Relieving loneliness. Independent ways to remove damage to loneliness

Loneliness is a terrible thing, especially if it is confined to you with the help of heavenly powers. Agree, this phenomenon is far from uncommon, and most often it is women who suffer from it. It would seem that they are successful, beautiful representatives of the fair sex, but for some reason they are lonely.

There are several reasons for the lack of privacy, one of which is damage. How to get rid of such a scourge yourself? What types of damage do magicians use in this case, and how can you determine that you have been damaged by loneliness? You will find the answer to these questions in our article.

The main signs of such negativity

Not every person can determine the influence of magical influence on themselves, so we decided to start our article with the most important aspect - these are signs of damage to loneliness.

How to recognize and get rid of the curse of loneliness, let's consider everything in order.

So, you can understand that you have a spell of loneliness by the following signs:

  • lack of relationships with men, and for a long time;
  • breaking up a relationship immediately after marriage is discussed;
  • you feel hostility from men;
  • if you have ever had to hear how your relatives, especially feminine, threatened to bring a curse or damage to the entire female race;
  • complaints from your parents that you will never be happy with anyone;
  • inexplicable behavior of pets that begin to behave aggressively when you appear;
  • you noticed a lining at the threshold of your house or apartment.

How does this affect a person’s well-being?

How loneliness damage manifests itself is important information that you should learn about right now. The manifestations of such negativity in both men and women are almost the same:

  • lack of appetite;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • chronic diseases;
  • fear of society and desire to be alone;
  • decreased immunity;
  • neuroses;
  • apathy towards everything.

The result of such symptoms can only be damage to loneliness. These are the main symptoms and signs of loneliness that you should pay attention to first. If all the puzzles fit together, it means you have become a victim of negative influence from people close to you or complete strangers.

Ritual to identify negativity

Knowing the signs of loneliness damage, you can additionally use one very simple ritual that will help you check and finally make sure of the negative impact on you.

For this you will need homemade chicken egg, it is advisable that before the ceremony it does not lie in the refrigerator.

Then take a glass, pour water, and beat the egg into a vessel with water only so that the yolk remains intact. Otherwise, the procedure will have to be repeated. Keep the water and egg on your crown for a few minutes. Then remove and evaluate the result.

How to determine strong damage to loneliness:

  1. So, if the white and yolk in the water have not changed their color or structure, then everything is clean and there is no effect on you.
  2. If thin threads come from the protein, rising to the top, you may be damaged. But such magical interference can be removed very easily and quickly.
  3. A white covered with black specks and a yolk that looks like it’s been boiled is a sure sign that you have severe damage, leading to death and the cemetery.
  4. But if the protein is riddled with small bubbles, a negative ritual for loneliness has been performed on you.

Types of negative programs

There are several methods used by magicians, sorcerers and evil people who want to ruin a person’s personal life. Let's take a closer look at them.

Crown of celibacy

This magical program is aimed at preventing marriage for both the girl and the guy. With all this, they can have the most ideal relationship. The customer of such a sacrament of black magic casts a spell on a person who, at the very first conversation about marriage, breaks up with his soulmate. Moreover, everything happens for no reason and inexplicably. Often a woman performs such a ritual in order to harm her rival, who once wanted to take away her husband or boyfriend.

The stigma of loneliness

The mark of loneliness is a curse that can be passed on from generation to generation. The worst thing is that this magical rite can manifest itself on a person at any age, both in adolescence and in adulthood. Relationships between women or men that end quickly, regardless of whether they are friendly or romantic. This is a sure sign that you have the stamp of loneliness. It will be very difficult to remove it, especially if it was made by an experienced magician or sorcerer.

Shroud of loneliness

Such a powerful ritual can only be performed by an experienced magician or sorcerer. Since the ritual itself - the shroud - requires spending high energy and is accompanied by many difficulties. A black rite is being held in the cemetery on three unmarked graves. The sorcerer’s goal is to bind the victim of the ritual to the dead of these graves, so that in the future they will prevent her from starting a family and getting married. If the shroud is made incorrectly, the customer and the performer may suffer negative consequences, which will be very difficult to remove. The victim of a magical ritual can also suffer greatly.

Only a professional magician who has experience communicating with the spirits of the dead can remove this type of damage to loneliness.

