Avocado for weight loss: beneficial properties, recipes, calorie content. How many avocados can you eat per day? Avocado: calorie content, vitamins, beneficial properties and contraindications

Exotic avocado fruits, beneficial properties and the contraindications of which we will consider today have recently begun to appear on our markets. Now anyone can buy such an interesting fruit to not only enjoy unusual taste, but also experience its healing power. Avocado pulp is rich in vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain the tone of the human body.

The evergreen alligator pear tree, or Persea americana, grows quite rapidly. IN tropical countries its height reaches 18 meters. The trunk of the tree is branched and straight, the leaves are quite large. Avocado flowers are unremarkable; they are hidden between the leaves. The fruits are oval, pear-shaped and spherical. The average weight of an avocado is 200 g, length is 5-10 cm. The color of the fruit is determined by the degree of its ripeness: from dark green to black. The flesh of the fruit is oily with a light salad tint. There is a large brown seed inside. How many avocados can you eat per day? Are they good for health? What are the contraindications for use? This will be discussed further.

Avocado: pros and cons of eating

Before answering the question of how much avocado you can eat per day, it’s worth figuring out whether you should eat it at all.

This is a healing and nutritious fruit. Avocado has an unusually wide range of properties that have a positive effect on the body. When consuming valuable fruits, brain activity is activated, the heart is strengthened, and digestive processes are improved. Vegetarians appreciated beneficial influence fruit on organs and systems, so they enjoy using it every day.

Benefits of alligator pear:

  • the fruit contains huge amount polyunsaturated fatty acids, therefore, its systematic intake in food significantly reduces the possibility of developing cardiovascular diseases;
  • normalizes blood circulation and hematopoiesis, so ripe fruits are recommended for use in case of anemia and anemia, because avocados contain iron;
  • gently cleanses the blood of cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of cholesterol plaques;
  • Alligator pear contains vitamin E, which activates the formation of collagen, so the body tissues remain elastic for a long time;
  • Eating avocados will gradually lower blood pressure to normal levels;
  • increases the body's defenses significantly, and if you eat one avocado a day, you can cope with depression, fatigue and irritability;
  • The fruit contains phytonutrients and phytochemicals that attack cancer cells.

Therefore, by introducing avocados into your diet, you can not only improve your health, but also minimize the risk of developing life-threatening diseases. The product is recommended by nutritionists to patients suffering from diabetes mellitus, constipation, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract associated with increased acidity. Avocado helps to renew strength in the postoperative period and during recovery from infectious diseases; it should also be taken by people experiencing increased physical activity. Mannoheptulose contained in exotic fruits will help cope with nervous problems - it will relieve symptoms of fatigue and aggression.

Contraindications for use

So, we looked at the beneficial properties of avocados. And this exotic fruit also has contraindications. For example, it can cause an allergic reaction in some people. Overweight people should also avoid uncontrolled consumption of alligator pears.” The main contraindication to consuming the fruit is individual intolerance.

How many avocados can you eat per day? This question becomes irrelevant when it comes to children under 4 years of age. This fruit is not used in the diet of children of this age. People who suffer from liver disease during an exacerbation period, as well as those with cholecystitis, also need to refrain from delicacies. This is due to high content oils in the fruit, its fat content is 25%. The seed is used only for growing the plant. It contains toxic substance, which is dangerous for people and animals.

Avocado: vitamins

Why are these exotic fruits so beneficial? The pear-shaped avocado fruit contains vitamins:

  • A - increases the body’s resistance to infections, improves the condition of the skin;
  • B1 - takes part in almost all metabolic processes, contributes to normal functioning nervous system and muscles;
  • B2 - responsible for the growth and subsequent development of cells, improves vision;
  • PP - improves metabolism;
  • B5 - promotes the synthesis of hemoglobin and amino acids;
  • B6 - helps to recover faster after taking antibiotics and infectious diseases;
  • B9 - normalizes the functioning of the immune system;
  • E - improves the absorption of proteins and fats, stabilizes the functioning of the brain, muscles and nerves, inhibits the aging process of tissues;
  • C is a good antioxidant, helps blood vessels maintain elasticity, and activates the work of the endocrine glands.

