Little pony all characters. My Little Pony full list of characters

What are the names of all the ponies from the cartoon "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic"?

    There are a lot of ponies in Ponyville and in each episode different residents of this amazing city appear and each pony has its own name and its own abilities and distinctive features. But among this obvious happiness, key figures can be identified:

    Twilight Sparkle

    Rainbow Dash



    Pinkie Pie

    Princess Celestia

    Princess Moon

    Princess Cadence

    Sunset shimmer

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is an interesting and fascinating cartoon that talks about such an important quality as the ability to be friends, which is so necessary for all of us.

    Main characters:

    1.. TWILIGHT SPARKLE - a friendly and smart pony, loves to read;

    2.. RARITY - generous and active, likes to take care of her appearance;

    3.. FLUTTERSHY - gentle and sensual, loves small animals;

    4.. PINKIE PIE - funny and cheerful, never sits still;

    5.. RAINBOW DASH - dexterous and brave, everywhere and in everything she is accustomed only to victories;

    6.. APPLEJACK - honest and hardworking, loves her work on the farm.

    A fantasy cartoon, the action takes place in the fictional country of Equestria, where in addition to ordinary heroes there are also dragons and all sorts of other fantastic creatures.

    The main character of this cartoon is the unicorn Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia, Princess Cadance and Princess Luna, the cocky Rainbow, the elegant and fashionable Rarity, the hardworking fidgety Applejack, the timid Fluttershy, and the overly active Pinkie Pie.

    All these ponies solve the problems of the residents of the city of Ponyville and find more and more new friends.

    This is a cartoon about the adventures of 6 beautiful ponies.

    Each of the ponies has some kind of ability!

    The main character of this cartoon is Sparkle!

    Every time she and her friends solve problems that happen in their city - Ponyville!

    This is a very good cartoon, as it teaches children nobility, kindness and mutual assistance!

    And the names of these little ponies, pegasuses and unicorns are: Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack!

    My little niece loves watching cartoons about ponies, so I know exactly the names of all the main characters of this entertaining cartoon. They have such unusual and beautiful names:

    Twilight Sparkle

    Rainbow Dash



    Pinkie Pie

    Princess Celestia

    Princess Moon

    Princess Cadence

    Sunset shimmer

    Here's one of the episodes, enjoy watching:

    Pony. Friendship is the miracle is a famous animated series.

    Of course, you should read more about his characters.

    Let's start with the main characters:

    Twilight Sparkle used to be a simple unicorn, now she is an alicorn princess.

    The main character of the animated series about ponies.

    Here is a photo where she is a regular unicorn:

    And in this picture, Twilight is an alicorn princess:

    Twilight, of course, has a family. She has a mother, father and older brother. Twilight's older brother, Shining Armor, married the alicorn princess Cadence.

    Here are her parents: Twilight Velvet and Night Light

    And here is her brother:

    Here is her brother's wife, who was also Twilight's nanny. Her name is Princess Cadance:

    Twilight Sparkle has a cute little dragon named Spike:

    And here is Rarity, the unicorn. This is Twilight Sparkle's friend. A designer by profession, she has her own boutique.

    But Rarity's family: Sweetie Belle (sister), Magnum (father), Pearl (mother).

    And here is Fluttershy, the pegasus. Shy and modest pony. Communicates with animals.

    Here's another pegasus, Rainbow Dash. Flies great.

    Applejack, the earth pony. He works on his farm with his family, which, by the way, is very large.

    She has a grandmother Granny Smith, an older brother Big Macintosh, and a younger sister Apple Bloom.

    She has many relatives, you can’t even list them all: Gala AppleBee, Caramel Apple, Peachey Sweet, Red Gala, Apple Bumpkin, Apple Cobbler, Apple Pie, Apple Honey, Braybrne, Dasi Doe, Magdalena, Candy Tvrl, Candy Apples, etc. d.

    Pinkie Pie (Pinkamina Diana Pie), a cheerful and mischievous earth pony. Party organizer.

    Pinkie has an older sister, Mod Pie, who bears little resemblance to her little sister:

    Other relatives of Pinkie Pie: Cloudy Quartz (mother), Ignous Rock (father), sisters Mod Pie (mentioned above), Marble Pie, Limestone Pie.

    Above we talked about the main characters of the animated series and their families.

    Let's move on to other ponies. The ponies have their own state, Equestria, where two sisters rule: Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. These ponies are alicorns.

    Mark detectors (separate series are dedicated to them).

    Apple Bloom (AppleJack's sister), SweetieBelle (Rarity's sister), Scootaloo (this is a girl, although many people think it is a boy).

    There is also a slightly unusual (cross-eyed) pegasus, Drpi Hooves (girl). Loves muffins.

    There's also Doctor Whooves, who is amazingly similar to Doctor Who.

    I can't help but mention Lyra. Lyra is a unicorn and was a bridesmaid at Cadence's wedding.

    Magician Trixie, unicorn:

    Chrysalis, queen of werewolves:

    King Sombra, unicorn:

    Fluffy Puff (a pony created by one of the fans, well, I couldn’t help but add her)

    It is difficult to list all the ponies in the series. The main, most noticeable ponies are shown here.

    There are six main characters in this cartoon:

    1. Applejack(translated: Apple Cider) - there is not an apple on the back leg, but a cowboy hat on the head. This pony is a farmer.
    2. Rainbow Dash(translated: Rainbow Dash) - a blue pony, on the back leg there is a cloud with rainbow lightning, the mane and tail are also rainbow. This is the fastest and bravest pony.
    3. Twilight Sparkle- a purple pony with a sparkle on her hip. He loves reading books.
    4. Pinkie Pie(translated: Pink cake) - a bright pink pony, with balls on her hip. The most cheerful, loves holidays.
    5. Fluttershy(translated: Trembling Shyness) - a yellow pony with a pink mane and tail, pink butterflies on her hip. Very shy and quiet, loves all living things.
    6. Rarity(translated: Rarity or Curiosity) - a white pony, with blue crystals on her hips, and her mane is dark purple and curls into beautiful curls. She takes great care of herself, a local beauty.

    There is one six ponies who possessed the spirits of the elements of harmony. Their names are:

    1. Twilight Sparkle is a unicorn (alicorn) (Twilight Sparkle) - has an element of magic. She is well-read and always sends letters to Princess Celestia (She has a 5-pointed star with dots)

    2. Pinkie Pie - has the element of laughter. She is a party master and loves fun (She has one yellow and 2 blue balls)

    3.Rainbow Dash - has an element of loyalty. She controls the weather and she is athletic (not marked with a cloud with a rainbow (three-color lightning shooting from a cloud))

    4. Fluttershy the pegasus (Fluttershy) - has an element of kindness. She loves talking with animals. (The mark does not have three butterflies)

    5. Rarity the unicorn - has an element of generosity. Loves sewing clothes.

    6. Applejack pony - has an element of honesty. Works (busies) on the Sweet Apple farm (Not marked with three red apples) 1

    In fact, the ponies in the cartoon My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic are a lot! And you won’t immediately remember their names, although they are surprisingly very simple. Yes, and you can also confuse ponies. Only true fans remember everyone. Calling them:

    A very beautiful and kind cartoon.

    In the cartoon, ponies are divided into three types: ponies, pegasi, unicorns. Among the six main characters, two belong to each of these species.

    Almost every child knows these kind and wonderful friends, but sometimes their names are forgotten:

    1. Pegasus named Rainbow Dash- blue in color (it doesn’t have wings) and its mane is not like a multi-colored rainbow. She is the bravest.
    2. Pegasus named Fluttershy- also with wings, she is yellow, but her mane is not light lilac. Fluttershy is very modest and she communicates well with animals.
    3. Unicorn named Rarity- white with a purple mane and non-blue spots on the back leg. She is the ultimate fashionista.
    4. Unicorn named Twilight Sparkle- itself is lilac, and the mane is purple, like Rarity’s, only with a pink stripe and on the back leg it is not a pink star.
    5. Paddle Pony - Pinkie Pie- pink, with a red mane and tail.
    6. A hardworking farm pony named Applejack- wearing a hat and it’s yellow.
  • The cartoon characters My Little Pony are very popular all over the world. These little creatures with just their appearance can lift the mood of anyone, even the most gloomy person.

    There are a lot of characters in the cartoon, but there are only six most important ones:

    1) A pony in a cowboy hat and apples on his rump is Applejack.

    2) Rainbow Dash is a blue pony with a rainbow mane and tail.

    3) The purple pony that is in the center of the picture is Twilight Sparkle.

    4) Pinkie Pie is a pink pony with a curly red mane.

    5) The yellow modest pony with a pink mane is called Fluttershy.

    6) A white pony with a dark purple curled mane is Rarity.

Among children's autumn premieres.

If your voice is also there, or your child has already confronted you with the need to go to the cinema, we advise you to familiarize yourself with a short list of facts useful for watching this cartoon. True, according to the first reviews, the plot of the cartoon does not depend on the series “Friendship is a Miracle”, and there is no need to watch the latter for a normal understanding of what is happening. But since this is still not an original cartoon, but a film entry into a franchise with a rich history, the following will come in handy. Briefly, to the point and with a 100% effect on the child’s part - “Mom, do you know who this is?!”

They are so different, but still together

The main characters are six friendly young ponies, each unique, amazing and diverse in their own way. As you may have already noticed, they call everyone here “ponies”, but inside these magical horses are divided into ponies, unicorns, pegasuses and alicorns. Yes, these are the ones with a horn and wings at the same time. Alicorns are the recognized elite and always, above all, princesses. No, no one has ever seen alicorn boys.

Now you'll have to sprinkle in names (and in two translations!), but you don't need to remember them - just take these characters for granted. By the way, your daughter probably has her own favorite. And this is a great way to learn a little more about the child’s inner world.

And ponies also have special insignia - that is, drawings on the rump - they receive as they grow up, and these are damn important symbols.

Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle). The most main character, diligent and kind, loves study, order and clear planning. She suffers from an overly corrosive conscience and anxiety, and is at times skeptical and cynical. Twilight has a cutie mark with a star because she is a mega-super-cool magician, one of the best in her magical country called Equestria (you don’t have to remember the name). Her “element of harmony” (mega-super weapon based on the friendship of all heroines) is, in fact, magic.

Oh yes. First, Sparkle is a unicorn, and from the finale of the third season, an alicorn, which automatically elevates her to the ranks of princesses. She was made the Princess of Friendship by the most important pony in the world - Celestia (also a princess, of course!), and this is an exceptional case; in general, ponies are born with a set of horns and wings.


In a word - fashionista. A unicorn fashion designer whose business is as wonderful as it is amazing (after all, ponies almost never wear clothes!). Rarity is still a treasure, her character is spoiled and pampered, but she is very generous, and she embodies generosity.

The insignia is crystals, she simply adores them, they are, after all, a girl’s best friend ©.

Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash)

She is speed. She is the most athletic, gorgeous and unceremonious pegasus who has made flying the meaning of life. Rainbow is overly self-confident (read - she’s also impudent), loves adventure books, stupid pranks and dreams of flying in a big sport, but always stays with friends.

Represents loyalty. You already guessed about the insignia.


Just a “cute”, timid, shy animal lover. Pegasus, who is afraid of flying, afraid of dragons, afraid of everything. However, Fluttershy still has a core inside her. For all her outward introversion and naivety, sometimes she is very surprising.

The insignia is butterflies, she is the personification of universal kindness and all the brightest and best that is in people. Sorry, in a pony.

Pinkie Pie

A pony whose calling is parties, fun and all other positive things. She herself is a walking, or rather, jumping positive, demolishing everything in her path with her unbreakable optimism.

