Competition "Come on Moms!" on "Mother's Day" in kindergarten with a presentation. Senior - preparatory group. Competition and game program dedicated to Mother's Day

Mother's Day has arrived. This holiday is celebrated on a particularly large scale in kindergarten. After all, it is at such a young age that children have a special attachment to their mothers. How will your kindergarten surprise the invited mothers? We offer you interesting and funny competitions for Mother's Day, which you will spend brilliantly in kindergarten. All competitions are for children and their mothers. They are childish and that makes them even cuter.

And immediately a competition for mothers and children. Every child and every mother makes a handprint on a piece of paper. That is, they circle their hands. Then the leaves with mother’s prints are mixed and laid out one hundred at a time. And the same thing is done with leaves. On which are the handprints of children. And mothers must find the hand of their child, and children must find the hand of their mother. If someone can find it, then this is the happiest family!

IN Lately Master classes for parents and children are popular. So why not arrange exactly the same master class in kindergarten? You can, for example, prepare some dish, which everyone will then try together at a celebration after the competitions. Therefore, tell each mother to bring food from which they will make their own dish with their child. There will be no winners here, but children, mothers and teachers will enjoy it.

Remember the fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood? Let's have a competition like this fairy tale. You need ropes of the same length, for example 10 meters. They must be placed on the floor. But not straight, but curved, as if to make a forest path. The children’s task is to walk along this rope (you need to walk exactly along the rope, turning the same way as it), and bring the pies to their mother! And a wolf (any dad or man who works in a kindergarten) will follow the other rope. Naturally, the wolf must give in to Little Red Riding Hood so that all the children can bring pies to their mother. The wolf can even fall down the path to make the children laugh.

And one more competition, which, in our opinion, is very interesting. You need two footprints - two footprints of any animal or person cut out of paper. But still better than an animal, for example, a tiger. The child’s task is to follow these two tracks the entire distance from start to finish. But the essence of the competition is that there are only two tracks, so you can’t do it without your mother’s help. When the presenter says start, the mother places the footprints on the floor and the child stands on them with his feet. Then the child lifts one leg, and the mother moves the footprint from under that leg further so that the child can step. And so on, the child raises his leg, the mother shifts the footprint, the child walks. Who will show best time or simply whoever does not step on the floor without a trace wins. Remember! While mom is moving the trail, you need to stand on one leg! The second leg is up!
Key tags.


Scenario entertainment program for students and their parents, dedicated to Mother's Day (Mother's Day competitions)

Classroom teacher: Dear mothers! Dear students! To make our evening more varied and fun, I have prepared for you competitive program. And we’ll call her “Come on, mommies.” We will have two teams of mothers, a team of fans and, of course, a respected jury of teachers. Now our dear mothers need to divide into two teams, which we will call: “Mothers and Daughters”, it will include the mothers of our girl students. “Mommy-lapuli”, it will include the mothers of our cocky boy students.

Mother's Day Contest #1. GUESS THE EVENT!

Now in the slide show you will be shown photographs that depict the events. Your task is to identify the event and name those who were photographed there. And, of course, the team that guesses the most events wins. For the competition, you can use photographs from the personal archives of the class, starting in elementary school.

Competition for loud fans. MOTHER'S GENTLE HANDS

For this competition, a fan is invited from each team and is blindfolded. Participants in the competition must identify their five mothers, only by hand and blindfolded. The fan from the team who did it the fastest earns a point for his team of moms.

Mother's Day competition No. 2. IF IT'S SCHOOL TOMORROW?!

Enough difficult competition, because mothers need to remember their child's school schedule for tomorrow and quickly write it down. The team that wrote the schedule fastest and most clearly wins.

Mother's Day competition No. 3. FIND YOUR NATIVE CHILDREN!

One mother from each team is invited to the stage. Now parents will have to blindfolded and identify their child by touch from five options. Whoever completes the task first wins.

Mother's Day competition No. 4. YOU NEED TO KNOW THEM IN FACE

Competition for mothers. They must tell the teacher's name, patronymic and surname from the photo and what subject he teaches. For slides, you can use photographs of the director, teachers, head teachers, and you can interesting events, with a hike, cool evenings, etc. Whoever gave the most correct answers wins.