Despite the fact that the curse of loneliness is very strong and difficult to remove, you can still get rid of it. The rituals below will help you cope with it at home. Any types of such damage can be removed if you sincerely believe in their power.

A simple and quick ritual

How to remove damage from yourself at home, this magical action will help. As soon as the sun sets below the horizon, get ready and go to a deserted road intersection. Throw a 30 kopeck coin at this intersection and say the words:

“Grief lives in an open field. It knows neither sadness nor loneliness. In the same way, I want to talk to myself so that I don’t spend my life alone. My loneliness will leave me in a wide and clean field. They will be together and inseparable, but they will leave me forever. I will take away my melancholy and will no longer grieve. My words are turnkey, and a barn lock. I can’t open it to anyone and my words can’t be broken. Amen".

This slander works if you read it nine times, and at nine different intersections. Anyone, regardless of age and gender, can use this ritual to remove damage to loneliness using a coin.

Ritual for water and crystal

This very powerful ritual will help you get rid of the curse of loneliness on yourself. To carry it out you will need:

  • pure spring water or water blessed in the church;
  • crystal product;
  • photo.

Wait for the sky to set, pour water into the crystal vessel. Place your photograph on the table and place a vessel of water on top of it. Sit side by side and imagine how you have a husband, children and you are a happy family. This is a kind of charge of positive energy that enhances the effect magical ritual. Lean over the water and read the words of the conspiracy against corruption for yourself:

“Holy Water, you have unearthly power and strength, cleanse me, servant of God, from all adversity and sorrow. Deliver me from loneliness. May my life be as sweet as heaven. Give me a full-fledged family and endless happiness. Amen".

After you have read the words about the curse of loneliness, to get rid of it, do not remove anything from the table and do not touch anything. Go to sleep silently.

Early in the morning with the first rays of sunlight, take a crystal vessel with water and pour it away from the house. In this case, you need to read the words:

“I pour water on you - I drive away loneliness. I will take away all the melancholy and sadness.”

Rinse the crystal container well under running water. It is advisable not to use it after this, but to put it somewhere in a secluded place away from everyone.

Within a few days you will feel the effect of the negativity wear off. A surge of energy and an improvement in general condition are the first signs that black magic is weakening.

Transferring damage to the deceased

How to remove damage to loneliness in a cemetery? Such a ritual is allowed to be performed only by those who have truly fallen under the influence of black magic and suffer from loneliness as a result. This ceremony at the cemetery is suitable for both women and men.

Find the grave of the deceased with the same name as yours. Give him a glass of vodka and a piece of bread. Say the words:

“I came to you dead man (name) in city ​​of the dead to bring you funeral gifts. Accept all this and do not refuse to help me. Take away the melancholy and sadness from me and give it all to the one who did it. Let him receive this retribution and never be able to harm me again. I don’t need gold, silver, or any other jewelry. I will only remove this malicious curse, and you help me. Amen".

After reading the words that banish the spell of loneliness in the cemetery, immediately return home. Don't talk to anyone along the way. In three days, you will need to light a candle in church for the repose of the person you addressed in the cemetery. Those who have already performed such a ritual using the grave of a dead man claim that the damage is removed quite quickly.

Prayer ritual

As mentioned above, damage can be caused to a person at any age, even in adolescence. Therefore, often the mother herself has to heal her child, using other rituals to relieve loneliness. To save their child from celibacy and eternal loneliness, many read rituals to remove the spell of loneliness with prayers.

There are very powerful prayer words that you can use to get rid of the curse on your child’s loneliness. You need to read out the negative with prayers for seven days:

“Jesus Christ is the son of God, I am addressing you as a servant of God (my name). Have mercy, save and protect my child (child’s name) from earthly sins and human spells. May his life always be under your protective cover. Give him all your bounties - wisdom, intelligence, happiness, love, childbearing. Give him life as a couple. Let the servant of God (name of the child) not know loneliness and melancholy. Don't grieve for him and don't suffer from it. I will remove the curse from him forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

With such prayers you need to cleanse the child from negativity constantly, once a year. The prayer that removes damage begins to work much faster if you sincerely believe in it.

Removing damage with runes

The ritual with runes is considered one of the most difficult, so it is recommended to use it only in extreme cases - if you are really sure that you have an endless “web” of loneliness.

