Products that give vital energy. Food energy: foods affect our mood and state of mind. What energy is on your plate?

It’s clear what foods are good for our body, but what to cook for dinner to improve our energy seems like a strange question. But no, food can influence our lives.

Dear readers, please answer a few questions for yourself. “How do you feel?” What is important here is your physical and state of mind. And one more question: “How often do you feel these feelings?” Answer the questions honestly. If it turned out “good”, “excellent”, “always”, then this article is not for you! Everything is great with you and you are happy! And if you remember that it happens that something oppresses you and puts you in an inharmonious state, and you sometimes feel negative emotions, your well-being and health deteriorate, then stop and read this article. I hope you find it useful.

Of course, you know the question about the doctor: Well, what happened to you?

But if the answer is “aspirin,” “beta blocker,” “lower cholesterol,” “analgesic,” “Valium,” or “surgery,” then from a naturopathic point of view there is something wrong with that answer. The onset of a disease is always a deficiency necessary for the body. And if something is missing, the body cannot adequately cope with what then becomes too much: bacteria, viruses, parasites and environmental toxins. Unfortunately, the drugs pharmaceutical industry are among the substances that the body classifies as “too much.”

How does food affect our lives?

Today we will talk about our food products. No, I’m not at all going to talk about what foods you should eat to lose weight or about the variety of diets that restore beauty. Although, some will even be disappointed. Have you ever thought about what we eat? You can also think about quality and quantity. Now I’m not trying to shift the topic to the harm of flour products and sweets. It's all about energy! Imagine that every product we ate today, yesterday, and tomorrow has a certain quality of energy. Here many people thought about the carrots that we bought at the market. And it was probably planted by some unknown grandmother, who was also very evil and harmful, and we ate it. What will happen? This context, of course, is also very important, but all products, regardless of origin, have their own energy. The one that nature endowed them with. And I won’t make you happy - not all products have positive energy. Let's go in order.

What energy is in your plate?

Let's start with the most common product, which comes first in the consumer basket - this bread and bakery products . What quality do you think you are endowed with? flour products when do you eat them? Flour in itself has positive energy, akin to maternal energy. But we don’t eat only flour. Next, the constituent ingredient is eggs. Chicken eggs(and it doesn’t matter which eggs) have the opposite energy. Here I agree with vegetarians; it is better not to eat them at all, or to reduce them, if possible, to a minimum. Eggs add despondency and disappointment to you. Therefore, try not to eat them at least for breakfast, so as not to walk around drooping all day. All non-natural products, seasoned with dyes, preservatives, food additives or flavorings, despite the fact that they are very tasty, only destroy our biofield. Think about it: after eating one pack of chips, you have “perforated” your energy shell by 2 cm. And this can lead to headaches, weakness, fatigue, and an absolutely fantastic thing - you will become easy prey for energy “vampires” and other negative people. entities. However, even at the physical level, the stomach and pancreas will not be happy with such “refueling”. Similar “anti” products also include carbonated drinks and alcohol. Therefore, to eat or not to eat? This is the question to which you will find the answer yourself. Fruits and vegetables, to everyone's surprise, do not all have good energy. For example, apples carry heavy energy. Eating them leads to a feeling of heaviness and dissatisfaction. Melon- a paradox, but this product, despite its taste, adds aggression. Radishes, onions, garlic, tomatoes and cabbage- do not allow thoughts to calm down. They lead to a state of chaos and disharmony. Very helpful cucumbers, beets, spinach, pears, peaches- they give you a state of kindness and joy, a desire for active action arises. By the way, it is peaches that help you reach heights both socially and spiritually! Alcohol has a very negative impact on us! A drop of alcohol causes terrible wounds to the energy field and severe damage to the second vital chakra. It's not surprising that many people who drink alcohol suffer from low libido and have problems not only with normal everyday life, but also in bed. To fully recover from a glass of champagne, you need 3 months of daily work with meditation or other spiritual practices. Think about why you need alcohol? The answer “relax” is not accepted. Since there are many other more interesting and useful ways. For your own destruction and emptiness? “In order not to be sad and aggressive, you just need to not eat certain foods,” you thought. The answer is not really. You just need to “dilute” the energy. For example, water neutralizes bad qualities - drink a lot of water! Water, in addition to neutralizing bad qualities, helps to become a free spirit. Even using meat, and it is very energetically burdened, drink at least two glasses before consumption and mix meat products with honey(this could be honey tea), with ginger(he takes on and removes energetic “dirt”), porridge(they also help neutralize negatively enriched foods). But besides barley groats. It is this cereal that carries a charge of fatigue and a tendency to depression. Drink tea- it's really invigorating. Eat watermelon and cherry- they will give you sexuality and increase libido. Seafood in most cases they have positive energy, except for shrimp and ocean fish. There is energy of passivity and laziness. Therefore, it is best to “dilute” them with fruits or berries, for example, raspberries or strawberries. Strawberry on the contrary, it endows a person with voluptuousness (in the bad sense of the word) and vanity. Therefore, if you do not want to be like that, add dairy products to it. Since a priori everything dairy- only helps us cope with difficulties and feel light and happy! Eat right!

