How to find out nationality by the end of a surname. Polish surnames for men and women

First and last names. Origin and meaning Kublitskaya Inna Valerievna

Surnames in -skiy, -enko, -chuk and others...

Surnames starting with - sky, - enko, - chuk and others...

Actually, in previous chapters we continually turned to the origin of surnames, and it may seem as if we already know everything that is possible about surnames. We take a name and ask the question: “whose?” - and the surname is ready. Ilya - whose? - Ilyin. Peter - whose? - Petrov...

That’s right, the only problem is that the Russian language is alive and, as is typical for all living things, it changes. Enough simple case with surnames on - ov And - in There can be so many mysteries hidden! A surname can be formed from a rarely used or well forgotten name. Karpov, for example, carp has nothing to do with fish: there was once a name for Karp or Polycarp. The surname Dorozhkin may come not from the path, but from Doroshka - a form of the name Dorofey. The original name could be distorted beyond recognition: from the name Ivan, scientists can count about three hundred different diminutive, derogatory, affectionate and other forms, and from each form a surname, and more than one, could be formed. In dialects of different areas in different times the same word could have different meanings. For example, Dvornikov is a descendant not of the janitor who sweeps the yard, but of the tenant of the yard, the farm. If you don’t know that in some dialects kochet is a rooster, then you won’t even understand the surname Kochetov.

Therefore, we will not consider individual surnames in this chapter, but will try to study groups of surnames.

- sky. Such surnames among Russians belonged mainly to the nobility (in imitation of princes and gentry) and the clergy (from the names of churches and villages). They were also found among peasants, but in negligible quantities.

- itin(s). Names such as Kostromitin(s), Permitin(s) and similar ones denoted a nobleman enrolled in military service(usually from the city near which he received land, becoming a landowner). End - ov arose when the name passed on to a descendant, but not always, because sometimes the name on - itin perceived as if it already included the ending - in, common to many surnames.

- ich(ev). If the names are on - ich formed as a patronymic, then with the addition of an ending - ov(s) it turns out the middle name squared: Foma - Fomich - Fomichev. If the first form, with - ich, was found infrequently among Russians (mainly among the descendants of Belarusians), then the form with - ichev could have been formed both from a surname with - ich, and directly from the patronymic. Surnames of this type are characteristic mainly of the upper reaches of the Oka, the border of the Tula and Oryol regions. The most common ones are Ganichev, Demichev, Ilyichev, Larichev, Fomichev.

- ichkin, - glasses. The center of concentration of such surnames almost coincides with surnames on - ichev. By origin, these surnames represent patronymics from pet names, more often calendar ones (Afonichkin, Borisochkin, Savochkin, Fomochkin), less often - worldly ones (Zvezdochkin, Nitochkin).

- skov. Surnames of this type are not uncommon among Cossacks (Zemskov, Gorodskoe, Donskoe, Shatskov, Sotskov). Their origin from names with the ending is clearly visible -sky, -sky.

- itsyn. With the exception of the surnames Lisitsyn and Kuritsyn, this group of surnames is mainly concentrated in the north of Russia, where non-calendar male names lingered longer than other places and women's professions with ending - itza. From similar names came: Gubnitsyn, Doilnitsyn, Korobitsyn, Nagovitsin, Repnitsyn, Telitsyn, Shipitsyn.

- duck. Also northern surnames, from names ending - uta: Vol-duta, Koshuta, Ofuta, from them Voldutin, Koshutin, Ofutin. From calendar names also: Mishutin, Fedutin.

- them, - s. Surnames of this type are usually called Siberian, but their homeland is the area northwest of Veliky Ustyug. We have already encountered the peculiarities of their use in the chapter “Patronymics”.

- enko. Surnames of this type are considered Ukrainian; in fact, their distribution area is mainly Eastern Ukraine and Eastern Belarus, with entry into the border Russian regions. Quite often there is a Russified version of such surnames ending in - enkov: Rudenko - Rudenkov, Kovalenko - Kovalenkov.

- enok, - enok. Belarusian surnames, variant surnames - enko: Luchenok, Makaenok, Kovalenok.

