Laysan Utyasheva interview. Laysan Utyasheva shared touching family traditions. Pavel is such a controller

When one woman is both a world champion, and an Honored Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics, and a TV presenter of one of the most popular projects, and the wife of a famous showman, and a young mother of two children, it is very difficult to imagine what the shooting will be like, and even more so it is unpredictable how there will be an interview. But Laysan turned out to be not only a professional who can work in any conditions, but also an incredibly sincere person who attracts people to herself like a magnet.

— You got into shape very quickly after the birth of your second child, what’s the secret? Or do you continue to do gymnastics in secret from everyone?

You can find out the secret by subscribing online or purchasing tickets for our joint project “Willpower” with Pasha, which will take place on November 22 at Ray Just Arena. I will answer any questions, show various techniques and what’s more, at the presentation of the project, Pasha and I will be alone on stage all day. He will present his part of the project “The Brain”, and I will present my part “The Body”. It will be very cool, I promise!

- For you and Pasha, children are new stage in life, what changes have occurred in your relationships?

We were once again convinced that we did the right thing by choosing each other.

- You used to be called a careerist, do you remember your first earned money?

Was that what they called me? It seems to me that, on the contrary, I have always been for “conscience” and for “cause”. I didn’t really build a career for myself and didn’t go overboard. And, of course, I remember the first money I earned. At the age of 15, I won the World Cup and bought myself an apartment with the money I received.

- If you had met Pasha five to ten years earlier, would you have chosen a career or a family?

I met Pasha at the age of 16... I think the answer is obvious.

- Why do you think not a single interview is complete without questions about your personal life, why are people so interested in this?

Because I don’t talk much about my personal life and I won’t tell you.

- How do you feel about the fact that the lives of stars are constantly being watched from the outside?

Let's start with the fact that I don't consider myself a "star". I just work and do what I like. But to see, for example, how Jolie and Pete are doing, or what’s new in Hollywood is interesting to me. These people are stars in my understanding, because the world of show business in America is built a little differently and there is a completely different understanding of “people and stars.”

- What is the main thing in a woman to always remain attractive to a man?

The main thing is to simply remain a woman and be a friend to a man, and then any disagreements or misunderstandings can be resolved through competent, friendly dialogue.

- In public you always need to look 100%, but can you afford to appear, for example, without make-up?

By the way, I really like to go without makeup. I seem to be embarrassed by my freckles, but they seem to help me look younger.

- On stage, we are used to seeing you in chic dresses and expensive jewelry, but in life, which style do you prefer?

IN Everyday life I prefer comfort, I’m getting old not to wear heels. But all the dresses you see on me are absolutely in my style and adapted to life.

- Do you have any favorite brands?

I really love and respect Russian designers, and I am proud to have been a trendsetter and the founder of fashion for Russian brands. Seven years ago, when many people continued to go to Chanel, I chose Dasha Gauser and Alex Mazurin.

- Do you go shopping alone or with friends? Or maybe with your husband?

Unfortunately or fortunately, I don’t have time for shopping in Russia, so my stylist friend Lina Dembikova selects everything for me. As for abroad, I really like to walk through small Italian, Spanish, and French designer shops. In such places you can find unusual, incredible brands, about which everyone then asks, “What is this? Where? How much does it cost?”, but in fact it’s very cheap, but very beautiful.

- What is the most useless thing you bought for Lately?

This is shapewear. I was very afraid before the broadcasts of “Dancing” that I would not return to proper form, as you understand, after a couple of months it began to hang on me, and it was not clear who was dragging whom down.

- In one of your interviews, you said that you don’t like going to restaurants, and you cook very well yourself. May I know Laysan’s signature dishes?

It’s difficult to name one dish, especially being here in an expensive Italian restaurant (editor’s note: the shooting took place in the Ducale restaurant), but, for example, the Minestrone soup that they served me, I can cook myself, I can cook basically everything, but I need to be confident in the quality of the products. In Moscow I try to do meat dishes- manti, pilaf, borscht, where the sea is, of course, seafood dishes, fish. By the way, at sea, Pasha and I like to “go tuna fishing”, naturally, with the captain of the ship, who has a fishing license... Not a single tuna was harmed, but we caught a lot of sea bream (laughs).

- Let's talk about the “Dancing” project... What does it mean to you, since you have repeatedly mentioned that you are not just a presenter in it?

