9 lunar day characteristics of a person. Lunar birthday

Unfavorable day.Activity will not pay off. Follow light work, which does not make you nervous or overexerted. Control yourself: communication can turn into a scandal. It is better to refuse travel: spend the evening in your own walls alone with your thoughts.

Influence of the Moon September 9, 2018

29 lunar day

On the 29th lunar day, you should not engage in vigorous activity or start new things. It is recommended to devote time to routine, simple tasks. It is advisable not to plan a serious conversation with your boss during this period, or change your place of work. This is a favorable time for simple chores around the house. It's a bad time for money transactions. Not a good day for any communication or travel. The best thing for 29 lunar days is solitude and reflection.

New moon

The new moon is an unfavorable time for new beginnings. You can solve current routine issues that do not require much effort and energy. You should not communicate with your superiors or move to another job. This is not best time for big things around the house. It is not recommended to operate during this period large sums money. It is better to avoid any contact with people. You can go on a pre-planned vacation trip.

Moon in Virgo

The Moon in Virgo is not the best time for new beginnings. This is a favorable time for performing current routine tasks that require significant concentration. It’s better not to start big things. It is undesirable to have a serious conversation with your superiors and change your occupation. This good period for small monotonous homework. Optimal time for financial transactions. This is an unfavorable time for any communication - it can be unpleasant due to the pickiness and pettiness of the environment. Inappropriate period for travel.

The first day of the square of the Moon and the Sun.
Symbolic correspondence: 7th - 18th degrees Cancer.
Action: spasm, poisoning.
Titles: Bat, Milky Way.
Symbol - bat, bat.
Social influence: Unsuccessful. Dangerous, satanic day. A period of seduction, illusions, deceptions, misconceptions, poisoning. There may be bad, painful dreams (they should not be trusted). A day on which we receive only bad signs, which must be taken seriously: each one must be soberly considered and assessed.
It is necessary to purify thoughts, active self-defense from aggressive blackness.
The strongest warning on this day is spilled milk. If a nursing mother's milk disappears, the baby will be punished.
You can't look in the mirror or break it.
Household influence: Good for working in the garden and for traveling. Bad for marriage, for studying, for working in the kitchen.
If a cactus blooms on the ninth day of the moon, this is good.
Mystical influence: The day of the most unfavorable events. Deception, pride, and inadequacy can ruin all your endeavors. As a rule, activity in this direction on this day is always punishable, the consequences are terrible. Purification, passivity, control are recommended.
A pressing feeling in the chest is a sign that many problems have accumulated and we need to turn to the assimilation of spiritual food, to the origins, to tradition.
You can do all power asanas. It will be very effective to forgive the person who offended you.
Medical influence: The disease is dangerous, but can be easily treated. Neuralgia is common. Heart disease is getting worse. Day of psychoanalysts, although the psyche is overloaded on this day with complexes and a feeling of unresolved problems. Phobias and suicidal tendencies worsen. Suicides and crimes are frequent. Decreased serotonin levels. Intoxication, poisoning, etc.
In the medical aspect, you should pay attention to the chest, to prevent intercostal neuralgia and angina.
Impact on those born: Very painful. They are often poisoned. Poor hormone balance, weakened immune system. Cleansing procedures and a sober lifestyle can help. They need to constantly cleanse themselves, get rid of toxins, both physical and astral.
Effect on conception: Undesirable for conception. Your child may become dangerous to society; in other cases, life will pass in terrible trials. Don't take risks.
Stones - black pearl, alexandrite, rauchtopaz (gives loneliness), serpentine (attracts blackness).
Meditations:(not recommended) white background.
Signatures: Black pearl, alexandrite, topaz,

A. Zaraev. "Interpretation of Lunar Days

The period is disharmonious, which is often associated with deceptions, misconceptions, various complications caused by contacts with partners and unfavorable for health. Dissatisfaction with the environment appears, as well as a desire to escape responsibility or accumulated problems into sensual self-indulgence. However, spiritual people who are able to withstand negative influences can discard old karmic programs on this day and begin a new period associated with spiritual and mental renewal. The dangers of conflicts with old partners, relatives, and also with children.

