The power of a woman's curse. Ancestral curse: possible causes, types and signs

If a man doesn't take responsibility...

Unfortunately, it is not men who are to blame for this situation, but women. From birth a woman is potentially stronger than men, they have many times more mental and vital energy. Because what happens to men is female influence.

Next to some women, men become rich, next to others they become poor, with some, things go uphill, and with others, a man loses his strength and sometimes even becomes impotent.

There are 3 female curses addressed to a man:

1. A woman destroys and humiliates a man when she gives him money.

After this, it is very difficult for a man to rehabilitate himself and become a normal man. Men begin to unconsciously take revenge, humiliate their women, becoming tyrants, or turn into little children who need to be pampered with new toys all the time.

Never give money to men, not to your husband, not to your dad, not to your brother. Even if he's in difficult situation, even if it’s hard for him, let him grow up and choose himself. This will make him a Man. Even your son, as soon as he turns 18, does not need to give money. Let him earn money, let him look for opportunities. “No, I won’t give you money because I respect you too much and think you can handle it on your own!” By doing this, you will help him become a man responsible for his life, and he will subsequently be able to take responsibility for his loved ones.

If you did give money to a man, then he owes you three times as much back, then this will not destroy him, but will give him a chance to develop himself.

Respect your men, respect is the basis of a stable, strong and happy relationship. A woman gives a man energy to earn money, and this money returns to their family, in the form of their well-being, gifts and everything that pleases her. Not the other way around.

2. A woman does not accept anything from a man.

A woman is the personification of the material energy of well-being and investing in it is tantamount to pleasing your God of Wealth and Prosperity. When a man brings something material to a woman, and she accepts it with ease and joy, a powerful exchange of energy occurs, and more opportunities for action and success open up for the man.

But if a woman cannot accept, she saves (it’s expensive, there was no need to buy it) - she curses his well-being, and money will turn away from the man until he finds a woman who is able to accept.

If the wife does not know how to accept, the man takes a mistress who tells him what she wants and happily accepts it. At such moments, a man feels happy. Men love in women what they can give to her. And if she doesn’t take anything, then life loses its meaning for them.

Another aspect of acceptance is when a woman takes, but everything is not enough for her, nothing can satisfy her, she is insatiable. This behavior does not make a man successful, it devastates him, because even if you accept, you remain dissatisfied.

3. A woman feels sorry for a man.

When a woman feels sorry for a man, she humiliates him, deprives him of faith in herself, in her strength. The more she pities him, the more of a weakling he becomes.

Pity is always a top-down position. We can only feel sorry for those who are somehow inferior to us. You can feel sorry for a child, but feeling sorry for a man is taboo. This means that you don't believe in him.

And a normal man will get irritated and angry when you try to feel sorry for him. But if a man has already fallen into infantilism, then he will gladly lay his head on your lap and talk about how hard his life is and how he needs your help.

If there is a “rescuer” living in you, realize that you are activating the triangle - victim-aggressor-rescuer, and it is very difficult to get out of it until you honestly admit to yourself why you are in it. In it, the man is a victim who needs to be saved and his problems solved. And when a woman gets tired of carrying everything on herself, she herself turns into an aggressor, and then the man looks for a savior on the side in the person of another woman or starts drinking.

Let's see what you fill your man with?

If a woman is filled with fears and worries, then his business will stall at minimal speed or close altogether. Fear blocks the flow of energy.

If you are happy with your husband's situation and don't want him to move on, try something new, because this can lead to instability, you are leading him to degradation. As soon as a man stops there, he begins to slide down.

If a woman is filled with claims, grievances, condemnation, then the man begins to blame the state, government, bosses... and he will never be able to build an empire on such energy. Stop judging and envying, discussing other people’s mistakes even in your mind, tune in to the wave of successful people and then your man will be filled with the necessary energy.

If a woman is filled with empty thoughts and conversations about the past, then this emptiness fills a man, and he is constantly trying to create some strange business, doing strange things that bring nothing. The past no longer exists; we need to draw conclusions from it and move on. It is in your power to help yourself and your man make the past the platform from which he will take a new start.

If a woman is filled with acceptance, pleasure and desires, then she creates a huge field for the development of a man, because through him her energy materializes into money, which serves to realize her desires. This is the cycle of energy.

If a woman does not have desires that she wants to enjoy, then her man will not have money.

Now you have the man you deserve. Your potential and quality of energy is now such that it can only attract this type.

And it is important to clearly understand for yourself: do you want to change this or are you not ready for this? Are you ready for your man to become a Man in the full sense of the word?

From now on, your attention should be focused on yourself, on your desires, on your needs, on your values. Realize what you really want from life. How do you see yourself in a year? In 5 years? In 10? How do you want to live? The same as now, or differently?

Do you really believe in this man and in his success? Do you want to see it really successful?

Do you love him or do you live with him out of fear of change and another life, loneliness? Do you want to live with him all your life? Is this relationship a choice of abundance and love or of fear? What kind of relationship do you want?

Ask yourself questions! Lots of questions... and be aware of your desires!

No matter how your man behaves, maintain your inner core and remember your desires. Live your life, invest more in yourself, take care of yourself, enjoy life as much as possible with ease and peace.

