“SOPRANO Turetsky”: “We don’t even have a normal personal life. Group “Soprano Turetsky”: “Two of our six soloists are already married. Composition of the soprano art group 10

For more than a quarter of a century, Russian Music band“Turetsky Choir” remains on the crest of success and delights music lovers. Ten soloists, led by National artist RF, have found their way to the hearts of millions of fans not only with their impeccable performance and talent, but also with the fact that the group has no repertoire restrictions. In the arsenal vocal group hits of world classics, rock compositions, jazz and folk songs.

The elimination of soundtracks and “live” voices make each performance unique. The repertoire of the “Turetsky Choir” includes songs performed in 10 languages. More than 5 thousand appearances on stages in Russia, post-Soviet countries, Europe, Asia and America have made the group world famous.


The group's debut took place in 1990, but the origins of creativity are deeper. The art group was formed towards the end of the 1980s at the choral synagogue in Moscow. At first, the repertoire included Jewish compositions and liturgical music. After a couple of years, the band’s ambitions grew, and the soloists expanded their genre repertoire with popular songs and music from different countries and eras, opera and rock compositions.

According to Mikhail Turetsky, who headed the group, to expand the circle of listeners, music from the last 4 centuries was included in the repertoire - from chanson to pop hits of the Soviet stage.

The debut concerts of the “Turetsky Choir” took place with the support of the Jewish charitable organization"Joint" and took place in Tallinn, Chisinau, Moscow, Leningrad and Kyiv. Interest in the Jewish musical tradition, which had died down after 1917, flared up with renewed vigor.

In 1991-92, the Turetsky Choir went on tour in Canada, France, Great Britain, America and Israel. In Toledo, Spain, the ensemble took part in a festival organized for the 500th anniversary of the Jewish exile, and took the stage with world stars Isaac Stern and.

In the mid-1990s, the Turetsky Choir split: one half remained in the Russian capital, the second moved to Miami, where the musicians worked under contract. The repertoire of the second half expanded with Broadway classics and jazz hits.

In 1997, vocalists under the leadership of Turetsky joined a farewell tour across the country and, together with the singer, gave over 100 concerts.

In 1999, the “Turetsky Choir” presented to the audience a repertoire performance called “Mikhail Turetsky’s Vocal Show.” The premiere took place on the stage of the Variety Theatre.

In 2002, Mikhail Turetsky received the title of “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation”, and 2 years later the choir gave its first concert in concert hall"Russia". In the same 2004 National Award“Person of the Year,” the group’s program, entitled “Ten Voices that Shook the World,” was nominated as “Cultural Event of the Year.”

At the beginning of 2005, the Turetsky Choir went on a tour of America and gave concerts on the stages of concert halls in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston and Chicago. In the same and next year, the vocalists visited hundreds of cities in Russia and the CIS with a new program called “Born to Sing.”

In 2007, the “Turetsky Choir” became the winner of the “Record-2007” award, which was awarded to the ensemble for the album “ Great music" The collection includes classical compositions.

In 2010-2011, the musicians went on the anniversary tour “20 years: 10 voices”, and in 2012, to mark the 50th anniversary of the band’s leader, a concert was held in the Kremlin Palace, in which, in addition to the choir, stars of Russian show business took part. In the same year, the ensemble presented fans with the song “The Smile of God Rainbow,” for which a video was recorded.

In the spring of 2014, Turetsky’s team presented music lovers with a show program staged by a choreographer. It was called "A Man's View of Love." To see the performance live, 19 thousand spectators gathered at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex stadium, watching what was happening on stage from interactive screens.

On Victory Day, the musicians gave a 2-hour concert on Poklonnaya Hill, attracting 150 thousand people. In April 2016, at the Kremlin Palace, the Turetsky Choir presented fans with an unforgettable show in honor of the group’s 25th anniversary, calling it “With you and forever.”


Over time, the composition of the art group changed, but the leader, Mikhail Turetsky, remained unchanged. He made his way to becoming the leader of the illustrious team after graduating from the Institute named after him in the mid-1980s. Gnesins. Mikhail’s first charges were children - Turetsky led a choir of young vocalists. Then he headed the choral group of the Yuri Sherling Theater.

In 1990, Mikhail Turetsky organized a choral synagogue in the capital male choir, which transformed into a renowned team.

One of the oldest and at the same time youngest soloists of the art group, Alex Alexandrov, joined the choir in 1990. The Muscovite graduated from Gnesinka in the mid-1990s. Alexandrov became famous for copying voices and. The vocalist has a rich, dramatic baritone voice.

In 1991, the poet and bass profundo Evgeniy Kulmis, who previously led the children's choir, joined Turetsky's brainchild. Evgeniy was born near Chelyabinsk, began his career as a pianist and also went from Gnesinka to working in the Turetsky Choir. Kulmis is the author of lyrics and Russian translations of some songs.

In 1991-92, two more Muscovites joined the team: dramatic tenor Evgeny Tulinov and altino tenor Mikhail Kuznetsov. Tulinov and Kuznetsov are Honored Artists of the Russian Federation since 2006 and 2007, respectively. Both are Gnesinka graduates.

In the mid-1990s, the lyric tenor from Minsk Oleg Blyakhorchuk joined the ensemble, who plays piano, accordion, melodica, electro and acoustic guitars. He came to the team from Mikhail Finberg's orchestra, where he was a soloist.

In 2003, the Turetsky Choir accepted two more capital residents into its composition: Boris Goryachev, who had previously performed Russian sacred music, and has a lyrical baritone, and Igor Zverev (bass cantanto).

In 2007 and 2009, the art group was enriched by baritone tenor Konstantin Kabo and countertenor Vyacheslav Fresh. Both are native Muscovites.

Of those who left the group, music lovers remember Boris Voinov, who worked in the Turetsky Choir from its formation to 1993, tenor Vladislav Vasilkovsky (immigrated to the USA in 1996) and opera tenor Valentin Sukhodolets (left in 2009). From 1991 to 1999, tenor Mark Smirnov and bass Vladimir Aranzon sang in the Turetsky Choir.

