Protection from enemies runes. Protective runes and staves. How effective are runic staves for protection?

Runic magic is very ancient and powerful; the ancient Scandinavians turned to it, but it has been able to maintain its popularity to this day. Runes are magical signs, each of which has its own effect and helps in solving certain problems. Many people are interested in the protective properties of runes, if you are also interested in protecting yourself from negative influences from the outside, you will be interested in this article, because in it we will look at the main runes of protection and their action.

Magical Properties: Used in magic for healing, psychic awareness and cleansing, thyme can be used in air magic where it slowly releases its essence. Application: Powerful antiviral, antibiotic and diuretic properties. This helps eliminate waste from the body. It is used to treat whooping cough, warts, rheumatism and acne. A strong antiseptic, which when prepared by infusion is useful for poor digestion, exhaustion, colds and infections, and with honey is an effective treatment for sore throats.

Also used in tea as a fever reliever, headache reducer and to get rid of intestinal worms. Magical Properties: Tobacco is the most sacred of plants to Native Americans, and when smoked is used to connect the worlds as the plant's roots reach deep into the earth and its smoke rises high into the sky. Ceremonies using tobacco refer to the relationship with the energies of the Universe and ultimately the Creator and sanctify the connection between the earthly and spiritual realms. Due to its sacred nature, tobacco abuse is seriously frowned upon, as it is believed that if one abuses the plant, it will abuse that person in return, causing illness.

Futhark protective runes

Any Elder Futhark rune provides human protection to one degree or another. All runes can be divided into two categories:

  • First– represented by general protective runes, which can be used independently, or can be combined with runes of the second category;
  • Second– runic symbols that stand for the protection of specific objects or processes.

But don't forget that runes will only work if you follow all the rules of runic magic, so you need to read a lot first scientific literature in runology and only then is it permissible to master the theory in practice.

Use: The drug is used as a sedative, diuretic, expectorant and internally only as an emetic. Externally, nicotine is an antiseptic. In the past, tobacco in the form of an enema of leaves was used to relax muscle spasms, and a pipe smoked after breakfast aided bowel action. Tobacco infusion is commonly used in gardening as an insecticide.

Magical properties: Used in spells to elevate emotions and to protect against crocodiles. It is also the word spoken when casting beauty spells. Uses: Added to warm milk, it is said to regulate menstrual cycles, but today it is widely used in medicine.

General protection runes

For the most part, general protective runes are written three times each symbol.

In turn, there is a division of general protective runes into the following subcategories:

  • Active defense runes;
  • Runes of passive protection;
  • Runes of radiation protection;
  • Runes of magic protection.

Magical properties: Used for love, calm, sleep. Usage: Use dried, powdered root. Promotes relaxation by counteracting the effects of insomnia, anxiety, nervousness, headaches, premenstrual syndrome and menstrual cramps. For sleep before going to bed, take 1 teaspoon of the herb to 1 pint of water and simmer. Also works as a good replacement for catnip. Use the fresh herb in love spells and also for sharing battle couples. Used in sugar for purification.

Magical properties: Used for protection, chastity, healing of the heart. Uses: In tincture form it is good as a mouth rinse and to relieve hemorrhoids. As a compression agent, hazel can be used for insect bites and other skin irritations.

Let's begin with a description of each subcategory.

  1. Runes of active defense– this group is represented by runes that are associated with the symbolism of the weapons of the Aesir (deities of the ancient Scandinavians).

Turisaz. Provides protection for external borders, and is also capable of concentrating the power that is inside the protected space and using it to counteract evil forces. Turisaz's work is similar to a concave mirror - the force of the external blow is concentrated and sent back to the original source. Another effect of the rune is that it will force people who want to do something bad to you to show their evil intentions at the most inopportune time. When working with the rune, you yourself must maintain crystal honesty, otherwise it will react to your negative qualities as a source of evil energy.

Magical properties: Used for psychic protection. Aconite is believed to have been one of the ingredients in potions given to the old and infirm on the island of Ceos. This was supposed to make it easier for them to leave a world where they were no longer useful. It was often used as a ritual cup during death and sold for euthanasia. It was also used in incense during burial and was planted on the grave.

