Figs: beneficial properties and contraindications. What are the beneficial properties of figs?

All dried fruits have a pleasant sweet taste, perfectly satisfy hunger and contain many useful substances. But today we propose to talk about dried figs, the benefits and harms of which have been known since ancient times. The ancient Egyptians, Romans and residents of many eastern countries feasted on the fruits of dried figs. This fruit is often mentioned in the Bible, where it is called a fig, and many interesting legends and traditions are associated with it.

Composition and beneficial properties of dried figs

Dried figs contain beta-carotene and many B vitamins. Dried fruits are also rich in protein, mineral salts of potassium, magnesium and iron. Dried fig fruits also contain fiber and pectins. But why do doctors recommend their patients eat dried figs? This product has quite a lot of useful properties. Here is just a small list of diseases that many people’s favorite dried fruits can help cope with:

  1. Treatment of colds. Dried fruits boiled in milk are an excellent cough remedy. This medicine also has diaphoretic and antipyretic properties.
  2. Eliminates problems associated with digestion. Traditional medicine recommends eating dried fruits for constipation and gastritis. Figs are known to help with bowel function due to their high fiber content.
  3. Dried figs are recommended for use by people whose profession involves mental work. It turns out that the microelements contained in dried fruits have a positive effect on brain function and help relieve accumulated stress.
  4. This useful product has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys. The enzymes contained in figs help quickly remove toxic substances from the body. Dried figs, about the benefits and harms of which we will tell you many more useful facts, have a rich mineral composition. Thanks to this, dried fruits can help a person regain strength after poisoning.
  5. Regular consumption of dry figs has a beneficial effect on heart function. This effect is due to the presence of a large amount of potassium in the product. A deficiency of this element can lead to disruption of the heart muscle.

Dried figs contain serotonin, which is often called the hormone of happiness. If you have Bad mood or you feel a loss of energy, then eat one or two dried fruits. Just don’t forget to go outside after that and walk for at least half an hour. The fact is that serotonin is released in our body only under the influence of sunlight.

It should be noted that dried fruits are not medicine. In some cases, they really help to cope with ailments, but they cannot cure serious illnesses.

Dried figs and women's health

In many eastern countries Dried fig fruits were traditionally served for dessert to women. Since ancient times, people have noticed that they help relieve physical ailments during menstruation. Also, the consumption of dried fruits contributed to the normalization peace of mind during this period.

What other benefits are dried figs for women? Modern doctors recommend using it for those who are planning to become pregnant or are expecting a child. This recommendation is based on the fact that fig fruits contain large amounts of folic acid. This substance helps maintain the integrity of the placenta and has a beneficial effect on the intrauterine development of the unborn baby.

Modern research has proven that it is beneficial for women to include dried figs in their diet during the second and third trimester of pregnancy. It turned out that their contractions were easier, and total time labor is reduced by one hour. In addition, for women giving birth for the first time, dilatation occurs faster and easier.

Figs for men

There is a widespread legend that dried fig fruits have a positive effect on potency. But, unfortunately, there are no magic products to get rid of this problem. However, dried figs are just as beneficial for men as they are for women. A large amount of vitamins and microelements helps maintain health for people of any age and gender.

Figs for children

Pediatricians do not recommend including dried fruits in the menu of children under one year of age. After reaching this age, you can give one dried fruit to your child, but it is better to divide it into small portions. A large amount of fast carbohydrates contained in any dried fruits can harm the baby’s health. Therefore, if you have such an opportunity, choose fresh ripe fruits for him.

How else do dried figs affect the health of children? The benefits for children can be indicated by the following points:

  1. Dried fig fruits can help relieve constipation. But if crushed dried fruits do not bring the expected result, then you should use medications.
  2. Use dried fruits to make desserts. The natural sweetness of these products will help eliminate sugar and sweets from your baby’s menu.

Why are dried figs dangerous?

First of all, remember that dried fruits contain very little water. Because of this, the amount of sugar in fruits increases to 70%. This fact does not negate the benefits of dried figs for the body, but it should be taken into account by people suffering from certain diseases and excess weight.

Healthy people should also not indulge themselves too often in delicious dried fruits. Dried figs, whose calorie content does not exceed 50 kcal per 100 grams, are perfectly absorbed by the body. But the high carbohydrate content in it should give you pause.

Dried figs, the benefits and harms of which we described in detail in this article, can often be seen on the shelves of Russian stores. Unfortunately, fresh fruits rarely reach us intact and rarely have a marketable appearance. But if you want to supplement your family’s diet with a healthy and tasty product, then you can safely purchase dried figs.

The benefits and harms of figs for diabetes - video

Many people know the name fig, but not everyone knows that this is not the only name for this plant. Fig tree, fig tree, wineberry, fig or just fig - this is the variety of names this crop has.

It is no coincidence that figs are called wine berries. The fact is that figs, ripening on a branch, begin to ferment under the influence of the sun and turn into real wine.

