How to calculate a stone by date of birth. How to find out your gemstone by date of birth and name

There are hundreds of lists of stones by date of birth. The reason is repeated rewriting of instructions brought from the East.

It was there, according to scientists, that they compiled a table of compatibility between certain minerals and people born on a given day.

The crusaders brought the list to Europe. When translating notes, Westerners made mistakes and got confused.

The stones they knew could have been called differently in the East. For example, the Arabs called them carbuncles, and the Slavs called them worm-like yachts.

As a result, a lot of variants of the ancient table appeared. Modern esotericists have tried to understand what illiterate Europeans of past centuries could not always understand.

A universal list has been compiled that takes into account the mistakes made by predecessors. We invite you to read the recommendations.

Birthstones for Aries

The character and needs of people of the sign vary depending on the decade in which they were born.

For Aries born from March 21 to March 31, carnelian, agate, jasper, tiger's eye, serpentine, and amazonite are needed.

Aries birthstones by date of birth belonging to the second decade (from April 1 to April 11): sardonyx, heliotrope, pearl, cat eye. And for representatives of the sign born from April 12 to April 20, the following are recommended: sapphire, garnet.

All stones have one thing in common - they give representatives of the sign a powerful charge of energy. All Aries are active, do not spare themselves, and are prone to stress.

In order not to drive yourself into a “foam,” you need powerful energy drinks, and we’re not talking about Red Bull.

Birthstones for Taurus

Loving and soft. This short description anyone can get Calf. Birthstones by date of birth for representatives of the sign, they are also divided by decades.

Those born from April 21 to May 1 choose: aventurine, bloody, agate, carnelian. Those born between May 2 and May 11 depend on turquoise, onyx, opal and chrysoprase.

Tourmaline, diamond, emerald and aquamarine are needed by Taurus of the 3rd decade. All minerals protect gentle natures from mental trauma, bestow happiness and well-being.

Birthstones for Gemini

Select stones by date of birth for Gemini, it’s also better by decades. The first of them lasts from May 21 to May 31.

Those born on these numbers are supported by: obsidian, , amazonite and rock crystal. For those born from June 1 to June 10, the following are recommended: chrysoprase, onyx, citrine, cat's eye, opal.

Those in the third decade (from June 11 to June 21) are helped by: sapphires, alexandrites and tourmalines. All Geminis sometimes lack strength and stamina. Their deficiency is more than made up for by the mascot stones of the sign.

Birthstones for Cancers

Amethyst, Moonstone, , — Cancer stones, by date of birth falling in the first decade of the sign. It lasts from June 22 to July 1.

For those born from July 2 to July 12, the following are prepared: emerald, opal, amethyst, labradorite. The third ten-day period begins on the 13th and ends on the 22nd of July.

Gems of late Cancers: cat's eye, moonstone, mica, charaite. The last stone is difficult to find. There is only one known deposit in the world near the Chara River in the Trans-Baikal Territory.

Birthstones for Leo

Those born from July 23 to August 1 need sapphire, diamond, amber, and marble. Leo birthstone, by date of birth falling in the 2nd decade (from August 2 to 12) - golden topaz.

The mineral does not ignite and maintains body temperature. Not all fire fighters are Leos by horoscope. But, in character, these brave people are exactly like the king of beasts.

Talisman stones, by date of birth suitable for Leo in the third decade (from August 13th to 23rd): heliotrope, obsidian, and blue topaz.

Birthstones for Virgos

The first decade of Virgo begins on August 24th and ends on September 2nd. Amethyst, jade, jasper – recommended stones. By date of birth Virgo You can also choose tourmaline. It will help maintain harmony with others, which is important for representatives of the sign.

Virgos of the 2nd decade (from September 3 to 11) prefer: pearls, jadeite, onyx and hairy.

Those born between September 12th and 23rd need sapphire, garnet and topaz. These minerals will help you overcome shyness and become more sociable.

Birthstones for Libra

The time of the sign begins on September 24th. The first ten days ends on October 3rd.

People born at this time will benefit from: crimson tourmaline, rauchtopaz and other smoky-toned gems. Light green tourmaline and light quartz are also chosen Scales.

Birthstone by date of birth for Libra in the second decade (from October 4th to 13th) they need jasper, granite and beryl. From October 14 to October 23, those whose talismans become: opal, diamond, coral are born.

Birthstones for Scorpios

Scorpio stones, by date of birth belonging to the 1st decade - jasper, basalt, obsidian and slate.

The second ten-day period begins on the 4th and ends on the 13th of November. Those born during this period are recommended: almandine, black opal and.

What birthstone is it? choose Scorpios, who appeared to the world from November 14th to 22nd? Answer: aquamarine and emerald. All representatives of the sign are inclined to take risks.

Each of the talisman stones helps you avoid getting hurt and emerge victorious from any situation.

Birthstones for Sagittarius

Sagittarius birthstone by date of birth– turquoise. This is the case if the representative of the sign was born from November 23 to December 2.

