Swimming in a pool with clean water according to the dream book. Seeing a pool and swimming in a dream: what does it mean?

Swimming pool in a dream- Swimming pool with clean, clear water dreams of improving your affairs.
Seeing you drowning in the pool- you have to overcome unexpected difficulties in order to achieve your goal.
If the pool in your dream was empty- it means that sadness reigns in your soul, you are emotionally devastated and need rest.
If in a dream you are pushed into a pool and you fall into it, this means gossip.
If you dreamed of a pool, namely that you were swimming in it, then such a dream foretells you very strong love feelings that will make you forget about your direct affairs and responsibilities.
If you dreamed that the pool was filled with muddy or dirty water, it means that troubles await you ahead.
If you dreamed that there was blood in the pool, it means that you will be in conflict with people close to you.
If you dreamed that you were drowning in a pool, it means that troubles await you in your personal life.
If in a dream you are swimming in a cold pool in the middle of winter, this means great difficulties.
If in a dream you swam in the pool, then in the near future your social status will strengthen and perhaps grow. You will be included in the company influential people that will help you significantly change your life and your worldview.
If the water is warm- on the contrary, to good luck and luck.
If you bathe in it in a dream, it means success or profit awaits you.
If you do not dare to go into the pool in a dream, this means that you are surrounded by traitors who can let you down at any moment.
Pour water in there- you can make money out of nothing.
Swimming in a pool and feeling spiritual pleasure in a dream means happy love.
Swim in such water- to illness.
Swim in a dream with clean and clear water- may mean that a holiday will definitely come on your street. You just need to believe and wait. Also, such a dream means that an early and important meeting awaits you, be prepared for it. An unexpected meeting with a rather old acquaintance to whom you were completely indifferent in the past is possible.
A pool full of water dreams of successful deeds, an empty one - of powerlessness.
To feel the satisfaction of swimming in a pool in a dream means that in reality you are simply overwhelmed by worries and you need to rest.
The swimming pool you dreamed of can also symbolize whirlwind romance, which you will plunge headlong into in the very near future. However, do not forget that you have other things and responsibilities that you need to fulfill in order to stay afloat. Don't make rash decisions about your relationship with the object of your passion, because after a while you will look at it from a completely different angle.
The dream in which you dreamed of a swimming pool can be interpreted in different ways. First of all, it means that you will soon achieve success in business and personal life, and also make new good friends.
Drain the pool- miss the chance, luck.
Seeing an empty pool in a dream means the emptiness that has settled in your soul after you part with your loved one. After all, your existence was focused on him, and now you simply have no ideas and thoughts of what to do to forget about the loss. But believe me, you are worthy better relationship.
Cleaning a pool in a dream- to a successful deal.

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You dreamed in the middle of the night beautiful picture? For example, relaxing on the shore of a clean swimming pool? The brightness and serenity of the plots can sometimes be deceptive. The dream book does not always interpret the pool positively. More often, a person is advised to think about his behavior and pressing matters. Let's take a closer look.

Clean pool

The dream book deciphers the image as a positive omen. If the water turned out to be clear, the sun was hot, and you experienced euphoria from a carefree vacation, then something similar awaits you in life. But experiencing some inconvenience during night vision is not good sign. Most likely, some annoying person will disturb your quiet existence with petty nagging or strange requests. It is advisable to push him outside of your social circle. Let him stick to someone else. When discussing why you dream of a pool, remember its size. Little will predict very limited income, which, however, will not disturb your peace. And a huge body of water predicts that the cup of your life will be overflowing with all kinds of benefits and pleasures. The dream book considers swimming in the pool a sign of an ambulance fateful meeting. For a girl, this is definitely an acquaintance with her future husband.

Dry pool

If we draw an analogy with a full bowl, then a picture telling of an artificial container devoid of water does not bode well. The dream book considers an empty pool a sign of a person’s lack of ability to cope with impending dangers. A series of bitter losses and terrible disappointments awaits him. Money will pass by such an unfortunate person, and friends will sink into oblivion. You will have to figure out a way out of the situation alone, being an example of perseverance. Otherwise, you are in danger of an abyss of terrible despair from which there is no escape. The dream book recommends taking an empty pool as advice not to rely on unfamiliar people. Such an image foreshadows bankruptcy due to one’s excessive gullibility. Keep in mind that there are still plenty of scammers in the world. Not everyone is trying to outwit other people now; one may be looking at you. Be careful!