Take a piece of white paper and write the following text on it:


The written form must always be carried with you in your pocket. The cleansing of negativity should take effect within nine days. These days, complete calm and minimal waste of strength and energy are recommended.

Ritual with wax

This simple but very effective wax ritual will help you improve your personal life and get rid of the worst negativity. This ritual is suitable for both women and men.

Go to church, buy three candles, bring them home and put them at the head of your bed at night. In the morning, get up and read the “Our Father” prayer three times. Then read the prayer “To the Life-Giving Cross.”

The prayer that removes damage is read three evenings in a row. Only after this the ritual comes into effect. By the way, this ritual on wax can be used if the evil eye has been cast on you. If you feel that such a lapel program does not respond, after some time the ritual must be repeated.


Rituals to relieve loneliness must be carried out with extreme caution in order to eliminate negative consequences and at the same time achieve desired result. At the same time, your faith and attitude that this will certainly help you is very important.

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It is often possible to meet successful and beautiful women and men who remain single. There are many reasons for this. One of them may be special kind damage - to loneliness. Not everyone has an idea of ​​what the curse of loneliness is, how to determine the presence of the evil eye on oneself, and how to get rid of the curse. To do this, you need to understand the signs of damage to loneliness, its specific types and ways to get rid of it.

What is the curse of loneliness?

The curse on loneliness is the flow negative energy, which one person directs at another. At the same time damaging makes a special installation, the purpose of which is to completely close a person from the positive influences of the surrounding world. Due to the curse imposed, a person becomes unpleasant and unattractive to people around him. They simply stop noticing him.

The curse sent is characterized by:

  • destruction of a person’s protective aura;
  • the development of illnesses in him in the form of migraines, insomnia, cardiac dysfunction;
  • disruption of the sex chakra.

With this type of damage, the sex chakra suffers especially severely. She is more exposed to the flow of negative energy, and this is done purposefully.

The peculiarity of the curse is that it is not limited to the negative impact only on the personal life of the cursed. In addition to failures in his personal life, a person begins to have problems at work. This manifests itself in the biased attitude of management or the hostility of subordinate employees.

Signs of a curse

The curse of loneliness manifests itself in many ways. They need to be addressed special attention. Subsequently, the symptoms will make it possible to determine the type of damage sent, which in the future will make it possible to most effectively remove it.

There are two main signs of loneliness damage:

  • physical;
  • behavioral.

The first manifest themselves in the form of ailments and diseases, and the second - in the form of a change in the attitude of others towards the person who has been cursed.

Physical signs of a curse Behavioral signs
  • Unreasonable infertility in a woman in the absence of any diseases or disorders in her body.
  • Sudden changes in weight, accompanied by rapid weight gain and a sharp decrease.
  • A constant feeling of sexual dissatisfaction even after sexual intercourse with a loved one.
  • The appearance of pigments on the body and face for no reason.
  • Frequent nightmares or dark dreams.
  • Irregularity of the menstrual cycle, expressed in a long delay or prolonged absence of menstruation.
  • A person begins to experience many complexes, despite his attractive appearance.
  • The inability to establish relationships with members of the opposite sex in the absence of flaws in character and appearance.
  • Any established relationship ends very quickly and sometimes for no reason.
  • Stopping communication between friends and acquaintances with a person without obvious reasons.
  • They stop showing any sexual interest in the damned.
  • Any chosen companion with whom you manage to start a relationship and get married turns into an alcoholic, a deceiver, a thief, a cheater.
  • Animals begin to react to the cursed person in a special way, fearing and avoiding him.
  • The development in a person of mania of persecution or constant observation of oneself.

Types of damage to loneliness

There are several types of loneliness curses that can be sent to both men and women. There are special damages that are applied only to women and only to men.

Among the types of damage are known:

  • seal of loneliness;
  • crown of celibacy;
  • on a cold bed;
  • shroud of loneliness;
  • widow's shroud;
  • barren.

Seal of loneliness

The seal of loneliness is one of the most powerful types of damage. The danger of printing lies in its influence on subsequent generations. This type curses can be cast on people of any age. Young girls often suffer from it as early as adolescence.

The mark of loneliness manifests itself in the form of a lack of not only love, but also friendly relationships with people. The damned is in a complete vacuum for those around him. They stop noticing him, they shun him and avoid him.