- uk, - yuk. The distribution of these surnames starts from Gomel and Kyiv, passes through Polesie and ends in Poland. Resident of Polesie - Polishchuk (and the surname Polishchuk too), Ivanyuk, Sidyuk, Davydyuk. A special case - surnames on - chuk: resident of Pinsk - Pinchuk (and surname Pinchuk), Kovalchuk, Kravchuk.

- ak, - yak. The range of surnames begins in the Lviv region and ends in the Czech Republic: Novak, Litvak. It is also found far from these places: Belyak, Permyak.

And this, of course, is not all family suffixes and endings, but we will stop there for now and talk about the most common Russian surnames.

Usually, when people are asked about such surnames, they answer: Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov.

Is this true?

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With each year of his life, a person increasingly expands his choice of communication, meeting new people. In order for a new acquaintance to contact you, you need to make a pleasant impression on him. To avoid uncomfortable situations, it is important to know what nationality the person in front of you is in order to behave in accordance with the moral and ethical standards of his country. By most surnames you can accurately determine the nationality of your friends, neighbors, business partners, etc.

Russians - use surnames with the suffixes -an, -yn, -in, -skikh, -ov, -ev, -skoy, -tskaya, -ikh, -yh (Snegirev, Ivanov, Voronin, Sinitsyn, Donskoy, Moskovskikh, Sedykh) ;

Belarusians - typical Belarusian surnames end in -ich, -chik, -ka, -ko, -onak, -yonak, -uk, -ik, -ski. (Radkevich, Dubrova, Parshonok, Kuharchik, Kastsyushka); many names in Soviet years were Russified and Polished (Dubrovsky, Kosciuszko);

Poles - most surnames have the suffix -sk, -tsk, and the ending -й (-я), indicating masculine and feminine gender (Sushitsky, Kovalskaya, Khodetsky, Wolnitskaya); There are also double surnames - if a woman, when getting married, wants to keep her surname (Mazur-Komorowska); In addition to these surnames, surnames with an unchanged form are also common among Poles (Nowak, Sienkiewicz, Wujcik, Wozniak). Ukrainians with last name endings ending in -y are not Ukrainians, but Ukrainian Poles.;

Ukrainians - the first classification of surnames of this nationality is formed using the suffixes -enko, -ko, -uk, -yuk (Kreshchenko, Grishko, Vasilyuk, Kovalchuk); the second series denotes the type of craft or occupation (Potter, Koval); the third group of surnames consists of individual Ukrainian words(Gorobets, Ukrainian, Parubok), as well as a merger of words (Vernigora, Nepiyvoda, Bilous).

Latvians are a special feature masculine denotes a surname ending in -s, -is, and for a feminine ending - in -a, -e (Verbitskis - Verbitska, Shurins - Shurin)

Lithuanians - male surnames end in -onis, -unas, -utis, -aitis, -enas (Pyatrenas, Norvydaitis), women's surnames are formed from the husband's surname using the suffixes -en, -yuven, -uven and the ending -e (Grinius - Grinyuvene), surnames unmarried girls contain the basis of the father's surname with the addition of the suffixes -ut, -polut, -ayt and endings -e (Orbakas - Orbakaite);

Estonians - male and female genders are not differentiated by surnames, everyone foreign names(mainly German) were at one time Estonianized (Rosenberg - Roosimäe), this process continues until today. for example, in order to be able to play for the Estonia national team, football players Sergei Khokhlov and Konstantin Kolbasenko had to change their surnames to Simson and Nahk;

The French - many surnames are preceded by the prefix Le or De (Le Pen, Mol Pompadour); basically, dissimilar nicknames and personal names were used to form surnames (Robert, Jolie, Cauchon - pig);

Romanians: -sku, -u(l), -an.

Serbs: -ich.