Figs are considered such an ancient plant crop that mention of them can be found in the Bible: it was the leaf of the fig tree that Adam and Eve covered with, who were expelled from paradise, and Christ, not finding fruit on it, cursed them. And now we enjoy eating these juicy and sweet fruits, which, by the way, are a culinary delicacy. It is worth noting that fresh figs are a fairly perishable product. That's why many people prefer to enjoy delicate taste dried figs that have absorbed all the energy of sunlight.


Figs are useful in any of their forms: as dried fruit, canned and fresh. At the same time, many are interested in the question of whether dried figs lose their beneficial properties. We answer - it does not lose, but it differs from fresh fruits in the sugar content - in fresh fruits the sugar content is about 24%, and in dried fruits it is about 37%.

The benefits of figs come from their amazing chemical composition - pectin, vitamins, organic acids. Fig fruits contain minerals important for the body such as calcium, potassium, iron, and magnesium.

12 Health Benefits of Figs

Fig fruits not only have a bright taste, but also exhibit medicinal properties. And if you know what the benefits and harms of figs are, you can use this product with maximum health benefits.

The healthfulness of figs, of course, is determined by the presence of a rich vitamin and mineral complex. Eating a few figs every day will help you forget forever about the deficiency of a whole list of useful substances in your body. Therefore, figs are especially beneficial for children and people with reduced immunity.

Regular consumption of fig fruits will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the organs and systems of the human body.

    A large amount of magnesium and potassium makes figs able to normalize heart function by maintaining normal blood pressure, reducing blood clotting, and reducing the risk of thrombosis and tachycardia. Thanks to the substances ficin and pectin, which are part of figs, the blood thins, the resorption of cholesterol plaques occurs faster, and, consequently, the risks of developing a heart attack and stroke are reduced.

  1. Improving the functioning of the digestive system.

  2. Dried figs have expectorant properties, which are used in the treatment of diseases such as bronchial asthma, cough, sore throat, pneumonia, and whooping cough. Only use in in this case Figs are more effective in the form of gruel with warm milk.

    The substance coumarin contained in figs is capable of developing prostate, breast and colon cancer. And benzaldehyde, which is also found in figs, completely blocks the development of tumor cells.

  3. Anti stress properties.

    Tryptophan and other organic acids of figs help improve mood, increase energy, and help normalize sleep.

  4. Fresh figs have a low glycemic index, which makes them possible for people suffering from mild diabetes. A decoction of fig leaves will help reduce insulin levels in the blood.

    Fig juice helps to cope with ulcers, acne, as well as all kinds of wounds, which it literally glues together.

    Thanks to the presence of coumarin and furocoumarin in figs, painful symptoms during menstruation will disappear. At the same time, three figs a day will restore strength and the amount of nutrients in a woman’s body that she so needs during this period. Figs are also useful during pregnancy, firstly, because of their unique set of vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for the development of the unborn baby. Secondly, eating figs will save you from the occurrence of frequent phenomena during pregnancy - constipation and increased gas formation. Thirdly, figs are an excellent preventive measure in the fight against anemia due to the iron they contain.

    Due to the large amount of dietary fiber contained in figs, this fruit can be consumed during a diet.

  5. Impact on the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

  6. Prevention of age-related macular degeneration.

    Numerous studies have proven that eating three or more figs a day will help reduce the risk of developing vision problems in older people.

  7. Prevention of potency problems in men.

    In the east, fig fruits have been used for many centuries to increase male sexual strength; figs will also help in the fight against prostatitis; you just need to pour boiling water over the fruits and use the decoction daily.

Not only the fruits, but also the leaves of figs are used in medicine; they are the main raw material for the production of the drug “Psoberan”, which is effective in the treatment of baldness and vitiligo.

Many will be surprised by the fact that you can buy fig syrup in pharmacies, which also has a whole list of healing properties:

  • improves appetite and digestion;
  • relieves spasms of muscle rheumatism;
  • improves skin condition;
  • helps with colds female genital organs.

Thus, the benefits of figs in the treatment of certain diseases are simply invaluable. Having a pronounced antipyretic, diuretic, diaphoretic, laxative, anti-inflammatory effect, fig fruits force every cell of our body to work in a new and more efficient way.


In addition to the undoubted benefits, fig fruits can also cause some harm to health. Therefore, before using them, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

  • figs, especially dried ones, will be harmful in severe forms of diabetes;
  • If you are prone to gout, you should not eat figs due to the presence of large amounts of oxalic acid.
  • dried figs can provoke an exacerbation of pancreatitis, gastritis, ulcers, so you should not use them for various inflammations of the digestive system.
  • sweet figs eaten at large quantities, can lead to weight gain and ultimately obesity.
  • If you have kidney or gallstones, you should not eat figs due to the high oxalate content, which will only worsen the course of the disease.

