Favorable days for cosmetology. Skin care according to the lunar calendar

When working with plants, we have long been accustomed to checking lunar calendars. Is it only information about the phase of the moon or the sign in which it stands that can help with this? Not at all! For the female half of our readers, we have prepared the so-called “Beauty Calendar”. Now you can quickly determine whether you can plan a haircut for tomorrow, go to the pool on the weekend, or get a manicure on Friday. In general, plan cosmetic procedures according to the lunar calendar.

How to use

Using our “Beauty Calendar” is easy and convenient. Its main advantage is that it is universal, i.e. You can use it not only this 2014, but also in a year and in five years.

You can find out which sign the moon is in on the desired day in the lunar calendar for the current month (the “Lunar Calendars” block on the left).

The calendar table shows brief information By various types body and face care, therefore we strongly advise you to read the article and only then download the calendar.

« Lunar calendar beauty" in the form of a picture table ( jpeg) V high quality size 7.2 Mb available for free download. You will find the link at the bottom of the page.

So, let's look at the moon's instructions in more detail.

If the moon is in the sign of Capricorn:

- do manicure and pedicure,
- apply any skin care methods,
- carry out rejuvenation procedures,
- apply body wraps,
- apply compresses to problem areas,
- put masks on your face.

Refrain from:
- procedures to restore eyebrows and eyelashes,
- visits to the dentist,
- aroma and herbal medicine.

If the moon is in Aquarius:

Good time for:
- going for a manicure and pedicure,

- dental consultations,
- all kinds of water treatments (swimming pool, baths, showers, etc.),
- use of caring and nourishing masks for the face and body,
- neck and décolleté skin care procedures.

Not worth it:
- apply nourishing masks to hair,
- pluck eyebrows,
- use hormonal creams,
- do any massage.

If the moon is in the sign of Pisces:

Favorable time for:
- all types of massage,
- gymnastics with exercises for the feet and legs,
- going to the dentist,
- carrying out skin moisturizing procedures,
- procedures against cellulite,
- use of soft cosmetics (gels, foams, milk, etc.),
- cosmetic wraps.

Opt out:
- any effects on nails,
- face readings,
- cleaning procedures.

If the moon is in Aries:

Favorable period for:
- aromatherapy,
- herbal medicine,
- flexibility exercises,
- neck and décolleté care,
- applying any masks to the face.

Not recommended:
- do a head massage,
- pierce ears,
- tint eyelashes and eyebrows,
- lighten hair,
- resort to perm,
- do not style your hair using a hair dryer, gels, foam, hairspray, etc. natural remedies,
- spend fasting days,
- fight against cellulite,
- wraps and compresses.
- carry out any type of facial surgery.

If the moon is in Taurus:

The following cosmetic procedures can be performed:
- hair lightening,
- hair coloring,
- permanent makeup,
- eyebrow correction,
- facial cleansing,
- applying nourishing masks to the face and hair.

Unlucky days for:
- applying moisturizing masks,
- foot care,
- restoration of eyelashes and eyebrows.

If the moon is in Gemini:

Good time for:
- fasting days,
- cleansing the body,
- any water procedures,
- all types of gymnastics.

Unfavorable days for:
- aroma and herbal medicine,
- nail extensions,
- going to the hairdresser for a haircut,
- hair coloring.

If the moon is in Cancer:

Great period for:
- facial plastic surgery,
- applying masks to the face,
- going to the dentist.

Bad time for:
- haircuts,
- all types of effects on the skin of the chest and décolleté,
- pedicure,
- fasting days,
- cleaning procedures.

If the moon is in Leo:

The lunar beauty calendar advises:
- do gymnastics for the legs,
- correct the chin and neck.
- apply vitamin masks to the face,
- apply masks to the skin of the neck and décolleté,
- use natural remedies (homemade from ordinary products).

Refrain from:
- ear piercings,
- deep facial cleansing,
- removal of warts and (or) moles,
- campaigns to combat cellulite,
- application of wraps.

If the moon is in Virgo:

Best days for:
- manicure,
- pedicure,
- hair cutting,
- foot care,
- aromatherapy,
- testing new cosmetics.
- herbal medicine.

Bad time for:
- massage treatments,
- use of natural remedies.

