The most terrible and interesting people. The ugliest person in the world: biography, history and interesting facts. People with the widest tongue

Beauty is, of course, a relative concept, although the fashion and cosmetics industry tells us otherwise. There is another common expression - beauty is in the eye of the beholder. All this is true, but let's be honest with ourselves: there are many people in the world whose appearance does not correspond to our idea of ​​beauty. And if some people were born not very beautiful or became so due to tragic circumstances, then others “worked” to their heart’s content on their appearance at will. We offer you a rating of the most terrible people in the world.

"The Scariest Woman in the World" - Lizzie Velazquez

A girl named Lizzie Velazquez, let's face it, does not have an attractive appearance. They even call her the most scary woman in the world. And people who saw videos of her on Youtube left dozens of the most offensive comments that the imagination is capable of.

She was advised to never go outside, not to look in the mirror and even to commit suicide immediately - fortunately, Lizzie was strong enough to answer the haters. She became a motivational speaker (following Nick Vujicic, who was born without both arms and legs).

Lizzie Velasquez suffers from a rare disease - Wiedemann-Rautenstrauch syndrome. She can't gain weight no matter how much she eats, and she's blind in one eye. Every day is a struggle with death, but Lizzie participates in medical research, writes books and does not hide from life.

The Man Who Had His Face Removed - Jason Shechterly

Jason Schechterly was dubbed the ugliest man on the planet by the tabloids. He was the most ordinary American guy - he served in the police, went to the bar after work and looked after girls. But he had to go through a great tragedy. In 2001, he suffered fourth degree burns. It happened at work - Jason was driving a patrol car. In the car full speed ahead a taxi crashed. Moreover, the blow was so strong that both cars burst into flames like a match.

Unfortunately for Jason, he was unable to get out of the car right away. Firefighters and rescuers arrived quickly; they managed to pull Jason out of the pile of metal and save his life. But the burns were so severe that the surgeons actually had nothing to save: the skin on the face was completely burned. The young policeman received a skin transplant, but not a trace remained of his quite pretty appearance.

One publication even published a photograph of Jason Schechterly - the one where his wife hugs him. For this photo, the photographer who photographed the couple received several awards (and a lot of money). And Shechterli himself immediately filed a lawsuit against the newspaper. Naturally, he won the case. And now the corporation that runs the publication is paying a considerable amount of money to a fund to support burn victims. In addition, by a court decision, the newspaper employees who allowed the photo to get into the issue were deprived of their jobs.

The Chinese Yu Junchang has a rare atavism: he is almost completely covered with hair. Since people are usually horrified when they see something unusual, the young man was also “honored” by the media as one of the ugliest people in the world. However, the editors of uznayvse.rf note that he is not particularly worried about this. Yu Junchan willingly participates in numerous talk shows, gives interviews and in all programs says that his heart is free and he will gladly give it to the girl he likes.

Girl with tattoos of everything in the world

A young woman with a not-so-sounding surname, Gnuse, is unlucky with her health: she has porphyria. American Julia Gnuse suffers from a rare disease: she cannot be in the sun, the light causes blisters on her skin. To hide the disease, she began to apply tattoos to her skin, but the effect was purely cosmetic.

Julia Gnuse covered 95 percent of her skin with tattoos and entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most tattooed woman in the world. She spent many years fighting the disease and posing in front of reporters' cameras (she received the nickname Painted Lady in the press): she believed that a serious illness was not a reason to hide from the world. In 2016, Julia died at the age of 48.

The most terrible people in the world who did this to themselves voluntarily

Brazilian Elaine Davidson boasts a huge amount of scrap metal on her face: she wears at least three kilograms of piercings on it around the clock. 2,500 tattoos complement the crazy look. Elaine Davidson moved to Edinburgh and runs an aromatherapy shop there. It’s good that she doesn’t have to go to the office - it’s unlikely that any large corporation would hire such an exotic (and, to be honest, scary) looking lady.

Kala Kawai once failed to stop his passion for body modification in time and covered 75% of his body with tattoos. But, apparently, this was not enough for him, and he decided to make his tongue like a snake, bifurcating the tip, and also grow silicone bumps on his forehead, resembling cones, and attach metal horns to his head. However, a completely prosaic motive is also possible: he decided to become a living advertisement for his own tattoo studio in Hawaii.