You should use caution when consuming figs. breastfeeding, since the laxative effect of the fruit can cause diarrhea in the baby.

You should use dried figs with caution if you have bronchial asthma, since the fruit is often treated with sulfites and sulfur dioxide, which increases the shelf life of the product, but can cause diseases of the respiratory system.

Eating too many figs can cause:

  • diarrhea;
  • caries;
  • allergies.

You should also avoid eating figs on the eve of surgery. This is due to the fact that the fruit thins the blood, which can cause bleeding.

There are many legends around figs. For example, the famous ancient botanist Theophrastus, even before our era, described hundreds of varieties of figs, and the most fragrant fruits were given proper names. And Cleopatra loved figs so much that even in the last minutes of her life she wanted to enjoy its taste, ordering a snake to be brought in a basket with these fruits.

Click item No. 2.2 - a complete set of competent combinations for a healthy menu.

And don’t forget to check the rules for choosing quality dried fruits - point No. 4.

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Composition and calorie content

Calorie content and glycemic index are about 250 kcal per 100 grams and average GI = 47-55, comparable to fresh cranberries, persimmons and kiwis.

The chemical composition is largely the same as fresh fruits, but in different concentrations. Dried figs, compared to fresh ones, contain approximately 3 times more sugars and 4-5 times more dietary fiber. This makes it an advantageous participant in nutrition for at least two purposes - stable intestinal function and rapid delivery of glucose to the brain and muscles.

A convenient infographic will help you evaluate the nutritional value of dried figs:

Benefits for the body

Fiber being the leader in dietary fiber content among popular dried fruits ( up to 10% of dry weight!), figs do an excellent job of toning the intestines and are useful for hypotonic constipation. Today this is the most common problem with cleansing - due to the lack of a split diet and physical inactivity.

Vitamin neuroprotectors group B. Among them, the most interesting is B1, which is extremely important for most functions of the nervous system and cannot be synthesized in the body.

Potassium is one of the basic minerals for maintaining water-salt balance, rhythmic heart function and healthy bone and muscle mass.

Magnesium is the most valuable element for the body, which is involved in many enzymatic reactions, including the formation of ATP. Harmony in the functioning of the nervous system, in the condition of the heart and blood vessels, in stable intestinal motility and bile outflow - everywhere there is a direct merit of magnesium.

Calcium is a mineral that is needed daily to maintain skeletal bone density. Some other mineral salts, including phosphorus (up to 5%). Figs also contain some iron, although in non-heme form it is poorly absorbed, which is worth understanding for yourself once and for all when you are excited about the presence of iron in plant foods.

What antioxidants are there in dried figs?

There is almost no vitamin C left in dried figs, but with the right technology, dry fruits contain a whole range of bioflavonoids and polyphenols with antioxidant activity. Catechins and epicatechins - to protect the body from the proliferation of cancer cells. Rutin - to strengthen blood vessels. Syringic and gallic acids - for the harmony of intestinal microflora, including due to the bactericidal effect on opportunistic microorganisms.

What are the benefits of dried figs for women?

When exploring this issue, one cannot ignore the topics of weight loss and pregnancy. High calorie content and an abundance of sugars are not suitable for protein diets. However, in the composition balanced nutrition figs will be a good help.

If, when losing weight, you adhere to fractional meals with calorie counting, That best place for a sweet snack every other day (!) - second breakfast (until 12:00):

  • It’s convenient to take figs with you to work and not look like a “black sheep” by replacing sweets with them when snacking in the office;
  • Sugars, B vitamins, magnesium and fiber will ensure quick thinking, stability of emotions and stable intestinal motility;
  • An adequate limit is 3 dry fruits (about 80 grams), which can be included even in a sharply reduced daily caloric intake.

During pregnancy against the background of general health and normal weight You can use up to 4 fruits per day, 3-5 times a week.

How to eat and what to combine with

The best time to eat with figs is the first half of the day.

Dried figs, like all dried fruits, are not a product that you should get carried away with, eating a dozen of them every day.

At the same time, it is quite easy to benefit from figs without harming the body. Let's take a closer look at the beneficial combinations.

For good absorption of vitamin C and strengthening of vascular walls

Add soaked figs to winter salads with shredded cabbage, carrots and an apple, or eat 1/2 grapefruit and 2-3 dried fruits at the beginning of breakfast.

To obtain a beneficial complex of pectins, vitamin D and calcium

Add chopped soaked figs to the cottage cheese or beat the curd mixture in a blender.

How to diversify healthy diet with figs:

  • We are mastering a simple nut-fig paste - for spreading on biscuits or plates of fresh apples: nuts + figs in equal proportions and a little lemon juice. This paste is an excellent base for homemade sweets or a layer in no-bake cakes.
  • After cooking over a fire, add large chopped dried fruit to muesli and porridge. This adds piquancy to delicate cereals - oatmeal and rice.
  • In a smoothie for a blender, figs can easily replace a sweet banana and make friends with any ingredients.
  • As for meat dishes, it goes best with poultry and lamb - in sauces and stuffing when stuffing. However, we take into account: during heat treatment, some valuable substances are lost, including the destruction of coarse fibers.

