Ruslan is white. Ruslan Bely: “Let my only one be a woman

Little is known about the personal life of the popular comedian and the only girl in the show “Stand Up” Yulia Akhmedova. It seems that the image of an eternally lonely girl who passionately wants to get married, which stuck with her in the program, is haunting the former KVNshchitsui in reality. Yulia herself practically does not comment on questions regarding relationships with the opposite sex, joking that she, like her stand-up heroine, is forever alone. But in lately The Russian-language information space is filled with news that Yulia Akhmedova will soon marry her “colleague” Ruslan Bely. Allegedly, the girl is pregnant and Ruslan, like a true gentleman, has already proposed to her right on the air of the “Stand Up” program (video below). How true are these rumors and also latest news from the life of Yulia Akhmedova and Ruslan Bely, including photos from the comedians’ Instagram, find out below.

Yulia Akhmedova and Ruslan Bely: how the relationship between popular stand-up comedians develops in 2017/2018

The first hints that there is a close relationship between popular comedians Yulia Akhmedova and Ruslan Bely appeared long before the winter of 2017/2018. While still members of different KVN teams, Yulia and Ruslan knew each other well. According to the guys, their friendship dates back more than 11 years and all this time they maintained warm, friendly relations. In the end, the friendship grew into a creative tandem, which gave birth to one of the best comedy shows in Russia today. Thanks to this working together, implying even closer communication, and rumors appeared that Ruslan and Yulia had become a couple.

What is the relationship between popular comedians Yulia Akhmedova and Ruslan Bely in 2017/2018

At first, the young people in every possible way denied the information that they were dating. Julia has said more than once in her interviews that she treats Ruslan as an older brother and mentor. The girl mentioned the fact of their long-term friendship, which is similar to the relationship of blood relatives. But the journalists decided that such a zealous protest probably concealed strong love feelings, which the couple simply decided not to advertise. And there was one good reason for such suspicions - these two spend too much time in close communication. And if you consider that Bely is a very charismatic young man, and Akhmedova is a prominent and intelligent girl, then such close communication should simply lead to a love relationship between them.

Video of Ruslan Bely proposing to Yulia Akhmedova - a hoax or true?

New wave Rumors about the relationship of popular stand-up comedians arose after a video appeared online where Ruslan Bely proposes to Yulia Akhmedova. Fans of the show “Stand Up” immediately guessed that this video was a promotional video for the new season of the program. But the question immediately arose about whether this was true or a cunning PR move by the producers. The fact is that the show participants themselves have repeatedly stated that the main difference between “Stand Up” and others humorous programs lies in its truthfulness. Like, the jokes that the guys voice from the stage concern them personally. It could be funny incidents from life, stories about their complexes, experiences, discussion of difficulties in their personal life, and the like. For example, Yulia Akhmedova says that her heroine, “a lonely girl after 30 who wants to get married,” was based on her personally.

Is it true that Ruslan Bely made a real proposal to Yulia Akhmedova, video

So, before the video with the proposal appeared, Yulia Akhmedova had a speech in which the girl admitted that she had a boyfriend. In the usual sarcastic form of a comedian, the girl shared experiences that seemed personal to the audience. Julia mentioned that she and her boyfriend do not want to advertise their relationship yet. Of course, regular viewers of the show “Stand Up” immediately suspected Yulia of having an affair with Ruslan. Perhaps, in the wake of these rumors, the young people decided to release a provocative video with a proposal, which was aired and will appear in the new season.

Yulia Akhmedova and Ruslan Bely: details from their personal lives and when the wedding will take place

It is difficult to talk about any details from the personal lives of Ruslan Bely and Yulia Akhmedova, especially when their wedding will take place. Since young people deny literally all rumors about their relationship, fans of their work can only guess. Viewers and journalists receive the main information from stand-up comedians’ monologues, which always contain a lot of personal information. In addition, followers of Bely and Akhmedova on social networks monitor the publications of comedians with the hope of finding evidence of their love relationship.

When will Ruslan Bely and Yulia Akhmedova get married - details from the couple’s personal life

And although the network is full of joint videos and photographs of Yulia and Ruslan, there is no direct evidence that these two are in love. Therefore, it is impossible to talk about their possible wedding, and especially about specific dates for it. Perhaps after the release of the new season of the show “Stand Up” on TNT, in the promo video for which Ruslan proposed on stage, the love situation between him and Yulia will become clearer.