If your man is still capable of being adequate, then over time he will happily join you and contribute to your happy life. Sign up for dancing, the gym, a massage, go for walks, meet friends - fill yourself and your life with joy. Shift your focus to your personal happiness. Do not be offended by your husband and do not make claims.

At one point, a crisis will come for your man: he will either be forced to change, or he will leave.

Both options are good, because if a man begins to change, then this will be the beginning of his formation as a real Man, he will take the path of responsibility.

If a man leaves, it means he is not ready to change, not ready to do anything for you. And he is comfortable staying at the small level at which he is, rather than growing and developing with you.

There are men whose potential is very limited; they will never become great, no matter how much a woman fills them. And there is no need to feel sorry for them. Why do you need a man who doesn’t want to make you happy, who doesn’t want to move forward? It is impossible to change someone who does not want to change.

A woman makes her own decisions about how she and THEY will live. Will she be happy and will she allow herself a Man with a capital M?

Brief selection from (c)

Lately, a lot of women have been coming to me with the same problem...

They complain that a man does not work, does not provide, does not develop, does not show himself as a man.

This article is for you if:

Your man does not propose to you, although you have been living together for several years;
Your man does not work and, apparently, does not plan to work;
Your man complains, provoking you to take responsibility for decisions

Why is this happening?

Unfortunately, it is not men who are to blame for this situation, but women. From birth, they are potentially stronger than men, they have many times more mental and vital energy. What happens to the men who are next to us is, in general, our influence.

Next to some women, men become rich, next to others they become poor, with some, things go uphill, and with others, a man loses his strength and sometimes even becomes impotent.

I advised one girl, she had three serious relationship, and in all these relationships, after some time, men lost potency, and their sex life ended completely.

And another client of mine, just after talking with a man, gave him such a charge that for another week everything went uphill, despite the fact that it might not even be her partner.

It all depends on what a woman fills a man with and how she behaves with him!


A woman destroys a man energetically when she gives him money. After this, it is very difficult for a man to rehabilitate himself and become a normal man. I had about 500 clients who sponsored their husbands and helped them financially - none of these situations ended well. Men unknowingly took revenge, humiliated, or turned into little children who needed to be constantly pampered with new toys. Never give money to men, not to your husband, not to your dad, not to your brother. Even if he is in a difficult situation, even if it’s hard for him, let him man up and choose for himself. This will make him a man, and not an energy invalid. Trust me, this will not end well!

If you did give money to a man, then he should return you three (!!!) times more, then this will not destroy him, like a man, and will give him a chance to develop himself. Even your son, as soon as he turns 18, does not need to give money. Let him earn money, let him look for opportunities. By doing this, you will help him become a man responsible for his life, and he will subsequently be able to take responsibility for his loved ones.

In addition, look inside yourself and answer honestly the question: “How do I feel when I give money to a man?”, “Does this please me?”, “Do I want to do this?” I'm sure most of you will answer no. Because it is unnatural, when you give men money, we have claims and aggression towards them, on the one hand, and this gives you illnesses, and on the other hand, you move away from your feminine nature, lose yourself and begin to hate yourself, get angry at yourself and ultimately destroy yourself. In my practice, there are many cases when exactly this happened, when women came to me in a terrible state. And all this because they once decided to “pity” their man, make his life easier, be good for him, “save” him.

“One day I started dating a young man, and he asked me to give him money. The amount was small, but I didn’t want to give it to him, but I didn’t know all these laws then, and it was inconvenient for me to refuse. I gave him this money and couldn’t meet with him anymore because I lost respect for him, and respect is the basis of a relationship.”

A woman gives a man energy to earn money, and this money comes back to her in the form of gifts and things that will please her. Not the other way around!!!

Next curse:

A woman does not accept anything from a man. Why is this a curse? Because a woman is the personification of the material energy of well-being, investing in her is tantamount to pleasing the God of Wealth and Prosperity. When a man brings something material to a woman, and she accepts it with ease and joy, then an exchange of energy occurs at a subtle level, and a greater energy field for action and haste opens up for the man. But if a woman cannot accept, saves or says “It’s so expensive, you shouldn’t have bought it,” she curses his well-being, and money will turn away from the man (at least until he finds a woman who can accept ). So pay attention to your life. Do you accept gifts from your man, even small ones? Does this happen with a light heart? Do you feel good when someone gives you something?

It is no secret that when a wife does not know how to accept, a man takes a mistress who tells him what she wants and happily accepts it. At such moments, a man feels happy. Men love in women what they can give to her. And if she doesn’t take anything, then life loses its meaning for them.

Therefore, you need to expand your permitting system, you need to learn to want and accept what you wished for.

Another aspect of acceptance is when a woman takes, but everything is not enough for her, nothing can satisfy her, she is insatiable. This behavior does not make a man successful, it simply devastates him, because even if you accept, you remain dissatisfied. If you feel that this is about you, start thanking God every day for what he gives you through your man, for the smallest things, say: “Now I feel dissatisfied with what my husband is doing for me, but I would really like to accept all his gifts with ease, joy and gratitude.” After some time of practice, your condition will change.”

The woman feels sorry for the man. Pity is always a top-down position. We can only feel sorry for those who are somehow inferior to us. When a woman feels sorry for a man, she humiliates him, deprives him of faith in herself, in her strength. The more she pities him, the more of a weakling he becomes. You can feel sorry for a child, but feeling sorry for a man is taboo. It just means you don't believe in him. And a normal man will be irritated and furious when you try to feel sorry for him, and if a man has already fallen into infantilism, then he will gladly put his head on your lap and talk about how hard his life is and how he needs your help. If you need a little son, then continue to do so.

