A talisman for a child from various negative influences. Amulet for a child: how to protect your baby from the evil eye, damage and disease

It is especially important for children to be protected from the evil eye from ill-wishers and, even more so, from damage. Amulet for a child will help protect your baby from negative influence external environment. Talismans for children can be useful if you notice sudden mood swings in your baby, general anxiety and nervousness, he flinches at every extraneous sound and starts crying. The best amulets for girls and boys made together with children from stones with strong energy.

Our ancestors believed not only in, but also in the fact that the world is inhabited by unclean forces that are constantly looking for refuge. A child’s body is the most convenient vessel for evil spirits, because a child does not understand anything and cannot resist the influence of evil. Therefore, the ancient Slavs tried to protect children from their very birth.

The secrets of ancient Slavic magic have survived to this day, so you and I can protect our kids from negative influences. You need to know and be able to notice it. Talismans for children will help if the child often gets hysterical, cries, or his mood changes sharply for no apparent reason.

The amulet is also needed if the baby is timid, flinches due to any extraneous sound, after which he becomes nervous for a long time and cannot calm down. Remember: it’s much easier than trying to get rid of them.

The simplest ways to protect children from the evil eye

First of all, it is important to follow the list of what you should never do:

You cannot photograph a baby in the first months of his life;

You can't cut his hair;

You should not show newborns to strangers whom you do not trust. At this age, the baby is just beginning to adapt to the world around him, and envious people can very easily jinx him if the baby is not sufficiently protected by maternal energy.

Other simple ways keep your child safe:

Pin a decorative pin to your clothes (or best of all to your hat). Also suitable are bright jewelry that will distract attention directly from its wearer and attract attention;

In the children's room, place a small icon with the saint after whom the baby is named;

Silver jewelry protects against negative energy. Of course, the best decoration is a chain with a silver cross;

Speak to your favorite children's toy. It is important not to tell anyone later about what you did. You can come up with words or luck yourself, the main thing is to be sincere in your wishes.

Plants can have a positive effect on space even when dried. Try to always have plants and herbs in any form in the children's room: flowers in pots, dried leaves, or crafts made from natural materials, a painting made from minerals. To make the most of the healing energy of herbs, place rowan leaves, acorns or thistles under your sleeping baby's pillow.

Amulet at the age of 0-3 years

At this age, the main protection of children is the energy of a loving mother. Therefore, the best amulet will be to be near your mother or her things on which protective symbols are embroidered. If for some reason the mother cannot be constantly nearby, is often absent or feels unwell, it will help compensate for the lack of feminine energy. Malachite is a source of love and harmony, it gives prosperity, wisdom and harmony.

Also ideal for children's sensitivity and sincerity is a sunny stone like amber. He doesn't carry any negative consequences body, and most of the rich energy of the mineral goes to protect the child from bad influences from the outside. This stone is also suitable for pregnant women. If a woman always carries a piece of amber with her while carrying a child, this will contribute to the proper development of the fetus and the painless birth of a strong and healthy child.

Rhinestone is also suitable as a talisman for a child. This pure stone can be next to the baby from birth, positively influencing his healthy sleep and health. It protects against nightmares and night fears, false envious people. Rhinestone attracts love, sincerity and kindness, the baby is not nervous and is always calm. The ancient Greeks also believed that this stone developed superpowers and confidence.

If you decide to use it as mascot for children namely stones, carefully approach its choice, focusing on the properties of each mineral, its energy and the baby’s date of birth. Once your choice is made, purchase the stone and place it in a small bag that you attach to the head of your baby's crib. When he grows up, you need to make sure that the stone falls into the child’s hands as often as possible. For example, you can make a ring that will always be on your finger and protect you from evil forces.

Of course, we all know that the world is full of minerals endowed with positive properties and strong energy. But not all of them can properly influence a newborn baby. For this reason, until your child reaches the age of three, you should not use stones other than those listed above to protect him.