If the moon is in Libra:

Suitable period for:
- going to the dentist,
- applying masks to the skin of the face,
- eyebrow/eyelash restoration procedures,
- performing plastic surgeries,
- gymnastics with exercises for flexibility,
- gymnastics for the eyes,
- light therapy.

Unfavorable period for:
- applying permanent makeup,
- foot care.

If the moon is in the sign of Scorpio:

Good time for:
- any type of massage,
- gymnastics for the eyes,
- use of oil rubbing,
- use of cosmetics for washing and cleansing the skin,
- applying masks to the neck and décolleté area.

Reduce or cancel:
- use of natural products for masks, compresses and other procedures,
- applying hormonal creams,
- water procedures,
- a trip to a manicurist.

If the moon is in Sagittarius:

- carry out a complex to combat cellulite,
- gymnastics for the eyes,
- any type of massage,
- do self-massage of problem areas,
- use of natural products (sour cream, butter, honey, etc.)
- water procedures.

The dependence of cosmetic procedures on the waning or waxing of the moon.

Many procedures become more effective, and in some cases safer, during the intervals between the full moon and the new moon, and vice versa. This will help you determine which moon is today.

On a waning moon, it is better to carry out the following procedures:

1. Steam baths. The procedure is contraindicated for those who have spider veins on their skin.
The steam bath should last 10 – 15 minutes.
- For people with oily skin – no more than 1 time per week,
- For those who have dry skin – once every 2 months.

2. Diets. Complete fasting to lose weight is not the best solution.
Short fasts and one-day fasts are more useful for “shedding” extra pounds.
- Short posts – 18, 20, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29 lunar day,
- One-day dry fasting – 28 lunar day.

3. Getting rid of “interfering” little things: blackheads, pimples, freckles, age spots.

4. Fight cellulite.

5. Tanning in a solarium and in a natural environment. At this time, the danger from it decreases.

6. Special procedures for cleansing the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Ideally in the signs of Libra, Cancer and Capricorn.

It is better to carry out the following procedures on the waxing moon:

1. Cosmetic procedures to saturate the skin and hair with useful substances. It is at this time that the use of nourishing masks and creams will bring you maximum benefit.

2. Compresses and masks.
- For facial skin – 1 lunar day. Ideally in the signs of Libra, Cancer and Capricorn.
- For the skin of the neck and décolleté – 4 lunar day. Ideally in the signs of Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius.

3. Diets:
- Short fasts – 8 and 11 lunar days,
- One-day dry fasting – 2 and 14 lunar days.
- One-day fasting with water – 10th and 12th lunar day.

Plum: planting and care, proper pruning and cultivation.
Plum in the garden is always delicious fresh fruit, fragrant jam and compotes! Well, in order for the plants to always produce good harvests, do not forget to follow just a few simple, but quite important tips regarding plum care.

You, for sure, will not be an exception and also love to eat pepper. A wide selection of taste characteristics, shapes and colors will allow literally any gardener to choose a “nice” variety. Unfortunately, the price of this product jumps a lot, so you should think about growing peppers in a greenhouse!

Has a peach seedling found its place in your garden? This is simply wonderful, however, now you will have to make every effort to ensure that this plant can feel comfortable even in winter. So, don’t forget about autumn work!

Since time immemorial, people have taken into account the influence of lunar rhythms, even more than solar ones, since the Moon is close to the Earth, its gravitational field greatly influences the earth's biosphere, changes in its magnetic field, atmosphere, and weather. Ancient people did not have the opportunities that we have, but they knew how to listen to nature, and this often saved their lives.

The rhythms of the Moon affect the ebb and flow of the seas and oceans, the level of all liquids on Earth, crops, plant growth, air pressure and temperature changes. Official science Moon phases are even recognized as a factor influencing the entire earthly life. Considering that a person consists of 80% water and that we are particles of space, this is important to take into account!

The moon is associated with the feminine principle, motherhood, security, fluids and changeability.

The moon, in astrology, is responsible for human health. Women are especially susceptible to its influence, because... it is also a Yin planet.

In collaboration with an astrologer, we have compiled a certain algorithm-hint, guided by which, you can choose the most favorable day for cosmetic procedures, incl. and long-term make-up procedures.