Realize that there is a “rescuer” living in you, you really like this role, but! By doing this, you activate the triangle - victim-aggressor-rescuer, and it is very difficult to get out of it until you honestly admit to yourself why you are in it.

As my practice shows, women often take on the role of rescuer in order to attract a man, in order to be good and necessary for him, so that he cannot do without her. Only as a result, the man simply stops straining, but why? After all, he is a victim who needs to be saved, and a rescuer is at hand. Let him solve his problems. And a woman, when she gets tired of carrying everything on herself, turns into an aggressor, and then the man looks for a rescuer on the side in the person of another woman or starts drinking.

Having dealt with just these three points, you can change a lot in your life and rehabilitate relationships from sick to adequate, where there is a natural cosmic hierarchy.
And here a woman needs to show her character, her inner dark Goddess, who can say “no” to all male manipulations and attempts to return everything to its old places.

No, I won't give you money because I respect you too much and I think you can handle it on your own!

It's scary to say that, isn't it?

But it’s much worse when you always say “Yes, okay,” and a man sings your praises, “You saved me, you saved me, thank you!”, and after he got out of difficulties, he will not invest money in you, but in another woman who did not see him weak, who did not stand above him by giving him money!
And this is very painful, but we ourselves are to blame for this.

You have dealt with three curses, and your husband still does not provide much for you.

Let's see what you fill it with!

If a woman is filled with fears and worries, then she puts all this into a man, and his business will stall at minimal speed or even close down. Fear blocks the flow of energy.
Typically, such women cling strongly to stability, they are afraid of their husband’s new projects, because they cannot control it, and it is important for them that everything is predictable, understandable, and well-established. The word risk evokes fear in them.

Look inside yourself... What do you think about your husband's work? Are you ready for its increase? To change jobs? So that he has his own business? Or maybe somewhere inside you are comfortable that you earn more than him, and this allows you to control the situation? Be honest with yourself.

Another important point The point here is that if you are happy with your husband's situation now, and you don't want him to move on, try something new, because it could lead to instability, you are leading him to degradation. As soon as a man stops there, he begins to slide down. Understand this. Work over your fears and encourage his development, even if it goes (and it most likely will!) through crises.

If a woman is filled with claims, grievances, condemnation, then this also goes into the man’s business, and he begins to blame the state, government, bosses, and any condemnation is a powerful loss of energy, and, therefore, a man will never be able to build an empire on such energy. Stop judging and envying yourself first of all, stop discussing other people’s mistakes even in your own mind, tune in to the wave of successful people and then your man will be filled with the necessary energy.

If a woman is filled with empty thoughts about the past, empty conversations, then this emptiness fills a man, and he is constantly trying to do some strange business, doing strange things that bring nothing but emptiness.

Your task is to completely remove all talk about the past, stop reminding him of everything he did wrong, made a mistake, etc. The past no longer exists; we need to draw conclusions from it and move on. It is in your power to help yourself and your man make the past the platform from which he will take a new start.

If a woman is filled with acceptance, pleasure and desires, then she creates a huge field for the development of a man, because through him her energy materializes into money, which serves to realize her desires. Such a cycle of energy! If a woman does not have desires that she wants to enjoy, then there will be no money.
I had consultations with several very Vedic women, they had everything right, blessed food, prayers for their husband on Thursdays, foot massage, everything as it should be with the right humble mindset, but there was no money at all. And for them it was not at all clear, each of them asked: “Why is this happening? I’m doing everything right!” The answer is simple and painful.
“You simply do not know how to enjoy, and you have given up your personal desires. Everything will be more or less smooth in your family, but in this situation there will be no money, and internal dissatisfaction will make itself felt over time!” That's all.

Unfortunately, many women misunderstand the Vedas, believing that a woman should give up her desires, focusing only on the desires of her husband. But this is not so, the Vedas do not talk about this. On the contrary, Vedic women are happy and beautiful, they want gifts and accept them. Look at the images of Vedic goddesses! What are they? What energy comes from them? I feel the energy of pleasure from them, they are desired by their men because they have desires!

Only when filled, a woman can create something, fill both a man and children, but if she herself is empty, but tries to invest strength in a man, this is a big mistake that will lead to a severe crisis.

How many times have I heard this phrase:
“How could he do this, after what I invested in him, how much I did for him!”

This is the key mistake of many women! They invested in the wrong person, they did it for the wrong reason, my dears.

You can’t even imagine what a disservice you do to a man when, being empty, you invest in him! Not only are you destroying yourself, you are also destroying him.

What to do with all this?
How to change yourself so that relationships change qualitatively?

First, you need to understand that now you have the man you deserve. Your potential and quality of energy is now such that it can only attract this type.
And the most important thing you need to do now is to absolutely understand for yourself, do you want to change this or are you not ready for this?
Do you want a different relationship and are you ready to make a little revolution in yourself for this? But what will be needed is a revolution and a completely different approach!
Are you ready for your man to become a man in the full sense of the word?
Are you ready with today live like a woman, and not like a workhorse and the mother of her husband?