Gems of the middle period: - chalcedony, amethyst, black. For Sagittarius in the third decade (from December 13th to 23rd) the following are prepared: lapis lazuli, jade, ametrine.

Determine birthstone by date of birth possible, relying not only on the list of astrologers. There is also confusion in their system.

For example, in Ancient Egypt There was a constellation Ophiuchus. The Romans forgot about him. The zodiac sign was never returned.

The influence of Ophiuchus begins in the last week of December. Other stones were recommended for the ancient sign.

So, the main thing is to feel comfortable next to this or that gem, because even scientists make mistakes.

Birthstones for Capricorns

Capricorn birthstone, by date of birth falling in the first ten days (from December 23 to January 2): striped agate, malachite, onyx and opal.

Stones-amulets by date of birth for those born between January 3rd and January 12th: sardonyx, dark, sapphire.

Capricorns in the third decade (from January 13th to 20th) feel comfortable next to almandine, tiger's eye and pyrope (red-orange garnet).

Birthstones for Aquarius

From January 21 to February 1, those whose talismans become: amber, agate, aquamarine and turquoise are born.

Aquarius birthstone by date of birth belonging to the period from February 2 to February 10 - pearls.

Her one suitable stone by date of birth - aquamarine. The third ten-day period of the sign begins on the 11th and ends on the 20th of February. For late Aquarius we recommend: olivine and, still the same, .

Birthstones for Pisces

Find out birthstone for Pisces suggested by many astrologers. Most of them agree that those born in the first decade (from February 21 to March 1) need: lapis lazuli, amethyst, sapphire and other minerals of purple, green, blue tones.

These colors emphasize their belonging to the element of water, which includes real Fish.

Stone, by date of birth suitable for people, born in the second decade, is an archery stone.

It will protect you from sudden changes in mood. The third ten-day period starts on the 11th and ends on the 20th of March. Astrologers associate alexandrite and aquamarine with these numbers.

Astrologers are not limited to the zodiac list, they divide birthstones for men, or women, by month and date.

Thus, those born on the 1st of the 3rd month, 19.02, 08.04, 12.06 and 26.09 are prescribed aquamarine. Carnelian is the mineral of the 4th of the 3rd month and the 20th of the 5th month.

Gemstones by date of birth, falling on the 26th day of the 2nd month, 08/31 and 10/15 - rhodonite.

Pearls are recommended for those born on March 2, May 7, or June 25. Full list dates are presented on many sites, as is the horoscope of stones by date of birth.

There is also a version of dividing talismans according to elements. Moreover, not all of them are advised by astrologers to wear stones.

There should be no inserts in products. But the decor - engravings, blackening, openwork elements - can be present with interest.

Capricorns, Virgos and Taurus, classified as earth elements, may not limit themselves to stones. You can wear pearls, turquoise, carnelian and agates.

There are also requirements for metal. Airy forms and a combination of matte and shiny textures in one decoration are welcome.

Inserts made of heavy, dense rocks are not an option for airy Aquarius, Libra and Gemini.

People whose element is water feel comfortable near stones heavenly tones. But that's not all. A laconic, simple cut of crystals is required.

Squares, cabochons, and plates are ideal. Astrologers recommend transparent gems, such as rock crystal or aquamarine.

The metal shouldn't be smooth. The wavy surface of gold, silver, base metals is good.

The name the person bears and his date of birth. A correctly selected stone can become a real amulet, capable of bringing good luck, helping in difficult situations and protecting from dangers. Talisman stones based on your date of birth and name will become your true friends for many years.

Select by name

There is no clear opinion among magicians about how exactly to choose a stone by name. One of the most famous methods suggests taking into account the meaning of the name when choosing a talisman. According to esotericists, each stone has one or another property, which it will certainly transfer to its owner. The characteristics of your name will help you find out what you need to restore balance. Examples could be:

Choosing a stone for a man's name should be done in the same way: first you need to find out what meaning your name carries.

Select by date

Numerologists require taking into account your date of birth when choosing a talisman stone, insisting that numbers, like nothing else, can influence a person’s destiny. There are several ways to choose an amulet based on your date of birth. The year is rarely taken into account because it becomes total number for too large quantity people, which means his energy dissipates. You can choose a stone by month:

  • January. The second month of winter is associated with ice and cold. A rock crystal that represents a piece of ice will suit you.
  • February. This is a winter month. However, the approach of spring can be felt already in mid-February. Sapphires and amethysts will remind you of the onset of a new season.
  • March. Winter has not yet given up its rights to spring, but its time has already passed. Jasper is one of the the best ways show the transition from one season to another.
  • April. Spring is in full swing - this is exactly the information that olivit can convey.
  • May. And again a new time of year is approaching. Numerology states that the transition of gentle spring to scorching summer can be well shown by agate.
  • June. The atmosphere of the coming summer will be created by bright green malachite.
  • July. Traditionally the hottest month of the year. Ruby is suitable for those born in July.
  • August. The best talisman for those born in August will be amber - a symbol of the still hot, but already passing summer.
  • September. The September sun can be no less hot than the July or August sun, but the first yellow leaves have appeared on the trees. A yellow cat's eye will suit you, simultaneously conveying both the yellowness of the leaves and the warmth of the first autumn month.
  • October. Experts believe that aquamarine is best suited for those born in October, despite the fact that this stone is not associated with autumn.
  • November. Opal is suitable for those born in November.
  • December. Another cold month of the year. However, upon closer examination, December has significant differences from January. The first winter month is associated with moonstone.

