My Tatarstan conversation for children. Lesson summary "My native land is Tatarstan." Game "Golden Gate"

Elena Asanova
Lesson in senior group“My Motherland is Tatarstan”

MBDOU "Kindergarten compensatory type No. 8 "Zorenka"

Summary of GCD in senior group

Educational area "Cognitive Development"

Subject: "My Homeland - Tatarstan» .

Completed the work


Asanova Elena


Naberezhnye Chelny 2014

Subject: "My Homeland - Tatarstan» .

Target: continue to form in children an idea of ​​what Motherland, native land; introduce the natural resources of the Republic Tatarstan; develop coherent speech, activate vocabulary; cultivate love for native land, to her nature, careful attitude to her. Introduce geographical map; develop speech and memory in children.

Program: "From birth to school".

Age: Senior group(5-6 years).

Direction: Formation of a holistic picture of the world.

Basic educational region: Cognitive development.

Integration of educational regions: "Communication", "Cognition", "Socialization", "Music", « Fiction reading literature", "Fizo".

Types of children's activities in GCD: social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, physical development.



enrich children’s knowledge about the republic, what is rich and famous about their native land;

formation of a generalized idea of ​​the Republic Tatarstan;

formation of a holistic picture of the world;


expand and activate the vocabulary of nouns on this topic;

development of lexical and grammatical concepts;

activate the dictionary;


cultivate love for one’s native land;

foster friendly relations and tolerance between children different nationalities; develop the ability to accurately hear and follow the teacher’s instructions;

develop teamwork skills;

Methods and techniques: methods: gaming, verbal, visual. Priyo We: questions, instructions, additions, reminders, artistic expression, self-esteem.

Visual learning aids: slides showing a map of the Republic Tatarstan, coat of arms and flag of the Republic Tatarstan, slides depicting pumps pumping oil, a KAMAZ vehicle, cities Tatarstan, recording of the anthem of the Republic Tatarstan.

Organization of children: 1. Free; 2. On chairs; 3. On the mat;

Vocabulary work: Motherland, kara itek, boiler, Kazan, oil, well, multinational.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations from images of cities Tatarstan; examination of the flag and coat of arms of the Republic Tatarstan; reading works; preparation of demonstration material, selection of audio recordings with the anthem Tatarstan; selection artistic word, study of methodological literature.


Part 1 introductory (organizational moment);

Part 2 main (conversation, questions, stories);

Part 3 final (summarizing, children reading proverbs about homeland) ;

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, come to our place today class a boy named Marat came. What republic do you think he came to us from?

Children: Marat came to us from the Republic Tatarstan.

Educator: Right. How did you guess?

Children: On it, dressed Tatar costume.

Educator: Well done. On it, dressed Tatar national costume . You've seen it many times Tatar costumes, they are all different and very beautiful. The boy Marat is dressed in black trousers, a beautiful shirt, over which is a vest, black boots on his feet, and a skullcap on his head. Guys, let's remember how they will sound on Tatar language of the name of Marat's clothes. Vova, how will it be on Tatar language white shirt?

Vova: On Tatar the language of the white shirt will be - ak klmk.

Educator: Well done Vova. Ilnur, what will happen on black trousers in Tatar language?

Ilnur: Kara Chalbar.

Educator: That's right, Ilnur. Rosalina, how will it be skull cap in Tatar language?

Rosaline: Tbty.

Educator: Clever Rosalina. But Marat is still wearing black boots, Tatar In language it sounds like this - kara itek.

Guys, please tell me what republic you and I live in?

Nikita: We live in the Republic Tatarstan.

Educator: Well done Nikita.

When a person is born, his parents give him a name. He was inextricably linked with this name all his life. In the same way, he is inextricably linked with his Homeland - place, Where born and raised. Listen to a poem about your native edge:

“I love my land...

How strange to hear this:

After all, every person loves his own land!

And the sky is blue here, the sun is higher,

And May here is the color of lilac!

I love my region!

I've seen a lot of places

And you can go around half the world,

But closer and dearer than our native land,

I don't think I can find any more!

