What can be sold in the bathhouse. Bathhouse business plan: recruitment. How to open your own bath complex

  • Project Description
  • Description of products and services
  • Marketing plan
  • Production plan
  • Financial plan
  • Which equipment to choose
  • Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Do I need permission to open?
  • Production technology
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Sample business plan for opening a Russian bathhouse in a small town. Serves as an example for attracting credit resources.

Project Description

The goal of the project is the construction of a Russian bathhouse in the city of N with the subsequent rental of the complex. During a short marketing research In several districts of the city, an insufficient number of Russian baths with decent service and quality of services provided was identified.

To implement the project it is planned to attract own funds in the amount of 300,000 rubles and borrowed funds (bank loan) in the amount of 680,000 rubles. In total, the total cost of the project is 980,000 rubles.

Economic indicators of the project implementation:

  • Net profit per year = 479,800 rubles;
  • Farm profitability = 45.9%;
  • Project payback = 24 months.

Starting cost estimate:

Which tax system to choose and the required set of documents

The organizational and legal form of the Russian bathhouse will be individual entrepreneurship. For a small bath complex this is the most suitable OPF. The initiator of the project is V.V. Ivanov.

As a taxation system, it is planned to use the simplified taxation system (STS) with a regime of 15% of the organization’s profit. This special tax regime exempts you from the obligation to pay income tax, VAT and property tax.

Where to start implementing the project

Currently started Practical activities for the implementation of the “Russian bathhouse” project:

  • Individual entrepreneurship has been registered with the local tax service;
  • A long-term lease agreement was concluded for a land plot of 150 m2 owned by the municipality. The cost of rent is 7,000 rubles per month.
  • A company has been found that supplies Russian baths. This company engages in the development, construction, delivery and installation of turnkey bath complexes.

Description of products and services

The cost of bathhouse rental services will be set no higher than the average market prices in the city. So, the cost of an hourly rental of a bathhouse will be 600 rubles. In addition, visitors will be offered additional paid services:

  • Birch, linden, fir broom - 100 rub./piece;
  • Essential oils (eucalyptus) - 60 rub./10 ml.;
  • Disposable slippers - 50 rub./piece;
  • Bathrobe (rental) - 150 rubles;
  • Shampoo, shower gel - 30 rubles;
  • Terry towel (sale) - 400 rubles;
  • Shaving set - 50 rub.;
  • Hookah (with milk, cognac, etc.) - 500 rubles;
  • Barbecue - 300 rub.;

The complex will also offer free services, which include:

  • Board games(chess, backgammon);
  • Hairdryer;
  • Bath attributes;
  • Guarded parking.

The operating hours of the Russian bath are planned to be set from 12:00 to 24:00. We consider this to be the optimal mode that allows servicing maximum amount clients and without additionally burdening the staff (in the case of a 24-hour bathhouse). Subsequently, with the growing popularity of the bathhouse, a transition to round-the-clock operation is possible.

Download a premium business plan for a bathhouse with a quality guarantee

Marketing plan

About 20,000 people live in the area where the Russian bathhouse will be located. This is a residential area of ​​the city with a large number multi-storey buildings and new buildings. It is assumed that residents of this area will be the main clients of our complex. However, due to the transport accessibility of the complex, visits by clients from other parts of the city are not excluded.

  • Posting advertisements, distributing leaflets, flyers informing about the opening of the complex;
  • Advertising on the Internet, registration on bulletin boards, thematic resources, forums, contextual advertising Yandex-direct.

As for competitors, there are 2 similar complexes with a similar list of services in our area. The study revealed that competitors operate at high prices that do not correspond to the quality of the services provided. However, the flow of customers to these bath complexes is quite high.

Let's calculate the expected monthly income Russian bath.

The bathhouse's revenue will differ depending on what day it is - the highest income is expected on Friday and Saturday. It is assumed that the load on the bathhouse these days will be at least 80%. That is, out of 12 hours of operation of the bathhouse, at least 10 hours will be rented. Thus, the revenue for these days will be: 600 rubles. * 10 hours * 2 = 12,000 rubles. In the remaining 5 days, the load of the bathhouse will be no more than 40%, that is, 5 hours will be purchased: 600 rubles. * 5 hours * 5 = 15,000 rubles. Total income per week from renting a bathhouse will be 27,000 rubles. In addition, part of the proceeds will come from additional services - approximately 20% of total revenue or 7,000 rubles per week. In total, the total income per week will be 34,000 rubles, per month - 136,000 rubles.

Production plan

The technical characteristics of the Russian bath will be as follows:

  • Steam room - 5.93 m2.
  • Shower room - 5.93 m2.
  • Rest room - 18.97 m2.
  • Utility block - 11.33 m2.
  • Terrace - 31.43 m2.

This bathhouse layout meets all SES and fire safety requirements.

The main material for the construction of a Russian bathhouse is rounded logs. This material was not chosen by chance. Rounded wood is very convenient for building installation, economical in subsequent finishing, and also very practical, aesthetically pleasing and durable. A log house made of rounded logs retains heat perfectly and creates a cozy atmosphere indoors. In addition, the construction of a bathhouse from of this material extremely favorable in terms of price-quality ratio. The guarantee for a bathhouse made of rounded logs is 15 years.

How much money do you need to start a business?