Dried fruit mixture recipe for heart

A high concentration of sugars, potassium and vitamin C - complete health for the heart and blood vessels, normalization of immunity and stress resistance.

How to prepare: mix soaked dried fruits in equal proportions. To choose from - dried apricots, figs, raisins, prunes. Add walnuts, honey, lemon juice and blend in a blender until smooth.

Additional ingredients: citrus zest, other nuts. If you are allergic to honey, use a third more of the sweetest dried fruits - figs and dates.

How to take

We eat 2 teaspoons up to 3 times a day on an empty stomach (half an hour before meals).

Possible harm and contraindications

Absolute contraindications:

  • Diabetes mellitus type 1;
  • Acute pancreatitis;
  • Ulcerative pathologies of the stomach and intestines;
  • Chronic renal failure.

Strictly limit (2-3 pieces at a time, every other day):

  • At diabetes mellitus type 2 and obesity;
  • For pathologies of pregnancy;
  • For acute diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

The potential harm of dried fruits is also determined by the unsightly nuances of production. We have collected tips on how to avoid these pitfalls below.

How to choose correctly

Unfortunately, dried figs are not without the “charms” of industrial processing. Sulfur dioxide, unsanitary conditions, smoking with liquid smoke, boiling water with caustic soda, gasoline burners and almost “harmless” treatment with glycerin and cheap oil against this background - for the “selling beauty of the product.” Alas, technologies harmful to health await us at any dried fruit counter.

How to choose quality figs from the mountain of “pig in a poke”?
  • Color and surface: light beige fig without shine. Let's assume a matte sugar coating.
  • Shape, size and texture : slightly flattened fruits, approximately equal in size, amenable to finger pressure when testing for softness.
  • We smell and taste, which is why we go to the market. The norm is a sweet, rich, noticeably crunchy taste and no gasoline smell. The figs are chewed without titanic effort. If the taste is salty, sour, damp, the product is spoiled. At the same time, we take into account that unwashed dried fruits pose a risk of intestinal infection. Grab a bottle of water!
  • When purchasing in a supermarket, we first study and rely on the brand.
  • If there is a special need for environmental friendliness, we buy from online stores: expensive brands from small manufacturers, whose owners are enthusiasts of healthy lifestyle or alternative nutrition systems.

How to remove sulfur dioxide from dried fruits?

  • Soak thoroughly - in cold (!) water. The first time - for 30 minutes. Then we drain the water a second time - for another 15 minutes, after which we wash it in warm running water, sorting the fruits with our hands one by one. This removes any remaining dirt (pieces of earth, sand, etc.) that may stick to the figs during drying and transportation.

We dry it ourselves instead of buying it

There are two ways to get the benefits of figs without harming your health:

  • We take risks with the purchase, carefully studying the fruits according to the characteristics described above;
  • We dry it ourselves - in an electric dryer. This is especially true for residents southern regions, where fresh fruits can be delivered without spoilage.

High quality, tasty, fast and cheaper - these are fair epithets for the results of an electric dryer.

Choosing figs for drying

Any fruit can be dried with benefit. But the ideal variety is still white or honey. Light, golden-skinned, with yellowish flesh, 4-5 cm in diameter (smaller fruits are sweeter). Important nuance good variety - large number seeds The fewer seeds, the worse the variety.

When you decide to purchase a device, you should pay attention to models with a wide temperature range, starting from 33-35 degrees and the most ergonomic square shape of the trays. The relative disadvantages of home drying are the time spent on the process and the one-time investment in purchasing the device. But how much time and money do existing illnesses steal from us - due to dangerous food choices? A rhetorical question for personal reflection.

How to store at home

Dried figs require a cool (0-10 degrees) and dry (!) place. Place it in a glass jar lined with a thin cotton cloth on the inside and close tightly.

A good storage option for good air circulation is hanging canvas bags. Choose it for a batch that you will eat in a couple of months. The disadvantage of this method is that when the temperature rises, pests are easily introduced. You can also use paper bags that keep insects out.

We will be glad if detailed story about dried figs was informative for you. The benefits of figs are great when we know how to avoid potential harm, choose the right culinary combinations and wisely limit the amount of the sweet product.

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One of Mother Nature's magnificent gifts to humanity is figs. The beneficial properties and contraindications have been studied in sufficient detail and are widely used in traditional and official medicine. There are about three hundred types of figs. All of them have medicinal effects and beneficial properties. Fresh figs are a seasonal fruit; they appear in our markets or stores in the fall. Dried is almost always available. It is useful in any form. Its fruits are varied in color: black, brown, red, yellow, green; Shape: from round to pear-shaped.

