Unpleasant onion smell: quick remedies. How to get rid of onion odor: is it possible to quickly remove or neutralize the aroma of onions from the mouth?

Onions have long been famous for their beneficial properties. Witch doctors and healers are sure that the vegetable takes its therapeutic power from the earth. It is effective from colds, strengthens the body's immune system, contains essential vitamins and biologically active substances. Since ancient times, onions have become a panacea for the fight against scurvy. They are taken when fungus occurs on the skin, dermatitis, high blood pressure, or kidney stones. With regular use, the product guarantees a reduction in the occurrence of heart and vascular diseases.

The bow has many useful qualities, but often people prefer to exclude the vegetable from the diet: when fresh it leaves an unpleasant aftertaste. The scent lasts for two hours. This is undesirable when you are in a public place, holding negotiations, or speaking publicly. The fact is not dangerous if you know how to get rid of unwanted consequences after eating onions.

Known mass folk recipes, specially developed medications that target the suppression of repulsive bad breath, especially after eating a dish with onions. Remember, the main thing is to maintain personal hygiene: brush your teeth, rinse your mouth after eating.

What to do to get rid of onion smell

Well-known ways to help:

Methods that urgently neutralize onion odor from the mouth help quickly eliminate the unwanted effect and leave the opportunity to eat a healthy vegetable at a convenient time.

Medicines that help you forget about the unpleasant odor

It is known that the off-putting odor in the mouth is due to the effects of sulfur compounds present in onions on the oral cavity. If a person has carious formations, the disease is significantly enhanced by contact with onion particles. Bacteria enhance putrefactive processes. The method of getting rid of odor, associated solely with hygiene or folk recipes, is far from universal. Careful oral care is necessary for a person. And the following can successfully eliminate an unpleasant odor:

In addition to the indicated methods, we will give a number of tips:

  • Chop the onion as finely as possible. In this case, the vegetable is chewed faster and practically does not remain in the mouth.
  • After cutting, it is recommended to pour boiled water over the vegetable. The bitterness is washed away, but the healing qualities do not go away, giving the prepared dishes a unique taste.
  • When preparing dishes with onions, think in advance about how to eliminate the odor. Take care of the necessary medications or products.
  • Don't eat the onion last. This will block the smell of other products and remove remaining particles from the tongue.
  • Everyday personal hygiene with toothpaste and a toothbrush will help eliminate the unpleasant aroma.
  • The smell from cutlery goes away if you wipe it with diluted vinegar and cut lemon.

Folk remedies

The action of folk recipes is directed against the smell of onions:

  1. Green tea. Green tea, which contains antioxidants whose action is directed against sulfur compounds, and honey, helps eliminate the repulsive aroma. Place a spoonful of tea leaves in a tea cup, pour boiling water over it and leave for about five minutes. The infusion must be strained and honey added to taste. If you drink this mixture several times a day, the smell will go away.
  2. Mint infusion. This plant can freshen breath as it has an antiseptic effect. Pour hot water over several branches and leave for ten minutes. It is recommended to strain the infusion and add honey there. Chewed mint leaves have a similar effect.
  3. Sunflower oil. Rinse your mouth with the mixture: mix olive (sunflower, corn) oil with salt in a 2:1 ratio. Rinse your mouth, the smell will disappear after half an hour.
  4. Mint and dill. Plants contain components that can neutralize strong odors that suppress the aroma of onions. It is necessary to pour boiling water. The ratio of dill and mint is 1:1. Place the resulting mixture under the lid and leave for half an hour. It is recommended to drink chilled.
  5. Chamomile, wormwood and strawberry. This infusion, in addition to giving freshness to the breath, has a disinfecting effect. Place a tablespoon of herbs in a glass filled with boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for thirty minutes. You should rinse your mouth with this infusion four to five times a day.
  6. Sorrel. Rinse your mouth with a mixture of sorrel juice and water. Proportion 1:1.

The listed methods of combating the unpleasant aroma exuded in the mouth by onions and garlic include a variety of foods, medications, and mouthwashes. All of them will give you the opportunity to feel comfortable in the environment around you. They allow you to eat onions and use them for cooking. If the methods discussed do not cope with the situation, seek medical advice and examine the body for pathologies. Wait for help.

We all know the smell of garlic very well. And while such a “flavor” from your mouth may not cause you discomfort, it is unlikely to be pleasant for the people around you. This vegetable has a mass useful properties. However, the consequences of its use in the form of a pungent odor can negate all existing advantages. Some people tolerate this “aroma” so poorly that they cannot adequately perceive an interlocutor who smells of garlic. In this regard, if you ate a couple of slices of this vegetable, for example, in order to maintain immunity during a period of increased incidence of flu and colds, then you need to take appropriate measures so that the people around you do not experience discomfort. Therefore, today we invite you to figure out how to remove the smell of garlic from your mouth.

Causes of "aroma"

Before you learn how to deal with this phenomenon, we suggest you find out why bad breath occurs from garlic. So, the reason for this “spirit” that appears after eating this product is the release of sulfate gases during its digestion. This cannot be avoided, since the gas enters the blood and lungs and, in addition, is released through the pores of our skin. Of course, this is not entirely pleasant, but it is not fatal, because there are many ways to get rid of the smell of garlic. Let’s look at them in more detail, but first let’s find out how to determine whether there is an unpleasant “aroma” or not.