Mother's Day competition No. 5. BLITZ SURVEY

Each team is asked three questions. The team that answered the question incorrectly transfers the right to answer to its opponents. What time do classes start at our school? What is the name of the school principal? How many minutes does the lesson last? What work are the children studying in literature now? How many desks are there in a classroom?

Mother's Day competition No. 6. SUPERBLITZ FOR THE VERY MOTHER

One mother from each team is invited to participate in the competition. The presenter asks them the same questions. Indicate the desk your child is studying at in class. What is his fourth quarter chemistry grade? In physics? What task does your child do best in class? Those mothers who know their children best are the ones who win!

And now a competition for cheerful fans

Questions for fans from each team: Write the city in which your mother was born. Write the full last names, first names and patronymics of your mother’s parents. Your mom's favorite dish? At this time, the mothers of the answering children also write answers on pieces of paper. And whoever has the most matches wins and brings a point to his team. Meanwhile, the jury sums up the results. All participants are awarded prizes, chocolates and the celebration continues. Tea party and disco for mothers and their children.

Happy Mother's Day, dear mothers!

Surprise competitions "Mother's Day" in elementary school

Event goals

1. Contribute to the development in every child of love and respect for his mother and her work.

2. Help strengthen friendship and mutual understanding between mother and child through joint play activities.

3. Develop students' creative abilities.


1. Creation of a “Bank of Ideas” by children.

2. Drawing up by the class teacher of a competition script based on the ideas proposed by the students.

3. Design of an exhibition of crafts made jointly by mothers and children.

4. Preparation of amateur performances by schoolchildren and the class teacher.

5. Making postcards and souvenirs for mothers during labor lessons.

6. Parents purchase everything necessary for tea drinking.

7. Determination of the composition of the jury.

Students of 1st, 3rd and 4th grades who study in the same multi-age study group, their mothers, class teacher and guests are participating.

On the table class teacher- tape recorder, disc with the phonogram of the song “Hello, Moms!” Sets of clothing have been prepared according to the number of competing pairs (hats, jackets, scarves, gloves), hair bands; plates with porridge, spoons; sheets of white paper, felt-tip pens; scraps of fabric, needles, scissors, threads, buttons; blindfolds; toys; cards with animal names.

The progress of the holiday

Classroom teacher. Today we have gathered to honor the greatest, kindest, wisest and most patient woman - a woman-mother.

Any trouble will fade away and disappear,

Like roaring thunder in spring,

If she is with you, if she is always near

She might be 33 or 73.

No matter how old she is, age has nothing to do with it -

In restlessness, business from dawn to dusk

The person who holds the house together.

Her husband is a general, an astronaut or a poet,

Can be a tractor driver, a driver, a doctor.

She is the most important of all, there is no doubt about that -

The person who holds the house together.

Very rarely, but still sometimes sick.

And then everything around is topsy-turvy, upside down.

Because she, because she

The person who holds the house together.

And no matter what spring comes,

We go to work or to kindergarten,

She always treats us like children,

The person who holds the house together.

The rapid age is taking us somewhere.

In the bustle, we sometimes forget that

That she is not a foundation, she is a person.

The person who holds the house together.

So that there is light in both the heart and the house,

Reciprocate her kindness with kindness.

May you always feel love and warmth

The person who holds the house together.

Dear mothers, children have prepared a surprise for you.

1st student

Hello, kindest ones,

Smart and beautiful

The most wonderful -

Our beloved mothers!

2nd student

Congratulations now

Happy holiday to this wonderful

And we believe that our evening will be for you

Pleasant and interesting.

3rd student

Believe me, we are very sad,

If we upset you.

Listen to you, always help

We all promise now.

4th student

Mommies! We love you very much,

We adore you.

For affection, love, for sleepless nights

We thank you

And we give you a song as a gift.

Students sing the song “Hello, Moms!” (lyrics by K. Ibryaev, music by Y. Chichkov).

Classroom teacher. All our mothers are very busy people. How many worries and troubles they have! What are they doing?

The children answer.

Yes, our mothers both work and household lead and raise children. And very rarely you can spend the whole day with them without anything interfering or distracting you from each other.

And today you can not only chat, but also play with your mother. And today we will try to spend the day with mom. We invite each couple (mother and child) to create a team and take part in competitions. The competitions will be assessed by an independent jury. So let's begin.

First competition "Dress me". Each couple receives a set of clothes (hat, jacket, scarf, gloves). Mothers should get their baby dressed as quickly as possible.

