, where 16 million users are registered (!). In 2012, the creators of Codecademy announced the launch of a Russian-language version, but never finalized it: only a few menu items and tasks were translated.

There are no video lectures on Codecademy. Each lesson consists of a short, funny text and a small task. The student enters the resulting code into a special field and proceeds to the next module.

There are no educational projects similar to Codecademy in Russia. Creating its analogue is not an easy task, but the result will be worth it: in 2016, the company attracted $42.5 million in investments.

When a developer launches an English-language application, he knows exactly where to start promotion: on the . It's an incredibly authoritative resource for finding apps and services: 100-200 upvotes on Product Hunt can attract thousands of new users. In addition, Product Hunt is an important source of information for foreign media.

When a developer launches a Russian-language application, the issue of promotion remains open. The Product Hunt community is English-speaking and is not interested in local projects. So why not open a similar platform for Russian-language services and applications?

We've all made mistakes of varying severity on the Internet: 18+ photos from parties, obscene comments on Facebook. How to find and hide all the incriminating evidence?

For example, using a tool for managing personal reputation on the Internet. The service helps you monitor mentions of your name on the Internet and shows turn-based strategy to improve search results.

The problem is that the service does not track content in Russian and does not take into account search results in Yandex. If you close these gaps, you can create a new useful product for Russian-speaking users based on BrandYourself.

It's the Uber for hair and makeup artists. Instead of calling salons or searching for a specialist on the Internet, US residents can now order makeup and hair styling at home through an app.

The investors of the famous Y Combinator believed in StyleBee, and the company received $1.2 million from them.

Women in Russia face the same problems finding hair and makeup artists as American women. And we need the help of Russian developers.

5. Eden

Imagine that all the computer technicians from the advertisements near the entrance are gathered on one site. They will not only fix your equipment, but also bring friends with them to wash the floor and paint the ceiling. This is exactly what Eden offers - a service for ordering technical support, cleaning and minor repairs to offices.

Eden is office-focused and based in San Francisco. But nothing prevents us from adapting such a service to apartments, retail premises, cottages or warehouses in any region of our country. Go for it!

New business ideas are the engine of progress. But there are also advantages to using the experience of other projects: someone definitely needs an existing product and a monetization model can be found for it. Additionally, the team can focus on design rather than thinking about the design. After all, the main thing is not to show off a new concept, but to create a sought-after product and develop it in a direction that is interesting to users.

Having seen enough success stories billionaires who invented Internet services from scratch and became rich; newcomers to business also want to follow this path. They are also trying to come up with something completely new that will be useful to people, but not everyone’s expectations are met. To ensure that your startup ideas are in demand, follow these recommendations:

1. Come up with a service, service or product that will improve your life.
2. You yourself have a clear idea of ​​how to bring your plans to life.
3. Your idea is also interesting to others.

How to find startup ideas?

Don't complicate your life, don't reinvent the wheel. Constantly brainstorming ideas can only cause constant tension and nervousness.
1. Examples successful ideas startups talk about finding a problem and meeting people's needs. This is easy to do - you need to observe and identify discontent in your current life.

Mark Zuckerberg, by creating Facebook, solved his problem. He spent a lot of time on the Internet, he wanted to meet and communicate with people also on the Internet. He solved his main problem, and then it turned out to be a solution to the problem of the world community.

Observe what irritates you and what others do, while simultaneously thinking about how you can improve the situation.

That is, change your focus from the category of inventing to the position of noticing.

2. After you have noticed the problem and come up with its solution, evaluate at first glance the prospects for the development of this idea. How many people can you benefit? Will a startup be able to grow into a big company?

3. The next stage is the search for like-minded people, just like you, who believe in the idea, who are turned on by the mere thought of working on a project, and who are not ready to work only for a salary.

Typical startup mistakes!

1. Most likely, there was little faith in this idea or the problem was just invented, but in fact society did not need it.
2. Not all startupers work with like-minded people. They try to organize everything themselves. Having just one founder in a startup makes it difficult to attract investment.

3. This mistake does not apply to Internet startups, it is more for offline businesses. It is important to choose the right location. Perhaps you should choose a more central area in the city for promotion or choose a completely different city.

4. Selecting a startup with low margins. Small sales combined with low margins and, as a result, the enterprise is unprofitable.

5. No customer focus! In this case, when a businessman follows his own policy and does not analyze feedback from the client. By listening to customer wishes, you can improve the product, thereby retaining new satisfied customers.

6.Unqualified team. The ability to recognize a professional in his field and invite him to work in a team is worth a lot. Only a beginner can not always do this. He does not always understand who is a professional, especially in an area in which he understands nothing.

7. Lack of sufficient funding. Try to hold out as long as possible own funds and achieve certain results. To go to investors it is important to show some results from independent work. In this case, they will have more confidence in the project than if the idea is at the zero stage.