"Turetsky Choir" now

In 2017, the art group presented fans with the lyrical song “With You and Forever,” for which director Olesya Aleinikova shot a video. The video was a leader at the VII awards of the RU.TV channel. The ceremony took place in the capital's Crocus City Hall.

At the annual music award RU.TV presented the nomination for the first time best clip, which was filmed in Crimea. VladiMir and the Turetsky Choir fought for victory.

In October 2017, Mikhail Turetsky’s team made another surprise for music lovers by presenting the song and video “You Know.” The actress starred in the video.

On the page of the “Turetsky Choir” in "Instagram" and on the official website fans of the group will learn about the news in creative life team. In February 2018, the ensemble gave a concert in the Kremlin.


  • 1999 – “High Holidays (Jewish liturgy)”
  • 2000 – “Jewish Songs”
  • 2001 – “Bravissimo”
  • 2003 - “Turetsky Choir presents...”
  • 2004 – “Star Duets”
  • 2004 – “When Men Sing”
  • 2006 – “Born to Sing”
  • 2006 – “Great Music”
  • 2007 – “Moscow - Jerusalem”
  • 2007 – “Music of all times and peoples”
  • 2009 – “Hallelujah of Love”
  • 2009 – “Music of all times”
  • 2010 – “Music of our hearts”
  • 2010 – “The show goes on”

What do the girls from the group "SOPRANO Turkish" hide behind their beautiful voices? Especially for you, the site talked with the soloists and found out what they do in their free time and what prospects await their group in the future!

In addition to our voice, we have musical taste and a unique image. We are ready every day to improve vocal, choreographic and acting. It is important for us to devote our entire lives to our work, since each of us is madly in love with the stage! Thanks to her, we are able to communicate with a huge amount people through music!

All the soloists are very different, each performer has her own timbre, vocals, and experience. How do you manage to collect such disparate stories and combine them into one song?

Our “trick” lies in our uniqueness. Thanks to this, the viewer will never be bored. No artist will perform a song like we do. In 3 minutes we tell the stories of several people, and the whole concert turns into a small but intense woman's life. Each of us brings something of our own, unique and real to it!

Tell us about your new program “S... in the Big City,” which viewers will be able to hear and see on February 27 at Barvikha Luxury Village?

We conceived a modern, non-standard and spectacular musical show with extraordinary choreography, video, symbolism - playing on the crest of completely different musical phenomena. The concert will feature several original premieres! Nobody has ever seen us like this before.

It is no coincidence that our program is called ambiguously - “S... in the Big City”. On the one hand, she immediately refers us to the heroines of the well-known series “Sex in big city", where smart, beautiful, successful, but completely different women present their story of life and love in the metropolis. On the other hand, “S” stands for Brave, Stylish, Self-sufficient women! What are they? Strong, but vulnerable, capable of loving and talking about it openly. Sisters, daughters, mothers. Stories of female self-sacrifice and passionate love through opera and musicals, jazz and Latin, pop and rock compositions, favorite retro hits and original works!

Iveta Rogova (SOPRANO-LATINO, electric violin): Behind every concert number we have a whole life story! We do not sing “empty” songs - only the best, only time-tested music. Imagine, in one evening you will hear real opera voices, plunge into the atmosphere of a musical and hear famous hits three generations!

In our repertoire there is music for every taste: this and classical works, and jazz and the cream of pop. Those who come to the concert for the first time will be pleasantly surprised by our repertoire, but we have also prepared many new songs for loyal fans.

How is your music program created? How are songs selected and rehearsed?

Valeria Devyatova (SOUL SOPRANO): Every new concert program We carefully plan: we rehearse for a long time, analyze the experience of previous performances, after that we leave the most beloved and long-familiar to the public, but also include premieres in the repertoire. Now we perform a lot of original songs.

Anna Korolik (FOLK-SOPRANO): We are never disconnected from the process. It happens that a musical idea comes where you are not expecting it and begins to “absorb”. A song is like a child - you need to endure it, give it the opportunity to mature inside you, and only then does it turn out to be a truly strong composition.

Iveta Rogova (SOPRANO-LATINO, electric violin): We rehearse every day and during the creative process many ideas are born collectively. We have a whole team working on the repertoire: there is a sound producer who selects the repertoire, but we ourselves actively participate, offer, and, of course, Mikhail Turetsky is always nearby. We are open and ready for dialogue and creative proposals, both within the team and outside it, the main thing is that the music is of high quality and worthy.

Recently, your group sang especially for patients of the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital, what is it like to sing for little patients?

Olga Brovkina (SOPRANO COLORATURA): This was not the first time we performed for children. But every time it is a special event, very exciting. It is a huge honor and responsibility to perform for sick, or better yet, recovering children, so different, but fighting for their future and their lives. They are strict and truthful spectators, ready to accept sincerity, they are open and express their emotions directly and freely. When you look at the reactions and smiles of children, at how they are ready to start dancing, no matter what, how they believe in every word, in every note - you give them even more - your emotions, your skill, your voice! It is all the more pleasant to receive applause, admiration, smiles and the desire to participate and go on stage in response. I so want to learn from them faith in miracles, limitless power, I want to look into the future with the same bright, open gaze! Each of us wished strength and health to every patient of the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital, parents and doctors who do such an important job, performing miracles every day. Such an audience is dear to our women's hearts! I hope we were able to give everyone inspiration and faith!

The idea to dedicate the upcoming big concert children from the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital arose just after a performance in the assembly hall of the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital. We felt so strongly about these guys that we decided to use the proceeds from ticket sales for their treatment.

Tell us about your life outside "SOPRANO Turkish". Do you communicate after rehearsals?