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There are unwanted side effects. Naturopathy gives the body the substances it lacks to restore a harmonious balance. Naturopathy exclusively uses substances that, ideally, a person could obtain from Mother Nature's offerings balanced nutrition. Naturopathy thus strengthens the body's natural immune system and strength to cope with the burdens of the environment itself.

Orthomolecular medicine aims to help the body, which is out of balance, naturally remove substances that are not found in the body and that cannot be released without assistance. The removal of these non-body substances is again accomplished with the help of orthomolecular substances from the womb of Mother Nature. The body receives exactly the natural vitamins, minerals, essential fats and amino acids, enzymes, probiotics, antioxidants and a host of new plant protection products that it already uses to rid itself of toxins, germs, viruses or other unwanted substances.

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In this way, the balance of the body is restored by removing substances without the body by adding endogenous substances. With our Organic Soft Dried Fruit Energy Blend, for the first time ever, you get a combination of organic soft apricots, cranberries, figs, prunes and apple rings! By combining sweet and slightly sour fruits, it develops a particularly fruity and intense taste sensation.

The dried fruit blend of controlled organic cultivation is sustainable and natural. Thanks to a special production process, the fruit remains juicy and soft. Dried fruits are juicy and full of flavor without any aftertaste. The fruit mixture can be eaten directly from the bag, processed as an ingredient in muesli or yogurt, and during cooking.

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Digestion, energy and health. Compatible food and when to eat it.

Energy in its essence is somewhat similar to money: there is never too much of it. There is always a desire to get even more. We go to great lengths to squeeze even more energy out of the body: liters of coffee, sugar, stimulants and energy drinks - everything is used! But our poor body endures everything.

Power mixture includes. Organic soft plums provide vitamin A, beta carotene, minerals such as magnesium and fiber in a concentrated form. Organic soft apricots are rich in vitamins A and C, as well as a good source of potassium and magnesium, two minerals that give the body stamina, energy and strength. Organic soft figs, like a real source of energy, contain valuable calcium and magnesium. Organic soft apple rings have more minerals and fiber than fresh fruit.

Ideal for low energy levels as the fruit's own sugar penetrates quickly into the bloodstream. The perfect fitness snack for work, sports, relaxation! Positive energy for body, mind and soul. It doesn't have to be a fitness center where you give your body the movement and balance it needs. Small sporting events in a beautiful street, regardless of the weather, to enhance your mood. Up to two or three times a week, half an hour is enough.

Violent bursts of energy are usually followed by a breakdown. In fact, the energy resulting from stimulation is not real energy. This is a cheap counterfeit of what you can actually have if your body is healthy.

Caffeine aside, we naturally have a certain amount of energy for the day. And there are several factors that are part of the energy equalization process: sleep, emotions, movement, mental activity, and, of course, food.

Sweet, flavorful and full of minerals! Not only are chalks better for sweetening, but they also give you a quick boost of energy thanks to the micronutrients and glucose they contain. Honey also has amino acids and vitamins that also have positive influence on your energy balance. The pure natural product comes from the original Spanish plateau and has an intense floral aroma. But be careful: it doesn't have to be too good. Due to the sugar content, insulin secretion increases and thereby reduces blood sugar levels faster.

Sleep gives us energy.