8. There is no clear representation of the portrait of the audience who will want to buy the product. Not knowing the client is a failure in marketing promotion.

Successful startups in Russia!

The foreign and Russian entrepreneurship market is noticeably different. What is popular abroad does not always take root here. I will pay attention specifically to Russian startups that have development prospects. The most popular industries are IT technology, medical, nuclear, and space developments. Here are some successful startup ideas:

1. IT, Internet technologies, mobile applications. is a convenient online store module. This is an application that can embed a store on any website and is the best application for selling on Facebook. For convenience, the store is added to all your social accounts. networks, blogs and administered from one place. - convenient mobile app for iPhone and Android. This mobile guide recommends where to eat. It takes into account a person’s tastes, searches for nearby establishments, and can be used to reserve tables. is a convenient service that allows you to book a hotel anywhere in the world. is an indispensable application for offline shopping. It makes it possible to locate stores in mall, where promotions and discounts take place. is a unique platform that allows people who are not programming literate to create their own applications for iPhone and Android. is a useful service for tourists and vacationers that allows you to book places of entertainment, excursions and other active recreation.

2. Another broad area is scientific and medical developments. is a service through which you can call for help. Designed for older people and people with disabilities. – scientific development of an artificial lens for the eyes, which has high quality and can enter the international market. – unique development of identical components breastfeeding which allows baby food have a beneficial effect on child development.

Ideas for a startup are near us, you just have to look around.

Where to make money: TOP 6 business ideas! Choose yours and earn a million!!! Where to make money: 5 unique ideas for business that will help you get rich!

The very fact that a business startup on the Internet can develop only through the implementation of an idea no longer surprises anyone. For some, the problem is seen in a different way: there is no opportunity not even to implement, but to come up with a popular idea. In fact, the experience of both the largest and small (but profitable) projects on the network suggests that a new business can be based on a rather awkward idea. Moreover, it doesn’t even have to be new! Mark Zuckerberg was not the first to create a social network on the Internet, but his predecessors have sunk into oblivion, and Facebook is still afloat. Let's look at examples of creating Internet startups: from local to well-known ones.

The largest Internet startups: from idea to billions

It would seem that the example with Zuckerberg and Facebook is quite banal. However, it was he who revealed to the world social media. VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Qzone, MySpace, Friendster and many others followed the somewhat beaten path of their older brother. Therefore, considering the most wealthy companies appearing on the lists best internet startups, you should start with social media. networks.

If the 2000s went down in Internet history as the time of the emergence of social networks general direction, then in the 2010s many specialized social networks appeared. networks:

  1. Spotify is a service for listening and sharing music.
  2. Instagram, Pinterest - social networks for sharing and discussing photos and pictures.
  3. Twitter is a service for public exchange of short messages.

By and large, these projects are increasingly a social network. At first glance, there is nothing in them that Facebook and its analogues did not already have. However, all of these services were able to attract tens of millions of users.

A certain niche has been occupied by services without which it is impossible to imagine information world– cloud information storage. Dropbox was founded by Drew Houston in an era when servers for storing information already existed. However, it was the Dropbox cloud service that was able to outlast almost all of its competitors and attract over 200 million users. The current value of the company is estimated at $1 billion.

The list of not the most original, but practical ideas continues with Duolingo. The implementation of the idea of ​​teaching users foreign languages ​​in Duolingo was implemented simply brilliantly. The boring learning process was replaced by a game one (gamification) without reducing efficiency. The monetization of the application is also ingeniously designed: a user who has learned the language can try his hand at translating articles into foreign language. The free article translated by the user will eventually be sold to the customer.

Internet projects: conclusions and development trends

Thus, startup ideas can be divided into two categories. In the first, an idea is developed around an industry or area of ​​life, helping to solve a problem. In the second category, the idea is more unconventional and not tied to an existing area of ​​​​life. For example, in the late 1990s, people lived outside of social networks. In fact, social networks in the early 2000s (Facebook was created in 2004) formed a new sphere of human needs.

Interesting startups from world and Russian practice: 4 differences between a startup and an ordinary business idea + 16 examples of successful ideas for inspiration.

Before you present interesting startups, let's find out what it is all about.

Why do the concepts “startup” and “ new business"are they demarcated?

And are there really differences between them, or is it just a matter of popularizing the use of borrowed words in modern speech?

This interesting term “” first appeared in 1939.

It was used by two Stanford University students.

This is how they defined their project, which later grew into a company world-famous as Hewlett-Packard.

Startups can exist in any industry, not just in the IT sector.

The distinctive features of startups are:

  • based on the use of innovations, interesting ideas, which have not been implemented before;
  • usually have little start-up capital, because startups are often closely connected with the search for investors or crowdfunding platforms for raising funds;
  • occupy an empty niche in the market, but have “shaky” positions at the start;
  • As a rule, startups are the prerogative of students.