Pinky is a professional party planner who embodies joy and laughter, her badge of honor being balloons. Weehoo!


No, this is not the name of the alcohol, but the real name of the pony. There should be something about an apple farm, hard work, perseverance, physical strength and an apple farm again, but we’ll just say that it’s incredibly cool. And strong.

You can breathe out, the main characters are over. Let’s just add that they all live in a town called Ponyville, regularly save the world, use a special “friendship magic” using the above-mentioned “elements of harmony,” and are also lonely, hard-working girls in their early 20s. No, there are male characters in the series too. Sometimes.

The pony is much older than you think

These big-eyed, bright horses appeared in 2010, but they were also around when you were a child, just different. And only for girls 6-10 years old. Lauren Faust is the legendary author of a reboot that was a success (a rare occurrence).


This is what ponies from the 80s look like. They're still chubby. Nevertheless, many external and internal features of the heroines of the old series migrated to the new one.

"Bronies" exist

This is what fans of the series call themselves, that is, it is “fandom”. And yes, there are plenty of grown men among them. They will come to the cinemas with the children and you. Don’t be afraid – “Bronies” are extremely peace-loving creatures and try to honor the covenants of friendship promoted in the series.

More generally speaking, the “fandom” is capable of competing with similar communities for Star Wars or Harry Potter. Yes, dear ones, we have a real cult before us.

Ponies make the world a better place

It follows from the previous point. “My little pony” consistently pulls people out of depression, helps them find friends and love in reality, and the list goes on. In general, they change lives dramatically - we have already talked about one such case.

By the way, according to the majority of child psychologists, everything is very good in ponies, they are recommended for the competent development of a child’s personality. Of course, sometimes there are radically opposing opinions that they kill children. Of course, it's up to you to decide who to listen to. But we agree with psychologists and consider the series very good. All in the name of friendship magic!

They are very poorly localized here

Here they speak like flat pieces of cardboard. It’s just that “My little pony” was extremely unlucky with localization, especially with the translation of names - you may have already noticed this yourself. The debate about whether the main character's name is Twilight or Twilight will rage for decades to come.


By the way, according to the first reviews, the film was a little more lucky - at least the dubbing did not cause nausea in early domestic viewers, on the contrary.

There are other animals there

This universe is not alive alone. A variety of dragons, cats, donkeys, dogs and other animals are found there at every step, and in the film there will be even more of this goodness. At the same time, some animals are intelligent, like the ponies themselves, and some are not, just pets. I wonder how the upright talking cat from the film is related to the cat Opal, Rarity's favorite?

It’s especially good here with mythological creatures, both from our legends, like griffins and manticores, and those of our own. Yes, Discord, we're talking about you too.

The ponies themselves are also constantly divided into crystal ponies, werewolf ponies, and the writers still know which ones. We'll see mermaid ponies in the film - a great addition, don't you think? By the way, there is also another world where the same heroines appear as people. But this is just too much, don’t worry about it.

The series is much more dramatic than you think

And you may well like him. At least the story episodes are episodes 1-2 and 25-26 of each of the seven seasons. Everything in between is autonomous, daily routine adventures in the name of friendship, influencing the plot only insofar as. But what a range of topics! Especially in the later seasons, extremely important and very adult things are discussed. About fame and fashion, deception and business, power and crime, the importance of being yourself and so on.

The coverage of genres and locations is also impressive. At the same time, in the plots, everything always does not go according to plan or according to templates; there are end-to-end secrets, “tricks” carefully transferred from season to season, twisted and inventive scenarios. In general, the series really Interesting to watch for adults too.

More precisely, especially for adults, because it is for this category of viewers that “My Little Pony” has a lot of tasty things hidden. Subtle hints and cunning references, your own Doctor Who, all sorts of Easter eggs and topical irony. However, you don’t have to remember this point: the full-length film was aimed at a children’s audience. But there is a chance that some of this joy will be left for parents too.

Here's "Aria Cadence," a dramatic moment from the Season 2 finale featuring a werewolf villain masquerading as a princess. Just listen, watch and enjoy what seems like a “children’s” series.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic(abbreviated as MLP:FiM) is a 2010 animated series about little ponies living in the fairy-tale fantasy land of Equestria, as well as about their various adventures. Corresponds to the fourth generation (G4) of pony toys (created by Hasbro), preceded by a couple of franchise animated series made in the 80s. Formally, all series are a kind of addition to the main product (that is, toys for children), but only MLP: FiM has become interesting to adults as is, largely thanks to the cute (albeit uncomplicated) animation, bright, memorable characters, and original productions of the episodes , as well as winrar voice acting. We can say that this is a very successful remake of old series.

The series was created by animator Lauren Faust based on her own drawings - redesigning and stylizing old characters from the first generation of Pony. Faust posted her drawings on DeviantArt, where Hasbro noticed her. Also involved in the project is Rob Renzetti, creator of the animated series "My Life as a Teenage Robot". Cartoon technology - two-dimensional Flash animation. At the moment, the network has 26 episodes in English that make up the first season, as well as Russian subtitles. In the fall of 2011, the second season began airing.


Main heroines

From left to right:
Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Fluttershy.
Top: Rainbow Dash

  • Pinkie Pie- an eccentric, eccentric (sometimes to the point of insanity), but super-cheerful, cheerful and very energetic earth pony. Can bake cupcakes and other things confectionery, which is what she does (however, most of the sweets are immediately eaten by her right on the spot). Likes to throw parties and write songs.
  • Rainbow Dash- Pegasus pony, one of the least feminine ponies among the six. Essentially, it is the local incarnation of Sonic. He flies very fast (can go supersonic), loves speed, loves to show off his talents in front of an audience or challenge someone, and does not tolerate anything boring. Likes to snore while others work. Like most pegasi, it controls the weather: i.e. clears the sky of clouds, or, on the contrary, drives them together.
  • Rarity- a unicorn fashion designer, owns a boutique and sews clothes. Fashion, glamour, grace, sense of style and the ability to be beautiful - it's all about her. In such matters, she is scrupulous to the point of tediousness, which is expressed in most cases by the fear of getting dirty (and as a result, rejection of hard work), allowing the slightest mess in her boutique, or even the fear of getting caught in the rain, which will ruin her hairstyle.
  • Twilight Sparkle- the main character of the series, a unicorn magician. Thorough, reasonable, punctual. She leads a rather reclusive lifestyle, studying books on magic and in general, the only thing missing from her image of a nerd is her glasses. As a result, a normal full life with all its attributes, which her friends offer her, often turns out to be a wonder for her. Lives with his henchman - a small dragon (baby dragon), Spike, is studying the Magic of Friendship, for which, apparently, he receives a scholarship or something like that.
  • AppleJack- earth pony, farmer and cowgirl (if this word can even be applied to a pony). The most down-to-earth pony of all six, she thinks the most pragmatically and, in most cases, sensibly. She has almost no cockroaches in her head - as a result, she is hardworking, reliable and knows what she is doing. A little rude. Together with the extended Apple family, he owns farmland where apples are grown. In addition to actually working on the farm, he sells apples and is not afraid of dirty work. She is the only one of the six who wears a headdress - a cowboy hat, which she almost never leaves. Oh yeah, he talks with a Texas accent.
  • Fluttershy– a very quiet, shy and timid Pegasus pony. He is engaged in caring for wild animals. In ordinary life, she is extremely soft and timid. He rarely speaks, and if he does speak, it is very quietly, barely audible. However, the saying about a still water applies to her more than anyone else. And this is not without reason.
  • Spike- as already noted, a dragon, Twilight’s assistant, whom he treats like an older sister. By nature he is straightforward, ironic (sometimes to the point of sarcasm), and a bit of a fop. He loves to sleep, although he always tries to conscientiously fulfill his duties, which include cleaning the house, searching for the necessary books in the library, sending correspondence, etc. He feels deep sympathy for Rarity, for whom he is ready to go to the ends of the earth. In case of any troubles, he almost always manages to get out of the water unscathed, it is unknown whether due to his natural resourcefulness, or damn luck.

Minor characters

  • Princess Luna- Celestia's younger sister, also an alicorn. As the myth tells, one day she did not like the fact that during her reign all her subjects were in deep sleep, while her sister was in the spotlight every day. Here her evil alter ego appeared - Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon tried to overthrow Celestia, but was unsuccessful, for which she was exiled to the Moon for a period of 1000 years forever. In the first season he appears only in the pilot episode, in the second - in the Luna Eclipsed episode. It must be said that the image of a quiet nerd created and cherished (during all her time of absence) by many of the Bronies in this series was thoroughly destroyed, partly by the eccentric behavior of the princess, partly by her CANTERLOT ROYAL CAPS VOICE.
  • Trixie- a unicorn pony who also studies magic, like Twilight, but at a very casual level. She arrived in Ponyville to show everyone her magical abilities (or rather, the abilities of a magician), and also to show off her coolness. Appears in only one episode of the first season.
  • Cutie Mark Crusaders- a trio of funny young ponies - Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle - who, unlike their peers, still do not have marks of fate, which greatly upsets them. Having united, they called themselves Mark Seekers and began to look for their calling wherever possible, sometimes causing non-illusory problems to others (and sometimes to themselves). They often quarrel and argue among themselves.
  • Big Macintosh- Applejack's older brother, a large and strong pony. His catchphrase “E-eyup” (i.e. “A-agams”), pronounced slowly, with a drawl on the first syllable, perfectly emphasizes his equanimity.
  • Zecora- a zebra living in Ponyville - or rather not in it itself, but in the nearby part of the Ever-Wild Forest. She speaks in allegories, brews potions and other witchcraft things, which is clearly opposed to Twilight with her scientific approach to the study of magic. Initially, she was considered almost a universal evil in Ponyville because of her mystical mystery, but in reality she turned out to be friendly and loyal. Speaks with an African accent.
  • The Wonderbolts- a group of pegasi performing all sorts of tricks in the air, similar to those that take place at air shows. The Wonderbolts are present at many celebrations and are also idols for Rainbow Dash.
  • Discord- an intelligent product of chaotic chromosome replication, a local adaptation of the Joker. The main villain of the two opening episodes of the second season. It is a creature with the head of a pony, the limbs of a horse, dragon, griffin and lion, and the tail of a dragon; in local - "draconakvis". According to the plot, he ruled Equestria before the appearance of Celestia and Luna, keeping the country in constant chaos and unrest. He was subsequently overthrown and turned into a concrete statue. Discord is not stupid and quite prudent, despite his outward frivolity. He has a passion for eccentric antics and mocking speeches, as well as various kinds of jokes that seem funny to him.

Some interesting facts

  • The form of government in Equestria is an absolute monarchy. All power belongs to one pony, more precisely, an alicorn - Princess Celestia (although everything here is much more interesting than it seems at first glance). In the fan community, there are quite a lot of theories regarding this very power in general, and Celestia in particular. Not all of them are consistent with universal Love and Mutual Understanding.
  • Discord openly denounces Celestia regarding her attitude towards her enemies and possibly her methods of maintaining power: “After all, I don’t turn ponies into stone!”
  • In addition to the reign itself, Celestia is in charge of the change of day (after Nightmare Moon was banished to the Moon - and night too) and it is to her that Twilight is accountable to the execution of her work - the study of the Magic of Friendship.
  • Celestia is the only one with adult body proportions, as well as an "ethereal" mane and tail. Luna, although similar to her sister, is somewhat smaller in size than Celestia and differs from her in her “regular” tail and mane. Nightmare Moon, in turn, is much more like Celestia in body proportions and, in addition, her tail and mane are also “ethereal”.
  • The Palace in Canterlot is the second residence of the princesses. The first, for unknown reasons, was abandoned. Its ruins are located in the depths of the Eternal Forest.
  • The ending of the opening episodes of the second season is very similar to the final scene from the film "Star Wars" (Episode IV - A New Hope).
  • Ponies are zoomorphic, that is, they walk on four legs, but they live in an anthropomorphic environment. Some things that require hands are done by ponies with their mouth, for example (writing), or with their tail (for example, unwinding a lasso), and some are done with their hooves. They sometimes adopt anthropomorphic poses on two legs, but do not walk in this manner. Unicorns also have telekinesis.
  • The vast majority of characters in the series are female.
  • The series itself has a lot of references to various films, cartoons or games.