Anna Korolik (FOLK-SOPRANO): We are already like a family, because we see each other more often than our closest relatives. Of course, we communicate closely with each other, work and relax together. We support each other in difficult times and rejoice in successes. Together we go to concerts, exhibitions, quests, to the gym and even to the bathhouse!”

Daria Lvova (SOPRANO-ENERGY): However, we also have this unspoken rule during long tours together - “an hour of silence.” This is the time when we don’t talk to each other - we save our voices so that by the evening we can be in in the best possible shape. These are the paradoxes - we call each other when we are in different parts of the city or even the world, but we can remain silent next to each other.

How you spend free time? Tell us about your interests and hobbies.

Anna Korolik (FOLK-SOPRANO): For me the most best vacation− outdoor recreation, forest, pond. Sometimes you just want to be alone and away from the hustle and bustle.

Evgenia Fanfara (DRAMATIC SOPRANO): I really like to cook, and I’m pretty good at it. I also had experience working in films. It was an unforgettable experience! The world of cinematography fascinates me so much! I really want to learn how to drive a bike AND also play the guitar. I really love working, I love the time I spend there. But it happens like this tour schedule, after which you need to find yourself in a completely different biorhythm. You can have a great time outside the city in nature, read a book, play with your pets, or just be with yourself. Of course, I love relaxing by the sea, lying in the sun, and getting to know a new culture.

Iveta Rogova (SOPRANO-LATINO, electric violin): Spend time with family, read good book, wandering alone - all that is rare given our rhythm of life and busy schedule. I love to cook. I make dietary desserts for the girls, they like them. I draw portraits, make progress in sports. I probably could do a lot of things, but I’m only interested in what’s related to my profession.

Tamara Madebadze (JAZZ-MEZZO SOPRANO): We have a very busy schedule! Therefore, it is simply necessary to rest and recover! On weekends, first of all, I prefer to get enough sleep. The mandatory program includes massages and other procedures to maintain beauty and health. Of course, I meet my family; nothing can replace communication with loved ones! I also really love the sea and travel, but such a vacation can only be afforded on vacation. I devote my whole life to music and performing arts, which includes not only singing, but also a whole range of skills that need to be improved. In addition, any activity takes time. Today I started learning the saxophone!

Daria Lvova (SOPRANO-ENERGY): Of course, I always dream about the sea, sand, and sun, but this comes true only once a year. We are looking for every opportunity to relax with family and friends. I love photography, I think I’m pretty good at it.

Valeria Devyatova (SOUL SOPRANO): In my free time I play on my nerves (laughs). The best vacation is in the company of your favorite friends, and where and what to do does not matter, the main thing is together.

Olga Brovkina (SOPRANO COLORATURA): Finding an outlet, entertainment, and interest for yourself is always easy, especially with so many trips and different places that we have the good fortune to visit. I love cross stitch, it calms me down and I really like the effect when stitch by stitch something whole and beautiful appears. And time, attention, and soul are invested in each element. When you embroider, it is impossible to think about bad things! Recently I have been a car enthusiast - I want to learn how to drive well, I hope to show the talent in this, which should be inherited from my dad! Another big hobby is collecting shoes. I bring them from all my trips. If I don’t find souvenirs, I just buy myself new shoes. Well, and of course, photography. I love my camera and phone, and I'm an avid Instagram user. I think this is the best way to capture events!

Your band was formed by Mikhail Turetsky in 2009 as the first vocal project. What has changed over these 5 years? IN Lately You perform compositions that are known to everyone, are you going to continue to adhere to this style in the future?

Olga Brovkina (SOPRANO COLORATURA): One of the most discussed topics is the change in the name and number of soloists. Initially there were ten girls working in the team, now there are seven. At the same time, we managed to maintain versatility in terms of the vocal capabilities of the group as a whole. There are fewer of us, but the quality has not suffered from this. For some time we were looking for something unusual, some kind of extraordinary paint, tried to work with different vocalists, experimented. Now the artists from the original cast remain in the project. Apparently, we were firmly in sync. When there are 10 soloists in a group, it is not easy for each of them to fully present their talent within one concert. Today we have come to the conclusion that 7 is the ideal ratio.

Anna Korolik (FOLK-SOPRANO): 2014 was, in a sense, a turning point for us. Over the past six months, the team has made a powerful leap towards original songs and achieved high results. Last year we performed at festivals with our compositions" New wave" and "Song of the Year". Duet songs have also been recorded with Stas Mikhailov, Alexander Revva, Boris Moiseev, Sergei Mazaev, Oleg Gazmanov, Roberto Kell Torres. Now we will probably focus on this, because performing your own music means , leave an even greater mark on history.

Evgenia Fanfara (DRAMATIC SOPRANO): Last year, the name of the project changed from “Soprano10” to “Turetsky’s SOPRANO”. There are several reasons. The public identified the number in the name with the number of participants, although the ten in the name of the group suggested a superlative degree to which perfection was raised women's voices. When the number of project participants began to change, questions began to arise. Bearing in mind that there are the world-famous Pyatnitsky Choir, the Duke Ellington Orchestra, and the Turetsky Choir, in the end, our maestro came to the conclusion that a women's project, like a men's project, should carry a certain distinctive sign of quality, an author's brand. This is how the name “SOPRANO Turkish” was born.

You actively tour our country, give concerts, participate in photo shoots and other events; Share with our readers your secrets of beauty in a busy work environment?

Valeria Devyatova (SOUL SOPRANO): We are convinced that a woman, and especially an artist, should be beautiful, slim and healthy. We try to exercise regularly and go to the pool. By the way, this year everyone can follow us during training - we decided to post real-time photos from the sports club on our Instagram: @sopranoturetskogo. This spurs us on and is interesting to the fans. We always monitor our nutrition, even on tour! In our dressing rooms you will never see unhealthy foods: sausages, carbonated drinks, buns, and, of course, alcohol. Only fruit, drinking water, cheese and fish.