How to tell if your breath smells

If we compare people with animals, then our sense of smell is significantly inferior to the sense of smell of our smaller brothers. Therefore, we are practically unable to smell our own smell. In this regard, before worrying about the question “how to remove the smell of garlic from your mouth,” you should find out whether this problem relevant to you. Several manipulations will help us do this:

- Cover your mouth and nose with your palm, and then exhale deeply. If your breath smells bad, you will definitely notice it.

“You can lick your own wrist, then wait about five seconds and sniff.” This way you can unmistakably determine what aroma the people around you perceive. More precisely, it will be the smell coming from the front of your tongue.

— In order to find out what aroma comes from the back of the tongue, you can use this method. We arm ourselves with a spoon and scrape the corresponding area a little with it. The manipulation is not pleasant, but it allows you to accurately determine whether there is a smell.

So, if you have examined yourself for fresh breath and come to a disappointing conclusion, then it’s time to study the recommendations for eliminating this problem.

Garlic smell: how to get rid of it?

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to completely eliminate such a “smell” in a short time. However, there are ways to reduce it or disguise it. So, how to remove the smell of garlic from your mouth?

Breath fresheners

Since the problem of unpleasant odor from the mouth, which is caused by the consumption of onions or garlic, is far from new, special preparations have been on sale for quite some time. This can be either a spray or chewing plates. Today in stores and pharmacies they are presented in a fairly wide range. However, in order to effectively remove the smell of garlic from your mouth, carefully study the information on the packaging of the drug to determine which “flavors” it neutralizes.

Oral hygiene

This method is perhaps the simplest. The smell of garlic can be removed by thoroughly brushing your teeth and using dental floss after you have eaten a dish that contains this vegetable. The paste will help freshen your breath, and dental floss will help get rid of product particles stuck in your teeth. If you do not have the opportunity to brush your teeth, you can rinse your mouth with regular clean water. You can add a little soda or salt to it. This mixture is also very effective in eliminating the unpleasant odor of garlic from the skin of the hands.

Use aromatic herbs

One of the effective ways to solve the question “how to remove the smell of garlic from your mouth” is to use dill or parsley leaves. They need to be chewed a little. In addition to eliminating bad odor, these herbs destroy harmful bacteria in the mouth and help protect our gums. The leaves should be chewed carefully and slowly. After this, you should refrain from drinking liquid for some time. In addition to the leaves, you can chew calamus or parsley root.

Nuts and apples

A good way to combat the smell of garlic is a small handful of walnuts or pine nuts, as well as almonds. These foods should be eaten immediately after meals. Cardamom seeds and nutmeg also have an identical effect on our breath. These products destroy harmful bacteria and prevent the development of putrefactive processes in the oral cavity. Eating apples has the same effect. All products listed are different high content phenols. This allows them to limit the growth of bacteria, resulting in a reduced garlic flavor. Polyphenols promote the oxidation of sulfur compounds contained in this vegetable and reduce gas production. Together, this helps reduce bad breath. However, keep in mind that foods containing polyphenols have the greatest effect when consumed together with garlic.


Very in an efficient way To combat “garlic” breath, use lemons, oranges and other citrus fruits. After a meal, it’s enough to eat a slice of lemon, for example, and you can forget about the unpleasant “aroma” for a while. Some people even resort to a little trick by carrying halves of citrus fruits with them in a plastic container. By the way, a similar technique is often resorted to by those who, due to their line of work, often have to speak in front of an audience. After all, lemon not only fights odor, but also relieves dry mouth.

Green tea

If, after eating a dish containing garlic, you have the opportunity to drink a cup of hot green tea, then be sure to do so. This drink will help get rid of the unpleasant odor by washing away the garlic oil remaining in the mouth.

Mint in all types

Mint will help cover up the smell of garlic. This can be either mint tea or chewing gum based on this product (by the way, it will not only freshen your breath, but also remove food debris, which will prolong the effect). In addition, mint tablets are available for sale, which also help eliminate the unpleasant “aroma” of garlic.

Compound cigarette smoke includes a significant amount of substances harmful to the body. By interacting with oxygen in the oral mucosa, substances contribute to the appearance of a persistent aroma and accumulate in the body. This causes changes in the acid-base balance and destruction of the microflora of the oral mucosa. The unpleasant smell of smoke from the mouth haunts the smoker constantly. The aroma is invisible to the smoker. Those around you are forced to put up with this.

The tobacco aroma is specific. Its effect becomes stronger when a person goes to fresh air. If smoking is systematic, it is impossible to get rid of the smell forever. Tobacco amber is persistent: it permeates hair, hands, and clothes.

How to cope with an unpleasant phenomenon? There are a number of reliable ways to get rid of the smell of cigarettes from your mouth.

Oral hygiene

Brush your teeth after eating or smoking. The composition of toothpastes and powders briefly obscures the cigarette smell. But after a few hours have passed, he will appear again. A significant part of the harmful components of cigarettes accumulates in the crevices of teeth and on the tongue. A smoker can use dental floss to clean the spaces between teeth and a plastic spatula to sanitize the tongue.