If yes, then be prepared to accept the following information.

From now on, your attention should be focused on yourself, on your desires, on your needs, on your values.

Realize what you really want from life.

How do you see yourself in a year? In 5 years? In 10?

How do you want to live? The same as now, or differently?

Do you really believe in this man and in his success? Do you want to see it really successful?

Do you love him or do you live with him out of fear of change and another life, loneliness?

Do you want to live with him all your life?

Is this relationship a choice of abundance and love or of fear? What kind of relationship do you want?

Ask yourself questions! Lots of questions and be aware of your desires!
No matter how your husband behaves (and most likely, he will rebel, get angry and try to regain your attention), maintain your inner core and remember your desires.

As soon as you are pulled back, remember how you want to live.

Stop relying on your husband and expecting a miracle from him. Live your life, invest more in yourself, take care of yourself, enjoy life as much as possible with ease and peace. If your man is still capable of being adequate, then over time he will happily join you and contribute to your happy life. Sign up for dancing, the gym, a massage, go for walks, meet friends - fill yourself and your life with joy. Shift your focus from your husband to your personal happiness!

Do not be offended by your husband and do not make claims. This is a dangerous path. When you express such emotions to a man, you are giving him the energy to change it, and since the man refuses to change and react, you remain energetically attached to him because you cannot leave without the compensated energy of resentment. So relax. If your man doesn't do what you ask, just get up and do it yourself without any offense.

There is no need to pray and read mantras for a man who destroys the woman in you. Prayers that are read for a specific purpose or benefit are strongly attached to a person. If you know how to read prayers in a truly selfless manner, then read them, but if you are motivated by some kind of benefit, you will tie yourself even more strongly to this man.

After you change your attitude towards life, begin to take more care of yourself, invest money and attention in yourself, plan your time without adapting to a man, then at one point a crisis will come for your husband: he will either be forced to change or he will leave.

Both options are good, because if a man begins to change, then this will be the beginning of his formation as a real man, he will take the path of responsibility!

If a man leaves, it means he is not ready to change, not ready to do anything for you. And he is comfortable staying at the small level at which he is, rather than growing and developing with you. There are men whose potential is very limited; they will never become great, no matter how much a woman fills them. And you don’t need to feel sorry and worry, why do you need a man who doesn’t want to make you happy, who doesn’t want to move forward?

In my practice, there are already cases where women took a risk and began to do just that, and their lives changed. Yes, it was hard for them, especially at first, yes, they went to their happiness through crises, but now none of them regrets that they followed this path! They have become healthier (although they came to me with very serious illnesses), they have become happier, their husbands have either changed or there are now other men next to them who appreciate them.

Believe me, it is impossible to change someone who does not want to change, no matter how much you pray for him and how much you serve him. And even if we pull and push them, at the first opportunity they will roll into their swamp, and we will be left without strength, while we could go very, very far, become happier, more joyful, richer and closer to God!

We can make a choice only for ourselves: to live one way or another!

A woman herself makes decisions about how she will live, whether she will be happy, whether she will allow herself a man with a capital M or will spend her whole life pulling a “hippopotamus from the swamp.”
And there is no need to shift the responsibility onto O. Torsunov and other lecturers, because they forbade divorce and said that you need to accept a man of any kind.

Your life is your choice! How do you want to live?

The most terrible and dangerous negative known to all modern magicians is, of course, the generational curse. At its core, it is a very strong damage. But the curse has one key difference from all other negatives: it is prolonged for a very long period. This means that it affects only the astral body of the object of magical influence, but the curse continues to act even after the death of the object, spreading to its relatives and friends. A curse can be compared to a kind of astral genetic disease: each next generation in the line of the damned receives its share of negativity, and such that it is quite enough to cause death.

Take the ancestral curse test:

This test was developed by me, taking into account the main symptoms of clients from whom I had to remove the generational curse.

1. Are there cases of schizophrenia, epilepsy and other mental disorders in your family?

2. Are there six-fingered people in your family?

3. Are there any alcoholics or drug addicts in your family?

4. Do your relatives continually renounce their native threshold (“There will no longer be a foot in your house!”) or from each other (“You are not my son!”)?

5. Are there several cases of stillbirths in your family?

6. Are there any suicides in your family?

7. In your family, do people not live to be 50?

8. Are your relatives unable to get out of poverty?

9. Are there many cases of widowhood in your family?

10. Do two or three of your relatives suffer from infertility?

11. Are there any drowned people in your family?

12. You don’t know your ancestors back to the seventh generation?

13. Are there any cancer patients in your family?

Write about what you did in the comments below.