Amulet at the age of 3 - 7 years

At this age, a child needs amulets that he can carry with him everywhere. The connection with the mother begins to weaken; her clothes no longer help. The most common talisman at this age is a favorite doll, made by hand. This is not only a toy, but also a powerful shield. It will also fit not only completely Ragdoll, but also purchased, but always dressed in a dress made from scraps of parental clothing.

If the mother decides to completely make the doll with her own hands, she needs to follow several rules:

According to the old times Slavic tradition the doll should not have a face;

The navel must be designated - among the ancient Slavs it was considered the center of ancestral vital energy;

The doll's body is made of fabric (preferably cotton), wrapped ten times. It turns out to be a kind of roll of tightly twisted flaps. In the middle the roll is tied with a small woolen belt, and a knot is tied in the middle. This is the designation of the navel. The thread cannot be cut with scissors, because it is bitten off by the teeth;

The head is an equally important detail. About a third of the doll's body length (the proportions should be similar to those of a newborn) is separated from the “body”: pull it over with threads. Then put a scarf on the doll and swaddle her;

When making, do not use scissors and needles;

You must not interrupt the production of the toy and let it slip out of your hands. You cannot put an unfinished amulet on the table and leave, throwing it for everyone to see;

It can be made not only from rag materials, but also from herbs. Berries and bunches of herbs have been revered since ancient times for their protective properties.

Since ancient times, such a doll, capable of deceiving and warding off evil forces, was placed in a baby’s crib, even if he was not baptized.

You can make a sun using yellow fabric or threads. This is a powerful and revered symbol. Such a sun is hung in the nursery doorway or at the head of the bed.

At this age, your baby is going to kindergarten and then to school. Then it becomes clear whether he is interested in studying, whether he strives for knowledge and what abilities he has. If you're upset about what you found out, you can make things better. If your child has always been inquisitive and drawn to books, but suddenly he is disgusted with it, this may be. In this case, do not try to force your child to sit down with books; it is better to give him a talisman aimed at improving mental abilities.

Amulet at the age of 7 years - 14 years

Until the age of seven, children are protected by strong maternal energy. After reaching this age, the invisible thread of protection breaks, and evil forces can reach the child if nothing additionally protects him.

In order for talismans for children to work, it is the mother who must make them. Only powerful maternal energy can fully protect the child, protect him from the negative influence of evil spirits and people. When a mother creates a talisman with her own hands, she provides her child with invisible protection. Evil spirits cannot take possession of a child’s body and soul, and the evil eye and damage of envious people cease to act. Women's magic- the most ancient, and no evil forces can compete with it.

Self-sewn clothes for a baby should be as bright as possible. This way, the views of ill-wishers will focus on the clothes, and not on the wearer. It is best to sew or knit a hat, because the head is the most vulnerable place of a newborn.

A protective amulet or talisman is important not only for adults, but also for little boys and girls. After all, even though they are less susceptible to negativity from others, their energy specialists are not able to cope with even a simple evil eye. The detrimental effect will be felt immediately, by changes in the baby’s behavior and well-being.


Written by: Hades the Magician

Children have an unformed and therefore weak energy field. Parents who are aware of this take a variety of measures to protect their children. Make or purchase a talisman for a child.

The motanka doll protects children at any age, it is not even necessary to show it to the child

Children are more susceptible to the evil eye than others; negative energy affects them more strongly. Therefore, appropriate methods of protection against it are chosen.

Amulets help prevent troubles. Our ancestors used them, so the effectiveness of amulets has been proven by time.

Young children, especially children under seven years of age, are especially susceptible to negative influence from strangers. Anyone can become a source of negative energy, an evil eye. Sometimes even strong positive emotion can become a source of trouble.

To prevent children from being capricious and getting sick often, they use magical types of protection. These include amulet for the baby, amulets, motanka dolls, herbal teas, prayers.

Protection can be done preventively. It is not necessary to turn to the amulet when something bad happens. You can create a talisman in advance to prevent negativity in your baby’s life. But in some cases, a children's amulet is created to ward off or resolve existing troubles. For this purpose, amulets for children are selected that best suit the current situation.