Chewing gum

This effective remedy fight against tobacco odor. The effect occurs because a large amount of saliva is produced, which accumulates in the person’s mouth. The secretion washes away pathogenic bacteria, and unpleasant breath disappears. After smoking, you can rinse your mouth with clean water, then use chewing gum. The effect is enhanced if you use two or three plates or pads alternately. Preference is given to fruity rather than minty aromas.

Cough lozenges

They are used to prevent infections of the respiratory tract and throat, and eliminate unpleasant odors. The sweets contain potent ingredients that add aroma and fresh breath. It is recommended to use mixed with chewing gum. Give preference to plates that do not contain sugar. This eliminates the destructive effect of glucose on tooth enamel and prevents the formation of caries. Biologically active agents include the popular Antipolitsay lollipops. They contain licorice and eucalyptus oil, which destroy carriers of unpleasant odors.


Citrus fruits: tangerines, lemons, oranges will help instantly remove tobacco stench from your mouth. The sharp taste kills tobacco smoke with lightning speed. A piece of any citrus with zest will quickly cope with the situation; the peel of the fruit is saturated with the necessary oils and acids.

Coffee beans

The aroma of the plant grains is thick and tart. If you consume the prepared drink, it does little to eliminate the cigarette aroma. An effective way is to grind the grains in a coffee grinder so as not to damage the tooth enamel, and use the resulting mixture. How much mixture is needed? The procedure will require 0.5 teaspoon of the product. Chew for 20 seconds, then rinse your mouth with water. You should not overuse the method; tooth enamel darkens from the coffee pigment and acquires a yellow tint.


Sunflower grains are saturated with fatty acids that have a persistent odor. They are excellent at eliminating tobacco spirit after only consuming a small amount. When the seeds pop, rinse your mouth with water. The procedure will wash away grain particles stuck between the teeth. It is worth noting that a similar effect is inherent in nuts. Pay special attention to nutmeg, it is especially effective.

Spicy clove

The product is often used to prepare various dishes and has a pleasant smell and taste. This property is imparted by eugenol, an essential oil. After smoking, just chew a few cloves and the aroma of smoke will go away. An alternative to the fruits of the clove tree is considered bay leaf, which retains a persistent taste when dried. After consuming bay leaf, you should not eat or drink for half an hour to achieve the best effect.


The root of the plant has a specific taste. The situation can be resolved easily with his help. To prepare, cut the peeled ginger into small slices, place in a glass container and leave in the refrigerator, covered. Chew ginger after smoking. It is important to remember that the use of the plant is unsafe for people with a history of gastrointestinal pathologies, since the components of the root can stimulate an exacerbation of gastritis or ulcers.

Special sprays

Fresh breath is provided by sprays developed by doctors and sold in pharmacies. It is recommended to purchase products made without added sugar and alcohol - 32 Antitobacco, Lacalut, Albadent, Air Lift. A few injections are enough. Before the procedure, rinse your mouth with water.


Well-known products made from milk successfully combat cigarette odor. Milk fats actively absorb tobacco smoke molecules. Try eating yogurt or rinsing your mouth with milk. Fermented milk products support the necessary microflora, which blocks the rapid spread of anaerobic bacteria that cause unpleasant odors.

Alcoholic drinks

Homemade wine gives a pleasant aroma and taste. This alcoholic drink can easily cover up various odors. If you spill a small amount of wine, its presence in the room can be clearly felt for a long time. To eliminate the repulsive odor, you do not need to drink wine; rinse your mouth with the liquid. Remember that only a natural grape product will help.

Water therapy

Pure still water without salt or flavorings has a therapeutic effect. This treatment does not become a panacea for tobacco aroma, but it regulates the water-salt balance, washing the oral cavity and removing any remaining compounds that came with tobacco. People who are unable to get rid of tobacco are recommended to drink at least eight glasses of water per day. In the summer months, it is recommended to increase the quantity to 10. To improve the taste, add lemon juice, mint, spices or grated fruit.

Liquid in sufficient quantities helps remove bacteria, harmful compounds, food particles from the oral cavity, cleanses blood vessels; removes waste and toxins; adjusts the temperature.

To summarize, we note that there are more than a dozen methods designed to help eliminate the smell of cigarettes, but most mask the deficiency rather than deal with the cause. Systematic, high-quality cleansing of the oral cavity and a visit to the dentist are required. If the conditions are not met, microbes and nicotine residues will remain on the teeth and begin to have a destructive effect on the enamel. The ideal option is to brush your teeth after smoking each cigarette. The process lasts at least two minutes. Use a brush that is the right size. Don't forget about tongue hygiene. Stick your tongue out as far as possible back side remove plaque with a brush, a small spoon, or a special spatula. Remove plaque by moving towards the root, sanitizing both parts in turn. Use the same method to clean inner surface cheeks

When a smoker is unable to forget about a harmful addiction, it is recommended to visit a doctor at least once every six months. Repulsive smell - visible part health problems. You should break the habit or reduce your daily consumption to a minimum. Remember that when you start smoking, your usual life, health, and communication with others are at risk.