I absolutely love “Dancing” and will not stop thanking the TNT channel and Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov, who showed with a new look what the show is in our country. It's nice that they are participating in the project ordinary people, show their capabilities. Here everyone is “live”, there are no scripts, and everything happens according to the situation. Thanks to the project, the profession of a dancer began to be interpreted in a completely different way.

- What was the most memorable moment on the set?

I can’t help but note all last year. I worked while pregnant, so every shoot was an adventure. For example, my stylist finds me a dress for a shoot and selects it according to size. But after a couple of days it no longer suited me: my stomach grew, I had to very quickly look for an alternative.

- Is it still planned? television projects with your participation?

I think we need to do one thing, but do it well. There is no need to spread thin, but time will tell.

- What would you like to do in the near future?

Pasha and I are doing a very big project called “Willpower”, to which I invite you. And the first stage of the long journey will take place on November 22. I am a certified specialist - trainer physical culture Accordingly, I would like to cover everything connected with this, both in everyday life and in big-time sports. As for Pasha, he is responsible for education: Russian, history, philosophy, literature. Naturally, we will not do this alone, there will be famous people, will be generally unknown, so we will create interesting model education on the Internet.

- Could you sit at home with the children, like an exemplary housewife, and cook borscht?

Information about Laysan Utyasheva’s marriage to Pavel Volya appeared on the Internet on April 1, April Fool’s Day. One could only guess: is this true or an April Fool's joke?

Laysan recently gave birth to a son. However, neither she nor Pavel have yet uttered a word about the changes in their lives. And finally I decided to tell the truth to “7 Days”...

- Laysan, you have always been so willing to communicate with the press.

And suddenly they surrounded themselves with mystery. Why, for example, was it necessary to hide your relationship with Pavel Volya?

And we didn't hide anything. For two years we went to theaters, movies, shopping, and walked around Red Square together. But the paparazzi - oh miracle! - We were never caught. And the people who asked to take pictures with Pashka or with me never posted these pictures on the Internet. Marvelous…

We ourselves didn’t comment on anything, because Pasha, in principle, doesn’t like to talk about himself, and recently I don’t either. Now I value my personal life so much that I’m afraid to frighten away my happiness with stories about it. You are the first to whom I tell about it. And maybe the last ones. Yes, it’s hard to believe that I’m saying this, even a couple of years ago I was giving out interviews left and right.

- What happened in your life, why did you change so much?

After March 12, 2012, when my mother unexpectedly died, I could no longer be the same lively and carefree Laysan...

She was not only a mother for me, but also an assistant and adviser.


I have always had mentors - Irina Viner, older friends from the national team - Alina Kabaeva, Ira Chashchina. When sports ended and I came to television, new leaders appeared, but my most important “commander” was my mother. All last years We never parted with her: we lived together, worked together (she was my director, producer of my television projects). And suddenly my mother passed away... I worked a lot myself, and my mother always supported me.

Sometimes I led two corporate events a day, ran to a party in the evening, and at night learned the text for the next event. Either I open a fitness club in the north, or I host a bank anniversary in the south. Plus endless parties - and this is also part of my job. Sometimes I transferred from one plane to another. And my mother was always next to me, who was also tired and worried. I still feel guilty that we didn’t get enough rest. But at the same time, my mother never complained about her health. In general, everyone in our family is long-livers. My grandmother is now 80 years old. Great-grandmother lived to be 102 years old. That's why my mother always said that she wanted to live to be one hundred and forty. But it turned out - only up to forty-seven...

The most annoying thing is that my mother monitored her health, regularly underwent medical examinations, and no serious deviations from the norm were detected in her.

Photo: from the personal archive of Laysan Utyasheva

Lately, it’s as if she’s gotten a second wind: she raised me, found herself in the profession, and prosperity came to the house. Mom even decided to have a baby! She said: you, Laysan, have only one job on your mind, you won’t get grandchildren, so I’ll give birth myself!

- Were your parents divorced?

Yes, over the years they accumulated contradictions, and they separated. We decided not to torment each other, but to part ways in a civilized manner. Mom was very upset about the breakup with her father, but over time everything got better. Everything was so good for us! And only once did I hear a strange phrase from my mother. She has a named sister Tatyana - the oldest, the most best friend. Now she lives in Spain, on the coast.