Olga Brovkina (SOPRANO COLORATURA): In fact, each of us has an individual approach to food and beauty, our own secrets regarding which foods are best to exclude to preserve our figure, what cosmetic procedures to perform, etc.

Iveta Rogova (SOPRANO-LATINO, electric violin): We give our best during performances, and during rehearsals we also experience significant physical exertion. In general, after the main composition of the group was established, “SOPRANO of Turetsky” lost 50 kilograms!

Who are your main listeners - men or women? Which touring city do you remember most?

Tamara Madebadze (JAZZ-MEZZO SOPRANO): Oddly enough, both men and women love us. Often even wives invite their husbands to our concerts. We are not just singing girls, we are first and foremost artists with serious professional musical education and stage experience. There is a certain balance, the line beyond which we do not go beyond. In modern show business, where, unfortunately, all bets are placed on aggressive sexuality, a woman’s attractiveness is lost. We do not follow this trend. We have something to say to our audience and nothing should distract them from the main thing - art!

  • the site wishes the soloists creative success. And the team "Turetsky's SOPRANO" invites you to the show "S... in the Big City"!

Before the New Year holidays, the singers, together with their leader Mikhail Turetsky, gave an interview to StarHit, in which they shared why there is no place for intrigue in their team, when they manage to give birth to children and who resolves conflicts within the group.

- Girls, tell me, how friendly is the atmosphere in your group? Otherwise women's team often compared to a serpentarium...

Iveta Rogova:- I can’t say that the women’s team is a snake’s ball. In our case, definitely not, because we have no time for envy and intrigue. We don’t even have a normal personal life, we’re at work. And, like real men, we forget about everything else. We cannot hide behind a soundtrack, like many of our artists, because we always sing live. We have such plowing - we work “by teeth”.

We have gotten used to each other over the years - after all, Turkish SOPRANO has existed for eight years. Despite the fact that everyone here is creative and emotional, you gradually understand when it is better not to touch a person, and when it is worth supporting him or, conversely, criticizing him so that he does not stop there and continues to develop.

- What causes conflicts? Who is the most emotional in the team? And who, on the contrary, always smoothes out sharp corners?

Iveta Rogova:- When Mikhail Turetsky held the casting, it somehow happened that girls with a very masculine character were gathered. We really are all quite harsh, with a tough position and our own opinion. With us, misunderstandings are immediately revealed, conflicts are quite sharp, but they are quickly resolved by talking head-on. For example, our girls work and study at the same time - some at Gnesinka, some get a second degree. That's why delays happen. And then someone says: “Come on, I won’t be on time either? And in general, let everyone show up three hours later. In short, either we all don’t care about each other, or we are now coming to a common denominator.”

I'm hot-tempered. And I know that even if you said something, it’s never too late to apologize. Otherwise, then you will engage in self-criticism.

- Is Mikhail Turetsky a strict leader?

Tamara Madebadze:- He is quite strict in his work, but not a tyrant. He always has his own opinion and position. But sometimes we use our charms, and he's like a real man gives in, softens, looking at us. Although he has one caveat. He works from morning to night and loves that others follow his example. So if he comes to us for a rehearsal, he won’t let anyone go early.

- Mikhail, why can you scold the girls? Do you have rules that no one can break?

Mikhail Turetsky:- Like in a big family, we have unwritten but strict rules in the holding: don’t be late, don’t drink alcohol, be in good physical fitness. In a word, don’t waste yourself and your time in vain. This is necessary not only for me as a leader, but also for each of the artists in order to be successful for many years.

- Who is easier for you to work with – the male “Turetsky Choir” or the female SOPRANO?

Mikhail Turetsky:- It's difficult to compare. It seems to me that if you have a logical relationship with the world around you, and it is correct, then it’s easy for you to get along with everyone. I can’t answer objectively, because the “Turetsky Choir” is my brainchild, I myself am the “Turetsky Choir”. I am a leader, a showman, I sing and take part in the show. And in “SOPRANO” I am the producer, the creator of this group.

// Photo: personal archive of the team

- Girls, tell us about your rider. Do you have any special requirements?

Each artist approaches the rider differently. The main thing for us is the desire to hold a concert at the highest professional level, and everything should contribute to this. We work live, so we have high technical requirements for the concert venue. As for the household rider, everything is extremely simple. We prefer to live alone in the hotel so that we can fully relax before the concert. If we travel by bus, then required condition– lack of music in transport. We also have an unspoken rule on the road - “an hour of silence.” This is the time when we don’t talk to each other, we save our voices so that we are in the best shape by the evening. We are convinced that a woman, and especially an artist, should be beautiful, slim and healthy. In our dressing rooms you will never see sausages, carbonated drinks, buns and, of course, alcohol. Just plenty of fruit, drinking water, cheese and fish. In the end, the most important thing is the happy eyes of our fans, the feeling of joy and satisfaction from creativity.

- The female body may be resilient, but it is still weaker than the male one... How do you recover after a tour?

Mikhail Turetsky always says that an artist must learn to meditate on the road. I have mastered this method, and moving is no longer tiring. On tour, we try to sleep normally, relax, accumulate energy for performances, and also take face masks with us, which help to relax and nourish the skin. As for the voice, it should be trained rather than protected. Over so many years, we have learned to hear ourselves, “negotiate” with our own body and prevent a serious cold. Therefore, we don’t bring ourselves to the stage where it’s no longer possible to sing.

Tamara Madebadze:- As for the voice itself, every lack of sleep affects it instantly. Flight, time zone change, humidity, sudden changes in heat and cold - everything affects the general condition and voice. We prefer to travel at night, so as not to shake on the bus before the concert. If it’s really bad, then we treat the voices with medications, inhalations, and call a phoniologist to the site. But the most The best way let your voice rest and recover - remain silent.

// Photo: personal archive of the team

- What about your personal life? Isn't it prohibited under the contract?