As you now understand, not every business idea can be called a startup, even if it is implemented by a novice entrepreneur.

Theory is theory, but it’s time to move on to a review of the most interesting startup ideas from all over the world.

Interesting startups from different parts of the world

The selection opens, of course, with American startups. This country is the world leader in the regeneration of new interesting ideas for business.

A huge number of people want to study, live and work in the USA, which is why this power has a huge amount experts in various industries and services.

In addition, the state strongly supports representatives of small and medium-sized businesses.

Fertile ground for the development of startups!

Let's look at the most interesting of them.

— Pocket Anatomy

This startup took the main prize at the international conference of technological innovations in 2014 (TNW Europe 2014).

According to the creators themselves, the company has developed a “Google Earth” of human insides.

This interesting program is a visual aid to human anatomy.

The interactive map is presented as an application for smartphones.

It is designed to help humanity visually understand their own body.

The startup is undoubtedly not just entertaining, but also educational!

Another participant in the mentioned conference is the Iwaku smart lamp.

Equipment in a stylish case will become best friend people who love interesting things.

A whole set of functions is hidden in its modest-sized shell:

  • knows how to perform light therapy;
  • wakes up the owner with the help of a glow, taking into account biorhythms;
  • is able to "find mutual language» with your iPhone.

This interesting lamp is quite expensive - about 10,000 rubles.

But the founders of the startup promised to release a more affordable product in the future.

Startups from Estonia

Are you unfamiliar with examples of thriving businesses that have emerged in Estonia? You are wrong!

It was here that the world-famous startup appeared - the Skype video calling program.

Based on expert opinions, Estonia is one of the leading countries in creating interesting startups.

Some even call it a modern analogue of Silicon Valley.

This development received its prize in 2015 as the most interesting startup created through the joint efforts of American and Estonian developers.

For an uninitiated person, the essence of the service may not be clear.

Rainer Sternfeld and his team created a service that allowed climate data to be collected together.

It is worth understanding that the background of “Planet.OS” is not entertaining. Rather, the resource is aimed at those whose activities are related to meteorology, transport communications (including water), and the creation of various databases.

An example of how Planet OS works to analyze the position of a ship:

Startups from Italy

Italy is also developing interesting startups in various fields.

Moreover, in this country, which does not occupy first places in the rankings of technological and economic development, an interesting law was adopted in 2012. It states that anyone who wants to develop their startup for the benefit of Italy will receive a visa under a simplified procedure and especially profitable terms for business implementation.

As you can imagine, there were a lot of people interested (if you are also interested, look for information about a startup visa on the official website

What interesting startups can the country “boast” of?

This application is developed by Max Ciocciola. Its job is to broadcast text onto the phone screen while the song is playing.

Simple and tasteful!

More than 31 million people are already using this unique program.

The database contains 8 million texts with support for 40 different languages. Thanks to this project, the founder received offers of cooperation from various venture funds.

For detailed information, you can follow the link

If you love to travel, you are definitely familiar with a service such as Tripadvisor.

It contains information about all the main attractions of the world with detailed comments and user reviews.

In 2015, the resource developers introduced the startup “Thefork” to the world.

This development contains data about all restaurants in Italy.

If you have a question about choosing a place for an evening dinner, use the website

It is enough to indicate the city, the number of people, preferences in cuisine, and all the establishments in which you will definitely like are opened for you!

Purpose of this project is the coordination and optimization of the company's work process.

This interesting startup received exorbitant investments from American investors ($22 million - a record for the last 15 years).

You can learn more about this development on the website

Startups from France

The French government decided to follow the same path as in Italy. This power plans to get interesting startups thanks to competitions for companies that have brilliant ideas in their arsenal.

The French Tech Ticket program is aimed not only at “locals”, but also at residents of other countries (including Russia).

Anyone who has an idea for an interesting startup can apply to participate in the competition.

More information about this can be found on the official website by following the link

If selected, a person receives the following privileges:

  • invitation to the country;
  • participation in specialized master classes;
  • assistance in solving “urgent” issues (obtaining a residence permit, obtaining insurance, finding housing);
  • a place in an incubator (organizations that support young entrepreneurs);
  • financial assistance – 45,000 euros for the development of a startup.

These actions by the state confirm France’s interest in development and the desire to attract highly qualified workers to its territory in order to continue creating interesting startups.

A well-known Italian company, in partnership with Uber, developed this startup to search for companions during a trip (more precisely, to “bring together” car owners and potential passengers).

Using the service is a convenient and profitable alternative to traveling by taxi, bus, or train.

In 2014, this idea already received $100 million in investment for development.