Talisman stones and amulets by date of birth and name will be selected most accurately if you first take into account the date on which your birthday falls. The energy of this number is more individual and applies to a much smaller group of people. If you were born on the tenth, eleventh, etc., add two numbers together to get one:

  1. Unit. Those born on the first day, as well as those whose birth number adds up to one, may prefer carnelian.
  2. Two. You need pearls to unlock your inner potential.
  3. Troika. The best jewelry for threes is always made of turquoise.
  4. Four. These people are especially vulnerable and may suffer from damage much more often than others. Jade will help protect against negative magical influences.
  5. Five. A number that encourages you to search for adventure and adventure. Emerald will awaken your prudence and impart wisdom.
  6. Six. A gemstone that suits you is a diamond.
  7. Seven. Sevens need extra energy. Your talisman can be a ruby, an energetic red stone.
  8. Eight. Pomegranate suits you - a symbol of friendly relations.
  9. Nine. Rock crystal will help the number nine to “cool down” at the right moment. In addition, such a talisman gives its owner mental acuity.

A stone is a living creature just like an animal, insect or plant. We can say that this is simply a different form of life. A soulless, at first glance, cobblestone has its own character and even history. It is no coincidence that there are many legends about jewelry that bears the weight of generational curse. When choosing talisman stones by date of birth and name, it is important to take into account not only numerical or nominal compatibility. You must like your future talisman and only evoke positive emotions.

Anyone can choose a stone that suits them perfectly. Sometimes you can feel your talisman immediately after touching it. This method does not always work, so you should turn to the magic of numbers.

Their magical properties A precious or semi-precious stone manifests itself to its maximum when one believes in its power. It is important to select stones responsibly. There are many ways to find a talisman, but the most accurate one is to determine it by date of birth. Amulets selected using this method will be able to:

  1. Protect from negativity.
  2. Improve health.
  3. Bring success in life and career.
  4. Reward with strength and energy.
  5. Help in your personal life.

The main thing is not only a smart choice, but careful care of the mineral. If used incorrectly, it loses its strength and cracks. The easiest way is to feed the amulet with earth energy. To do this, you need to put it in a flower pot for a couple of days.

Date of Birth

Numbers play human life a big role, so people are dependent on them. This feature relates to the question of how to choose a talisman stone.

Numerology experts say that a birthday brings important information. Many years of research have shown that it can be used to recognize certain character traits. Data can help in the formation of personal qualities.

A birthstone is chosen based on certain calculations, during which the essence of the number is clarified. It can be calculated as follows:

  1. Date of birth November 29, 1991. The month on the calendar is 11th. It turns out November 29, 1991.
  2. The sum of the components is calculated: 2+9+1+1+1+9+9+1=33.
  3. You need to get a result in the range from 1 to 9, so we additionally add 3+3=6.
  4. Based on the calculations, it is clear that the essence is the number 6. You need to find it in the memo and choose your talisman in accordance with it.


  • Number 1 rewards with energy and determination. Obsidian is a talisman in love affairs.
  • Number 2. Sapphire and citrine will clear your mind and guide you in the right direction on any path in life.
  • Number 3. Coral and obsidian will be restored peace of mind and maintain good health.
  • Number 4 will protect from the evil eye and create powerful protection from bad thoughts from the outside.
  • Number 5. Turquoise will soften your harsh character and help you establish harmonious relationships with others.
  • Number 6. promotes opening creative potential and implementation in the professional sphere.
  • Number 7 will attract good luck, which will accompany you everywhere.
  • Number 8 will help you build successful friendships and professional relationships.
  • Number 9 will clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts and set you up to solve current problems.
RepresentativedateAmuletDangerous talismans
AriesMarch 21 – April 20TopazLibra sign
TaurusApril 21 - May 21Beryl, onyx, turquoiseScorpio sign
TwinsMay 22 - June 21JasperSagittarius sign
CancerJune 22 - July 22Emerald, tourmalineCapricorn sign
a lionJuly 23 - August 23Chrysoprase, onyxAquarius sign
VirgoAugust 24 - September 23TurquoisePisces sign
ScalesSeptember 24 - October 23Obsidian, sapphireAries sign
ScorpionOctober 24 - November 22Chalcedony, carnelianSign Taurus
SagittariusNovember 23 - December 21Diamond, opalGemini sign
CapricornDecember 22 - January 20Amber, topazCancer sign
AquariusJanuary 21 - February 18Citrine, sapphireLeo sign
FishFebruary 19 - March 20Coral, bloodstoneVirgo sign

Day of the week

The day of the week on which a person was born also carries a special meaning. If the previous methods did not help you determine your talisman, you can consider this option by selecting your stone by day from the table.