Of course, compiling any table will not be 100% protection against difficult days. All this is due to the fact that each person is individual, each has their own rhythm and their own position of the Moon in the horoscope. Some people will still be more or less sensitive to the procedure. For example, if a person has a conjunction of the Moon and the planet Mars in his horoscope, then he will always have a high sensitivity threshold and experience more painful sensations.

Of course, it is not always possible to choose the perfect day, but given the emotional state inspired by the Moon and the readiness of the skin for the procedure, you can find the best line behavior and get as close as possible to the ideal result by carrying out the procedure in the most harmonious way and using preventive measures. He who is forewarned is forearmed!

By lunar phases

New moon. The most difficult of all periods lunar cycle. 2 days before the New Moon and two days after. It is called the days of Hecate, i.e. "dark days" The Moon at this moment is completely covered by the Sun. She is young, vulnerable, very tender. These days, even the body’s resistance to viruses is minimal, and the immune system is weakened. The moon is the soul of man. On the days of the New Moon, people's intuition decreases, they become less sensitive, less spiritual. The moon is responsible for fluids in the body. During the New Moon, fluid pressure is minimal. This is bad for people suffering from vascular diseases.

Full moon. Another important period, although not as significant as the New Moon. On the Full Moon, the Moon, on the contrary, covers the Sun. The sun is reason, sober reason. These days, feelings block the ability to soberly assess the situation. Physiological processes in the body are at their peak during the Full Moon, fluid accumulates in the tissues, which affects people prone to high blood pressure. Medicines taken during the full moon are stronger, but they also show more active side effects. Usually on the Full Moon people are overexcited, therefore they are capable of inappropriate actions and emotional outbursts.

When the Moon follows from New Moon to Full Moon, i.e. Waxing Moon, the human body is configured to accumulate, accept, assimilate, retain. The best adaptation. At Waning Moon the body gives more, is tuned to the return of strength, and receives and assimilates worse.

Consequently, better absorption of pigment, or longer pigmentation, will occur on the waxing Moon. For example, it will last longer.

There are days when carrying out any procedures is not very desirable, these are the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th Lunar day

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Now more about the Moon in the zodiac signs

Moon in Aries.

A good time if it is not the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th Lunar day. It is believed that on such days the head is vulnerable. It is not recommended to cut hair, do plastic surgery on the face, remove teeth. The eyes (fundus) are vulnerable.

Moon in Taurus.

These days are generally considered days of love and beauty. Women are very drawn to shopping, they think and care about their appearance. This is a time when comfort and care are especially important to people. If the Moon is very harmonious, then the procedure will be performed very beautifully. The result will be a work of art, and the client will be very satisfied. The Moon in Taurus does not like the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th Lunar day.

Moon in Gemini.

On days like these, people strive to communicate. The hands of the craftsmen are distinguished by dexterity. Everything happens faster. The downside is that fussiness increases and people tend to be late. There are no contraindications for long-term makeup. But the limbs, especially the fingers and toes, are vulnerable, especially if it is the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th Lunar day. People who work with their hands need to be careful.

Moon in Cancer.

People want to be treated kindly, reassuringly, and they tend to believe promises. It is good if the Moon in Cancer does not fall on the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th Lunar day. There are no contraindications for cosmetic procedures. In general, on such days people's sensitivity becomes more acute.

Moon in Leo.

The Moon in Leo makes people active, more optimistic, sensitive to signs of attention and compliments . In general, the period of cosmetic procedures is acceptable, but the skin will seem to burn, because Leo is fire. There may be more redness and swelling. Fire needs water, so the skin can quickly calm down if you can apply something cooling, liquid or cream.

Moon in Virgo.

People are becoming meticulous. They can find fault with every little thing. The procedure time may increase. On such days it is very good to carry out cosmetic procedures. The moon is not sensitive, the skin will be calm, and the earth element of the Virgo sign can accept the pigment well.

Moon in Libra.

People are harmonious. In the mood for beauty and fashion. Good for beauty treatments. A procedure done on such days, and even with good aspects, will be very suitable for the client and will be harmonious with him. Makeup will look natural and natural.

Moon in Scorpio.

Such a Moon increases doubts and suspicion in people. They look at everything critically and can speak causticly and sarcastically. It takes a lot of internal tension and patience not to let the genie out of the bottle. Despite this, this is a very suitable day for cosmetic procedures. The moon, on days like these, is fearless. This is when you can withstand any kind of execution on yourself.