Movement can provide energy by increasing blood circulation and oxygen, but it also ends up requiring energy. Different types exercises can also be divided into depleting and nourishing.

Emotions can have a huge impact on your energy levels. Positive emotions emotions, such as joy, energize, while negative emotions can deplete energy resources.

Then garnish your snacks or future drink with a hefty sprinkle of red pepper. Peppers and chilies also contain capsaicin, which in turn causes your body to release more adrenaline. So you can start right now! Breakfast with high content squirrel - best way start the day. A cheese omelet or oatmeal with nuts gives you protein and long-chain carbohydrates. This ensures that you can maintain your energy level for a long time and not get hungry so quickly.

Discover natural energy donors

First of all, proteins are important for breakfast because of their tyrosine effect on the formation of happy hormones. So even from snacks to protein-rich alternatives to really recharge your batteries! The abbreviation for a naturally occurring biological substance is nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide.

Mental activity requires a lot of energy. Clarity of thought and creativity are usually not found in exhausted people.

Food is a double-edged sword. Easily digestible foods provide energy; difficult to digest or non-nutritious foods will require more energy to digest. Some food combinations, on the contrary, will take away energy. For example, a sandwich from white bread with cream cheese requires a lot of energy to digest, perhaps much more than it can provide to the body. Berries, on the other hand, are in a fast way recharge your batteries.

The most important of all coenzymes is vital for the production of energy in the cell. Lack of Coenzyme 1 results in mental and physical tiredness and tiredness. With the increasing demand for energy in modern times, the proportion supplied from food and produced in the body's cells themselves is usually insufficient. Therefore, it must be supplemented with additional coenzyme 1.

Supporting health and well-being. Coenzyme 1 is an energy transfer molecule, i.e. it carries a hydride, a special form of hydrogen with an excess of electrons. Cells that receive more energy in the form of extra electrons are more efficient and perform better. therefore, it is a real source of energy. Although Coenzyme 1 is found in raw meat, poultry, fish and in small quantities also in fruits and vegetables. But most of the cooking has already been destroyed. The remainder is almost completely susceptible to stomach acid before the coenzyme enters the bloodstream during the digestive process.

One way to get energy from food is by eating nutrient-rich foods.

Separate nutrition can be applied to any diet to eliminate heaviness in the stomach after eating, improve the processes of removing digestive products from the body, solve skin problems and increase energy levels.

Therefore, there is little fuel in the cells to produce energy. Bottom Line: The more coenzyme 1 available in your body's cells, the more powerful you are. Anyone who doesn't want to lose weight and sets the belly to shoot the first stone! Even if you have little fat, you want to lose weight and lose a few pounds here, a few measurements there, and that's completely normal. We live in a society that preaches adult beauty standards that we often follow without realizing it. But the presence of dry and healthy body goes far beyond the vanity because excess fat causes health complications and the main target is the heart.

Here are 10 rules separate power supply, which I use and which you may find interesting for yourself:

Which food will give you the most long-term energy?

1. The simpler the better.

2. Drink some hot water or herbal tea before meals, some during meals, and do not drink anything for at least 30 minutes after meals. This will help prevent stomach acid from becoming diluted and improve digestion.

Losing weight and burning fat are processes that are carefully processed by the body, and for efficient combustion fat with minimal lean mass loss that you both have hacked to achieve, you need to follow a specific diet, proper training and rest. But there are supplements that will help us maintain lean mass and burn fat to achieve this form of coverage for men and these supplements are supplements.

Supplementation during the weight loss phase and tuning is very important because we need to maximize our metabolism to expend more resources and produce more energy, and this we only get through feeding and supplementation, combined with training and aerobics.

3. Do not eat fruits within 2-3 hours after eating. Fruits take much less time to digest, but if you have something in your stomach, they will get stuck there and start fermenting. This will lead to bloating.

4. Soak the nuts overnight. This makes them less dry and easier to digest. They become easier food. Ayurveda recommends soaking all nuts overnight.

During the weight loss phase, carbohydrate intake is usually lower to maximize fat burning, which is the second source of energy used after carbohydrate. At this stage we enter catabolism, a state in which the body desperately needs energy after exercise to repair the damage, and when we consume amino acids and proteins incorrectly and correctly, the body searches for these nutrients in the muscles, breaking down tissue in search of energy and thus thus undermining the benefits.