Avocado: calories

In addition to the fact that avocado contains many useful vitamins and microelements, it is also very high in calories. 100 g of pulp contains from 160 to 200 Kcal. Almost the same as in lean meats. So how many avocados can you eat a day? It is advisable not to exceed a dose of half the fruit per day.

High calorie content: is it worth considering?

Due to the high calorie content of this exotic fruit, it is necessary to limit its consumption to people with obesity or a tendency to be overweight. But you don’t need to categorically give up avocados. The calories it contains may be beneficial. The fruit contains polyunsaturated fats, which are necessary for those who are forced to limit themselves in eating meat, fatty fish or dairy products. Alligator pear is rich in minerals: sodium, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, iron, etc. The fruit contains natural hormones and biologically active substances that help preserve youth longer. Moderate consumption of avocado will restore vigor and efficiency, relieve stress and fatigue.

How to eat avocado correctly

How to eat avocados correctly? The easiest way to enjoy the taste of an alligator pear is to carefully cut the fruit in half, pull out the pit and use a small spoon to scoop out the pulp from the halves. Particular care should be taken to select the bright green flesh, which is located just under the skin. It would be a mistake to throw it away: in fact, it contains concentrated greatest number phytonutrients, especially carotenoids.

Another way to eat avocado correctly? The second way to eat the fruit is to prepare aromatic vegetable oil with seasonings. First, you should peel the skin from the fruit and mash the pulp with a fork into a mass that has a consistency similar to puree. Add to puree ground pepper, salt, herbs and olive oil. Next, the mass should be stirred well and spread on bread. Sometimes used in combination with boiled or fresh vegetables.

How to choose an avocado

When choosing any variety of alligator pear, you must adhere to certain tips.

  1. A ripe avocado fruit has a tight skin, and when pressed it bends, but quickly returns to its original shape. An unripe fruit is hard, like stone, while an overripe fruit is very pliable and soft.
  2. Shaking will help determine ripeness. If you hear a knock from the pit, you can buy it.
  3. Lift the stalk a little to check the ripeness of the fruit. It is under it that the pulp is visible. When it is yellow, the fruit is unripe; when it is brown, it is already overripe; when it is green, it is completely ripe.
  4. A good fruit should not have any stains or damage.

If you purchased an unripe fruit, there is no reason to worry. Leave it at room temperature and the avocado will ripen on its own within a few days. This fruit will spoil in the refrigerator. Would you like your exotic fruit to ripen faster? Then place ripe apples or bananas next to it.

How to make fruit ripen in an hour

Now they have come up with a way to make avocados ripen quickly at home. More precisely, not completely ripen, rather fry. If it becomes necessary to soften a hard and green fruit in an hour, wrap it in foil and place it in an oven preheated to 100 degrees. Check the degree of “maturity” every 10 minutes. Usually an hour is enough for the unripe fruit to soften. The rapid ripening method will not make the fruit tastier, and its texture will not be creamy enough. But in some situations this method is worth taking note. Sometimes you urgently need to serve a salad of exotic fruits, so in this case using a similar technique is completely justified.

Storage method

How to store avocados? Ripe fruit should be kept in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment. It is not advisable to store longer than two weeks. When you have half of the fruit left unused, do not rush to throw away the seed. It contains a natural disinfectant - persin, which prevents rotting. Therefore, leave the pit in half of the avocado so that it does not spoil quickly.

Another way to store avocados? Fruit halves can be wrapped in cling film and store for a couple of days at a temperature not exceeding +10 °C. Before placing the fruit in film, sprinkle it with lemon juice to prevent it from turning black.

Ripe avocado fruit can also be successfully frozen, and it does not lose any valuable qualities. You need to pull out the seed, cut the fruit into slices and put it in the freezer. You can puree the pulp, because after freezing the avocado will lose its elasticity. The fruit must be cut, remove the large seed and peel it, and then grind it in a blender. Sprinkle the puree with lemon juice and place in the freezer.

Avocado for children

Avocado can be introduced into children's diets from 4-6 years of age. Eating alligator pear is especially beneficial for children who suffer from nervous disorders. In addition, it is recommended to give avocados to children prone to frequent colds. Systematic consumption of juicy fruits helps increase concentration and memory development. Avocado helps improve school performance.