Iveta Rogova:- There are no prohibitions on marriage and the birth of children in our contract; moreover, Mikhail Borisovich always tells us that real woman must succeed first as a mother, then as a wife, and only after that as a professional. Then she will be completely happy, self-sufficient and will be able to give sincere positive emotions to the public. We don’t have such a problem, because there are many of us, and we can agree with each other to take turns going on maternity leave. I can tell you from my own experience. I have a wonderful daughter, Edita. SOPRANO is no longer just a team, it is my second family, in which everyone supports each other. Everyone was happy for me. And now we have one of the soloists on maternity leave - Valeria Devyatova– a month ago I gave birth to my second boy. We combine everything!

- Are you all about the same age? Or is there an “elder” in the group?

Anna Korolik:- We all came to the team almost immediately after college, so we are the same age. And as for the “seniors”... Is this a trick question? On stage we are one team. As for everyday creative and organizational affairs, everyone has their own area of ​​responsibility: someone supervises the rehearsal process, someone supervises the style, someone makes sure that all creative tasks are planned and implemented on time. For everyone there is a matter in which he is the “elder”, and this is for the good.

// Photo: personal archive of the team

- How many times a year do you have vacation and for how many days?

Daria Lvova:- We have a very busy tour schedule, there are very few days off. We usually have two weeks of vacation a year, but not always, so we try to combine business with pleasure. Sometimes, when we have free time during a tour, we get together and go for a walk around the city we are in, try to see all the monuments and sights, and if we also manage to go to an exhibition, that’s good luck.

Iveta Rogova: - The best remedy for beauty and youth - a dream. But as a young mother, this does not threaten me even after the tour. There are tricks. A little life hack: to refresh your look after sleepless nights on the road, you need to paint the inner corner of your eyes with light shadows. I also love doing SPA pedicures. Feet after wearing heels need have a good rest and care.

And what I like most is when they do hair. After a stormy concert activities hair restoration is simply necessary. I often get compliments on the topic of beautiful, light and voluminous curls. I'll share a secret with you. To have curls like yours Hollywood star, after curling, you need to lay them out correctly and then pull the curl core down with one hand and slightly up with the other.

// Photo: personal archive of the team

- Mikhail, for what reason might one of the girls leave the group or break the contract?

Mikhail Turetsky:- We have not had such situations, simply because there are no contracts. I am probably the only producer in the world who does not enter into contracts with his artists. Colleagues and friends say that this is too romantic a position, but the fact remains: we have no turnover, the artists of the Turetsky Choir and SOPRANO have been successfully working together for many years. Most of the choir soloists have been with me for more than 20 years; these people are true fans of their craft! I selected the girls for SOPRANO over the course of a year, listened to more than three hundred vocalists from all over the country, and selected the best of the best. I initially looked for the real hostages of the profession, those who live through every performance of an aortic rupture. Besides, important criterion The selection also included purely human qualities: character, determination, ability to work in a team. If a person doesn’t want to create with you, then you need to let him go. It will be better for everyone. And the point here is not at all about the contract.

- You have a feminine kingdom at home and the same at work. How are you coping?

Mikhail Turetsky:- I have one useful quality, which I began to develop in myself. It's called "ladies' psychologist." I'm like a father large quantity It turns out that he didn’t know anything about women until he started working with the SOPRANO project. Then I realized that I need to understand with what baggage a woman goes through life, how she looks into the future, what her goals are in life. Does she want to be ambitious and build something or just want to have a good time. A woman is a delicate matter, in which much is built on emotions. She needs a leader, a firm hand and shoulder. Even if you doubt it, you shouldn’t show it to them. Girls feel confident tomorrow when a strong man is next to them. I managed to build a model of an art group in which there is no conflict of interest. To maintain a healthy environment in the team, the artist must be properly motivated, interested, try to predict possible disputes and prevent them. It seems to me that if you have a logical relationship with the world around you, and it is correct, then it’s easy for you to get along with everyone.

- Your daughter Emmanuelle began to sing. Do you plan to produce it in the future? Would you like her to be a solo singer or sing in a group?

Mikhail Turetsky:- I think Emmanuelle is incredibly charismatic and talented child, so, of course, I will produce. I think she has a chance to realize herself in both directions - both solo and in a group. Emma will take part in large musical projects with an audience of millions. She clearly has a predisposition to be solo star. By the way, of all my daughters, Emma is the most musical. All my girls are creative, but she stands out. Now the younger, no less talented Beata is growing up, taking her first successful steps in the world of music. Perhaps the girls will subsequently want to create a group and call it, say, “Turkish Sisters.”

- And now a question for the girls. Can you say that each of you is for all, and all of you are for one?

Tamara Madebadze:- Definitely yes. Of course, we can argue among ourselves, seek the truth, but this is normal, natural, like in a family. Ultimately, everyone understands that everyone's success is the success of the entire team.

// Photo: personal archive of the team

Today's site will tell about eight charming soloists of the group. Each of the girls has her own attitude to people and work, as well as to the style of clothing and her own image on stage and in life. the site has prepared small dossiers on each of the girls so that viewers can get to know them better before the meeting.

There were more than 200 talented and professional applicants among those wishing to get into “The Sopranos.” Among mandatory requirements listed: higher musical education, mastery of different instruments, stage experience and dedication to his work. As a result, 40 girls were selected, with whom professionals worked for 4 months. Not only the vocal and external data of the applicants were taken into account, but also artistry, charisma, stage experience, choreographic abilities, erudition and musical taste. As a result, the best artists from different cities of Russia and the CIS countries remained in the team.

Daria Lvova, driving soprano

A brunette with a piercing gaze and deep, always memorable vocals, she was born in Ufa on June 22. Graduated music school in piano, studied vocals at the Ufa School of Arts, sang in a trio of the academic choral singing"Orpheus".

About Me: hot-tempered, but fair. "I am probably a maximalist by nature. Live to the fullest, love - forgetting about reality, work so that the viewer, sitting even in the very last row, feels and hears every nuance of the concert. To be an artist and not give real emotions to stage, it’s impossible not to invest in what’s happening. It’s also impossible in life.”.