Moon in Sagittarius.

On days like these, people will want to do their makeup like someone else's famous person, as is customary, tend to listen to someone else’s and authoritative opinion. For them, makeup will really be a “sign”. They will do it as fashionable, as is customary.

The Moon in Sagittarius, in terms of skin reaction, is somewhat similar to the Moon in Leo. The skin reaction is very restless and violent.

Moon in Capricorn.

The Moon in Capricorn reduces emotional tone, people become more restrained and not very inclined to show emotions. Beauty is minimal, makeup is discreet, shapes are classic. Innovations and new trends will not carry the necessary weight. Better old, but proven. Classic of the genre. The skin reaction will be similar to the Moon in Virgo. Makeup will be absorbed well, thoroughly and firmly. It will be easy to work because... the skin is insensitive. On such days, painstaking, tedious work goes well, because... Capricorn inclines people towards perseverance and patience.

Moon in Aquarius.

That's when people tend to be innovative and do something unusual. If you need to try it new method or something new, then on days like this. Routine work is difficult, and such days do not give the patient patience and perseverance.

Moon in Pisces.

In this situation, most often clients will come to you by accident. They themselves will not know what they want. Amorphousness and some kind of detachment are inherent in people on such days. It will be difficult to work with leather. She is vulnerable, prone to allergic reactions. After the procedure, you may wonder: where did this reaction come from, or why did something go wrong? People may be perplexed: how did they even decide to do this? It is not recommended to start something under such a Moon. The case is unlikely to succeed.

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Lunar calendar for 2018

Moon phases in 2018
Date Time Moon phase Moon in zodiac sign
Moon phases in January 2018
January 02 05:23 Full moon Moon at 12° Cancer
January 9 01:33 Crescent Waning Moon at 19° Libra
January 17 05:16 New moon Waxing Moon at 27° degrees Capricorn
January 25 01:21 Crescent
Waxing Moon at 5° Taurus
January 31 16:26 Full moon Moon at 12° Leo Full Lunar Eclipse at 16:26 in Leo 11 37″04′
Moon phases in February 2018
07 February 18:57 Crescent Waning Moon at 19° Scorpio
February 16 00:04 New moon Moon at 28° Aquarius Eclipse
February 23 11:09 Crescent
Waxing Moon at 5° Gemini
Moon phases in March 2018
March 02 03:52 Full moon
Moon at 12° Scorpio
March 09 14:23 Crescent Waning Moon at 19° Sagittarius
March 17 16:11 New moon
Moon at 1° Capricorn
March 24 18:37 Crescent
March 31 15:36 Full moon Moon at 11° degrees Libra
Moon phases in April 2018
08 April 10:24 Crescent
Waning moon at 19° Taurus
April 16 05:07 New moon Moon in Capricorn 27° Aries
April 23 00:46 Crescent Waxing moon at 3° Leo
April 30 03:57 Full moon
Moon at 10° Scorpio
Moon phases in May 2018
May 08 05:16 Crescent Waning Moon at 18° degrees Aquarius
May 15 14:50 New moon Moon at 25° Taurus
May 22 06:52 Crescent
Waxing moon at 2° Virgo
May 29 17:25 Full moon Moon at 9° Sagittarius
Moon phases in June 2018
June 06 21:32 Crescent
Waning Moon at 17° degrees Pisces
June 13 22:42 New moon New Moon at 23° Gemini
June 20 13:32 Crescent Waxing Moon at 29° Virgo
June 28 07:50 Full moon Full Moon at 7° Capricorn
Moon phases in July 2018
July 6 10:51 Crescent Waning moon at 15° degrees Aries
July 13 05:56 New moon New Moon at 21° Cancer Eclipse
July 19 22:54 Crescent
Waxing Moon at 28° Libra
July 27 23:25 Full moon
Full Moon at 5° Aquarius myheavengate.com Lunar Eclipse at 11:20 p.m.
Moon phases in August 2018
August 4 21:16 Crescent Waning Moon at 4° Taurus
August 11 12:57 New moon
New Moon at 19° Leo Eclipse
August 18 10:50 Crescent
Waxing Moon at 26° Scorpio
August 26 14:54 Full moon Full Moon 3° Pisces
Moon phases in September 2018
03 September 05:36 Crescent Waning moon at 11° Gemini
09 September 21:01 New moon
New moon at 17° Virgo
September 17 02:19 First quarter moon>
Waxing Moon at 24° Sagittarius
September 25 05:53 Full moon
Full Moon at 2° Aries
Moon phases in October 2018
02 October 21:39 Crescent Waning Moon at 15° Cancer
09 October 15:25 New moon New moon at 21° Libra
October 16 22:11
Crescent Growing at 24° Capricorn
October 24 01:22 Full moon
Full Moon at 22° Aries
October 31 19:45 Crescent
Waning Moon at 9° Leo
Moon phases in November 2018
07 November 19:06 New moon New Moon at 16° Scorpio
November 15 17:56 Crescent
Waxing moon at 24° degrees Aquarius
November 23 08:41 Full moon
Full Moon at 1° Gemini
November 30 03:21 Crescent Waning Moon at 8° Virgo
Moon phases in December 2018
07 December 10:46 New moon New Moon Moon at 16° Sagittarius
December 15 14:51 Crescent Waxing moon at 24° degrees Pisces
December 22 20:50 Full moon
Full Moon Moon at 1° Cancer
December 29 12:20 Crescent
Waning Moon at 8° Libra