In the cartoons “My Little Ponies: Friendship is Magic!” and “Equestria Girls” there are a lot of secondary and even background characters, who in their popularity are practically not behind the main heroines.

The ruling elite of the country of Equestria is very loved by many fans of the series, because these alicorn ponies are real princesses with their own royal attributes and unique responsibilities. The main princess, Celestia, is depicted as a tall white alicorn with large wings and a horn, and her long mane shimmers in soft shades of pastel colors. Celestia has a younger sister - Princess Luna, who at the beginning of the story about little ponies is the main negative character. Princess Luna in her angry incarnation turns into Nightmare Moon (Moon Pony) - her body turns black, and her head is crowned with an ominous-looking helmet. In her normal, kind incarnation, Princess Luna's body is dark blue, and her mane shimmers with many stars. Since peace has returned between the sisters, Celestia is in charge of the movement of the sun across the sky, and Princess Luna rules the night. Another Princess of Equestria, in whose possession the Crystal Empire is located, is Princess Cadence. In the story, she marries Shining Armor, the brother of the main character Twilight Sparkle. Before the wedding, a great misfortune happens to her - Cadence’s body is taken over by the dark and creepy Queen Chrysalis, who almost manages to seize power over Equestria.

Among the magicians of Equestria, the witch Zecora stands out - she is an unusual zebra pony who lives in the Evergreen Forest. Zecora is very wise, always ready to help with a spell, potion or advice. Another sorceress named Trixie lost in a magical confrontation with Twilight Sparkle: it turned out that Trixie was just a braggart, and her magic was more like magic tricks.

In the cartoon "Equestria Girls" another negative heroine appears - Sunset Shimmer, who can turn into an evil demon. To stop Sunset's evil plan, Twilight Sparkle goes to the human world and meets all the little ponies in human form.

Little ponies and elementary school students are no less popular than princesses. An earth pony named Apple Bloom (sister Apple Jack), together with the unicorn Sweetie Belle (sister Rarity) and the pegasus pony Scootaloo, organize the team “Mark Seekers”. Together, these ponies try to find their destiny and receive the coveted insignia. The Mark Seekers have a couple of ill-wishers - the arrogant and arrogant ponies Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

Not all characters in the world of My Little Ponies are horses, pegasi or unicorns. The most famous of these characters is the dragon Spike. He plays the role of Twilight Sparkles' assistant and dreams of winning Rarity's heart. But for now he is still a small and not at all scary dragon, whom Twilight and others perceive as a little brother. Among other non-pony heroes, it is worth remembering the negative character Discord, the lord of chaos, who looks like a mixture of several animals. Thanks to the efforts of Flattershy and all the other ponies, he switches to the light side. Among the popular characters of "My Little Ponies" there are those who are almost never seen in cartoons, but they still enjoy the love of millions of fans. This is, in particular, a gray pegasus pony named Derpy, who is easily distinguished by her eyes looking in different directions. Also very popular are DJ Pon-3 (Vinyl Scratch), Octavia Melody, Lyra Heartstrings and many other ponies.

My Little Pony full list of characters

My little pony list of ponies

Main characters

Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle (usually just called Twilight), Applejack and Fluttershy. There are six of them , they are the main characters of the series, so it is best to start the collection with them. And it is advisable to add princesses Celestia and Luna (only it’s very difficult to find them in a mini version!).


Sparkle ( Twilight Sparkle; Twilight Sparkle).

Twilight Sparkle, or just Sparkle ( Twilight Sparkle; Twilight Sparkle) is a unicorn, and from the 13th episode of the 3rd season - light purple body color, blue mane and tail, have purple and pink stripes.

Sparkle is Princess Celestia's best student. Loves science, magic, reads books

Sparkle embodies element of magic.

The distinctive sign is a dark pink six-pointed star, which covers a white six-pointed star with five white stars around it.


Applejack (Applejack).

Applejack (Applejack) - an orange earth pony with green eyes and a yellow mane, with freckles. A very kind, attentive and reliable horse, you can rely on it.

Applejack is wearing a cowboy hat. Her big family Apple lives on Apple Alley Farm ( Sweet Apple Acres) on the outskirts of Ponyville and is mainly engaged in growing apples, selling them and baking delicious apple sweets.

Applejack embodies element of honesty.

The distinctive sign is three red apples.

Rainbow, Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash) Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash) Rainbow Dash is a sky blue pegasus with bright pink eyes and a rainbow-colored mane and tail.

Rainbow is a very brave and brave pony, her job is to disperse the clouds, she flies very fast. Dreams of joining the famous team of the best flyers in Equestria - the Wonderbolts.

Rainbow embodies element of fidelity.

The distinctive sign is red-yellow-blue lightning under a small cloud.


Rarity (Rarity - Rarity.

Rarity (Rarity - Rarity is a unicorn fashion designer who runs her own boutique, Carousel. Purple beautifully styled mane and white body. She loves to sew, she likes cleanliness and order.

Rarity embodies element of generosity.

The distinctive sign is three blue crystals.

Lotus Blossom is a blue pony with a pink tail and mane, and a white headband.

Aloe, on the contrary, is pink with a blue mane and tail. The same white headband, white neck decoration, just like Lotus Blossom. The icon is a lotus flower.

Apple Sprout

Among the soft baby Pony toys you can find the Apple Sprout toy: My Little Pony So Soft Newborn Apple Sprout. She is on sale and in Russia.

Baby pony Apple Sprout is very affectionate and kind. The toy can talk, sings 3 songs, and laughs. Pony height: 22 cm. Bottle height: 7.5 cm.

Full list of characters
My little pony. My Little Pony

Applejack - Applejack
Pinkie Pie - Pinkie Pie
Fluttershy - Fluttershy
Rainbow Dash - Rainbow
Rarity - Rarity
Twilight Sparkle - Sparkle
Apple Bloom - Apple Bloom
Scootaloo - Scootaloo
Sweetie Belle - Sweetie Belle
Big McIntosh - Big McIntosh
Granny Smith - Granny Smith
Cheerilee - Cheerilee
Silver Spoon - Silver Spoon
Snails - Snails
Snips - Snips
Twist - Twist
Hoity Toity
Photo Finish
Derpy Hooves
Lightning Dust
Flam and Flim, brothers
Soarin - Soarin
Babs Seed
Diamond Tiara - Tiara

Princess Cadance - Princess Cadance
Princess Celestia - Princess Celestia
Princess Luna - Princess Luna
King Sombra - King Sombra
Shining Armor

Mr. and Mrs. Cake are the owners of Sugarcube and Pinkie Pie's employers. Mr. and Mrs. Cake are the owners of Sugarcube Corner and Pinkie Pie"s employers and landlords, as they rent the loft above the shop to her.

For a description of the ponies listed above, see the beginning of the article. For descriptions and pictures of the ponies listed below, see the catalog under the article.

Caramel - Caramel, middle name - Chance-A-Lot. ATTENTION! Chance-A-Lot is actually Caramel the pony, he just appears under that name in some episodes. He is called Chance-A-Lot in some merchandise.

Mr. Carrot Cake - Mr. Carrot Cake
Mrs. Cup Cake - Mrs. Carrot Cake
Filthy Rich
Ms. Harshwhinny
Mayor Mare - Mayor of Ponyville
Ms. Peachbottom
Sapphire Shores
Daring Do
Pegasus royal guards - guards of Princess Celestia and Luna, pegasi
Spitfire - Captain of the Wonderbolts (aerial acrobats) team
Fancy Pants - important unicorn, sign - three crowns
Joe - pastry chef, sign - donut
Prince Blueblood - Prince Blue Blood
The Great and Powerful Trixie - Trixie
Unicorn royal guards - unicorn guards
Featherweight - schoolboy, pegasus
Pipsqueak, simply Pip for short
Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake are twin foals, babies of Mr. and Mrs. Cake's, pegasus boy, unicorn girl
Aunt Orange - Aunt Orange (orange), sign - three orange slices
Uncle Orange - Uncle Orange
Pinkie's dad - Pinkie's dad
Clyde - Clyde
Pinkie's mom - Pinkie's mom
Sue - Sue
Granny Smith's father - Granny Smith's dad
Granny Smith's mother - Granny Smith's mother
Pokey Oaks is one of three songs on The Best Night Ever
Sew"n Sow
Stinkin' Rich

Apple family.

Apple Bumpkin
Apple Cider
Apple Cinnamon
Apple Cobbler
Apple Dumpling
Apple Fritter
Apple Leaves
Apple Pie
Apple Rose
Apple Split
Apple Strudel
Apple Tarty
Apple Top

Apple Bud
Apple Crumble
Apple Flora
Apple Mint
Apple Squash

Auntie Applesauce
Barber Groomsby
Candy Apples
Caramel Apple
Curly Cobbler
Golden Delicious
Half Baked Apple
Happy Trails
Hayseed Turnip Truck
Marmalade Jalapeno Popette
Peachy Sweet
Pink Lady
Prairie Tune
Red Delicious
Magnet Bolt
Red Gala

Golden Delicious, Episode 3 2012, My Little Pony.

Violet Fritter
Twilight's dad - Sparkle's father
Night Light
Twilight's mom - Sparkle's mother
Twilight Velvet
Rarity's dad - Rarity's father
Magnum - Magnum
Rarity's mom - Rarity's mom
Pearl - Pearl (pearl)
Pinkie's sister - Pinkie's sister
Blinkie Pie
Inkie Pie
Liberty Belle
Red June
Sweet Tooth - Sweet tooth
All Aboard
Apple Bottom
Apple Bread
Apple Munchies
Apple Slice
Apricot Bow
Beauty Brass
Bell Perin
Belle Star
Berry Dreams
Berry Frost
Berry Icicle
Berry Punch
Big Wig
Bill Neigh
Black Stone
Blue Bonnet
Blue Harvest
Mr. Breezy
Brindle Young
Bruce Mane
Burnt Oak
Candy Mane
Candy Twirl
Charcoal Bakes
Charlie Coal
Chelsea Porcelain
Cherry Berry
Cherry Fizzy
Cherry Jubilee
Cherry Strudel
Cherry Spices
Chilly Puddle
Classy Clover
Clip Clop
Creme Brulee

Pony Daisy - Daisy.