Avocado for women

Representatives of the fair sex have long appreciated beneficial influence to improve the body of the original fetus. It contains biologically active substances similar in effect to hormones. Therefore, eating the fruit helps women over 40 years of age cope with menopausal symptoms. Gynecologists also advise their patients to take avocado as it is the healthiest. It is acceptable to include it in the diet of pregnant women, since the fruit reduces the probable risks of developing pathologies in the fetus.

Avocado is very healthy for women; it is also called a beauty product. And, in addition to ingestion, moisturizing and nourishing masks are made from it.

Avocado for men

How are avocados beneficial for men? This fruit is a natural aphrodisiac. Fruits strengthen men's health, give energy and endurance.

Beneficial effects on the male body:

  • Plant proteins help build muscle mass.
  • Preparations for the treatment of male infertility include avocado extract or extract. Folic acid activates the breakdown of proteins and provides energy.
  • The stronger sex is very susceptible to cardiovascular diseases. Alligator pear contains an impressive amount of potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the heart. Sodium and potassium normalize blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels.
  • A few slices of fruit a day will prevent the appearance of extra pounds.
  • Daily consumption of fruit will charge you with energy and increase performance during active mental activity.

What to cook from exotic fruit

What to cook with avocado? Guacamole is a Mexican dish most often made with alligator pear. This nutritious snack can be served not only as a meal on its own, but also as a topping for corn chips.

In order to prepare traditional guacamole, you need to prepare: 4 ripe avocados, 2 small hot peppers, half a white sweet onion, a large spoonful of lemon juice, salt, pepper and a little parsley.

Peel the exotic fruits and puree them using a fork. Next add finely chopped onions and peppers, salt, pepper, parsley and lemon juice. Mix ingredients and serve on corn chips.

Avocado and raspberry salad

What else can you make with avocados? Your guests will be delighted with a salad made from this exotic fruit and raspberries. Ingredients: 2 ripe avocados, 2 tangerines, a cup of ripe raspberries, a bunch of lettuce and a handful of walnuts.

Slice avocados, tangerines and walnuts. For the dressing, mix balsamic vinegar, 1.5 teaspoons and a little Dijon mustard. Whisk the dressing ingredients and season the salad.

Avocado and shrimp salad

Quantity as desired: avocado, boiled shrimp, tomatoes, onions, lemon juice, mayonnaise, salt and ground pepper. Finely chop everything and mix with mayonnaise. Sprinkle avocado cubes with lemon juice, add a little pepper and salt.

Avocado toast

Finely chop the pulp of one fruit, boil a couple of eggs and chop them too. Pass a clove of garlic through a press, mix with eggs and avocado. Season the ingredients with mayonnaise, add salt and spread on toast.

The modern name of the avocado plant comes from the ancient Aztec word “ahuacatl.” IN different countries Since ancient times it has been called differently: somewhere Perseus americana, somewhere egg tree, because the fruits hang in pairs and are associated with famous male organs, but perhaps the most famous name- alligator pear, possibly due to its hard, pimply skin dark green. In Europe, this fruit appeared much later; it became widespread only recently - in the 20s of the 20th century.


For residents of tropical countries, avocados are one of the most important foods. Only ripe fruits are suitable for food use, because... unripe ones are hard, and overripe ones are oily and loose. Alligator pear is a fairly satisfying and nutritious product that contains many vitamins, salts and minerals. Not everyone likes its taste. The pulp of the fruit has a peculiar oily taste with a slight nutty tint. This fruit can improve any dish; the special taste of avocado is good in salads. From a medical point of view, this fruit very effectively protects the liver, cleanses and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, and helps prevent cancer. In addition, avocado fruits are used for weight loss. The oil is widely used in cosmetology, from which a variety of lotions and creams are obtained.

Application in dietetics

It would seem that avocado is not suitable for weight loss, since it is considered a rather fatty and high-calorie product, but this is a misconception. The fats contained in the fruits of this fruit are easily digestible and can be called healthy. They give the body a feeling of fullness, accordingly, appetite decreases, and the feeling of hunger disappears. The countless beneficial elements in fruits help maintain proper hormone levels in the body. In addition, metabolism is restored. We can say that the phrase “losing weight correctly” reflects the truth if the decision is made to do this by using an alligator pear.