Is it true that Yulia Akhmedova is pregnant by comedian Ruslan Bely, photo

Another scandalous situation that arose against the background of rumors about the proposal of comedian Ruslan Bely concerns the pregnancy of Yulia Akhmedova. After a video with the proposal appeared online, fans began to put forward theories about what made Ruslan make it on the air of the program. Some of them suggested that the reason for this action lies in Akhmedova’s pregnancy, which will soon become apparent. Especially among latest performances Julia had a monologue about an unexpected pregnancy.

Yulia Akhmedova is pregnant (photo) - will comedian Ruslan Bely become a father?

This theory was also supported by one of the photographs of Yulia Akhmedova, in which the girl’s small belly is clearly visible. Julia's followers immediately rushed to congratulate the girl on her pregnancy, while at the same time trying to find out who the future father of the child is. In the end, Akhmedova could not withstand the pressure and posted a post on Instagram, which she jokingly commented: “Well, noooo! I'm quitting eating! STOMACH! ROUNDED! SHOWED IT!” Fans immediately rushed to reassure the girl with messages that she did not need to lose weight and she looked great.

Yulia Akhmedova in Maxim magazine - erotic photos for the popular glossy magazine

In addition to rumors about pregnancy and an imminent wedding with Ruslan Bely, many fans of Yulia Akhmedova on the Internet are interested in the girl’s erotic photos for the popular magazine “Maxim”. Many of them are sure that the young stand-up comedian has all the data to appear on the pages of this glossy. Undoubtedly, Yulia is a girl with a bright attractive appearance, for which she has Azerbaijani roots to thank. But not everyone knows that Yulia grew up in strictness - her dad is a military man, which affected the rules of raising the Akhmedov sisters. The girl herself often touches on this topic in her speeches, suggesting that it is her strict upbringing that prevents her from dating everyone. And since there are few worthy applicants, Julia’s heroine suffers from constant loneliness.

Why didn’t Yulia Akhmedova take erotic photos for the popular magazine “Maxim”

Based on this information, it becomes clear that Yulia Akhmedova does not have an erotic photo shoot for the popular Maxim magazine. Who knows, perhaps she will have a similar experience in the future if Yulia wants to cross this forbidden line and thus increase the number of her fans among men.

Yulia Akhmedova and Ruslan Bely: latest news and photos from the comedians’ Instagram

While Yulia Akhmedova’s personal life remains “a mystery shrouded in darkness,” you can follow the latest news in her relationship with Ruslan Bely on social networks. For example, both comedians have their own Instagram pages on which young people share interesting events from creative and personal life.

A selection of photos and the latest news from the Instagram of comedians Yulia Akhmedova and Ruslan Bely

Now Ruslan Bely is a famous and successful comedian who was able to make his way from a small town straight to a popular TV channel, radically change his life and do exactly what he loves most - namely humor.

The childhood of Ruslan Bely

Ruslan Viktorovich Bely, a future comedian and stand-up comedian, was born in the capital of the Czech Republic at the end of December 1979. Ruslan's father belonged to the military, so their family was fixed in one place for a short time.

In Prague future actor lived for 11 years - most of his childhood, and then he and his family left the capital of the Czech Republic and moved to a smaller town in Poland called Leginc.

His family moved to Russia four years later, to a small provincial town Voronezh region- Bobrov. In 1997, Ruslan graduated from local school No. 4.

Although earlier, due to frequent moves and changes of cities, he constantly had problems with grades. He graduated from school in the city of Bobrov as an excellent student, with a silver medal.

While still studying, Ruslan White started show his acting talents and differed from his peers with a subtle sense of humor. He loved to perform comic skits and make his friends laugh. The boy participated in almost all school concerts, various events and children's amateur competitions.

The beginning of the career of Ruslan Bely

The fate of Ruslan, who grew up in a military family, was predetermined. His father insisted on his profession so that his son would follow the beaten path. Therefore, the young man entered the Voronezh Military Aviation Engineering University in 1997. After graduation higher institution and receiving his diploma, Ruslan, to the delight of his father, signed a contract and began serving for the good of his homeland in the army.

But his youthful hobbies and desire to reveal himself as an artist did not let him go. While studying and then serving in the army, he tried his hand at KVN and could no longer imagine his life without it. He became the captain of the Voronezh team “Seventh Heaven” at his university.