The mother is in charge of selecting and creating a child's amulet. She has the maximum emotional and psychological connection with the child. No one can or wants to protect a child more than his own mother. The connection between mother and child contributes to the rapid activation of protection. If this is not possible, a grandmother or another person can create the amulet. close person.

Rules for creating amulets

Protection can be created different ways. These can be text prayers, charmed stones, icons, dolls for children, or a bell. Each mother needs to choose the option she likes independently. But regardless of whether a prayer is being read or a doll is being made, you need to remember the basic rules:

  1. You need to carefully consider the choice of materials. A do-it-yourself amulet for a child is made from natural materials. Wood, linen fabrics, cotton, wool, and mineral stones are suitable. It is better if an analysis of the compatibility of materials with human energy is carried out in advance. It is important to remember that the material that suits the mother is not always suitable for the baby;
  2. Energy is important when creating an amulet. It must be positive, otherwise the protection will act in the opposite direction. You need to constantly think about your daughter or son, feel your mood, needs and desires. It is important to say that everything in life will work out well;
  3. When creating motanka dolls, scissors, needles, and other sharp objects are not used. This is considered a bad omen. All “stitching” must be done with threads, wrapping each part to the base. The number of all revolutions must necessarily be a multiple of two;
  4. The color of the amulet is of great importance. It must correspond to the idea of ​​protection. Black shades are not suitable. They are completely excluded so as not to attract evil energy.

Rowan has strong protective properties; its branches are hung over a baby’s bed

Types of amulets

The type of protection is selected depending on the goal. Since you can even create amulets for newborns, you need to approach the choice especially carefully. In the first months of a baby’s life, it is not customary to show it to strangers or distant relatives. So, something simple will do, but effective protection who will work from home.

For older children, you can create a motanka doll, but it is not necessary for children to see it. At an unconscious age, they can accidentally tear it and ruin it.

Rowan protection

Rowan has strong protective properties. Moreover, any part of the plant has them: leaves, branches, fruits. The first way to create protection from rowan is to make a cross from twigs. Two branches of equal length are connected crosswise with a red thread. A cross hangs over a baby's bed. It turns out to be an effective amulet for a child, a toy.

Rowan is suitable for those who prefer herbal aromatic sacs. You can put a few leaves or wood in a linen envelope. Berries and leaves can also be periodically laid out under the bed and changed periodically. The used plant cannot simply be thrown away; the rowan is thanked and burned in the evening.

To attract sound sleep and protect from illness, the following ritual is suitable. Take rowan leaves, a yellow or green candle. The leaves are placed under the bed, a candle is lit and the following text is read:

Rowan-rowanushka, I am turning to you, I am trying to protect my child, You protect him from evil, from the unfaithful and dashing! Let my child grow, grow, and fly in beautiful, calm dreams. Let trouble and envy bypass him, let him find joy every day! Let all evil dissolve instantly. So I command - and let it be done!

This antique children's amulet, made with your own hands, allows you to protect yourself from damage. It is used by both adults and children. This is a simple method of protection that anyone can use. First, the pin is recited with the following prayer:

A sharp pin will pierce all evil, send it away, drive it away, drive away everything bad, evil and dashing from (name)! The pin is sharp, you protect (name) every hour and every day! Always and everywhere protect! Let it be so! Let it be so! Let it be so!

Then she pins it on the wrong side of the garment. The text of the plot is repeated when the pin is removed and pinned onto another element of the wardrobe.

Remove the pin from clothing only when washing. There is no need to change it. A special case is if it changes color. If the pin turns black, it must be immediately removed and buried in the ground at the next new moon.

For safety reasons, newborn babies do not need to be pinned. This can be extremely dangerous. There is a lot of debate about how to properly hook a pin. Some do it with the head facing up to prick the evil eye. Others pin it head down to hit the tongue. In both cases, the protection will work and the child will be protected.