Garlic is a plant that has a large number of healing properties, is successfully used in cooking, alternative medicine, and goes harmoniously with meat, vegetables, fish dishes. The vegetable is added to soup, salad, marinade. But garlic has an obvious drawback - a specific persistent aromatic odor from the mouth, undesirable when communicating. The plant may contain compounds that, in combination with oral bacteria, cause a similar effect.

After consuming the product, the task arises: how to eliminate the unpleasant aroma? There are known methods to achieve desired result without outside help. The best thing is to prevent it from happening. Drink milk before eating. Calcium contained in the product interferes with the aroma of the plant. To sharply knock down the existing amber, different methods are used.

Mouth fresheners are great for removing odor.

If you have eaten garlic and need to remove the aroma in short term, refreshing preparations will come to the rescue. Found at the pharmacy kiosk. The price is affordable.

Use products based on natural remedies. They give freshness to your breath. The main thing is not to harm the stomach or oral mucosa. Preparations with the addition of mint, sage, chamomile, calendula, citrus fruits, and berries will have a beneficial effect. Please note that the duration of action is no more than 60 minutes. Then the cavity treatment will have to be repeated.

Products from the Swiss line R.O.C.S, the German line LACALUT, the Italian line PRESIDENT, the American line AMWAY, and the Russian line “Forest Balsam” are often recommended. Dentists suggest patients use solutions for dental pain: Miramistin, Chlorhexidine. The main condition is the absence of alcohol in the composition.

Maintaining personal hygiene rules

Hygiene procedures will easily help fight off the smell emitted by garlic and onions.

  • Brush your teeth after eating food directly. The duration of the procedure should exceed 5 minutes.
  • Remove deposits on the tongue with the back of the brush. This helps get rid of the unwanted effect.
  • Dentists recommend using dental floss, freeing the interdental space from trapped pieces.

Eliminating odor with nuts

Nuts – effective way cope with the difficulties that arise. Generations of experience have proven that eating nuts after dishes cooked with garlic immediately suppresses the flavor. Already in the stomach, the nuts will begin to kill the essential compound, which results in a special smell. If you are going to try garlic dishes, stock up on walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, and peanuts. It is necessary to use nutmeg with caution, adding it to ready dish, eat raw.

In case of repeated consumption of the plant, you will have to use the help of nuts often: immediately after the end of a meal, or at another time. If you do not follow the recommendations, after the body processes the eaten fruits, the essential compounds of garlic will continue to release unpleasant fumes during breathing.

Bay leaf help

If a person wants to hide the use of garlic, a bay leaf will help. Its components are essential oils that can remain in the body for a long time, along with the effect of the garlic compound. To get rid of the unwanted effect, take peeled bay tree leaves and chew for 5 minutes. The taste sensations cannot be called pleasant. During this time, it will enter the gastrointestinal tract required quantity oils, the smell will be neutralized in the mouth and stomach.

Citruses in the fight against aroma

Effective home method– eat a slice of orange, tangerine, lemon, pomelo, grapefruit. Add fruit to salads. The ability to suppress odors is inherent in fresh citrus fruits. If you expose them to heat, it will not be possible to cope with the task.

Do not think that only raw fruits are suitable for consumption. It is possible to create a drink or mouth rinse from them. Take an apple and lemon, chop and pour mineral water. You can use the resulting mixture at your discretion.

Peel – the most effective part citrus fruits. It suppresses unwanted odor and makes breathing pleasant for others and the person himself. To achieve the desired result, take the peel of a tangerine or orange and chew it.

Mint and other aromatic herbs eliminate unwanted aroma

Pleasant herbs include essential oils. Within a short period of time, they are able to suppress the resulting odor. If you have freshly picked herbs, just rinse them in clean water and chew for a few minutes. The dried product requires additional processing. It is supposed to be boiled and used as tea leaves. The resulting drug is recommended for use externally and internally.

Coltsfoot, St. John's wort, mint, yarrow, chamomile, and calendula will successfully help cope with the unpleasant sensation.

Green tea - a way to cope with garlic odor

The way to get rid of the smell of garlic by resorting to green tea is to drink the drink immediately after taking garlic. Remember, if the tea is too hot, the strong aroma will become stronger, wait until the tea is warm and drink. The tea collects essential oils that produce aroma when left in the mouth for a short time. To achieve the optimal effect, drink slowly, in small sips.

Other ways to eliminate repellent odors

It is not difficult to overcome the garlic smell. You will need to eat foods that will successfully cope with the task. The content of essential oils is welcome. Let's turn to folk wisdom:

  • Use fresh coffee beans, fry them in a frying pan, chew them, and at the end of the procedure, rinse your mouth with clean water. Then you can calmly communicate with people around you without worrying about anything.
  • If you want the effect to be eliminated in the stomach, slowly chew dill, parsley, and resort to eating wild garlic.
  • Spices and seasoning have an eliminating effect. Cinnamon, cardamom, star anise or cloves will remove garlic from your breath in two minutes. This method is absolutely edible.
  • Take three tablets of activated charcoal.
  • Chew menthol gum.
  • Rinse your mouth with the mixture: add a teaspoon of salt, soda, dry mustard to a glass of warm water. Rinse lasts 3 minutes.

How persistent is the unpleasant odor, and how quickly does it disappear?