"Days from the Birth" of the Moon according to Albertus Magnus

The day is happy and unhappy. The diseases that occur in it are difficult. Dreams come true over a long period of time. Babies are long-lived.

Zyurnyaeva T.N. "30 lunar days. Everything about every day. Lunar calendar."

The symbol of the day is “Milky Way”, “Bat”, “Mother’s Milk” and “Bat”. On this day, there is a test of what a person has done in the first circle of lunar harmony.
On the 9th lunar day of provocations, we can be seduced, deceived, poisoned. If a person is clean and has carried out cleansing practices, then this day is not terrible for him. A person has the opportunity to see what he is being bought for, deceived and where he is mistaken. This day calls us to be attentive to everything. The 9th lunar day is considered satanic.
On the 9th lunar day, a person must learn to distinguish what seduction is. It is necessary to remember the tradition that goes through the mother, remember the life of the mother, her covenants, remember the maternal grandmother, and so on. It is necessary to immerse yourself in maternal roots. On this day it is necessary to clean the room, do mental cleansing and remember everyone who has offended us. On the 9th lunar day, you should build astral protection, since the 9th lunar day is the day of inducing and removing damage.
Removing damage
We all have weak astral protection, so we are often exposed to negative impact from the people around. To strengthen your astral field, there are two ways.
Method I This method is also a check whether there is damage or not. You need to take live, not dietary, chicken egg, which has a germ, and a 0.2 - 0.3 liter glass jar with a lid, half filled with water. Break the egg into it carefully so as not to damage the yolk. Take this jar and hold it above your head with your right hand. Then bring it to all energy centers along the front channel and hold it near each chakra until your hand trembles, then move it to the next one. After this, wrap the jar in cellophane and place it under the pillow or at the head of the bed. In the morning, see what happens to this egg. By the way it is deformed, you can judge how bad your damage is.
If the egg has changed significantly, outside help will be required. On the next 9th lunar day, you need to find another person you trust and who will perform another procedure. You need to break the egg into the water in the same way, but that person will bring the jar, hold it above your head and move this jar around you counterclockwise, removing dirty energy onto the egg at the level of each chakra. First he encircles at the level of the Sahasrara chakra, then at the level of the forehead, neck, chest, stomach, pubis and, finally, at the level of the tailbone. That is, at the level of 7 classical chakras. You can encircle a different number of times, but a minimum of 3 times and a maximum of 9 times. Then place this jar under the bed or under the pillow. In the morning, all its contents are poured into the toilet, and the jar itself is sterilized or thrown away. This is a one-time procedure.
But on the 9th lunar day you can begin a large cycle of removing damage. Then take one egg for each week. The first time this procedure is done is to circle the person counterclockwise. Then the jar of egg is placed in the refrigerator for the day, and under the pillow or bed at night. This is repeated throughout the week. No matter what form this egg is in, you spend the whole week collecting evil spirits on it. A week later, everything is poured into the toilet, the jar is sterilized, fresh water is poured, and a new egg is broken. Do the same for the second week, then the third, fourth, and so on until the egg stops deforming.
Heavy spoilage sometimes requires up to 9 eggs. All this time, the jar of egg is placed in the refrigerator so that it does not spoil. The second time a person can encircle the chakras himself. The most important thing is that the process has begun. You don't have to wear it every day.
If a person feels bad, then there is no need to wait for the 9th lunar day. If you started this cycle before the 9th lunar day, then on the 9th lunar day you need to carry out this whole procedure again. On the 9th lunar day you can change the egg, but the cycle is still counted from the day you started. But, as a rule, the cycle of great cleansing begins after checking on the 9th lunar day.
II method. This is a salty foot bath. The water temperature is adjusted to make you feel comfortable. On a basin of water that reaches the ankles of your feet, you need to stand and throw a handful of salt with your left hand: as much as you can hold in your hand. You need to stand in the basin for no more than 9-10 minutes. At this time, it is good to imagine a vertical stream that washes everything away from you, and everything goes into this water. It is not recommended to stand for more than 10 minutes, as then the reverse process occurs. This is also a procedure on the 9th lunar day. It can also be done when you simply feel unwell.
On the 9th lunar day, you cannot eat mushrooms and foods that carry a phallic symbol, that is, sausage, carrots, etc. It is very harmful to show pride on this day and suppress other people. Since the 9th lunar day is also called “Mother’s Milk,” it is bad to spill milk on this day. This means that you are squandering the traditions that come through your mother and do not value them. It's also bad to break a mirror. On the 9th lunar day it is generally better not to look in the mirror, especially in full height so as not to be deceived at your own expense. The chest and Anahata chakra are associated with this day. If you break traditions, then on the 9th lunar day the bones of your chest may ache, and you will feel a pressing feeling that can turn into neuralgia, or even an attack of angina.
People born on the 9th lunar day need to constantly cleanse themselves, since they are initially desecrated. You need to clean your house. You can only take out trash during daylight hours. Information on lunar days is given for reference, but you need to work with it. It is absolutely not necessary to live on lunar days all your life. Sometimes 3-6 months are enough to master these energies and lower the information into the subconscious. Then, on an intuitive level, motives will be formed in accordance with these energies. All information on harmonization is intended to make life easier, but it will only work for you if it is worked out by you. So be active on Tuesdays, rest on Friday, and recharge your batteries on Sunday. All this will allow you, by combining different energies, to live in less stress and be more aware of certain life situations by responding to them correctly.