The total cost of building a bathhouse from rounded logs on a turnkey basis will be 650,000 rubles. IN this price will include delivery of the material and installation of the bathhouse at the customer’s site. Another approximately 220,000 rubles will be spent on preparing the site for the construction of a bathhouse and installing communications (water, electricity, gas).

The planned staffing schedule for the bathhouse will include:

The project manager plans to take on the functions of the complex administrator personally. The manager’s responsibilities will also include accounting and submitting reports to the relevant structures.

Financial plan

Let's move on to calculating the main indicators of the economic efficiency of the bathhouse. The fixed costs of the bath are presented in the following table:

Total fixed expenses of the organization will amount to 87,000 rubles. per month.

The structure of the annual costs of the bathhouse is presented in the form of a diagram:

The main annual costs of the bathhouse will be the costs associated with paying wages to employees - 46% of the total annual costs. Next come the costs of paying insurance contributions for employees - 14% of total costs and payment of utilities - 17% in the structure of total annual costs.

Calculation of gross and net profit is presented in the table - forecast of income and expenses of the bath:

How much can you earn from this business?

The net profit of the bathhouse based on the results of annual work will be 479,800 rubles. The profitability of the bathhouse, according to business plan calculations, is 45.9%. With such indicators, the project pays for itself in 2 years of work, which can be considered a good indicator for such a business.

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income – 248,600 rubles.
  • Net profit – 85,100 rubles.
  • Initial costs – 965,800 rubles.
  • Payback – from 1 year.

Note: This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article we will compile detailed business plan saunas with calculations.

Description of service

This business plan discusses a sauna that provides services to the public. The building will be rented for a long term. It will be located in a residential building. In this case, you need to pay attention to organizational and legal aspects. The sauna must meet many requirements, and you will need to obtain quite a lot of permits in advance.

Market analysis

When studying the demand for business, you need to understand that a person’s needs for a variety of leisure activities largely depend on his financial capabilities. Yes, these are difficult times in the country and many people are having a hard time. Someone will say, why do you need a sauna if you can wash yourself at home? Here the question is different. Firstly, a sauna or bath has a number of therapeutic and prophylactic effects. Secondly, today young people are increasingly using just such forms of leisure. Why? They are attracted by an informal atmosphere and a limited circle of people.

If we talk about the demand for services, today saunas are more popular among Russians, not baths. Although the bathhouse is an original Russian tradition. This shift in interests was largely due to the “rejuvenation” of consumers. Today, sauna services are used by people aged 20 to 45 years. At the same time, both women and men love to visit it.

We have decided on the target category. Now you need to understand whether there is a place in the market and what the competition is in this segment. There is competition, as in any other promising type of business. According to Rosstat, the overwhelming number of baths and saunas today are in medium and large enterprises (more than ¾). Small businesses own only 12% of the country's baths and saunas.

Based on the data obtained, we can conclude that the main competitors will be:

  1. Large enterprises. In such cases, the organization usually provides a wide range of services. Saunas are also included. The cost in such establishments is usually quite high. But the quality of the services provided is at the level. It is possible to fight such giants. It is necessary to offer more favorable prices or, perhaps, hold some promotions or provide discounts. The quality must also be high. It is best to locate in the distance from such large leisure centers to avoid direct conflicts of interests.
  2. Small entrepreneurs. Such organizations do not cover a large segment of the market. It's quite easy to fight them. You need to find a place where there are no other saunas nearby. You can also fight small firms with the help of advertising. Prices in in this case will not play a special role (within reasonable limits, of course).

Before creating your own sauna, you need to study the market structure of a particular city. It may be very different from the situation even in neighboring regions. Below is a list of cities with a population of over a million, arranged in descending order of the number of saunas per 100 thousand people.

It is important to conduct competent geomarketing research in order to most reliably assess your chances in a given niche and develop a strategy.

It should be noted that the cost in this service sector is set in a rather specific way. Entrepreneurs proceed from competitive parity, that is, they are based on each other’s prices.

SWOT analysis

When drawing up a business plan for a sauna, it is necessary to consider all sorts of factors that in one way or another can affect not only the amount of profit, but also its availability in general. It is customary to divide such factors into external and internal. It is impossible to control and correct external ones. But you can use them to your advantage (if they are opportunities) and avoid them (if they are threats). So, external factors in this case include:

  1. Possibilities:
  • Low level of fixed costs.
  • Increasing consumer demand for this service.
  • Increasing standard of living, increasing the relevance of the offer.
  • Offer of additional services.
  1. Threats:
  • Possible increase in competition.
  • A sharp change in consumer tastes.
  • High level of competition.
  • Quite a significant upfront cost.
  • High requirements for the premises used.
  • Quite heavy technological process at the beginning, associated with the need for redevelopment.

You can work with internal factors - eliminate negative ones and enhance the influence of positive ones. These include:

  1. Strengths:
  • No need for highly qualified personnel.
  • Providing quality service.
  • Usage effective methods promotion.
  • Use of high-quality materials and designs.
  • Use of modern equipment.
  • In-depth market analysis.
  1. Weak sides:
  • The need for self-financing.
  • Lack of long-term strategy.
  • Lack of experience.
  • High level of risks.

Based on the identified working conditions, we can conclude that special attention should be paid to:

  1. Selecting a room and bringing it into appropriate shape.
  2. Development of a promotion strategy.
  3. Development of special offers.
  4. Choosing quality equipment.