The project is represented in a number of countries and is developing rapidly.

You can also evaluate the work of “BlaBlaCar” in Russia using this link:

This startup helped solve a not-so-serious, but nonetheless pressing problem.

It allows a circle of users to form a common cash register. Everyone contributes by using this interesting application.

What is it for?

To purchase a gift “from the whole team”!

Anyone who has at least once collected money with colleagues for a present for the boss, or “chips in” with the whole family to buy something for the hero of the day, knows: organizing such a process is quite difficult.

Probably, this problem really found a great response in the hearts of investors. After all, the startup received almost $8 million for development.

Startups originating from Germany

Berlin is one of the developing capitals that generates interesting startups for the whole world.

Thanks to this, according to experts, by 2020 more than 110 thousand new jobs and several dozen more incubators will be opened in the capital.

Among the many projects, we will highlight the most interesting startups.


This project has become a “new breath” in the field of booking hotel rooms while traveling.

Thanks to the service, it has become possible to buy tickets at a budget price and find a hotel in a convenient location.

Here, experienced travelers may have a question: what is this service? better than ten similar? What is the innovation of a startup?

The fact is that after you book a room, the process does not end.

Using internal algorithms, the service calculates the most profitable options for you right up to the day of check-in at the hotel.

The program cancels the reservation on your behalf and changes it to a more optimal one automatically!

The creators assume that their interesting startup will soon become the most hated resource for hotel owners.

This interesting startup has long been noticed by interior designers who actively use the service in their work.

This project allows you to purchase furniture or various decorative elements from all over the world.

If you think there is nothing innovative or interesting about this idea, then you have never designed a room yourself.

Among the places where last years The most interesting startups were presented; London “owns the bronze”.

There are several reasons for this: the simplest system for registering entrepreneurs, an abundance of incubators and coworking spaces, many talented workers, affordable taxation.

Let's consider the most interesting ideas that were “born” in such conditions.

This interesting startup aims to identify a song just from a small fragment of it.

This project was launched back in 1999.

The amount of investment that the resource has attracted is simply amazing - $125 million. And the value that Shazam was valued at in 2015 is absolutely staggering - $1 billion!

Today, the service base is more than 12 million songs, and you can check the work at the link:

— Judo Payments

An interesting startup that resembles a mini-bank.

He is able to resolve payment issues and make card-to-card transfers.

Such ideas help to simplify life for humanity, which is why they are developing and becoming popular. The amount of attracted investments is 14.3 million dollars.

More details can be found on the website

Interesting startups involving several countries

The Belgian-Dutch collaboration has borne fruit in the form of the development of an application that can recognize a signature on a phone screen.

This interesting idea allows you to authorize payments without any problems.

It is believed that such a startup and others like it are capable of displacing the existing PIN code protection system in the near future.

— Winner Takes All

This is the only crowd lottery on the planet.

The principle of operation is very simple: each participant buys a ticket, forming a common “bank”. The program itself determines the winner weekly using random algorithms. The entire amount from the “general cash register” is sent to him.

This idea attracted not only investors, but also users: with its transparency, simplicity and unpretentiousness.

You can try your luck here:

Having studied what interesting startups there are in the world, let’s move on to considering projects in Russia.

Russia also has a lot of interesting ideas that are already serving the benefit of society.

Implementing startups in the current realities of the Russian Federation is not an easy task. However, some interesting projects were able to stand out.

— Doctor Tariff

This interesting development for smartphones can calculate available tariff plans for phone.

A clear analysis of available tariffs is the main pride of the startup developers. But this is not the limit of the application's capabilities.

It is capable of giving out detailed information about calls, SMS and remaining traffic for Internet use.

And for users who are not particularly versed in mathematical calculations, the program displays a color graph showing the same indicators.

The application was created by Alexander Voloshchuk, faced with a problem known to everyone: the account has zero, and it is not clear where the funds went.

Relevance made the idea, which appeared in 2012, popular and profitable.

Investors invested several million rubles in it. At the end of 2014, the service paid for itself.

Now the average monthly revenue can reach up to 1 million rubles.

You can find out more on the official website:

— Elpas

The creator (Maxim Serebrov) has developed a system of electronic passports, with the help of which all housing and communal services employees can report to the state and clarify controversial issues from the workflow.

Before this project, at the end of the month, housing and communal services were simply “drowning” in mountains of paper reporting.

It took a lot of time to review it. And where there is a need, business is born!

Elpas has greatly facilitated the work of municipalities.

The work of this project can be viewed at

10 collected in the video best startups, which were invented and implemented by students:

The interesting startups, of course, don’t end there.

But it is simply impossible to list all the ideas worthy of attention within one review!

Remember, every person has the ability to make money from their ideas.

The main thing is to analyze the market and determine actual problems audience, and then follow your dreams.

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