What other signs of a generational curse

Unlike simple damage, a generational curse is not so difficult to determine. The whole point is that the damage lasts for a relatively short time and during this time it may not manifest itself too clearly. With curses, the symptoms are easily noticeable, although their manifestations can be separated by years and decades. Signs of a generational curse can be considered:

              • A series of events that haunt members of one family from generation to generation. Severe negativity that has existed for many decades most often leads to death, and a little less often – to serious illnesses. How can you trace the existence of a curse? Contact family history: Did anything unusual happen to your grandmother, great-grandmother, great-grandfather? In my practice, I encountered a curse that took the firstborn from the life in the fourth year of their life. A woman came to me who was afraid of getting pregnant. Her mother's older brother was mauled to death by a rabid dog when he was five years old. Her older sister, at the age of four, was hit by a drunk driver who lost control of the car and drove into a sandbox. Her aunt's first son put a knitting needle into a socket at the age of four. The last straw was the death of a little niece, who slipped at the entrance of her own house and broke her neck. Agree, the symptoms of the curse are more than obvious, the main thing is to pay attention to them in time, to connect together a series of too non-random “accidents”!
  • Constant unmotivated quarrels between family members. The family is not just a unit of society. Every sorcerer knows that in the astral world, the world of energy flows, there is a close connection between relatives. Each of us is connected by invisible but very strong threads with our brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts, grandparents and, of course, parents. These threads are like a kind of energy elastic bands or springs: the further members of the same family are from each other, the stronger their invisible force pulls towards each other. So, the ancestral curse often breaks these connections in the world of subtle matter. This leads to deterioration of relations between relatives, quarrels and discord. One day a man came to me for help, convinced that his family had a family curse. Every man from their family became a widower almost immediately after the wedding. To carry out the ritual, I asked the man to invite his brother to me, to which I received a categorical refusal. The man asking me for help wanted harm to his half-brother so much that he was ready to refuse my services just to annoy him! As far as I know, after the curse was lifted, relations in their family returned to normal.
  • Too frequent occurrence of alcoholism and drug addiction among members of the same family. Such disgusting phenomena as excessive drinking or drug addiction are most often associated with social factors modern life: my wife left me, things aren’t going well at work, etc. And even close relatives of alcoholics and drug addicts do not always think about what their grandfather and great-grandfather drank in their family, that many close relatives do not know the limits of drinking... But alcoholism and drug addiction are, first of all, manifestations of a weakened will. And weakening of the will is often a consequence of magical influence from the outside. Damages, dryings, curses, caused by a not very experienced sorcerer, or imposed in a hurry, often affect the energy node of a person’s astral body, which is responsible for his volitional qualities. That’s why drugs and alcohol almost always haunt victims of the generational curse.

Think carefully if any of the signs described above apply to your family. It is quite possible that there is a curse on your family, which means that you need to act, and the sooner the better! In general, ancestral curses can be divided into two main groups: curses operating through the female line and curses operating through the male line. Let's try to look at these types of curses in more detail.

Read more useful materials on this topic:

Ancestral curse on the female line

As practice shows, ancestral curses are most often transmitted through the female line of the family. What is this connected with? It seems to me that you will not find the exact answer anywhere. However, if you are interested in my opinion, then the reason for such a spread of curses among the fair half of humanity is due to the fact that women perceive this world somewhat differently. Agree that women are often much more emotional and hot-tempered than men. An increased emotional background provokes uncontrollable turbulence of energy flows in the astral world. And, as a result, a woman becomes an easy target for various kinds of negativity. There are several ways for women to receive birth curses. Here are the most common of them:

                • Professionally induced negativity. A curse on the female line, induced by the hand of a master, is quite common. Even without having much magical power, a negative created by a witch or sorcerer can last a very long time, causing significant damage to the family of the unfortunate woman. The main property that a professional curse has is harmony and focus. It can be compared to a master key, a thin needle that opens the locks of the protection of a person’s energy shell and hits the astral body from the inside. Coping with such a curse on your own is very difficult, and sometimes even impossible. A professionally induced curse, most often a custom ritual. In order for the removal of negativity to happen quickly and painlessly, it is best to remember who from your family could become the first target and to whom it crossed the path. Perhaps your great-grandmother stole another woman’s fiancé, or became the culprit of someone’s death. After all, it is only out of great grief and hopelessness that people go to witches and sorcerers to seek justice! If I know the name of the initiator of the ritual that led to the generational curse, I can contact his spirit directly. This will help me in the best possible way select means to cleanse and free the family from the curse transmitted through the female line;
  • Self-curse, curse spoken in hearts. The most destructive curse I know of. This type of negativity arises spontaneously and has enormous power, although the energy invested in the curse does not have a formalized structure. Like a battering ram or a sledgehammer, a curse strikes a person’s astral body, crushing it energy protection and severely damaging every single chakra. This type curses almost always arise and spread through the female line. The mechanism of its occurrence is very simple and banal: during a quarrel, after a misfortune has occurred in the family, or while at the peak of negative emotions for some other reason, a woman unknowingly throws herself into the astral world huge amount energy, forming it into a curse falling on herself or on people close to her. The monstrous power of curses of this type does not weaken over the years, bringing more and more grief to each generation of the family. It has no time frame, so the negative program will work until it destroys the entire female line of the family. That is why, at the slightest suspicion of such a generational curse, you should immediately contact a professional, otherwise it may be too late!
  • A rollback curse caused by the magical “reversal” of the rituals of a witch from the family. Oddly enough, in about 1 case out of 10, a family curse is a rollback of witchcraft rituals performed by a witch belonging to the cursed family. A careless attitude or malicious intent leads to the formation of such a family curse - it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that the consequences of the magical “return” are very difficult to correct even for me, despite all my rich experience. Conducting magical rituals, careless magicians, in order not to bother themselves with unnecessary troubles, do not eliminate the consequences of their intervention, but simply delay their manifestation, exposing their relatives to attack. Most often, witches do this. But if the direct initiator of the ancestral curse of this type was a witch, it would not be so difficult to remove it... But the “return” is a weapon of the astral world itself, it is a tool with the help of which nature maintains balance in the world. And in order to eliminate the consequences of the rollback curse, I have to challenge the very nature of magic, directing its destructive energy in a different direction.