First of all, I would like to say that it is always difficult to worsen your financial situation. From a million to 5000 thousand, from 70 to 35. Always. And, oh horror, the braid won’t like it.
I read the comments. And a question has arisen.
There is a theoretical possibility of moving in with my mother in a two-room apartment. It's not that far. And theoretically, on weekdays at home we only have dinner and spend the night. But it will still be a brain drain. And she will take 15 thousand for us. Is it worth it? Even if you decide to move in with her for a year. The amount during this time will accumulate 150-200 thousand... But the child can not be deprived of classes... Is it worth it - I don’t know



DD! Let's share our thoughts on the topic of how to bury.
Understanding that the path of man is not eternal and sooner or later this question will affect us (although most likely, alas, it did).
The question gnaws at me: if a person has not voiced his desire, then what to choose. Location Russia.
I may be mistaken, for some reason I got the impression that cremation is easier to organize. And it will be possible to “bury” the urn with the ashes next to the classic burial (the place in the cemetery has been purchased).
Perhaps you can tell me if you have encountered it.
Thank you! Health to everyone!


Just Marina 69

I’ll say right away that I’m not bragging, but doubting. For the prose competition, my daughter chose The Metamorphosis of F. Kafka. I offered her Bulgakov, but it turns out they take it in the 10th grade, dog's heart. My brain is exploding. I read a lot at school, within the curriculum and outside, but I simply didn’t read Kafka and Nietzsche. Maybe I should look for something else? We need something special from the classics. So that the intensity of feelings makes an impression.



Good afternoon. Boy 10 and a half years old. Not a teenager yet. Two days ago I felt a lump on my nipple that hurts when pressed. Yesterday I showed it to a friend’s pediatrician, he laughed and said that it was a teenage thing. There is no need to worry. But the child panics and cries that it is a tumor, that the doctor made a mistake. I calm it down as best I can, but it’s already making me nervous. I didn’t go to training in the morning, I didn’t go out to see my friend. He constantly feels and watches videos on YouTube about children with cancer. My husband wanted to take him ice skating, but he refused. I don't even know what to do. It seems a little early for teenage troubles.


blumen garten

Virgos, good afternoon. The situation is as follows - now we live with my husband and two children of different sexes in a four-room apartment, where everyone has personal space if necessary. But we have to move to another city, where there will only be enough for three rubles, and that’s not “real”. Two rooms and a kitchen combined with a living room. How can you accommodate everyone wisely? The children have a room and we are in the common passage? On a folding sofa) It’s hard to imagine...B real life we have closed door in a room that they knock on before entering. I’ll have to live without doors and change my habits) I don’t see a rational solution


Laysan Utyasheva about her husband and children: “Fatherhood brought out his best qualities in Pavel”

Today, August 22, Laysan Utyasheva will appear on television in the first episode of the new season of the show “Dancing” on the TNT channel. The day before, the titled gymnast and popular TV presenter gave HELLO! first interview after the birth of daughter Sofia. Laysan and her husband Pavel Volya became parents for the second time in May of this year. HELLO! met with Laysan on the city beach "Port" at VDNKh to talk about the happy changes in her life.

Laysan Utyasheva is one of those women about whom you can say: she deserved her happiness. At the age of 10 I was left without a father - he left the family. At 17, she had to undergo several operations and walk with the help of crutches for two years. At 19, she made a beautiful return to the sport, but a year later she was forced to leave due to another serious injury. Then dancing saved her from depression - in 2007, Laysan made her debut with a solo role in the ballet "Bolero" on stage " New Opera", and two and a half years later launched the dance show "Sign of Infinity".

Three years ago she lost herself loved one- her mother Zulfiya passed away. Heart attack, the ambulance didn’t arrive for a long time, medical error... It was at that terrible, tragic time that Pavel Volya, an old good friend with whom she had known for many years, found herself next to her. He helped Laysan survive what seemed impossible to survive. Then she realized that Pavel was the one - the only one and beloved. In the same 2012, Laysan agreed to become his wife. A year later, their son Robert was born, and now their daughter Sophia. Most recently, Laysan and her family returned to Russia from America, where they spent a short maternity leave.

Laysan, in May you became a mother for the second time and now, in August, you have begun filming the second season of the “Dancing” project on TNT. Why didn't you take full maternity leave?