Lizard Man

Once upon a time, the lizard man Eric Sprague was a respectable member of society, wore a suit and went to work - to the University of Albany. But one day everything changed. We at the site’s editorial office don’t know exactly what prompted Sprague to do all this to himself, but the fact remains: the American, who is considered the founder of the body modification movement (decorative changes made to one’s own body), gradually turned into a lizard.

Speech by the scary lizard man Eric Sprague

He was “helped” in this by numerous tattoos, stylized reptile skin, piercings, and most importantly, a terrible forked tongue. In addition, Eric Sprague sharpened his teeth. Now he makes a living by showing all this stuff for money, and also by swallowing fire, hanging himself directly by the skin on hooks and doing other similar things.

The scariest person in the world: Cat Man

His name is Dennis Avner. But he gained great popularity under the nicknames Cat, Tiger Man or Man-Cat. Dennis changed his appearance not because he wanted to stand out from the crowd in an original way or because he was sick. Since childhood, the man was attracted to the image of a tiger - and at some point his love for cats crossed all conceivable limits.

Today it's emblazoned on Dennis's body great amount tattooed stripes that imitate tiger stripes. In total there are more than a hundred of them. Dennis Avner's teeth are specially sharpened to resemble a cat's. The upper lip was surgically bifurcated, and to change the shape of his face, the man needed implants placed in the forehead and eyebrows. Tiger Man also had his hairline corrected. And to enhance the similarity, she regularly extends her nails.

Hobbies for body modification and the passion to endlessly “improve” oneself do not lead to good things. We invite you to read about the “terribly beautiful” stars who once went under the plastic surgeon’s knife - but could not stop.
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Man is not alone in the world

The Book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible says: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1), that is, God created the heavens, the world of spiritual beings, and the earth, the world of physical phenomena. God is the Spirit, penetrating everything, creating everything and protecting everything. To believe in God means to live and be in His spirit and truth. By his spiritual nature, every person belongs to the region of the invisible world, along with all people who have died since the beginning of time; all generations that have left the earth live in another world, in a different plane of the universe, in a different dimension of existence. “God is not the God of the dead, but of the living; with Him all are alive,” says the Holy Scripture. "

After the destruction of our fragile, so fragile earthly body, we people (whether we want it or not) will move into the mysterious realm of the spirit and discover to the end the essence of our character and the moral potential of our personality... Our thoughts, feelings and desires, especially attractions to good and repulsion from evil, no longer belong to the material world; but spiritual. Although the material world influences us from different sides, our personality always remains free to accept or not accept this or that moral decision, to relate one way or another to any physical phenomenon...

Human life is deep, great in its possibilities. human personality; as in a mirror she is able to reflect God's perfection. It is not only religion that speaks the truth about God the Creator; all nature, all life and the essence of things proclaims it. The world... was created according to the Divine plan by the power of the great creative will of God. Just as an insect does not understand man’s plans, so man is unable to comprehend all the secrets of the Divine world; he comprehends only what God himself reveals to him. The essence of even the smallest blade of grass in the world is as mysterious as the existence of the greatest star worlds.

In his book "Man Is Not Alone" ex-president New York Academy of Sciences Cressy Morrison says that people are now at the dawn of the scientific era, and every new discovery reveals to them with greater strength and brightness the work of the all-wise Creator... “As for me,” says Morrison, “I have seven reasons for faith. First of all, based on the inviolable laws of mathematics, it is possible to prove that our universe was conceived and created by a great constructive Mind. The presence of living organisms on our planet presupposes such an incredible number of all kinds of conditions for their existence that the coincidence of all these conditions cannot be a matter of chance. The earth, for example, spins on its axis at only thousands of miles per hour. If it rotated at a hundred miles per hour, our days and nights would be ten times longer, and the sun would burn our plants during that day. , while this long night Even those very small sprouts that could appear during the day would freeze. Further, the earth is removed from the sun exactly at such a distance at which the fire of the sun warms us enough, but not too much. If it sent us only 50 degrees less or more heat, we would either freeze or die from the heat.

The earth has an elliptical tilt of twenty-three degrees, giving rise to different seasons; without this tilt, vapors rising from the ocean would move along a north-south line, piling up ice on our continents. If the moon were only fifty thousand miles away, instead of some two hundred and forty thousand miles away, our ocean tides would be so enormous that they would flood our land twice a day... If our atmosphere were thinner, burning meteorites (which burn up in millions in space) would hit our earth every day from different directions, producing fires... These examples and many others show that there is not one chance in a million that life on our planet was an “accident”.