After the competition, the girls perform a dance for their mothers.

Second competition “Mom-hairdresser”. Moms are given hair ties. The winner is the mother who manages to tie as many “tails” to her child as possible within a certain time.

Third competition "Breakfast". The teams receive bowls of porridge. A blindfolded mother must feed her baby. The winner is the pair that completes the task more accurately and faster than the rest.

Children perform comic ditties as gifts for their mothers.


We are funny friends

We dance and sing.

And now we will tell you,

How my mothers and I live.

Our mothers sew and wash

And the food is delicious.

We must learn from them

Do everything perfectly.

And I'm trying to mommy

Never upset.

I love to sew, knit, cook

And get straight A's.

I'm proud of my mom

And she me too.

I try to be in everything

Looks like her.

My mother is cheerful -

And I'm having fun too.

Even if he scolds,

I'm not angry with her.

Our dear mothers,

Don't scold us for laziness.

We will learn lessons

A+ every day.

Classroom teacher. Our next competition is called "Artist's Workshop". While holding a felt-tip pen, the couple must draw a little man. Speed ​​and similarity are assessed.

The fourth “Cooks” competition. Contestants must come up with names of dishes that begin with one letter (for example: jelly, compote, chicken, kulebyaka, loaf, etc.). The couple with the longest list will win.

Boys and girls sing the song “Pie for Mom.”

Classroom teacher. Do our teams know how to put on a patch or sew on a button? The next Atelier competition will show us this. Holding hands, the couple must thread the needle and sew on the button. Speed ​​and quality are assessed.

Fifth competition “Spring cleaning”. Blindfolded children must collect toys scattered on the floor. Mothers can give children clues where the toy is. The couple that collects the most toys wins.

Classroom teacher. Evening comes, and then night. Usually mothers tell their children fairy tales. And today we will do the opposite. I propose a competition called “Pantomime”.

Each team receives a card with the name of an animal (fox, cat, hare, cow, etc.). With the help of facial expressions and gestures, children must show the animal, and mothers must guess.

Our day with mom was friendly and fun. And for you, dear mothers, the children will read poetry.


Thank you all for your participation,

Thanks for the jokes and laughter,

May the holiday be like a drop of happiness

Will remain in everyone's heart.


And now mom will smile,

I stand there, very worried.

A gift like a drop of sunshine

I give it to my beloved mother.

Children give their mothers postcards and handmade souvenirs.

Summing up the results of competitions. All participating couples are awarded in the following categories:

- “The most dexterous”;

— “Skillful hands”;

— “The most careful”;

— “The most erudite”;

— « Top artists»;

— « Best Actor»;

— « Best Spectator»;

- “The most resourceful”;

- “The most friendly”

- “The most fun.”

The class teacher invites mothers and children to put a flower in the vase whose name matches their mood after the competition (cheerful, sad, calm).

The competitions end with a tour of the “We Do It Yourself” crafts exhibition and a tea party.


Yarovaya L.N. and etc. Extracurricular activities. 2nd grade. M., 2004.

Target: to cultivate in preschoolers love and deep respect for the dearest person - their mother. Create a festive mood in children and mothers on the eve of the holiday.

Preliminary work: decoration of the hall; children draw portraits of their mothers; the teacher writes down each child’s story about his mother. Grandmothers and mothers prepare baked goods for tea. Children make invitation cards.

Material: portraits of mothers, masks for the scene, medals for each mother. Shawls, scarves, ribbons for the competition. Two brooms, two hot air balloon, skittles.


The phonogram “Song of the Baby Mammoth” plays. Children enter the hall together with their mothers in pairs and sit on chairs.

Leading: Good evening, we say to you. It is no coincidence that we have gathered today on this November evening, in our cozy hall. After all, it is in November that we celebrate such a holiday as Mother’s Day. We welcome all mothers and grandmothers who came to our evening, which we dedicated to the kindest, most sensitive, most gentle, caring, hardworking, and, of course, the most beautiful, our mothers.

From the heart, in simple words
Let's friends talk about mom.
We love her like good friend,
Because she and I have everything together.
Because when things get tough for us,
we can cry at our own shoulder.
We love her because sometimes
Eye wrinkles become more severe.
But it’s worth confessing your head -
Wrinkles will disappear, a thunderstorm will pass.
For always, without concealment and directly
We can trust her with our hearts.
And simply because she is our mother,
We love her deeply and tenderly.