An amulet made from natural minerals has long been considered one of the best amulets for a person. It has already been proven that each stone has its own healing properties and has a beneficial effect on human health. Such amulets are selected according to the zodiac sign, date of birth, name and other characteristics of the person. Esotericists and magicians say that a correctly chosen stone can change better side both the man himself and his fate.

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    How to choose a talisman according to your zodiac sign?

    Astrologers claim that certain properties of minerals depend on the position of the Sun, Moon and other planets in the zodiac constellations - each stone receives those vibrations from space that are suitable only for a certain zodiac sign. They protect their owner from misfortunes and illnesses, becoming a kind of talisman for him. The first tables of correspondence between semi-precious and precious minerals and zodiacal constellations were compiled in the Middle Ages. IN modern world these tables were appreciated and finalized by the International Jewelry Association.

    To select the right stone, you need to pay attention not only to its belonging to a particular zodiac sign, but also to its shape. This parameter affects the manifestation medicinal properties.


    People belonging to this sign have leadership qualities and strong energy. They can immerse themselves in work, but they lack the patience to see it through to completion; Aries are also angry and unrestrained. Their violent temperament and energy need to be controlled, so the following stone options are suitable for them as an amulet:

    1. 1. Diamond - will help Aries become more diligent and concentrate in order to complete things. An additional benefit will be the ability of the stone to instill determination and confidence in the owner.
    2. 2. Ruby - will pacify the violent temper of Aries, making them kinder, more restrained and more generous. This option is ideal for both women and men.
    3. 3. Amethyst - will allow Aries to become more peaceful, relax, and get rid of unnecessary negativity.
    4. 4. Sapphire - makes the owner more reasonable and wise.
    5. 5. Rock crystal - will add the missing sensitivity and tact to Aries, allowing you to better understand people.
    6. 6. Agate - suitable for young students, it will teach them to focus on their studies and self-discipline. The best options are red, orange, yellow colors stones.

    Only red and green garnets are suitable for Aries men. For married women a green diamond is ideal, for unmarried women - zircon or red jasper.


    Individuals born under this sign are very decisive, reliable in family life and straightforward. They love beautiful things and comfort, but they are stubborn. Due to their soft character, it is difficult for them to resist other signs, so when choosing talismans, Taurus should pay attention to the following stones:

    1. 1. Chrysoprase - will relieve fears and doubts , will make a person bold and self-confident. The stone, which is worn on the left hand, protects its owner from nervous diseases.
    2. 2. Emerald - gives Taurus wisdom, relieves depression and fills them with joy.
    3. 3. Agate - gives the owner prosperity and longevity, enhances the creative qualities of the individual (this only applies to light shades), is especially useful for women. If the color of the agate is black, then it is better for a man to wear it - in this case, the person will be protected from negativity and dark forces and will also become more confident.
    4. 4. Turquoise - suitable purposeful individuals and helps them complete their tasks. Attracts income and helps in risky situations. Ideal for girls as a symbol true love.
    5. 5. Malachite (light green) - absorbs negativity, protecting its owner from the evil eye and damage. Helps the owner to free himself from grievances and bad thoughts.


    These people are creative and know how to make the right decisions at the right time. They are endowed with good intelligence, but are very restless and therefore do not complete things. Routine is unacceptable for them - most of all they need communication, but those around them are sometimes put off by their fussiness and optionality. In this case, the following will help:

    1. 1. Alexandrite – gives strength, relieves depression and negative energy. Changing color, this mineral indicates the health status of its owner.
    2. 2. Agate - helps Gemini control emotions, fills them with energy, patience and perseverance, and also protects them from envy and anger. This stone is considered a source of longevity.
    3. 3. Beryl – adds positive energy and strength to the owner, instills confidence, improves mental abilities and protects on the go. It also helps in achieving the goal.
    4. 4. Prehnite – helps to overcome difficulties.
    5. 5. Citrine (lemon yellow) - makes a person more attentive, protects against rash actions, and helps in business.
    6. 6. Carnelian - suitable creative people, improves health.