Crown of celibacy

The crown of celibacy is a common curse on loneliness. This is often generational curse, sent to all women in the family. A woman may have a successful relationship, but when talking about marriage, everything changes dramatically. This magical installation prevents a woman from entering into marriages with men or makes them short-lived.

Curse on a cold bed

This type of curse is often sent in revenge on a girl who stole a guy from another girl. With it, a magical intention is made to ensure that the couple’s new relationship does not work out. The consequence of damage is the separation of the couple and the emergence of problems with their personal life in the future.

Shroud of loneliness

A serious type of damage to loneliness, which a professional magician can perform.

It is assumed that during the ritual, three dead people become attached to the cursed person, who subsequently prevent him from arranging his personal life.

Widow's shroud

The most serious type of damage sent to adult women. It is a curse in which death is sent to the husband or lover of a woman. As a result, the woman experiences double grief.


The most severe type of damage. With it, a person is cursed twice. He is doomed to failure in his personal life and to the inability to continue his family line.

Any relationship that begins will be short-lived and will not lead to the birth of children.

Signs of generic damage

The ancestral curse is determined only by professional magicians. But the following signs may indicate its presence:

  • close relatives have failures in their personal lives;
  • there is evidence of the presence of ill-wishers among relatives from past generations;
  • lack of normal relationships with representatives of the other sex since childhood;
  • Close relatives themselves give a negative attitude to their children and grandchildren, often scolding them.

The hereditary nature of damage is often manifested in the fact that more than one generation of women live in marriages with tyrants and alcoholics.

Ways to Identify the Curse of Loneliness

The presence of certain physical and behavioral signs does not indicate that the curse of loneliness has been imposed on a person.

Often the reasons lie within himself. Overly picky and demanding people often face difficulties in establishing personal relationships with members of the opposite sex.

You can reliably determine the presence of damage on yourself in several ways:

  • using a raw egg;
  • two candle method;
  • using a living flower.

Method for detecting spoilage using eggs

This method is the most common and effective. It is recommended to take for him a homemade chicken egg that was laid recently and did not have time to sit in the refrigerator.

Additionally, you will need a transparent container with water.

The ritual is carried out in the following order:

  1. It is necessary to pour water into a container and break an egg into it, being sure to keep the yolk intact.
  2. Place the container with the egg on the crown of your head and hold it there for 3 minutes.

Based on the state of the egg white, one can judge the presence or absence of damage to loneliness:

  • the condition of the egg has not changed in any way - there is no damage, problems in your personal life are not related to someone else’s magical influence;
  • white strings coming from the protein - there is weak unprofessional damage, envy;
  • there are strings and bubbles emanating from the protein - a curse of loneliness has been imposed on the person, performed by a professional magician;
  • there are black specks in the white, and the yolk looks scalded - the person is cursed to death or cemetery damage.

Two candles method

It uses two candles at once different colors. The man takes in left hand blue, and to the right red candle. Both candles are lit. A brightly burning red candle confirms the absence of damage on a woman, and a brightly burning blue candle confirms its absence on a man.

A candle that smokes and goes out is a sure sign of a person’s curse of loneliness.

Method using a living flower

This method is ancient, carried over from the times of the Slavs. To determine damage, a person needs to take a bud of a living flower in his palm and close it with them. At the same time, you need to think about your personal life. The person conducting the ritual reads two prayers: Our Father and to the Guardian Angel. After the prayer, you need to see what happened to the flower bud. A wilted and even blackened bud will indicate that a person has damage to his personal life.

In all cases, it is necessary to remove the curse on loneliness, since its negative energy can have a destructive effect on a person’s mental state, causing depression and thoughts of suicide.

Ways to get rid of the curse

There are several known ways to remove the curse of loneliness. In practice the following are used:

  • ritual with coins;
  • ritual using water and crystal;
  • transferring damage to another object;
  • with the help of prayers.

Ritual with coins

This method is suitable for people who do not have special knowledge of magic. The method is practiced by beginners and can be performed independently by those who have been damaged.

To perform the ceremony you need to do the following:

  1. Wait until sunset.
  2. Exit to an empty intersection.
  3. Throw 30 kopecks, saying one of the spells against loneliness.