– Today you can expect jokes and surprises, songs, poems, in general, you can’t count everything. But whether today will be fun depends on you, Dear friends. Because we don’t have professional artists, but each of you, I’ll tell you a secret, is an artist if you egg him on a little.

In the world kind words lives a lot
But one thing is kinder and more important:
Two syllables, a simple word “mother”
And there are no words in the world more valuable than it.

Many nights have passed without sleep
There are countless worries and worries.
Big bow to you all birth mothers,
But that you exist in the world.

For kindness, for golden hands,
For your maternal advice,
With all our hearts we wish you
Health, happiness, long life.

Leading: Dear mothers! Accept a song as a gift.

The song “It’s good with you, Mom” is performed

Leading: There are many proverbs and sayings about mothers; we will now check whether our mothers know them. You need to complete the proverb.

Competition 1. Warm-up – mental gymnastics

  • It's warm in the sun (mother's good).
  • Maternal care does not burn in fire (does not drown in water)
  • The bird is happy about spring (and the child is happy about the mother).
  • Mother's caress (knows no end).
  • For a mother, a child (a child up to a hundred years old).

Leading: I think everyone in the room will be interested to know how well mothers know their children.

Competition 2. “Find the child by the palm of his hand”

Children stand in a circle, mother in the middle of the circle. When the music stops, the mother must, with her eyes closed, find her child's palm.

Leading: Our mothers have the kindest, most affectionate and skillful hands. But we will now check how rich imagination mothers have.

Competition 3. “Golden Hands”

Leading: We invite 2 mothers to the stage.

Mothers should use a scarf, a scarf, and bows to make an outfit for their child.

Leading: And the audience cheers, screams and applauds. (Music sounds) Thank you for such outfits! Children, take a walk. Stormy applause!

Leading: Special words are needed in order to thank our mothers for the care and affection.

Mommy is like a butterfly, cheerful, beautiful,
Affectionate, kind - the most beloved.
Mommy plays with me and reads fairy tales.
For her there is nothing more important, me - blue eyes

There are many mothers in this world,
Children love them with all their hearts.
There is only one mother,
She is dearer to me than anyone else.
Who is she? I will answer:
“This is my mommy!”

I will kiss my mother deeply and hug her dear one.
I love her very much, mom, my sunshine.

Leading: You've listened to the poems, now let's see if mothers have forgotten how to sweep the floor.

Competition 4. “Venicobol”

Participants need to circle a balloon between the pins with a broom.

Leading: I’ll ask everyone to stand up together, we’ll play now.

Game with a tambourine “Roll the merry tambourine”

Adults and children stand in a circle and pass the tambourine to each other, saying the words:

“You roll a merry tambourine,
quickly, quickly hand over hand.
Who has a tambourine left?
He’ll dance for us now.”

Leading: Dear mothers! You probably know your dear children well. And children, in turn, know their mothers very well. They even drew such wonderful portraits. But, unfortunately, not a single portrait is signed. Now we’ll see if you recognize your portraits from your children’s stories about their mother. (On the back of the portraits, the child’s story about his mother is written in advance: for example, a favorite dish, a singer, flowers, favorite hobby, profession, etc.)

Game “Find out whose portrait?”

Leading: And now the bravest, most talented participants are invited to the stage.

(7 mothers go to the middle of the hall and are given hero masks: little house, mouse, frog, bunny, fox, wolf, bear. The presenter reads the text, the parents perform the actions and pronounce the words).

Competition 5. Impromptu theater “Teremok”