I had to go to work, since the first broadcast of the show “Dancing” will be on August 22. I love our entire team, the producers of the show and everything that happens on the set of our project, so I come back with pleasure. The show is amazing. You should see how many different young guys come to the casting, all talented, original, all their eyes sparkling. This is wonderful! And the project gave me so many new friends, impressions, and communication. I worked until the fourth month of pregnancy, and the group helped me on every shoot, everyone was very attentive. The dancers advised how best to keep in shape and not gain weight. It seems to me that, largely thanks to the project, I gained almost no weight during pregnancy. excess weight. And I found out that I would be a mother again during the casting of the first season. I immediately informed the producers; they were sympathetic to my desire to keep everything secret to the public and did everything to make me feel comfortable. We can say that our daughter Sofia is a child of the “Dancing” project. (Laughs.)

Did your second pregnancy come as a surprise to you?

When the doctor confirmed my position, I was already seven weeks pregnant. We didn't plan anything special. But as many children as God gives, we will give birth to as many. I grew up among kids. To section rhythmic gymnastics Children are brought in at two or three years old, and these kids loved me very much and always hung on me: “Laysan”, “Ducky”, “Our little fox” they called me. And I dreamed about big family so that many children, small or small, would gather around the table. And there was no thought to push back the birth of the child or specifically plan for a specific date. I was ready for motherhood as soon as I truly fell in love and got married!

Is it difficult with two small children?

Not easy. But I’m not scared at all, because I have support - an amazing, very caring husband and his parents. Do you know who was most happy about my return to work and, accordingly, to Moscow? Pavel's parents and Robert's grandparents, who have not seen their grandson since February. They missed each other like crazy and wanted to babysit Sofiyka. They practically snatched the children from me with the words: “Lyasya, come on, go to the shooting, just give us milk and go ahead!” Yes, my mother cannot help us, she is not with us, although it seems to me that she supports me from there, from heaven... But, thank God, we have relatives, they are nearby, they give so much to our son. My grandmother came to see me, she is a great-grandmother for children, this is happiness! We are living big house outside the city, Robert runs around his grandmother’s garden with a hoe and learns to weed, picks a cucumber straight from the garden and eats it with appetite. And then we gather for dinner at a large table... Pasha has a very friendly family - mom, dad, sister Olya, her husband Alan, their son Plato.

Robert has another grandfather, your father. Does he see his grandson and communicate with him?

I have a dad, he wonderful person, but we are not relatives. My father left my mother and me when I was ten, and we did not communicate for many years. But when Robert was born, I realized that it was not my son’s fault, he should have a grandfather, and I decided to let my father into our lives. I called him, but, alas, he was not sincere with me. Imagine, I learned that I have a little brother from the newspapers! It was a blow for me. When we buried my mother, my father admitted that she was the only woman, whom he loved - loved so much that he almost went crazy. My heart sank so much then that I forgot my childhood grievances. She introduced me to Pasha’s family, invited them into the house, and here it is on you. The topic of dad is sore for me. I love him very much, but there is too much pain...

What kind of love do you have with Pavel?

She's sober! If only because we have known each other for too long and well. We can't even remember our first meeting. We have known each other since Pasha worked at MUZ-TV. Long years we were friends, I saw Pasha in different angles. Due to our crazy schedules, we didn’t see each other for a long time, but when we met again, we couldn’t let each other go, we talked and talked for eight hours straight. I remember once at Kolomenskoye we sat until nightfall. A policeman comes up and says: “Where are your documents? Why are you sitting here so late? We’re closing!” And then he looked at us carefully and said: “So, so. Don’t go far. I went. I wasn’t here.” And we stayed and sat for a long time, almost until the morning. We behaved decently, didn’t misbehave, just talked and talked. My mother liked to repeat: “What’s yours will find you, you don’t have to look for it specifically. Maybe you’ll just go out to the store and meet your destiny.” She turned out to be right, happiness was close.

Laysan Utyasheva with her husband Pavel Volya

It seems you are so different. You are frank and smiling, but he is closed, all to himself.

Pasha is a very frank person. Whatever he thinks, he says in his big stand-ups from the stage.

Are you arguing?

No. We agree if sharp corners suddenly arise. Although, you know, we don’t have any sharp corners. Pasha is very kind, but how can you quarrel with a kind person? If suddenly something happens, we immediately hug - and everything is fine.

Has Pavel changed a lot since he became a father?

Everything that was hidden in Pasha suddenly appeared very clearly. (Smiles.) But I always knew him exactly as he is now: deep, attentive, even corrosive - his god is in the details, and very caring. He even teaches me all the time and protects me in every possible way. I sometimes tell him: “I’m 30 years old, I can handle it. And yes, dad, I ate. Yes, and I drank as much water as I needed. And the air conditioner, no, I don’t turn on the air conditioner at full power.” Now Pasha is a caring person. He can also say to the driver: “It’s cold today, and you’re not wearing a scarf? Why? Put it on! You’ll catch a cold.” (Laughs.)