Most of the fig harvest is harvested in the fall from August to October, when longitudinal cracks appear on the skin of the fruit. Droplets of pure juice begin to emerge from the “eyes” at the top of the fruit clusters and on the surface. During this period, the fig pulp is unusually sweet, as if filled with pure sugar juice, and its beneficial properties are maximum.

It is best to harvest figs early in the morning, as fruits overheated in the sun quickly deteriorate.

Figs bear fruit consistently and abundantly - up to 100 kg of fruits per year. Moreover, the harvest is harvested twice - in June and then in August-November. Most often, the color of the fruit is yellow-green. Unripe figs contain milky juice and are not edible. But as soon as cracks appear on them, through which the cherry-red juicy pulp shines through, the fruits are ready. One drawback is that when ripe they are not stored for a long time.

Fresh figs - benefits

The beneficial properties of figs are the huge content of organic acids, pectins, enzymes, vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, C, beta-carotene, PP, minerals. Each fruit contains iron, magnesium, potassium, and calcium that are beneficial for the body.

40 g of figs contain 7% of our daily requirement in potassium, 6% in calcium and iron. All thought processes occur with the participation of iron. In terms of potassium content, this fruit is second only to nuts.

The drug furolen from the leaves is used in the treatment of baldness, vitiligo, and the juice and essential oils inhibit the growth of certain fungi and pathogenic bacteria. It promotes the formation of melanin. Fig leaves contain coumarin, a substance that increases the body's sensitivity to solar radiation. Therefore, you need to protect yourself from sunburn during treatment with decoctions of leaves.

Fresh figs contain 25% sugars. Mostly fructose. This is the highest percentage of fructose content when compared with other fruits. Fresh fruits contain 1% protein, and dried fruits contain 6%.

A few figs a day will quickly relieve mental or physical stress. Regular consumption of this fruit helps improve memory and reduce sleep disturbances.

Figs bring great benefit people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, people with problem veins, with a tendency to thrombosis, anemia, asthma, bronchitis, colds, sore throat. It reduces blood sugar, but it is not recommended for diabetics or obese people to consume it much, since all the sugars present in the fruit are easily absorbed by the body. But a few figs eaten per day, on the contrary, can reduce blood sugar levels and are useful for people who are obese. The most important thing is that the amount of figs eaten should be optimal.

In general, its main value is that it prompts, helps the body choose what it needs. at the moment healing property.

Figs are an excellent remedy for improving digestion. He himself will help the body choose the desired property of this useful fruit. In one case, figs will work as a mild laxative. In another - as a remedy for constipation - eat 4-5 fresh fruits, and if you only have dried fruits - soak them - eat them in the morning along with the water in which it was soaked.

But figs should not be consumed in case of acute inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The fruits, despite their sweet taste, contain a lot of oxalic acid, so it should not be eaten if you have gout.

The diuretic and diaphoretic properties of figs are known. Teas and decoctions of fruits are used as an antipyretic and diaphoretic.

Each fruit contains polyphenols and flavonoids, which improve the antioxidant activity of the blood. Medicinal fig juice contains the enzyme phytin, which almost completely destroys fibrinogen in the blood and fibrin (an insoluble protein that is used by the body for blood clotting). Fibrin threads form the basis of a blood clot, which interferes with normal blood flow. For treatment, only 3 drops of juice are extracted from the unripe fruit. It is useful for hematopoiesis or heart disease. Based on extracts from the fruits and leaves of figs, some medicines have been created that are successfully used to treat cardiovascular diseases, thrombosis, and thrombophlebitis. It can also improve blood: increase hemoglobin levels, reduce cholesterol levels.

Beneficial properties of dried figs

The dried fruit has a lot of fiber, the beneficial properties of which are necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Its calorie content is 214 kcal/100 g. One dried fig provides 2 g of fiber, which is 20% daily norm. In terms of its composition and amount of dietary fiber, it takes an honorable first place, helping the gastrointestinal tract function.

Dried figs contain up to 70% sugars. Interestingly, people who want to lose weight are advised to consume figs daily. However, the high amount of calories it contains can lead to weight gain, especially when consumed with milk. A few pieces is enough to get the recommended amount of nutrients, so don't overdo it!

Dried figs contain phenol, omega-3, omega-6 fatty acids. These fatty acids reduce the risk of developing coronary heart disease. In addition, the beneficial substances contained in fig leaves have a significant impact on the level of triglycerides in the human body, which are one of the main causes of the development of various heart diseases. These fatty acids are not produced by our body - we must obtain them from food. They are needed for the cardiovascular and nervous systems to function normally.