English - the following surnames are common: formed from the names of the place of residence (Scott, Wales); denoting profession (Hoggart - shepherd, Smith - blacksmith); indicating the external appearance of character and appearance (Armstrong - strong, Sweet - sweet, Bragg - boastful);

Germans are surnames formed from personal names (Werner, Peters); surnames that characterize a person (Krause - wavy, Klein - small); surnames indicating the type of activity (Müller - miller, Lehmann - geomor);

Swedes - most surnames end in -sson, -berg, -sted, -strom (Andersson, Olsson, Forsberg, Bostrom);

Norwegians - formed from personal names using the suffix -en (Larsen, Hansen), surnames without suffixes and endings can be found (Per, Morten); Norwegian surnames can repeat the names of animals, trees and natural phenomena(Blizzard - blizzard, Svane - swan, Furu - pine);

Italians - surnames are characterized by the suffixes -ini, -ino, -ello, -illo, -etti, -etto, -ito (Benedetto, Moretti, Esposito), can end in -o, -a, -i (Conti, Giordano, Costa ); the prefixes di- and - denote, respectively, a person’s belonging to his genus and geographical structure(Di Moretti is the son of Moretti, Da Vinci is from Vinci);

Spaniards and Portuguese have surnames ending in -ez, -az, -iz, -oz (Gomez, Lopez), surnames indicating a person’s character are also common (Alegre - joyful, Bravo - gallant, Malo - horseless);

Turks - most often their surnames have the endings -oglu, -ji, -zade (Mustafaoglu, Ekindzhi, Kuindzhi, Mamedzade), when forming surnames they often used Turkish names or everyday words (Ali, Abaza - fool, Kolpakchi - hat);

Bulgarians - almost all Bulgarian surnames are formed from personal names and suffixes -ov, -ev (Konstantinov, Georgiev);

Gagauz: -oglo.

Tatars: -in, -ishin.

Greeks - the surnames of the Greeks cannot be confused with any other surnames, only they have the endings -idis, -kos, -poulos (Angelopoulos, Nikolaidis);

Czechs - the main difference from other surnames is the obligatory ending -ova in women's surnames, even if where it would seem to be inappropriate (Valdrova, Ivanovova, Andersonova).

Georgians - common surnames ending in -shvili, -dze, -uri, -ava, -a, -ua, -ia, -ni, -li, -si (Baratashvili, Mikadze, Adamia, Karchava, Gvishiani, Tsereteli);

Armenians - a significant part of the surnames of residents of Armenia have the suffix -yan (Hakopyan, Galustyan); Also, -yants, -uni.

Moldovans: -sku, -u(l), -an.

Azerbaijanis formed surnames by taking Azerbaijani names as a basis and attaching Russian suffixes -ov, -ev (Mamedov, Aliyev, Gasanov, Abdullaev) to them. Also, -zade, -li, ly, -oglu, -kyzy.

Jews - the main group consists of surnames with roots Levi and Cohen (Levin, Levitan Kagan, Koganovich, Katz); the second group came from male and female Hebrew names with the addition of various suffixes (Yakobson, Yakubovich, Davidson, Godelson, Tsivyan, Beilis, Abramovich, Rubinchik, Vigdorchik, Mandelstam); the third classification of surnames reflects the character of a person, his appearance or profession (Kaplan - chaplain, Rabinovich - rabbi, Melamed - pestun, Schwartzbard - black-bearded, Stiller - quiet, Shtarkman - strong).

Ossetians: -ti.

Mordva: -yn, -in.

Chinese and Koreans - for the most part these are surnames consisting of one, less often two syllables (Tan, Liu, Duan, Qiao, Tsoi, Kogai);

The Japanese are modern Japanese surnames are formed by merging two full-valued words (Wada - sweet voice and rice field, Igarashi - 50 storms, Katayama - hill, Kitamura - north and village); The most common Japanese surnames are: Takahashi, Kobayashi, Kato, Suzuki, Yamamoto.

As you can see, to determine a person’s nationality, it is enough to accurately analyze his last name, highlighting the suffix and ending.


In the collection of the famous Slavic linguist B. O Unbegun “Russian Surnames” you can read that surnames ending with “in” are predominantly a Russian type of surname.

Why the ending "-in"? Basically, all surnames ending in “in” come from words ending in -а/-я and from nouns feminine ending in a soft consonant.

There are many examples of the erroneous addition of -in to stems with a final hard consonant: Orekhin, Karpin, Markin, where -ov should be. And in another case, -ov turned out to be in the place of -in: Shishimorov from the base of shishimora. Mixing of formants is possible. After all, among Russians -in and -ov have been semantically indistinguishable for more than a thousand years. The meaning of the difference has been lost in the common Slavic language; the choice of -ov or -in depends only remnantly on the phonetic feature of the stem (Nikonov “Geography of Surnames”).

