Charms for children: necessary items for protection and a happy destiny. Strong amulets for newborns

Children's amulets were widely used by our ancestors. IN modern life various talismans and are again popular.

Babies have a weak energy field and are susceptible to the evil eye. Parents are familiar with the situation when the baby is capricious for no reason, lethargic, and often gets sick. Perhaps there was an evil eye involved. It is not easy to get rid of this phenomenon, so a talisman for a child is necessary in every home. If you can’t make it yourself for your baby, you can buy amulets. In this case, it must be charged and activated.

DIY amulet for a child made from rowan

DIY amulet for a child made from rowan

Rowan is a truly magical tree with magical power. Its energy is quite harsh, some people are contraindicated from being around for a long time. Rowan amulets have a good influence on representatives of earth signs: Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo. It is advisable for others not to use the sacred power of this tree. It is a family talisman, and branches with berries are placed on windows.

Rowan amulets are used to protect children. For example, you can make an equilateral cross from rowan branches tied with red thread. They hang it over the baby's cradle. Protection from the evil eye will be a bag filled with wood. The berries can be placed under the bed, the leaves can be placed under the mattress. The amulets are replaced with fresh ones once a month. It is important to know that old ones should not be thrown away; they should be burned with words of gratitude. Our ancestors made cradles out of them so that the witch could not harm the baby.

Baby safety pins

Child safety pins

A pin is one of the simplest amulets. Used for quality and spoilage. It must be worn pinned to clothing. Babies are placed in a stroller or crib at the head of the bed so that the child does not accidentally get hurt. , thanks to its closed form, absorbs negative energy, preventing it from escaping.

If you notice a change in the color of the talisman, be sure to purchase a new one. It is advisable to throw the old one into the fire. Opinions vary on how to place the pin. It is believed that pinned with the tip up is a symbol of an injection into the evil eye. Buying a pin is a certain ritual. You can only purchase it on Friday, in the afternoon; change should not be taken.

Bay leaf amulet

Amulet for a child made of bay leaves

Almost everyone is familiar with the laurel plant; the leaves of this tree are found in the kitchen of every housewife. There is a beautiful legend about the appearance of the laurel tree. The Sun God was inflamed with passion for the beautiful Daphne.

The nymph did not reciprocate, and he decided to achieve his chosen one in any way. Daphne tried to escape, but Apollo, blinded by passion, gave chase. Realizing that she could not hide, the nymph turned into a laurel tree. Since then, its leaves have been a symbol of victory and powerful talisman. To protect the child, you should place the laurel in the corners of the room, on the windowsill, in the bed.

The protective powers of the amulet will increase if the mother sews a bag with her own hands and fills it with a leaf. During this ritual, keep thoughts of a healthy and happy child in your head. This will protect your child from illness.

The fabric must be yellow or of blue color, having issued . The bag should always be near the child - in the stroller or room, it is a powerful and evil spirit. They give laurel to children and a kindergarten, here it will help get rid of uncertainty and fear.

The red thread is a proven amulet

The red thread is a reliable amulet for a child

The Kabbalistic tradition of tying on is also popular in Russia. The talisman will become a reliable protector from the evil eye from the first days of a child’s life. Children are tied with 3 strings, thereby increasing the power of protection three times. It’s easy to make a talisman for a child with your own hands.

You can take it and tie it, pronounce a certain spell for each one. should be on the left hand, since this is where the “gate” of penetration is located negative energy from outside world. You cannot use old yarn; the thread must be new.

The amulet is put on and spoken by the mother or grandmother. The good message of warm energy from close relatives enhances the effect of the talisman. In addition, a bright thread attracts the baby's attention. He looks at and touches it for a long time, thereby learning to focus his gaze on an object, developing fine motor skills fingers. Wool is healing, so the amulet will also serve medicinal purposes. The bracelet cannot be worn on the right wrist, this is where the entrance of good energy is located, otherwise the channel will be blocked.

Bell - amulet for newborns

Bell - amulet for newborns

The bell is a unique item. In the old days, the ringing of church bells during epidemics cleared the air of infection. This item was hung around the neck of animals. The coachmen did not set off on the road if there was no bell under the arc of the harness. It was believed that the sound would drive away evil spirits.

IN this moment As a talisman, it has not lost its significance and will serve as good protection for newborns. The amulet is hung in the center of the children's room (can be on a chandelier), additionally equipped and rings periodically. The sound of a bell rids the home of accumulated dark energy and evil. The amulet must sometimes be cleaned by placing it in salt so that the white crystals absorb the negativity.

DIY amulet for a child

Amulet for a child - a do-it-yourself toy

A reliable amulet is a doll made with your own hands for your child. The Slavs believed in strength. This amulet was made without the use of scissors and needles. The frame was a roll-up of fabric tied with thread. Amulet dolls accompanied the child constantly, protecting him from evil spirits, diseases, and envy. IN modern world Any toy that you can simply sew with your own hands can become a talisman.

