On which moon is it better to start repairs? We run a household according to the lunar calendar

Every person, when starting a renovation, wants to make at least a palace out of an ordinary and drab room, breathe new life, renew it, and so on. Moreover, I want to do everything as quickly as possible and not spend a lot of money. But not everything works out so well in reality.

Sometimes repairs are delayed indefinitely, then they begin to go away more money, and then a serious defect emerges, which needs to be redone again. But avoiding all this is very simple, as it turns out. Astrologers have long decided this problem, and therefore we have compiled a special table, thanks to which you can choose the most good days to start renovating an apartment or house in 2017.

When you choose one of auspicious days to remodel or repair your home, you will be able to avoid deception from specialists, exorbitant expenses, as well as various defects and future alterations. Such influence celestial bodies V in general terms look like this: on the days of retrograde Mars, Mercury or Venus, you should not start repairs.

To start remodeling your home unfavorable days Also considered are those when there is a full moon or a new moon, as well as a waxing moon. And if you start your repairs at the moment when the celestial body is waning, then everything will work out in at its best, you don’t even have to doubt it.

Favorable days

January – 2-3, 8, 14-15, 19, 21, 25

February — 1, 5, 7-8, 14-15, 20

March — 4-5, 8, 14, 18, 21, 25-26

April — 1, 7-8, 17, 19, 26-27

May — 3, 4, 11, 18-19, 22-24, 29

June — 2-3, 6, 11, 16-18, 25-27

July — 1, 5, 8, 17, 23-26, 30

August — 2, 5, 7, 10-11, 16, 22-24

September — 3, 8-9, 17, 23-24, 28

October — 7-8, 10, 14, 18, 20, 17-28

November — 2, 8, 13-15, 21, 27-29

December — 5, 8-9, 14, 18, 25, 30

Unfavorable days

January — 1, 4, 7, 9, 10-13, 20, 26-27

February — 4, 6, 10-12, 17-19, 23-24

March — 1-2, 7, 10-13, 19, 23, 29

April — 3, 5, 9, 12-15, 18, 22-23, 28

May — 2, 5, 8, 9, 13-16, 20, 27, 30

June — 1, 5, 9, 12-15, 21-23, 30

July — 3-4, 7, 9, 11-13, 18, 20-21, 29

August — 1, 3, 6, 9, 13-14, 17-18, 26

September — 2, 4, 6, 12-16, 19-21, 26, 29

October — 2-5, 9, 13, 16, 19, 21-25, 30

November — 1, 3, 6-7, 9-10, 17-19, 22-26

December — 2-3, 7, 10-13, 19, 21-22, 26

Fashionable renovation this year

Eco-friendliness is still a trend in 2017. First of all, this is the choice of environmentally friendly materials - bamboo floors, cork flooring, formaldehyde-free furniture, and so on. Also, it is the reuse of materials in order to preserve Natural resources of our planet. Check out recycled glass countertops and vintage metal for beds, sinks, lamps and more.

If we talk about decor, then in our time useless and meaningless decorations are already fading into the background. Every item in your home should be functional. Therefore, think about which items help you the most and what you do in the house. The shape of furniture or its texture can also be home decor. Rational and smart use of space will be convenient even in the largest apartment.

The third renovation trend of 2017 is minimalism. Things tend to collect dust, as well as stagnant energy. Accumulated things have long been no longer considered an indicator of wealth or success. So, without any hesitation, you can safely throw away the old trash and keep only the essentials. When you buy new thing, then immediately throw away the old one. Accustom yourself to this rule.

Today almost every person lives at an accelerated pace, and more and more often we come home only to sleep off and relax. If you are one of these people, then your interior should focus on the bedroom. Choose quality bedding, the best pillow-top mattress, and adjustable lighting to help you relax.

Of course, you can create the most beautiful and fashionable interior, make it cozy using natural and ecological materials. But no architect or designer can surpass the beauty of nature, as well as the diversity of the most wonderful places on Earth. Therefore, feel free to add a fashion trend to your interior - a world map. Then she will beckon you to go beyond the threshold of your abode and go explore new horizons.

Don't forget about the bathroom. After all, this is where you can wash off the dirt and relax well. Spend money on touch screens or good sprays with aerators. Transparent glass shower doors are also on trend for 2017. They are a great replacement for a bulky shower stall. If you want to add some zest to the bathroom, then add unusual lighting, more aroma paraphernalia, and so on. Then you will be guaranteed relaxation and lifting your spirits.