It is known that the cause of the phenomenon that bothers a person after eating garlic is ethereal compounds. They are perceived extremely negatively by the body. The smell stays in the stomach for a long time, is transferred to the blood, reaches the lungs and penetrates the subcutaneous tissue. There is no immediate possibility of getting it out. The process takes more than two days. This means that people around are forced to inhale an unpleasant odor. Eliminating it with the help of healthy foods and spices will not give the desired result; essential oils will already be absorbed by the body.

The unwanted odor will not have time to penetrate the body; it must be neutralized in the first two hours after eating garlic. If food was taken in the evening, and the fight against the consequences began in the morning, harmful compounds had time to end up in the body’s blood. Any action will not give the desired effect. It will not be possible to drown out the smell.

How can you tell if a person has a garlic aroma?

The repulsive smell bothers everyone. Imagine: the smell of fresh garlic eaten comes from those nearby. They avoid them, trying not to inhale the fumes. To avoid undesirable situations, you will have to learn to determine how strongly a similar aroma manifests itself when eating garlic. This is not difficult to achieve.

Take a glass or plastic cup, press it tightly to your mouth, exhale. Quickly bring the contents to your nose and smell the contents. If an unpleasant odor is in the air, eliminate the consequences immediately. The sensation of garlic amber is easily determined by saliva. Lick your wrist, smell the area. The ideal option is to ask loved ones to give their impressions of the quality of their breathing.

Using onions you can cook very delicious dishes, the product complements various ingredients and can be used to treat many diseases.

After consuming fresh onions, the question often arises: how to get rid of the smell of onions from the mouth so that your breath still remains fresh?

Brushing your teeth

The very first thing you need to do to remove the smell of onions is to brush your teeth using mint paste. The method is simple, but ineffective, the result will not be what you want to expect.

The smell of onions will be muted only for a short period of time, but to increase the effectiveness, you must additionally use dental floss and remove any remaining onion between your teeth.

In addition to brushing your teeth, you need to remember to clean your tongue, since a lot of plaque collects on it, which spoils your breath.

Using spices

You can quickly get rid of the smell using various spices and spices that are used in cooking. It is recommended to use products that have a strong odor.

Due to this, they will interrupt the onion aroma. Cloves help a lot, chew them lightly and hold them in your mouth. This spice has a strong odor that remains in the mouth for a long time.

You can also use lemon balm leaves, which will leave a lemony aftertaste and breath. Mustard seeds are used to obtain fresh breath.

They are also chewed to neutralize bad aroma. You can add cardamom, cumin and coffee beans to the list of spices.

Alcohol as an odor remover

This method may seem strange, but it works. After onions, it is enough to drink 30-40 ml of vodka, cognac or whiskey and snack on the alcohol with a slice of lemon.

The bad breath will disappear almost immediately. This method is not suitable for people who need to drive a car.

In addition, the only way to get rid of a bad aroma is with alcohol. top quality and the drink must be strong. Light drinks are not suitable for this.

Quick methods to eliminate onion odor

When we eat onions, sulfur compounds begin to be released. It is to them that bacteria in the oral cavity begin to react, and an odor appears.

To get rid of the onion smell, before eating it, you need to cut it as finely as possible so that you have to chew less and swallow faster.

If onions are needed as an ingredient for a salad or other dish, then it must be doused with boiling water, due to this you can get rid of the substances that give the onions bitterness and odor.

You can eliminate unpleasant onion odor from your mouth using regular products that every person has:

  1. Essential oils. After brushing your teeth, you can rinse your mouth by adding a few drops of lemon or tea tree essential oil to a glass of water.
  2. Activated carbon. Such tablets can be used not only as adsorbents, but also to eliminate onion odor from the mouth. To have an effect, you will need to place and hold 1 tablet in your mouth for 5 minutes. The result appears quickly, but after use a black mark appears on the teeth and tongue. To get rid of black spots, you just need to rinse your mouth with water and lemon juice.
  3. Nuts. You can neutralize the smell of onions with nuts. Walnuts, pine nuts or almonds are suitable for this. To kill the smell, you will need to eat them immediately after the onions, so the smell goes away completely or becomes barely noticeable.
  4. Seeds. Such a tasty product can quickly remove amber from the mouth; to do this, you need to chew ordinary sunflower or pumpkin seeds; due to the oils contained in the composition, no one will hear the aroma of onions.
  5. Parsley. To freshen your breath after eating onions, chew a little fresh parsley.
  6. Fruits. If you don’t have any of the above on hand, you will need to eat a tangerine, an apple or a couple of lemon slices. These products can eliminate and slightly reduce the smell of onion from your mouth. Citrus fruits are good because their acidity serves as an antidote to unpleasant aroma.
  7. Vegetables. Many common foods can solve the problem of fresh breath, so it is recommended to eat some fried zucchini, potatoes or eggplants.
  8. Rinse aid. A mouthwash will quickly and efficiently solve the problem. You can buy it at a pharmacy or any other store, but it is very inconvenient to use it outside your home.
  9. Tea. Black tea with the addition of chocolate helps well in solving the problem; it neutralizes the smell of onions in the mouth and slightly freshens the breath. If there is no tea, then real coffee will do.
  10. Chewing gum. You can get rid of the smell for a few minutes by chewing gum, but the effect will last as long as the person chews it.