Swim in swiming pool

To a person involved in sports, such a plot may mean nothing. It’s just that fatigue makes itself felt, presenting options for active relaxation. Other individuals who are looking for an answer to the question of why they dream of a pool are advised to recall their emotions. Did you enjoy being in the cool water? Life will flow freely, like a gentle river. There is no reason to worry or worry. It's a different matter if you frolicked in hot water. This means that the wide gates of wonderful mutual passion are opening before you. Pleasure and excitement will mix in a whimsical kaleidoscope, endowing the dreamer with the splendor of sensual experiences. Lovers need to be concerned about the condition of their partner if they dreamed cold water. Swimming pool (dream book in in this case unambiguous), filled with icy liquid, is a sign of a rapid cooling of feelings. Sometimes such a vision predicts a terrible betrayal that cuts to the very heart.

Dirty pool

Diseases can attack someone who sees an artificial pond filled with disgusting liquid. The dirtier the water and the more unpleasant the memories in the morning, the more difficult it will be to get rid of the sticky disease. It is recommended to engage in hardening and other preventive procedures. Such a dream will bring severe aggravation to the patient. It is better to consult a doctor immediately, without waiting for a dangerous condition. There is no point in delaying in this situation. If you dream of a pool with dirty water - “blow on the milk”, there will be no need to take precautions. And if you were still swimming in it, you will have to endure the attacks of gossips. It will be especially painful when you realize that these dark rumors were started by one of the people dear to you. When in a dream you manage to cleanse yourself of dirt from the pool, then the machinations of evil-tongued slanderers will pass by unnoticed. And even if you become aware of their inventions, they will only cause laughter. When, instead of liquid, an artificial reservoir is filled with dust, this is a dream of obstacles. Swimming in a pool with broken tiles or a broken ladder means that others will misperceive your ideas. We will have to defend their correctness in heated but friendly debates. As a result, you may find in some people staunch supporters of your original worldview. Be bolder.

Pool with feces (sorry)

A wonderful story: you enjoy the warmth and transparency of the surrounding water, your deft movements, the lightness of your body... and suddenly you see, um, waste ahead! You look around, and they practically surrounded you! Horrible, you say? But no. Great dream! Not only will life turn out great, but you will also have a chance to get a stable source of very serious income! Dreaming of a pool with clean water and feces means wealth. But dirty liquid diluted with them is a completely different matter. This is a harbinger of gossip, diseases, debilitating in numbers and stickiness. After such a vision, don’t even show your nose on the street. Everyone you meet will consider it their duty to shame you or mock you.

Afraid of the pool

If you dream that you really want to dive into the water, but only fear gets in the way, then show more determination in life. Most likely, you have already missed many chances to prove yourself, but only the good Angel, with enviable persistence, provides them one after another. Have a conscience, use at least one. Do not anger your heavenly protector. In general, the dream should push you towards self-realization. Take one small step after another - so success will be at arm's length without you even noticing it. But the fear of a dirty pool speaks of the dreamer’s suspiciousness. You are looking for witches and enemies where they cannot be. Believe me, there are many more kind and positive people than evil ones. Believe in your star!

Dive into the pool

If you dreamed that you were going to jump into the water from a great height, then get ready for drastic changes in your personal life. Just around the corner, a completely different world will open before you, full of incredible feelings, unknown joys, happy excitement. You only need to take a couple of steps, of course, if in the dream you took a chance and jumped. Otherwise you will have to wait. You are not yet ready for the passion that penetrates the innermost corners of your soul. Seeing in a dream how a child dives into a pool, bursting with laughter and frolicking, means that a favorable time is coming for the realization of a secret dream. Believe in yourself and act immediately.

Swim with your loved one

If in a dream you were in the pool in the company of dear person, then before solving, remember all the details and nuances in as much detail as possible. Clean, gentle water, bright sky, a beautiful landscape will suggest that the relationship will only delight you with stability and reciprocity. The dirt in the pool should prepare you for attacks from rivals with a rich but dirty imagination. Don't listen to these "poor" envious women. They are not worth darkening their happiness and offending their loved one with mistrust because of their inventions. When you see the two of you swimming from one end of the pond to the other and back, then it’s time to pack your bags. Soon there will be a romantic trip (maybe already planned for a long time). Diving together from a tower means the implementation of a joint project that will make you even closer and closer.

There are many beautiful dreams that give us inner peace and tranquility. After such nights, you wake up as if after a long meditation.

Swimming has a beneficial effect on the human body, on both its physical and emotional state. You can dive, swim, frolic - any contact with water is beneficial. But swimming in the pool in your night dreams is an opportunity to feel yourself and be alone with yourself.

To understand why you dream of a pool, you need to take the right approach to the interpretation of the dream. So, the dream book associates a swimming pool with success, both in love affairs and in the professional sphere. Let us dwell in more detail on the main details of the dream.