There is a tower in the field (Creak-creak!).
A small mouse runs past. (Wow!)
The little mouse saw it. (Wow, you!) teremok (Creak-creak), stopped, looked inside, and the mouse thought (Wow, you!) that since the teremok (Creak-creak) is empty, she will live there.
A frog-frog (Quantically interesting!) galloped up to the mansion (Creak-creak) and began to look into the windows.
A small mouse saw her (Wow, you!) and invited her to live together. The frog agreed (Quantiresno!), and the two of them began to live together.
A runaway bunny runs past (Wow!). He stopped and looked, and then a mouse-norushka (Wow, you!) and a frog-croak (Quantiresque!) jumped out of the tower (Creak-creak!) and dragged the little bunny running around (Wow!) into the tower (Creak-creak! ).
A little fox-sister walks by (Tra-la-la!). He looks - there is a tower (Creak-creak). I looked out the window and there was a little mouse (Wow, you!), a frog (Quantires!) and a little bunny (Wow!) living. The little fox-sister asked pitifully (Tra-la-la!), and they accepted her into the company.
A gray barrel top came running (Tyts-tyts-tyts!), looked into the door and asked who lived in the mansion (Creak-creak!). And from the little house (Creak-creak!) the mouse-norushka (Wow, you!), the frog-croak (Quantiresno!), the running bunny (Wow!), the little fox-sister (Tra-la-la!) and invited him to their place. The top and gray barrel happily ran into the little mansion (Creak-creak) (Tyts-tyts-tyts!). The five of them began to live together.
Here they are in the little house (creak-creak!) living, singing songs. Mouse-norushka (Wow, you!), Frog-frog (Quantiresno!), Running bunny (Wow!), Little fox-sister (Tra-la-la!) and Top-gray barrel (Tyts-tyts-tyts !)
Suddenly a clubfooted bear walks by (Wow!). He saw the little house (Creak-creak!), heard songs, stopped and the clubfoot bear roared at the top of his lungs (Wow!). The mouse-norushka (Wow, you!), the frog-frog (Quantiresno!), the bunny-runner (Wow!), the little fox-sister (Tra-la-la!) and the top-gray barrel (Tyts-tyts- tyts!) and invited the clubfooted bear (Wow!) to live with them.
The bear (Wow!) climbed into the tower (Creak-creak!). I climbed and climbed and climbed and climbed - I just couldn’t get in and decided that it would be better to live on the roof.
A bear climbed onto the roof (Wow!) and just sat down - fuck! - the mansion fell apart (Creak-creak!).
The tower creaked (creak-creak!), fell on its side and completely fell apart. We barely had time to jump out of it: a mouse-norushka (Wow!), a frog-frog (Quantiresno!), a little bunny-runner (Wow!), a little fox-sister (Tra-la-la!), and a top-gray barrel (Tyts-tyts-tats!) - everyone was safe and sound, but they began to grieve - where could they live next? They began to carry logs, saw boards, and build a new little house (Creak-creak!). They built it better than before! And the mouse-norushka (Wow, you!), the frog-croak (Quantiresno!), the bunny-runner (Wow!), the little fox-sister (Tra-la-la!) and the top-gray barrel (Tyts) began to live together. -tyts-tyts!) a clubfooted bear (Wow!) and two-from-a-casket (We'll do everything!) in the new little house (Creak-creak!).

Leading: These lines are dedicated to our dear, dear, beloved and only mothers.

We wish to be the same as before,
But just a little more fun.
We wish them to come true your hopes,
As early and quickly as possible.

So that everyday worries
Didn't take the smile off your face
So that you come home from work,
Without a shadow of sadness and sadness.

So that the autumn breeze
I blew away the sediment from my heart of sorrow,
And so that a child's voice,
Only by laughing did he disturb the order.

We have gathered here today
to congratulate our mothers,
great happiness and health
We sincerely wish you.

Leading: I propose to hold a competition that will help test the erudition of our mothers, grandmothers and children in the field of poetry and fairy tales.

Competition 6. “Find the mistake and answer correctly”

* Dropped the bunny on the floor,
They tore off the bunny's paw.
I still won't leave him,
Because he's good.

* Sailor's hat, rope in hand,
I'm pulling a basket along a fast river.
And the kittens are jumping on my heels,
And they ask me: “Ride, captain.”

* I sewed a shirt for Grishka,
I'll sew some pants for him.
I need to sew a sock on them
And put some candy.

* What type of transport did Emelya use (a sleigh, a carriage, a stove, a car)?

* Where should a bear not sit (on a bench, on a log, on a stone, on a stump)?

* What did Leopold the cat say to the mice (stop being naughty, come and visit, you are my friends, let’s live together)?

Leading: Everyone is probably tired from such a load, we need to rest a little. Now I invite everyone to dance together, because not only do they work, but mothers need to rest. Let's all dance together.

Performing the Boogie-Woogie dance

Leading: Today is the kindest, most important holiday - World Mother's Day! Without affection, tenderness, care and love, without our mothers, we could not become human. Now I give the floor to our children.

We are finishing our holiday,
We wish dear mothers,
So that mothers do not grow old,
Younger, prettier.

We wish our mothers
Never be discouraged
Be more and more beautiful every year
And scold us less.