When caring for your skin, it is better to take into account that it is better to carry out cleansing and exfoliation operations on the waning moon. But procedures aimed at nourishing the skin and moisturizing it are best carried out during the waxing moon.

On the first day of the lunar cycle- it’s better to take a day off. It is not recommended to spend cosmetic procedures. It is believed that at this time everything is being updated, and it is better not to interfere with this process.

waxing moon- it is better to carry out procedures aimed at rejuvenation, hydration, vitamin, corrective procedures, eyelash extensions, biorevitalization, contouring. Everything that should remain. Peelings and cleansing procedures will also be more effective during this period.

On full moon the body becomes sensitive to external irritants and is susceptible to allergic and inflammatory reactions. It is better not to cleanse during the full moon (the marks will take longer to disappear). The effectiveness of the procedures decreases, during this period it is better to carry out strengthening and nourishing procedures.

Full moon, a wonderful time for hair removal and eyebrow correction. In the second half of the lunar cycle, it is better to pierce your ears and generally get piercings.

It is better to remove pimples, hair and papillomas at waning moon. Also, when the moon is waning, anti-cellulite programs work great, making it easier to lose weight. Your skin requires nutrition during this period.

But the coma of these three phases of the moon needs to pay attention to the zodiac signs!

For example, when the moon is at Aries and Capricorn, then it is better not to do all surgical procedures on the face and body. But nourishing care and massage are what you need.

When the moon is in Cancer Procedures on the mammary gland are prohibited! But during this period it is good to cleanse your face and pierce your ears.

When the moon is in Corpuscle- It’s good to do procedures aimed at losing weight. Women of earth signs need massage, exfoliation, and wrinkle smoothing. But fire signs It is better to treat eczema by doing hair removal. But water signs can undergo electrical procedures - microcurrents, thermal masks, paraffin therapy.

IN Gemini Procedures aimed at skin rejuvenation and lifting massages are very effective.

When the moon is in a sign Leo Cleaning and piercing the ears and removing blood vessels are strictly prohibited. It is not recommended to bleach freckles or fight papillomas and warts. Recommended: rejuvenating procedures, lifting procedures, peelings, relaxation procedures. Devi may have allergic reactions.

Moon in a sign Virgo: procedures aimed at the legs are favorable, relaxing massages are good.

Moon in Libra: these days you need to drink less liquid. It is good to do eyelash extensions, eyebrow correction, anti-rosacea procedures, body massage.

Moon in Sagittarius. Virgos, Cancers and Geminis can undergo skin cleansing and nourishing treatments; Cancers and Pisces should better refrain from massages and steam baths for the face. It is better for women of fire signs to undergo an eye procedure.

Moon in Capricorn: Suitable for hair removal, removal of warts and age spots, facial cleansing, ear piercing, piercing. It is good to use tonic preparations and masks in this phase. Massage is perfect during this period. For Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, it is better to pay attention to taking time to nourish the skin.