    Cancer is an extraordinary, sensitive and vulnerable person, prone to introspection. The following stones are suitable for such individuals:

    1. 1. Emerald - will allow you to control emotions, overcome stiffness, discover hidden talents and improve your financial situation.
    2. 2. Apatite - will relieve excessive sensitivity and touchiness.
    3. 3. Sodalite - will improve the imagination necessary for creative work, and will help you find a way out difficult situations.
    4. 4. Moonstone - makes people more confident and sociable.
    5. 5. Yellow chrysoberyl or green quartz (the so-called “cat’s eye”) - will help you achieve success in your career.

    a lion

    Since childhood, Leos are very confident people who can easily achieve their goals. For their strong character and powerful energy are suitable:

    1. 1. Ruby – strengthens and preserves health.
    2. 2. Citrine – instills calm in a person and helps to achieve internal balance.
    3. 3. Chrysolite - will help in communication, make Lviv more diplomatic and teach them to listen to the opinions of others.
    4. 4. Heliodor - increases the thirst for knowledge, develops organizational skills. For Lionesses, heliodor is the key to happiness and family well-being.
    5. 5. Tourmaline - eliminates fears and dissatisfaction with oneself, helps to find a preferred direction in creativity.


    Representatives of this sign love the attention of others and are distinguished by exceptional self-confidence. The following stones are suitable for them:

    1. 1. Rhodochrosite - reveals in Virgos the organizational abilities that they have from birth.
    2. 2. Jasper - will help you establish relationships with people and make friends.
    3. 3. Chrysolite - will reveal natural beauty, add femininity and softness.
    4. 4. Jade – will protect the owner from negative influences external environment, will add excitement and bring success to business.
    5. 5. Pearls (pink, yellow) - pacifies, softens the rigidity of character, provides financial well-being.
    6. 6. Onyx - replenishes energy and strength, protects against stress and depression.


    Very unpredictable personalities, characterized by frequent mood swings. The following will help calm the emotions of this sign and make changes in character:

    1. 1. Aquamarine - will ensure harmony and balance in life, give confidence and determination, strengthen feelings between lovers.
    2. 2. Tourmaline – develops creative thinking, balances dark and light energies in the sign’s representative and develops creative abilities.
    3. 3. Opal - strengthens self-confidence, helps overcome laziness and concentrate.
    4. 4. Diamond is the best option for Libra, which helps to gain a certain status in society.
    5. 5. Diamond - will help you make important decisions on your own.


    These are very complex individuals who have an extraordinary mind. The best option to pacify their hot temper and develop positive qualities will be:

    1. 1. Aquamarine - will remove hot temper and help establish friendly relationships with others.
    2. 2. Pomegranate – develops qualities such as perseverance, willpower, love.
    3. 3. Opal – will help in acceptance right decisions and concentration.
    4. 4. Aventurine – relieves anger and irritability, improves well-being and mood.


    These people have an active life position, do not like conflicts and easily make contact with people, but they are very lazy and temperamental. The following stones are suitable for Sagittarius:

    1. 1. Turquoise – attracts good luck and helps you achieve your goals.
    2. 2. Chrysolite - gives balance and self-control to its owner, teaches tact and self-respect.
    3. 3. Topaz - allows you to cope with excessive perseverance, and also attracts money and preserves youth.


    Representatives of this sign are very hardworking, have an ardent temperament and move towards their intended goal, no matter what. Best suited for Capricorns:

    1. 1. Onyx - helps to gain the respect of colleagues.
    2. 2. Ruby – attracts prosperity, love, inspires confidence and strengthens positive traits.
    3. 3. Opal – protects from troubles and eliminates negativity accumulated in the process of communication. This mineral also opens the way to self-realization, which is very important for Capricorns.


    Such people always get along well with others, but it is very difficult for them to establish close relationships, so they have few close friends. Suitable for Aquarius:

    1. 1. Amethyst – restores energy and strength, removes isolation and fatigue.
    2. 2. Sapphire – develops intuition, helps to find purpose, gives perseverance and wisdom.
    3. 3. Zircon - improves memory, brings inspiration, reveals talents and increases the thirst for knowledge. The stone also charges with confidence and optimism, allowing you to cope with any difficulties. This amulet helps single women find a life partner.
    4. 4. Citrine – activates and enhances everything best qualities Aquarius.


    Very creative and independent people who are able to overcome any adversity. They easily adapt to environment, but can be compliant. Best suited for Pisces:

    1. 1. Amethyst – harmonizes all areas of life and attracts good luck.
    2. 2. Aquamarine is the main amulet for Pisces, which helps in the fight against inconstancy, gives love and prosperity.
    3. 3. Aventurine – enhances perseverance, strengthens willpower, gives joy and a positive outlook on things.

    There may be cases when a person does not like any of the stones indicated for his zodiac sign. Then you need to listen to your intuition and choose an amulet at your own discretion, having previously learned the esoteric properties of all minerals. Otherwise, the acquired talisman will become a stumbling block, and not a talisman, because you can strengthen it negative qualities character.

    Some stones can only be worn during the full and waning moon, others - only during the waxing one. Each of the natural minerals requires individual care and treatment (for example, rock crystal must be cleansed once a month from accumulated negative energy using water and salt).

    Selecting a stone by name

    It has long been known that a name can influence the character and destiny of a person - like stones, it has its own energy and characteristics. In order for a person to develop harmoniously, the amulet is selected according to the table of names and stones. It will help a person cope with a violent temper, and will also change his fate for the better.

    The table of names and stones is given below.