So today I want to talk to you about my native land, about our Homeland - about the Republic of Tatarstan. Our republic is very large and beautiful. She has her own national flag and coat of arms (display of the flag and coat of arms, and she also has her own anthem, which was written by Tatar composer Rustem Yakhin (show photo). Children, let's stand up and listen to the anthem of the Republic Tatarstan(the anthem plays). Sit down guys. Now let's look at the flag of the Republic Tatarstan once again. Please tell me what parts the flag is divided into Tatarstan?

Children: The national flag is divided into three parts: green, white and red.

Educator: Right. Each color has its own meaning. Red is the color of the sun, fire. Green is the color of wildlife and youth, and white means a symbol of purity and peace (flag display).

On the state emblem of the Republic Tatarstan(showing the coat of arms) depicts a winged white leopard against the background of a red sun. The leopard represents wealth and strength. On the side of the leopard is a round shield with an aster depicted on it. The shield means protection, the flower means long life. All colors state emblem resemble the colors of the national flag. Inside the green ring is written in gold Tatar ornament , symbolizing beauty and the fertility of our land.

Now let's look at the map of the Republic Tatarstan(show map). Guys, look at the map of the Republic Tatarstan. What color is it indicated by?

Children: It is marked green.

Educator: Correct, it is indicated in green. Who knows what the green color on the map means?

Children: Green means the color of grass and forest.

Educator: That’s right, children are forests and meadows. Look how many forests there are in our republic and we we try protect and increase them. We also see blue ribbons on the map, what do you think they mean?

Children: Probably rivers.

Educator: Well done guys - these are rivers. What is the widest river flowing in our republic?

Children: Volga.

Educator: Well done. Volga, one of the longest and deepest rivers in Russia. What is the name of the river on which our city stands?

Children: This is the Kama River.

Educator: Right.

Are you probably a little tired already? Let's take a little rest. Come to me, everyone, and we’ll have a little physical exercise with you.

“The territory of our republic is very large (arms to the sides). Beautiful ships sail along deep rivers (depict waves). Tall trees grow in the forests (Hands up). In the thicket of the forest live clubfooted bears (we depict bears, gray hares(jumping, red foxes (depict foxes). Multi-colored butterflies flutter in the fields (waving their arms, green grasshoppers jumping (jumping)».

Well done guys, take your seats. Let's continue our conversation about the Republic Tatarstan.

Guys, who can tell me the name of the capital of the Republic? Tatarstan?

Vova: Capital of the Republic Tatarstan – Kazan.

Educator: Well done Vova.

The city of Kazan is very large and beautiful city. Many legends are associated with the name of this city. Kazan - in Tatar cauldron: utensils for cooking. As the legend says, in the evening the tired warriors stopped for the night and began to prepare food. One of the warriors took a cauldron, went for water, dropped it into the river and began scream: “Ay, cauldron, cauldron!”: from here it came - that place began to be called Kazan, and in - Tatar Kazan. Guys, what cities of the Republic You still know Tatarstan?

Children: Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhnekamsk, Bugulma, Chistopol, Almetyevsk, Elabuga and others.

Educator: Well done, everything is correct. Guys, do you know the name of this car?

Children: Yes, this is a Kamaz car.

Educator: That's right, this is a Kamaz car. And in what city is it being released?

Children: In the city of Naberezhnye Chelny.

Educator: Yes, it is released in our favorite and hometown Naberezhnye Chelny. Tell me, what do cars need to be able to move?

Children: Gasoline, fuel.

Educator: Right. Who knows what gasoline is made from?

Children: Gasoline is made from oil.

Educator: Yes, gasoline is made from oil. Oil is produced in the cities of Bugulma and Almetyevsk. Oil workers drill wells, pump oil from the ground with powerful pumps (slide show showing pumps pumping oil). Republic Tatarstan provides oil to our entire country. But the cities Tatarstan They are also famous for other things. For example, in the city of Chistopol, a watch factory makes beautiful watches. Nizhnekamsk is famous for the production of tires for cars. Every city Tatarstan is famous for something, but in our republic, in addition to cities, there are also villages in which rich harvests are grown. Tatarstan- This is an agricultural region. In its fields they grow a lot different cultures. What crops do we grow?