In the sign Aquarius good procedures for the prevention of varicose veins. Treatment of cracked legs will be successful. During this period, you need to be careful with hardware cosmetology. Now anti-stress masks and procedures will be good. Procedures containing vitamins A, C and E.

When the moon is in a sign Pisces: It is better to do drainage procedures for the face and body, wraps will be good. Light exfoliating procedures.

It is no secret that the beautiful companion of our planet, the Moon, has a huge influence on all life on Earth. The human body is no exception. Therefore, for health and beauty, it is important to follow not only the advice of nutritionists and cosmetologists, but also the rules of the lunar calendar. In this article we will talk about our skin - how to properly care for it while remaining in harmony with the Moon?

Skin care according to the lunar calendar - procedure schedule

Skin care includes many different procedures, and for each type the Moon provides its own most appropriate time in the cycle. In addition, there are also lunar days, in which certain care procedures are strictly contraindicated. Moisturizing and nourishing masks, water treatments, anti-aging, removal of moles and warts, changing cosmetics... How to choose the most favorable day and get the best result?

Lunar calendar of cosmetic procedures

In general, any cosmetic procedure can be successfully performed in 7, 8, 16, 20, 25 lunar days. But in 1, 14, 23 lunar days It is better to avoid aggressive effects on the skin. For your facial cleansing procedure, feel free to choose 28 lunar day, and on 9, 14, and 23 There is no need to prescribe cleaning. If you are planning procedures for removing moles or warts, also avoid 2 lunar day, and choose 16th or 26th lunar day. Best suited for scrubs, peelings and other anti-aging procedures 6th and 13th lunar days, and for wraps and relaxation procedures - 9 and 18. No need to visit a solarium 7th lunar day.

Do not forget that the beauty and youth of your skin also depends on the quality of your diet. Use the secret knowledge of the lunar diet to be 100% beautiful 👇

🌛🍏 Free book about the lunar diet for beauty and health!

* beauty and health products for every lunar day
* which foods are best avoided on which days
* 145 recipes for lunar diet dishes
*main courses, desserts, drinks

Leave your contacts and I will immediately send you the book “Nutrition according to the Moon for beauty and health” as a gift:

When to make masks according to the lunar calendar?

Favorable days for applying masks: 2, 4, 11, 14, 18, 20, 27 lunar days. At the same time, if you are going to start a course of therapeutic masks, it is better to do this during 2 or 11 lunar day.

Water treatments according to the lunar calendar

For such water procedures as baths, saunas, douches and hardening best period lunar cycle will be 3,10, 18, 19, 21, 24, 25, 29 lunar days. On these days it’s great to pamper yourself with a massage. IN 19th lunar day Avoid herbal baths.

Changing cosmetic products according to the lunar calendar

As you know, it is better to change cosmetic products periodically. The moon encourages new cosmetics during 2 lunar day, while 1 lunar daybest time to select and plan its acquisition.

Everything is clear and precise. Much of what was said changed in better side. This is not the first time with him. I recommend!

Alexey Krylov

Thank you big to Dmitry for the consultation, which revealed problems that interfere with harmonious development in personal relationships, as well as ways to solve the situation. Thanks to Dmitry, I was able to better understand what was happening to me and why. I will definitely listen to the recommendations given to me and try to follow them. Highly recommend!!!👍😊

Natalya Vladimirova, NovosibirskMarketing agency director

Many thanks to Dmitry for the consultation. We learned a lot about our couple, about aspects that require special attention, in particular their elaboration to improve quality love relationship. Special thanks to Dmitry for the dialogue and answers to all our questions. The conversation took place in a very easy atmosphere, everything was told in accessible and simple language. We wish you creative success, personal prosperity and more responsive clients

Ksenia Ermoshina, Moscow

Thank you, Dmitry! To be honest, the mood was “no expectations”, and rather skeptical. I thought it was free (based on winnings). But you, Dmitry, are decent, honest, scrupulous! 😂 Three times before this I ordered consultations from different astrologers - everything was “with a pitchfork in the water.” Complete quackery. I am very glad that you changed my mind. Sincerely grateful. Thank you for your professionalism and attitude towards people. Personally, I really liked everything. It’s a pity that part of the time was spent on correcting the time of birth. It even seemed to me that you knew me better than myself.😂😂😂 In short, I adore professionalism! If you want to “train” on me, I am at your service!😉 I wish you fulfillment, prosperity, creative success, inspiration of love and good mood! And tete-a-tete: there are more good people in the world, especially near us, good people! 😉

Elena, Perm.