  • Size.
  • Empty or filled.
  • Is the water clean?
  • Swim or dive?
  • Other options.

Size, filling and water quality

If in front of you there is a small and shallow pool, like in an average sauna, then that means a little joy awaits you. Your loved one will give you a pleasant surprise.

If you dreamed of a small pool, but very deep, then such a vision promises a meeting with interesting person, who will be unpretentious in appearance, but you will be immersed in communication with him headlong. Perhaps this person will later become your partner.

Seeing an ordinary swimming pool in a dream, like in sports complexes, means that you have a reliable rear. You are surrounded by people who will give you a helping hand and support you at any time. Also such a pool as he says Autumn dream book, promises success in love affairs.

If in front of you is a huge jacuzzi, overflowing, then a real sea of ​​impressions awaits you. You will experience incomparable delight and inner rejoicing. And a new acquaintance will give you these feelings, who will help you get to know yourself from a new side.

An empty, uncleaned pool in a dream, with dry twigs lying at the bottom, speaks of your spiritual emptiness. Apparently, you experienced a serious loss and the resulting cavity has not yet been filled. Try to move on, gradually “filling” yourself with something pure and perfect.

A reservoir that is filled only to the middle, so that the water there is knee-deep or a little more, means that you are not ready to achieve new goals. Don’t try to create something new at the end of your strength: you need complete and honest rest. Until your mind calms down, you will not get a decent result.

If you dreamed of a pool full of water, then this indicates inner fullness. Soon you will complete an important task, achieve your desired goal and feel the taste of victory. Get ready to bathe in champagne! Also Noble dream book A pool filled with water is considered a symbol of material well-being.

If the water in the reservoir was clean, it means that the intentions of the people who are near you are pure. If a young girl has such a dream, it means that her admirer is an honest and sincere person, he can be trusted.

If you dream of a swimming pool with cloudy, dirty water, this indicates that you do not holistically see the situation happening around you. According to Miller's dream book, there is a certain undercurrent hidden from your eyes, so do not make decisions hastily, but turn to the voice of your mind and intuition.

Seeing that the blue paths are filled with poisoned water means that betrayal may await you. To avoid this, you should reconsider your relationships with loved ones and not let others into your affairs in the near future.

Swim or dive?

Swimming in a reservoir filled with clean water is a pleasant pastime. No noisy party awaits you, but you will be able to be alone with yourself, enjoying the peace and tranquility.

Filling the pool with clean water means financial stability. You will be able to start your own business, which will bring both material and moral satisfaction.

Swimming in a pool with other people means that your friends and colleagues will be involved in your success. Appreciate your close connection with the people around you, because they are the key to your well-being. Diving and splashing around in the “paddling pool” with children means the appearance of an heir. Also, according to Miller’s dream book, such a dream promises you fun in a friendly company.

So, the answers to the question of why you dream of a pool are in front of you, and only you can decide what this vision will bring into your life. Let you have any dreams, remember that you control fate, and not it controls you.

If in a dream you were lucky enough to see a pool with clean water, then rest assured - everything will turn out well. Why do you still dream about this image? The dream book will tell you about the most truthful interpretations.

An affair and a quick sobering up

If in a dream there was a pool with clean water, and you happened to swim in it, then the dream book thinks that a love affair is expected. Unfortunately, the pleasant times will not last long and the sobering up will be very harsh.

If someone close to you happens to swim in the pool, then a very difficult period begins, requiring the mobilization of all resources. But these events will make you a different person.

How did you feel?

Why do you dream about swimming indoors? If in a dream it did not bring pleasure, then in real life there is a threat of separation from a loved one.

I dreamed that I had to swim in too cold, even though cleanest water? The dream book claims that you are destined for trials that will help you change your future life and make it better and cleaner.

Interpretation according to Miller

Mr. Miller's dream book is sure that for a young girl who happened to see a pool of clean water and swim in it, the dream is favorable. It guarantees a meeting with a true friend and stabilization of the situation.

To good changes

Did you dream that you were lucky enough to swim in a beautiful pool? The vision means that good changes will happen soon.

If you enjoy sailing, you will make a big profit. If swimming caused difficult experiences, then the person you relied on will let you down.

You can do it!

Why dream of diving into a pool of clear water? The dream book thinks that you will be attracted by a romantic feeling. This same vision warns that there is a very difficult business to be undertaken.

If you happened to dive into clear water in a dream, then you will find a solution to a difficult problem. Seeing others jumping means traveling in a funny company. For lovers, diving into the pool means the best wishes will come true.

Other interpretations

The dream book offers a number of other decodings that will help make the correct interpretation of the dream.