Let's look at how repairs and the Moon are astrologically connected. The ideal option is to make repairs approximately every three to four years. It is not at all necessary to radically change the appearance of your apartment every time, investing heavily in its transformation. And we should never strive at any cost to renovate our house according to European standards - most of us do not need this inanimate standard imposed on us for our souls.

Repair and the Moon: what is best to do and when

It’s better to constantly, albeit little by little, update something in your home. Let it be inexpensive wallpaper, but choose the color that pleases you, and spare no effort, re-paint your room that has not been renovated for a long time.

Just be sure to first remove all the layers of old wallpaper that have accumulated there from the walls. You'll see how new life will enter your home, as all the heaviness, all the sorrows and problems of the past years will leave it. The energy of the house will be renewed, it will begin to live, breathe - and this is the main thing.

Repair and Moon. It is important to start repairs on a suitable day, for example when the Moon is in Taurus. Then the repair will be successful and you will be less tired and avoid overstrain, both physical and moral.

It must be remembered that all work related to plastering, pasting and painting must be carried out on Air days (that is, when the Moon is in Aquarius, Libra or Gemini) or on Fire days (when the Moon is in Aries, Leo or Sagittarius), avoiding days of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). On Water days, paint does not dry well, wallpaper gets wet, but at the same time it is difficult to stick, since there is a lot of moisture in the air.

Slightly fixing the plaster, painting windows, doors, hanging wallpaper - all this can be done by a woman on her own. The main thing is to believe in yourself! For major repairs, of course, it is better to invite a team of craftsmen, but minor work on basic home improvement can be done independently, and you can even turn it into pleasure.

It is known that changing the type of activity has a very good effect on the psyche and is best vacation. Especially if you have a sedentary job, DIY repairs will improve your mood, add variety to your life and make you believe in yourself. It's always a small victory over yourself, a small celebration - when you realize that you can do something with your own hands.

Moon and protracted repairs

The main thing is not to get bogged down in repairs, not to drag it out to such an extent that it begins to tire you. Remember: work should be a pleasure, not a burden. Don’t try to cover the whole apartment at once, start small, for example, wallpaper one room. Then take a break from repair work for six months to a year, after which you will wallpaper the hallway. And so on.

Never try to impress someone with the new look of your apartment; remember that you are doing this for yourself. It is important that you enjoy being in your home. And you don’t always have to blindly and recklessly chase fashion - first of all, take into account your own taste, your habits and the characteristics of your apartment.

I know one family who, in pursuit of fashion, covered their bedroom walls with white wallpaper, and then it turned out that it was impossible to stay there. A deadly cold wafted from the walls. The room became somehow official, soulless, like an office. I had to tear off the expensive white wallpaper and glue on cheerful pink ones with flowers. The room immediately came to life, became habitable and cozy.

When you approach repairs as a game and creativity, repairs become not hellish work, but a holiday. And the apartment will definitely respond with gratitude to your care, and you will always feel warm and comfortable in your home.

It is better to start repairs in the days of Taurus. Plastering, pasting and painting should be done on the days of Air or Fire, but not on the days of Water.

If you decide to build, then knowledge of lunar rhythms will help you avoid many problems. Building in harmony with nature is easier, more pleasant and cheaper, and a house built in right time and in the right place, will delight you with its durability.

This table will help you choose the right time for this or that activity during the construction and renovation of a house. To learn more about the stages of work, read the materials after the table.

External and internal construction work and repairs guaranteed with lunar rhythms

Type of work

Very good

Benefits if the timing is right

Very bad

Disadvantages in case of incorrect timing

Main site walk

New Moon

Increased sensitivity to radiation


Detrimental Moon in Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Flawed Moon

Groundwater does not rise as much

New Moon

Groundwater remains in the pit for a long time


Defective Moon, but not under the sign of Leo

With a debilitated Moon in Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

On the full moon

The base of the foundation remains wet for a long time

In Gemini. Libra, Aquarius or Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Possibly in Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Moisture evaporates faster from the masonry, leaving the basement dry

Scorpio, Pisces

Moisture is retained or remains forever in the masonry. Increased risk of permanent mold growth

Ceiling in the basement

Easier to deform after drying too quickly


(Moon is at a loss)