Dainty Dove
Dosie Dough
Elphaba Trot
Emerald Beacon
Evening Star
Film Reel
Forest Spirit
Frederic Horseshoepin
Fuzzy Slippers
G. Raff
Ginger Gold
Golden Harvest
Grape Crush
Mr. Greenhooves
Flashy Pony
Hairy Tipper
Hard Knocks
Harpo Parish Nadermane
Harry Trotter
Hay Fever
The Headless Horse
High Style
Dr. Hooves
Horse, MD
Horte Cuisine
Hugh Jelly
Icy Drop
Jeff "The Dude" Letrotski
Jesus Pezuña
Jim Beam
John Bull
Knit Knot
Lemon Chiffon
Lilac Links
Lily Valley
Linked Hearts
Little Po
Lotus Blossom
Lucky Clover
Lyrica Lilac
Mane Goodall
Mango Juice
Maroon Carrot
Meadow Song
Midnight Fun
Mint Swirl
Morton Saltworthy
Nurse Coldheart
Nurse Redheart
Nurse Sweetheart
Nurse Tenderheart
Oakey Doke
Octavia Melody
The Olden Pony
Oregon Trail
Paisley Pastel
Pampered Pearl
Peachy Cream
Picture Perfect
Pine Breeze
Pipe Down
Pish Posh
Pitch Perfect
Play Write
Post Haste
Powder Rouge
Pretty Vision
Tan coat blond mane green suit pony
Purple Haze
Purple Wave
Raggedy Doctor
Reflective Rock
Regal Candent
Regal Candent
Rick Shaw
Royal Riff
Salt Lick
Sandy Soles
Screw Loose
Sheriff Silverstar
Snappy Scoop
Soigne Folio
Spring Water
Squeaky Clean
Star Gazer
Strawberry Cream
Sun Streak
Sunset Bliss
Swan Dive
Sweetie Drops
Swift Justice
Theodore Donald "Donny" Kerabatsos
Tourist Trap
Tree Sap
Tropical Spring
Twilight Sky
Uncle Wing
Vanilla Sweets
Wacky Hair Day and Spray
Mr. Waddle
Bowling Pony
Wildwood Flower
William Wright
Winter Withers
Yoooess Dee
Yoooess Dee
Mr. Zippy
Amber Waves
Arctic Lily
Autumn Gem
Berry Splash
Check Mate
Chocolate Haze
Crystal Arrow
Dandy Brush
Fleur de Verre
Golden Glitter
Honey Tone
Long Jump
Night Knight
Purple Polish
Rapid Rush
Rose Quartz
Sapphire Rose
Sugar Glass
Sunshine Splash
Mosely Orange
Winnow Wind
Glass Slipper
Opal Bloom
Fire Streak
High Winds
Lightning Streak
Misty Fly
Silver Lining
Wave Chill
Crescent Pony
Crescent Moon
April Showers
Blue October/Blueberry Muffin
Blue Skies
Blueberry Cloud
Bluebird Happiness
Bon Voyage
Candy Floss
Chocolate Blueberry
Cinnamon Swirl
Cloud Break
Cloud Kicker
Cloud Showers
Crafty Crate
Cream Tangerine
Deep Blue
Diamond Rose
Dizzy Twister
Dollar/Cashier/Money Shot
Dust Devil
Electric Blue
Endless Clouds
Flash Bulb
Golden Delicious
Golden Glory
Graceful Falls
Grape Soda
Great Scott
Green Gem
Jack Hammer
Juicy Fruit
Lavender Skies
Lightning Bolt
Lime Jelly
Lucy Packard
Merry May
Midnight Strike
Milky Way
Nana Knits
Northern Lights
Opal Water
Orange Blossom
Orange Box
Peppermint Crunch
Pink Cloud

Rainbow Wishes, Episode 3 2012, My Little Pony.

Prism Strider

Pumpkin Tart
Q. T. Prism
Rain Dance
Rainbow Drop
Rainbow Wishes
Silver Script
Snow Flight
Special Delivery
Spring Skies
Star Hunter
Starsong/Sugar Apple
Strawberry Sunrise

Sunny Ray, episode 3 2012, My Little Pony, her coat color changing from pink to yellow. The color changes from pink to yellow, the sign is three suns. She has a lot of ideas, she's smart. Sunny Rays "has a lot of bright ideas to share." Her cutie mark is three suns.


Sunny Rays
The Tenth Doctor/Doctor Whooves #3
Tiger Lily
Tin Tailor
Tracy Flash/Shutterfly
Under D. Weather/Tropical Storm
Vanilla Skies
Wild Fire
Cadet #2
Wild Flower
Wing Wishes
Allie Way
Amethyst Star
Apple Polish
Apple Stars
Banana Fluff
Black Marble
Blue Belle
Brass Blare
Bright Idea
Chocolate Sun
Chocolate Tail

Diamond Rose, Episode 3 2012, My Little Pony. Likes to give gifts to friends. Diamond Rose loves to get special gifts for each of her friends when she goes on vacation!

Cold Front
Comet Tail
Crystal Clear
Diamond Mint
DJ Pon-3
Doctor Stable
Earl Gray
Flank Sinatra
Fleur Dis Lee
Fly Wishes
Gold Slipper
Holly Dash
Hors D"oeuvre
The Inquisitor
Jet Set
Lemon Hearts
Lemony Gem
Lyra Heartstrings
Marey Fetlock
Monochrome Sunset
Neon Lights

Breezie, episode 3 2012, My Little Pony. His cutie mark is a four-bladed fan. The sign is a fan with 4 blades.

Noble Laureate
North Pole
Ocean Breeze
Orchid Dew
Perry Pierce
Doctor Whoof -3
Pokey Pierce
Quick Fix
Rhythm/Night Shade
Rosewood Brook
Rosie Tyler
Royal Ribbon
Sea Spray
Sea Swirl
South Pole
Spring Fresh
Star Bright
Star Dream/Sky Dream
Strawberry Lime
Sweet Dreams
Top Notch
Upper Crust
Vance Van Vendington
Violet Velvet
Written Script
Amethyst Beat
Apple Bytes
Bee Bop
Berry Pinch
Blueberry Cake
Brown Sugar
Caramel Coffee
Checkered Flag
Chip Mint
Cotton Cloudy
Cotton Top
Cream Puff
Cyan Skies
Dinky Doo
Little Pony
Ginger Snap
Grace Lightning
Green Daze
High Score
Honey Drop
Hot Wheels
Key Lime
Lemon Daze

Lemon Scratch

Lickety Split
Lily Dache
Mango Dash
Nursery Rhyme
Peachy Petal
Peachy Pie
Piña Colada
Pinkie Feather
Princess Erroria
Rainy Feather

Piña Colada, Pina Colada pony, soft pink color, green eyes. Piña Colada has a pale pink coat color, a pink mane and green eyes.

Shady Daze
Shining Star
Sugar Plum
Sun Glimmer
Sunny Daze
Sweet Pop
Sweet Tart
Tootsie Flute
Tornado Bolt
Teacher's Pet
Truffle Shuffle
Crafty Crate
Crescent Moon
Green Gem
Jack Hammer
Lyra Heartstrings
Star Hunter
The Tenth Doctor/Doctor Whooves
Tin Tailor
Meadow Song
Twilight Sky

Princess Erroria, Princess Erroria, vanilla color, purple mane-tail. Princess Erroria is a female filly with a vanilla coat, wisteria mane and tail, and blue irises, and appears on the show as four different kinds of ponies, including as an alicorn in the episode Lesson Zero.

Horte Cuisine

Lucy Packard
Red Gala
Swan Dive
Liberty Belle
Princess Erroria
Red June
Tornado Bolt
Prince Blue Dream
Chancellor Puddinghead
Smart Cookie
Commander Hurricane
Ditzy Doo
Private Pansy
Princess Golden Dream
Clover the Clever
Princess Platinum
Star Swirl the Bearded
Unicorn King
Apple Brioche

Tornado Bolt, Tornado Bolt. Light gray pony girl, pegasus.

Apple Brown Betty

Apple Cinnamon Crisp
Apple Tart
Babs Seed's big sis
Baked Apples
Calamity Mane
Crystal Queen
Granny Pie
Mr. Kingpin
Nana Pinkie
Wild Bull Hickok

List of My little pony, pictures and descriptions

Soarin Transparent Series - Soarin

Peachy Sweet, episode 1 2013, My Little Pony, her sign is pie. Her cutie mark is a pie.

Chance-A-Lot, Episode 1 2013, My Little Pony. ATTENTION! Chance-a-lot is actually Caramel the pony, he just appears under that name in some episodes. He is called Chance-A-Lot in some merchandise.

Magnet Bolt, episode 1 2013, My Little Pony

Sassaflash, episode 1 2013, My Little Pony, pegasus, sign - two lightning bolts. Sassaflash is a female Pegasus pony with a pale turquoise coat, vanilla mane and tail, carrot orange eyes, and a cutie mark of two lightning bolts.

Twilight Sky, Episode 1 2013, My Little Pony. Twilight Sky Over Canterlot. The nature of magic and how it may be fueled by hope, dreams, friendship and love is broached several times.

Cherry Spices II, episode 1 2013, My Little Pony

Merry May, episode 1 2013, My Little Pony. Sign - three suns, pegasus. Merry May is a female Pegasus pony with a spring bud coat, plum mane and tail with a lavender pink streak, amaranth pink eyes, and a cutie mark of three suns.

Mosely Orange, episode 1 2013, My Little Pony

Roseluck, episode 1 2013, My Little Pony. The icon is a rose. Roseluck is a yellow colored background pony. Roseluck has a two-tone pink tail, moderate green eyes, and her cutie mark is a rose.

Minuette, episode 1 2013, My Little Pony. Unicorn girl, blue, sign - hourglass. Minuette is a female unicorn pony with a Maya blue coat, periwinkle mane and tail with a pigment blue streak, steel blue eyes, and a cutie mark of an hourglass.

Braeburn - earth pony, Applejack's cousin, Granny Smith's taste.

Braeburn is an Earth pony from Appleloosa and is Applejack, Big McIntosh, and Apple Bloom's cousin, and Granny Smith's grandson.

Caramel is a supporting earth pony (not the main character). Light brown, with brown tail and mane.

Caramel is a background male Earth pony in My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. He has a light brown coat with a darker brown mane.

Philphy Rich - earth pony Tiara's father. The name - filthy rich - means that he is very rich.

Filthy Rich is an Earth pony and Diamond Tiara's father. His name is based on the phrase filthy rich, referring to someone very wealthy.

Miss Harshwinny is the game supervisor for Equestria.

Ms. Harshwhinny appears in the episode Games Ponies Play. She is the real Equestria games inspector and was originally confused with Ms. Peachbottom.

Mayor Mare, she is the mayor of the city of Ponyville, an earth pony. He often makes different speeches in the cartoon.

Mayor Mare, the mayor of Ponyville, is a tan Earth pony. She is frequently depicted giving speeches.

Miss Peachbottom appears in the episode Games Ponies Play.

Sapphire Shores Pony. The name translates as sapphire shores.

Daring Do is the main character in the Daring Do book series. The name means daring, bold, active.

Daring Do is the main character of the Daring Do book series.

Derpy Hooves is a gray pegasus, cross-eyed pony.

Derpy Hooves is a gray Pegasus pony whose name was given by the show"s internet following due to her having a cross-eyed "derpy" expression in the first episode.

Royal Guard - a group of white and dark gray pegasi, unicorns, earth ponies, in golden guard robes, guard Princess Celestia and Luna.

The royal guards are a group of white and dark gray Pegasus, unicorn, and Earth pony stallions clad in gold-colored armor, who serve Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

Great and Powerful Trixie. Trixie, the great and powerful.

Fancy Pants, one of the most important ponies in Canterlot: his entourage often changes their minds and agrees with
Fancy Pants. Unicorn, the horn is very long. Badge - three crowns with precious stones.

Joe (Joe) - unicorn pony, pastry chef. His sign is a donut.

Prince Blueblood - Prince Blue Blood. Unicorn, lives in Canterlot. Represents English nobility, high birth. The sign is two 4-pointed stars, yellow on top of blue.

Unicorn royal guards - unicorn guards.

Featherweight is a school-age Pegasus colt and a friend of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Schoolboy pony, pegasus. Featherweight (translation - featherweight) speaks of his thinness, this is the name of the lightest weight in boxing.