    First letter of name Female names and their corresponding talismans Male names and their corresponding talismans
    A Agatha - heliodor; Alevtina – chrysolite; Ada – blue topaz; Alexandra – “cat’s eye”; Alena - jadeite, emerald, jade; Alexandra - aventurine, garnet, alexandrite; Alina – sapphire, rose quartz; Alla - turquoise; Alice - lapis lazuli; Albina – mother of pearl; Anastasia – fluorite, opal, obsidian, chrysoprase; Amalia – topaz; Angela – opal; Anna – citrine, amber, hematite, carnelian; Angelina - turquoise, peridot, lapis lazuli; Antonina – rauchtopaz; Arina - tourmaline, chalcedony, diopside Alexander – argillite, alexandrite, chrysoprase, rauchtopaz, turquoise; Abram - sapphire; Anatoly – black agate; Alexey – chrysoprase; Andrey – amethyst, citrine, andalusite, onyx, amber; Arkady – topaz; Anton - amethyst; Artem – turquoise
    B Bronislava - opal; Bella - topaz Bronislav - ruby; Boris - pomegranate
    IN Valeria – agate, amethyst; Valentina – amazonite, olivine, amber, carnelian; Vera - jasper, ruby; Varvara – jet, malachite, ruby; Veronica – tourmaline, sapphire, rose quartz; Vasilisa – garnet, rhodolite; Violetta – spinel; Victoria – variscite, coral, azurite Vladimir - carnelian, green jasper, emerald, heliotrope; Victor - corundum, smoky quartz, selenite, olivine; Vadim – zircon; Valery – rhodolite, garnet; Vsevolod – blue topaz; Valentine - citrine; Veniamin – onyx; Vasily – aquamarine; Vitaly - emerald; Vladislav – rose quartz; Vyacheslav – sapphire
    G Galina - jade, hyacinth, aventurine; Helena – zircon Gennady – rock crystal; Gabriel - pomegranate; German – malachite; George – amethyst; Gleb – black agate; Gregory – coral
    D Daria – jadeite, diamond, obsidian, citrine; Diana – rock crystal, zircon, golden topaz; Darina – chrysoberyl Denis - jadeite, malachite, aventurine, amber, spinel; Dmitry - agate, lapis lazuli, topaz, aventurine, dioptase; Demyan – chrysolite; Danila – rock crystal
    E Evgeniya – beryl, jadeite, rubellite, aventurine; Eve - ruby; Ekaterina - lapis lazuli, rauchtopaz; Evdokia – alexandrite, corundum; Elena – opal, tiger eye, jadeite, carnelian; Ekaterina – pearls; Elizabeth – turquoise, charoite, carnelian, olivine Egor – zircon; Evgeniy – chrysolite; Elisha – topaz; Efim – tourmaline; Eremey – spinel
    AND Zhanna - "Hawkeye"
    Z Zoya – emerald; Zinaida - pomegranate
    AND Irina - opal, topaz, coral, pearls; Inna - emerald, jade, garnet, diamond; Isabella - topaz; Yvette – sapphire; Inga - pearl Igor - malachite; Ivan - rose quartz, corundum, moonstone, beryl, amazonite; Ilya - obsidian; Ignat - black agate; Joseph - opal; Hippolyte - chrysolite; Innocent - serpentine
    TO Karina – jasper, eudialyte, chrysolite, quartz; Kira – zircon; Clara – chrysoprase; Carolina - citrine; Claudia - amber; Christina – andalusite, onyx, carnelian; Ksenia – chalcedony, blue topaz Klim - pomegranate; Kirill – amethyst; Kuzma – zircon; Konstantin – hematite
    L Larisa – turquoise, black agate, aventurine; Lydia – jet, malachite, amethyst; Lily – jasper, rhodonite; Love – lapis lazuli, turquoise, chalcedony; Louise – spinel; Lyudmila – alexandrite, sapphire, white agate Leo - sapphire; Laurel – chrysolite; Luka – rose quartz; Leonid – citrine
    M Marina - mother of pearl, amethyst; Maria - carnelian, pomegranate; Margarita - "tiger's eye", pearl Maxim - emerald; Matvey – sapphire; Makar – pomegranate; Mark – rock crystal; Michael – aquamarine
    N Nadezhda – rose quartz, agate; Natalia – obsidian, malachite, beryl; Nellie - beryl; Nastya - fluorite, malachite; Nina – smoky quartz, jasper, amber; Nonna - coral Nikita - carnelian, garnet, citrine, hematite; Nicholas - padparadscha, alexandrite, hyacinth, heliotrope; Nazar - ruby; Nestor – topaz; Nikifor - heliodor; Nahum - emerald
    ABOUT Oksana – chalcedony, chrysolite, citrine; Olga – tourmaline, carnelian; Olesya – aventurine, opal Oleg – topaz, garnet, turquoise, pearls, carnelian
    P Polina – onyx, jade, selenite; Praskovya – amber Peter - rauchtopaz; Pavel – garnet, opal, ruby, bull’s eye, blood jasper; Prokhor – olivine; Plato - pomegranate
    R Regina – golden topaz; Rose - citrine; Raisa – moonstone; Rimma - "cat's eye" Robert – sapphire; Roman – moonstone, amethyst, obsidian, agate; Ruslan – opal, aventurine, topaz, onyx; Rodion - rock crystal; Rostislav – citrine
    WITH Svetlana – coral, rock crystal, rhodonite; Sofia - rose quartz, lapis lazuli; Seraphim – spinel; Snezhana - pearls; Stanislava – coral; Sophia - amber; Stella - topaz Semyon – aquamarine; Svyatoslav - pomegranate; Sergey – tourmaline, chalcedony, spinel, lapis lazuli; Samson – zircon; Seraphim - chrysolite
    T Tatyana – jet, rauchtopaz, “tiger eye”; Taisiya – pomegranate; Tamara – sapphire Timofey - citrine; Taras – rauchtopaz; Timur - amber; Trofim - pomegranate; Tryphon – olivine
    U Ulyana - topaz, rhodolite
    F Faina – quartz Felix - ruby; Philip – opal; Fedor - pomegranate; Thomas - malachite
    E Eleanor – ruby; Edita - pomegranate; Emilia - turquoise; Elvira – pearls; Emma – rhodonite; Elsa – heliodor Emil – mother of pearl; Edward - sapphire
    YU Julia – emerald, lapis lazuli, jadeite Yuri – jade; Julian – turquoise
    I Yana – citrine, cat's eye, jasper Yaroslav - sapphire; Yakov – chrysolite.