You can and should do and eat:
- Go hungry
- Fish
- Mental cleansing
- Strength training
- Regulate, restrain desires
- Forgive those who have offended you
You cannot do or you must abstain, do not eat:
- Mushrooms
- Long vegetables
- Conclude marriages
- Look in the mirror
- Spill milk

The birthday fell on the 9th lunar day. Such people have the gift of seduction, illusion, deception and clarification of the unclear.

It is difficult for such people every 23rd lunar day - at this time they are weakened and they do little. Relationships with those born at this time are also extremely difficult.

People born on this day are the favorites of fate. They easily succeed in a career in the civil service, get along well with people, they rarely remember grievances and are lucky in life.

They are bad at being active in business (catching up is not their strong point), knowing their Fate, violence and radical reforms. It is difficult to adequately evaluate the results of your work; spending energy outside is useless or ineffective.

Those born on the 9th lunar day are very sick, often poisoned, have a poor balance of hormones, and weakened immunity. They can be helped by cleansing procedures and a sober lifestyle, getting rid of toxins, both physical and astral.

People born on this day of the Moon need constant cleansing - both physical and spiritual. If they are weak and poorly brought up, they will feel unhappy all their lives. If you are strong in spirit, you will be fruitful and durable. But they will have to constantly cleanse their body and home, mind and feelings. Many of these people live their entire lives in constant struggle with themselves. It is very important that already in early childhood parents helped such children to strengthen themselves in spirit and body (for example, with the help of hardening and a bath), to understand and realize moral values ​​(best of all - by the example of the actions of the parents themselves, since children are raised by their personal example).

People born on the 9th lunar day live long, but, as a rule, they feel deeply unhappy. They always suffer from the misunderstanding of others, from own complexes and fears, perceive failures painfully and often become dependent on alcohol or drugs.

Such people need to constantly “clean themselves”, get rid of external influences and their own negative emotions, cultivate humility and altruism in themselves, and try to see only the good in everything. Fasting, fasting, yogic practices, energy cleansing, and spiritual self-improvement are especially useful for them. Salvation for such people is turning to religion - this will help them get rid of accumulated astral dirt, cope with their shortcomings and gain peace of mind. On the 9th lunar day, people with a difficult character and difficult fate, often these people push others to the precipice; they are capable of the most unexpected actions, sometimes very unsightly and unpleasant.

A person was born in the second quarter lunar cycle. "Themis". I came to this world to get acquainted with its laws and justice and to act decisively and brightly.

Those born in the 2nd quarter are “schoolchildren”. Their soul has already accumulated certain experience and knowledge, lived its carefree childhood in past incarnations, or in the womb, interpret it as you wish. They came into this world “to study at school.”

The quality of life of those born in the 2nd quarter, like the quality of life of a schoolchild, depends on the “parents”, how their loved ones take care of them, what conditions are created for them to “study” and on their own “assessments”.