Children: Buckwheat, oats, and peas are grown in the fields.

Educator: That's right, and the main wealth of our republic is bread. Field workers grow rye and wheat.

Republic Tatarstan multinational republic. In everything Tatarstan, people live in different nationalities: Tatars, Udmurts, Russians, Chuvashs and many others. They all live in peace and harmony. Together they work, relax, build houses, cities, increase the wealth of their native land and take care of it.

Let the trees grow lushly in our gardens and forests, let the birds sing calmly. Let the water in springs and wells be clean and transparent, let there be a lot of fish in ponds and lakes. All this is our wealth. love your Motherland, nature means protecting it, taking care of it, and being friends with it!

Educator: Guys, do you love yours? Motherland?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Why do you love yours? Motherland?

Children: Because we are here were born.

Educator: Guys, let's end our conversation with you classes remember the proverbs and sayings about Homeland.

There's nothing more beautiful than Our homeland.

Live - Serve the Motherland.

Our hero is the one who is for Homeland by the mountain.

Everyone loves their own side.

A man without of your homeland What is a nightingale without a song?

Without Motherland You will be a cute wingless bird.

Love Motherland, like a dear mother.

Homeland is more beautiful than the sun, more expensive than gold.

For Don’t spare your homeland’s strength.

Educator: Ours has come to an end class. Did you like it? What exactly did you like? What new have you learned about our republic?

Target: nurturing patriotic feelings - love for the Motherland, native language, respect for the flag and coat of arms of Tatarstan.


  1. To cultivate love for the native language, native land, nature, respect for it, respect and pride for one’s people.
  2. Develop interest in Russian and Tatar traditions.
  3. To give children an idea of ​​what the Motherland is, to introduce them to the history and symbolism of the Republic of Tatarstan, and to tell them about the natural resources of their native land.
  4. Enrich and activate the vocabulary: president, mosque, temple, flags, pole, coat of arms, familiarity with proverbs about the homeland of the Tatar and Russian peoples, artistic expression.

Preliminary work: conversations about the Republic of Tatarstan and its cities. Looking at albums, illustrations on the topic, getting acquainted with a geographical map, coat of arms, flag, listening to the anthem of the Republic of Tatarstan, reading fairy tales by Gabdulla Tukay, Abdulla Alisha, learning poems about the homeland.

Progress of the lesson-game

Children are dressed in national costumes of the peoples of the Volga region.

Leading: Hello, dear guys, dear guests! Today we have gathered in our hall to talk about our homeland and our native language. Our homeland - the Republic of Tatarstan - is part of a huge country, Russia. We all love our homeland. After all, there is nothing more expensive than it in the world. The children of group No. 10 will tell poems about this and sing.

Children read poems about their homeland.

Min yaratam sine Tatarstan,
Arysh kyryn, urmannaryn ochen,
Al tannaryn ochen yaratam.
Kүk үkerәp, yashen yashnәp yaugan
Yangyrlaryn ochen yaratam.

Tatar native land,
We can't count your traditions.
We don't know any other end
Where would they also be revered.

Min yaratam sine, Tatarstan,
Gorur halkyn ochen yaratam.
Җan heretә torgan әnkәm tele-
Tatar tele ochen yaratam.

It's so calm and safe here.
Everything here is pleasing to the eye and ear,
It is impossible to live outside the homeland,
After all, she has a special spirit.

Tugaylaryn ochen yaratam.
Tukaylaryn, Seydәshlyren өchen,
Җәліләрң өн ярутам.

You are a wonderful fairy tale
Our modern Tatarstan.
Calm tones and colors
And a young, majestic figure.

Idel yarlarynanurlarsibep,
Matur bulyp ata bezdi tan.
Tan shikelle yakty tugan ilem,
Bakhet birgan hirem – Tatarstan.

The sun is shining above the earth.
The dove is spinning in the blue
Our song flows loudly
Glory to you Motherland!