To minimize the unpleasant odor, you can drink more dairy products. For example, after onions it would be good to drink milk or yogurt. Within 1-2 hours you can get rid of the aroma.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies can also come to the rescue. How to remove the smell of onions from your mouth using traditional methods can be found in the following list:

  1. Green tea. This drink kills unpleasant odor in the mouth; the main thing is to drink it with the addition of a small amount of honey. The drink helps thanks to antioxidants that can destroy sulfur compounds. To prepare, add a pinch of tea leaves to a cup of boiling water and cover the container. After 5-10 minutes, add 1-2 tsp. honey to taste and drink. To completely remove the aroma, you will need to drink several cups of tea.
  2. Mint infusion. Mint always gives freshness to your breath and can help combat onion odor in your mouth. The problem is solved due to the natural antiseptic properties of the herb. To prepare, you will need to chop a little green plant and pour boiling water over it. After 10 minutes, you need to decant the infusion and add honey to taste. The smell will disappear after use. If you can’t make a drink, you can use the leaves and simply chew them for about 5 minutes.
  3. Vegetable oil. To prepare mouthwash, you need to mix 2 tbsp. oil and 1 tsp. salt. After preparing and dissolving the salt crystals, you will need to rinse your mouth with the solution and after a short amount of time the problem will disappear.
  4. A decoction of dill and mint. Dill and mint can remove any strong odors from the mouth and to prepare the drink, add some fresh dill and fresh mint leaves to boiling water. Boil the product for about 5 minutes and leave for half an hour to infuse. After preparation, you can drink the decoction to remove bad aroma from your mouth.
  5. A decoction of chamomile, strawberry and wormwood. This drink can not only get rid of the smell of onions, it also kills pathogenic bacteria and disinfects the oral cavity.

To prepare, you need to put 1 tbsp in a cup. mixture of herbs and pour in 250 ml of boiling water. After 30 minutes, you can use the decoction to rinse your mouth.

If you use food on the table correctly, then after eating onions your breath will remain fresh in your mouth.

To do this, you need to initially eat onions, and then use any first courses. They will clog the aroma or remove it completely.

Bad breath is an unpleasant thing both for its owner and for those around him. To avoid its occurrence, experts recommend carefully monitoring oral hygiene and visiting the dentist in a timely manner.

True, these measures do not guarantee fresh breath. For example, what about onion or garlic lovers? As soon as you eat a piece of herring with an onion ring, those around you begin to turn away and frown. What to do? Give up a healthy vitamin product? Ignore everyone who doesn't like the smell?There are many ways to eliminate onion aroma. Readers will learn about them from this article, but we will start from afar.

Why does my breath smell bad after eating onions?

When we chew garlic or onions, we damage their cells, resulting in the release of sulfur compounds - thiosulfides (we recommend reading:). Some of these substances interact with oral bacteria, which causes an unpleasant onion odor from the mouth, but what’s even worse is that thiosulfides are not digested in the stomach, but are immediately absorbed into the blood. From there they enter the lungs, after which they are expelled through the breath, which is not very pleasant for others.

In addition, the smell of onions penetrates a person’s sweat and other secretions, so it is not easy to “seize” the onion smell, because it nests not only in the mouth, but throughout the body.

How to remove or neutralize onion smell?

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The first step to take after eating onions is to rinse your mouth or brush your teeth (alternatively, chew gum). True, this will not be enough, because in this way we will only remove the remnants of this odorous product from the oral cavity and will not allow chemical reactions occur again and again, releasing new portions of aroma. In order to kill the smell of onions, there are several remedies, including both folk and medicinal ones.

The most effective folk methods

Wise people have invented many ways to get rid of unpleasant odors. Food, herbs, spices - all this, when used correctly, allows you to restore fresh breath and stop scaring others with bad breath. We present to our readers the most effective traditional methods and recipes.

Kill the smell with green tea

An effective folk remedy to get rid of onion smell is green tea.

Brew it in a cup, and when it cools, add a little honey instead of sugar. Not one, but several cups of tea will help completely remove the onion smell.

The effect of green tea is explained by its high content of antioxidants - substances that prevent oxidation (it is the oxidation of sulfur compounds that causes an undesirable aroma).

Mint will help mask the aroma

Mint will help freshen your breath if your breath smells like onions. Grind several stems of this herb in a blender and pour boiling water over it. The drink should be infused for about ten minutes. If you can’t tinker with the infusion, you can make it simpler: chew fresh mint leaves, which will help eliminate the unpleasant onion smell.

If green tea works due to antioxidants, then mint works due to its antiseptic properties. It destroys bacteria and neutralizes unpleasant odors.

Universal method - sunflower oil

Vegetable oil: sunflower or olive oil effectively combats the smell of onions. You can fry onions on it, and then there will be no smell, and if you still want to try raw onions, from vegetable oil Prepare a deodorizing rinse mixture. To do this, mix two tablespoons of oil with a pinch of salt - the rinse is ready.

Other recipes

There are other folk methods that help quickly get rid of the smell of onions:

  • drink a glass of milk,
  • chew parsley leaves, coffee beans or cardamom seeds,
  • drink a decoction of chamomile and wormwood,
  • The most delicious way is to eat nuts - pine nuts, walnuts, peanuts or hazelnuts.