Do you know how the name of the famous leader came about? people's militia 1611 -1612 Minin? Minin bore the personal nickname Sukhoruk, he did not have a surname. And Minin meant “son of Mina.” Orthodox name"Mina" was widespread in Rus'.

Another vintage Russian surname- Semin, also a surname with “-in”. According to the main version, the surname Semin goes back to the baptismal male name Semyon. The name Semyon is the Russian form of the ancient Hebrew name Simeon, meaning “listening”, “heard by God”. From the name Semyon in Rus', many derivative forms were formed, one of which - Syoma - formed the basis of this surname.

The famous Slavic linguist B.O. Unbegaun in the collection “Russian Surnames” believes that the surname Semin was formed from the baptismal Russian name according to the following scheme: “Semyon - Syoma - Semin.”

Let's give another example of a surname that we examined in detail in the family diploma. Rogozhin is an old Russian surname. According to the main version, the surname preserves the memory of the profession of distant ancestors. One of the first representatives of the Rogozhins could be engaged in the manufacture of matting or trade in fabric.

Coarse woven fabric made from wash tapes was called matting. A matting hut (rogozhnitsy, matting) in Rus' was the name of a workshop where matting was woven, and a matting weaver was a matting weaver or a matting dealer.

In his close circle, Rogozhnik’s household were known as “Rogozhin’s wife,” “Rogozhin’s son,” and “Rogozhin’s grandchildren.” Over time, terms denoting the degree of relationship disappeared, and the hereditary surname Rogozhin was assigned to the descendants of Rogozhin.

Such Russian surnames ending in “-in” include: Pushkin (Pushka), Gagarin (Loon), Borodin (Beard), Ilyin (Ilya), Ptitsyn (Bird); Fomin (from the personal name Thomas); Belkin (from the nickname "squirrel"), Borozdin (Furrow), Korovin (Cow), Travin (Grass), Zamin and Zimin (winter) and many others

Please note that the words from which surnames starting with “in” are derived mostly end in “-a” or “-ya”. We won’t be able to say “Borodov” or “Ilyinov”; it would be quite logical and more sonorous to say “Ilyin” or “Borodin”.

Why do some people think that surnames ending with “-in” have Jewish roots? Is this really true? No, this is not true; you cannot judge the origin of a surname by one ending. Sound Jewish surnames coincides with Russian endings simply by chance.

You should always research the surname itself. For some reason, the ending “ov” does not cause us any doubts. We believe that surnames ending in “-ov” are definitely Russian. But there are also exceptions. For example, we recently prepared a beautiful family diploma for one wonderful family named Maksyutov.

The surname Maksyutov has the ending “ov”, which is common among Russian surnames. But, if you examine the surname deeper, it turns out that the surname Maksyutov is derived from the Tatar male name“Maqsud”, which translated from Arabic means “desire, premeditated intention, aspiration, goal”, “long-awaited, desired”. The name Maksud had several dialect variants: Maksut, Mahsud, Mahsut, Maksyut. This name is still widespread among the Tatars and Bashkirs.

"The surname Maksyutov is an old princely surname Tatar origin. ABOUT ancient origin the names Maksyutov say historical sources. The surname was first documented in the 16th century: Maksutovs (Maksutovs, obsolete Maksutovs, Tat. Maksutovlar) - a Volga-Bulgar princely-Murzin family, descended from the Kasimov prince Maksut (1554), in the genealogical legend Prince Maksut was called an ulan and a descendant of the prince Kashima." Now there is almost no doubt about the origin of the surname.

How do you know if a surname ending in -in is of Jewish origin or is it an original Russian surname? Always analyze the word that underlies your last name.

Here are examples of Jewish surnames with the ending “-in” or “-ov”: Edmin (derived from the name of the German city of Emden), Kotin (derived from the Hebrew קטן- in the Ashkenazi pronunciation “kotn”, meaning “small”), Eventov (derived from Hebrew “even tov” - “ gem"), Khazin (derived from the Hebrew "hazan", in the Ashkenazi pronunciation "hazn", meaning "a person leading worship in a synagogue"), Superfin (translated as "very handsome") and many others.