Thank you, astrologer Dmitry Charon, for the consultation. I won a consultation-forecast as a gift for the promotions that he constantly arranges for his subscribers and I want to leave my positive feedback. Dmitry began the consultation competently by clarifying the time of birth and the grid of houses in the natal chart. He went through in detail several key methods and aspects of the forecast, eclipses, karmic indicators, nodes, taking into account the cycles of the planets and their influence not only on the forecast of the next year, but also for the near future, said what you need to be prepared for and which combinations will be positive and which bear risks. Another valuable and important point for me was that Dmitry paid attention to the interpretation of problematic issues in the most natal chart, especially in my 6th house filled with retro planets and gave advice on compensation, how to avoid illnesses, injuries, problems with work, Vedas, as you know, something that is not included in the chart cannot happen to us. He clearly explained with examples how this manifested itself in other people and how it could manifest itself in me. This forecast helped me not only to properly plan the coming year, but to better understand myself, my strengths and weaknesses, potential resources, look at them from a different angle and use them more confidently in the future. This year is decisive for me and the Universe decided to give me a hint in the form of a forecast, which I am very happy about. I wish everyone such “gifts of fate”!

Yulia Goncharova Moscow

Dmitry Thank you for the consultation 🙏🙏🙏 Very interesting, to open up to many problems, and in general somehow everything in life became clear, where to move, what to change, what to work on. I will definitely listen and begin to act. Thank you again 🙏 You’re great, it was nice talking to you. Good luck to you in all your endeavors!

Marina Yadu, Tomsk Esotericist

I thank Dmitry Kharon for advice on how to move on, for effective consultation, I found out a lot for myself important points, gave directions on how to use all the information provided.
As a specialist, Dmitry impressed!
Thank you for compiling my natal chart! Very informative :)

Gabriel Gabriel Novorossiysk

Dmitry, I want to thank you for your consultation.
I received a forecast for the year in the professional sphere, personal life and the topic of health, indicating the periods when it is worth “spreading straws”, recommendations on what should/shouldn’t be done to achieve what I want, as well as answers to questions that interest me about the natal chart. I would like to note your excellent sense of humor) I felt comfortable communicating with you. I also want to wish you prosperity and professional growth!!!

Daria Krymova, Sevastopol

I would like to thank Dmitry for the high-quality analysis of my natal chart. I have been to many astrologers and I myself understand a little about astrology. Dmitry told me a lot of new things about himself, how to neutralize bad events in life, how to reach a new quality level. The topic of consultation is work, health, love, children. No fluff, just facts, answered all my questions. Thank you. Cool specialist!!! I will order a forecast!!

Yulia Milykh, Kirov.

I took a consultation from Dmitry on a natal chart and a 3-year prognosis. During the consultation there were very mixed feelings and nothing was clear. I recorded the entire consultation on a voice recorder and then listened to it several times, only after that everything fell into place. Dmitry helped determine life guidelines for the coming years and eliminated worries about personal issues. Now I know where to push, and where to just be patient, and how to get out of difficult situations for the better. This was my first experience communicating with an astrologer. I express my gratitude to Dmitry for the work done! Good luck!

Anastasia Nesterova, Irkutsk.

This was my first experience of seeking astrological consultation. I had a pressing issue about changing jobs. Dmitry calculated when the best time would be for this. On other issues, I also looked forward 2 years. I was able to get answers to questions that were important to me. I advise on important issues contact an astrologer! Thank you!

Maria Shvedova Chelyabinsk

Dmitry, thank you very much for your sincere advice and time spent on me! After talking with you, I got a second wind! They helped me understand the scope of career guidance and, moreover, confirmed one of the areas of activity, the idea of ​​which I had been nurturing for several years (but did not voice during the consultation). I liked the analysis of compatibility with a partner. I looked at my relationship with my husband from a different angle. A very valuable hint on how to negative energy lead in a positive direction. I'm happy with the consultation, I recommend it!