Pipsqueak - Pipsqueak. In short - just Pip, a young earth pony. Dressed as a pirate at Luna's party. The name means that he is smaller than other ponies. Pipsqueak or Pip is a young Earth pony from Trottingham. Looks like Charles Dickens' Pip.

Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake are twin foals, babies of Mr. and Mrs. Cake's. Here is Pound Cake. He is a pegasus, boy.

And here is Pumpkin Cake, the second twin. She's a unicorn girl.

Aunt Orange - Aunt Orange (orange), sign - three orange slices.

  • My little Pony - Roseluck (pony Rose)
  • Alien mini ponies
  • Sets with three ponies My little Pony, list
  • Crystal and metal ponies
  • Minipony, series 1 2013, 4 figures
  • New My Little Pony ponies
  • My little Pony, episode 3 2013 - neon ponies
  • Pony - Rainbow and Princess Cadence, figures
  • My Little Pony: Crystal Lulamoon
  • My Little Pony wedding. Bridesmaid Pony
  • Cake Family Babysitting, My Little Pony

(eng. My Little Pony) is an entertainment franchise launched by the American company Hasbro at first as a line of toys for girls. The debut toys, developed by three designers Bonnie Zacherle, Charles Munchwinger and Steve D'Aguanno, went on sale in 1981. The ponies had special symbols on their sides (referred to as “cutie marks”) and brightly and colorfully depicted bodies and manes. Appearance toys were updated many times during production in accordance with market requirements. The toys became popular and were sold in the United States starting in 1982, and since 1995 they began to be sold throughout the world. In the eighties of the last century, a total of about 150 million toys were sold. In 1991, due to increased competition, the production of toys was discontinued.

This line of toys began to be produced again in 1997, their popularity turned out to be low, and in 1999 production ended again. IN Once again The brand was released in 2003, the toys were similar to the toys of the 80s, and by 2010 they had sold about 100 million copies. The franchise began to be implemented for the fourth time in 2010 and it all started with the animated series “My Little Pony. Friendship is magic" (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic). And already in 2015, the brand earned more than a billion US dollars in retail sales.

To date, based on "May Little Pony"Animated performances were staged, animated full-length films and two animated series were shot.


My Little Pony animation since the mid-80s

Hasbro's toy line promotion strategy has led to the creation of many animated films and animated series.

In 1984, the first 22-minute cartoon " May Little Pony", later renamed "Rescue at Midnight Castle". In 1985, the second animated film, My Little Pony: Escape from Katrina, premiered. In 1986, the only full-length animated film, My Little Pony: The Movie, was released. In the same 1986, Canadian animators launched the series “My Little Pony “n Friends”; at first it was planned to film two episodes, but due to the great popularity, the creators filmed two seasons. In October 2010, the premiere of the animated film took place series “My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic”, 7 seasons of the series have already been released. 2013 was the year of release of the next animated series on the theme of a little pony. common name“Equestria Girls”, currently 4 seasons about girls have already been released - “Equestria Girls”, “Equestria Girls – Rainbow Rock”, “Equestria Girls – Friendship Games”, “Equestria Girls – Legends of the Everfree Forest”.

Characters and stories of the cartoons "My Little Pony"

The 1984 cartoon tells the story of the country of Ponyland. There are 3 types of ponies living in the country: regular ponies, pegasus and unicorns. One day, Ponyland is attacked by a certain Tirban and his accomplice. Tirban's desire is quite original - to turn four ponies into dragons and harness them in this form to his chariot. Countering Tirban's criminal intentions became the core of the cartoon's plot.

The 1986 full-length cartoon colorfully describes the struggle of little ponies living in Ponyland with the evil witch Hidia, who planned to prevent the preparations for the holiday in honor of the first day of spring.

In the 1986 series My Little Pony and Friends, characters familiar to modern young viewers appeared: a unicorn named Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia, Spike the dragon and other friends of Sparkle. The series tells the story of how Twilight Sparkle goes in search of friends in the city of Ponyville, where she participates in various adventures. It's already happening in a country called Equestria.

The series about little ponies “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic” can be called new, because it was released in the 21st century. The events of this series take place in the same fairy-tale country of Equestria, which is inhabited by ponies. In addition to them, various intelligent animals live here: buffalos, cows and zebras, as well as dragons, griffins, and other fantastic individuals. The country is full of squirrels, hares, bears and other animals. A new season of the series is expected in 2017.

TV series "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic"

The events of the series about ponies “Friendship is Magic” take place in a fantasy country - Equestria. The citizens of the fairy-tale country are, first of all, ponies, and then dragons, cows, griffins, zebras, manticores, buffaloes, as well as hares, squirrels and other inhabitants of mountains, forests and fields.

The natural processes of Equestria are strictly regulated. The country's rulers, Princesses Celestia and Luna, ensure the sun rises and the moon enters the sky. The weather is controlled by Pegasi, whose factory produces clouds, rain, snow and rainbows. In addition, Pegasi oversee the skies in the most significant populated areas of the country, and, if necessary, transform them in various ways. The seasons change each other under the influence of magic or with the help of collective labor, which is determined by the customs of the town and the presence of a skilled wizard in the village. You will laugh, but in Equestria there is an area where everything grows and changes on its own - this is the Evergreen Forest. Therefore, for reasonable citizens of the country, this forest is a wild and scary place.

Ponies living in Equestria are divided into different types:

  • Earth ponies are simple, ordinary horses. They love to work, especially in the fresh air, which is why they are probably involved in agricultural production.
  • Pegasi are ponies that have wings. They control the weather and, accordingly, have the skills of flying and walking on clouds.
  • Unicorns are ponies that have one magical horn that helps them practice witchcraft. From the cradle they have mastered telekinesis, but they are not alien to other methods of sorcery.
  • Alicorns are special ponies that have both horns and wings. The main magicians and wizards of the country, dexterous and skilled, are bearers of rare, supernatural abilities. This species is represented by only five princesses: Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight Sparkle and Flurry Heart.

"My Little Pony" Season 1

Twilight Sparkle learns of a prophecy that states that the Lunar Horror will return to Equestria after a thousand years of imprisonment on the moon during the upcoming summer solstice celebration. Twilight Sparkle tries to warn her mentor Princess Celestia about the impending danger, but the princess does not respond to the warning and sends Twilight Sparkle to the town of Ponyville to check the residents' readiness for the summer solstice celebration. Sparkle reluctantly meets the ponies in charge of preparing the holiday. Their names are Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. At the festival, instead of the missing Princess Celestia, the Moon Horror appears and eternal night begins.

After the establishment of eternal night, Twilight Sparkle and her new friends head to the Everfree Forest to find the Elements of Harmony - a set of artifacts that were used in the past to destroy the Moon Horror. Overcoming difficulties, the friends find the Elements, but the Moon Horror appears and destroys them. Twilight Sparkle realizes that she and her new friends represent the six elements - honesty (Applejack), kindness (Fluttershy), laughter (Pinkie Pie), generosity (Rarity), loyalty (Rainbow Dash) and magic (Twilight Sparkle). Friends defeat the Moon Horror, and Twilight returns to Ponyville to further understand the magic of friendship.

As the action progresses, Twilight Sparkle and her friends find themselves in various difficult circumstances, learning a lot of new and unknown things, which she constantly tells Princess Celestia about.

"My Little Pony" Season 2

Discord, the spirit of chaos and disharmony, escapes from stone imprisonment after a quarrel. Princess Celestia encourages Twilight Sparkle and her friends to use the Elements of Harmony to restore order to the world. The friends discover that the Elements are missing. Discord believes he has defeated Twilight Sparkle and promises to spread chaos throughout Equestria.

Twilight Sparkle leads her friends to Ponyville, which has suffered from chaos, where they find the Elements of Harmony in the library. However, without Rainbow Dash, the Elements fail and Twilight is crushed by Discord's spells. But when she was about to leave Ponyville, Spike the dragon showed her letters from Princess Celestia: they were all Twilight Sparkle's old reports of friendship. Having perked up, Sparkle breaks Discord's spell and, together with her friends, returns him to the stone prison.

"My Little Pony" Season 3

Princess Celestia learns of the return of the Crystal Empire, which disappeared over a thousand years ago with the last will of the evil King Sombra before his exile. Celestia fears that Sombra will return and use the power of the empire to take over Equestria. She summons Twilight Sparkle and sends her, along with her friends Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, into the empire to help protect it and prevent King Sombra's shadow from emerging. Twilight Sparkle and her friends, after talking with the inhabitants of the empire, learn about the Crystal Fair, using which they can somehow protect the empire from the king. But too late, Twilight realizes that the missing Crystal Heart is the centerpiece of the fair and a necessary artifact to protect the city.

Princess Cadance's magical powers have weakened. Twilight Sparkle instructs her friends to continue the fair to cheer up the crystal ponies. She herself goes to look for the Crystal Heart, being sure that this is the test that Princess Celestia was hinting at. Together with the dragon Spike, they, bypassing several traps that King Sombra placed in the castle, eventually reach the Crystal Heart. The Crystal Ponies recreate a protective spell on the empire and destroy King Sombra.

"My Little Pony" Season 4

Season 4 picks up where Season 3 ended, with Twilight Sparkle honing her magical skills so much while learning the value of friendship that she became the new princess of Equestria. In addition, she became an Alicorn because she grew wings.

Twilight Sparkle adjusts to her new wings and responsibilities as a princess in preparation for the Summer Sun Festival. Before the holiday, at night, Princess Celestia was attacked by a black vine. The next morning, Twilight discovers that Princesses Celestia and Luna have disappeared, leaving the sun and moon hanging in the sky at the same time. The castle guards inform Twilight of an overgrowth of black plants from the Everfree Forest near Ponyville. Returning to Ponyville to collect the Elements of Harmony, Twilight and her friends suspect that Discord is the reason for the growth of the black vine and the disappearance of the princesses, but he says that he is innocent. Zecora the pony gives Twilight Sparkle a special potion that will supposedly help her find out what's causing the chaos. After drinking the potion, Sparkle finds herself in an unfamiliar castle with Princess Luna, who turns into the Moon Horror.

Twilight Sparkle realizes that Princess Luna's transformation is a vision caused by Zecora's potion. Sparkle remembers that there is a Tree of Harmony in the forest, she goes into the forest and finds this Tree there, entangled in a black vine. Twilight Sparkle destroys the black plants and thereby frees the missing princesses Celestia and Luna. The Summer Sun celebration begins with Twilight Sparkle performing as her friends greet her.

"My Little Pony" Season 5

The fifth season of the series follows Twilight Sparkle as she continues her activities as the princess of Equestria with the help of her friends. They discover that in her new castle there is a magical map that shows the problems of Equestria and how to solve them. While traveling, they find a city where all the ponies have the same “Cutie Sign” on their sides - this is a sign of equality. Friends suspect that something is wrong with the townspeople, especially after meeting their leader, Starlight Glimmer. Starlight said that all the ponies living in the city gave up their own marks and special talents, because they believe that they can achieve true friendship by being equals. Twilight Sparkle and her friends secretly meet with other ponies who want to regain their "Cutie Marks." Friends go to the vault, which stores the marks of the townspeople. Upon arrival, all six are caught in a trap and Starlight takes away their signs.

Without their "Cutie Marks," the six friends are trapped. Friends decide to send Fluttershy to the city to communicate with the townspeople and learn from them how to get out of the trap and return their signs. Fluttershy learns that Starlight herself never deposited her "Cutie Mark" in storage, but disguised it using makeup. The next day, Starlight frees her friends from the trap and Fluttershy reveals Starlight's trick to the townspeople by splashing water on her. Starlight escapes with the signs of her six friends, and the townspeople return their own signs from storage and begin to pursue Starlight. As a result, the friends get their "Cutie Marks" back, but Starlight still manages to escape. Everyone returns to the city to celebrate the restoration of their identities.