The ending “-in” is simply an ending by which one cannot judge the nationality of a surname. You always need to research a surname, analyze the word that underlies it and try to search in various books And archival documents the first mention of your last name. Only when all the information has been collected will you be able to confidently determine the origin of your surname and find answers to your questions.


Many Russians have a firm and unfounded belief that surnames in -skiy are certainly Polish. From history textbooks, the names of several Polish magnates are known, derived from the names of their estates: Potocki and Zapotocki, Zablocki, Krasinski. But from the same textbooks the surnames of many Russians with the same suffixes are known: Konstantin Grigorievich Zabolotsky, okolnichy of Tsar John III, late 15th - early 16th centuries; clerk Semyon Zaborovsky, early 16th century; boyars Shuisky and Belsky, close associates of Ivan the Terrible. Famous Russian artists are Levitsky, Borovikovsky, Makovsky, Kramskoy.

An analysis of modern Russian surnames shows that forms in -sky (-tskiy) exist in parallel with variants in -ov (-ev, -in), but there are fewer of them. For example, in Moscow in the 70s of the twentieth century, for every 330 people with the surname Krasnov/Krasnova, there were only 30 with the surname Krasnovsky/Krasnovskaya. But enough rare surnames Kuchkov and Kuchkovsky, Makov and Makovsky are represented almost equally.

A significant part of surnames ending in -skiy/-skaya, -tskiy/-tskaya are formed from geographical and ethnic names. In letters from our readers who want to know about the origin of their surnames, the following surnames in -sky / -tsky are mentioned.

Brynsky. The author of this letter, Evgeniy Sergeevich Brynsky, himself sent the history of his surname. We present only a small fragment from the letter, since it is not possible to publish it in its entirety. Bryn - river Kaluga region, flows into the Oka Zhizdra tributary. In the old days, large dense Bryn forests stretched along it, in which the Old Believers took refuge. According to the epic about Ilya Muromets, it was in the Bryn forests that the Nightingale the Robber lived. Let us add that there are several settlements of Bryn in the Kaluga and Ivano-Frankivsk regions. The surname Brynski/Brynska, found in Poland, is derived from the name of two settlements Brynsk in different parts country and also, apparently, goes back to the names of the rivers Bryn and Brynitsa. There is no uniform interpretation of the names of these rivers in science. If the suffix -ets is added to the name of a populated place, then such a word denotes a person from this place. In Crimea in the 60s - 70s of the 20th century, winegrower Maria Bryntseva was well known. Her surname is derived from the word brynets, that is, a native of the city or village of Bryn.

Garbavitsky. This Belarusian surname corresponds to the Russian Gorbovitsky (in Belarusian language in place of the unstressed o the letter a is written). The surname is derived from the name of some settlement of Gorbovitsy. In the materials we have, there are only Gorbov, Gorbovo and Gorbovtsy. All these names come from the designations of the terrain: hump - a hillock, a sloping hill.

Dubovskaya. The surname is derived from the name of one of the many settlements: Dubovka, Dubovo, Dubovoe, Dubovskaya, Dubovsky, Dubovskoye, Dubovtsy, located in all parts of the country. It is possible to find out from which one exactly, only from the information preserved in the family, where the ancestors who received this surname lived, or where they came from to their future place of residence. The emphasis in the surname is on “o”: Dubovsky/Dubovskaya.

Steblivsky. The Ukrainian surname corresponding to the Russian one is Steblevsky; formed from the names of the populated places Steblevka in the Transcarpathian region or Steblev - Cherkassy. In Ukrainian spelling, i is written in place of the second e.

Tersky. The surname comes from the name of the Terek River and indicates that one of the distant ancestors of this person lived there. There were the Terek region and the Terek Cossacks. So bearers of the Tersky surname may also be descendants of Cossacks.

Uriansky. The surname, apparently, is derived from the name of the settlement of Urya. In our materials, this name is recorded in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Perhaps there are similar names in other places, since the name of the populated place is associated with the name of the river and with the designation ethnic group ur, as well as with the name of the medieval Turkic people Uryanka. Similar names could be found in different places, since medieval peoples led a nomadic lifestyle and assigned the name of their ethnic group to those places where they stayed for a long time.