There are several types of avocado-based diets; they are ideal for weight loss; they allow you to lose up to 1.5 kilograms per day, but they are quite tough. Here is an example of one of them. For breakfast, eat half of an avocado, filled. For lunch, half of it (finely chopped), mix with a boiled egg, a small cucumber, add green onions. Have dinner again with a similar half of the fruit with low-fat cottage cheese. You can add a small piece of lean steak to this. Please note that you need to cut the fruit very carefully, because the seed in it becomes poisonous upon contact with air. You can stick to such exotic diets for no more than three days. All this time you need to use large number clean water, only then can we say that when we use avocado fruits for weight loss, we do everything according to the rules. The reward for these three days of “torment” will be that the kilograms lost during the diet will not appear again. Avocado for weight loss not only helps burn fat, it also prevents deposits from accumulating in the future.

Avocado, or alligator pear, is an alien from distant tropical and subtropical countries. The fruit received this name because of its dark green, lumpy skin, which resembles the skin of an alligator. Unfortunately, the general audience modern people nothing is known about the benefits and medicinal properties fruits of a fast-growing tree.

For women who want to lose extra pounds, the pulp of this exotic fruit can be especially beneficial. Indeed, despite its high calorie content, avocados are not converted into fat in the body. Avocado can rightfully be called a “killer” of body fat and cholesterol. In addition, the fruit contains almost no sugar.

Taste qualities of avocado

Due to the extremely low sugar content of avocados, the sweetness characteristic of all fruits is not inherent. But this is precisely the advantage of the overseas fruit. Neutral taste and creamy consistency go perfectly with any dish. Sometimes in the aftertaste of avocado, in addition to greenery, you can feel pine nuts. The consistency of ripe pulp is similar to butter mixed with pureed greens, it is so tender. In addition, avocados are really high in fats, which, unlike saturated animal fats, are healthy, easily digestible, do not add extra pounds and lower cholesterol levels.

Calorie content and nutritional value of avocado

It turns out that avocado is considered the most high-calorie, nutritious, filling and fatty fruit in the world! But the paradox is that it does not make you gain weight, but, on the contrary, makes you lose weight. This effect is achieved due to the fat-burning properties of the fruit. Moreover, the lost kilograms no longer return. contains a lot of calories: 160 kcal per 100 g of pulp. For comparison, let’s give the energy value of potatoes, which is 73 kcal per 100 g of product, or a banana, whose calorie content is 65-111 kcal per 100 g. But if losing weight on potatoes or bananas will be problematic or completely impossible, then the calorie content of an avocado does not prevent women from losing fat reserves on an avocado diet.

Avocado on a diet - lose weight exotic

We will conditionally divide the avocado diet into three stages, the first of which will be the shortest - only three days, but also the most stringent in terms of food restrictions. Do not eat anything other than the foods listed on the menu.

Menu for the first three days


Stuff half an avocado with low-fat cottage cheese mixed with fresh herbs. Supplement your breakfast with a cup of green tea, without sugar, of course.


Make a salad from the second half of the avocado, cut into small cubes, which is left over from breakfast. Add chopped cucumber and chopped boiled egg. Season the salad with fresh herbs and green onions.


For dinner, prepare half an avocado stuffed with cottage cheese. Complete your dinner with 90 g of lean meat (beef), baked in the oven or grilled with lemon juice.

You will have to adhere to such a rather meager diet for the first three days of the diet. During this time, you will lose some weight due to unloading of the intestines and excretion excess liquid from fabrics. Your body's sugar levels will stabilize and cravings for carbohydrate foods will decrease. In three days, you will finally be able to understand whether the avocado diet is right for you and decide whether it is worth continuing.

Sample avocado diet menu - second stage

This stage should last at least 2 weeks, although you can stretch it out to 3 months. During this period, a systematic decrease in body weight will occur.


Add half an avocado and cottage cheese with your favorite fruit. Cottage cheese can be replaced with yogurt from time to time.


Prepare canapés from 100-150 g of whole grain bread and sandwich spread with avocado.

How to cook pasta?

You will need:

  • avocado;
  • lemon;
  • hard cheese – 200 g;
  • 2 cloves of garlic (optional);
  • sour cream – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt.