Magical Properties: Used in protective spells and when attempting to communicate with those who have passed through using clairvoyant skills. Uses: Nervous tonic, especially useful against falling sickness and flatulence. It is a good remedy for indigestion and weakness.

Algiz. When evil approaches you, Algiz dispels it. The rune also promotes the development of intuitive abilities and enhances the perception of danger. This will help you notice something is wrong in time and react correctly. Algiz will give protection from the Higher powers, but in return he will demand true faith in them. If we remember Christianity, the Algiz rune is like a Guardian Angel.

It is also a pain reliever and can be placed on the sore area when prepared as a poultice. These two properties also make comfrey suitable for treating sprains, bruises, sores and cuts. Brother Aloysius recommended a cup of trench tea a day for those who were prone to obesity. He also suggested its use for coughs, acne, diarrhea, cancer, cholera, excessive menstrual bleeding and dysentery.

Nicholas Culpeper believed it was good for gout, hemorrhoids, gangrene and fever. Magical Properties: The favorite herb of the goddess Hecate, and it is a fitting offering planted in a garden for her, or a bouquet placed on an altar for Him. Several cultures believed that Comfrey would protect travelers, including the Saxons. In England, twigs were sometimes given to bards, as well as to pilgrims going to sacred places; in other parts of Europe, travelers placed leaves on their boots, wore them as charms around their necks, or pushed them into the manes of horses to protect them and their charge.

Teyvaz. The rune has an active damaging effect on the source of evil. Using it, you will be able to defend your position in life, it will protect your opinion and your point of view. In return, you will need to be fair and always tell the truth.

  1. Runes of Passive Defense– the category consists of runes that establish runic protection area near the object that needs to be protected.

Vunyo– the rune of protection, is responsible for harmony and stability, it absorbs negativity and turns it into energy that resonates with the energy of the protective object. It is especially recommended to use Vunyo when a person has various psychological problems in the family or at work. In exchange for help, you will need to avoid provoking conflict situations.

Magical Properties: Inspires courage, psychic abilities, and tea drunk to divination will enhance perceptual divination powers, often used as an ingredient in spells. Uses: A very powerful healer, it enhances the medicinal effects of other herbs taken with it. Helps eliminate toxins. It is most beneficial in its ability to sustain blood flow. In poultice form it is useful against infections and swelling.

Defensive magic is probably the most basic of all types of spells. If you don't feel safe and secure, it's difficult to enjoy any of life's pleasures. From the very beginning, people have created protective signs and symbols to ward off evil and bad luck.

Isa– the symbol allows you to stop any process and freeze evil. It forms a dead, inactive shell around the object, inside which it will remain vital energy(much like a cocoon of ice that holds energy inside itself). It is used only for a short period of time, because sooner or later there will be a release of energy outward. It is important to maintain restraint when working with her.

Would you like to learn some protective glyphs to use in your spells and amulets? Today we will look at nine powerful protective symbols from the Western magical tradition. These symbols come from a variety of spiritual paths, including Wiccan, Norse, Judeo-Christian, Egyptian, and others.

Just as no two words have the same meaning, each magical symbol has a slightly different energy and function. Read on to find the perfect symbol for your protective actions. The pentacle or five-pointed star is probably best known as a symbol of the Wiccan religion. This symbol is passed down to modern witches through the tradition of ceremonial magic. Wiccans and Pagans wear it as a symbol of faith, but it is also used as a protective glyph.

Berkana– responsible for motherhood and healing. For protective purposes, it will create an invisible zone that will direct all negative energy into the earth for its absorption and destruction. Together with the Algiz rune, it is used to protect the child, as well as to eliminate problems caused by damage. For his help, he will demand to pay attention to other people and provide them with all possible help (manifestation of parenthood).

Application of runic protection formulas

The protective legacy of the tentacle probably began in medieval times. The five points were called the five wounds of Christ. Early occultists saw the pentacle as a microcosm or representation of a person. The tentacle's affinity for the body makes it very useful for a human mage. Leonardo da Vinci's "Vitruvian Man" is the most famous representation of the human form drawn above a pentagram.