The American scientist cites a number of other truths and evidence that are revealed during the study of nature, which also lead him straight to the Creator, God. Revealing the amazingness of the order that reigns in matter, he says that “the organization of the material requires us to recognize that only infinite Wisdom could have ordained and arranged such an amazing government of the world”...

Morrison also says that the fact that man can perceive the idea of ​​God “is already, in itself, indisputable proof of His existence.” And in this ability of man to know and love the Creator, the scientist quite correctly sees human greatness.

With his free, honest thought, faith as the highest spiritual intuition and prayer, a person can instantly cover all the distance that separates him from God. Prayer is the true nourishment of the spirit and the revival of the immortal being in man; it is the highest enlightenment of man. Whoever wants to pray to God will find prayer, and whoever finds it will never leave it, because there is no greater good and happiness for a person than to talk with God - to realize and feel his living, personal communication with the Creator, infinite love and truth. Every person who has not completely extinguished his spirit yearns for His love and truth.

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Chapter XIX. Christ was not just a man, born of Joseph, but true God, born of the Father, and true man, born of a virgin 1. And again, those who claim that He was only a simple man, born of Joseph, being in the slavery of ancient disobedience die, have not yet

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16. When Joseph saw Benjamin (his brother, his mother’s son) among them, he said to the ruler of his house, “Bring these people into the house and kill some of the livestock and prepare it, for these people will eat with me at midday.” 17 And the man did as Joseph had said, and the man brought in

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35. a kind person out of a good treasure he brings forth good things, and evil person from an evil treasure he brings out evil. (Luke 6:45). Those. when there is a lot of good in the heart, then good things come out; and when there is a lot of evil, then

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45. So the servants returned to the chief priests and Pharisees, and they said to them, “Why did you not bring Him?” 46. ​​The servants answered: Never has a man spoken like this Man. 47. The Pharisees said to them, “Have you also been deceived? 48. Did any of the rulers believe in Him, or

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15. The Pharisees also asked him how he received his sight. He said to them, “He put clay on my eyes, and I washed, and I see.” 16. Then some of the Pharisees said, “This man is not from God, because he does not keep the Sabbath.” Others said: how can a sinful person perform such miracles? AND

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11. I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to You. Holy Father! keep them in your name, those whom You gave Me, so that they might be one, just as We are. Here appears a seemingly new motive for prayer for the apostles. They are left alone in this hostile world - Christ leaves them. Father

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God is lonely One seeker of Truth once dreamed that he was in heaven. He saw crowds of people there. After inquiring what was happening, he learned that today was God's Birthday. The seeker thanked his fate: finally his thirst to see God would be satisfied! He

Our planet amazes us with its diversity, and sometimes we see things that seem to have wandered to us from parallel universe. Among them are people whose amazing stories, unusual appearance or strange actions attract everyone's attention and become small sensations.

1. Avtara Singha

The man wears a huge traditional Punjabi turban called a pagdi every day. The headdress weighs 45 kilograms and consists of 645 meters of fabric. The 60-year-old Indian man has been wearing it regularly for the past 16 years, despite spending six hours a day wrapping the turban.

2. Thai Ngoc

64-year-old Thai Ngoc has not slept for 35 years in a row. He stopped sleeping after he had the flu back in 1973, and has now spent 11,700 sleepless nights counting sheep in an unsuccessful attempt to sleep. However, prolonged insomnia did not affect his health in any way.

3. Kalim

Each hand of 8-year-old Kalim weighs 8 kilograms and reaches a length of 33 centimeters - from the base of the palm to the end of the middle finger. Kalim is not able to do many, even the simplest, things that boys his age do with ease. His parents earn only $22 a month and are desperately trying to find help for their son, but to no avail. Even those doctors who would like to help him do not know how to do it.

4. Jen Bricker

American Jen Bricker was born without legs due to a genetic failure. Her parents abandoned her, and the girl was adopted by the Brickers. Having learned about her youthful dream of becoming a gymnast, her adoptive parents enrolled their daughter in sports school. This decision not only gave Jen victory, but also revealed the secret of her birth. Like many aspiring gymnasts, the girl idolized the American athlete Dominique Helena Mosina-Canales, who won the gold medal on Olympic Games 1996. "You'll never believe it, but your real name was Mosin,” the adoptive mother once admitted and showed her the documents. It turned out that the champion Dominique was Native sister Jen. Gymnastics was in her blood. Perhaps this is what helped the girl achieve success.