Figs - recipes for treatment

Several traditional medicine recipes:

  • Boil three fig leaves in half a liter of water for 15 minutes. Strain and drink this solution on a regular basis to lower blood pressure.
  • Finely chop four fig leaves and mix with sugar to form a thick mixture. Take this mixture regularly with a glass of water twice a day. This home remedy a useful addition to the course of treatment of liver cirrhosis.
  • For laryngitis and hoarseness, you need to prepare a syrup from one teaspoon of chopped dried figs and half a glass of water - boil for 15 minutes, strain, add a teaspoon of honey.
  • Add two or three chopped figs to a cup of kefir (200 ml). Consume this mixture twice daily for several weeks to reduce inflammation of the spleen.
  • Apply the milky juice from the stems or leaves three to four times a day on warts - this will help you get rid of them.
  • Persons suffering from anemia can eat 2-3 figs soaked overnight in a glass of milk. Consume these fruits with milk in the morning for a month.
  • Take one and a half liters of water, add 50 g of dried figs, barley, and raisins. Cook over low heat, covered, for about 15 minutes. Then add 15 g of chopped licorice root to the decoction. Cover with a lid and leave to steep overnight. Take a teaspoon. This is an effective home remedy for constipation in children.
  • If you have bad smell from the mouth, then just chew a couple of fig leaves and then rinse your mouth with warm water.

To treat urolithiasis or kidney stones, it is recommended to boil figs in milk. It is useful to drink this milk very hot until the stones disappear.

For the treatment of breast cancer traditional medicine recommends figs. Its fruits have disinfectant and emollient properties, so traditional medicine often uses them to prepare an infusion, which is used as a rinse, poultice for colds, abscesses, and inflammation of the mucous membranes. They are especially useful for external use in cancer, as they prevent the development of the disease.

Traditional medicine uses the fruits and leaves of the plant. Fresh figs or their juice are applied to erysipelas every 2 hours. The disease is cured in 1 day.

Sulfur is a vital element that is included in proteins as sulfur-containing amino acids (cystine, cysteine, methionine), as well as in some vitamins and hormones. The formation of inulin occurs only when the concentration of sulfur in the body is normal. And figs contain a lot of sulfur.

It is useful for elderly or weakened people to take figs, because regular consumption of these dried fruits helps to rejuvenate, strengthen the body, and helps restore the body after illness.

For centuries, figs have been recommended as a way to correct sexual dysfunctions such as infertility or erectile dysfunction. Its actual success as an aphrodisiac is questionable, but huge amount The valuable vitamins, minerals it contains can lead to a sudden increase in sexual energy. Soak 2-3 figs in milk overnight and eat them in the morning to enhance your sexual performance.

Harm of figs to the body, precautions

  • Eating too many figs can cause diarrhea;
  • dried fruits due high content sugar can cause tooth decay;
  • Figs may cause a mild to severe allergic reaction in some people;
  • It is best not to consume too much of it a week or two before surgery because it thins the blood and this can sometimes cause bleeding in people sensitive to it;
  • As always, talk to your doctor or healthcare professional before making any major lifestyle changes.

Figs are a doctor plant. Alexander the Great knew about the beneficial properties of figs - tired warriors only needed to eat a few dried fruits to restore strength. He also knew that fig gruel quickly heals wounds, helps with poisoning, diseases of the heart, lungs, stomach, and liver.

The beneficial properties of figs are beyond doubt. The fruits contain more iron than apples, and when brewed with hot milk they are an excellent cough remedy, a good antipyretic, and a diaphoretic. Of course, there are contraindications, but if you follow the measure, harm can be avoided.

Figs have many names: fig, fig, Smirninskaya or wine, bodhi. It belongs to the most ancient cultures cultivated by man. Fig fruits are used to treat various diseases, to generally strengthen the body and maintain immunity, for culinary and cosmetic purposes.

The oldest discovery of fossilized fruits was discovered in the Jordan Valley. Thanks to absolute periodization, their age was determined to be at least 11 thousand years.
Judging by the multiple data recorded in historical sources, the exceptional properties of figs have been known and used since ancient times. In our time, it has not lost either its healing and nutritional qualities or popularity.

Calorie content and chemical composition

Fig fruits, depending on the variety, are yellow, black-blue and black. They are extremely tasty and full of nutrients.

The calorie content of fresh figs is not too high, despite the fact that they have a very sweet taste. Fresh ones contain 49–57 kcal per 100 g.
Due to dehydration, the volume of dried berries decreases and the concentration of sugars increases. Its calorie content becomes 244–257 kcal per 100 g.

Did you know? Figs are sacred in many countries of Europe and Asia, in Egypt and India and in other parts of the world where they grow. Its beneficial properties, so valuable in ancient world, determined its popularity. Egyptian tradition endows it with fertile qualities, Indian- creative, giving spiritual enlightenment and immortality, the Islamic tradition considers the fig to be the very tree of paradise on which forbidden fruits grow.