Ritual using water and crystal

This ritual can also be done independently, following the procedure:

  1. Take water from the spring, a crystal glass and your photo.
  2. Wait until sunset.
  3. Pour water into a glass.
  4. Place the glass on the photo and sit next to it.
  5. Mentally imagine the image of your husband and children.
  6. Conjure water, asking it to cleanse it of failures and adversity in your personal life, and read a prayer.
  7. Leave the glass standing in the photo and go to bed.
  8. In the morning, throw out the water from the glass in the yard, asking her to pick up the negative again.
  9. Rinse the glass with plain water.

Transferring a spell to another object

It is practiced to transfer damage from a person to any object and even to the grave of a deceased namesake. You can perform the transfer ceremony:

  • on melted beeswax by pouring it into water;
  • by rolling a raw domestic egg over the entire body of the damned;
  • on a wax candle by burning it and burying the remains in a secluded place;
  • salt by frying it or dissolving it in water.

All rituals must be accompanied by prayers or spells.

Removing damage with prayers

The most effective prayers are:

  • "Saint Cyprian"
  • “To the life-giving cross”;
  • "Our Father."

Before removing the spell of loneliness through prayer, you need to light a candle. When reading a prayer, you should pay attention to the candle. It can go out, smoke and crack. This is an indicator strong curse. It is necessary to repeat the prayers for several more days.

  • Any curse on loneliness has its consequences.
  • Many of them are inherited and need immediate removal, since they can cause harm not only to a person’s mental, but also physical health.
  • If self-conducted rituals to get rid of damage are ineffective, you must seek help from a professional and proven magician.

Today it is very common to meet beautiful and successful, but lonely women and men. And this does not mean at all that they do not dream of family life and do not strive to find their soul mate. In most cases, the cause of loneliness is damage sent by an ill-wisher. Therefore, it is important to know how to identify the curse of loneliness in order to remove it and build a prosperous family life.

Types of damage to loneliness

Damage to loneliness refers to a dark branch of magic that can have negative influence on human life as a whole. This negative program can be roughly classified according to different types, and their signs need to be carefully studied in order to know how to identify damage to loneliness.

Seal of loneliness

The most powerful negative impact is the stamp of loneliness. The worst thing is that such damage can be inherited and only after many generations can it lose its power. Therefore, such external negativity must be removed.

The mark of loneliness is damage that is sent by close friends, and sometimes even relatives, who for some reason do not want the victim to be happy in marriage.

The symptoms of such damage are as follows:

    Falling in love is a fairly common occurrence, but it does not come to marriage; The reasons for breaking up with loved ones are always natural.


Vekovukha is a curse that dooms a woman to eternal virginity. This damage is caused by everyday envious people and envious women in the immediate environment. The negative expression is that for certain reasons not related to health, a woman cannot have sexual contact. This psychological impact sometimes it can lead to a wedding, but after some time a divorce will follow, since the main condition of family life - intimate relationships - will not exist.

Crown of celibacy

The crown of celibacy is a damage that leads to a break in the relationship between a man and a woman as soon as it comes to marriage. Moreover, the initiator of the breakup is always the woman. Such a breakup is always tragic for both partners.

Shroud of loneliness

The shroud of loneliness is a generational curse. Given negative impact very serious, it is usually performed by a professional magician on the order of a person who strongly hates his victim. The ritual is always carried out in a cemetery, and the negativity itself is passed down through generations and practically does not lose its power. Distinctive feature of this damage is that love relationship always cause suffering for both partners. Moreover, if the victim’s partner is deeply in love and decides to maintain the relationship no matter what, he faces death.