Leading: People of different nationalities live in Tatarstan. There is enough space for everyone under the sky of Tatarstan. Residents of Tatarstan live peacefully, in friendship and respect for the customs of other peoples. The main part of the inhabitants of Tatarstan are Tatars and Russians. But there are also Udmurts, Chuvashs, Bashkirs, Maris, Mordovians and other nationalities. And every nation has its own native language. The native language is the one that was once spoken by your great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers, and is now spoken in the family by grandparents, mothers and fathers. Russian people have Russian as their native language. The Tatars have Tatar. All people should know their native language, speak it, read books, sing songs in their native language. The great Tatar poet G. Tukay wrote a poem about this. (Slide by G. Tukay)

O native language, melodious! Oh parent speech!
What else in the world did I know, what did I manage to save?

Rocking my cradle, my mother sang softly,
Growing up, I began to understand my grandmother's fairy tales...

Oh my tongue, we are forever inseparable friends,
Since childhood, your joy and sadness have become clear to me.

Leading: Now listen to the song based on these verses by G. Tukay. "Tugan tel"

And tugan tel. and matur bodies, әtkәm-әnkәmneң tele!
Donyada kүp nәrsә beldem sin tugan tel arkyly.
In elek bu tel belen әnkәmbishektәkoylәgәn,
Annary tөnnәr bue әbkәm hikәyat soylәgәn.
And tugan bodies! Sindi bulgan in elek kyylgan dogam:
Yarlykagyl, deep, үzem һәm әtkәm-әnkәmne, move!

Leading: Each nation has developed its own national traditions and customs. These are holidays, songs, dances, fairy tales, games, proverbs, costumes. Today our children put on the national costumes of the peoples of the Volga region and want to demonstrate them. Music is playing. Children demonstrate national costumes - the teacher comments and names the details of the costumes. Tatar national costume for girls. Tatar costume for boys. Russian costumes. Udmurt national costume. Chuvash national costume.

Leading: Now let's remember the Russian proverbs and Tatar people, glorifying love for the Motherland.


  • “A man without his homeland is like a nightingale without a song”
  • “On a foreign land, even spring is not red”
  • “The Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her”
  • “The Motherland is more beautiful than the sun, more valuable than gold”
  • “Without a dear homeland, you will be a wingless bird”

Leading: Guys, what do these proverbs teach us? - To love your homeland.

Leading: At all times, children loved to play folk games.

Now the children of group No. 3 will play the Russian folk game “Golden Gate”.

Game "Golden Gate".

And now we want to introduce you, dear guys, to the Tatar folk game, which is called “At Timerbai’s kids.”

Game "Timerbai's Little Kids"

Leading: Guys, in our Republic there are two official languages: Russian and Tatar. All residents of Tatarstan must know both of these languages. That's why they study in kindergarten and school Tatar language on a par with Russian. Now we will check how you study the Tatar language in class.

Game "Mine by whom?"

Children are offered masks of wild and domestic animals. The child takes the mask and says in the Tatar language: “Min kuyan”, “Min ayu”, etc. In this case, you need to depict the movements and habits of the animal.

Leading: And now we'll go to interesting trip in our republic.
View the album “Tatarstan is my native land.”

Leading: Did you enjoy the trip? And now, guys, you will solve the crossword puzzle, and we will check whether you listened carefully and whether you enjoyed the journey through our republic.


  1. The republic where we live is called... (Tatarstan)
  2. Capital of Tatarstan (Kazan)
  3. What animal is depicted on the coat of arms of Tatarstan? (Leopard)
  4. Which poet composed the fairy tale “Shurale”? (Tukay)
  5. The river on the bank of which stands the Elabuga Settlement tower. (Kama)
  6. The city in which we live.. (Elabuga)
  7. Great artist, singer of Russian nature (Shishkin)
  8. What bird is depicted on the coat of arms of Elabuga? (Woodpecker)
  9. National holiday.... (Sabantuy)
  10. The main wealth of Tatarstan. (Oil)
  11. In what city are KAMAZ vehicles made? (Naberezhnye Chelny)

Leading: Well done. You answered all the questions correctly. Motherland, guys, is first of all the closest people: mom, dad, grandma, grandpa. This is your house, the street, the city where you were born and live, this is kindergarten where you go is the nature that surrounds you. You are little Russians, because you live in Russia, and Tatarstanians, because you live in the Republic of Tatarstan. While you are still small and cannot do anything for your homeland. But you can make our country strong and powerful if you love your native language, your friends and loved ones, and don’t quarrel. Let's look at each other, smile, and let's not forget that you and I are Russians, a very wise, patient, kind people. Let's all say together: “If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong!”