Olga Brovkina, coloratura soprano

Olga has been in Soprano 10 since its founding. The crystal voice of the team. Her talent was polished first at a music school, and then at the Institute of Arts. Serebryakov and at the Moscow Academy of Choral Art in the “solo singing” department.

IN professional biography girls are the best places on music competitions, work in opera companies and Solo career. A modern Turgenev young lady with an independent character, efficiency and a bright personality.

The main thing for Olga in clothes and life is individuality. For example, a girl loves heels, but will not refuse semi-men's shoes without heels, playful ballet shoes or colored sneakers.

Evgenia Fanfara, dramatic soprano

Beauty from Hollywood films, a stylish, original singer with her own exclusive picture of the world. Her voice is soft, like Moonlight, intriguing, like a mystery, exciting, like love. And, of course, many more comparisons are appropriate, but it’s better to hear it once.

Graduate of the Russian Academy of Sciences named after. Gnesins, before studying at one of the leading music universities in the country, she graduated from the Gnessin School, and also toured with the Bolshoi Children's Choir. Popova. Her repertoire includes the most diverse roles, her character is characterized by honesty and faith in her dreams, and only she herself knows what is in her soul.

Life philosophy: "You must be able to enjoy the moment. Yes, set long-term goals, think about the future, but do not forget that we live today, now, at this minute! You should not put off until tomorrow, wait for Monday or Friday, graduation from university or new job. It’s better to be, as they say, open-mind, to live with an open heart, to enjoy touching little things.”

Tamara Madebadze, jazz mezzo soprano

This is melted chocolate, early warm autumn and bright temperament. Elegance, luxury, and at the same time mischief and a sense of humor are always with her. And the contact and unique flair for the audience determined that it is Tamara’s entertainment that always accompanies the performances of the art group.

Since childhood, the girl was very versatile - she wanted to become both a chemist-inventor and a dramatic actress. But in her soul there lived one main love - for music. And the fact that Tamara’s mother is a musician also played a role and influenced her choice. Studying at a music school began, and the first victories appeared at a variety of music competitions. Next - Institute contemporary art in the class "pop-jazz vocals". At the same time, Tamara worked in various musical groups.

Tamara is not particularly fond of high-heeled shoes, but generally likes to walk barefoot along the sandy seashore.

Appreciates in relationships between people there is honesty, sincerity, trust and, of course, attention: "Sometimes a short meeting, one call or even several kind words can do a lot. I sincerely wish everyone to always find time for their loved ones who so need your company!”

Anna Korolik, folk soprano

Is it possible for a voice to convey the coolness of a green forest and the murmur of a stream, the tenderness of a summer night and the enthusiasm of a holiday? Yes, it's possible. If Anya sings it.

Her musical career began in childhood, when she mastered folk wind instruments and piano. And it continued first at the Perm Regional College of Arts and Culture, and then at the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins.

He speaks about happiness for himself: “When I’m driving at speed along the highway, alone or with friends, with music or in silence, in the rain or the sun in my eyes, this is real happiness. It’s in such moments that I feel absolutely free from bad mood, some prejudices, unnecessary obligations. I experience about the same feelings on stage."

Victoria Wood, lyric soprano

The dark-eyed beauty with a languid gaze loves web design, her friends and studying. She positions herself as a sociable, energetic and ambitious person. Victoria is a native Muscovite, graduated from the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins.

Be sure to follow the emergence of new trends, shows, fashion exhibitions. She believes that bright evening makeup for a woman is only appropriate for events. But in everyday life it’s better to be natural.

Loves heels very much: “It’s beautiful, it gives confidence and charm. But, unfortunately, due to my profession, I’m constantly on tour, so I can’t afford to wear heels all the time. Therefore, most often I wear comfortable shoes.”.

Valeria Devyatova, soul soprano

The owner of a sensual soul soprano was born in the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Kemerovo region. Graduated from music school in classes classical guitar and vocals, as well as RAM named after. Gnesins, specializing in pop-jazz vocals. Since 2009, she has been a soloist of Soprano 10, but left the art group in 2011 for personal reasons. In the summer of 2013 she returned to the team.

The girl loves beauty, photography, holidays and is sad when it rains. For her, it is important to live, not to exist.

Treats fashion as a kind of entertainment. She prefers comfortable shoes, but if such shoes have heels, then this gives the beauty double pleasure.

Rogova Iveta, soprano-latino

Iveta was born on January 16, 1983 in the small town of Kola, Murmansk region, into a musical family. Grandfather was a leader musical theater. It was he who instilled in the girl a love of music. At the age of 10, she wrote her first song, which brought success at a regional competition. Iveta received a prize audience choice and a prize - an electric iron (!), which has become a home relic. When Iveta was thirteen years old, the family moved to St. Petersburg.

The northern capital, where the family moved, did not in any way affect the girl’s hot temperament. Her voice has the chic of a French cabaret, light jazz, insinuation and sophistication.

The girl graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Culture, faculty " Musical art pop and artistic communication" with a specialization in "pop-jazz violin", "pop-jazz vocals". She acted in films, worked in Lenconcert, created a rock group where she sang her own songs. By the way, the lyrics for many songs from the Soprano repertoire — also her handiwork. Sneakers, boots and sneakers complement her style. Harmony in everything is extremely important for Iveta.

Last Monday, participants from Mikhail Turetsky’s project SOPRANO performed at the Voronezh Concert Hall. Nine beauties with unique voices captivated the audience with their charm and skill literally from the first songs. Voronezh residents heard songs from three eras, not only in Russian, but also in German and English languages. Soviet classics, pop hits, rock compositions - each of the spectators found something for their soul. And the girls’ performance of Anna German’s song “Once a year the gardens bloom” gave everyone, without exception, goosebumps...