Is Pavel such a controller?

No, I don't feel this is too much. We are together, but no, we are not handcuffed, we are free in our thoughts, we can discuss anything, we are in different, contradictory moods. It’s just that Pasha is a real dad now.

What new traits did you discover in yourself after becoming a mother?

Aggression. I love people very much and in principle a kind person! But when we are prescribed a vaccination, we wake up early, take the baby across the city, arrive at the clinic, and they tell us: “You know, they keep signing up at the registry, but there is no vaccination,” - then the lioness in me wakes up! It covers me, I begin to go wild. I go to the reception desk and express everything. Previously I would have given up, but now this concerns not me personally, but my children. So they ask me: “Why are you giving birth abroad?” The answer is simple. Because they couldn’t save my mother, although there was a possibility, my legs were overlooked, the diagnosis was not made on time, and I could have continued my career... I am absolutely unlucky with our medicine. Any person will understand me and if they were me, they would do the same thing - having learned that they were expecting a child, they would go to give birth somewhere far away, because it’s scary. I love my homeland, I love Russia, but I also recognize its shortcomings.

How did son Robert react to his sister's appearance?

We explained to him who lives in his mother’s belly, he understood everything and sincerely looked forward to the birth of his sister. He gently kissed my belly, stroked it, talked to the baby: “You are my little sister, I will not hurt you, I will protect you, my dear.” The son is so surrounded by love that he could cope with this attention, what kind of jealousy there is. It happens, of course, that this happens: I take my daughter in my arms, and my son suddenly asks: “And hold me in your arms.” Then I just say: “Listen, son, you have such a choice - you can walk in your dad’s arms, and walk on your legs, and run, but your little sister has no choice yet.”

How do you know these conversations will work?

Don't know. I act on instinct. I listen to the elders. I read my mother’s diary, in which there is a lot about me as a little girl... I learned a lot of valuable things from these entries. Besides, smart Pasha is nearby. He has a younger sister, Lelka, and he remembers very well how he fussed with her, braided her hair, and has always been and remains her main protector; he is also raising his son. We don’t read any special books, we educate intuitively. My daughter is still just a baby - such an angel who does nothing but sleep, drinks her mother’s milk and smiles at everyone when she wakes up. (Laughs.) And the son is now trying out this world by taste, by touch - he throws cars and watches how they break. (Smiles.) But at the same time, he is a very busy young man. Swimming pool, English, Montessori development school.

Laysan, you have small children and work - filming, interviews. And you are always so cheerful and smiling. Aren't you tired?

I can't live without movement, I like to be busy. Have time to do everything. Sometimes relax - just doze off in the car or, just don’t laugh, do a few physical exercise: stretch until everything crunches. Our children are already asleep at nine in the evening, and my husband and I can retire, lie in a hot bath, and chat by candlelight. There is still enough time and energy for everything...

The Honored Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics shared news about her large family with Antenna.

Photo by Ivan Kurinnoy

Pregnancy with Robert proceeded in a slightly tragic atmosphere - it happened in the year of my mother’s death, I was very worried and closed myself off from the whole world... I was constantly spinning in my head: “What if my mother was nearby...” (Zulfiya Utyasheva died unexpectedly in 2012. - Approx. "Antennas") I had to pull myself together and remind myself that such an attitude could have a detrimental effect on the baby. With Sofia everything was different. She is the mascot of the “Dancing” project on TNT. Filming had just started, and I felt somehow wrong. My hands were sweating more than usual, I wanted either yogurt or meat, and I was constantly thirsty. It turned out she was pregnant. But initially the management and I planned that at one of the stages I would dance with the participants. There were so many ideas... This season I’m already afraid to think of anything. The only thing that turned out to be difficult at that moment was standing on high heels, and the rest went like clockwork - our filming process is very organized and fast. All participants supported me. Anton Panufnik and Sasha Volkov generally followed my every step, worried, and constantly asked how I was. So touching, great time.