In conclusion, the children sing a song in the Tatar language “Min yaratam sine, Tatarstan”
Words by R. Rakipov music. R. Andreeva

Min yaratam sine, Tatarstan,
Al tannar ynochen yaratam,
Kүkkүkerәp, yashen yashnәp yaugan
Yangyr laryn ochen yaratam.

Min yaratam sine, Tatarstan,
Gorur halkyn ochen yaratam,
Җan eretk әnәnәm teleң өchen -
Tatar telen ochen yaratam.

Min yaratam sine, Tatarstan,
Tugaylaryn ochen yaratam,
Tukaylaryn, Saydәshlәreңөchen,
Җәліләрң өн ярутам.

The largest and only center for Arabic studies in the Republic of Tatarstan. Center Arabic culture"Al-Hadara". Story. Center students. A trip to nature with an entertainment and educational program. Jordan. Mission of the center. Language internships for students in Arab countries. International cooperation. Located in the building of the Institute of Oriental Studies and International Relations. Events. Acquaintance with culture and national dishes Arab countries.

“Ecology of Tatarstan” - Volga-Kama Nature Reserve. Bosom. Take care of all animals within nature. Water resources Tatarstan. Technogenic impact. Forest resources Tatarstan. Largest rivers Tatarstan. Land resources. Ecology of Tatarstan. Minerals. Steppe fauna. Condition of the water. Mutual penetration of forest and steppe. Art. Winter fishing. Natural disasters. Animal world Tataria. Forest Code.

"Volga-Kama Reserve" - ​​Reptiles. Animal. Nuthatch. Reservoirs of the reserve. Reserve. Crossbill. Saralinsky section. Supplies. Tap dancing. Rowan. Crossbill chicks. Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Tatarstan. Waxwing. Floodplain meadows. Temperature. Pine. Typical forest inhabitants. Spotted woodpecker. National Park"Lower Kama". Salo. Owl. Insects. Fir. Birds listed in the Red Book. Deciduous tree. In what winter forest warmer.

“Kazan Kremlin” is a historical, architectural and cultural monument that combines Muslim and Orthodox, Tatar and Russian motifs in its appearance. Kazan kirm?ne, Qazan kirm?ne) is a historical fortress and the heart of Kazan. The Governor's Palace in the Kremlin is the residence of the President of Tatarstan. The territory of the museum-reserve is 13.45 hectares. Kremlin. Kazan Kremlin (tat. Kremlin of Kazan. Object World Heritage UNESCO since 2000.

“Museums of Tatarstan” - Municipal museums of the Republic of Tatarstan by volume of funds. Number museum items. Legal status of municipal museums of the Republic of Tatarstan. Characteristics of the funds of the National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan. Transfer of coins of the Karatuna treasure to National Museum. The ratio of museum funds in the Volga Federal District. Museum Coordination Center. Level of computerization state museums(including branches).

“Traditions of the Tatars” - Ornaments. Respect for elders. Family tradition. There are no other people's children. Traditional hospitality. Family is the keeper of traditions. Family traditions among the Tatars. Seniors and juniors. Mutual assistance. He who works is fed. Traditions of the Tatar house. Family holidays. Attitude towards mother. Upon entering the house, Tatars immediately take off their shoes.

Organization: MBDOU Shalinsky DS "Turgai" Pestrechinsky MR of the Republic of Tatarstan

Locality: Republic of Tatarstan, village of Shali

Target: continue to introduce children to the national traditions of the Tatar people; cultivate respect for customs and traditions; cultivate respect for the native language with national songs and dancing; raise vocabulary in children.

Characters: grandmothers, granddaughter, guests - children.