Lemon juice effectively removes unwanted aromas. As you can see, there are more than enough options!

With the help of medications

Official pharmacology and medicine do not stand aside from the problem of bad breath. On pharmacy shelves there are many affordable, effective medications that allow you to quickly and reliably cope with the problem of a repellent aroma, and you do not need prescriptions to purchase these medications!

Various absorbents

Due to the fact that the cause of the onion smell lies not only outside (in the oral cavity), but also inside (in the blood and other human fluids), absorbents will help to radically get rid of it - activated carbon, Enterosgel and other pharmaceutical products. They can not only be taken orally, but also kept in the mouth for some time, which is guaranteed to cleanse the oral cavity of thiosulfides. True, the charcoal tablet will turn your mouth black, but this blackness is easily removed by rinsing.


Chlorophyllipt, a rich green liquid with a pronounced antiseptic effect, will help to urgently remove onion odor from your mouth. 5 milliliters of this product should be diluted in 200 grams of water and rinsed with mouth and teeth. We do not recommend spending money on expensive imported drugs - domestic medicine is just as effective.


Another effective and affordable drug that can remove onion odor is the drug Chlorhexidine. It can be used for rinsing, but it is better to purchase a special mouth rinse that contains this substance. Regular use of mouthwash will not only get rid of the frightening odor, but will also reduce the likelihood of caries, which is caused by none other than the same bacteria that live in abundance in the oral cavity.

Other means

Any pharmacy rinse is suitable not only for combating sore throat and toothache, but also for removing onion and garlic aromas. The exception is products that contain alcohol, which can intensify the odor.

  1. To prevent your breath from smelling like onions, use regular hydrogen peroxide, which is not only an antiseptic, but also an excellent bleaching agent.
  2. Anti-police tablets, Petrusha capsules, or special refreshing sprays that are guaranteed to eliminate bad breath can also fight off the smell of onions.

To reduce the likelihood of unpleasant odors, we recommend following these recommendations:

  • if possible, before using, marinate the onion in vinegar or pour over boiling water;
  • finely chopped onions leave behind less odor than coarsely chopped onions;
  • the smallest particles of onion can linger for a long time in the villi of the tongue, therefore, in addition to regular brushing of the teeth, we recommend brushing the tongue;
  • After consuming onions, use not only a toothbrush, but also floss.

By using one or more of these recommendations, you can eat onions with complete impunity! Bon appetit!

Onions are a very useful product. Its regular inclusion in the diet brings many benefits to the human body. But the vegetable causes an unwanted odor from the mouth after consumption. The reason lies in the chewing process itself. At this point, sulfur compounds are released, which react with the natural bacterial environment of the oral cavity. It is this contact that is the source of the smell, with which it is better not to appear in public, and especially not to communicate with personalities important to you. The problem is completely fixable. There are several excellent ways to help completely get rid of unpleasant sensations in the mouth after eating onions. Let's find out about them in detail.

If your hearty lunch consisted of salad with onions or you ate it as a snack with some dish, and later you have a meeting with business partners, do not be upset. The onion odor can be eliminated quickly and easily using available means and products. Here they are:

  1. Try brushing your teeth with mint paste, focusing special attention language. Brush it thoroughly with the rubber pad found on the back of a modern toothbrush.
  2. Rinse your mouth with warm water, after adding a few drops of lemon, orange or tea tree essential oil.
  3. Chew a slice of fresh lemon and a couple of fresh mint leaves for a few minutes.
  4. The smell of onions can be eliminated by spices with perfectly expressed taste qualities. Among them are cardamom seeds, coffee beans, ground natural coffee. These products must be chewed for several minutes, trying to cover the entire oral cavity with the pulp.
  5. Many foods on hand can be good absorbents. These are milk and walnuts, as well as parsley. You can drink milk immediately after eating onions, and simply chew nuts and parsley.
  6. A good absorbent is regular activated carbon. Just hold one tablet in your mouth for three or four minutes and the unpleasant odor will go away. The tongue and gums, however, will become black, which you can get rid of by rinsing your mouth with warm water and lemon juice.
  7. Fresh herbs do an excellent job of eliminating unwanted odor in the mouth after eating onions. Dill and parsley, a sprig of cilantro or celery will help eliminate discomfort in the oral cavity. These products just need to be chewed slowly - and the smell from the onions will disappear in a matter of seconds. This procedure will leave a dark mark on your tongue, which can be removed with a toothbrush and paste.
  8. Walnuts, almonds or pine nuts will also help eliminate the unpleasant consequences of consuming onions. They should be eaten immediately after eating onions. In this case, the smell will either go away completely or become less strong.
  9. Cinnamon can overcome the smell of onions. The product must be eaten with milk or tea.
  10. Fresh fruits and vegetables can reduce the odor: apple and pineapple, lemon and tangerine. They will not completely eliminate the smell, but will make it less pronounced.
  11. You can get rid of onion aroma by using mouthwash. Although you can only use it at home.
  12. Dairy products minimize the smell of onions: kefir, yogurt and sour cream.
  13. Green tea with the addition of fresh milk or strongly brewed natural coffee eliminates unpleasant sensations in the mouth and unwanted odor.
  14. Tea without sugar, but with natural dark chocolate, also helps to cope with the problem.
  15. In order not to think about how to quickly eliminate bad breath, it is better not to consume this vegetable before important meetings. But if this happens, then take our advice into account. They will help you make your breathing easy and enjoyable!