People of the 2nd phase are receptive, subtle, diverse, capable of different manifestations. At the same time, they still do not give themselves complete freedom. If those born in the 1st quarter, like small children, stick their fingers into sockets from lack of experience and ignorance of the consequences of such actions, then people of the second phase have already gone through the “sockets” and “know life”; they don’t bother, but still experiment. They are interested in everything, but they experiment with safety precautions, or “with the permission of adults.”

If people of the 1st phase need, first of all, care for the physical body, as a guarantee of the strength of existence, then for people of the 2nd phase, the need for emotional contact and communication “with peers” comes first.

To live this life happily, such people need to find “caring parents” who will decide for them financial and most everyday issues and create all conditions for study. Find “friends” with whom you can establish strong emotional contact and, study well, gain knowledge and experience, apply them in life and receive “approval” from the world and people.

People in the middle of the second quarter are especially lucky; they have the masculine and feminine principles in balance, they are difficult to shake, their emotions are in their place, and their spirit is in its own. They are like high school students and they already have experience and there are no restrictions like “experience of difficult mistakes” yet, and the whole life ahead of them, all roads are open.

Those born close to the full moon constantly experience emotional turns, continuously experience the same emotional sensations as in childhood, return to their original emotional states, to what they once felt, but this is a topic for another conversation.

People of the 2nd quarter lack the ability to relax.

The best partners and life companions for people of the second phase are considered to be those born in the fourth phase of the Moon. Those same “caring grandparents” are most often found among those born in the 4th quarter.

Which famous people were born on the 9th lunar day? On this day such famous people were born as:

  • Alexander Solzhenitsyn - writer (Sagittarius birthday December 11, 1918);
  • Maris Liepa – ballet dancer (birthday July 27, 1936);
  • Louis de Funes (birthday July 31, 1914)

The ninth lunar day is one of the most dangerous days of the lunar cycle. Its energy is highly active.

IN lunar calendar The ninth lunar day is called Satan's day. It is difficult to bear both mentally and physically. Today, all the dark sides of a person’s character are intensifying and the basest desires are awakening.

If a conflict occurs on this day, then reconciliation will not come for a long time. Today you cannot give in to anger, anger, rage and other negative emotions. On this day it is not advisable to meet new people. You can't communicate with people you have man is walking enmity. If possible, you should avoid meeting your ex-spouses.

More crimes are committed on the ninth lunar day than at other times.

9 lunar day in many esoteric and astrological schools they are called karmic. Everything that happens to a person today is not an accident, but the consequences of his previous actions.

If the solution to some issue was postponed and safely forgotten, then today it will make itself felt with various troubles.

The guardian angel of this day is Haman. This is the ruler of the ninth heaven. Aman creates children's dreams and patronizes bright, immaculate souls. It develops hidden potentials in children, helps them find inner peace and fulfills their wishes.

General characteristics of 9 lunar days:

  • Energy of the day: active.
  • Symbol of the day: bat, bat.
  • Element of the day: fire.
  • Stone of the day: , .
  • Color of the day: orange and brown tones.

Description 9 lunar days are a time of lies, deception and poisoning. Today a person will only receive bad signs and news. Even these need to be treated carefully and each of them carefully analyzed.

Bad actions done today will have consequences in the future. These days weak person may fall under the bad influence of other people.

If you spill milk or break a mirror on the ninth lunar day, you can expect troubles and misfortunes both today and in the future. Pain in the chest this day indicates that the person has many problems. Perhaps the time has come to engage in self-development and search for spiritual food, rather than material gain.

Today, any person will have the opportunity to improve their karma. In his soul he needs to forgive those people who offended him. This will help untie karmic knots.

The 9th lunar day is difficult and dangerous. Today people need additional protection. Esotericists advise wearing talismans on this day. You can use the help of your stone, which matches your horoscope. Today it is recommended to wear it in a ring on the middle finger right hand. Any homemade talisman can protect a person. The home also needs protection; roses and geraniums can provide it.

Today you can do energy cleansing at home. The most effective of them is the purification of energy space with fire. You need to light a candle and walk around the house with it. At the same time, you can say prayers.

On the 9th lunar day, you need to be careful when using scissors, knives and other cutting devices. When driving through the roadway, a person needs to be especially careful, because today the risk of accidents on the roads is increasing.