What runes are used for protection?

For modern pagans, the five points of the pentagram signify the four elements and the “fifth element” of Spirit. The placement of Spirit at the top is a reminder that Spirit inhabits and guides all forms of matter. The circle surrounding the star evokes both infinity and an aura or energy field surrounding the body.

The following video explains how to use runes correctly and how to protect your financial well-being

  1. Radiation protection runes- runic signs that contribute to the rejection of evil.

Soulu– it forms a powerful radiation of solar energy that burns any evil to the ground. Its use will help protect your position in society, confidence in your abilities, and good mood. You will need to be generous and not nervous about this.

Futhark protective runes

The Pentacle has a variety of magical purposes, including protection. The Pentacle is a powerful reminder of the balance of the world. Witches draw pentagrams in the air to banish or consecrate sacred space. Pentagram pharmacies are a popular choice for protecting physical and energetic bodies.

Proper Use of Runes

The Solar Cross is an equal armed cross that can also be overcome by a circle. This is one of the oldest spiritual symbols that existed in the Stone Age. The Solar Cross represents the light and movement of the sun. The sun was extremely important to early humans, both for its life-giving energy and for its predictable cycles of days and seasons. Many subsequent religious symbols are associated with these simple drawings. There are many more mytho-spiritual concepts to be found in it: the Celtic-Pagan Wheel of the Year, the Tarot Wheel Card, the Classic Roe of the Sun, and the American Indian Four Winds are just a few.

Odal– the rune creates radiation of enormous potential, in it negative energy stops working. Suitable for protecting your property (for example, your home, land) or social space (workplace, position). You should feel like the owner of the protected area.

Inguz– forms a strong energy of fertility, which transforms any energy flow for its own benefit. Suitable for people with an active lifestyle.

How to use runes against damage and the evil eye

As a protective symbol, the Solar Cross evokes the power of the Sun God or Father, as well as the guardians of the Four Directions. Meditating on the crossing of the cross is a powerful focusing exercise. The Solar Cross represents balance and infinity. This is the symbol of eternity, which embodies the themes of birth, death and rebirth. Use the Solar Cross to centralize and calm those under threat. As a symbol of the sun, it is used to banish negativity and banish shadows.

  1. Runes of Magic Protection– runic signs from this category have the most powerful magical power, call upon the Higher powers to fight evil.

Hagalaz– turns to the spirits of nature for help, who create an area of ​​Chaos near the protective object, tearing to shreds any damage, evil eye, curses and other negative actions. At the same time, the protected person can commit actions that are unusual for him and act spontaneously. And if he resists, the spirits who come to the rescue will make sure that his life becomes very “fun” - various surprises and surprises will appear regularly (for example, you may encounter a poltergeist).

Named after the Roman god of war, the planet Mars is big, red and fierce. Astrologers and alchemists developed the symbol of Mars as a shorthand for the planet. In magick this means all things martial: conflict, personal strength and masculinity. Mars brings warrior energy to curses, hexes, banishing and counter magic. This is not a symbol for your "white light" or "alive and let live" protective magick.

Ethical bindruna of the Hafskjold family for protection and fight

Call on Mars when you want to confront him about someone that's bothering you. This handmade amulet is popular in the Middle East and Africa. Hamsas are worn like jewelry and hung over walls and windows. With his all-seeing eye in the center of the palm, Hamsa is said to ward off the Evil Eye. The open right hand represents strength and blessing.

In return for his help, Hagalaz will require preparedness for unpredictable turns of events in life.

Nautiz- will call for help the power of Nor (they are the Maidens of Destiny) and will help you get on the right path in life, on which evil forces will not be able to interfere with you. A person under the influence of a rune realizes his position in life and easily exposes lies. In return, you need to believe in yourself and follow your own path.

In the Middle East, the Khamsa tradition is known to both Jews and Muslims. However, the right hand of protection can be traced back to the Mesopotamian cult of Ishtar. Modern witches sometimes say that the palm signifies protection and the fingers represent the five blessings: Love, Money, Health, Wisdom and Strength.