Opportunity Assessment

The sauna will be open seven days a week. The largest influx occurs on weekends or in the afternoon. Therefore, the operating mode will be as follows:

Total: 96 hours per week, about 411 hours per month.

To operate, you will need 2 administrators. They will work 2 through 2. In order not to hire cleaners, you can delegate the cleaning of the premises to the administrator. This way, you can save money and not have to hire a lot of workers.

It is worth noting that there is seasonality in this type of business; you can combat it with the help of a system of promotions and discounts. In addition, in the evening people are more willing to go to the sauna. It makes sense to make prices different depending on time.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. Organizational and legal form – or. If you plan to sell alcoholic products, then only the second option is suitable. Naturally, this will require an appropriate license. OKVED codes that may be needed:
  • 93.04 — Physical education and recreational activities;
  • 55.40 — Bar activities;
  • 52.11 — Retail in non-specialized stores mainly food products, including drinks and tobacco products;
  • 52.33 - Retail trade in cosmetics and perfumes;
  • 52.33.1 - Retail trade in cosmetics and perfumery products, except soap;
  • 52.42.2 - Retail trade of underwear.

In each specific case, the set of codes will be different. It is worth considering what additional services the organization provides.

  1. An entrepreneur can choose either UTII. In the second case, two options are possible - simplified tax system “Income” 6% or simplified tax system “income minus expenses” 6-15% (the rate is determined depending on the region).
  2. To accept payment by bank transfer you need.
  3. According to the set of rules SP 54.13330.2011, it is prohibited to open baths, but not saunas, in residential buildings. Previously, they were prohibited (according to SNiP 31-01-2003), except for individual saunas located in apartments.
  4. When choosing the basement floor of a residential building as a premises, you need to be prepared to encounter many difficulties. Firstly, it is better to immediately look for commercial real estate for rent (that is, already transferred, and not residential).
  5. There must be a formal lease agreement;
  6. So, the appearance of saunas in homes is not prohibited. But they must comply with all existing norms and rules. The following requirements apply:
  • Satisfaction absolutely everyone SNiP standards (otherwise the organization will be closed).
  • The steam room should not occupy more than 24 m³;
  • The sauna must use a special factory-made stove for heating with an automatic shutdown when the temperature reaches 130 degrees and after eight hours of continuous operation. This stove should not be located closer than 20 centimeters to the walls of the steam room. A fireproof heat-insulating shield must be installed above the stove.
  • The ventilation duct must be equipped with a fire-retarding valve.
  • The redevelopment project must be coordinated with the Housing Inspectorate, the State Architectural and Construction Supervision Inspectorate, the organization servicing the house (MC or HOA), the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, the State Fire Service and the Rospotrebnadzor Office.

Marketing plan

Pricing strategy:

The cost will vary from 1,000 to 1,200 rubles depending on the day of the week and time of day. In the future, we will consider the average check as 1,100 rubles.

Promotion strategy:

  1. Signboard. It is worth hanging a bright and noticeable sign at the entrance. This will attract customers living nearby and passing by. Moreover, it should be clear that this is a sauna, and not something else (you can use an image of a person in a steam room, for example, or choose a suitable name).
  2. Registration in online catalogs. Here it is important to select the most visited sites and fill out the information as much as possible.
  3. It’s worth getting a group in contact or your own website.
  4. Contextual advertising is also perfect.
  5. You can use advertising on television, radio, and place information in local newspapers.

It is also worth considering holding promotions and drawings within the group. It is important to attract as many clients as possible. At the same time, you need to understand that only one company can be in the sauna at a time, so leaflets, for example, will not be effective.

There is one important rule: the more regular customers a sauna has, the better the advertising, and the better the advertising, the higher the income.

Calculation of projected income

Production plan

As for the workers. Administrators will perform the following responsibilities:

  • meet and see off clients;
  • provide them with the necessary bath accessories;
  • talk about the rules of behavior in the sauna;
  • show available premises;
  • charge for being in the sauna;
  • register clients by phone and online;
  • lead the group to social network;
  • fill the site with up-to-date information;
  • clean the premises;
  • Monitor the serviceability of all available equipment.

Administrators' salaries will be fixed. The total amount of wages, insurance premiums and personal income tax will be 35,000 rubles per person. Total: 70,000 rubles – costs for wages.

You need to dwell in more detail on the redevelopment and equipment. The figure below shows an approximate layout of the sauna.

To accommodate a steam room, a relaxation room, a massage room, a shower room, and an administrator’s room, you will need at least 100 m2. When choosing a room, it is best to consider options with at least renovation. In any case, redevelopment will have to be done. Moreover, you must not forget to agree on it first. So, the cost of repairs and redevelopment will include:

  • the actual redevelopment;
  • repairs in accordance with existing standards;
  • bringing the premises into compliance with all Sanitary Regulations;
  • toilet and shower equipment.

The equipment will include:

  • the sauna itself (from 70,000 rubles);
  • infrared sauna (from 80,000 rubles);
  • cedar barrel (from 40,000 rubles);
  • jacuzzi (from 50,000 rubles).

If you wish, you can equip a swimming pool, but this will still cost at least 300,000 - 400,000 rubles.

The furniture includes:

  • massage table (from 15,000 rubles);
  • sofas;
  • tables;
  • chairs;
  • armchairs.