Although the 9th lunar day is a dangerous day, you cannot be afraid of everything and wait for something bad to happen. Thoughts are sometimes material, so you can simply attract troubles. If you think about the good and do not give in to negative emotions, then trouble can be avoided.


Today it is best not to arrange dates. Conflicts may occur between people on this day, so there is no need to meet with your loved one. A quarrel that happens on this day will be remembered for a long time and may even cause a break in the relationship.

On these days, it is recommended not to get acquainted and not to start romances. Tomorrow the partner may appear in a new light and the illusion will disappear. Love disappointment will not be easy to survive, which is why astrologers and esotericists do not advise having affairs.

The 9th lunar day is the most inappropriate day for marriage. If you formalize a relationship today, then some time after the wedding you may become disappointed in your partner and in love in general.

The day is unfavorable for conception. If you conceive a child today, he may grow up to be a dangerous criminal or have to face terrible trials in life.

Household chores

On the 9th lunar day, you can do light household chores that do not require physical strength. You can't get overtired.


These days need to be given attention to people involved in gardening. Today all manipulations with plants are favorable.

To reap a rich harvest, they need to be provided with abundant irrigation and bait during this day.


The 9th lunar day is favorable for dousing with cool water. This will improve your health and clear away negative energy. Today, other cleansing procedures that remove toxins and waste from the body will also be beneficial. You can visit the bathhouse, provided that the person does not have problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Today you can have a fasting day and completely give up food. People suffering from obesity can start a diet on this day.

The disease that has arisen today poses a danger to humans. This is especially true for those illnesses that occur with an increase in temperature. A sick person should not be left alone these days.

Today, alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited. Even a glass of wine consumed on this day can affect your health in the most unpredictable ways.

Vulnerable places today are the stomach and intestines, so you need to be especially careful about the food you eat. You should exclude greens, carrots, bananas and mushrooms from the menu for this day.

Work, money, business

You can use this day to complete current affairs. The 9th lunar day is favorable for people gifted with talents. Today they can create in full force, because there is an opportunity to create a world masterpiece.

These days you need to be careful in everything. Any contacts may have negative consequences. Even meetings with partners today can end very badly.

The 9th lunar day is not suitable for exercising financial matters And important documents. On these days, the risk of becoming a victim of a scam increases. You don't need to trust others. Only your own intuition can help you avoid trouble.


There are no astrological schools consensus regarding whether cutting hair on the 9th lunar day is favorable or not. According to one opinion, such manipulation of strands will negatively affect human health.

Another version says that a haircut on the 9th lunar day will relieve a person of accumulated negative energy. What to do then? It’s better not to cut your locks, because there are many other favorable days for such manipulation.

Characteristics of people born on the 9th lunar day

A birthday on the 9th lunar day is a day that gives a person longevity. This is perhaps the only gift of these days.

People born on the 9th lunar day have a complex character and often have outbursts of anger. In order for their life to turn out well, they will have to work hard on themselves. This applies to both physical and spiritual development.

People born on this day usually suffer from poor health. They need to constantly monitor the changes occurring in their body. The sooner such people begin treatment, the better for them.

Dreams on the 9th lunar day

Dreams on the 9th lunar day speak of contradictions that arise in a person. Positive and negative aspects character, and the dream will demonstrate which of them wins.

The 9th lunar day is called the day of quarrels and conflicts. This also affects dreams. On this day, a person often dreams of quarrels, wars, battles, and so on.

It is important to understand the meaning of the dreams you saw today. Each dream can tell a person about his problems, experiences, phobias, fantasies, and so on. Therefore, each dream must be interpreted using a dream book.

Although the 9th lunar day is the most difficult day lunar month, but you will have to worry about him somehow. Curb your emotions, and he will seem not as scary as they say about him.

Symbols of the day: bat, bat

Stones of the day: black pearl, alexandrite, rauchtopaz, serpentine

Description of the day

The ninth lunar day is dark, dangerous, the first of the demonic days of the month. He is considered unlucky for any actions and undertakings. This is a time when there is no peace and harmony, and discord reigns in all areas of life. On the 9th lunar day we are faced with deceptions, illusions, intrigues, intrigues, and difficulties. Most people are conflicted, dissatisfied with loved ones, justify themselves for their own mistakes, shift responsibility for their mistakes onto other people's shoulders.