There are many variations of the Hamsa symbol, from simple line drawings of five fingers to highly complex and stylized versions. It is a very common practice to personalize an amulet with words and symbols of power. Hamsa's private hearth can be as specific as you want it to be. Or use it as a general charm against bad luck, jealousy and poverty.

Eyvaz– here the power of the Divine World comes to the rescue and World of the Dead, which takes with it everything that is not related to human nature. Often, the person who tried to do evil to others dies. Eyvaz puts forward quite complex demands: a person is faced with life lessons that, at first glance, resemble troubles. And only by coping with them, you can develop new qualities in yourself and increase your personal power.

The Eye of Horus is one of the most enduring protective symbols in history. Featured in ancient Egyptian amulets and works of art, it symbolizes divine power. The shapes within the Eye are associated with sacred geometry and sacred mathematics. Through myth, the Eye of Ra represents eternal life and rebirth, hence its use in Egyptian grave decorations. It is also popular as an amulet against villains and ill-wishers.

The triquetra is sometimes used as a protective symbol by pagans and Celtic Christians. The triangular knot represents the triple goddess or Holy Trinity. Because it has no beginning or end, the intertwined knot signifies protection that cannot be broken. The circle is also a symbol of eternity.

Using protective runes correctly, you can protect yourself from any negative external influences, which will make you invulnerable to your enemies and people who consciously or unconsciously wish you harm.


Its color is Gold

Deity - Heimdall.

Heimdall is a guardian god. Patronizes qualities such as clairvoyance and vigilance.

Faithful guardian of the rainbow bridge. He sees day and night at a distance of a hundred miles and hears the grass growing in the field and the wool on the sheep. His sleep is light, like that of birds. At his belt hangs a golden horn, the sounds of which are heard in all countries of the world.

So the Algiz rune is the rune of attentiveness and caution. It is symbolized by the sedge grass, which reacts to the slightest breath of wind. This is a rune of protection; it will not allow anyone to take you by surprise. It will protect not only from harmful actions, but also from harmful thoughts. It protects the body, mind and soul. The power of Algiz serves as a shield against any attack, on all levels: physical, emotional and spiritual. Algiz symbolizes the survival instinct and protects our vulnerabilities. Awakens our hidden forces when facing any challenge. Helps you maintain balance during stress, find strength, and cope with any situation.

Algiz is a connecting bridge between gods and people, helps to enter the collective unconscious. An energy channel through which energy exchange occurs between the gods and humans.

If you are afraid of something, draw Algiz, and she will not let anyone take you by surprise.

Algiz - one of the most powerful protective runes. Pictured Algiz on amulet and properly activated, will become a serious invisible obstacle from the adverse effects of the outside world.
Going back to the original source, Algiz can be interpreted as follows:
Elk sedge usually lives in swamps,
Grows in water. Hurts greatly
Bleeds every man,
Who will grab her?
The rune symbolizes the powerful animal kingdom of the horned and brave.
In this rune, its location matters.
“Horns” pointing upward are life. Down is a symbol of death.
Algiz is an amazing rune. Along with its apparent simplicity, it is very deep and serious.
To some, it resembles not the antlers of an elk, but an open palm and is associated with the hand of Tyr, which he was forced to sacrifice so that the evil and dark essence of Fenrir would be isolated.
Undoubtedly, Algiz is the rune of magicians and healers, since it is associated with Heimdall (Guardian of the Gods), who protects all living things from the invasion of EVIL. It significantly increases the magician's power and does not allow him to cross dangerous boundaries. Anyone who wears the Agiz rune can always count on help from above. The owner of a talisman with the image of this rune sharpens his intuition, instinct of self-preservation and the gift of foresight. Let's remember the reeds, which will inevitably make noise when the enemy approaches...

Elm of four Algiz runes, a powerful protective symbol! Galdrastaf from 4 runes - greatly enhances the properties of this rune!

ALGIS or Care.

The night passed peacefully. The young people slept soundly, feeling safe in the valley, cut off from the rest of the world and protected by nature on all sides. In the morning, quickly packing their things and removing traces of their presence, they set off on their way back. We had breakfast on the go.