5. Mehran Karimi Nassari

Mehran Karimi Nassari is a refugee from Iran who has been living in the waiting room of Terminal 1 of Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport for 20 years. In Iran, he was imprisoned, tortured, and then expelled from the country. Since then he has been trying unsuccessfully to get political refuge in France, Great Britain and other countries that constantly refuse the unfortunate person. The fact is that Mehran does not have any documents with him: they were stolen on the way to the UK. After landing at Heathrow, the British authorities refused to allow the undocumented man into the country, and he was transferred back to the French airport. Since then, Mehran has been living there, since the French authorities cannot allow an undocumented person into the country and assign refugee status, and an Iranian cannot confirm his identity - for this he would have to return to his homeland, where he is not at all welcome with open arms hugs. The vicious circle has been going on for 20 years.

6. Ting Hiafen

The most big breasts in the world belongs to the Chinese woman Ting Hiafen from the village of Chang. Each of her breasts weighs 10 kilograms and hangs 48 cm. Fame came to her at the age of 14. According to Ting Hiafen, due to such huge breasts, she experiences a lot of discomfort.

7. Katie Jung

Katie Jung is the owner of the most thin waist in the world, whose achievement is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. Katie's waist measurement is only 38.1 cm. It all started with envy of the Barbie doll's waist, and then at the age of 22 she discovered interesting thing- a corset that she has been wearing without taking off for about 30 years.

8. Yoti Amge

Yoti Amge is the smallest living woman, her height is only 63 centimeters. But the Indian woman could not break the record of the Dutch Polina Masters. Masters, born in 1876, was only 59 cm tall.

9. Supatra Sazufan

Supatra suffers from a very rare disease - hypertrichosis, which manifests itself in excessive hair growth on the body and face of a person. As a girl ages, her hair becomes even thicker. There is simply no cure for such an anomaly. There were attempts to stop hair growth with laser, but it did not help.

10. Doug Soos

Doug Soos is one of the most famous trainers on the planet who has tamed grizzly bears. Doug allows himself to do things that no other person in the world would dare to do - for example, putting his head in a bear's mouth. On their ranch in Heber City, Utah, Doug and his wife Lynn have raised and raised four bears over the past four decades. The bears and their “parents” managed to work with a good dozen Hollywood stars– Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston and Eddie Murphy were filmed on their ranch.

The modern world is frighteningly diverse. It contains manifestations of the beautiful and the ugly, the divine and the devil. Truly strange subcultures are born, whose adherents mutilate themselves beyond recognition in order to become... recognizable. Others become victims of image or genetic mutations. In today's selection the most scary people peace.

Donatella Versace - a victim of plastic surgery

The representative of the fashion house might not have been included in this list, since she was born as a cute Italian girl from Calabria. But now no one remembers her natural beauty due to dozens of plastic surgeries, some of which were very unsuccessful. The sister of the late Gianni Versace is proof that excessive appeal to plastic surgery can turn ugly. The Italian doesn't just have big lips and nose. she is unnaturally thin, and the remnants of her skin hang treacherously. A sad sight.

Marilyn Manson is a freak by nature

The shock rocker from the USA holds the lead in the category " The most terrible person on the stage" Moreover, he wants to appear ugly. Rarely has an outsider seen a rock star without “fighting colors,” since the outrageous showman appears in public in frightening costumes and with a ton of makeup on his face.

They say about Manson: “If you don’t know this guy and, God forbid, you see him on the street at night, you’ll think that a fiend has broken through to Earth.”

Clint Howard is not Eastwood

The American actor completes the group of the most terrible people on the planet from show business. Clint Howard's success is proof that beauty doesn't matter in the Hollywood Hills as long as you have talent. The comedian has dozens of memorable roles to his credit, which brought him fame and millions of dollars. Scary Clint even won an MTV award. Not an Oscar, but not bad either.

The Leopard Man Tom Leppard

The next participant in the "Circus of Freaks" is Tom Leppard, who covered his entire body with spotted patterns imitating the skin of a leopard. A strange man moves gracefully on four “legs”, imitating a predator. Tom, like other most terrible people on the planet, became a celebrity. He can often be seen on television. Leopard Man Leads active life, participating in various show programs and photo shoots.