Per 100 g of product, figs contain approximately:

  • proteins - 3 g;
  • fat - 0.8 g;
  • carbohydrates - 58 g;
  • dietary fiber - 18 g;
  • organic, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids - 2.4 g;
  • water - 16 g;
  • saccharides - 55 g;
  • starch - 3 g;
  • ash - 3 g;
  • calcium - 144 mg;
  • magnesium - 59 mg;
  • sodium - 11 mg;
  • potassium - 710 mg;
  • phosphorus - 68 mg;
  • iron - 0.3 mg.
In addition, fig berries have a powerful set of vitamins: beta-carotene, vitamins A, B1, B2, E, PP.
Although figs are a fairly high-calorie product t, its unique composition allows you to introduce these berries into the diet.

Useful properties of figs

Wineberry fruits are consumed fresh or dried. At the same time, all the benefits of fresh berries are preserved and even enhanced by increasing the concentration of substances as the amount of water decreases.

Did you know? Fig leaves, according to biblical legend, were the first clothing of the first people. In images that have come down from the times of antiquity and the Renaissance, glorifying the beauty of the body, the genitals are covered with them. They were probably chosen due to their shape, which is close to the male genital organ.


Fresh wine berries have exceptional healing properties:

  1. It is used in the treatment of fungal diseases.
  2. Anyone who regularly eats figs strengthens their bones. This is especially important for older people.
  3. Fresh figs should be introduced with caution into the diet of pregnant and lactating women: its benefits are undoubted, but harm to the body is also likely. A pregnant woman may gain weight at an accelerated rate, or her blood sugar levels will increase. It can cause colic in a baby, transmitted through mother's milk.
  4. It also has a beneficial effect on the skin.
  5. Due to its iron content, fig juice is used in the treatment of anemia.
  6. Magnesium and potassium in the product supply muscle tissue with building material and help improve the functioning of the heart muscle; it is useful for tachycardia.
  7. Wine berries have the valuable quality of thinning the blood, which helps lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and thrombosis.

Important! The use of figs in the diet is a preventive measure for coronary disease; the likelihood of hypertension and heart attack also decreases. Those who eat this wonderful berry reduce their risk of atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis and even diabetes.

Fresh fruits, juice, decoctions and infusions from them are used in treatment. Infusions have an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect and have a regulating effect on metabolism. Milk-fig infusions are very popular.


Despite the fact that all the beneficial substances remain in dried fruits, their properties differ to some extent.
By reducing the amount of water, the level of sugars in them increases to 70%. At the same time, the level of vitamins, minerals, micro- and macroelements and other substances remains the same.

Since dried figs are available to most people, it makes sense to consider what benefits they have and whether there is any harm to the body.

Did you know? Buddhism interprets the fig as a symbol of insight, due to the fact that it was under this tree that Buddha realized the meaning of existence. The tree was also sacred in the Roman Empire, because under its shade a she-wolf fed Romulus and Remus with her milk.- the founders of Rome.

Thanks to dried figs, available at any time of the year:

  • intestinal motility improves;
  • the body removes waste and toxins;
  • bowel function improves;
  • connective tissue and cartilage grow together better thanks to the pectins contained in the fruits;
  • antioxidants help cleanse the blood of cholesterol plaques, cleanse small blood vessels and give them elasticity;
  • iron, potassium and magnesium have a positive effect on the cardiovascular and circulatory systems of the body, normalize blood pressure, rhythm and heart rate.
  • boiled with milk, it is widely used as an expectorant, diaphoretic and antipyretic;
  • B vitamins provide positive influence on nervous system: improve mood, normalize nervous activity, increase performance.

Important! Due to its pronounced laxative effect, it is not recommended to consume figs before an important event, trip, etc.

The fig is considered a “female berry”; all sorts of beliefs, signs and recipes are associated with it, intricately intertwining the rational and mythical sides.

What are the benefits of dried figs, which carry their glory from time immemorial, for women?

  1. Those who want to lose unnecessary pounds can use a method in which one “fig” day is arranged weekly. In fact, in addition to 100 g of dried fruits, on this day you are supposed to consume a kilogram of raw fruits, half a kilo of raw vegetables and 2 liters of low-fat kefir.
  2. Women love sweets, but are often forced to avoid them. An excellent alternative would be a few dried figs, which, despite all their sweetness, are much healthier than chocolates, candies, chips, etc.
  3. Recommendations are taken from the practice of oriental medicine to relieve menstrual pain by eating a few fig berries.
  4. Figs can not only help you lose excess weight, but also help you gain the missing ones, if you know how to eat them correctly: regular consumption in large quantities due to the calorie content of the product will quickly add kilograms, while dosed consumption will help cleanse the intestines, which promotes weight loss.

How to choose the right one

Fresh figs, unprocessed and healthy, can only be enjoyed where they grow, since they are extremely short term shelf life - literally a few hours after removal.

It fully justifies one of its names “wine berry” - fermentation begins very quickly.

Did you know? An obscene gesture called "fig", symbolizing different interpretations sexual intercourse or display of genitals has ancient roots and is, depending on the situation and culture, an insult, an indecent proposal, a magical way to get rid of evil spirits, a manifestation of disagreement and resistance, refusal to obey, and even a remedy, for example, for barley.