Turkish SOPRANO – truly unique music project, which has no analogues in the whole world. Let us recall that seven years ago, when Mikhail Turetsky decided to create a women's team, more than a hundred girls competed for the opportunity to work with the guru of the domestic show business. But only nine were chosen. Of course, the best. Today the SOPRANO group is known not only to the Russian public, but also far beyond the borders of our country. Their concerts are successfully held in China and European countries. By the way, in almost every country girls sing a song in the language of the host country.

“We hope that next year we will still get to Eurovision!

By the way, the girls from Turkish SOPRANO were one of the main contenders to represent our country at the Eurovision Song Contest this year. Even the King of Pop Philip Kirkorov advocated for their participation in the competition. Although other candidates included no less famous Alexander Panayotov, Elena Temnikova, Nyusha... “I paid attention to these girls a long time ago. They are feminine, subtle, delicate, and have an excellent repertoire. When you listen to them, it immediately becomes clear that they have every chance of winning. They deserve to represent our country!” Philip Bedrosovich said not so long ago. He was supported by the poet Mikhail Gutseriev, the lead singer of the group “Accident” Alexey Kortnev, Lolita Milyavskaya, Artur Gasparyan and many others. And indeed, this group with a bright personality could well represent our country with dignity... However, the cards lay out a little differently. First they chose Yulia Samoilova, and when she was declared prohibited from entering Ukraine, our country completely refused to participate in Eurovision 2017.

Of course, we really wanted to participate in Eurovision. We did everything for this, prepared, rehearsed a lot, recorded as many as three songs to choose from (for different tastes - both classical and pop)... But the choice did not depend on us... We really hope that next year we will still get to this competition,” one of them told us Soprano soloist, a brunette with a piercing and deep gaze, the owner of a driving soprano voice, Daria Lvova.

- What if you were sent? Were you afraid to go to Ukraine?

Daria Lvova: - Yes, that's clear a difficult situation. But we still hoped that the music would be international and it would be creative competition. And political strife will fade into the background.

- In concerts you perform songs of three generations. What do you listen to for your soul?

Daria Lvova:- In general, we are “omnivores” and most often listen to the radio. We can turn on radio DFM, and listen to “Chanson”, and “Radio Jazz”, and “Monte Carlo”... Our musical preferences depend on your mood.

“On May 9th we will sing on Reichstag Square!”

We heard that on May 7 in Berlin, on central square Gendarmenmarkt will host a grandiose joint concert of the Soprano and the Turetsky Choir, dedicated to the Day Victory. Tell us more about this...

Daria Lvova: - Most of the concert will be sung, of course, by the Turetsky Choir, we will perform only 5-6 songs. Three military and several of our hits. We spent 8 months seeking permission to hold this concert. It wasn't easy! Think for yourself - Russian groups are performing in Berlin, next to the Reichstag, on the eve of May 9! But they approved!

- What language will you sing in?

Evgenia Fanfara: - I think there will be different songs, but mostly, of course, in Russian. By the way, we have a song in German in our repertoire. And the Turkish Choir has Stille Nacht, Schumann they sing very beautifully...

I heard you have songs in almost every language. At least in the languages ​​of the countries where you toured...

Evgenia Fanfara:- Yes, in Chinese, and Italian, and French. We had a cool song in Bulgarian...

- Do languages ​​come easy to you?

Ekaterina Murashko: - In our team, I am responsible for this; I was the one who sang the Chinese song and helped the girls learn the language. I initially learned many languages ​​- I wanted to become a translator. But I had to stop this activity. But now knowledge of languages ​​helps. When we were in China, I took the rap for everyone. And she gave interviews and was the host of the concert. In general, we often sing in Chinese, they ask us to. Yes, and we ourselves are interested in this. But we don’t plan to go to Voronezh. Although...they sang a little on the radio today.

“At night we play hockey with Fetisov and Guberniev!”

Olga Brovkina:- These rumors are true. We are preparing a video congratulation in support of our team at the upcoming World Hockey Championship. It will, of course, musical number, but we will have two participants there gorgeous men from our sport, whom everyone loves and knows. This is the incredible Dmitry Guberniev, who commented on our night match, and coach Vyacheslav Fetisov, who will play a very unexpected role in our video - you have never seen him like this before. They are our inspiration! By the way, with Dima Guberniev we already have a joint number that we were preparing for the New Year’s program. We were inspired by him, he by us... In general, we are already creative colleagues. And Fetisov is a friend of our leader Mikhail Borisovich. We are proud that we had the opportunity to meet this man.

- Well, have you learned to play hockey?

Olga Brovkina:- But of course! We learned! I had to freeze and travel with full ammunition. Everything must be for real!

Girls, you are all so beautiful! Tell me, do you have any daily self-care rituals? I heard that Iveta Rogova walks 10 kilometers a day...

Olga Brovkina:- These are not fairy tales, our Iveta really always walks everywhere. Especially when shopping. Today we went to yours shopping center... But in reality, of course, we not only walk, we play sports whenever possible, go to the pool... We try to sleep more, eat healthy food. And, of course, we take care of our face using various cosmetics.

- Doesn’t Mikhail Turetsky oblige you to go to the gym every day, and not “if possible”?

Ekaterina Murashko:- He obliges us to look good, but how we do it is our right.

Evgenia Fanfara:“For the first month he weighed us every day, and then he stopped.

“For so many years we have learned to get around sharp corners”

You are not only constantly on tour together, but also in ordinary life be friends - go on quests together, go to the bathhouse, celebrate birthdays. Is there any recipe for how not to get bored of each other?

Daria Lvova: - We have been together for about 7 years, and we have learned to work around sharp corners. Of course, sometimes there are quarrels and squabbles between us, we are girls. But we are friends, and we go on vacation together, and have dinner, and lunch, and spend weekends together. Of course, we try to devote time to our family, but most often together.

I read that when you recorded the song “Pilot Ivanov”, its prototype was found. A real pilot named Ivanov called you and offered to use his plane. He not only took you for a ride, but also provided the plane as a backdrop for your concert. What other interesting surprises did you get from fans?