Chiglinsky. The surname comes from the name of the settlement Chigla Voronezh region, which is apparently related to the designation of the union of the medieval Turkic tribes Chigil.

Shabansky. The surname is derived from the names of the settlements Shabanovo, Shabanovskoye, Shabanskoye, located in different parts of the country. These names come from the Turkic name Shaban of Arabic origin. IN Arabic sha "ban - the name of the eighth month lunar calendar. The name Shaban is also attested in Russian peasant families in the 15th-17th centuries. In parallel with this, the spelling variant Shiban was noted in the Russian language - obviously, by analogy with the Russian shibat, zashibat. Records from 1570-1578 mention Prince Ivan Andreevich Shiban Dolgoruky; in 1584 - the grooms of Tsar Feodor Ioannovich Osip Shiban and Danilo Shikhman Ermolaevich Kasatkin. The servant of Prince Kurbsky was called Vasily Shibanov - executed by Ivan the Terrible in 1564.

In addition, the name of the ethnic group of the Siberian Tatars Shibans and their family name are known Crimean Tatars Shiban Murzas. IN Perm region there is a settlement called Shibanovo, and in Ivanovskaya there is Shibanikha.

So closely related to each other different types proper names: personal names, geographical and ethnic names, as well as surnames.

Many Russians have a firm and unfounded belief that surnames in -skiy are certainly Polish. From history textbooks, the names of several Polish magnates are known, derived from the names of their estates: Potocki and Zapotocki, Zablocki, Krasinski. But from the same textbooks the surnames of many Russians with the same suffixes are known: Konstantin Grigorievich Zabolotsky, okolnichy of Tsar John III, late 15th - early 16th centuries; clerk Semyon Zaborovsky, early 16th century; boyars Shuisky and Belsky, close associates of Ivan the Terrible. Famous Russian artists are Levitsky, Borovikovsky, Makovsky, Kramskoy.

An analysis of modern Russian surnames shows that forms in -sky (-tskiy) exist in parallel with variants in -ov (-ev, -in), but there are fewer of them. For example, in Moscow in the 70s of the twentieth century, for every 330 people with the surname Krasnov/Krasnova, there were only 30 with the surname Krasnovsky/Krasnovskaya. But the rather rare surnames Kuchkov and Kuchkovsky, Makov and Makovsky are represented almost equally.

A significant proportion of surnames ending in -sky/-skaya, -tsky/-tskaya, derived from geographical and ethnic names. In letters from our readers who want to know about the origin of their surnames, the following surnames are mentioned: -sky / -tsky.

Brynsky. The author of this letter, Evgeniy Sergeevich Brynsky, himself sent the history of his surname. We present only a small fragment from the letter, since it is not possible to publish it in its entirety. Bryn- a river in the Kaluga region, flows into the Oka Zhizdra tributary. In the old days, large dense Bryn forests stretched along it, in which the Old Believers took refuge. According to the epic about Ilya Muromets, it was in the Bryn forests that the Nightingale the Robber lived. Let us add that there are several settlements of Bryn in the Kaluga and Ivano-Frankivsk regions. Surname found in Poland Brynski/Brynska formed from the names of two settlements Brynsk in different parts of the country and also, apparently, goes back to the names of the rivers Bryn and Brynitsa. There is no uniform interpretation of the names of these rivers in science. If a suffix is ​​added to the name of a populated place -ets, then such a word means a native of this place. In Crimea in the 60s - 70s of the 20th century, the winegrower was well known Maria Bryntseva. Her surname is derived from the word brynets, that is, a native of the city or village of Bryn.

Garbavitsky. This Belarusian surname corresponds to the Russian one Gorbovitsky(in the Belarusian language in place of the unstressed O letter is written A). The surname is derived from the name of a settlement Gorbovitsy. In the materials available to us there is only Gorbov, Gorbovo And Gorbovtsy. All these names come from the designations of the terrain: hump- a hillock, a sloping hill.

Dubovskaya. The surname is derived from the name of one of the many settlements: Dubovka, Dubovo, Dubovoe, Dubovskaya, Dubovsky, Dubovskoe, Dubovtsy located in all parts of the country. It is possible to find out from which one exactly, only from the information preserved in the family, where the ancestors who received this surname lived, or where they came from to their future place of residence. The emphasis in the surname is on "O": Dubovsky/Dubovskaya.