"My Little Pony" Season 6

At the beginning of the sixth season of the series, Twilight Sparkle and her friends are invited to the Crystal Empire to participate in the Crystallization ceremony and a magical ceremony to celebrate the birth of Princess Cadance and the foal Shining Armor. Twilight brings her new student Starlight with her to the empire so that Starlight can meet her childhood friend, the crystal pony Sunburst, again. Starlight doesn't want to meet Sunburst, lest he find out about her past atrocities. Eventually they met and had an uncomfortable conversation. Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle is shocked to discover that Shining Armor's foal is an alicorn girl with powerful, uncontrollable magic. The colt's cries destroy the Crystal Heart that protects the empire, leaving it exposed to a deadly blizzard.

The ponies desperately search for a spell to restore the Crystal Heart and save the Crystal Empire from the arctic snow. Starlight believes that Sunburst is capable of such a feat, but when she comes for him, he desperately admits that he is not as powerful a wizard as she believes. Starlight tells him about her past mistakes and they make up. Using the knowledge he gained during his training, Sunburst helps Starlight, and the princesses create the Crystal, which restores the Crystal Heart, driving a snow storm away from the settlement.

"My Little Pony" Season 7

Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, Thorax and Discord are awarded medals of honor for defeating Queen Chrysalis, bringing harmony to the Werewolf Kingdom. During the gala reception, Twilight Sparkle realizes that she has nothing left to teach Starlight, who has achieved great success, so Twilight turns to Princess Celestia for advice. Princess Celestia recommends sending Starlight away from Ponyville for training, but Twilight Sparkle fears the experiment will end in disaster. Celestia bursts out laughing, admitting that she had the same worries when she sent Twilight Sparkle herself to learn the magic of friendship. Twilight announces to Starlight that her studies are finished and she can leave Ponyville. To Twilight Sparkle's delight, Starlight decides not to leave Ponyville until she feels ready to do so.

While Twilight Sparkle and her friends leave for the Friendship Arena, Starlight remains at the castle to help Trixie master her unicorn magic. Trixie sloppily uses a travel spell, sending Twilight Sparkle's magical map to an unknown location. Starlight is enraged by Trixie's action and a magical red cloud bursts out of her horn, which she hides in a glass bottle for fear of harming Trixie. While searching for the map, Starlight's anger at Trixie's carefree behavior continues to grow, the bottle with the magic cloud inside accidentally cracks and the cloud escapes the bottle and infects nearby ponies, causing them to attack Trixie. Starlight manages to dispel the cloud and Trixie finally apologizes for her actions. The two then find the map at the spa and return it to the castle before Twilight Sparkle and her friends return there.

"My Little Pony", cartoon 2017

In 2017, the Canadian-American full-length musical animated film “My Little Pony: The Movie” is expected to be released. The film is based on the animated series "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic." The film is in production from Allspark Pictures and DHX Media.

The film was originally scheduled for release on November 3, 2017, but was later pushed back to October 6, 2017.

The cartoon's narrative centers on the liberation of Canterlot. Canterlot is the capital of the magical land of Equestria, which first appeared in the very first episode of the cartoon “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.” This is Twilight Sparkle's hometown, where she studied under the tutelage of Princess Celestia. The city is home to a royal palace and is a very important venue for holding various events such as the Grand Ball and Gala.

The Storm King takes over Canterlot, wanting to take away the ponies magical power. The future of the fairyland is under threat! The ponies leave the formation motherland and set off on a dangerous long journey, full of wonders and risky adventures, to stop the bandit Storm. On the way, they will have to cross magical mountains, descend into the depths of the underwater world and take to the air on a flying pirate frigate!

Animated films "Equestria Girls"

The Equestria Girls series are animated films with main characters similar to the main cast of the series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, but in these films the heroes are no longer little horses, but teenage girls in high school.

Cartoon "My Little Pony: Equestria Girls" (2013)

While with her friends in the Crystal Empire, Twilight Sparkle loses her crown as Princess of Equestria. In fact, the crown was stolen from her by a unicorn named Sunset Shimmer. Friends set off in pursuit of the thief, but she disappears in the mirror, which turns out to be the entrance to the human world. Princess Celestia informed Twilight that without the crown, all other Elements of Harmony do not work and cannot be used to protect Equestria. Twilight Sparkle must return the crown, but only she can enter the world of people; friends must be left in this world. When entering the human world, Twilight Sparkle was followed by the stupid dragon Spike, who in the human world turned into a talking dog, and Twilight Sparkle turned into a human girl. They begin their search for the crown in Carnelot with a building that is the city school.

Twilight Sparkle begins to get used to her human body, and carefully observes the inhabitants of the strange new world she finds herself in. She meets a girl who is very similar to her friend: it turns out her name is Fluttershy. Twilight asks Fluttershy about the crown. Fluttershy tells her that she did find the crown, but she gave it to the school principal, Celestia. Twilight and Spike head to the director's office.

While searching for the crown, Twilight Sparkle meets other schoolchildren who are very similar to her friends from the world of ponies. She talks about her mission in the human world, including the fact that she has 3 days to return the crown. If Sparkle does not have time to return the crown, the portal will close and she will remain for a month. Her new friends decide to help her.

Together, the friends manage to find the crown, but then Sunset comes into play, threatening to destroy the portal to the pony world unless Sparkle gives her the crown. Twilight doesn't want to hear about it, and Sunset decides to take the crown by force. After attacking the princess, Sunset takes the crown and, putting it on, turns into a demon. Then, having bewitched the schoolchildren, she tells them that she will not destroy the portal, because she wants to conquer Equestria using students from the human world. Sunset Shimmer attempts to destroy Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Rainbow Dash, but they join hands and form a magical defense. Sparkle understands that the Elements of Harmony are strong in this world as well. The power of friendship magic helps the friends defeat Sunset. Defeated, Sunset admits her mistake and promises not to act like that again. Friends decide to accept her into their circle, and then Twilight Sparkle and her faithful dog Spike return home to the pony world.

Cartoon "My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rock" (2014)

The action of this animated film takes place in Canterlot High School. Former miscreant Sunset Shimmer, who reformed after being defeated by the magic of the Twilight Spark crown, is bullied by most of the school, despite her attempts to atone for her evil deeds. Her only friends are Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rarity, who have formed a rock band called the Rainbowbooms to participate in an upcoming school music competition. Five girls discover that the magic left over from Twilight Sparkle's crown helps them grow ears, tails and wings like ponies from Equestria while playing music.

Enjoying the new experience, Sunset gives a tour of the school to three new students - Adagio Dazzle, Sonata Susk and Aria Blaze - and tells them about the music competition, unaware that they can sing magical songs. Calling their group "Dazzling", the trio performs a song that turns other students into aggressive, competitive opponents, convincing them to turn friendly competition into competitive rivalry. Sunset and her friends are protected from the Dazzling song by their magic, but cannot protect the school's headmaster Celestia and vice-principal Luna from danger. Sunset remembers a book that can be used to send messages to the parallel world of ponies in Equestria. Using the book, she sends Twilight Sparkle a request for help.

After receiving Sunset's message, Twilight Sparkle remembers that the members of the Dazzling group are actually sirens exiled from Equestria. They feed on negative emotions to intensify their singing to achieve their goal of conquering the world. Sparkle uses a magic book to restore the transition between worlds, and she and Spike return to the parallel world. Twilight and the girls try to use the magic of their friendship to weaken Dazzling's spells, but unfortunately, the result is zero. Twilight Sparkle plans to use the magic of friendship during a music competition. As the competition progresses, "Rainbooms" almost makes it to the finals, although their rivals interfere with them - the negative magic of "Dazzling" greatly affects "Rainbooms".

Help comes from unexpected places. Spike saves the girls with the help of DJ Pon-3 - he constantly wears headphones and does not hear the Dazzling spells. He provides the soundtrack to the Rainbowbooms' performance as they begin to chant against the Dazzlings. While singing, the Rainbowbooms are joined by Sunset, who takes on her own pony form. With Sunset's help, the Rainbowbooms destroy the magical necklaces that helped the members of the Dazzling group. The Rainbowbooms win, the schoolchildren return to their normal state, kick the Dazzling group out of the competition and wildly welcome the Rainbowbooms' victory. Twilight Sparkle and Spike return to Equestria.

Cartoon "My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Friendship Games" (2015)

In Canterlot, traditional competitions are held in which local schoolchildren meet their rivals - students from the Crystal Academy. The competitions are called “Friendship Games”.

In this cartoon, Twilight Sparkle, in human form, studies at the Crystal Academy and really wants to transfer to study at a more prestigious institution. The head of the Crystal Academy, Synch, strongly recommends that Sparkle take part in the Friendship Games. Otherwise, she will prohibit Sparkle from moving to another educational institution. Twilight has to agree.

Upon arrival in Canterlot, Sparkle examines the Canterlot school and accidentally notices that her amulet takes away the magic that Rarity used when trying on new outfits in front of her friends. The friends finally saw Sparkle and were very happy, but it turned out that this was not the same Sparkle at all. Sunset quickly realizes her mistake and decides to consult Twilight Sparkle from the pony world, but Twilight Sparkle's amulet from the Crystal Academy absorbs Sunset's magic and closes the portal between the human and pony worlds. In the same way, the mysterious amulet affects Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy when they try to make friends with Twilight Sparkle from the Crystal Empire during games.

In the first round of the Friendship Games, Twilight Sparkle wins the academic decathlon. The second round, in general, was an equal fight between the schools, but the Carnelot schoolchildren still won by a small margin, which gave the director of the Crystal Academy a reason to accuse the Carnelot students of using witchcraft.

At the beginning of the third round, Sparkle opens the amulet, after which she turns into a winged and horned monster, somewhat similar to a human alicorn. Now the dark Twilight Sparkle opens portals to the world of ponies. Sunset, using the same amulet, transforms into the same creature and, using the magic of friendship, defeats Twilight Spark. Sparkle asks everyone for forgiveness for her behavior. Life gets better, and Princess Cadance allows Twilight to transfer to Canterlot High, and Sunset and the other students welcome her as a new friend.

Cartoon "My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Legends of the Evergreen Forest" (2016)

Like the first three Equestria Girls films, this cartoon again follows the main pony characters as teenagers attending school.

Canterlot High School students are heading to Everfree Summer Children's Camp. Upon arrival at the camp, the seven friends met the camp's leadership - Gloriosa Daisy and Timber Spruce, her brother. The students make plans for their vacation and talk about what gift Canterlot High will give to the camp. Suddenly, a certain Filsey Rich, who is the owner of local lands, arrives at the camp. It turns out that he was once a graduate of Camp Everfree.

At night, Timber tells the students the story of the forest spirit Guy Everfree, who, outraged by the construction of the camp, threatened to send natural disasters upon it. The next morning, the guys begin to implement their vacation plans, and suddenly they see how the pier by the river is falling apart. As a gift to the camp, they decide to build a new pier and begin work. Suddenly, a yacht crashes into the unfinished dock, and the young tourists see a trail of shiny precious dust in the water, which matches the description of Gaia Everfree's presence in Timber's history. Apparently Gaia exists! However, Twilight Sparkle thinks she is responsible for the accident.

Later, amidst a seeming earthquake and another sighting of pearl dust, Twilight Sparkle's friends begin to develop their own unique superhuman abilities, which they believe they can only use within the confines of the camp. Believing that her magic is infecting her friends, Twilight flees the camp. Sunset follows Twilight into the forest and, discovering her own telepathic power, convinces her to stay at the camp. As Timber, who has caught up with the girls, leads them back to camp, Sunset notices pearl dust falling from his pocket and suspects that he is Gaia Everfree.