Together with his team, Ruslan Bely won the annual music festival KVN "Voting KiViN" in Jurmala. So for the first time he received recognition and love from the audience.

During his service, Ruslan Viktorovich was first awarded the rank of senior lieutenant, and, subsequently, captain. He was also awarded the medal “For Distinction in Military Service.”

Ruslan Bely and KVN: performance in Jurmala

At the end of the 90s, he entered the State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter the Great, and in 2003 he graduated, receiving a second higher education, but this time a civil one.

Ruslan not only performed as part of the KVN project, but also often appeared on the stage of the Voronezh Comedy Club. Here he met Yulia Akhmedova, who to this day is a good friend of Ruslan Bely. In those days, they periodically performed together. Here he was able to fully reveal his talent as a comedian.

Ruslan Bely and work on the TNT channel

The TNT television channel invited Ruslan to the new show “Laughter without Rules,” which was launched on a popular entertainment channel. True, the artist accepted the invitation only the third time, fearing defeat, he refused to participate. The same fear forced him to carefully work out his jokes and prepare humorous sketches, which allowed him to become a favorite from his first performances and win the main prize.

He spent all the money on buying real estate in hometown Voronezh. But winning such a serious project helped rethink his life: Ruslan decided to leave the army and radically change his life. He decided to do what he did best - make people laugh. Ruslan Bely himself says that he sees his purpose in this profession.

After successfully participating in the show “Laughter without Rules,” Ruslan was invited to the TNT channel and his further career was associated with many television projects.

Ruslan Bely. Theory of the origin of men and women

In 2006 he appeared in cameo role in the popular series “Happy Together,” the 4th season of which was airing on the channel at that time. That's it acting career did not end - after 6 years he was invited to perform a cameo in the TV series “Univer. New dorm."

He also often performed as part of the Comedy Club television project, and stand-up became the main style of his performances. Here he worked with famous residents show by Ilya Sobolev, Alexey Smirnov and Anton Ivanov. All together they participated in the filming of the video “Nuances” by the Trinity group.

Personal life of Ruslan Bely

The personal life of the comedian and presenter is shrouded in mystery, and the details are unknown. Ruslan himself assures that there is simply nothing to talk about. He has practically no free time, the whole day is scheduled, and serious relationship there is nothing left. Working on his own show and participating in many projects takes a lot of energy and time, and he spends rare moments of relaxation with his friends.

The press wrote about Ruslan’s affair with his colleague and girlfriend Yulia Akhmedova, but the comedian denies this information.

Ruslan Bely today

Ruslan always wanted to create his own project, and 2013 was the year of his debut. The channel released a new humorous show, “Stand Up,” in which the artist not only performed independently in his usual style, but also became its creative producer. This television project became, in its own way, unique on TNT and quickly gained the necessary ratings, viewer love and popularity.

After two seasons, it became clear that the show could go beyond television. A “Stand Up Festival” was organized, which took place on the “Moscow-Hall” stage. Any groups and artists could perform at this international show, free of charge, the only requirement was to submit an application in advance.

The actor undoubtedly considers his own show to be his main achievement. According to Ruslan, his own path in the acting field was not easy, but he wants to give everyone a chance to perform on stage as a comedian.

Ruslan Bely stand up about education

Now Ruslan Bely is one of the most popular comedy artists on the TNT channel, a participant and presenter of many popular comedy shows. He appeared in such popular channel TV projects as “ Slaughter League", "Killer Night", "Comedy Battle".

Moreover, Ruslan Bely can not only be seen on TV or on the Internet, but also in some popular magazines and even heard on the radio. White is there frequent guest on the “BiguDi” program on the waves of DFM radio. I read jokes on Russian radio a couple of times.

Despite the fact that Ruslan spends almost all his time working, his colleagues and friends speak of him as wonderful person, always ready to help in difficult situations.

One of the most popular comedians Russian Federation is Ruslan Bely. He, along with Mikhail Galustyan and Pavel Volya, constitute the color of the nation in the humorous direction.

He does not sit still, because numerous lovers of humor throughout Russia and neighboring countries are waiting for him.

The man did not become a showman right away. He left the service to share with his fans everything he knows and loves. Ruslan Bely played in several films that showed his artistic talent to the fullest. The showman dreams of playing a tragic role. He says he sees himself as Hamlet. But whether his dream will come true is unknown.