Gives aromatic, special taste to dishes onions, the use of which leaves a very unpleasant odor. This is especially true when a person needs to be in society. But there is absolutely nothing terrible if you know how to eliminate it, if it is caused only after eating food. But there are situations when a person who has not eaten onions may complain about their smell in case of certain diseases.

Milk is one of the best remedies for fighting onion odor in the mouth.

There are many folk methods, as well as special preparations, that help remove any unpleasant odor in the mouth, including onions. But first of all, it is important to maintain oral hygiene, in particular, rinse your mouth after every meal and regularly brush your teeth with hygiene products. So, what and how to quickly remove the smell of onions from your mouth?

The following methods will help:

  • milk - the best remedy to combat unpleasant odors. Just drink a glass of milk and everything will disappear quickly enough;
  • lemon zest will help to effectively get rid of the smell of onions and garlic in a short time if you eat a piece of the product;
  • eat nuts immediately after eating;
  • rinse your mouth with plain water after eating;
  • chewing parsley;
  • in a short time, cleaning the tongue and teeth with hygienic pastes will eliminate the smell in the mouth after eating onions;
  • Chewing gum can dull an unpleasant odor;
  • cardamom seeds are an excellent onion odor fighter. It is enough to chew one grain and you will immediately feel fresh breath.

If you don't have cardamom at home, you can easily replace it with coffee beans. There are also a number of other ways to get rid of odor, such as black tea, spicy seasonings that should be chewed for 15 minutes (cinnamon, cloves, coriander and others).

Methods that help eliminate onion odor from the mouth allow you to consume this valuable product at any time, anywhere. It has many beneficial properties, and it is not for nothing that there has long been such a saying as onions cure seven ailments.

Useful properties

Onions are a source of vitamins B, C, minerals, and essential oils that are valuable for the body. The special wealth of onions consists of a sufficient amount of iron for the human body, which is contained in any type of valuable vegetable (raw, fried, boiled).

Onions are an excellent antiseptic

Onions go well with liver. Also, the sufficient potassium content in the product has beneficial influence on the heart and its system. Elements such as carotene, folic acid, biotin are contained in the juice of green feathers. Onions are also rich in sugar, found in hot varieties.

The main beneficial properties of onions include:

  • increased appetite, tone;
  • digestion improves;
  • onions are an excellent antiseptic;
  • bactericidal, anti-inflammatory properties;
  • the product is effective in the fight against low blood pressure;
  • prevents the formation of cancer cells due to the content of flavonoids;
  • has an antisclerotic and antidiabetic effect.

Thanks to a large number beneficial properties of the product, it must be consumed in almost any form every day

Some people apply the pieces to their heels during a cold for a quick recovery. Raw vegetables contain many useful components, but during processing it does not lose its properties. It is eaten in salads, sandwiches, or added to soups, meats, and stews. Currently, not a single cook in the world can do without onions, which, in addition to their healing properties, give dishes special taste qualities. The bulbs themselves and green leaves are useful in cooking; they are used for seasoning salads, canned food, etc. various dishes from meat, vegetables, sauces, gravies. It also goes great with cheeses, cottage cheese, and just salted bread.

Pharmaceutical products to combat onion odor


The main reason for the appearance of an unpleasant onion odor in the mouth after consuming the product is considered to be the interaction of oral bacteria with sulfur compounds that are released from onions.

An unpleasant factor affecting odor is caries. Too unpleasant can become worse when onion particles enter cavities affected by caries, where they interact with bacteria and begin to rot. Accordingly, it is not always possible to get rid of an unpleasant odor effectively in a short time folk remedies, or simple hygiene. Hygiene is extremely necessary, first of all, with thorough care of the entire oral cavity. You should also consult a doctor for treatment of the disease.

Can help eliminate odors pharmaceutical drugs, How:

Why does onion smell linger in your mouth for a long time?

Many people often do not want to eat dishes containing onions, because they do not know how and how to eliminate the smell of onions from the mouth, which persists for a long time. But first you need to figure out where in the oral cavity this problem persists for so long.

The smell of onions persists after eating them on the tongue, which contains taste fibers that create roughness.

It is very unpleasant and can have an irritating effect on people around you. Micro particles entering the oral cavity get stuck in them and decompose under the action of saliva, which is called an aftertaste. For this reason, the bad breath from onions and a number of other products, such as garlic, persists for a long time.

In addition to the listed methods of combating odor, you can use the following recommendations:

Onions, like garlic, improve the health of the entire body and teeth in particular.

The listed methods, how and with what to eliminate the smell of onion from the mouth, using various products, components, medicinal solutions, preparations, rinses, will help every person feel comfortable in any environment. They also allow you to eat your favorite vegetable in any dish and in any form. If the odor persists for a long time and the products used are unable to eliminate it, it is necessary to consult a specialist for advice and conduct a comprehensive examination for the presence of diseases.