Slavic protection for children

The Slavic amulet for a child has special power because its roots go deep into history. Our ancestors also embroidered special patterns on diapers, towels, and clothes that warded off evil spirits. The power of signs still works today, but for children of different ages you will need different amulets.

Protection for newborns

Since ancient times, a newly born baby has been protected by its parents. He was protected by the clothes his mother and father wore. The amulets also included a cradle and a house. Then over front door They hung a wreath made for Ivan Kupala, and at the altar - a towel.

Today it is difficult to create similar interiors, but you can repeat the main parts. You can hang signs embroidered on fabric next to the crib. Symbols made on natural materials - stones, wood - are also suitable. The main signs that can be used are “Alatyr”, “Sign of the Family”. They protect the child from the moment of birth and for the rest of his life.

A pin talisman allows you to protect yourself from damage (but does not need to be used for newborns)

Charms from three years

After this age, various hand-made amulets for the child were offered. They were marked with signs that protected them from bad spirits. The main frequently repeated sign is “Ladin”. It came from reverence Slavic goddess Frets. She is the patroness of all mothers, pregnant girls, and babies.

It was repeated on spoons, toys, and bells. Today you can also draw Slavic ornaments on things surrounding the child.

Amulets after seven years

After seven years, the child’s inclinations, character, and interests were considered. Depending on this, he was introduced to the craft and gradually pushed to choose a profession. There's no need to rush so early now. With departure to first class, a talisman is made from mineral stones. The type of stone is selected depending on the energy of the child. The selected mineral is spoken with the following text:

“I close myself with this lock from an evil deed, from a black eye, from bad words. So that you have neither access nor semi-access to me, neither on the road, nor on the road, nor at work, nor at rest, neither at night nor during the day. These words of mine are the key and the lock, from now on and forever and ever.”


Such amulets for children are chosen as protection because their ringing scares away evil spirits. You don't have to make a bell or buy one; pictures will also work.

The amulet is able to cleanse the aura, improve the emotional state, and protect against evil spirits. There is an opinion: in order for the ringing to have additional power, first hang the bell on the neck of the pet. Then you can hang it in the baby’s room above the crib. It shouldn't just hang there; it should be called periodically.

The best place to find the bell is in the middle of the room. It could be a chandelier. You can also add a small pebble of turquoise or amber to it. The amulet is wiped every week, and once a month it is immersed in brine for a few hours. This helps cleanse the amulet of negative dust.

The ringing of a bell amulet scares away evil spirits; it must be ringed periodically

Red thread

A talisman for a child of this type is convenient because it can be used from the first days of birth. This is a powerful tool against evil spirits that even celebrities use.

To make a children's amulet with your own hands, you only need a red thread. It is advisable to use natural materials - cotton, linen. Then there is a greater chance that the thread will work faster.

The thread is wrapped around the wrist and tied into seven knots. When tying, read the following text:

I’ll tie a thread around my wrist and tie protection to (name)! Protection will drive away anger and envy, drive away all misfortunes! Let no one wish evil to (name), let no one interfere with his life! Let happiness come into (name)’s life, let joy enter every day! No one can interrupt this will! So be it!

The amulet should be tied by a loved one - mother or grandmother. If you don’t want to talk about the thread in the presence of the child, you can whisper over it in advance and offer to put it on.

To cleanse a daughter or son from damage already caused, a more powerful spell is used. You will need holy water, a church wax candle, and red thread. To begin with, the mother undergoes cleansing. To do this, light a candle and read the Lord’s Prayer. Afterwards, the thread is lowered into holy water for several minutes and all this time a spell is read over it:

Tied with threads, tied with blood, my soul will be protected, and my thoughts will become actions. I will tie myself with this thread and disappear from evil eyes. Don't be a victim of someone else's evil. Let it be so.

The spell is very strong, but in case of great adversity or problems, it can be strengthened. The thread is used together with a pin, then no negative spirits will be scary for the child.

In order for children to have a strong energy field, they need to take care of spiritual protection in advance. You can use one or several types of amulets at the same time, the main thing is to believe in their power. You need to read prayers, meditate, and turn to the power of the amulet as often as possible. Then all problems will be resolved, and the fate of the one who wears the amulet will be happy.