We want, for no reason,
They would give you flowers.
All the men smiled
From your wonderful beauty.

Leading: Our evening has come to an end. We thank all the participants of the competition for their attention to the children, for the pleasure they brought and for the festive mood. Let joint preparation for the holidays and your participation in the lives of children in kindergarten remain forever a good tradition of your family. Thank you for your kind heart, for your desire to be close to children, to give them warmth. We were very pleased to see the kind and gentle smiles of mothers and the happy eyes of their children. For your participation in our holiday and for the fact that you are always with us, for the fact that you are the most, the most are awarded to all mothers medals.

Children and guests are invited to tea.

Galina Golovina

al is festively decorated.

Music is playing. Children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle in front of the central wall.


There are many kind words in the world,

But kinder and more important than everyone else one:

Two syllables, a simple word "Mother"

And there are no words in the world more valuable than that!

Child 1: Tell me, what do you need for the birds?

Child 2: Sun, sky, garden greens.

Child 3: And for the sea?

Child 4: Coast.

Child 5: And for skis?

Child 6: For skis - snow.

Child 7: Well, I’ll tell you straight out that you should be with me...

All: Mother!

Children perform a song "Mom, mommy" music Yudina

Children sit on chairs. Only the presenter and the girl remain in the center.


Mom, mommy... How much warmth is hidden in this magical word, which is used to call the most dear, closest, only person. Maternal love warms us until old age. Mom teaches us to be wise, gives advice, cares and protects us.

Girl 8:

It's November, and we're talking about mom. We usually congratulate mothers on March 8th. Why are we talking about them today?


During the Great Patriotic War, in 1944, when the country already knew that our people would soon defeat the German fascists, the order was established "Mother Heroine". And in 1997, the President of Russia adopted a Decree establishing the Day mothers which they decided to celebrate on the last Sunday

Girl 8:

Mom, mom, like a fairy

You are beautiful and sweet.

You always tell me everything

And always tell me - "Yes!"

You will answer any question,

My dear mother.

Well tell me, well tell me

How can I not love you?


We have prepared for you moms, surprise.

Watch the video “This is what my mother is like!”

Watch a video “This is what my mother is like!”

They go to the center of the hall moms.

Mom 1:

Take care of your children

Don't scold them for their pranks.

The evil of your bad days

Never take it out on them.

Mom 2:

Don't be seriously angry with them

Even if they did something wrong:

There is nothing more valuable than tears.

That the eyelashes of relatives have rolled off.

Mom 3:

If you feel tired,

I can’t cope with her,

Well, my son will come to you

Or your daughter will extend her hands.

Mom 4:

Hug them tight

Treasure children's affection.

This happiness is a short moment

Hurry up to be happy.

Mom 5:

After all, they will melt like snow in spring,

These are golden days.

And they will leave their native hearth

Your children have grown up.

Child 9:

There are many mothers in this world.

Children love them with all their hearts.

There is only one mother for everyone!

She is dearer to all of us!


Expensive moms, we dedicate today's holiday to you!

And let's begin contest« Our mothers»

Child 10:

We will try together

May the holiday be a success.

The fun begins

We gathered for a reason!

Do not be afraid, moms, we are with you!


Performance our contestants will be evaluated by a jury consisting of Lomakina N.N., Ignatieva I.V. and Krestina I.A.

Now it's time to meet each participant competition

So, first task "Let's get to know each other". Our mothers will tell about themselves, about his family, about his hobbies and much more.

Competition 1st"Let's get to know each other"


While the jury is counting the points, our the girls will perform a cheerful, fiery dance.

Children performing a dance "Rock'n'roll"


The jury's word


Yours moms jack of all trades - things are going wrong for them.

Nostalgia from boredom will not come, because they are all masters!

Fun competitions:

1. “Who can wind up a ball faster?” (first two compete moms, then two children)

2. “Who can lay out a flower faster?” (first three compete moms, then three children)

3. "Who drinks the juice faster"(juice or compote is poured into three glasses; three are played couples: mother and child. On command, participants take a glass each from a straw and begin to drink the juice. Whoever drinks the fastest wins)


Our Varya - cook -

He bakes and cooks brilliantly.

Come for pancakes

They say they are delicious!

I announce the second contest"Culinary". Moms present their culinary masterpieces to the audience and jury.