  • Preparing to jump means risky business and temptation.
  • Diving from a great height can mean success in an extremely dubious enterprise.
  • From a small tower - to the completion of a certain task.
  • From the side - to faithful partners.
  • Choking while diving means unpleasant consequences of your plan.

Do not be afraid!

Why else would you dream of such a vision? Jump in a dream clean pool- to make an important, truly global decision. However, the dream book is confident that the final interpretation of the image depends on the personal attitude and emotions in the dream.

If a young lady swims in a pool in a dream- This good dream: Her dignity and decency will help her find a true friend and strengthen her position in society.

Freud's Dream Book

If you dreamed about swimming in a pool- this means that in the near future you will plunge headlong into the feeling of love and completely forget about your responsibilities and affairs. It will seem to you that you have never experienced a stronger feeling in your life. However, sobering up will come very quickly, literally after you enter into an intimate relationship with this person. Something about him will disappoint you.

Empty swimming pool- personifies the emptiness that reigns in your soul after breaking up with a partner. Your whole life was focused on him alone, and now you simply don’t know what to do with yourself so as not to constantly think about your loss. Since this has happened, wouldn’t it be better to think about yourself and realize that you deserve better. After all, the reason for the breakup was your immense adoration for the object of your passion.

Dream book for a bitch

Pool- yours positive features character will attract true friends and help strengthen your position in society.

Modern combined dream book

Admiring a swimming pool in a dream- portends long-term erotic pleasures.

Swim in the clear, beautiful water of the pool- a very good sign. You will be recognized in society, your friends will be loyal to you; for a young girl- her dignity and decency will help her find a true friend.

If the pool is dirty, cold water- you will have minor troubles.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Swim in a pool with clean clear water- that means there will still be a holiday on your street.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Seeing yourself in a pool, and then swimming happily in a large pool- meeting the person you were counting on will be unfavorable.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Swim in the pool- to monetary profits.

Pouring water into the pool- make money out of nothing.

Pouring water out of the pool- miss out on luck.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A young woman who dreams that she is swimming in a pool- can count on soon meeting a man who matches her ideal, and her business and moral qualities will help her strengthen her position among colleagues and partners.

If she dreams that she is swimming naked- this means that in reality she will find solace in a secret love affair, which may lead to illness or loss of attractiveness.

If she sees naked men swimming in the pool- this means she will have many fans.

Women's dream book

Swimming in a pool in a dream- portends a strong love feeling that will make you forget about your responsibilities and affairs. However, disappointment will come very quickly, and this will happen after you enter into an intimate relationship with your chosen one.

Empty swimming pool- personifies the emptiness that reigns in your soul after breaking up with a partner. Your whole life has been focused on him alone, and now you simply don’t know what to do with yourself so as not to constantly think about your loss. Believe me, you deserve better.

General dream book

In a dream you are standing on the edge of a pool- be careful, because you can take a careless step that will lead to irreversible consequences.

If you dreamed that you were swimming in a pool- soon, thanks to your attractiveness, you will make new friends and achieve success in life.

You watched someone swim in the pool- soon one of your relatives will achieve success in life, and then they will help you too.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing a pool with clean water in a dream- to fulfill your desires, to drown in it - achieving your goal will give rise to unforeseen difficulties.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

Swimming in a pool in a dream- for an imminent and important meeting for you, be prepared for it. Maybe you will meet with one of your old acquaintances, to whom you were there before not indifferent.

If you swam in a pool in a dream as well as you can do it in reality- this means that in the near future they will make you an offer that will seem very profitable, and you will gladly accept it. In fact, you need to use all your discernment to help you find out exactly whether this offer is trustworthy. It is quite possible that they want to deceive you, do not fall for the bait!

Seeing someone close to you swimming in the pool- there comes a time in your life big changes, which will captivate you so much that after the end of this turbulent period you will feel like a different person. These changes affect all areas of life - from family relationships to work and professional activities.

If in a dream you really liked swimming in the pool and you did it with great pleasure- this means that in reality you are too overwhelmed by everyday worries, you are unable to leave the daily bustle and at least get some rest. Be careful, otherwise you will exhaust yourself too much.

If you didn’t like being in the pool for one reason or another (the water was cold, just in a bad mood, etc.)- the dream indicates that you will have to part with a close friend for some time. This may be due to his trip to another city on vacation or a business trip. Although you will both miss each other, the separation will pass quickly and almost unnoticed.

Jump from a tower in the pool- you are standing on the threshold of some very important, global decision concerning the whole later life. This decision will entail strong changes, which will primarily affect your future.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

The pool is full- luck; empty- absence vitality. The general situation is determined by the quality of the water.