Fresh fruits

Needless to say, suspicious strangers and it is better not to buy anything from unverified places, including figs.
The aroma of the berry is pleasant and sweet, it should not be too rich. If the fruit smells musty, it is spoiled. Fresh quality fruits must be:

  • without mechanical damage;
  • moderately soft;
  • the maximum dark shade inherent in this variety;
  • you should prefer berries of the same size
  • a large number of seeds indicates high taste characteristics.
Transportation of fresh figs is carried out with extreme caution: damage to the fruit sharply reduces their already short shelf life.

Important! Never buy hard, unripe fruits.- they will not “reach” at home, like apricots or tomatoes.

Dried fruits are more affordable and can be purchased at any time of the year. You should choose brown, beige or gray berries, depending on the variety.
Tips for choosing dried figs:

  1. The fruits should have a matte tint, regardless of the color dictated by the variety. The shiny, beautiful berries are treated with sulfur dioxide.
  2. Berries not treated with chemicals are also not particularly meaty.
  3. A quality product will be slightly flattened.
  4. Sometimes the surface is covered with a white coating, which is crystallized glucose. This product is distinguished by its sweetness.
  5. A dry, rough texture combined with a sour or salty taste indicates that the product is expired.
  6. Even if you are confident in the quality of the purchased product, it is better to soak it in water an hour before use to dissolve possible harmful compounds.

Did you know? Jesus found no fruit on the fig tree and placed a curse on it, after which the tree withered, which is why the withered fig tree in the Christian tradition- a symbol of heresy.

How to store it correctly

Fig berries must be stored in processed form, but fresh ones have an ultra-short shelf life.

Fresh fruits

If you are lucky enough to find yourself at the end of summer in a region where this amazing berry grows, and you managed to purchase it for consumption, you better eat it as soon as possible.
If there is a need for storage, use the refrigerator. The temperature should be approximately 1 °C. Maximum shelf life - several days, depending on the original condition of the product.

If left at room temperature, the figs will ferment the same day.


Not everyone knows how to store dried figs. In a dry, cool, dark place it is stored for several months: the longer the dryer the air and the lower the temperature. If the conditions are not met, the product becomes damp and harmful substances develop in it. The container must be tightly sealed. Exposure to sunlight is excluded.

Did you know? The ancient Greeks attributed the ability to give courage and strength to fig fruits, so athletes who competed Olympic Games, included figs in the diet and consumed them in large quantities. Warriors took dried berries with them, especially if they had long and tiring marches ahead.

Before eating, it is advisable to soak dried figs for an hour in warm water, which will dissolve the chemicals. Boiling water can destroy some of the beneficial substances of the product.

Use in cooking

A healthy person can eat fig berries in any form.
This exotic product will add its own flavor to any dish:

  • in fresh or dried form, they replace sweets and chocolates;
  • dried fruits are added to compotes, used in fillings for cakes and other products;
  • unripe berries cannot be eaten raw, but they become very tasty when sliced ​​and baked with nuts and honey;
  • ripe fruits, sliced ​​and seasoned with whipped cream or sour cream, are a delicious and nutritious dessert;
  • Fig berries served with soft cheeses are an excellent appetizer for white wine or champagne;
  • add product to meat dishes, poultry dishes, salads, snacks;
  • Of course, this fruit is also prepared in traditional ways: jam, marmalade, pastille, canned compotes;
  • They even make wine from fig berries.
Fig jam retains almost all the beneficial properties of the product and is used as a dessert, medicine, and a drug that rehabilitates after illness.

Did you know? Ancient Greek culture also attached overtly erotic meaning to fig fruits. They symbolized the genitals: entirely- men's, cut in half- women's. Information about this goes back to IX VIII centuries BC e. Figs are invariably present in images of the god of fertility and winemaking, Dionysus, whose service had an openly erotic meaning.

Application in cosmetology

It is not surprising that such a useful product has found its application and occupied a worthy niche in cosmetology.

It has the ability to regenerate, moisturize and soften. Applicable for:

  • skin moisturizing;
  • eliminate peeling;
  • rejuvenation;
  • fight wrinkles.

Daily cleansing, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing masks and mixtures with fig fruits are widely used and bring a noticeable effect.

Contraindications and harm

Figs - unique product, the beneficial properties of which have been known for a long time and are still used to this day, but it also has contraindications.

  • acute inflammatory processes of any part of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • gout;
  • obesity;
  • pancreatitis;
  • urolithiasis.
It can be used with caution by pregnant women and nursing mothers.
Despite minimal contraindications, people who do not have them should not eat figs in large quantities. Sufficient daily intake for a healthy body - 2–4 pieces.

Figs have undeniable benefits and occupy a worthy place among medicinal products. It is not only healthy, but also very tasty both on its own and in combination with other products: its presence adds exotic notes to dishes.