Steblivsky. Ukrainian surname corresponding to Russian - Steblevsky; derived from the names of populated places Steblevka Transcarpathian region or Steblev- Cherkasy. In Ukrainian spelling, in place of the second e is written i.

Tersky. The surname comes from the name of the river Terek and indicates that one of the distant ancestors of this person lived there. Were Terek region And Terek Cossacks. So the bearers of the surname Tersky may also be descendants of the Cossacks.

Uriansky. The surname, apparently, is derived from the name of the locality Urya. In our materials, this name is recorded in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Perhaps there are similar names in other places, since the name of the populated place is associated with the name of the river and with the designation of the ethnic group ur, as well as with the name of the medieval Turkic people Urianka. Similar names could be found in different places, since medieval peoples led a nomadic lifestyle and assigned the name of their ethnic group to those places where they stayed for a long time.

Chiglinsky. The surname comes from the name of the settlement Chigla Voronezh region, which apparently is associated with the designation of the union of medieval Turkic tribes Chigili.

Shabansky. The surname is derived from the names of the settlements Shabanovo, Shabanovskoye, Shabanskoye located in different parts of the country. These names come from the Turkic name Shaban Arabic origin. In Arabic sha"ban- the name of the eighth month of the lunar calendar. The name Shaban is also attested in Russian peasant families in the 15th-17th centuries. In parallel with this, an orthographic variant was noted in the Russian language Shiban- obviously, by analogy with Russian knock, knock. In the records of 1570-1578, Prince Ivan Andreevich is mentioned Shiban Dolgoruky; in 1584 - stirrup grooms for Tsar Theodore Ioannovich Osip Shiban and Danilo Shikhman Ermolaevich Kasatkin. The servant of Prince Kurbsky was called Vasily Shibanov- executed by Ivan the Terrible in 1564.

In addition, the name of the ethnic group of Siberian Tatars is known Xibans and the generic name of the Crimean Tatars Shibanskie Murza. There is a settlement in the Perm region Shibanovo, and in Ivanovskaya - Shibanikha.

This is how different types of proper names are closely related to each other: personal names, geographical and ethnic names, as well as surnames.


Most surnames in the Russian nominal formula come from patronymics (based on the baptismal or secular name of one of the ancestors), nicknames (based on the type of activity, place of origin, or some other characteristic of the ancestor) or other family names.

Russian surnames in most cases were single or hyphenated and were passed down strictly through the male line. IN mid-19th century century, especially after the abolition of serfdom in 1861, surnames were formed for the majority of people of the peasant class. By the 1930s, the process of obtaining surnames by various nationalities was completely completed.

Russian surnames most often end in -ov/-ev. From 60% to 70% of Russian surnames have the ending -ov/-ev. Surnames in -ov/-ev are formed as follows:

Surnames formed mainly as patronymics or by the name of the grandfather (the name of the grandfather, from whom the temporary surname of the father came) from church or Slavic personal names or nicknames, for example, Ivan → son of Ivan - Ivanov, Alexey → son Alexey-Alekseev, a man nicknamed Bezborody → son of Bezborodoy - Bezborodov, etc.

This also includes surnames derived from nicknames associated with the profession. For example, a person by profession is a blacksmith → the son of a blacksmith - Kuznetsov.

The authorities of the Don Army Region did not recognize surnames ending in -in and -i/y. During the population census, such surnames were changed to -ov, for example, the surname Kuzmin turned into Kuzminov, Bessmertny - into Bessmertnov, etc.

Russian surnames ending in -in occupy the second place in prevalence among Russian surnames, after surnames ending in -ov / -ev. In some places in Russia, especially in the Volga region, surnames starting with -in cover more than 50% of the population. Everything that is written about family names in -ov/-ev fully applies to surnames in -in. Surnames ending in -in are present among Belarusians and are less popular than among Russian surnames. Among Belarusians, the ratio of the suffixes -ov/-ev and -in is completely different, 90% to 10%. This is due to the fact that the basis of surnames was perceived not in the original Russian diminutive form of names with -ka, but with the Belarusian form with -ko (Ivashkov, Fedkov, Geraskov - from, respectively, Ivashko, Fedko, Gerasko, instead of Ivashkin, Fedkin, Geraskin).