The comedy artist plays sports every day. He believes that a person should adhere to the slogan: “In healthy body- healthy mind."

Ruslan Bely, whose photo in his youth can now be found in the public domain, follows a daily routine, believing that this will help him live for 100-150 years.

The popular showman is hiding his real birth date. The artist jokingly says that he is always 30 years old. This is exactly the age he looks and feels.

Biography of Ruslan Bely

A popular actor was born in the capital of Czechoslovakia. There he spent his childhood and studied at elementary school. The father was a military man, the mother was a housewife. Ruslan has an older brother with whom he is very friendly. Then the family moves to a Polish military town with beautiful name Legnica. At the age of 12, Ruslan moves with his parents to his father’s new place of service. This time it is the Russian city of Bobrov, located near Voronezh. Despite the gaps in knowledge, the guy managed to cope with them and received a silver medal at the end of his training.

After school, the guy becomes a cadet at a military school. But he does not act according to his own wishes, but at the urgent request of his father. It was during his student years that he began to play in KVN.

Having received his diploma, Ruslan served for 5 years in one of the aviation units of the Voronezh region. With the rank of captain, the young man decided to leave the army. He becomes a student at the state university in the city of Voronezh.

After receiving his diploma, the talented guy takes part in “Laughter without Rules.” Having won this television project, Ruslan bought an apartment in his city. After our hero appears on television screens, he becomes famous. The showman starred in several television films. For example, “Happy Together.”

In 2013 he opened a new show program “Stand Up”, which was very successful. loves her large number TV viewers. The popular comedian travels with programs throughout the Russian Federation.

The biography of Ruslan Bely is currently proceeding at a fast pace. A young man can be in Moscow today, and tomorrow he is already performing in Vladivostok, and the day after tomorrow in Sevastopol. The showman never gets tired, because movement is life.

Personal life of Ruslan Bely

Since 2010, every now and then in funds mass media articles appear in which they write that Ruslan Bely and Yulia Akhmedova are in a relationship. Whether they are actually dating, no one knows. The artists themselves claim that they have friendly relations. Julia considers the man to be her beloved brother, whom she never had.

Friends say that their friendship is strong. They are also familiar with student years. But when they get ready to get married, everyone will know about it.

The personal life of Ruslan Bely is carefully hidden by the showman himself. He doesn’t tell anyone who he’s in a relationship with, who his lover is. Bely himself only jokes about this issue.

Family of Ruslan Bely

The showman considers the permanent residents of Stand Apa, Mikhail Galustyan and Pavel Volya, to be his sworn brothers. He often visits them. And he baptized Galustyan’s daughter and Volya’s son.

It is known that the popular humorous figure has parents and a brother, who followed in his father’s footsteps and became a military man. Mom does housework.

Ruslan Bely's family is his friends in the club of cheerful and resourceful people, led by Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov. The popular artist often comes to games and meets with other club members.

Children of Ruslan Bely

The showman considers his children to be children who find themselves in difficult situations. life situation. He often visits orphanages in the Voronezh region and brings gifts. Bely is also a member of a foundation that provides assistance to sick children.

It is known that the popular artist has not yet become a father. He assures that as soon as this joyful event happens, everyone will know about it.

The children of Ruslan Bely are his goddaughter and godson. He baptized the girl from Mikhail Galustyan, and the boy from Pavel Volya.

Wife of Ruslan Bely

The artist is often associated with his comedy colleague, Yulia Akhmedova. They often perform together, visiting the most remote cities of the Russian Federation. The artists themselves deny that they are members of sexual relations. They say that they are connected only by friendship.

The wife of Ruslan Bely, as he admits, means working on various projects. The showman says he is free for now. He didn't meet the one who would make him happy. As soon as she appears on his way, the man will not wait long, but will lead his beloved to officially register the marriage.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Ruslan Bely

Instagram and Wikipedia of Ruslan Bely changes quite often. Even after a few hours, information about the artist’s life and work contains news.

And everyone tried this... Ruslan Bely, Yulia Akhmedova and other residents show Stand Up tell you all the ins and outs. Here we have a girl, let’s say, performing... Yulia Akhmedova does not eat meat and periodically goes on diets. The IU variant was based on French transliteration and usually occurs in the middle of a word: Yuri Riumin, Liudmila Kaiurova.