We didn’t know that we were expecting a girl until 26 weeks. What would change? We would be equally happy with a second son. During a routine ultrasound, the doctor accidentally let slip: “Our girl is lying the way she is.” Although I, of course, felt it. With Robert I painted pictures, read serious literature: Maugham, Roerich, Bulgakov, Blok, Chekhov. And then it became glossy, can you imagine? I’ve never read magazines in my life, I just leafed through and looked beautiful pictures, but I couldn’t tear myself away here. Got hooked on TV series: “Grey’s Anatomy”, “Game of Thrones”, “Leonardo da Vinci”. I wanted strawberries, beautiful cafes, music. Classic girl interests!

Photo personal archive of Laysan Utyasheva

A bun at night is your whim, not the child's

Three months have passed, and I’m sitting in front of you already minus eight kilograms. And I feed it regularly. During pregnancy I gained only 10-12 kg, because I already knew how to behave. I have my own technique, tested on Robert. In principle, nothing new: the main thing is that you cannot follow your desires. “If I want it, it means my child wants it,” say pregnant women. Not true! Your baby doesn't want a buttered bun at three in the morning. It's your whim. And what did I do with Robik: while Pasha was sleeping, I opened the refrigerator, cut the loaf lengthwise, smeared it with butter, sprinkled it with sugar and somehow ate it all. My God, it's scary to remember. But I’m not ashamed to talk about it, we all make mistakes. Girls, don't do this - you'll gain 20 extra pounds. And it was hard for Robert, he was born 4100 grams.

I start every morning with exercises and I want all the boys and girls to do this. This is the basics. We are often lazy, and then we get sore legs and backs. Laziness takes away precious minutes that you could spend for your own benefit. Instead of lying down, it is better to do exercises. You don’t have to do the splits if you don’t know how, just simply warm up and do push-ups for the boys. Robik loves to work with me, he favorite exercise: good and evil cat, when you need to bend and arch your back. My son does it so funny! When I walk with Sophia, I swing my legs or squat near the stroller. The main thing is that there is no child in your arms, otherwise, God forbid, it will short-circuit somewhere. Put the baby in the stroller and jump around him.

The car is tired, I need to sleep

Photo by Ivan Kurinnoy

We talked to our son in advance about how an angel would soon appear in our family. He kept repeating: “Girl, girl.” Now she wears diapers, helps her in every possible way and is not jealous at all. You know, Robik is enveloped in such love: grandparents, aunts, uncles, the entire Comedy Club team adore him, they often come to visit us. Elochka (singer Elka - Note: “Antennas”) constantly writes: “How is our Roba?” Everyone loves him! Therefore, he is not familiar with the feeling of jealousy. On the contrary, he tries to help as an elder. Sonya makes a voice when she wants to eat. “Little sister is crying,” Robik runs to her to find out why.

Our two-year-old son can do a lot: he knows all the colors, counts to five. We talked to him since he was three months old, showed him cards with numbers and colors. And when he learned to speak, everything immediately opened up. This was not new for him, he just began to formulate it. Nobody advised me to do this, Pasha and I intuitively developed a method, and Robik was interested, when you present the card, he smiles. Now he’s showing Sofiyka himself, trying to teach her, despite my comments that it’s too early. He also brings his favorite white Mercedes to his sister with the words: “Sofia, play.” But she doesn't understand him yet.

I haven’t seen a single child who, at two years old, could identify the make of a car in a minute. What's coming? "BMW", "Mercedes", "Chevrolet", "Kamaz". For me dark forest, where is Hyundai, where is Honda. And Rob differentiates. Moreover, he knows where the carburetor, pipe, and battery are located. He and his dad study everything. Their favorite reading in the evenings is a car magazine. I think maybe he will start producing cars when he grows up? Since he was two years old, there has been such a craving for them, and not to play with them, but to look at them, take them apart... He is interested in kicking a ball, putting together Legos, but this is not the same. If I tell him: “The car is going to bed, it’s tired,” for Robik this is the law: “The car is tired, so is Rob, let’s go to bed.” He hugs some typewriter and immediately falls asleep.

They even learned the colors based on cars, the car was gold, red, blue, but we had to look for the purple one all over the city, we were already thinking about repainting some old one, because it was simply impossible to find this color. But we had to learn the rainbow. So imagine the car park we have at home. Last time counted 150 models, ranging from Kamaz to Pashins, which his mother saved and passed on to her grandson.

And Robert already knows how to flirt with girls. Especially with those over 20. His taste is for big brunettes beautiful breasts. He winks at them and blows kisses, and he wasn’t taught this, we don’t even know where he saw it. And they melt in a second: “Oh, how cute!” We have a very handsome boy, pah-pah-pah, girls - hang in there. I say in my son’s ear: “Our bride has not yet been born.” And Pasha stops me: “Well, we need to train.”