Techniques include:

  • laptop for administrator work (from 25,000 rubles);
  • TV (from 15,000 rubles);
  • audio system (from 10,000 rubles).

Organizational plan

Financial plan

Profit before tax will be equal to: 248,600 – 161,500 = 87,100 rubles.

Let's calculate the tax for everyone possible ways to determine the most profitable:

  1. STS 6% of income: 248,600*0.06 = 14,916 rubles.
  2. STS 15% of (income - expenses): 87,100 * 0.15 = 13,065 rubles.
  3. To calculate UTII, you can use an online calculator by selecting the appropriate type of service. The tax for a quarter (3 months) will be about 6,000 rubles. Therefore, monthly payments will be 2,000 rubles.

The last option is the most profitable. It should be chosen in this case. Your situation may turn out differently, so it’s worth considering all possible options.

Tax: 2,000 rubles.

Net profit: 87,100 – 2,000 = 85,100 rubles.

Profitability: 85,100/248,600*100% = 34.23%.

You can significantly increase profitability by purchasing premises rather than renting them. At the same time, the initial costs and payback period will significantly increase. In our case, profitability would increase by about 15-25%.

Payback: 965,800/85,100 = 11.35. Therefore, this type of business will pay off in no less than a year.


When opening your own sauna, it is very important to identify possible risks. This is especially important because the initial investment in this type of business is quite significant. The most likely risks include:

  • Low sauna attendance. This will have a negative impact on the business as a whole. Reduces income and profitability. In more difficult situations There may be no income at all. The possibility of a loss-making enterprise cannot be ruled out. Therefore, it is very important to work out all the ways to promote your services. Attendance will depend on this. Saving on advertising in this case is absolutely not worth it.
  • Customer churn due to poor quality service. In this case, profitability and profitability will fall, and business reputation may become negative. An entrepreneur must work with administrators, give them motivation, teach them how to communicate correctly with clients. It is best to hire people with experience. But the most important thing is to initially create a good sauna with excellent equipment. It is imperative to check the performance of all systems and correct faults in a timely manner.

By protecting yourself from these risks, an entrepreneur will certainly get a profitable and stable business. It is only important to be careful about your work.

Entrepreneur must remember four important rules by opening your own sauna:

  1. The services provided must in no way harm the health of clients.
  2. A successful business is possible only after all the necessary documents have been completed. Don't forget about the license to sell alcohol, if you have one.
  3. An organization cannot provide illegal services to its clients. This is not only punishable by law, but also greatly affects the reputation of the establishment.
  4. It is imperative to maintain confidentiality regarding people visiting the sauna.

Important: Remember that you can independently create a business plan specifically for your business. To do this, read the articles:

One last request: We are all human and can make mistakes, leave something out, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a flaw and can add to the article, please let me know in the comments! This is the only way we can jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and up-to-date. Thank you for your attention!

Business in Russia. Guides to starting a business in the regions.
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* The calculations use average data for Russia

1.Project summary

The goal of the project is to open a bathhouse complex in Rostov-on-Don, consisting of two bathhouses in a traditional Russian style.

The project involves the construction of a log house with two main bath areas, each including one steam room, one wash room, and one relaxation room. The complex also provides a shared bathroom and wardrobe with an entrance hall. Competitive advantage is the scheme family business: the bath complex is located on a plot of land belonging to the private household of the project owner. All the main functions of maintaining the bathhouse in working order and providing basic services are carried out by the owner of the project and his family members, as well as two administrators working in shifts. Due to the family format of the project, such fixed costs as rent for premises are eliminated, and the costs of wages for a steamer, massage therapist, cleaner, etc. are also reduced.

Main services of the bath complex:

1. Hourly bathhouse rental (minimum order – from 2 hours)

2. Bath attendant services (steaming)

4. Peeling, wrapping

5. Rent a gazebo and barbecue

6. Selling snacks and soft drinks

Opening a bath complex will require 3,454,000 rubles. About 43% of the starting investment or 1,500,000 rubles. it is planned to attract 57% or 1,954,000 rubles from their own savings. will constitute borrowed funds. The loan rate will be 22%. The loan term is 2 years with a deferment of the first payment for 3 months.

*data for 3 years of operation

The project launch period before the start of sales will be 12 months, which is due to the need for shrinkage of the log house. The main construction work is planned to be completed within 4 months; before entering the market, finishing work, room design, equipment installation, and testing of the steam room are carried out. Reaching the planned sales volume is planned for the 3rd month of operation.

2.Description of the industry and company

Today, the market for bath and sauna services is developing rapidly. The opening of a bathhouse is carried out both in private areas (1-2 bathhouses), and as part of hotel, entertainment complexes and SPA centers. The most popular formats are the Russian steam room (mainly wood-burning) and the Finnish sauna. Turkish (hammam), Roman, and infrared baths are also gaining popularity.

An analysis of the Rostov-on-Don market showed that today there are about 150 commercial bathhouses operating within the city’s borders. The most common formats are Finnish sauna (about 85 points) and Russian bath (about 50 points), the rest is mainly Turkish baths. In approximately 70% of cases, the bathhouse format is single baths and saunas, as well as complexes of two and three baths. The remaining 30% falls on “bath apartments”, baths at hotels and hotels, baths at restaurant and hotel complexes, etc. (baths at water parks, SPA centers, etc.). As a rule, baths are intended for 6 people to visit simultaneously (65% of cases), and an additional amount is paid for each subsequent client. About 20% of baths have a capacity of up to 10 people and 15% can accommodate more than 10 people. All categories of the population use the services of baths, which is confirmed by the high range of prices for services: from 400-500 to 3000-3500 rubles. for 1 hour in the bath/sauna.