Competition 2nd"Culinary"


That's our the competition is not over: now we will find out if they can our mothers Determine with your eyes closed what kind of cereal is poured into which container.

A game:

“Define the cereal”(Peas, buckwheat, rice, millet, beans, etc. are poured into transparent containers. Mothers are tied with a scarf over their eyes, and they must identify the cereal by touch. The same game is played with children.)


While the jury is summing up this competition, the children will delight everyone with poems.

Children read poetry.

Child 11:

Mommy is like a butterfly - cheerful, beautiful,

Affectionate, kind - the most beloved.

Mommy plays with me and reads fairy tales.

For her, there is no one more important than me - blue eyes! (I. Bodrachkova)

Child 12:

I love you, mom, for what I don’t know.

Probably because I live and dream

And I rejoice in the sun and the bright day.

For this, dear, I love you!

For the sky, for the wind, for the air around

I love you, mom!

You are my best friend! (N. Eremeeva)

Child 13:

I once told my friends:

There are many kind mothers in the world,

But you won't find it, I guarantee

A mother like mine!

She bought it for me

On the wheels of a horse,

Saber, paints and album...

But is that really the point?

I love her anyway

Mommy, my mommy! (N. Sakonskaya)

Child 14:

My mother brings me toys, candies,

But that’s not why I love my mother.

She sings funny songs

The two of us are never bored together.

I tell her all my secrets,

But I love my mother not only for this.

I love my mother, I’ll say it straight out myself,

Well, simply because she is my mother. (L. Dymova)

Leading: And they will sing us a merry song "Cheerful old man"

Children perform a song "Cheerful old man" music G. Portnova.

Leading: The jury gives the floor.

The jury announces the results of the 2nd competition.


And we have a third contest"Musical".

What kind of village is this?

What kind of girls live here?

They say they're limping?

How do bears sing?

Participating moms:

We know our village

But we won’t tell you where we live!

We don't walk, we fly

We'll sing like nightingales!

Leading: In that competition mothers will be helped by their children.

Competition 3rd –"Musical"

Leading: While the jury decides who sang best among the family duets, the children will delight us with a lively dance

Children performing a dance “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden” Russian nar melody.

Leading: The jury gives the floor.

The jury announces the results of the 3rd competition.


Competition Four“You look good in all your outfits, darling.” last

Our contestants They made outfits for themselves and will now show them off.

Competition 4 –“You look good in all your outfits, darling.”


While the jury is summing up the results of the fourth competition, you and I will play interesting game. You need to guess which one fairy tale hero it is spoken in a riddle. Participate All: both children and moms.

1. Pretended Gray wolf horned mother, broke into the house and ate six babies. But the mother of many children lured the wolf robber into the pit where the fire was burning; The wolf's belly burst from the heat, and all six of the eaten children came out unharmed.

Who is being talked about here? What is the name of the fairy tale?

2. "Little Frog"– that’s what she affectionately called the human cub. She was ready to defend him so fiercely that all the other wolves of the pack and even the tiger Sherkhan did not dare to touch her adopted son.

3. The child lost his mother. He's floating "across the blue sea to the green land". Neither waves nor wind scare him, because he floats "to the only mother in the world"

Who is this riddle talking about? And what kind of work is this?

Children, tell me, who are the mothers of your mothers and fathers?

Of course, your grandmothers. And now we will hear poems about grandmothers.

Child 15:

Our grandmother is very kind,

Our grandmother has become old.

Our grandmother has many wrinkles,

With them she is even better and more beautiful.

Grandma knits warm mittens,

Grandma will tell you a fairy tale in the evening.

We are ready to listen to it for hours,

If she forgets, we’ll tell her ourselves.

Leading: The jury gives the floor.

The jury announces the results of the 4th competition.


And so, we came to the end of the competition our mothers.

To sum it up competition we give the jury time.

And we ourselves will dance. Children, ask your mothers to dance.

Free dance of children and mothers.

Leading: Word for announcement of results competition« Our mothers» provided by the jury!

The jury names the winners and presents certificates and prizes to the participants.

Music is playing. Children stand in a semicircle in front of the central wall.


Our autumn evening has come to an end.

Expensive our mothers!

Your children want to thank you again!

Child 16:

For kindness, for golden hands,

Behind your motherly advice

With all our hearts we wish you

Health, happiness, long years!

Music is playing

Children approach their mothers and go with them to group.