Reptile Man Eric Sprague

This member of the list of the most terrible people on the planet gravitates towards reptiles. Eric Sprague chose the image of a lizard for himself. His entire body is covered with tattoos that imitate scales, and false incisor teeth complement his ugly image. In addition, Eric had implants placed above his eyes to emphasize his resemblance to reptiles. As the freak himself admits, he has to stretch the halves of his cut tongue every day so that they do not grow together.

Bull Man Etienne Dumont

Etienne Dumont is no different from others strange people on this list. Etienne, having higher education, and working literary critic in Geneva, completely covered himself with tattoos. And he seems happy. Journalists compare his image to a bull. Only the ungulate has two powerful horns, Etienne has only one, and even then sharpened. It's funny to see the bull man reading new novel Haruki Murakami in a coffee shop in the center of Geneva, isn't it?

The most terrible people on earth are not only freaks, victims of plastic surgery and genes. It was not at all by choice that the following participants were included in our rating.

Jason Shechterly - fire victim

A former police officer from the United States received fourth-degree burns as a result of a traffic accident. A taxi crashed into a police car at full speed. A fire broke out, but Jason was unable to get out on his own. At the hospital, doctors had to literally tear off the burnt skin from the policeman’s face. Despite significant changes in appearance, the officer's wife did not leave him. The support of his beautiful wife and family helped Jason climb out of the psychological hole and start new life.

Yu Junchan is the hairiest man in the world

Chinese Yu Junchan looks like the hero of “Planet of the Apes.” Being suffering from a rare genetic disease, the poor fellow resembles an animal. 96% of Junchan's body is covered in dense vegetation. After a terrible childhood, the Chinese decided to start a new life and loudly declared himself. Instantly he became famous for his extraordinary appearance. Now Yu Junchan is a local celebrity. He is invited to a talk show and interviewed. The guy says he is happy about his new life. The only thing is that he has not yet met a girl who will love him for who he is.

Tree Man Dede Kosvara

It's time to feel sorry for the Indonesian Dede Koswar. At the age of 10, the boy injured himself in the forest. From then on, his life became like horrible dream. Probably, an unknown infection got into the wound, and ulcers began to appear around it. After that they struck the whole leg and even the arms. For several years, Dede watched himself turn into a monster.

Having become a tree, the guy lost the ability to walk. A mysterious infection deprived him of his marriage, his job, the happiness of fatherhood and independence. To support himself, he began traveling with a circus of freaks.

Indonesian doctors used a laser to remove the warts on Dede's body, but they soon reappeared. The young man lost faith in healing and became despondent.

As you can see, the most terrible people in the world have personal stories. Some people want to be like an animal, others dream of being no different from their peers. But each of them assures that visual appeal- this is a shell, but it is more important to recognize the inner beauty of a person.

As old Hugo said, no external charm is complete unless it is brought to life. inner beauty. It spreads over bodily beauty like light.

Many people worry that there are no unique features in their appearance. However, there are individuals whose sense of their own “mediocrity” has forced them to look for extremely extravagant ways to attract the attention of others. And there are those who would be happy not to stand out from the crowd, but Mother Nature made arrangements for them. Here is a list of the most unusual people in the world, whose photos prove that they are not the figment of some wild imagination.

30. Chinese Rapunzel

Of the residents different countries, who claim to have the longest hair in the world, the Chinese are one of the last to come to mind. However, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, Xie Quipingt from China has the most long hair in the world. Their length at the time of measurement in 2004 reached 5.627 meters. She said she started growing her hair in 1973, meaning she hadn't cut her hair in 31 years when the record was set.

29. The Man with Giant Nails

Even if your nails are more like claws in size, they are far from the nails of Indian Sridhar Chillal.

He started growing his nails back in the early 1950s because he saw a teacher scold a student who broke a nail. Over the course of 62 years, the nails on his left hand grew to an impressive length of 910 centimeters.

Because of such an impressive size of his nails, the man was unable to get a job, and life is difficult for him. But the Guinness Book of Records requires sacrifice.

28. Woman with eyes popping out of their sockets

There is an expression “his (or her) eyes bulged out of their sockets.” You can see what it really looks like by looking at the photo of Jalisa Thompson. She can do without special effort squeeze eyeballs from orbits, and then return them to the place intended by nature.

27. Elastic man

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome causes a defect in the synthesis of type III collagen in the body, and there is no cure for the disease. Englishman Harry Turner, who holds the title of “the man with the most elastic skin,” has this syndrome. He was able to pull the skin on his abdomen 15.8 centimeters away from the rest of his body.

However, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is no fun as it can lead to ruptured blood vessels and then death.

26. People with the widest tongue

The tongue of Byron Schlenker from New York is 8.6 cm wide. The man became a local celebrity because his tongue was wider than an iPhone 6.

Byron's daughter, Emily, also has a tongue of impressive size, its width reaches 7.3 cm. This is larger than that of any other woman in the world.

It is interesting that Mrs. Schlenker's tongue is of normal size.

25. Endless plastic

The strangest people in the world do not necessarily have any diseases or congenital anomalies. Here, 61-year-old Cindy Jackson holds the title of “record holder for the number of plastic surgeries.”

She has had more than a dozen major surgeries, including facelifts, rhinoplasty, liposuction, jaw surgery, implants, and countless smaller surgeries. There were more than 52 of them in total.

Jackson was named one of the top users of cosmetic surgery in 2000, and she doesn't stop there because...she just doesn't want to.

24. Big Nose

No one has ever received more comments about his nose than Turk Mehmet Ozyurek, and that's because he has the biggest nose in the world. At the time of measurement for entry into the Guinness Book, the length of Mehmet’s nose was 8.8 cm.

23. Too many teeth

You may have looked at the photo above and thought there was nothing special about it. Now look at it again, knowing that the norm for humans is 32 teeth, not 37, like a native of India named Vijay Kumar.

22. Modified Man

Kala Kaivi, who works as a tattoo artist, has decorated (or disfigured - everyone has their own opinion) the body and eyes with tattoos, piercings and even silicone horns on the head. He also has the largest ear tunnels in the world, their diameter is 109 mm.

21. Horned woman

In the Middle Ages, the Chinese woman Liang Xiuzhen, nicknamed the “unicorn woman,” could have been burned at the stake. Fortunately, modern science knows that such a skin horn on the head is caused not by kinship with the Devil, but by a virus. Such formation is life-threatening, as it is susceptible to constant infections. Liang's growth reaches 13 cm in length and gives her unpleasant sensations. However, an elderly woman may simply not be able to endure surgery to remove the “horn”.

20. Holes in the face

German-born Joel Miggler has 11 holes in his face. He made huge tunnels in the cheeks, and smaller tunnels in the upper lip, under the lower lip, in the nasal septum and in the nose.

Joel made the first changes in his body at the age of 13. It is unlikely that most teenagers will be allowed to repeat such a “feat” by their parents.

19. Wasp waist

Many women dream of a thin waist. However, Michelle Kobke took this dream to the extreme. Using a special corset (almost without removing it), Kobka managed to reduce her waist to a staggering 40.6 cm.

Eventually, Michelle stopped wearing corsets because her waist had already reached the ideal and decided to return to normal life. She's gained a few centimeters, but her waist is still super-thin.

18. Hair in the ears

Few people consider the sight of hair growing in the ears to be a beautiful sight. However, Indian Radhakanta Bajpai is not like most people. He never cut the hair in his ears and they reached 13.2 cm in length.

Bajpai has no intention of removing his ear hair as he has been growing it since he was 18 and believes it symbolizes good luck and prosperity. He even uses a special shampoo to keep the ear hairs smooth and silky.

17. Silicone penis

A photo of one of the strangest people in the world looks like a porn director's dream. However, in reality, Misha Stanz cannot have normal sex. Dreaming of a huge phallus, he injected himself with silicone four times into the penis and scrotum. As a result, his dignity grew to 23 cm in length and 9 cm in width. And it weighs 4.3 kg. But Misha is still far from the size of the owner.

16. Bloody tears

One day, 17-year-old Melanie Harvey bled from her eyes and ears. Melanie and her mother, Katherine, consulted several doctors, but doctors could not find the cause of this frightening phenomenon.

The bleeding became more and more severe because doctors could not give recommendations on how to stop it. And now Melanie bleeds not only from her ears and eyes, but also from her nose and nails about five times a day.

15. The man who hardly ages

Inhabitant South Korea named Hyomung Shin is one of the strangest people on Earth. He looks 12 or 13 years old, but is actually 26.

Shin has a very rare condition known as "highlander syndrome", meaning he does not age as quickly as a common person. Shin is often not allowed into clubs because security believes he has a fake passport. Even the reporters couldn't believe that this "boy" was no longer required to go to school, but Shin was able to prove his age.