While walking around the area, Sunset Shimmer comes across a cave in a quarry, from which a strange glow flows. Exploring the cave together, Sunset, Twilight and Spike find two colored crystals in the cave. In the cave, Gloriosa appeared out of nowhere, took the crystals and turned into that same Gaia Everfree. She ties up three travelers and locks them in a cave, blocking the exit from the cave with stones, and around the camp she creates an impassable barrier of blackberries.

Twilight's friends remaining in the camp try to get out of the blocked camp, and at this time Spike releases Twilight and Sunset Shimmer from the cave. After the entire group unites, Sparkle, at the request of her friends, takes away the magic crystals from Gaia and returns Gloriosa to her normal state. To celebrate the victory over Gaia, a fashion show is held at the river pier, and a party is organized in the cave.

Cartoon characters "My Little Pony"

In the My Little Pony cartoons, there are six main characters united by the Elements of Harmony - a set of six mystical jewels with light, irresistible power, which are used to protect the country of Equestria from various threats.

Twilight Sparkle is central character TV series In the first three seasons, she is shown as a purple unicorn with a distinct indigo mane, and appears as a winged unicorn (alicorn) in later seasons. She is smart, obedient, loves to learn, and eagerly learns all types of unicorn magic, such as levitation, teleportation, and creating force fields.

In the Equestria Girls series, she is introduced as a 16-year-old girl with dark purple eyes, purple skin, and long dark blue hair. She is kind, fair, friendly and confident.

Rainbow Dash- a blue pegasus with an iridescent mane and tail. She does it first and asks questions later. She is literally obsessed with speed and adventure.

Rainbow Dash is one of the girls from Equestria with light blue skin, long, messily styled rainbow-colored hair, and crimson eyes. She is incredibly brave, always ready to help her friends, and has a weakness for speed.

Rarity is a white unicorn with a purple, curled mane, a fashionista who speaks with an accent and runs high fashion salons in Ponyville.

In her Equestria Girl form, she has blue eyes, dazzling white skin, and purple hair. A talented seamstress with the habits of a fashion designer, dresses the most fastidious fashionistas at the Canterlot school.

Applejack- orange blonde earth pony. He works as a farmer at an apple orchard in Ponyville, using his great physical strength to pull apples from the trees.

Canterlot High School student Applejack has green eyes and brown hair. Applejack is diligent and sincere, a little willful and uncouth.

Fluttershy- A yellow pegasus with a long pink mane, she has a unique affinity with the animal, allowing her to understand and communicate with them.

Fluttershy in the cartoon about Equestria Girls has light skin yellow color, long slightly curly pale pink hair and blue eyes. By nature, Fluttershy is infinitely kind and shy, and at the same time timid.

Pinkie Pie– a pink earth pony, cheerful, energetic and talkative. She loves to entertain her friends by throwing endless variety of parties.

In the Equestria Girls series, she has soft pink skin, curly and long pink hair, and blue eyes. Pinky is usually cheerful, energetic and funny, sometimes she seems a little crazy.

Spike- This is a purple dragon with green spikes, he serves as Twilight Sparkle’s “number one assistant”, helping her solve any problems and teach her lessons.

Princess Celestia- a dazzling white alicorn, shown as the benevolent ruler of the country of Equestria. Celestia has ruled Equestria for over a thousand years, portrayed as a symbol of harmony between unicorns, pegasi, and ordinary ponies.

Princess Moon- dark blue alicorn, Princess Celestia's younger sister. She serves as co-ruler of Equestria, using her magic to raise the moon and protect the dreams of her subjects at night.

Discord- This is the spirit of chaos, characterized as a mindless deceiver. A serpentine creature with the head of a pony and many different animal parts.

Princess Cadance- a good-natured alicorn, is the niece of Princess Celestia. Former Pegasus.

Starlight Glimmer- a nice-looking unicorn. Reveals to be an evil figure who wants to create a "perfectly equal society" using his magic.

Sunset shimmer- a light orange unicorn with a striped red-yellow mane and light turquoise eyes. Twilight Sparkle's main opponent.

In My Little Pony: Equestria Girls, she attends Cantrelot High School, being a former student of Princess Celestia. At first she behaves like a cocky, deceitful and unscrupulous hooligan, but as the story progresses she improves.

"My Little Pony": toys

The My Little Pony series of children's toys features copies of the main characters from the animated series My Little Pony and My Little Pony: Equestria Girls.

My Little Pony toys produced by the American company Hasbro are an entire epic of adventures of charming ponies living in a special world of magic. Ponies visit each other, choose outfits for themselves, hold parties, walk in the fresh air, in general, live an everyday magical life. All horses are special, with their own names, and are practically different from each other. The toy series includes, in addition to horse figurines, also various accessories for them, and other interesting and wonderful additions: castles, houses, carousel, carriages... Most girls know from cartoons the names of such ponies as Princess Celestia, Rainbow Dash, Princess Luna, Pinkie Pie and others. All ponies have special colors of mane and tail, different habits and hairstyles. After some time, toy owners can make “My Little Pony” puppet cartoons themselves.

Even more interesting are the My Little Pony interactive play sets. For example, the set “Little pony at a doctor’s appointment.” The kit includes a thermometer, stethoscope, syringe, as well as a spoon and a bottle of medicine. When you press on the horse’s tummy, the pony says the phrases: “My tummy hurts,” “Listen to how my heart is beating,” “Give me my medicine,” “I’m already recovered,” and others. Communication with horses in children evokes only positive emotions. When playing with colorful ponies, children develop faster and gain communication skills.

Of particular interest to children are the miniature figures “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic”. Girls especially like themed sets such as “Pony Fashionista”, “Tea Party”, “Hairstyles”, “Traveller” and others. Little ponies can comb their manes and have fashionable hairstyles. The Carousel play set is battery-powered and the carousel rotates with musical accompaniment. With it you can create a toy adventure park for your ponies.

Among modern girls There is a fashion for toy girls from Equestria. Every mother can buy her daughter a doll of her favorite cartoon character “My Little Pony: Equestria Girls.” There are several of the most accessible doll series: the “Rainbow Rock” series, “Friendship Games”, “Sports Style”.

Equestria girls dolls are different from ordinary dolls. They are small in size, about 22 centimeters high. The dolls' legs are made in the form of hooves, wearing bright boots that can be removed. The Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rock collection, released in 2014, features dolls with updated bodies and human legs. The sets include fashionable outfits, combs, beautiful stickers, extensions, musical instruments and other accessories.

My Little Pony Games

Children love charming and funny characters from cartoons and fairy tales. Some of the most popular among children are cute horses from the famous TV series “My Little Pony” and “Equestria Girls”, such as Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and others. These characters have become the main characters in pony games that many children around the world entertain themselves with today. In most of these games, the child enters the fairy-tale world of ponies, for example, the famous city of Ponyville or the evergreen forest. In the games, children dress, feed and care for small horses. For the most part, girls play games about ponies, because cartoon ponies look more like girls, sing songs, bake pies and dress beautifully.

Among the endless variety of video games based on animated series about ponies and girls from Equestria, games that can be combined into the category “Equestria Girls Dress Up” are especially popular. In these games, girls are invited to dress up one of the residents of the magical country of Equestria. Many hairstyles, a variety of shoes and clothes - all this is at the player’s disposal. Try to become a fashion designer, and maybe the heroine will like the style you choose! The result of your creative efforts can be printed and shown off to your friends.

Another of the most popular games is “Three Days in Equestria.” Its plot is very interesting and attractive. The player spends three days in the fabulous country of Equestria, during which he meets the main characters of the cartoon “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic”, solves various puzzles and solves funny problems.

The heroes of the game "Equestria Girls - Secret Kiss" Sparkle and Flash are passionate about each other, but do not want their friends to know about it. They can’t be left alone, today they were supposed to meet in the library and chat, but someone constantly violates their privacy. Help them kiss each other without anyone noticing.

As usual, one of the most popular video games is the My Little Pony adventure game. A lot of wonderful things happen in the fairy-tale world of ponies. The game character Applejack finds herself in curious and dangerous situations. She saves her friends in a dark and dangerous forest, fighting against birds and hostile animals that attack her. At every turn, traps await her, set up by the villainess Chrysalis, but Applejack, of course, must emerge victorious.

The number of games based on the animated series “My Little Pony” is amazing!

Songs and music in cartoons

The animated series “My Little Pony” and “Equestria Girls” are truly musical films. Perky songs are heard in Russian and English, they charge you with a great mood for the whole day and give smiles. I want to dance with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy and sing along with the charming ponies. In cheerful songs, the cartoon characters talk about their friendship, the difficulties they face and overcome as they grow up and learn about the world around them. Throughout the entire series “Equestria Girls,” the main character Sparkle sings that sadness and quarrels are temporary difficulties in life, and the main thing is friendship and harmony, which will certainly help overcome all obstacles and difficulties.

The number of songs in the series is amazing.

In the first season of "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" the following songs are played: "Song of Laughter"; "Song about the Gala Concert"; "Song about a ticket"; "Jump-jump-jump"; "Song of the Pegasuses"; "Evil Witch"; "The Last Day of Winter"; "Song about cupcakes"; "The Art of Sewing"; “Hush, it’s time to sleep”; "Song of the Seekers"; “You share”; "Smile"; “Everything breathes miracles”; “Telegram in the form of a song”; “The Best Evening”; “I dreamed so much of getting here”; "Polka Pony."

The second season is no less rich in songs: “Let the best win”; "The Pony Everyone Should Know" "Circle of friends"; “Birthday month”; "Pig Dance" "Song of Flim and Flam"; "The Perfect Stallion"; "Song of Smiles"; "Cranky Doodle"; "Welcome Song"; “Krenka has a devoted heart”; "Aria Cadence"; "Love is blooming."

Check out the songs from Season 3: "Song of Failure"; "The Ballad of the Crystal Empire"; "Song of Success"; "Babs Seed"; "Our barn" "Morning in Ponyville"; “What the sign tells me”; "Help your friends"; "Your best friend"; "The Ballad of Celestia" “Here she is, the princess”; "Twilight Sparkle"; "Life in Equestria"

The fourth season stands out in terms of the number of songs: “Friends with Big Hearts”; "The bats"; "Generosity"; “Forever We Are Apples”; “A glass of water”; “Pinky the Party Planner”; “The King is a Party Planner”; "Pinky's Sadness" "Fooling around"; "Chiz's Apology"; "Any desire"; "Melody of Trees"; “Open your heart to the music”; "Flim and Flam's Wonderful Tonic"; “Wonderful Lightning Rap”; Your turn will come"; “If you see a rainbow, remember.”

The remaining seasons have at least 10 songs each.

Songs from the cartoon “Equestria Girls”: “This strange world"; "The Cafeteria Song" “Time to act together”; “Our evening has come”; "Lifelong friend".

It is clear that the cartoon “Equestria Girls – Rainbow Rock” is especially musical: “Rainbow Rock”; “We have become better than we were”; "Battle"; "Bad Spell" "Chin up"; “You have fallen into our networks”; "My trump card"; “I like myself this way”; "The Battle Is Coming"; "Battle of the Rainbooms"; "Like stars"; “It’s time to part with the past”; “Friendship will be eternal”; “Life is the way forward.”

The cartoons about Equestria girls “Friendship Games” and “Legends of the Evergreen Forest” each have six musical compositions.