Hall decoration: The hall is decorated festively - embroidered towels, a samovar with cups, and woolen yarn on the table.

Preliminary work: memorization of poems, songs, proverbs; introducing children to Tatar folk customs; learning dances.

Progress of the event.

The grandmother was spinning yarn, the girl was sitting on the sidelines with a laptop. At this time, a knock is heard on the door.

Grandmother: daughter, it seems there is a knock on the door. Go and have a look.

Girl: okay, grandma.

The grandmother next door comes in.

Grandma next door: hello! How are you doing?

Grandma: Hello, neighbor. Came in on time. The children went to visit. Let's sit down and pray. (Grandmothers read a prayer). Here my granddaughter and I are sitting and getting bored. Oh, we had our young years. The guys walked the streets, sang and played the accordion, and the girls sat at home, waiting for the guys. Eh, today's youth have forgotten the games that we played before. After all, now is the age of computers and televisions.

Grandma next door: So you’re right, everyone stays at home. They don't know how to sing or dance beautifully. They don't know how to have fun. They don’t know what gatherings are. (aulak oh)

Girl: Grandma, what is aulak oh? Tell me please.

Grandmother: this is the house in which the girls were left alone; and guys came to the girls. And then everyone joked, sang, danced, and said ditties.

Girl: Grandma, grandpa, teach us how you played, sang and danced.

Grandmother: with pleasure. Today it was your parents who went to visit. Let's remember the past.

Grandma next door: Indeed, let us remember them.

Girl: just don’t tell others.

Grandmother: daughter, tidy up the house. The house where guests arrive should be clean and beautiful.

Grandma next door: the girls have arrived. Greet guests.

(The girls sit to the music and begin to embroider.)

Grandma next door: if we sang some songs, then the girls would work faster, and it would be nice. Let's sing our native song “Native Language.” (song sounds)

My native language is called Tatar:

It was given to me and my mother by Allah.

I speak it, and my heart beats proudly -

I am a Tatar, I am your son, Tatarstan!

It contains Tukai's song, Gali's thoughts,

Musa Jalil's fiery testament.

Will I be able to forget him or not love him?

He is a storehouse of wisdom he is the truth our light.

I read the poem, I sing with reverence -

Everything about it is beautiful: every sound and syllable.

He is my source of love and inspiration,

The beginning of all my earthly roads!

Grandma: girls, when we got together, we played different games. Let's play one of the ancient games “Jozek Salysh”.

Game: “Jozek Salysh.”

Girls! girls! Are the guys here? Shall we let in?

Let's invite. Let them sit with us for a little while.

(the guys come in)

Hello, beautiful girls!


(Everyone sings the song “Chelterle” together)

Grandmother: oh, our youth are great! When we arrived in aulak oy, we played different games. For example: “Kapkaly”, “Achyk avyz”, “Takmak әity”, “Tәgәrәteshle” and other games.

Girl: let’s play the game “Traps”.

Game: "Drips".

Song: “Biyu takmaklary”

Tatar dance performed by girls.

Game: “Plague Urdek”

(music plays)

Grandma next door: oh, what a beautiful melody, I want to dance.

(Starts dancing)

Song: “Shoma bass”

Dance "Chyn Egetler" performed by boys

Song "Epipe"

Grandmother: Our children, along with the previous songs and dances, sing very well modern dance. Now our girls present their dance.

Rhythmic dance

Grandmother: Thank you all, we had a fun time.

Girl: (talking on the phone) girls! Parents will be here soon.

Grandma: Children, tidy up the house! (house cleaning)

Grandma next door: it was a lot of fun, we remembered our youth. It's good that you came. So our customs are not lost; there are those who continue them. Thank you guys! Let it always be like this! I'll go now, live well. Come and visit us yourself.

Children: Thank you. And it's time for us to leave. Goodbye!

Song: "Matur bulsyn"

Presentation of Tatar culture and traditions by preschoolers.

Entertainment on the theme “Tatar hospitality”


Ignatova Tatyana Alexandrovna(first qualification category);

Klishkina Nadezhda Borisovna(highest qualification category).