The bath complex itself is a private courtyard, on which there is a one-story building with two Russian baths for 6 people, as well as a swimming pool, gazebo and barbecue outside. The bathhouse is a log house with an area of ​​90 square meters. m., divided inside into two zones of 36 and 30 sq. m. m. Inside each of them there is its own steam room, shower, washing room and relaxation room. Also in the room there is a common hallway with a wardrobe, a bathroom, and a utility room. The bathhouse has two heater stoves. There are three main cooling methods available to customers. One of the baths is equipped with a small pool, and the other with dead water pools. Visitors to both baths are also offered a douche cold water from buckets, rent a gazebo and barbecue in the yard. Additional services include: massage, peeling, body wrap, as well as a tea ceremony with a wood-burning samovar and buns. The bathhouse is open from 09.00 to 00.00, seven days a week.

The management structure of the bath complex is simple. Management is carried out by the owner of the project, who combines management with the responsibilities of the main bathhouse attendant and is constantly located on the territory of a private household near the bathhouse. Recording, receiving incoming calls, directly receiving guests and instructing are carried out by two full-time administrators working in shifts. Responsibilities for serving guests (providing additional services such as massage, peeling, etc.) are carried out by one of the family members of the owner.

Investment costs for the construction of a log house and the final finishing of the complex with the installation of equipment are calculated based on average market prices of 25 thousand rubles / sq. m. m. Together with the purchase of equipment and installation, the costs will be 3,129,000 rubles. To launch the project, including working capital, you will need RUB 3,454,000. For this purpose, 1,954,000 rubles are raised. borrowed funds (57% of the total amount) and 1,500,000 rubles. own funds.

Form of ownership - individual entrepreneur. The taxation system is simplified. The object of taxation is income (6%).

3.Description of services

The bath complex mainly provides bathing services for groups of up to 6 people. The minimum order is 2 hours in the bathhouse. The client can choose one of two bath options: with plunge pools or a swimming pool. As competitive advantages It was decided to include additional paid services in the list, such as relaxing massage, peeling, body wrap, preparing a samovar with buns, etc. The service of the bath complex includes a number of free services. Full list can be seen in Table. 1.

Table 1. List of services

The bath complex operates in the middle price segment and is aimed at the majority of the city's population. Special attention paid to the level of service. A homely, cozy atmosphere, polite and high-quality service are designed to attract regular customers. The planned share of regular customers is about 30%.

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In addition to the services, some snacks and non-alcoholic soft drinks can be purchased at the sauna complex. It was decided to abandon the sale of beer and alcohol due to the ban on selling it in public places and the need to obtain a license. Visitors to the bathhouse are allowed to bring their own food with them, as well as fry meat or fish on a rented grill. If desired, customers can order pizza and other dishes at a discount from a restaurant with which a partnership agreement has been concluded.

Opening a bathhouse does not require obtaining a license, but to start a business you will need permits from fire supervision and SEZ.

4.Sales and marketing

People go to the bathhouse for quality services, in order to relax, have fun and unwind in pleasant company. Quite often you can hear negative reviews about the unprofessional services of the baths (“no steam”, “no heat”, “no traction”), shortcomings of the service (rude administrators, cold and unfriendly reception, “they don’t give out slippers”, “dirty linen”). and comments about interior decoration(“boring interior”, “mold in the corners”, “poorly cleaned”, “cold floors”). All these points will be taken into account during the project implementation. Priority directions bath complex - providing high-quality services and maintaining a kind and benevolent atmosphere of the Russian bathhouse, where you can come as a group or as a family with children.

There are about 150 bathhouses on the territory of Rostov-on-Don. The main competitors of the bath complex can be considered baths and saunas located on the territory of one microdistrict, which is about 30 units. Their main disadvantages are: rather monotonous offers and unpretentious interior design, ill-conceived format (many people call a Russian bathhouse or a Finnish sauna only conditionally), a not always positive reputation (“a bathhouse for one’s own”, “an eatery”, “a hangout”, etc.). ), poor quality service. Therefore, the implementation of the services specified in Table. 1., gives an undeniable advantage over competitors.

Today the market is replete with either VIP baths or inexpensive saunas for adult entertainment or exclusively for male companies. However, there is a visible lack of available family-sized bathhouses where visitors can come with children. In this regard, it was decided to give preference to the latter. The cost of staying in the bathhouse for an hour is on average only 1,300 rubles, which is the average market price for Rostov. Depending on the format, prices in the city vary from 400 to 3500 thousand rubles.

Services are provided by telephone in advance. Information about the bath complex with contacts, prices and photographs is posted on the official website, as well as in electronic catalogues. In addition to the website, there is also a group on the social network “Vkontakte”, which is filled with company news, information about discount promotions, educational posts about the traditions of the Russian bath, and more. SEO promotion of the official website was chosen as the main method of attracting customers. During the seasonal recession, demand is stimulated by discounts of up to 30%, or when ordering 4 hours, 1 hour is provided free of charge.