Choose only soft fruits. Cut the ripe fruit into halves, being careful not to damage the seed, carefully remove it from the pulp and throw it away. Peel the fruit halves. Grate on the finest grater. And sprinkle with lemon juice. Lemon juice not only adds a piquant taste to sandwich paste, but also acts as a preservative. Without lemon in the dish, the avocado pulp will instantly oxidize and darken.

Next, grate a piece of cheese on the same grater, mix with grated avocado, squeeze out the peeled garlic cloves, add a little salt, season with sour cream and mix thoroughly. The sandwich paste is ready. If you are aiming to prepare a more satisfying dish, you can add grated boiled egg.


Bake a piece of fish or meat in the oven or on the grill. The main cooking conditions are without fat. Prepare a large portion of vegetable salad, seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil.

Afternoon snack

Make a dish that is already familiar to you: half an avocado stuffed with 100 g of cottage cheese. Add any unsweetened fruit of your choice to the afternoon snack menu.


For dinner, eat a glass of low-fat yogurt or drink the same amount of kefir. Plus any vegetables with a green color.

The third stage of the avocado diet

This stage involves a gradual exit from the diet. You can carefully add to your menu:

  • red wine (optional) – up to 2 glasses per day;
  • additional servings of sweet fruits, including grapes and bananas prohibited at previous stages;
  • sweet desserts and baked goods – up to 2 servings per week.

The benefits of avocado for women

It would seem, how can the fattest and highest-calorie fruit in the world be useful for women? But you need to understand that fat is different from fat. There are harmful fats, they are called saturated, they increase cholesterol levels and provoke cardiovascular diseases. But avocado contains a completely different fat - unsaturated, which, on the contrary, reduces cholesterol levels, thereby protecting the cardiovascular system from many problems.

The fruit also contains a lot of potassium. This element has a beneficial effect on the heart, normalizing its rhythm and beating frequency. So women who stick to an avocado diet can forget about such a disease as arrhythmia.

Avocado contains a powerful natural antioxidant - glutathione, a sufficient amount of which can slow down the aging process of cells in the body.

Avocado is not only good for health, but also for female beauty: skin and hair. Indeed, in addition to healthy fats, this fruit also contains many vitamins, such as A and E.

Avocado has no analogues in its effect in home cosmetology. Vitamin A, which is part of the fruit pulp, promotes the regeneration of skin cells. But by itself, this vitamin is useless; it has a rejuvenating effect only in combination with a certain amount of fat, of which there is a lot in avocados. This is why avocado is so beneficial for the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

Avocado mask

This cosmetic procedure, carried out regularly 2-3 times a week, will eliminate peeling, perfectly moisturize the skin, relieve inflammation and irritation, and smooth out wrinkles. You will need a piece of avocado, an yolk and a teaspoon of cream, which can be successfully replaced with a spoon of olive or any other vegetable oil.


Many of us, in pursuit of a slim figure, consume food additives that are dangerous to our health, drink fat-burning drugs, or even completely deplete our bodies with debilitating diets. But there is one way that will help you look attractive at any time of the year: eating just one fruit - avocado.

Why avocado?

The avocado fruit has beneficial properties for weight loss, because its tissues are saturated with many elements. By appearance it is also called an alligator pear, due to the fact that the shape of the fruit resembles a pear, and the color and structure resembles the skin of a crocodile. This is the fruit of an evergreen tree that can reach a height of up to 20 m. Every year at least 150 fruits can be collected from one tree.

The warm countries of the South and South are considered the homeland of avocados. Central America, they are eaten there as often as apples are eaten here. This fruit contains the following beneficial components:

  • minerals: potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, manganese, sodium;
  • vitamins: D, E, C, B groups;
  • provitamin A;
  • fiber;
  • carbohydrates;
  • acids and amino acids.

How does fat burning happen?

Surely everyone has heard that avocados are rich in oils and healing substances.

This fruit helps burn fat, despite the fact that it itself is very nutritious and healthy.

So what is the secret of the butter fruit and how does it help you fight extra pounds?