On the other hand, it is important to avoid industrial and fatty products at all costs so as not to damage our results. Once we are looking for a leaner and more defined body, we must give up or reduce at least the amount of nutrients consumed such as.

5. Don't combine various types protein in one meal. Do not eat fish and chicken, beans and meat together. A serving of food with combined proteins will take 10-12 hours to digest if you have good digestion. Would you like to work 12 hours without a break?

6. Always add green vegetables when eating fats with proteins or carbohydrates. Green vegetables go well with almost everything. You can't go wrong with them! Green vegetables are your best friends.

Present in cooking salt, this mineral has a culinary purpose of improving the taste of dishes, but in the diet it is a champion at sabotaging the results at the determination stage. This is because it retains water throughout the body, leaving us plump, so it is best to avoid. There are other health problems associated with high sodium intake, including hypertension and calcium loss.

Extracted primarily from animal sources such as red and white meat, milk and derivatives. Understand carbohydrates as nutrient which we need to live. They are the main source of energy for us and are present in almost every type of food. During the weight loss phase, you usually choose to eat whole grain carbohydrates such as brown rice, whole grain pasta and whole grain bread, which are more complete foods and have more fiber, which helps in weight loss and reduces weight problems. heart.

7. Give your body a rest several times a week by eating simple foods. My favorite fall food is roasted pumpkin and baked apples.

8. Experiment wisely! If you are in doubt about the right combination of foods, try it and pay attention to how your body reacts. Your body understands better what it needs than any nutritionist.

You must reduce the amount of carbohydrate you consume so that your body begins to use stored fat, which is nothing more than all the carbohydrates and fats you ate that your body did not use and decided to store up. The best thing to do is find a nutritionist to help you with what to eat and when to eat it.

Supplements to Lose Weight and Define Muscle

There are many supplements to lose weight, but none are miracles, it depends on your diet, workout and rest. Always seek a nutritionist to evaluate your body and diet so you can see what works best for your profile, do not use supplements without the consent of a professional unless you already understand or are not already familiar with supplements.

9. If you consume dairy products, do not combine them with anything else. Definitely no fruit milk shakes unless you want curdled milk in your stomach.

10. Eat light, warm and simple foods if you are tired or stressed. Recovery and healing require energy, as does digestion. Use your energy resources wisely.

You can put it on your shopping list if you have the money!

At this stage we need more proteins to supply our body which is in calorie deficit and proteins are used to build muscles and so many other tissues in the body. But it is not legal to use whey concentrate because it has a low concentration of protein and a higher amount of fat and carbohydrates, which is not interesting for a weight loss diet. Isolates, on the other hand, are on the shelf because they provide faster absorption rates and higher protein concentrations, with virtually zero fat and carbohydrates.

The most best time for food when our digestive fire (Agni, a component of Pitta dosha) is at its peak. This happens in the middle of the day, from 10:00 to 14:00 hours, so if possible main reception food should come at this time.

One of the food classification systems in Ayurveda describes food as light or heavy in terms of its digestion. For example, rice is considered a light food, and meat is considered a heavy food. If today you want to eat some heavy food, such as animal proteins, then it is better to do it at lunch, then your body will have the whole day to digest them.

Keep your dinner light, consisting of vegetables, and it is good to finish it before 20:00 and at least 2 hours before bed.

With this cycle, your digestion will not interfere with your sleep, and food will be completely digested and eliminated from the body by the time you get up in the morning. Combined with a light breakfast, this diet will fill you with energy for the whole day and special clarity of mind during the daytime hours of Pitta dosha.

Learn to understand your digestive indicators:

Eat only when you are hungry! Often we eat out of habit, not out of need.

Before you eat, rate your hunger on a ten-point scale from 1 to 10. If you are hungry at 6-7 points or higher, then it’s really time for you to eat; if your indicator is below this level, then find yourself some more interesting activity that will distract you from the desire to eat.

You can also drink something, such as water or fruit tea: we often mistake thirst for hunger.

Do something pleasant every day. Walk a lot fresh air. And most importantly, sleep 7-9 hours every night.