Amulets, as such, have always been an integral part of the ancients, and only today, in the age of the global spread of civilization, are perceived as an anachronism, a relic of the past, much like a prayer.

Some people, however, use them to this day, and not only to protect themselves from troubles, damage, illness or dark magic themselves, but also to protect their children.

Slavic amulets for children in Rus' were used everywhere, and most often they were made in such a way that the child himself did not need to know or think anything about him. And certainly so that he could not lose such a talisman. Prayer is unlikely to be suitable here; naturally, first of all, this is careful embroidery. True, here you will need to know exactly what you are doing, and if you don’t have such knowledge, then read and ask what is best to embroider protective patterns and in what color.

Since the little ones, in any case, were protected from all the dangers of the surrounding world by general amulets applied to the house, they were additionally protected from subtle manifestations of negativity, to which infants are most often highly susceptible. To do this, we can advise you to embroider special symbols on a child’s bed and be sure to do it yourself, since only one’s own mother or father can provide decent protection. And of course, prayer will not be superfluous.

The simplest and most reliable children's amulets

To begin with, you can install a talisman for your son or daughter through action, or rather even inaction. No matter how many patterns you can embroider, several months after the birth of children you still cannot show it to anyone, distant relatives, friends, or acquaintances.

You can’t take pictures of a baby or cut your hair: at this time, the child’s body is just beginning to adapt to life in our world. And therefore it is almost defenseless, a child can easily be jinxed strangers.

To prevent any illnesses from happening, you can make a doll with your own hands. And not a simple one, but with appropriate symbolism for a daughter or son, for example, use the Slavic Radinets, this is wonderful protection for children.

As a rule, if such a hand-made doll is in direct contact with a child, then even if he is disturbed by strangers, he will still neither cry nor be capricious, because he will not feel any bad influence.

Why is this happening? Because the doll will take on all the negativity and take it away from your daughter or son. Especially if the creation of the amulet was accompanied by prayer. For a girl it could be a doll, for a boy it could be anything, even a teddy bear, as long as these things were sewn by their parents with their own hands. Then you can take them with you from home for a walk.

It’s a great idea to embroider protective amulets in the form of certain symbols on the doll’s clothes. Such embroidery will play two significant roles at once: it will strengthen protection and help your children remember the meaning of a particular protective symbol from childhood.

They can also provide very powerful protection for a daughter or son. Slavic amulets for children made of silver. Here, of course, embroidery is no longer required. It’s very good if a child has some kind of silver jewelry on his body since childhood (it’s absolutely wonderful if it’s made with your own hands).

Silver is a well-known light metal that has subtle (and physical) antiseptic properties. In practice, this means that it can not only purify water (which everyone knows about), but also protect against the evil eye. Silver and prayer are two very powerful protective amulet for children. Silver jewelry can be a chain or amulet from one or another magical tradition - depending on what system of symbols the family adheres to.

It is also considered a good protective technique to put on a child hand-sewn bright clothes that will catch the eye, which means that all people’s eyes will be focused on the clothes, and not on the wearer. This also works, although it is not prayer. As you understand, the hat should be especially bright, because the head of small children is the most vulnerable place, and it is better to distract as much negative energy from it as you can.

This is what concerns amulets that you can sew or make with your own hands. But in different traditions There were also natural amulets, which were credited with the ability to protect children from diseases. For example, in ancient Rome All sorts of children's protective toys were made from malachite, because it prevented fear.

By the way, the Slavs also used malachite, as it fulfills wishes. And in Ancient China The best amulet for children is the image of a crane with a peach. Naturally, in all cultures, one way or another, there was a protective children’s prayer, and not just one, but a large number of them.

Making children's amulets with your own hands

The most powerful effect of a child's amulet will be if it was made by the person closest to him in the physical and biological sense of the word - the mother. And if a prayer was read when creating the amulet. Therefore, most amulets are toys, hand-sewn clothes, bed linen and similar things that must be sewn or knitted. And they may have embroidery.