Before appearing in public, of course, there were technical reviews, the monologues were edited and finalized. Vadim-07Ermakkk today at 03:17 Bloodthirsty commies! In the “Official Voronezh” section, messages are published within the framework of contracts on information cooperation between the editorial staff of “MY! Online" and authorities. There will only be a microphone, a person, an audience and... and.. and that's it. That is, it is clear that the project is MONO style..

Yulia Akhmedova (YuA): Mmmm.. our goal is a little different - we don’t just have an entertaining show, we want a person to laugh when he watches our program.. But this is precisely what, roughly speaking, is good - because there will be probably unfiltered thoughts, uncluttered jokes, uncluttered looks... What for our television and for our humorous programs in general, it’s new.. He’s either funny and wants to watch and laugh, or he’s not funny.. And in our show, despite the fact that we want people to think, for them to hear what we want to say, what annoys us what we care about...

Maybe we’ll come to this when we become big comedians and start traveling around cities.. Well, and make-up artists, naturally.. Therefore, all the jokes that seemed to be born here and now - they were worked on for a long time and painstakingly and they go through more than one moment of inventing . YuA: No, no, it won’t be long with these people, but more and more will come..

06/12/2015 About love, work and summer mood: interview with Irina Muromtseva The new show “Park” by Irina Muromtseva will take place in Gorky Park. By the way, it was there that the TV presenter received a marriage proposal.

Ruslan Bely and Yulia Akhmedova together

At the same time, as a child, she dreamed... of becoming a milkmaid, picking strawberries and being away from big cities. Then Akhmedova appeared in several episodes of the Comedy Women show on TNT. However, it clearly stood out from the general picture due to its lack of format.

Yulia loves expensive champagne and her cat, which remains in Voronezh. Yulia was twice chosen as “KVN Girl of the Year”; through her efforts and talent, the KVN team “25th” rose from the premiere to the KVN major league, where this team participated in the finals (!). And Her contribution to this is enormous. The combination of ID is transmitted to English language letter J and combinations DJ and DZH. Nowadays, the letter J for J seems more common in rendering names, for example, Jamal, Nurjan (Jamal, Nurjan).

But all three options are found in the rendering of first and last names: Jafar, Djafar, Dzhafar (Jafar); Dzhumayev, Djumayev, Jumayev (Dzhumayev). Russian Х is usually rendered in English as KH and sometimes as H: Tikhon Khomyakov, Tihon Homyakov (Tikhon Khomyakov); Mikhail Zakharov, Mikhail Zaharov (Mikhail Zakharov).

Options IE for БЭ and IA for БЯ in names were based on French transliteration: Vasiliev (Vasiliev), Vorobiev (Vorobiev), Demianov (Demyanov). Options IY and I are also common: Dmitriy Petrovskiy, Dmitri Petrovski (Dmitry Petrovsky). Give your first and last names in the following order: Ivan Kozlovsky (Ivan Kozlovsky), Marina Ruchkina (Marina Ruchkina).

The author has already made four micro-budget films, and all of them were made one at a time... Weiss 08/5/2015 07:14 This film, intentionally or unintentionally, made an attempt to spoil the feat Patriotic War 1812. Zero plot. Music and words do not match the action. The only thing I didn’t like was the role of Svetlana Frolova. The heroine’s child died - yes, I would have died from such grief and would have spent several years coming to my senses, and she cried a little in the hospital,...

Their choice is impeccable and corresponds to the specified parameters. IN short stories, told in the short stories of the almanac “Astra, I love you”, together with the Opel Astra the heroes work and relax, meet, get to know each other and fall in love, quarrel and make up. The only thing to do with this film is to put it on a shelf and forget it. But the war begins, and she goes for her son. The hell of war awaits her... And there is no need for propaganda, there is already enough of it...

In 2008, she became a screenwriter for the television series “Univer”. Ruslan Bely (RB): Well, the program will be different in that we have only stand-up, there will be no miniatures, no songs, no staged numbers of any kind... But this is exactly what we want to display. RB: Well... Mostly it's some kind of fresh blood... If it's not funny, then it's not funny. RB: Well, it’s clear that we naturally strive for humor there, but otherwise it will all turn into some kind of educational lecture about our thoughts..

RB: Yes, we really hope that this project will be about the same thing that has been joked about for thousands of years before, but under some new sauce, under the prism of the views of the guys who are present here.