Ancestral curse through the female line has one very important difference from a similar phenomenon transmitted through male line. When a woman becomes the object of a curse, people around her die: relatives, husbands, children. Men who become victims of this negativity die themselves, passing the terrible baton to their sons and grandchildren.

Ancestral curse in the male line

Curses directed through the male line of the family are much less common than through the female line. But this does not mean that they should be completely discounted. Sometimes the thought comes to my mind that in fact there are no less “male” generational curses than “female” ones; it’s just that independent, rational men prefer to turn a blind eye to even the most obvious things, mistaking a series of deaths in their family for a series tragic accidents. A male-line curse, if not removed in time, will continue its work until the last male descendant of the cursed person dies. The death of men from a cursed family overtakes many of the most in different ways, I will give only the most common of them. If men in your family leave in the way I describe, you should think about the fact that there is likely a curse on your family:

                • Drunkenness leading to death. The “green serpent” is a favorite weapon in the arsenal of curses. As I already said, one of the symptoms of a generational curse is suppressed will, leading to alcoholism and drug addiction. So, when it comes to negativity transmitted through the male line, drunkenness is often the cause of death for victims of the curse. A drunken fight, cirrhosis of the liver, drowning, fatal frostbite - this is just a short list of the circumstances in which men from the damned family die;
  • Car accident. Today, thousands of people die every day in road accidents. Some people lose their lives because of their own or someone else’s carelessness, some because of the poor quality of the road surface, and some completely inexplicably fall from a bridge, collide with trucks, or drive into a wall. I don’t know exactly what the proportion of victims of induced magical negativity is among those killed in road accidents, but it will definitely be very significant! Is an accident, a tragic coincidence or the punishing finger of a curse behind the deaths of car enthusiasts in your family?
  • Suicide. Another favorite weapon of curse is the hands of the unfortunate themselves. Men from a cursed family die of their own free will, which often comes as a surprise to all relatives. Cheerful, cheerful, very young people secretly decide to commit suicide and, without hesitation, carry out their decision. The police have no doubt that only they themselves are to blame for the death of such unfortunate people. And only the closest people do not believe that they close person left them alone. This is how the curse takes away the most persistent from life!

The patrimonial curse along the male line, as a magical phenomenon, has existed for many centuries. In ancient times, such strong negativity was resorted to only in order to destroy very influential patriarchal families, for example, to eradicate a dynasty of kings. Since then, a lot has changed in this world, but people still take revenge on their offenders, bringing terrible, deadly negatives upon their families. This cannot be changed, but you can protect yourself from it. It is enough just to try not to do harm to people, so as not to invite trouble yourself. But if you suspect a generational curse on yourself and your loved ones, it’s time to sound the alarm and look for possibilities of salvation. It's time to look for an opportunity to get rid of the evil brought from outside into your destiny!

How to remove a generational curse

Over my many years of magical practice, I have been asked this question so often that I must admit, I am already tired of answering it. The answer to this question is very simple: “Don’t try to lift the curse yourself!” Removing negativity is a very complex and lengthy process that only a very experienced and powerful magician can do. In all the time I have been practicing witchcraft, I have only heard of one successful outcome of a self-cleansing ritual. A woman who managed to free her family from the yoke of a severe family curse told me about it first-hand in a letter. Here's a fragment of that letter:

“... Not a single woman in my family was happy in marriage. We are four sisters and each of us has been widowed several times. The youngest's husbands both drank themselves to death. One of them worked as a shift worker at a construction site, fell into a pit and fell asleep there. They didn’t notice it in the dark and filled it with concrete so that only the foot in the boot was left sticking out of the foundation. The second one got drunk while fishing in the winter, dove into an ice hole, but never emerged. The second sister’s first husband crashed in a car, the second, a military man, came from a hot spot with a load of 200 in a zinc box. Her third groom never became a husband - he hanged himself the day before the wedding with his own tie. My older sister’s husband died while returning home: he was killed for 300 rubles, which were in his pocket, purse and a pair of new sneakers. My late husbands died deaths that couldn’t be more stupid. The first one choked on a chicken bone from soup in the factory canteen and suffocated. The second one was riding home on a bicycle. The pant leg on his right leg was wrapped in a chain and he lost control and drove straight under the shaft of the asphalt paver. What doubt could I have that there was a curse hanging over my family? I went to a famous witch, whose name I will not mention. She, after listening to me, refused to help me, but said that only my sisters and I could pray ourselves away from the filth caused. Twenty-four years ago we went to a monastery on the holy land, where we spent 3 years in prayer and work. After that, I, being the bravest one, got married for the third time. Yesterday my husband and I celebrated our 20th anniversary, a porcelain wedding. We managed to overcome the curse on our own! ..."