The Russian North is the historical homeland of Russian surnames, having the suffixes -ih and -ih. These surnames appeared at the turn of the first and second millennia and later spread to the central regions of Rus' and the Urals. The appearance and widespread distribution of surnames in Siberia occurred much later and was associated with the beginning of the period of conquest of Siberia in the second half of the 16th century.

Surnames on -i/-s come from the nickname that characterized the family - Short, White, Red, Large, Small, etc. - and are a form of the genitive (or prepositional) plural of a possessive adjective, which was formed by adding a patronymic suffix to the root of the nickname. Doctor of Philological Sciences A.V. Superanskaya describes the mechanism of formation of these surnames as follows: “The head of the family is called Zolotoy, the whole family is called Zolotoy. A native or descendants of a family in the next generation - Zolotykh"

Surnames in -skiy / -tskiy are more common among Poles. Despite this, a fairly large percentage of the Russian population have surnames in -sky / -tsky. The surname originates from areas that were previously occupied by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. TO this method word formations include surnames derived from names:

Localities or settlements - this method of formation is especially characteristic of princely families or the Western Russian gentry of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, however, it is not so characteristic of Great Russian noble families(unlike Western Europe). Examples: Belozersky is the owner of the Beloozero estate, Vyazemsky is the owner of the estate in Vyazma.

Church parishes (churches), in turn, formed from the names of church holidays, the names of saints. Examples: Voznesensky, Holy Cross, Rozhdestvensky, Trinity, Uspensky, Yaransky.

Artificially created in the seminary. Examples: Athenian, Athos, Dobrovolsky

In Russia there are many surnames that end in “-sky” or “-tsky”. Curious, what are they talking about? It turns out that there are several versions of the origin of such surnames.

Polish surnames

According to one version, all surnames of this kind are of Polish origin. That is, for example, those who bear the names Pototsky, Slutsky, Zabolotsky, Polyansky, Svitkovsky, Kovalevsky, Smelyansky have Polish roots in their family.

"Noble" surnames

One version says that in Rus', surnames with the suffixes “-sky/-tsky” were received by boyars and representatives of the nobility based on the names of their family destinies - Vyazemsky, Dubrovsky, Baryatinsky, etc. Surnames became hereditary, passed from father to son as a symbol of territorial power. The Book of the Thousand for 1550 lists 93 princely names, of which 40 end in “-sky”. By the way, it is believed that this tradition came from Poland. The mentioned suffixes were a sign of belonging to the gentry - representatives of the Polish aristocracy. Gradually, this began to be practiced in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, also exclusively among representatives of the upper class.

An attempt to “improve” ordinary surnames

Ethnographers suggest that there was also a tendency to improve common surnames by adding a suffix. This was especially common among Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians who lived in the same territory as the Poles. Thus, Borodin could turn into Borodinsky, Gatchin into Gatchinsky, Zaitsev into Zaichevsky.

"Geographical" origin

There is a version that today most of these surnames, in the past, were formed from geographical names settlements, rivers and lakes. So, a resident of Ryazan in another region was called “Ryazansky”, over time this could turn into a surname. The surname Verzhbitsky is quite common: settlements with this name existed in Poland, and in Russia, and in Ukraine, and in Belarus.

Jewish surnames

Another hypothesis states that at least some surnames starting with “-sky” may have Jewish roots. Such surnames were given to Jews living in the Baltic and Slavic countries, also by the name of the area. For example, Antokolsky, Vilkomirsky, Gilichensky, Mirgorodsky.

"Spiritual" surnames

Graduates of theological seminaries in Russia were assigned new, beautiful, euphonious surnames that would suit their priestly rank. This is how the Nativity, Ascension, Resurrection, Preobrazhensky, Trinity, and All Saints appeared. The surname Lebedinsky presumably also belongs to the “spiritual” family: after all, the swan is a recognized symbol of spiritual purity, including in Orthodoxy.

Most likely, surnames ending in “-sky” or “-tsky” are still completely different in origin, and only by looking at the root can one sometimes guess where they could have come from in principle.