On this day, if a problem cannot be solved, a person is able to leave everything “burning with a blue flame” and refuse to make attempts to fix something - even if others will suffer from such behavior. “After us there may be a flood” is one of the mottos of this day.

Be attentive, cautious and restrained. Don't allow yourself to raise your voice at loved ones, quarrel with friends and take it out on strangers. Moreover, most often quarrels today happen out of nowhere. However, with strangers On this day it is better not to communicate at all.

Wait to make new acquaintances. There is a very high probability that new character in your life will introduce you to some dangerous or unpleasant business, from which you will have a long and difficult time getting out.

On the 9th lunar day we encounter many dangerous temptations and temptations. Opportunities may arise to do some evil deed supposedly in such a way that no one will know about it and it will go unpunished. This is just a demonic trick, a gross deception, and if you succumb to it, then retribution will not be long in coming.

Don't be surprised if people you know today suddenly show qualities that you didn't notice in them before.

On this day he wakes up dark side human nature, come to the surface hidden vices, desires and thoughts.

Be careful on the street and during physical work: injuries, even serious ones, are likely on this day. In everyday life you can get hurt or burned. Depending on which sign the Moon is passing through, pay attention to the corresponding organ/body part. For example, if it is winter and the Moon is in Aquarius, be careful not to twist your ankle on the ice. If she is in Leo, and you intended to carry and load something, it is better to wait, because there is a danger of straining your back.

Haircut on this day

Today, a haircut is very favorable - it will help avoid health problems. Haircut during the waxing moon has a beneficial effect on hair growth. If you want to dye your hair, it is recommended to dye your hair in natural colors - this will help get rid of negative emotions. It is recommended to make your hairstyle high but strict today.

Gardening on this day

On the ninth lunar day it is celebrated accelerated growth plants due to the absorption of nutrients and moisture from the soil by the roots. Overall, it's a good day to get some work done in your garden.

All the troubles of this day can be avoided and even a lot of good and useful things can be learned from it. For this, not much is needed: just understand what its essence is.

This day brings the so-called deployment of karma. Or her healing. This means that a person’s rhythms coincide with the rhythms of lunar energy - everything that he tried to ignore becomes obvious. Our subconscious mind readily reminds us of painful problems, unresolved issues, unfulfilled words, forgotten promises, betrayed obligations, negative emotions, suppressed experiences. All this negativity, imprisoned in our subconscious, is trying with all its might to break free in order to be fully realized in our lives, causing us new troubles. When he succeeds, then we have the evil and dangerous 9th lunar day. To prevent this from happening, you will have to return to what requires your return: finish things, keep promises, apologize to those offended.

The main thing is to pay attention to what is happening today. Because there are no accidents on the 9th lunar day. Whatever happens is a reminder of what you didn't do or didn't decide.

Let's say, if you are undeservedly insulted today, it means that you once offended another in his best feelings. If your requests break on the ice of someone else's indifference, it means that one day you yourself remained indifferent to someone else's problem. If something you started burns through, it means that you once started something else that should have become important to you, and for some reason you abandoned it and didn’t finish it.

Everything you once did (or didn’t do) and forgot doesn’t really disappear. And it’s not even forgotten. Yes, the consciousness tries to get rid of unpleasant memories. On such special days - like today - the subconscious, tired of the heavy and dark load, reminds us of past troubles, tasks and mistakes. So there's trouble today- these are symptoms. Just like pain is a sign of a disease: in this way, the suffering organ tries to attract attention to itself, signals to us that it is tormented by some kind of disease

Features of the day

Let's now talk about the definitely positive aspects of today. First of all, this is a very good day for creative people.

Today you can do something truly valuable and worthy of attention.

But there is one condition: you need to work on your creation in peace and quiet, carefully and focused. If you have been thinking about a project for a long time and today it suddenly dawns on you, this is a good sign. This means that you have solved your karmic problem, in other words, you have untied the karmic knot. Now your creative energy is freed and ready to serve you faithfully. Everything that has been said about creativity also applies to education, especially independent education. If today you become interested in expanding your horizons, you can use the released energy. There is simply room inside you for something new and good.

The Tibetan astrological school claims that on the 9th lunar day you can begin a long journey.