5.Production plan

The geographical location of the bath complex is Pervomaisky district of Rostov-on-Don. The building is located in the private sector, away from major transport routes and city noise. Distance from stop public transport– 300 meters. The bathhouse is not one of those types of businesses that require a location on central highways; visiting bathhouses is done purposefully, so some distance from the center is not an obstacle for clients.

The area of ​​the complex is 90 square meters. m. Costs for the construction of a log house from rounded logs, including the cost of the project, excavation work, foundation, cost of the assembly kit (logs with grooves), installation of walls, roofing, laying of communications, and finishing with installation of devices, arrangement of a swimming pool with an area of ​​6 sq. m. m will amount to 2.5 million rubles. It is planned to attract a local construction company to build the log house. The basis for the choice was the company’s experience in the market, as well as a case study of previously created commercial baths, since the project of the complex is not a typical one.

The costs of equipping the bath complex are shown in Table. 2. In addition to the above expenses, there are expenses for equipping the courtyard area, installing fire and security alarms.

Table 2. Equipment costs

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The main part of the work to ensure the functioning of the guest house is carried out directly by the owner and his family. The staff is represented by two administrators (Table 3). During the peak sales season, hired workers (cleaner, plumber) are hired. Accounting and security services have been outsourced to specialized firms.

Table 3. Staffing table and wage fund

The main operating expenses are housing and communal services, the purchase of firewood, and laundry services (washing sheets and towels). Spending on housing and communal services, in particular, implies a constant part - a minimum payment for services, and a variable part, which depends on the number of guests.

When calculating the sales plan (see Appendix 1), such a factor as seasonality is taken into account. The decline begins with the May holidays, from the moment people go to their own country houses and heat their own baths. Peak sales are recorded during the holidays - New Year, February 23 and March 8. The factor of increasing recognition of the bath complex was also taken into account. The planned occupancy volume in the first year of operation is 30-40%, the second year is 40-50%, the third is 60-70%.

6.Organizational plan

The process of managing the bath complex and strategic planning is entrusted to the owner. He also selects methods of marketing promotion, interacts with intermediaries, and also combines the duties of a bath attendant. Direct reception of guests, instructions, and recording are carried out by full-time administrators. Auxiliary cleaning functions, as well as the provision of additional services, are assigned to family members of the owner. In-house and outsourced employees report directly to the business owner. The family business format allows you to minimize the cost of paying wages.

7.Financial plan

The costs of the investment period of the project include: costs for the construction and finishing of the bath complex (2.5 million rubles), purchase of equipment (629 thousand rubles), website development (25 thousand rubles), working capital(300 thousand rubles) Total: 3,454,000 rubles.

Basic period costs include salaries for bathhouse administrators, minimum payments for utilities and electricity, laundry services, accountant, and security.

The financial indicators of the project, calculated for a five-year period of work, are presented in Appendix 1.

8.Evaluation of project effectiveness

The project to open a bathhouse is of a high standard starting investments required for construction and equipment. It will also require an impressive period of time. The advantages of the project include the relatively low cost of the main period, the absence of rent, and large payroll expenses.

The payback period for the bathhouse complex will be 14 months, and the discounted payback period will be 16 months. Efficiency indicators are given in Table. 4.

Table 4. Project performance indicators

9.Risks and guarantees

The bath business is a well-developed activity. However, contrary to popular belief, it cannot be classified as a passive business. Bathhouse maintenance requires daily participation, updating some elements of the bathhouse due to high degree depreciation. To provide quality service to visitors with maximum efficiency, it is proposed to carry out major renovation baths every 5 years for up to 25% of the original construction cost. The main risks of the project are listed in Table. 5.

Table 5. Assessment of project risks and measures to prevent their occurrence or their consequences

Get current calculations for your business plan

The bathhouse is actually a multifunctional establishment. Some people like to take a steam bath in it with brooms, others get together with a close group of friends and drink beer while talking, others get the healing effect, and there are also those who visit the baths to maintain prestige.

Simply put: a private bathhouse is a profitable business! But where to start a bath business? This is already an interesting question.

What is in greatest demand today?

In Mother Russia the following are considered popular today:

  • Russian bath;
  • Finnish sauna;
  • Japanese "Ofuro";
  • Turkish "Hamam".

The most labor-intensive and expensive to build is, of course, the Turkish “Hamam”.
This is because traditional wood is replaced by stone.

From the point of view of benefits, the most promising solution is the construction of an entire bathhouse complex, which will contain all the buildings listed above or at least several Russian bathhouses. However, this option is only suitable for established cities.

Private bathhouse - a “delicious” idea for business

Are you seriously interested in putting together a profitable business with your own hands? In this case, the tips collected in this article, based on real experience successful entrepreneurs will be very useful to you. So, the idea has already matured, and this is a solid foundation for further work. So let's not waste time and move on...

Organizational and legal nuances

Let's assume that you will open and run your business as an individual entrepreneurship. This is the most acceptable option taxation UTII, A this area exactly fits it, as stated in the explanatory letter from the Ministry of Finance.

A private bathhouse as a business falls into the OKVED group 93.04 “Physical and recreational activities”, since this includes: “ entrepreneurial activity with the aim of improving people's physical health and providing them with comfort, for example, through solariums, mineral resorts, massage treatments, saunas, baths, etc. establishments." The number of this section according to OKUE is 019100.