    Choosing an amulet by date of birth

    In ancient times everything jewelry selected by date of birth. This was necessary in order to help a person get rid of negative character traits and strengthen positive ones. Such an amulet attracted good luck and prosperity to the life of its owner.

    To find out which stone will be the best amulet for a person, you can use ready-made tables which are given below. In them, each mineral corresponds to certain dates (day, month, year of birth).

    By date of birth.

    By month of birth.

    You can also select a stone according to the time of year (you should take into account when the person was born).

    For a stone to become a talisman, you need to love it. If the stone that was found in the table does not suit the person’s feelings or does not like him, then it is better to choose something else.

    By date of birth, you can find not only a talisman for a person, but also a suitable flower, tree and totem animal. To do this, you should use the Druid Horoscope, which indicates the meanings of each plant and the magical properties of totems.

    How do you know that the stone is chosen correctly?

    In a number of cases, it has been noted that with the correct selection of a talisman stone, after some time, positive changes occur both in the person himself and in his life:

    • a person does not lose energy and feels good after communicating with any people around him;
    • there is a feeling of protection from the evil eye, damage and other witchcraft;
    • immunity is strengthened;
    • are intensifying positive features character and negative ones are weakened;
    • prosperity and success come;
    • personal life improves;
    • intuition sharpens.

    It is worth remembering that positive changes manifest themselves differently for everyone - it depends on the properties of the chosen stone. Don't expect big miracles from just one copy. Often you need to select not one, but several stones at once - only then the effect will intensify, and each amulet will cause positive changes in life. For miracles to happen for sure, you need not only to purchase stones, but also to take an active life position, because “water does not flow under a lying stone.”

    Human nature tends to change with age under the pressure of certain life circumstances, according to which preferences also change. It is possible that at some point there will be a desire to pick up a new talisman - this natural process. Contact with the world of natural minerals allows a person not only to find well-being, but also to gain useful spiritual knowledge.

Since ancient times, precious and semi-precious stones were not just part of jewelry, they were also talismans, a means of healing from illnesses, and a way to achieve set goals. Most often they were chosen based on the person’s date of birth or zodiac affiliation.

Each era had its favorites among stones. Thus, the Egyptians took particular pleasure in wearing jewelry inlaid with emeralds, turquoise, amethysts, and rock crystal. Cleopatra and Semiramis, as well as other queens of those times, loved pearls; in the Renaissance they preferred rubies, sapphires and topazes.

What is it leaning towards? modern man? What does he prefer? What does he believe in? What does it need? The most important thing is comfort and peace.

The talisman should not only suit the person by date of birth, but also instill a sense of security, evoke sympathy, a desire not to part with him and become close to him, becoming one.

All this is very important, because you are choosing not just an expensive piece of jewelry, but a talisman, the magic and beauty of which should envelop you in mystery and evoke positive emotions. Therefore, we recommend not to be guided only by the data of the horoscope, which, for example, recommends that you wear a turquoise amulet, but you yourself cannot stand all shades of blue and indigo, preferring the yellowness and redness of summer, its warmth and kindness. Don't force yourself.

Look for your talisman by getting to know each individual instance you like. Study the characteristics. Take it in your hand and hold it, trying to understand how it makes you feel. You will recognize your pebble immediately, because when you touch its surface you will feel something unusual and at the same time familiar. The talisman should become not only your protection, but also a continuation, revealing you and your potential to the world.