And she cried and she laughed

It so happened that the second maternity leave went faster. For the first three months with Robert, Pasha and I sat there nonstop, but with Sofiyka everything was simpler, automatic. You don’t have to remember for a long time what to do when your child has gas, for example, how to plan the time. The daughter just fell asleep - and at that very second the mother closed her eyes. When it’s three o’clock, when it’s six, she lets me sleep until everything is fine. We are waiting for the “teeth” phase. I will take Robik with me to the “Dancing”. Why should he sit at home or in kindergarten? A child needs society. Where else will he see such a diverse team? And Sofiyka will stay at home with my nanayushka (grandmother) and Pasha’s parents.

We discussed that in the new season of the “Dancing” project, at some point I will still dance, with whom and how - I don’t know yet. But I really want. Over the years of rhythmic gymnastics, she has mastered many areas. Because at competitions the main score of 10 points is given for choreography; if an athlete is not a dancer, she a priori cannot win. It was not for nothing that they called me the most danceable gymnast. I wasn’t a trickster like Alinka Kabaeva, who did crazy things. Or the technique of the subject, like Ira Chashchina, I was a dancer, I remember Wiener always said: “Don’t feed Utyashev bread, let him dance.”

The first season turned out to be very emotional: I cried and laughed along with the participants. I'm not the kind of person who will just stand there with a microphone. That’s why me, Miguel, Yegor Druzhinin were invited to the project to make it more alive and new. I'm not a news anchor. If she burst into tears over some news during a broadcast on NTV, it would be inappropriate. But here everything is on edge. How else? I pass the experiences through myself, sharing their fate with each participant (they are all such hard workers and very vulnerable). Let's see how it will be in the new season. I never do anything on purpose. And I’m not going to hide my emotions. Maybe this is why the ratings are so good, because we all live in the frame...

I cook, my son helps

Photo by Ivan Kurinnoy

Since I was four years old, I have been involved in sports, like Mowgli in the jungle. So all that remained inside the Eastern girl was a craving for comfort and cooking with her own hands. Imagine, a feeling of jealousy arises if the family eats something that was not made by me. Of course, if I didn’t have time to shoot, that’s fine. But usually I always prepare it in advance. I still only allow Robert to eat my and grandma’s food. Even if we go to a restaurant, for my son I have steamed zucchini, fruit, chicken, fish or rabbit in my bag. I’m not saying that every woman should be a master in the kitchen. She doesn't owe anything at all. As a child, no one forced me to cook for everyone. When there are three housewives in the house cutting, sculpting, stewing, you also become curious. Even Robert became interested in what I was cooking... He got hooked, gave him the dough, and he played with it. These are the best moments when you energize those around you by your example. If Sophia, when she grows up, asks to teach her, I will be happy, but if she doesn’t succeed, I won’t torture her. It seems that God himself ordered her to dance. It’s not for nothing that they say that everything is built into a child while you carry him in your stomach. Imagine what a daughter’s sense of stage and rhythm must be like. If not dancing, then singing or playing... Let's see, she's three months old.

Husband and dad rolled into one

Photo by Ivan Kurinnoy

They say that men choose a copy of their mother as their wife, and girls look up to their father. It’s almost the same with Pasha! Mom Tamara and I don’t look alike in appearance: she’s a blonde, I’m a brunette. And so on! But some qualities are very similar... She worries about everyone, caring for everyone! I’m ready to warm and feed everyone, to listen, to feel sorry for everyone, all these qualities at some point fell asleep in me for a while big sport, but now I see that they are coming to life... Even my friends came up with the nickname Mother Bird. Pasha doesn't look like my father. Not at all. My dad stopped taking an interest in my life when I was 10 years old. It is impossible to think of a better father for his children than Pasha. Next to him I feel like a wife-daughter, and he is like that big Dad: “Why is the skirt light, let’s make it warmer, you might catch a cold.” There's always a problem with the hat. You’ll do a beautiful hairstyle, and then Pasha: “Why without a headdress?” He is similar in mentality to my mother. They are both teachers of Russian language and literature by profession. They communicated well during life, but now they would have so much in common, they would become best friends. My mother was wise, sociable, cheerful. Thanks to her for looking after us from heaven and sending us children.