MADO kindergarten No. 186 in Tyumen

Target: Introduce children preschool age with the traditions and culture of the Tatar people .

Software tasks:

Cognitive development: To form in children knowledge and ideas about the lifestyle of the Tatars, their customs, traditions, folklore and national costumes.

Speech development: Reinforce knowledge by children Tatar proverbs about hospitality, about the benefits of tea.

Artistic and aesthetic development: Introduce Tatar folk dances; evoke a positive emotional response to the beauty of Tatar folk dances, music, clothes.

Physical development: Introduce folk Tatar games.

Social and communicative development: Arouse children's interest in getting to know the traditions of the Tatar people. To develop in children the ability to apply acquired knowledge and ideas about the Tatar people in independent activities (productive, playful).

Equipment: a table covered with a tablecloth, a samovar, dishes, household items, utensils that help to recreate the interior of a Tatar hut; products of Tatar folk cuisine (from salt dough), Tatar towel, chak-chak (folk Tatar recipe), a towel, soap, a ladle of water, traditional Russian pastries (made from salt dough (in a basket), pieces of fabric, painted handkerchiefs, a samovar cap (attribute) for a child, two trays, balls of fabric with adhesive tape - 30 pieces (for the game).

Event location: music hall

Progress of the event:

Children are dressed in Russian and Tatar folk costumes.

A calm Tatar melody sounds quietly.

Teacher in Russian costume: Dear guys, as you know, our country is home to many different nationalities. Each nation has its own culture, its own customs and traditions. And it’s very good that we are all so different. How much more interesting our life becomes when we meet and learn so many new and useful things for ourselves.

Child: Live in Russia different peoples from a long time ago.
Some like the taiga, others like the expanse of the steppe.
Child: Each nation has its own language and dress.
One wears a Circassian coat, the other put on a robe.
Child: One is a fisherman from birth, the other is a reindeer herder.
One prepares kumiss, the other prepares honey.
Child: Some love autumn, others love spring.
And we all have one Motherland, Russia.

What distinguishes one people from another? ( children's answers) Yes, you are right: language, clothing, cuisine, customs, traditions, religion. Today we present to your attention a small part of the culture of the Tatar people. The custom of meeting and receiving guests is common to people of any nationality. Legends are made about the hospitality of the Tatar people. Today we were invited to visit a Tatar family – Alfiya-apa (grandmother) and her grandchildren. Shall we visit our friends? The Tatar family sees a good omen in the very arrival of a guest in the house; he is an honorable, respected, dear person. Tatars have long been very attentive, caring and polite towards guests. They try to set the table with taste and generously treat them with various dishes. . It was customary not only to treat guests, but also to give gifts. According to custom, the guest responded in kind. Let us collect gifts for Alfia-apa and her grandchildren.

Child: I'll take an embroidered towel.

Child: I am scented soap.

Child: And I have a painted handkerchief.

Neighbor: Well, I’ll take our piping hot pies with me.

They approach the house, the teacher and children come out in Tatar clothes with a chak-chak on a towel.

Mistress: Isenmesez, Nikitichna! Isenmesezbalalar! (children say hello).

Neighbor: Peace to your home! ( they come in, hand over a treat, shake hands, wash their hands, wipe themselves on a towel).

Mistress: Guests are good. “Whoever doesn’t like to invite guests will never know joy” - that’s what they say in my village. (tells his grandchildren) If you want to be respected, be hospitable, friendly, generous. Your good will not be diminished from this, and perhaps it will increase.

Child in Tatar costume:“If there is no treat, kindly greet the guest with a word”

Child in Tatar costume:“An inhospitable person is inferior”

Child in Tatar costume:“If you offer a treat, even drink water,” Tatar folk proverbs teach.

Everyone sits around the table, girls on one side, boys on the other. The hostess pours tea from the samovar into bowls and serves it to the guests.

Mistress: According to the ancient Tatar custom, in honor of the guest, we laid out a festive tablecloth and put the best treats on the table: sweet chak-chak, sherbet, and, of course, fragrant tea. Enjoy your tea!

Child: Oh, what a samovar,

Steam is pouring out of it.