Criticism and public perception

The animated series “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic” received a lot of positive reviews from critics. Todd van der Werff is a columnist for The A.V. Club, positively noted the presence of obvious cheerfulness and lack of cynicism in the cartoons - unlike many other children's animated films that have become cult, including for adults. He praised the stylish appearance of the characters, the relative complexity of the plots for children's perception and good jokes that everyone likes: both children and their parents. He assigned the series a “B+” category. In contrast, Brian Truitt of USA Today was somewhat negative about the humor in the animated series. Emily Ashby, from the organization Advocates for Common Sense in Media, which works on parenting issues in the media, gave the series a rating of four stars out of five, highlighting the positive messages about friendship, tolerance and respect. Critic Liz Oganesian for LA Weekly said the show was "absolutely sincere in its ideas of friendship without taking itself too seriously." Los Angeles Times critic Robert Lloyd called the series "smarter, stronger and more aesthetically pleasing" than any of the previous My Little Pony animations, praising its techniques for connecting with both children and their parents. TV Guide magazine ranks the series as one of the top sixty animated films of all time. Critic Amid Amidi, writing for the animation website Cartoon Brew, was more critical of the series' concept, calling it "the end of an era for creators in television animation." In her essay, she expressed concern that the creative talent of the series' author was used to create a toy show, which indicates a focus on profitable genres of animation and indicates the loss of high positions of the television animation industry.

The Equestria Girls animated films received mixed reviews from critics. Daniel Alvarez of the website Unleash the Fanboy gave the films 4 out of 5 stars, saying that it is a "very entertaining film", although some elements, particularly the romanticism of the plot, are weaker than in other animated films. Gwen Ignata from The A.V. Club gave the films a "B-" rating. and found several songs and scenes of battles with demons interesting, everything else is the embodiment of very hackneyed ideas from the series about ponies “Friendship is Magic”. SF Weekly's Sherilyn Connelly voted the films the best animated feature in a poll of film critics.

Interesting facts about animated series about little ponies

In fact, of course, there are a lot of different kinds of interesting and funny moments in the My Little Pony series. Let's list some of them.

  • The only cartoon character mentioned full name, – Pinkie Pie. Her full name is Pinkamina Diana.
  • Spike the Dragon is a boy dragon, but he is voiced by a woman named Katie Wesluck. She is an actress, director, singer and comedian.
  • The names of the Applejack pony family members are actually the names of varieties of apples, namely: Granny Smith, Big Mackintosh, Braeburn.
  • The series' popularity has spawned so much amateur content that when creators choose new character To include him in the story, they must make sure that the name of the new character is not too similar to the name of a character created by fans of cartoons about little ponies.
  • Note! Discord is the best dancer in Equestria. When he danced on Twilight Sparkle's head, he showed off his incredible dancing skills.
  • Rainbow Dash is the only main character whose "Cute Sign" consists of a single character. Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie have "Cutie Signs" of 3 symbols, and Twilight Sparkle has one large symbol and 5 small ones. Cartoon fans wondered if this was an accident, or if there was some kind of mystery behind it.
  • One of the creators of the My Little Pony cartoons, Lauren Faust, stated that she was inspired to create the city of Canterlot by the city of Minas Tirith from The Lord of the Rings.
  • The idea of ​​​​creating the series “My Little Pony: Equestria Girls” was advised by Lauren Faust, one of the creators of the series “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic”.
  • Some cartoon fans have heard or read the famous cartoon fanfic “My Little Pony”. It's called "Cupcakes" and belongs to the creepypasta category. This is a scary and cruel story written by fans of the cartoon.
  • Few fans of cartoons about ponies know about the episode, which was not included in the final version of the cartoon. Allegedly, the content of this episode was no less creepy than in the Cupcakes fanfic. Knowledgeable people claim that even he was visualized. The episode was about a tragic and terrible incident that happened in Pinkie Pie's life.
    Main characters of the episode:
    • Pinkie Pie;
    • Pinkie Pie's mother is Apple Pie;
    • Pinkie Pie's father is an unnamed pegasus;
    • Pinkie Pie's grandmother;
    • Twilight Sparkle.
An animated cartoon about the task of one of the characters, named Twilight Sparkle, who was sent by her teacher, Princess Celestia, on an important task - to find friends and learn what friendship is.
Twilight Sparkle, who, along with all the cartoon characters, lives in the fairy-tale country of Equestria, goes to the city of Ponyville, accompanied by the dragon Spike, whom the princess sent to look after and help the student. They meet various people of the country and become friends with some of them. Every day Twilight Sparkle sends her report to her mentor, Princess Celestia, about new adventures and events.
A fairyland where ponies live Equestria, which is also inhabited by different residents (read the names of the characters of My Little Pony below), among which there are unicorns, which include little Twilight Sparkle, as well as Earth ponies, Pegasi and Alicorns. Every resident of this country lives for a reason, but has their own responsibilities, they are endowed with magic and magical powers.
Unicorns all have one horn, which contains their magic, and also know how to use telekinesis. They are a type of pony with a horn.
Earth ponies are mainly engaged in various types Agriculture, therefore, among all the inhabitants they are closest to nature. Ponies are very hardworking and this is what their species is famous for.
Pegasi in the country they control the weather, they manage this with ease, since from birth Pegasi are endowed with wings, which allows them to fly among the clouds, on which, by the way, they can also walk.
Alicorns separate species, there are very few of them, but they are the most powerful in the country, since they embody elements of the other three species at once, they are not just ponies, but ponies with wings and a horn. They have great mystical power; there are only five of them in the whole country.
Name Photo Description Who voiced

My Little Pony list of main characters

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight Sparkle
Sparkle is called Twilight, she has a very interesting body color, but her tail and mane are blue, with purple and pink stripes on them. She is the best student of Celestine, who is a princess in the cartoon. Sparkle is a book lover and is passionate about magic and science. Sparkle is the embodiment of the element of magic. Tara Strong,
Olga Golovanova


earth pony
Applejack is the element of honesty and is a cheerful orange pony with green eyes and a yellow mane. She is also marked with the sun and has freckles. This pony is very reliable, she is good-natured and attentive to the problems of others. She has a cowboy hat on her head. The whole family of this pony lives on a small farm called Apple Alley. The whole family grows fragrant apples and then sells them. They also bake all sorts of sweets from apples and sell them too. Ashley Ball
Larisa Brokhman,
Olga Shorokhova

Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash is a very brave pony horse, she is heavenly in color and has pink eyes. Dash is a very brave pony, she is not afraid of anything, and her job is to drive clouds across the sky. She feels great in the sky and moves quickly there. She wants to join the squad of the best ponies that fly. This pony is the embodiment of loyalty. Ashley Ball
Lina Ivanova,
Elena Chebaturkina


Rarity is a unicorn who works as a fashion designer. He has his own personal boutique called Carousel. He is very cute, his mane is bright purple, always chicly styled, and his body is snow-white. Rarity loves sewing and does it all the time. She is a big neat person, she likes order, and she embodies generosity. Her sign, which distinguishes her from others, is three sky-colored crystals. Tabitha Saint Germain
Olga Zvereva,
Daria Frolova


Fluttershy, a cute pegasus who is very afraid of heights. She has a sunny yellow body and a pink mane. This pony loves to communicate with her brothers. She has a magical look that is unique, she knows how to use it perfectly. Her gaze can frighten any animal. But in fact, Fluttershy is shy and very often gets scared by any rustle, she lives in a forest, she has her own house there. She is the embodiment of kindness. It can be distinguished by three pink butterflies. Andrea Libman,
Olga Golovanova

Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie
earth pony
Pinkie Pie is a very cheerful pony, her color is pink and her mane and tail are curly. She is a big fidget and cannot sit in one place for a single minute. She loves to play pranks on her friends, organize various parties for them, and loves sweets. She is an employee of a bakery whose name is Sugar Corner. She is the embodiment of laughter. It can be recognized by its distinctive icon, these are three balloons. Andrea Libman,
Lina Ivanova


the Dragon
Spike the dragon holds the position of assistant to the well-known Sparkle. Spike the dragon was awakened by Sparkle while he was sleeping in the Egg. During the magic exam, she revived him. He is very small for now and loves turquoise. He is currently in love with his lady love, Rarity. Katie Weslak,
Olga Shorokhova

My Little Pony minor characters

Princess Celestia

Princess Celestia
Celestia is a princess heroine whose task is to raise the Sun every day. This beauty is an alicorn, she has a very long horn and large wings, thanks to which she can fly. Her mane is constantly developing, even in the absence of a breeze. Its color is deep turquoise, and its distinctive sign is the Sun. Nicole Oliver
Elena Chebaturkina,
Lina Ivanova

Princess Moon

Princess Luna
She is called Princess of the Moon and is Celestia's little sister. Her dream is to immerse everything in constant and eternal night. But Celestia defeated her, imprisoning her on the moon and using the elements of harmony, and then turning her into a princess. And she turned from an evil and treacherous pony into a decent and kind princess of the Moon. Her eyes are dark green, her mane is dark blue, which flickers with lights. It can be identified by its blue crescent. Tabitha Saint Germain
Olga Zvereva,
Daria Frolova

Princess Cadence

Princess Cadance
Princess Cadance is Twilight's favorite nanny. She has a special talent: when ponies quarrel, she knows how to reconcile them very quickly. She has bright purple eyes, as well as purple-pink wings that help her move quickly. You can recognize her from afar, because her distinctive sign is a blue heart, it is made in the form of a ring in a gold rim. Britt McKillip
Elena Chebaturkina,
Lina Ivanova,
Olga Shorokhova

Shining Armor

Shining Armor
Armor is one of Twilight's brothers, who is considered the best brother and calls him SBDN, distinguished by his blue color and dark blue stripes. Married to Princess Cadance. Cheerful and kind, brave and selfless, probably because of these character traits he became the ruler of the Crystal Empire. Andrew Francis
Evgeniy Valts,
Oleg Virozub

Flurry Heart

Flurry Heart
Twilight's niece, daughter of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. Flurry Heart is the only alicorn in the country who did not appear through magic, but was born naturally. Quite by accident, she broke the “Crystal Heart” artifact, for this reason frost and darkness fell on the country, but by uniting into one crystallization, the alicorns managed to restore warmth and light. Tabitha St. Germain


the Dragon
This dragon sowed the spirit of discord and chaos, but was imprisoned in stone. After some time, he freed himself, but with the help of the magic of his friends he was defeated and reincarnated into a good dragon. John de Lancie
Nikita Prozorovsky

Apple Bloom

Apple Bloom
earth pony
She founded the "Mark Finders" club and became a leader. Has a yellow color. Michelle Kroeber,
Olga Shorokhova


Scootaloo, a pegasus, is a girl, but with a boyish personality. Extreme sports enthusiast, loves to ride a scooter. It is distinguished by its orange color and blue mane. Madeleine Peters
Lina Ivanova

Sweetie Belle

Sweetie Belle
A shy unicorn who sings well. Relatively clumsy, dreams of becoming a designer. Claire Corlett
Olga Golovanova

Babs Seed

Babs Seed
earth pony
A pony from a neighboring town is looking for insignia along with everyone else. It has a dark ocher coloration with a dark pink mane with pink stripes, as well as white freckles. Brianna Drummond
Daria Frolova


The first griffin to receive the insignia. Talented and friendly. Erin Matthews,
Daria Frolova

Starlight Glimmer

Starlight Glimmer
Stubborn, insidious and cruel, although at first glance friendly, sincere and caring. Knows how to remove distinctive signs from other heroes. Kelly Sheridan,
Lina Ivanova

In addition to the above-mentioned characters, the country of Equestria is home to many other inhabitants, both good and evil.