First of all, it is worth saying that the healthy fruits of avocado have a rich content of L-carnitine (levocarnitine). These amino acids belong to the B vitamin group and have strong antioxidant properties. Levokartin is also considered as a strong aphrodisiac, therefore the eaten fruit will not leave anyone without benefits for the body. Amino acids activate metabolism in the human body, participating in the metabolism of fats. Levokartin is also responsible for producing energy to circulate blood through tissue fibers. And the main function of L-carnitine is to carry fatty acids through the membrane into mitochondria.

The latter, in turn, burn fats through oxidation, converting them into useful energy (ATP). Without levocarnitine, the body cannot burn fat on its own. This means it is impossible to lose weight. When interested in the number of calories in a particular fruit, you should initially think about how much fat fruits can burn.

When buying an avocado in a supermarket, it is important to pay attention to its label. It states that the fruit contains 75% fat. There are 245 kcal per 100 g of product. But in in this case fats belong to the healthiest category, they are monounsaturated. These components have many beneficial properties for the body: they reduce cholesterol levels, increasing the vector of organic compounds.

Nutritionists have proven the beneficial properties of the fruit to influence cholesterol levels in the desired direction (higher or lower). Avocado pulp works wonders. If you need to normalize your cholesterol levels, you just need to eat avocados! And physical activity will bring excellent results.

Additional properties

On top of that, tropical fruit promotes the production of insulin, which is why these healthy fruits are indispensable for diabetics and patients with atherosclerosis. Maintaining glucose levels at a consistently low level is another plus of the butter fruit. Insulin sends the body a message to produce energy by processing glucose.

The pulp of the oily fruit is rich in fiber, which is responsible for detoxifying the body and cleansing the intestinal tract of toxins, cholesterol, and uric acid. The fruit will help compensate for the deficiency of magnesium, vitamins E, K and B-group, so everyone needs to know how best to prepare an avocado for weight loss.

The secret to losing weight

So what is the slimming effect of a healthy avocado? It is monounsaturated fatty acids that burn fat deposits on the stomach and other parts of the body. Those who eat the fruit in the right proportions daily increase their metabolic rate, speeding up the weight loss process. Carnitine, which is part of the fruit, can add muscle mass energy for more fruitful training results. This component also normalizes blood circulation throughout the body. Avocado is enough to lose belly fat if you eat it at least once a day.

Why do we need Avocado?

Avocado - benefits and harm. How to eat and cook

Avocado. Benefit and harm.

When choosing an avocado for weight loss, you should buy only fruit that is firm to the touch in the store. This fruit contains more beneficial amino acids that burn fat deposits than an overripe one. In order for the results from using the product for weight loss to exceed all expectations, you need to supplement your diet physical exercise. For example, to lose weight with avocados and lose excess belly fat, you should pump your abs at least 20 times every day and do gymnastics.

Recipes for losing belly fat

There are several simple ways to eat avocado to burn off those unwanted inches on your belly. Eating fruit with others low-calorie foods. You can use one of the following diet methods with butter fruit.

  1. Avocado diet - 1.5 avocados per day for weight loss. Eat half an avocado for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In the morning you can fill part of the avocado with cottage cheese, in the afternoon you can add onion, cucumber and a boiled egg, and in the evening - 100 g of beef. It is recommended to wash down your food green tea without sugar or clean water. In 2 days of such a diet you can lose 1.5 kg.
  2. Avocado and buckwheat diet. Boil buckwheat, add avocado to it and allow yourself to eat 150-200 g for lunch. You can eat the same dish again for breakfast and dinner (no more than 150 g). Only in the morning should you drink a glass of kefir before eating, and in the afternoon and evening - green tea.
  3. A diet with avocado, during which it is customary to make vitamin cocktails. To do this, you need to peel the fruit, remove the seed and mix in a blender with 1 tbsp. milk and 4 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Instead of the last ingredient, you can also add a banana and 1 tbsp. l. honey, then you get a tasty and healthy smoothie.

Diet salads

The benefits of avocado for losing weight are endless. If the avocado diet for women and men for some reason did not attract attention, but you do not mind adding avocado to your diet, the components of which will help fight excess fat deposits, then we recommend the following recipes with avocado fruit for weight loss. Such dishes are especially useful due to the combination of foods rich in vitamins.

Vegetable salad with avocado for effective weight loss.