The incident described in the letter struck me so much that for several days I could not think about anything else. However, let me remind you that this was the only time a person wrote to me who managed to free himself from the curse. More often than not, I receive letters of the exact opposite kind. Here are a few excerpts from these letters:

“... I read on the Internet how to remove a family curse. I carried out the ceremony according to all the rules described in it, hoping that this would help save my beloved, that he would not die, like my father, grandfather and great-grandfather from an incomprehensible disease. However, after the ceremony nothing happened for more than a week. And then my body began to become covered with ulcers. I ended up in the same hospital where, according to the doctors, my husband lived his last days. The doctors couldn’t do anything about me either; they shrugged, citing that the symptoms resembled leprosy, but the tests didn’t reveal anything like that. Then my mother turned to you. It's been since then more than a year, and we are finally happy together..." "... My friend makes money by telling fortunes with Tarot cards. She told me that solving my problem would be simple and easy. She said that in order to remove the generational curse, it would be enough for me to hold some kind of mass with her. We went to school with her, and I completely trusted her, so I agreed. I really hoped that my child would be able to avoid the fate of all the firstborns in my family. After the strange ritual, for a long time I felt as if my soul had been turned inside out and rolled into the mud. But, worst of all, the “homemade” ritual not only did not help, but also accelerated the effect of the curse. My baby was burning before our eyes and neither I nor the doctors could do anything about it. In desperation, I turned to you for help, Dmitry and you became my lifeline in a sea of ​​hopelessness...”

Every day, amateurs who read on the Internet about what magic is and how to remove a generational curse doom themselves and their loved ones to torment. Witchcraft does not tolerate a permissive attitude, the world of subtle matter cruelly punishes those who, through carelessness or intent, poke their nose into something they do not understand. Everyone after unsuccessful attempt self-removal curses, turned to me for help, I saved. But even more people died because they decided that they had the power to control the magical energy of this world! Don't be fools and don't play with forces whose nature you don't have the slightest idea about. You don't allow small children to play with matches and electricity, do you? So why do you think that playing with magic is safer than playing with fire? If you need magical help to remove a family curse, I am always at your service, but I implore you, do not try to perform the ceremony yourself! Take care of yourself and those you love!

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M Many of us have heard how destructive female curses can be - they simply have terrible force. So what is this power?

The custom of sending curses and various misfortunes to one’s enemies dates back to ancient times. Our ancestors, cursing their enemies, turned to higher powers, thereby trying to find justice. In most cases, such “weapons” were most often used by the weaker sex, since they did not have anything else that would help protect themselves from robbers, invaders and rapists.


Our ancestors also noticed that it was women’s curses that came true more often than others, namely, various misfortunes happened mainly to their offenders. However, it soon became clear that such curses were not at all harmless - they had “reverse” force, that is, the person who uttered them necessarily brought troubles and misfortunes upon himself and his loved ones. so why is this destructive force It is the curses uttered from women's lips that have the effect.

Everything is very simple and obvious. The fact is that curse words from a man always sound half-heartedly, because he knows that he can take revenge on his offender in some other way, for example, physical violence. But with women the situation is a little different. We are much more by nature more emotional than men, that’s why we put our whole soul into curses. Most likely, it is for this reason that all healers, witches and sorceresses, who professionally wield the power of words, resort to using curses in various life situations.

Such persons quite easily manage to send illness or other trouble to absolutely any person. However, ordinary women should not look up to witches and witches, since the latter have great knowledge in the field of curses - they know how to deflect their “reverse” blow from themselves, thereby almost never becoming victims of witchcraft. Our ancestors knew very well the power of curses, for this reason they constantly watched their words, which cannot be said about modern people.

Some of us consider witchcraft and magic to be ordinary inventions, so very often from the mouths of such non-believers, who do not think about what they are talking about, scary words, and even for the slightest reason.


“Go to hell”, “Damn you!”, “Cholera on your head!”, ... The most terrible are curses sent to children or parents - they are much more effective and always come true almost one hundred percent, giving what Something like a push to start the destructive process. “So that your hands and feet wither” and all other expressions in a similar sense - how often do we hear them spoken in our hearts from people.

Sometimes a person from whose lips such negativity flows most likely does not want his curses to come true - he simply said it while in a state of rage and anger, and after some time his heart eased, and he no longer even remembers these terrible wishes. However, not everything is so simple - we must understand that with curses spoken in our hearts, we cause great harm not only to our offender, but also to ourselves.

Problem modern man is that he has scanty knowledge about the power of words, which is why he scatters “dark” words around, not even suspecting what may await him ahead. But even scientists have proven that curses have real consequences. Over the past century, researchers have conducted many experiments, the results of which have shown how curses can affect living organisms.

The most interesting thing that was found out in the course of numerous studies is the following: the destructive effect of a curse is achieved not by the power of sound or spoken words, but by the meaning contained in them. Probably, it is for this reason that you will not meet at least one old woman healer who shouts her spells - she calmly whispers them.

Curses pronounced by women do not manifest themselves immediately. They begin to act after a year, and even more so, that is, when a woman usually forgets about her destructive words and wishes. It is believed that the most terrible curses are those sent to children or parents - they are much more effective and always come true almost one hundred percent, giving some semblance of impetus for the start of the destructive process.

Interestingly, the power of a woman’s curse was tested even on water. Scientists conducted an experiment in which a curse was deliberately cast on water. It turned out that its molecules folded in such a way that the result was a structure that, both in shape and in its properties, was identical to the structure of the strongest poisons. A person who drank water conjured by a curse would soon fall ill.