Voronezh KVN players Yulia Akhmedova and Ruslan Bely are launching a comedy show on TNT

RB: Yes, I’m 90 - I keep in good shape, I go to the gym periodically.. YuA: Especially for this we have an “Open Microphone” section, where anyone can come and talk about what they want, about their problems, what worries them , the main thing is that it is funny..

07/27/2015Natalya Bardo: “Marat Basharov has revealed a new side” The host of “Mr. and Mrs. Media” Natasha Bardo spoke about working with Marat Basharov and the return of the show to the screens. 07/26/2011Irina Muromtseva: “I did not set myself the task of meeting an oligarch” TV presenter of the program “ Good morning, Russia!" — about his profession, personal life, owls, larks and Moscow. 05/10/2008 Elena Vinnik: “Any news must be verified” Elena Vinnik, news presenter of the NTV channel, talks about the secrets of television, corporate ethics, the channel’s policies and her preferences.

Based on materials from 18 of these meetings, a television show was filmed. In an interview with journalists, Yulia Akhmedova and Ruslan Bely admitted that they were worried before the launch of the program. Male ending IY in given names and surnames is usually rendered in English as Y: Dmitry Petrovsky (Dmitry Petrovsky). Different ways renderings of Russian names into English have existed in the past, and several standards for transliterating Cyrillic into English exist now.

And other programs of the TNT channel.

Biography of Ruslan Bely

Ruslan Bely born in Prague in December 1979, where his father was serving at that time. Until the age of 11, Ruslan lived in the Czech Republic, and after his father was sent to Poland, where the family lived for 4 years in the city of Legnica. When Ruslan turned fifteen, he finally came to Russia. Then Bely and his parents settled in the city of Bobrov, Voronezh region.

Due to numerous moves, Ruslan Bely changed schools several times, however, despite all the difficulties, he graduated with a silver medal. Ruslan's father wanted him to continue his work and also become a military man. Therefore, after school, Bely entered the Voronezh Military Aviation Engineering University without hesitation.

There Ruslan Bely joined the squad student team KVN "Seventh Heaven", with whom I spent several fruitful creative years and won the “Voting KiViN” in Jurmala. After graduation, Bely served under a contract for 5 years, received the rank of senior lieutenant, and then captain and the medal “For Distinction in Military Service.”

Returning from the army, Ruslan entered the Voronezh Agrarian University named after Peter the Great, from where he graduated in 2003, receiving a civilian education. In parallel with his studies, Bely developed as a stand-up comedian, performing at various venues in his hometown.

The creative path of Ruslan Bely

Ruslan Bely conducts active concert work. In his speeches he touches on a wide variety of topics: the army and the military, women, football players and space. The artist often talks about philosophical things, for example, he has a stand-up “Oh weaknesses humanity."

In 2017, he was one of the judges at the crossover battle rap platforms Versus Battle and #SLOVOSPB. So, it was he who judged the battle between Oxxxymiron and Slava CPSU (Gnoyny), in which he voted for the latter.

In 2018, the show “Comedian in the City” was released. Ruslan Bely travels around the country with humorous concerts, and each performance is dedicated to the city in which he performs. In the first season, Ruslan visited Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Samara, Ufa, Saratov, Volgograd, Yekaterinburg, Tyumen, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnodar, Sochi and, of course, Voronezh, where he lived in his youth.

Ruslan Bely: “Almost all the comedians from the Stand Up show moved to Moscow a long time ago, but one way or another they joke in monologues about their cities. Some of the locals then get offended and think: “Well, they dumped them in the capital, and now they’re laughing.” And I decided to show them that we can do this not only in Moscow. After all, if the residents of the conditional Yekaterinburg laugh at jokes about their city, there should be no complaints against me. In general, the coolest thing a person can have is self-irony, and the mission of a comedian is to develop it in people. Now this is difficult time: everyone clings to words, gets offended by jokes... Although I don’t understand how this is possible. After all, this is first and foremost a joke. So political shows should evoke a sense of patriotism in people, and our sense of humor.”

Personal life of Ruslan Bely

The artist carefully protects his personal space. Bely assures that there is absolutely nothing to talk about there: the comedian has no free time, the whole day is scheduled, so he simply does not have the strength for a serious relationship.

Ruslan was more than once credited with having an affair with Yulia Akhmedova, but both comedians completely deny this information.