A newly erected building dries quickly, high strength masonry

Floors and ceilings

The ceiling takes too long to dry, there is a risk of cracking


Detrimental Moon in Capricorn or Taurus

Detrimental Moon, but not in Cancer, Leo or Sagittarius

High strength and stability, no cracking or bending of boards

New Moon

Full moon

Wood is difficult to process, there is a risk of lifting or bending of all rafters


Detrimental Moon in Gemini, Libra. Aquarius or Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Flawed Moon

Roof tiles dry faster, with little or no moss growth

New Moon

New Moon in Cancer. Scorpio. Pisces

The roof remains wet for too long, resulting in the risk of severe contamination and the appearance of moss

Coating external and internal surfaces plaster, exterior wall cladding

Defective Moon, but not under the signs of Water

The coating is strong and durable

New Moon

New Moon in Cancer!

Risk of cracking and peeling. Wood is difficult to process


Wooden stairs

Moon at detriment in Capricorn

Defective Moon, but not in Cancer. Lev. Sagittarius

High strength, no squeak

New Moon

New Moon in Cancer and also during the Full Moon

It becomes looser faster, requires a lot of additional processing, and squeaks appear.

Stone stairs

Electrical equipment

Water, plumbing

Scorpio, Pisces

Scorpio, Pisces

Earlier right choice had time higher value than today, since no effective anti-clogging measures were known. Less susceptible to corrosion, fresher water

In Taurus, Virgo. Capricorn

Ingress of sand or contamination from outside, greater susceptibility to corrosion

Wooden window frames, doors

Detrimental Moon in Capricorn. Aquarius, Gemini

The flawed Moon is not under the signs of Cancer. Leo and Sagittarius

They retain their strength for a long time, are easy to close, and dry quickly after rain.

New Moon

New Moon in Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius

Windows and doors quickly warp, moisture

remains in the wood, the wood rots


Detrimental Moon in Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

The chimney has a good tag, heat spreads faster

New Moon in Cancer, Scorpio,

Smoke sometimes gets into the house. other soot in the pipe


Flawed Moon

The coating lies flat, there are no bends or bends.

New Moon

The coating sometimes breaks down, and

folds in the case of textile or

plastic coverings

Wood flooring

Detrimental Moon in Capricorn

Defective Moon, but not under the signs of Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius

High strength of the floor, lack of sensitivity to atmospheric phenomena. The wood does not rot and retains its beautiful appearance

New Moon

New Moon in Cancer, Leo. Sagittarius

After a few years, the floor will become "weak and uneven; cracking; severe creaking

Installation of wooden


Defective Moon, but not in Cancer!

No cracks or shifts

New Moon

New Moon in Cancer’

Formation of cracks. loud crashing noise when the weather changes

Painting, varnishing, impregnation, gluing

Defective Moon, but not in Leo. Cancer. Scorpio. Pisces

High quality of work, absence of cracks, voids, material is easy to process, more economical material consumption, uniform impregnation

New Moon in Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Leo

New Moon in Leo or Cancer

During the Leo period, the paint peels off, the blood circulation is strained due to fumes. During the days of Cancer

strain on the lungs due to toxic fumes

and high humidity between the paint layer and

wood (risk of rotting and peeling)


New moon

Defective Moon. Possibly in Taurus

Virgo, Capricorn

Durability, high strength, negligible rotting

New Moon

The jambs will begin to come out of the openings, will not hold well and will rot quickly

Installation of slabs, construction of verandas

Detrimental Moon in Taurus. Virgo. Capricorn

Flawed Moon

The slabs stand well and stay firmly in the soil.

New Moon

New Moon in Cancer, Sagittarius. Full moon

The slabs are loose, poorly secured,

come out of the soil again and again; underneath them

clusters of snails


Detrimental Moon in Capricorn

Flawed Moon

The soil is not washed away by rain, the ground remains solid, strengthening roads has tangible results

New Moon

New Moon in Cancer, Sagittarius. Full moon

Erosion of gravel, results of work are short-lived

About the connection between housing and health

Unfortunately, modern housing construction pays little attention to the basic principles of home hygiene. Perhaps this happens for one simple reason: most craftsmen and architects do not build for themselves.
The concept of “housing syndrome” was born in America - common name a number of serious human health problems associated with exposure to the building materials from which the house is constructed. Violations occur due to human contact with gases and toxic substances contained in these materials. These substances can be released in the form of gas, dust, and their effect on human health can only be noticed if it manifests itself strongly and quickly. Monitor how human health changes over the course of twenty, thirty, forty years of life in a house, during construction which one or another was used Construction Materials, almost impossible.