General signs

First of all, you need to think about the fact that you have a curse of loneliness if you are not interested in representatives of the opposite sex. This is why you do not have a permanent partner. Moreover, most representatives of the opposite sex prefer to remain just friends with you. As a rule, a person who is cursed with loneliness dreams of a strong and happy family throughout his conscious life, in which there will be many children and an atmosphere of prosperity and happiness will reign. Among physical signs negative program, the following can be noted:
    Unexplained change in body weight in any direction; Menstrual irregularities in women; Infertility, the causes of which cannot be explained by traditional medicine; With an attractive appearance, severely low self-esteem.
Can give rise to the idea of ​​damage while being alone prophetic dreams. Often such people have dark dreams in which they see themselves in confined spaces. Dreams are also common when a person dreams that he is wandering through uncomfortable streets where there is not a single person. After such dreams, a feeling of anxiety often awakens in the soul. In reality, a person who is cursed with loneliness is haunted by the feeling that someone is watching him. When spending time at home, it seems that someone is always present nearby. You should know that the curse of loneliness can be inherited. In this case, the negative program is retribution for what the ancestors did. For example, maybe at one time the grandmother committed a love spell, and her granddaughter has to pay for it. Very often, damage to loneliness can be programmed by parents who constantly repeat that because of their bad character It will be difficult for their child to find their soul mate. In addition, a serious damage to loneliness can manifest itself against the backdrop of one’s own fears and self-doubt. These are unique cases and the phenomenon is observed only in people with strong natural energy. If a person constantly convinces himself that he will not be able to arrange his personal life, then such self-hypnosis can easily degenerate into a curse. Moreover, such a negative program can only be removed together with a psychologist.

In order to make sure that you really have a spell of loneliness, you need to use special magical methods. Most often, a fresh egg that has not been stored in the refrigerator is used to determine spoilage. The most reliable information can be obtained using a homemade egg. First you need to collect it in a glass beaker clean water and carefully, without damaging the yolk, break the egg into it. After this, the glass with the contents should be placed on the crown of the head and held in this position for 5-10 minutes. After this, you can remove the glass and decipher the result. If the condition of the egg has not changed, then there is no spoilage, and loneliness is simply associated with other everyday reasons. Evidence of damage to loneliness are air bubbles that cover the white of the egg. If there is a slight negative impact, then this is indicated by white threads that stretch upward. The most dangerous are the black dots on the egg - they are evidence of damage to death. The damage to loneliness must be removed. To do this, there are many rituals that you can perform yourself. But in serious cases, you should contact a professional. This refers to karmic damage, when you have to pay for something in this way.

For loneliness. And you definitely need to know how to remove it. After all, the poor guy cannot start a family, or even make friends. It’s as if there is a wall between him and other people.

It is impossible to communicate normally and enjoy this process. In principle, for each victim such a curse is implemented in its own way, with certain nuances. The result is the same: the person suffers.

Why is it necessary to remove the curse?

It is advisable to think about getting rid of the curse of loneliness as early as possible. The faster a person gets rid of it, the less trouble it will bring.

After all, this type of negative program affects all areas of life, not only personal.

If you don’t understand how to remove it, you won’t build a career, you won’t make money, you won’t make a discovery, and the like.

Initially, the work of healing used to fall on the shoulders of the eldest in the family. If a young man or girl did not find a mate at the appointed time, then the old men performed a special ritual on the poor fellow.

They didn't wait for it to grow together later. They knew that nothing good would happen. Therefore, parents need to look after their children from an early age.

If your friends bypass you with invitations, then cheat. Find out when the ceremony will be in the nearest temple and come, supposedly by chance.

  1. Be sure to wear a cross.
  2. And bring a new handkerchief.
  3. Buy candles. Wrap them in a scarf and hold them in your hands the entire time the ceremony lasts.
  4. Say to yourself:

“From the Temple, the road goes from the threshold into unknown distances, along it the Lord’s servant (name) of sorrow! I follow them with my feet. The Lord lets anyone down, he will go with me to this Temple for the wedding! Amen!"

When the newlyweds leave, light candles for their health and then go home. But don’t let go of the candles that were in the scarf. Let them lie in a secret place.

Mandatory: the bird must be the same damn man floor.

Tie the bird's feet and place it in a rag bag. But be careful not to suffocate.

Exactly at midnight from Tuesday to Wednesday, cut off the victim’s head, reading the words out loud:

“Just as the bird no longer sings, so the curse of the Lord’s servant (name) will not hang over the head! As the blood began to flow, the servant (name) lifted the curse from the fate of the Lord! Amen!"

  1. The dead bird needs to be put back into the same bag, and it into the cellophane bag, but not tied tightly.
  2. Immediately, without delay, take the victim to the churchyard. But do not enter the cemetery territory.
  3. Bury the victim so that wild animals can find and eat it. With the body of a bird, they will absorb your troubles.

Be sure to ensure that blood does not spill on the floor during the ceremony. The sacrifice should be made over a basin, lining the floors with film. Take the blood out of the house along with the carcass. Throw away the film, basin and knife too.