14. The man who changed his race

A change of gender in our world will no longer surprise anyone, but what about an unintentional change of race? An elderly inventor from Krasnodar, Semyon Gendler, was diagnosed with hepatitis C and cancer. In one of the American clinics, he received a liver transplant from an African American, and since then Gandler’s appearance has changed dramatically. Simply put, it darkened. But Semyon is happy and claims that he has gained a second wind. Perhaps because his transplanted liver is only 38 years old.

13. Popeye

Arm wrestler Jeff Dabe from Minnesota was born with massive forearms, which is very reminiscent of Popeye the sailor from the cartoons. He has a corresponding nickname. Dabe's forearm circumference is 49 cm.

Doctors initially assumed that Jeff had gigantism or “elephant disease,” but did not find any of these or other pathologies in him.

12. Man with the head of a parrot

Ted Richards, a 57-year-old man from England, has undergone a major body transformation that includes more than 100 tattoos and 50 piercings. He also removed the ears to allow more room on the head for something that isn't usually found on human heads.

Richards has five parrots that he loves very much, and now he strives to be as much like them as possible. Richards is pleased with the progress and believes that this is the best thing that has happened to him in his life.

11. Barbie

Ukrainian Valeria Lukyanova did everything possible to turn herself into a living Barbie doll.

Some experts believe that such a transformation became possible thanks to the achievements of plastic surgery. Others believe it's down to skillful makeup, countless hours in the gym, and the use of photo editors. Experts agree on one thing: Valeria definitely resorted to mammoplasty and correction of the shape of her nose.

10. Scary Angelina Jolie

The top 10 most unusual people opens with 19-year-old Iranian Sahar Tabar. She was so fascinated by the beautiful Angelina Jolie that she underwent 50 plastic surgery to be like your idol. Moreover, she sat on strict diet, and with a height of 150 cm weighs 40 kg. Alas, the result was frightening. Some even think that Sugar resembles a character from the cartoon "Corpse Bride".

Sahar later stated that all these photographs were the result of makeup and processing in a photo editor.

9. Boy with giant hands

This child, named Kaleim, suffers from a rare condition that causes his arms to continue to grow at a rapid rate. Each of them is already larger than the boy's head.

8. Little woman

Indian woman Jyoti Amji suffers from a disease known as achondroplasia, which limits her ability to grow. When she turned 18, the girl weighed 5.2 kg, and her height did not exceed 62.8 cm. She is.

7. Huge breasts

Masseuse Christy Love earns $1,300 a day massaging clients. The massage includes “kicking” the breasts and sliding them over the client’s oiled body. Each of Christie's breasts weighs 7.17 kg, and the woman's body weight is more than 140 kg.

6. Catwoman

Socialite Jocelyn Wildenstein decided to resort to plastic surgery to achieve maximum resemblance to the proud queen of animals. Having gone through countless surgeries, Wildenstein now looks like she can meow wildly before she says "hello." Today she is among the.

5. Half Ton Man

Patrick Deuel is also a man who was able to lose more than 300 kg of weight. At some point in Patrick’s life, his weight reached 510.75 kg, and in order to deliver such a colossus to the hospital, they had to break down the wall of the house.

After gastric bypass surgery, Deuel lost weight to 170 kg, then lost weight again to 254 kg and now his weight constantly fluctuates around 200 kg.

4. The fattest woman

British Susan Eman does not suffer from excess weight at all. She longs to become the fattest woman in the history of mankind, and her lover, a chef by profession, is ready to help Susan achieve her goal. She now weighs 343 kg and will soon compete with number five in the top 10 weirdest people.

3. Jessica Rabbit Live

A resident of Sweden, Pixie Fox, removed six ribs, pumped up her lips and breasts with silicone to achieve maximum resemblance to the sexy Jessica from animated film"Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" Now she eats only liquid food and constantly wears a support corset. But she is beautiful.

2. Tallest man

The height of the Turk Sultan Kösen is 251 cm. He. Straightening up in full height his head almost touches the basketball hoop. Can you imagine the size of his feet?

1. The strongest of men

The Lithuanian giant Zydrunas Savickas introduced the concept of “strength” to new level. He was able to squat 400 kilograms and lifted a weight of one thousand kilograms in powerlifting.

For obvious reasons, he is the most strong man of those currently living in the world. Savickas can easily lift the fattest man or the fattest woman in the world.