The most powerful simple amulet (from the point of view of ease of use), as already mentioned, is a doll. There are several tips regarding its manufacture. In order for you to get not just a toy, but also a really strong shield, it is best to make this toy from scraps of old parental clothing (of course, as clean and positive as possible). And learn by heart some protective prayer.

When making such a doll, you should not use a needle or scissors. It is best not to give the doll itself a face; faceless dolls are an old Russian tradition.

It was believed that this way it would not attract evil spirits (and even vice versa, it would absorb negative vibrations). There is also a small recommendation - an unfinished doll should not be placed on the table, that is, its production should not be interrupted.

Also, since the sun was the most powerful and revered symbol among the Slavs, you can sew a small “sun” for a child. To make it, you can use cardboard, wood, yellow thread or scraps. Again, do not place such a charm until it is finished. The face can be embroidered, since it will not be a personal amulet for children: the sun is hung above the door to the nursery.

Finally, it makes sense to talk about something that was almost irretrievably lost, but is now gradually being revived: herbs. The fact is that leaves, berries and various bunches of herbs have been revered since ancient times, including for their protective properties. And if you want to protect a sleeping child, place berries and rowan leaves, acorns or thistles under his bed.

Plants are strong shields that have their own energy and can affect the surrounding space, even when dried out. By the way, it’s not for nothing that in the old days furniture and toys were made from a certain type of wood, and dolls were either made entirely from grass or stuffed with grass to strengthen resistance to adverse factors.

Video: Charms for a child

To protect their children, in ancient times people created special amulets. IN modern world amulets have not lost either their popularity or their powers, so every mother can take advantage of the knowledge of previous generations and protect her children from problems and the evil eye.

Every mother knows how difficult it is to protect her child from all sorts of troubles. To do this, you can create a strong protective amulet, because young children are more susceptible to negative influences than adults. It is much easier to put the evil eye on a child, but removing the curse can be difficult. It is better to prevent negative influence by creating strong defense, which will protect the child. It is known that the power of a mother's word can work miracles. However, even a grandmother can start making protection.

There are many protective amulets in the world. If you do not have the opportunity to make an amulet yourself, you can purchase a ready-made one. But it will need to be cleared of foreign energy and be sure to speak to a specific child.

Rowan amulet

Rowan has unique protective properties, so all its parts are used to create amulets. Leaves, twigs and berries will serve as excellent protection for your baby. For example, you can create a cross from twigs, fastened with red thread. Our ancestors often made such amulets by hanging amulets over cribs and cradles. Under the bed you can put a few leaves and berries or a bag with a piece of bark or wood that will protect your baby from any misfortune. Such amulets need to be changed from time to time. After use, all parts of the tree must be thanked for their help, and then burned at the stake. For creating strong amulet take a green candle or yellow color, light it and place a few rowan leaves in front of you. Read the words of the conspiracy:

“Mother Rowan, I turn to you with your help, I’m going to protect my child. Rowanushka, protect my child from evil, protect from evil, protect from the evil eye. Let my little blood grow and grow, and know no troubles and sorrows. Let troubles pass him by, and let luck creep under his feet and stay with him. Let all the evil pass him by and not come to our house. As I command, so it will be!”

The charmed leaves should be placed under the baby’s mattress. They will protect your child from diseases, the evil eye and damage. The amulet will also help preserve restful sleep baby and relieve him of headaches and toothaches.

Amulet from a charmed pin

Pins are the most common objects that have been used since ancient times to make effective protection from any negative impact. With the help of the simplest pin you can create a talisman for your child. To do this, you need to pin a pin on the back of the clothing and say:

“The pin is sharp, it will take away the thin and dashing from my child (name). The sharp end will pierce evil and create strong protection. Every day and every hour, protect my child, don’t take your eyes off him. Let it be as I said.”