Important information!
As for the fire requirements for saunas and baths, they are explained in detail in SNiP 05/31/2003, clause 6.3.9.
And relations with sanitary authorities will have to be regulated on the basis of SanPin 2.1.2.

Search for a place of "dislocation"

First of all, you need to think about the location of the future bath complex. As a rule, it should be close to the city, but away from the bustle of the “concrete jungle”. Therefore, you should decide on the purchase or rental of a suitable plot for the further construction of new buildings or reconstruction of old ones.

Some savvy entrepreneurs practice this option: they purchase a house with land required area– the building is rented out, but the free land is used for development.
Consider this solution to a pressing issue.

Construction, layout and purchase of equipment

We will not write out a whole business plan now, because when drawing it up it takes far more than 2-3 pages.

We just want to talk about the main points that are the starting points and main “points” in creating a bathhouse business:

  1. It is best, of course, to build buildings for baths and saunas from scratch, because when redeveloping existing buildings and carrying out repairs in them, you will certainly encounter many different problems.
    By the way, using premises that previously had a bathhouse or sauna to open a bathhouse complex is also not very profitable - high humidity will increase the cost of repair work several times over.
  2. Selecting a bathhouse project, a developer and resolving all issues with regulatory authorities and utility services immediately before the start of construction.
    It should be noted that finding a bona fide developer is a very responsible mission, which is one of the main conditions for the success of a bathhouse business. Therefore, you need to choose specialists who have been tested by time and clients. Then with this construction company we have to discuss the material for the construction of the building - this is also big topic for conversation.

For your information!
The average construction time for a bathhouse is from 3 to 6 months.
The price here depends on the chosen layout and material, i.e. everything is calculated individually.

  1. You can start the development of a private bath business with an area of ​​100 m², a five-meter pool and a steam room of 13 “squares”.
    Typically, establishments of this kind are divided into the following sectors: general washing area and private rooms. In turn, the rooms are standard, junior suite and luxury.
    The difference between them lies in the available infrastructure:
    • An ordinary room is equipped only with a shower, toilet and barrel, and the pool is located outside;
    • The “junior suite” has a steam room with a wood-burning stove and stone;
    • The deluxe room has a dressing room, a steam room, a relaxation room, and the common room is zoned separately.
  2. As an example, let’s try to plan a bathhouse with a common washing room and steam room, without losing sight of anything. Let's assume that we have a building for a bathhouse in the range of 60-120 m².
    Does the SNiP instruction prescribe the presence of any compartments in it?
    • Wash room. There should be benches, a font for 5 people or more, wooden basins, a tub, and pouring buckets.

Many owners of private baths install shower stalls in washrooms - this step significantly saves space and increases the hygiene of the establishment.

    • Hallway - a hanger for outerwear, a shoe stand, a couple of chairs/armchairs/benches and a small cabinet. This set will be quite sufficient.
    • The restroom has a sink, several reliable shelves for personal hygiene items, a mirror and, most importantly, a sturdy toilet.

    • Restroom . There are no strict regulations here. Everyone arranges it the way they want. What attributes can be placed? Table, sofa, armchairs, cupboard, refrigerator, TV with DVD system and karaoke, billiards, table tennis and similar things for comfort and entertainment.

  1. Equipment for a private bath. Let's say right away that the costs here will be quite serious.
    Conventionally, they are divided into two types:
    • One-time purchases of stoves, furniture, decor, equipment for a swimming pool, a relaxation room, etc.
    • Consumables - brooms, steamers, disposable slippers, steam room hats, sheets, felt or cardboard mats, mittens.

To get started, an amount of approximately 400-600 thousand rubles is enough.

These figures do not include the cost of the building.

Competent staff

Perhaps, the success of any started business depends mainly on well-selected, and subsequently consistently well-performing personnel. You cannot do here without a professional administrator with a pleasant appearance and experience in similar fields.

After all, he will be the link between potential clients and the establishment. His responsibilities primarily include: receiving guests, communicating with people by phone, and recording orders.

In addition to the administrator, it would be nice to have a bath attendant on your staff - an expert in his field. By the way, the reputation of your establishment will also largely depend on his skills and ability to maintain a conversation with clients.

Of course, you can’t do without a cleaner and 1-2 general workers (chopping firewood, servicing stoves, etc.). Don't forget about safety! You can use the services of private security guards or a security agency.


There are quite a few ways to develop the considered business. For example, you can expand the range of services provided on the territory of the bath complex - massage, SPA treatments, solarium, Gym, mud baths, relaxation programs, aromatherapy, etc. Or you can move towards expanding the territory and the number of baths.

One way or another, you shouldn’t dream about the immediate arrival of dividends. At first, you won’t know what a big and stable income is. Moreover, for several months the establishment will operate, as they say, “at zero” or even “at a slight minus.”

And finally, we want to give you one more piece of advice. The bath business is a very interesting and profitable business, as people like to have a good rest. But in the first couple of years it is still important not to go too far, but to establish an acceptable pricing policy.

And when you have formed your own client base, you can gradually increase the cost of services. Then the income will start to trickle in. In addition, we suggest watching the video in this article, which will also help you organize your own profitable business!

Long gone are the days when bath and laundry factories were mandatory attributes of the harsh Soviet reality. But, despite the fact that everyone has the opportunity to perform hygienic procedures at home, many of us, you see, under certain conditions will not deny themselves the pleasure of visiting a bathhouse or sauna.