Olga Brovkina:- That’s what happened with the plane. By the way, recently at the hockey stadium where we were filming, a man came up to us and said: “I know the song “Pilot Ivanov!” It turned out that he was a former pilot, and that all the pilots in our country know and listen to this song. As for surprises, just the other day, in Ulyanovsk, a boy artist painted an oil portrait of Zhenya - very beautiful! And he promised to “immortalize” the rest of the girls later.

- Zhenya Fanfara had experience filming in the series. Were you not invited to the cinema anymore?

Evgenia Fanfara:- They used to call me, I’m still in the actor’s database. But since there is a lot of work, constant tours, I have to refuse. Once they even invited me to film not a series, but full-length film. Once, after filming a video, we were standing with the girls and the director came up to me, took my phone and emailed me the plot of the film. I liked both the plot and the role of the beautiful heartbreaker that was offered to me. But, unfortunately, due to being very busy, I had to refuse.

“Turetsky understands that the main thing for an artist is to be happy like a woman!”

Girls, not so long ago two of your performers, Iveta Rogova and Valeria Devyatova, became mothers. Doesn't anyone else want to follow in their footsteps? How is your personal life, by the way? Are there any who are married?

Evgenia Fanfara:- Lera’s son and Iveta’s daughter are two months apart; they gave birth almost at the same time. True, we still haven’t seen Ivetina’s daughter Edita, although she is already almost 1.5 years old. When we are in Moscow, we ask to bring her to the studio, but somehow everything doesn’t work out. So we follow its development only through photographs. The girl is simply a miracle! Iveta doesn’t invite us to visit, apparently she’s bored with us at work. And we understand her, she just wants to be with her family. But we often go to Lera’s and babysit her little son.

The rest of our girls are not married yet. Only three - Tomochka recently got married (Tamara Madebadze). So we are waiting for the next replenishment from her. But she’s also a workaholic, so she’ll get to work quickly.

- Does Mikhail Borisovich have anything against marriage and having children?

Olga Brovkina:- No, what are you talking about! Vice versa! He is supportive. He understands the idiocy of such requests. He knows our age and believes that an artist should be happy. And a female artist must be happy like a woman.

- Why don’t Iveta and Lera take their children on tour with them?

Olga Brovkina:- What are you, what are you! Fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers sit with the children. Not any adult can handle such a tour! Today, for example, we left the hotel, sat on a bench and remembered: “When did we just sit like that?” And after the concert we’ll go straight to the train – tomorrow there’s a concert in Krasnodar!

- How long does the tour last?

Evgenia Fanfara: - Differently. Sometimes it's 6 days. This tour was divided into 3 cities. We return to Moscow or fly somewhere else. Just recently we interrupted our tour and flew to London. We had a joint concert there with all the artists. We flew there on one board, on a charter - we, Kirkorov and many, many other artists. It was a big concert, organized by two radio- Radio"Chanson" and "Russian Radio". Collected all the color Russian stage! First we flew to London, and then with the same lineup to Sochi, where we also had a big concert. We spent 3 days together, and it was so great in this friendly atmosphere!

- When are you planning your vacation?

Evgenia Fanfara: - Oh, this is a sore subject for us. We have a vacation once a year. And only two weeks.

Olga Brovkina:- We are planning to vacation in July, and so far we have only been given 11 days. But we send signals to Space so that there is at least two weeks of rest. Each of us is already thinking about where she will fly or go. Most likely, to the sun, and certainly not together! You need to rest at least sometime!

“Philip is everyone’s friend!”

You recorded duets with Stas Mikhailov, and with Gazmanov, and with Mazaev... Are you planning a collaboration with anyone now?

Evgenia Fanfara:- And also with Bashmet, Rosenbaum, Baskov, Kirkorov, Larisa Dolina... With whom we recorded!

Olga Brovkina:- Just the other day we recorded a duet with Alexander Buinov for “Saturday Evening”. In this program they love us very much and believe that we can sing anything, with any artist. That’s why they come up with various special projects for us. And we don’t mind, we like it. We are always ready to record some songs “on occasion”. We recorded the song “Music is Playing on the Ship” for the anniversary of composer Vyacheslav Dobrynin, and it became a huge success. For Malezhik’s anniversary - the song “Winter-Winter”, a very cool song, a great number. And then some of these numbers smoothly flow into our concert. For example, we sing “Plantations of Love” by Rosenbaum all the time. “Winter-Winter” will also be performed, but it’s just not the right time of year. In general, we have an idea - we want to record a new disc, which we will call “Seasons in our way.” All great performers and composers have addressed this topic. Here we are too. Because we already have songs about all seasons!

- You have been on the stage for 7 years already. Can you already call any of the stars of domestic show business friends?

Evgenia Fanfara: - Philippa!

Olga Brovkina:- Well, Philip is everyone’s friend! Philip loves everyone! The real king of our stage. Yes, he is like that in real life! It comes, it shines, and we bask in its rays! In general, our friends are those with whom Mikhail Borisovich is friends. This is Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum, and Larisa Dolina (we took part in her concert, she in ours) But this, of course, is such a creative friendship. And so each of us has our own friends, and mainly among young people - the group “Quadra”, “M-Band”, Sergei Volchkov... Who studied with whom. Some of us are friends with opera singers, someone with pop.

Turetsky in one interview said the following phrase: “I have long and firmly been married to Turetsky’s Choir, and “Soprano” is a mistress. And she knew what she was getting into!” Isn't it a shame to be on the sidelines?

Olga Brovkina:- Ha-ha-ha! This is something interesting! We actually disagree. Mikhail Borisovich is a “polygamist.” In fact, sometimes even the Turetsky Choir is jealous of us: they say they give us more time. And he invests more money in us, and makes videos for us... But we are girls! That's why he pampers us more and tries to protect us from all sorts of problems.