The pin is removed only before washing, and then again spoken for protection. If it turns black or rusty, sprinkle it with salt and then bury it away from the house with the words:

“I’ll bury the evil and won’t pass it on to anyone. I thank the pin for the protection, I’m creating a new amulet.”

You can pin the amulet however you like, but for the little ones the amulet should be placed at the head of the crib or on the back of the mattress. This way you will protect your child from accidental injections.

Children's amulet made of bay leaves

Bay leaves perfectly protect against evil and negativity. Since ancient times, this plant has been considered the strongest amulet. Place dry bay leaves in the corners of the room where children sleep, or place them under their mattresses. You can sew a special bag, decorating it with protective embroidery. To do this, make your own pouch from burlap, linen or cotton, threading natural thread through the neck. Place a few laurel leaves inside and say:

“I call on the protective forces of the laurel, I create a talisman. Whoever the bag is with will be forgotten by evil. Evil thoughts will not come, evil people will not cause harm. Let it be so".

For small children, the bags are placed in cribs or strollers. Older children can carry amulets with them in bags, backpacks or pockets.

Protective amulet made of red thread

Perhaps everyone knows the red thread. It is popular all over the world and can be used as a protective talisman for a child. The thread can be purchased at the store or found at home. She must be from natural material without any synthetic admixture. Creating a talisman is simple: tie a thread on the child’s hand with seven knots, saying:

“I tie a red thread on (name)’s wrist, I tie a protection to it (to her). No one else will wish or cause harm to my (my) (name), will jinx or harm. Happiness comes to my child, and any evil is bypassed. So be it!

You can weave a bracelet from red threads, decorating it with beads. While weaving, say silently or out loud words of protection for your child.


The gentle shimmer of small bells will calm an anxious child and give him good dream And reliable protection. Our ancestors, with the help of such amulets, drove away evil spirits and created a positive energy background in the house. The bells are hung next to the baby's crib and their condition is closely monitored. Blackened, stained or cracked bells are immediately replaced with new ones.

Clean the amulet with salt once a month. To do this, you can use special miraculous Thursday salt. If you don’t have one, then a regular one will do. Above it, read a prayer to the Higher Powers for the granting of protection. The bells are placed in salt overnight or for a day, and then thrown away with household waste. Make sure that the salt does not spill and remain in the house.

DIY toy amulet

Our ancestors made special dolls that children played with. These amulets have an excellent protection function, which is why guard toys for children are often found in the modern world.

To create a toy, you can take any safe materials: threads, filler, fabric, beads. It is important to sew a soft toy with your own hands and it is advisable not to make a face on it. In ancient times, dolls were made from threads and fabric, which were stuffed with fragrant herbs or hay. Threads were tied around the head, arms and legs, and dresses and hats were sewn. The “empty” face was left so that the amulet could not be inhabited by devilry. It’s easy to speak to the amulet doll:

“I will stand up, cross myself, protect Higher Powers I'll ask. Do not leave my child (name) in trouble, protect him from any evil. Help him wherever he (she) is. Amen".

You can sew a handwritten prayer into the toy itself. She will protect your baby from all adversities.

Protection from the sea

Many people have pebbles and shells in their homes brought from sea ​​coast. They can be used as amulets for a child. You will need a stone with a hole or a small shell. Read the amulet spell:

“I protect my child (name) with salt water. I take troubles away from him, protect him from misfortune. The protective forces around (name) are rising and will take any trouble away from the child. Sea water, mighty and indestructible, overcome any evil.”

In addition to the amulet, you can string beads onto the rope. Speak to each one against illness, the evil eye, damage, whatever you want to create protection from. While tying knots on a shoelace, say:

“I close the protection with knots, I protect my child.”

The amulets are changed approximately every six months or placed in salt water for a day, renewing the protective functions.

Icons-amulets for children

Icons have always been considered the best protection for any person. For children you can purchase small images of the saints in whose name they were baptized in Orthodox Church. Icons will save your child from any evil, the evil eye and damage, ward off trouble and help him avoid trouble. To protect a child from diseases, you can use the image