The only thing they devoted a little time to was asking a question to the runes.

This time, Wulf took out the rune himself, and in his hand was a circle with the Algis rune.
When they crossed the thickets of thorns guarding the exit from the ravine, Orsana asked:

What does this rune mean? Tell me a little about her.

It is precisely because this rune fell that we need to hurry. She will provide us with care and protection, so it is better for us to cover as much of the journey as possible while we are under her protection. This is the rune of the element of Water. It is very suitable for our situation, since it talks about the art of wise retreat, and that is what we are doing now. But I’m a little afraid that no one will notice us near the valley….

Because someone himself can occupy it before he our tribe coming here? - Orsana guessed.

- Exactly. But I hope that the spirits of Nature who patronize this rune will protect not only us, but also access to this valley. We must gather all our strength to spend less time on the way back than on the way here.

Then they walked in silence, moving quickly and with concentration. The road was familiar. They didn't even stop for lunch. SuThe cooked meat was eaten on the go. The sun was quite high when they passed the hut above the lake where they spent the night.

The girl was very tired, but tried not to show it. She understood well that they needed to hurry. There was also no time to stop and ask the runes for advice. Dusk had fallen when they reached a clearing above the river where they had once stopped for a snack.

We’ll spend the night here,” Wulf decided.

Where? — Orsana looked around in confusion. - Maybe we can at least buildsome kind of hut?

I think we can do without him. Absolute will come soondarkness, but here in the forest there may be beasts of prey. Besides, we there is no need to waste energy, since tomorrow we will set off at dawn, and we should have a good rest. Moreover, it is important to remember that the Algis rune protects us.

But I’m afraid to sleep on bare ground,” Orsana became worried.

Who told you that we will sleep on bare ground?


On a tree.

I don't understand!

Look, there is a powerful oak tree growing. In its crown we will find a safe haven. Not a single predator will climb there, and birds do not threaten us. We’ll climb onto it, sit comfortably, and in order not to fall at night, we’ll tie ourselves with straps to the thick branches. This way we will be completely safe and have a good rest.

Orsana listened to Wulf with disbelief at first, but when he described everything in detail, she became interested. I just asked again:

Are there any birds of prey here?

There are none that could threaten us.

Okay, we’ll do that,” she agreed.

Wulf hooked the rope to a thick oak branch, climbed up it and helped the girl climb. Dense branches made the further task easier. For the night, the travelers chose a fork in two thick branches. We settled there quite comfortably and tied ourselves to them with a rope. The travelers were so exhausted that as soon as they closed their eyelids, they immediately fell asleep.


algis, algiz, algiz, elkh


moose, moose antlers


Harmonizes and balances the psyche. Improves mood, calms emotions, gives inner balance. Acts as an antidepressant.

Rune potential:

Uniting and strengthening force, anchor, guardianship.

Main properties:

Natural protection, decision-making ability, aura cleansing.

Message of the rune:

Don't forget about your vulnerability and about harmful influences that can push you away from your chosen path.

Predictive value:

Security, the art of wise retreat and defense, nobility, healing abilities. Well-being, new perspectives, intellectual work, the ability to fix something (“anchor”) in reality, openness to new things. Recovery, successful restoration of strength, strengthening of mental strength.

Magic Application:

The rune attracts energy from the Cosmic Source and facilitates its practical use. Protects against injuries, stimulates intellectual abilities. Protects property, protects from hostile forces of all kinds. Favors success, strengthens well-being, adds vitality, calms emotions, balances the psyche.

Rune Algis can help you:

- develop resourcefulness;

— cope with the challenges of Fate;

- get rid of negative influences;

— fix (“anchor”) your plans and aspirations in real life.

Rune Algis should be meditated, when it is desirable to obtain answers to the following questions:

- What does well-being mean to me?

- when do I feel defenseless?

— Do I know how to use the energy of the Universe?

— how do I restore my mental strength?

- what hurts me?

— Do I know how to be open to everything new?

- Do I know how to get in touch with my Spiritual patrons?