Vegetable salad

Difficulty: easy

Cooking time: 10 min.


  1. 1. Cucumber
  2. 2. Avocado
  3. 3. Tomato
  4. 4. Chinese cabbage leaves

    a few leaves

  5. 5. Sunflower oil and lemon juice

Another delicious way diet salad with the participation of a fat-burning fetus.


Difficulty: easy

Cooking time: 10 min.


  1. 1. Apple
  2. 2. Avocado
  3. 3. King prawns

    several pieces

  4. 4. Spinach leaves

    a few leaves

  5. 5. Sunflower oil


Difficulty: easy

Cooking time: 10 min.


  1. 1. Chicken fillet
  2. 2. Apple
  3. 3. Avocado
  4. 4. Green salad or Chinese cabbage

    a few leaves

  5. 5. Sunflower oil
  6. 6. Lemon juice

Exotic salad “avocadian diet”.

An avocado diet can be combined with various foods that complement and nourish each other:

  1. Cottage cheese and avocado diet. It involves taking low-fat cottage cheese and avocado, diluting the menu with herbs, vegetables, boiled beef, and boiled eggs.
  2. Mashed potatoes and avocado diet. The diet consists of taking 700 g of avocado pulp puree, as well as additionally consuming 100 g of cottage cheese. The diet takes the form of fasting day, you can observe it no more than once a week.
  3. Avocado and ginger diet. This mode nutrition involves taking strictly permitted foods on any diet, eating only 40 g of avocado and ginger tea without sugar for dinner.
  4. Diet with blueberries and avocado. This technique was created by Elena Malysheva, who knows exactly the secrets of getting rid of excess weight. The menu consists of only three ingredients: ginger, blueberries and avocado. These products are included in the diet, the calorie content of which does not exceed 1500.

By choosing any avocado diet option, you can lose up to 3 kg of excess weight in a week, taking into account compliance with all dietary rules. Only balance and quality nutrition will allow you to achieve the desired result.

Avocado recipes for weight loss

Any dishes that contain avocado are characterized by maximum satiety and pleasant taste characteristics. By adding a small portion of avocado pulp to a dish, you can create a real taste masterpiece that is simply impossible to refuse. Let's look at the most delicious and popular recipes for cooking.

Avocado soup

Puree soup with the addition of avocado is considered a real nutritious delicacy that saturates the body for 4-5 hours, has no contraindications, and is easy and quick to prepare. To prepare you need to take:

  • Potato;
  • Avocado;
  • Chicken broth;
  • Chicken fillet;
  • Green;
  • Lemon juice.

During the cooking process, the broth is first created chicken fillet, which cooks in 30 minutes. Next, diced potatoes are added to the soup according to the standard, and everything is boiled together for 20 minutes. The avocado needs to be pitted, the pulp is removed from it with a teaspoon, sprinkled with lemon juice and added to the soup.

The prepared soup should be poured into a blender bowl, salt and pepper and beat until smooth. Sprinkle dill on top and serve.

Avocado and shrimp salad

Salad is the most common type of dish to which avocado is added. It is prepared in a matter of minutes, has incredible taste, and is characterized by high nutritional properties.

For cooking you will need the following products:

  • Avocado;
  • Shrimps;
  • Arugula;
  • Dill;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Salad.

During the cooking process, the shrimp are first boiled, then the avocado is prepared. The seed is removed from it, the fruit is cut into 2 parts, and the pulp is removed from the inside. Avocado is mixed with boiled shrimp, lemon juice is poured over the salad, and chopped herbs are added. The salad can be served in a regular bowl or placed in halves of avocado peel.

Avocado adds to any dish exquisite taste and an aroma that cannot be compared with anything else. In addition to its pleasant taste, as well as its high energy value, avocado promotes weight loss. This fact proven by hundreds of experiments carried out on themselves by those losing weight.

Contraindications for avocados

Avocado – healthy fruit, which has virtually no contraindications. As a precaution, it is prohibited for consumption by small children and people prone to allergies to citrus fruits. But nutritionists say that due to the beneficial properties of avocado pulp, its moderate addition to food does not provoke the occurrence of side effects in the form of an allergy. By adding just one avocado to main dishes or salads, you can achieve weight loss without direct harm to the body.