Connoisseurs who are willing to pay for such pleasure argue that finding a steam room to your liking is not so easy: a fairly saturated market still does not satisfy the demand. Consequently, there is a prospect of succeeding in the bathing business by opening a private sauna.

Opening a family-type sauna is a great option

Doubles in major cities are present in the assortment. Almost every sports club has baths, many beauty salons have mini-saunas, there are also VIP establishments with an expanded list of services (and Thai massage is a mere trifle compared to the services offered there).

But in all the listed examples, the “steam room” itself only accompanies the main business, is part of the “program”, and there is no point in considering it as a separate item of income. Another thing is a family-type sauna, a kind of cultural and health club, where both young and old will find something to do, where it is customary for the whole team to go regularly, with teas, aromatic oils and brooms. Experienced bath attendants say this is not easy to find. It's even harder to get there: everything best time(Friday evenings and weekends), as a rule, have long been “staken out” by regular clients, and fitting into a busy schedule is problematic.

In one of the saunas they say that especially persistent clients leave their numbers mobile phones, so that employees can inform them about an accidentally formed window.

Additional services and arrangement of sauna, bathhouse

According to experts, in such a sauna, in addition to the steam room itself (which should be counted on for at least six people), a shower room and a changing room, there must be a large room for relaxation. It is ideal when in the same room there is, for example, a billiard table, as well as a TV, so that the company does not break up and everyone finds activities of interest. It is advisable to equip a small pool (at least 3 by 3 meters); it would be nice to find a place for a couple of sports equipment. The presence of a jacuzzi is also of great interest to the public (in some baths this is included in the rental price, in others it is customary to pay additionally for the use of the service).

As for massage (it is believed that this type of health treatment goes perfectly with a steam room), it is better, of course, to provide for such an opportunity and purchase at least a specialized couch, since many avid bathhouse attendants themselves possess the necessary skills. Another option is when sauna owners enter into a service agreement with a practicing massage therapist, whose work is paid, naturally, by clients.

Many consider a bar to be another indispensable attribute of a bathhouse establishment. Owners of private saunas say that selling alcohol does not always bring big profits, but you still have to sell strong drinks - otherwise clients come with their own alcohol (which, in fact, can be negotiated). But we remind you that this type of service requires licensing.

Baths and saunas are a good business to start

According to experts, baths are not a very difficult business to start, and when lucky coincidence circumstances, it can pay for itself in two to three years. Experts say that when opening a family-type bathhouse, you should start with a cost of $1,000. for every sq. meter of area (a modest establishment can be placed on fifty square meters). It is not at all necessary to open a bathhouse in a pass-through place in the center (after all, people don’t come here by chance along the way). It is best to rely on a specific microdistrict.

Any bathhouse (whether Finnish or Russian) requires very significant technical equipment. For a Russian sauna, a wood-burning heater is best suited, but stoves can be electric or gas. A swimming pool is perhaps the most expensive pleasure. To equip it, you need approximately ten different devices: pumps, filter devices, heaters, transformers, illuminators. Generators, specialized ceramic heating systems, and special thermal curtains may also be needed. You will also have to fork out for water drainage and air ventilation systems. However, if it is difficult to reduce the costs of special equipment, then it is quite possible to save on the interior - the main thing is that everything is hygienic and functional. The minimum number of staff is also pleasing: the obligatory administrator and cleaning lady, as well as an additional steamer and massage therapist.

You should be aware that a sauna is an energy-intensive institution, and the cost of electricity is ultimately greater than the cost of water - the main resource of the bath (about one hundred liters are required per visitor).

Bath business: the story of one entrepreneur

As entrepreneur Oleg Savchenko says, a bathhouse built, as they say, “for oneself” can eventually turn into a profitable business. "My best friends became my business partners, and we initially organized the sauna specifically for “internal use,” because everyone has relatives and godfathers. It is located in the basement of a house in one of the quiet residential areas, and, to be honest, it would be simply a shame to sell what was there originally: uncovered communications, drips, dampness. Over time, of course, we changed everything here, made repairs, equipped a rest room, massage room, they installed a billiard table. We even have a fireplace, and it’s not a fake one,” says the businessman.

According to the entrepreneur, today it is almost impossible to get into his sauna “from the street” - all the time is scheduled by the hour (at the same time there is no claim to a VIP level, only a Finnish steam room is offered and even the services of a massage therapist have long been abandoned). With an abundance of saunas in big cities, family-type establishments where you can truly relax culturally are sorely lacking. A separate problem is to explain to people that this is a sauna where people take steam, and not a veiled “dating house” (brothel). “The point is to invest money in this business; it’s better to immediately position your business correctly and create an appropriate reputation for it,” says the businessman-bathhouse attendant.

Profit and costs

Considering that the average price per hour in a steam room today is about 600-800 rubles for 4-6 people per hour (“extra” people are paid additionally - 100-150 rubles per person), and many saunas today operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the total the income will theoretically be approximately 150,000-180,000 rubles. per month. Net profit will be approximately a third of this amount.

Well, it’s difficult to judge how quickly the start-up costs pay off - each owner has his own ideas about what the interior should generally be like, and accordingly, the initial costs of arranging the premises can vary greatly.

author: Oleg Minnullin, for the site