We drink tea with you,

We are talking about health.

Child: I need to brew some mint

Forget everything about illness.

Tea is always held in high esteem with us,

There is no better drink.

Because you drink tea

Many, many, many years.

Mistress: Dear guests, now let’s see what you know about tea. I will say proverbs, and you must continue it.

- Drink tea and protect your health

- Drink tea - no troubles.

- Tea never hurts, but it improves your health.

- If you don’t drink tea, where do you get your strength?

- Tea relieves all fatigue and lifts your spirits.

- Drinking tea makes life pleasant.

In addition to sugar, milk or melted cream or butter is added to hot and strong tea. And the Astrakhan Tatars like to drink tea hot, adding salt, butter and sometimes black ground pepper. Listen to what happened to the boy Marat.

Comic scene

The boy Marat enters in national costume.


Isamesez, my friends!
I came to you for the holiday.
My name is Marat!
Everyone in Babai’s village is very happy to see me!
I'm cheerful and mischievous!
And this is the story that happened to me!
Once my old man bought some tea...

Babai. You must cook it!


But I don’t know at all
How to brew Georgian tea?!


Take a bucket of water,
Pour all the tea into the pot quickly.....

Babai (raises it to his lips, winces, spits)

After the tea, everything in your stomach was twisted
Hurry up and hurry!
Invite me a doctor...


I thought for a long time, I was surprised
How could I not please?!
And then I realized
I forgot to add salt to the tea!

Mistress: On our table today there are a lot of treats from Tatar folk cuisine: belish, echpochmak, sumsa, peremyachi, elesh. Let's play the Tatar folk game "Samovar"?

Children take a plate with one of the Tatar treats and stand in a circle. In the middle is a child (samovar).

Game "Samovar"

Progress of the game: To any cheerful Tatar melody with words, children walk in a circle. As the words end, the “samovar” approaches the child opposite whom he stopped and guesses the dish that is in his hands.

All the kids ask : “Quickly guess what I drink my tea with?”

Child - “Samovar” points with his hand and names a national pie or sweet dish. If they guess correctly, the children dance in pairs; if they guess incorrectly, they choose a leader. Play 2 times.

The words are pronounced first in Tatar, then in Russian.

There, there, there, there,

Tamuynny yaratam,

There, there, there, there,

Tamuynny yaratam.

Samvardan temle itep,

Chey echerge yaratam.

Tea is pouring from the samovar

Don't disturb the samovar

Oh, tea is pouring from the samovar

Give me a spoon with honey

We blow, we blow, we drink tea

Then we will all sing in chorus...

Mistress: The most delicious treat on our table is the sweet chak-chak. Would you like us to tell you a Tatar fairy tale about chak-chak? And you play with your dreams. (children stand up).

Playing with movements.

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman

In a clearing by the river. ( hands on waist, squats with rotation)

And grandfather and grandmother loved

Delicious chak-chak with honey . (stroking belly)

Grandma kneaded the dough

And chak-chak she blinded, (knead the dough with your hands)

I put it in oil

And I left it like that. (show palms)

He came out rouge and handsome

And he looks like the sun. (stroking cheeks)

He wanted to take a walk

Run away from grandma and grandpa, ( running in place)

Rolled along the path,

Yes, I fell apart... (spread arms to the sides)

Oh, guys, the chak-chak crumbled into small pieces! Let's help grandpa and grandma and collect chak-chak?

The game is played: 5 people are chosen from the audience and 5 people from the artists. To the music, they put chak-chak from balls in different forms: butterfly, flower, slide, etc.)

Mistress: For our dear guests we have prepared a gift “Tatar dance” (dance performance)

A Tatar dance is performed.


Thank you all for your attention

Good luck and good luck!

Neighbor. Wait for us to visit you now! Visit each other, be open, welcoming and friendly. After all, the main thing when visiting is not the feast, but the joy of communicating with dear people, on which, as we know, the world rests.


  1. From birth to school. Basic general education program preschool education/ ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2014, 304.
    1. Photos from the archive of teachers: Ignatova T.A. and Klishkina N.B.

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