Choosing a site for construction

Before you engage in actual construction work, you should definitely take time to choose the optimal location to build a house. Call a professional to examine the construction site for unfavorable areas. Sometimes unfavorable zones can be located in such a way that it will be enough to move the house one meter to avoid harmful energy flows.
If the area of ​​the site is too small and there is nowhere to shift the plan, you should still carefully examine the site. After all, having taken measurements, you can arrange the rooms so that the bedroom and office are as far as possible from the danger zone.


Builders and architects are well aware of cases where cracks form in concrete ceilings and walls or moisture appears on the concrete. Bad weather and the quality of concrete may have nothing to do with it. Therefore, before pouring concrete, remember that:

It is advisable to pour concrete (and also lay a stone floor) with a debilitated Moon under the signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
It is worth abandoning such work in days of the waxing Moon and under the signs of Water, and with a debilitated Moon under the sign of Leo(concrete dries too quickly and cracks may form).


To prevent your roof from leaking, check your work with the lunar calendar.
On the day of the new moon, it is better to postpone the construction of the roof, otherwise the tiles will not hold up well. Also avoid days of water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces), otherwise the roof will quickly become overgrown with dirt and moss.

It is advisable to cover the roof with a debilitated Moon on warm and light days ( Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius).

On a regular tear-off calendar you can see some astrological parameters. For example: Moon in Aries or waxing Moon in Virgo. Many people ask why this information is needed, what does it give?

Of course, for professional astrologers, every aspect and every detail is very important. But even without being a professional, you can use the information from the calendar to make your life easier. For example, data on the location of the Moon in a particular zodiac sign can help you with household chores. You should pay attention to the element of the sign in which the Moon is located on a given day.

Moon in fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

During this period, things that require a lot of energy and quick decisions will be well argued. Also at this time it is good to do housework that is, in one way or another, related to fire, heat and metal. You will be excellent at homemade preparations, as well as dishes prepared by frying or baking. Moreover, on the waning Moon in the signs of Fire, pies, cakes, pancakes, cookies and others work better flour products. At the moment of the waxing Moon, meat dishes will be the most delicious: roast, kebab, grill, etc. On such days, you should heat the house and light a new fireplace, especially at the beginning of the winter season. Esotericists believe that if you light a fire at this time, then in the future there should be no heating problems in this room. Also these days it is recommended to make minor repairs, sharpen scissors, knives, and debug tools.

Moon in air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

When the Moon is in these signs, you should do things that require bright light or those held outdoors. During this period, it is useful to wash the floors, do general cleaning in the house, wash windows and glassware. Sewing, knitting, cleaning clothes and shoes will be successful. By the way, it has been noticed that washed clothes dry much faster at this time. The apartment can be renovated, furniture rearranged, and interior changes made. Particularly successful will be work performed in the upper part of the room: suspended or suspended ceilings, chandeliers. The purchase and placement of paintings must also be done when the Moon is in Air signs.

Moon in earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

During this period, you can successfully do household chores that require perseverance, attention, and do not tolerate fuss and haste. Anything that, one way or another, is accomplished with the help of earth, stones, cold and all kinds of heavy objects will go well. Also, when the Moon is in earthly signs, you should do things that are aimed at long-term storage. These days, it is recommended to dig up roots, freeze berries, fruits, and pickle vegetables for the winter. It has been noticed that they do not lose their taste, shape and do not become excessively watery. On the waning Moon, you can clean up the storerooms, attic, basement, and get rid of unnecessary old things. Excavation work, concreting floors, installing fences, building gazebos, covering apartment floors with laminate, linoleum and carpets will be successful. Doors and locks installed during this period will serve reliably and for a long time.

Moon in water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

Household chores in which you will use water or any other liquids are most preferable these days. At this time, it is recommended to water the plants; the water will be well absorbed and revive even unpromising plants (both outdoor and indoor). Washing, washing, cleaning will also benefit the matter. Dishes prepared by boiling will acquire excellent taste and aroma. But washing your hair and swimming during this period is not recommended (especially on the waning Moon), as you can easily become hypothermic and catch a cold. If you are planning to renovate your apartment, then when the Moon is in water signs, it is favorable to glue wallpaper, plaster the walls or paint them. It is also better to conduct water, dig wells and install plumbing during this period of time. Try to follow these simple recommendations, and then your housework will be joyful, successful and easy.