Legends about the ability of stones to heal and protect from all kinds of negativity have been passed down from generation to generation. So, the tiger's eye, for example, is a good talisman that warns of danger - it becomes heavier. Tiger's eye beads begin to “strangle” the owner if trouble, danger or grief awaits her.

Please note that we do not at all undertake to claim that having found your talisman, you will become impenetrable, impenetrable and invulnerable. None of this is true. Yes, you will be protected, but at the same time you will have to take care of yourself and not rush into all seriousness. I would like to note that if you mistakenly mistake someone else’s stone for your own, it can negatively affect your life and destiny.

Date of birth and birthstones

By studying all the tables of stones available in the world, stones were derived that correspond to certain dates of birth. However, when choosing a stone, remember your intuition, which you can trust more than any horoscope or table!

A certain pebble provides energy that contributes to the development of the situation and your strength today.

Since the situation next year may change dramatically, it would not hurt to change the stone, according to your goals and objectives.

When the stone wears off, be sure to thank it for its help and assistance by saying “thank you.” You can lend or give this stone to someone if the person needs it, just do it from the bottom of your heart, otherwise it won’t be good for either the person who accepted it or you.

It happens that the rock cracks after completion of work or during it, then it needs to be allowed to rest, the best place for rest - land. Bury the pebble in the garden or in a flower pot that sits in the window. After working out and resting, the stone can be recharged by placing it on a druse of crystals for a couple of days.

Talisman stones

Here is a small list of stones that are suitable for certain dates of birth. This list is incomplete, but perhaps you will be lucky enough to find your talisman here:

Aventurine – 15 II, 19 II, 8 IV, 12 VI, 19 VIII, 26 IX;
Aquamarine - 8 III, 30 III, 22 VI, 3 VIII;
Amazonite - 1 III, 9 V, 2 VII, 30 XI;
Amethyst – 6 IV, 10 IV, 27 V, 17 IX;
Beryl - 14 III, 29 V, 8 VI, 19 VI, 3 VII, 10 VIII;
Jet – 25 II, 21 VII, 17 VIII, 22 XI;
Rhinestone - 3 III, 7 IX, 16 X;
Garnet - 12 III, 6 IV, 24 IV, 25 IV;
Pearls - 2 III, 7 V, 25 VI;
Emerald – 27 II, 20 III, 10 V, 21 V, 22 VII;
Carnelian - 4 III, 20 V, 20 IX;
Coral – 20 II, 16 III, 17 IV, 22 V, 5 VII, 22 IX;
Lal - 20 I, 5 III, 13 IV;
Moonstone - 15 III, 6 V, 5 VI, 26 VI, 18 VII, 19 VII;
Jade – 23 II, 2 IV, 1 V, 23 VI, 28 VI, 13 VII, 23 IX;
Rhodonite - 26 II, 31 VIII, 15 X;
Ruby - 9 III, 22 III, 25 X;
Sapphire - 21 II, 7 III, 21 VI, 24 VII, 25 VII;
Sardonyx - 12 II, 11 III, 19 III, 21 III, 4 IV, 13 VII;
Tiger's Eye - 10 II, 28 II, 29 II;
Chrysolite - 13 III, 16 V, 10 VII;
Chrysoberyl - 14 II, 24 II, 21 IV, 3 IX;
Chrysoprase - 17 III, 24 III, 21 IX;
Charoite - 18 III, 23 III, 1 VII, 21 X;
Amber - 22 II, 9 VI, 22 VII.

Talisman stones: useful information

  • A stone that a person buys himself is not a talisman. It can become such only in a couple of years, not earlier. However, they can give you a talisman, but it must be done by a close and loving person.
  • The stone you wear should suit your horoscope. The zodiac sign greatly influences a person, just like the right or wrong stone. It is not advisable to wear a stone that you simply like in appearance, shape or name.
  • The situation is different with stones found or purchased second-hand. Under no circumstances should you not only wear them, but also select them and buy them, even if the price is incredibly low and the stone is incredibly beautiful! Such a stone can be negatively charged and the power of this negativity is great if it is thrown onto the stone consciously.
  • The stone can be inherited. However, you must understand that such a stone has served the previous owner and even the owners for a long time. Find out as much as you can about what the former owner of the stone was like if you don’t know for sure. If the pebble belonged to a person who was lucky in every sense, you can safely wear the stone. If the owner of the stone was constantly sick, was unlucky, etc., then it is better to refuse such a gift.

The following stones cannot be used as a talisman, as they have too strong an effect on their owner:

  • Opal. Can only be worn by those born at the end of September. This breed relaxes the rest, leading them into deep melancholy, turning into apathy;
  • Pearl And Amber. Only Leos are allowed;
  • Amazonite. Generates irresistible laziness;
  • Pomegranate, sapphire, bloodstone. Makes the owner vicious and dissolute, rude and harsh.