However, not everything is so scary, because in addition to curses, there are also blessings when a person is wished happiness and goodness. Such words, spoken over water, can make it almost healing. Scientists have proven that the power of curses affects the body and soul, and blessings and prayers, in turn, heal them. Therefore, watch what you say, say only kind words, avoiding mentioning “blacks”. By doing this, you will not only protect yourself and your loved ones from misfortune and illness, but will also program your descendants in advance for a long and happy life.

Mysticism, November 2013

Since ancient times, the ancestral curse has been considered the most terrible of the existing magical effects.

It was applied by professional “black” sorcerers with the aim of shortening a person’s life and exterminating his family.

The main difference that poses a danger is that a family curse, unlike damage or the evil eye, haunts a person and his family throughout their entire existence.

For what reasons can a family curse be imposed?

The man who found out what lies in his family terrible curse, wonders why and by whom it was imposed. In fact, there can be many reasons. There are often situations when one of a person’s ancestors committed a criminal act for which he was punished in this way. That is, the person against whom the act was committed resorted to the services of a magician, asking him to place a curse on the family of his offender.

Of course, the act for which a person was avenged in this way must be truly terrible. Because of a banal quarrel or a momentary misunderstanding, it is unlikely that someone will so wish a person harm that they will resort to extreme measures, taking such a sin upon their soul. Almost always, a person who has committed a cruel act is covered and protected by his relatives. This is quite natural. Who wants the actions of his relative to become public knowledge and, moreover, bring him harm? Of course, no one! Also for this reason, the curse is imposed not only on the offender, but also on his entire family and subsequent clan.

There are two types of this influence - through women and through men. The most common occurrence is the imposition of a curse on the female line of the family. But in the male line, such influence is also not uncommon. It is not possible to reliably know why exactly this way and not otherwise.

But there is a logical explanation for this. The fact is that women are much more emotional and hot-tempered than men. Ladies have a completely different vision of the world. Because of these features, they are more susceptible to magical effects than men.

How to determine a generational curse?

General symptoms of a generational curse

Poverty. All people of the cursed race cannot overcome financial difficulties throughout their lives.

Serious illnesses. It happens that people of the same clan, which was cursed, begin to fall ill with the same disease, which often leads to death.

Infertility. Both women and men can have difficulty conceiving children. Moreover, the official diagnosis of doctors may not be confirmed.

Emotional instability. People born into a cursed family, in addition to the standard set of chromosomes, also inherit emotional shock. A person may not feel it, but the imbalance in work nervous system and the psyche takes place. As a result, a person becomes prone to depressive states. Mental insanity is not a rare companion to a generational curse.

Sometimes a curse does not take effect immediately after a person’s birth, but comes into effect after a certain period, for example, after 25 years. People, upon reaching this age, lose everything that was of vital value to them, sometimes life itself.

Ancestral curse on the female line

Such a terrible magical effect imposed on the female family line can be recognized by the following symptoms:

troubles that affect children. The cursed woman's children fall ill with a severe incurable pathology or die very early. Moreover, death can be either violent or natural. Cases of suicide are also common. But sometimes children can be spared the misfortune so that the curse can pass on to the next generation;

woman's behavior. She will constantly “walk” away from her husband. Pregnancies from strangers are possible, as a result of which children will be born who are also destined for a difficult fate;

addictions that a woman will have. For example, she may abuse alcoholic beverages or start taking drugs. All this, as a rule, leads to tragic consequences;

unsuccessful marriage. The spouses of cursed women mostly become alcohol-dependent people or end up in not-so-remote places for a long time;

development of serious gynecological diseases. Here we mean not just dysfunction of the reproductive system, but serious congenital or acquired pathologies;
constant lack of money. Things can reach an extreme level - poverty, when a woman simply has nowhere to live and nothing to support her children;

lack of personal happiness. No normal man can live happily with a damned woman for at least a few months. As a rule, spouses or boyfriends leave without having built a strong relationship. A woman has to raise children herself.

Ancestral curse in the male line

Men, unlike women, are not inclined to believe in the existence of magical effects, much less generational curses. Therefore, they try not to notice the obvious, for example, when men in their family die one after another. They try to explain everything logically, they think it's tragic coincidence circumstances. But, if you look at it, curses are not so rarely imposed on the male family line.

Signs of such influence can be very different, but there are common symptoms by which one can recognize a generational curse along the male line.

Perhaps the most obvious sign of the presence of such a curse is the premature death of male people who are related. They can die in different ways. It can happen suddenly, from a long illness, or even under mysterious circumstances.

A striking sign is suicide, when men full of strength, seemingly without reason, commit suicide.

Another symptom is a traffic accident, which leads to the death of the damned. Of course, there are cases when people survive, but then they become crippled or some other misfortune happens to them.

Drug addiction and drunkenness. In a man, as a result of constant internal tension, willpower and the desire to live a normal life are suppressed. He tries to get away from problems, forget about them, by starting to use drugs or alcohol. The sad result of such addictions is known to everyone - the development of severe pathologies leading to death, or accidents (drowning, falling from a height, injuries incompatible with life).

This topic describes the most common symptoms and manifestations of the curse, but there are other variations. Attention! If you find a number of coincidences with signs of a curse, this is not a reason to panic, self-diagnose and prescribe treatment. This is a reason to contact a specialist