Only a mother can be strong for her child. As a last resort, it is permissible to buy. It is important that you and the child like the toy, that it was purchased during the waxing moon, and that the seller is sympathetic. Share a piece of energy with the item by adding something personal to it: jewelry, a ribbon, lightly spray with your favorite perfume. Sew the talisman soft, a newfangled Barbie doll is not suitable. The sun craft is accessible and easy to make. You can make it from yarn and hang it over your baby’s bed. A bunny on your finger is a talisman that came from time immemorial.

Our ancestors made similar amulets from a piece of fabric and thread and placed them on the baby’s hand. It served a dual role: it protected against fright and fear, and served as entertainment.

Anyone can make a magical toy - the main thing is to put your good energy into it, fill it with love and warmth. The most reliable talisman is a toy inherited from parents.

Sea defense

Sea amulets

Sea amulets are gaining great popularity. Such an amulet is necessary for those living near water; it will protect you while swimming. The protective role here is played by shells that can be found on the beach. It is ideal if the child helps collect the material. Use sinks only with holes through which a thread or string can be pulled. When tying a knot, say a spell, gratefully asking the sea for protection. Rinse your hand-made amulet in water. In this way, “refresh” the amulet every three months or put it in salt.

Slavic amulets for children

Slavic amulets for children

Finds new life and confidently enters our everyday life. Proven for centuries, it is reliable protection from envy, witchcraft, damage. Lelnik, a sacred Slavic sign, has great protective power. dedicated to the Goddess Zari. He was depicted on the cradle, dishes, and first clothes of the child. The boy wore it until he was three years old, and the girl could continue to use it. Radonets is another strong sacred amulet associated with space. A newborn's energy aura is weak and it is not recommended to use Fire signs.

Radonets was embroidered on baby’s clothes, depicted on toys and cradle. It carried powerful protection from damage and helped the child fill the biofield with the energy of Heaven. The power of the amulet doubled if the symbol was embroidered by the mother’s hands. Only scarlet threads were used. The word “joy” is hidden in the name, therefore, in addition to protection, it brings harmony of spiritual forces. Our ancestors believed that if you give a crying baby a rattle with a talisman, he will calm down. For older children, others were used sacred symbols. The daughter wore the symbol - , the son - . For example, this will be a wooden pendant that should be sewn into a toy.

The image of Radonets can be on the rattles in the stroller, which will protect the child from the evil eye while walking. Twisted red and blue threads pulled from parental clothing will become a reliable amulet.

Worn on a child's wrist, they provide double protection - on the part of the parents, protecting them from harm. The Diaper Doll is widespread. Such a baby doll was made with her own hands by the eldest woman in the family or future mom. The basis was twisted fabric, but sometimes straw, bone, and wood were used. They dressed Pelenashka in scraps of material torn from the clothes of the father and mother, thus the power of the clan was transferred to the child. The talisman was placed in the cradle even before the baby was born, so that evil spirits would not settle there. Before baptism, the baby is very vulnerable, so the doll was protection from bad energy. The parents' clothes themselves were the child's first amulet. The Slavs had a tradition of wrapping a newborn boy in his father's shirt, and a girl in her mother's shirt. In the room where the baby's cradle was located, above front door, prepared on the day of Ivan Kupala.

Amulet for a child

A towel with embroidery of the sacred sign “” was placed under the images. The image of a cockerel was considered magical and was often used as a talisman. When the children grew up, the amulets also changed. Boys were given objects with images of tools, girls were given a spindle. For children's amulets, the following materials were most often used: wood, fabric, birch bark, and horn. It was forbidden to use animal fangs and claws. The Slavic people believed in the magical powers of salt and used it to protect children from the evil eye. Before guests arrived, it was poured in the corners of the house, the newborn was placed near the head of the house. As a talisman, they placed a bag of dried herbs in the cradle: garlic, thistle, rowan.

Icons protecting children

Icons protecting children

The Tikhvin icon is the patroness of children. She helps during illness, will refer to Right way, will strengthen connections with loved ones. Sergius of Radonezh is an icon for schoolchildren and students: helps strengthen knowledge, helps in passing exams. An image of the Kazan Mother of God is hung near children's beds. The Vladimir Mother of God protects the mother and child. Lika Barskaya Mother of God pray for the health of their offspring. It is better for a child to buy a small icon in the church so that he can have it in his briefcase or pocket as protection from evil spirits and damage. Relatives will gain confidence that no harm will happen to their children.

Amulets will not only protect your child from negativity, but will also help him grow into a harmonious person.

Every mother, taking care of her baby, tries to protect him from the negative influences of the surrounding world. The energy field of young children is very vulnerable. Even the dearest and close person may unknowingly harm the child’s biofield.

Popularly, this effect is called the evil eye. Since ancient times, our ancestors used talismans, amulets and amulets for children to protect their offspring.

It will be best if the amulet for the baby is made by the mother herself, who has a very strong mental and spiritual connection with her baby.

The most common amulets for children

Pin. Probably every resident of our country knows from childhood that a pin is a remedy for the evil eye. There are a lot of tips and ways to use this item. In order not to injure a very small baby, a pin is hung at the head of his crib or stroller.

For older children's clothing, a pin is attached to the inside of the clothing where it cannot hurt, and is placed with its head down. Remember! Only new pins are used for the amulet. Before attaching the talisman to clothing, it is advisable to enhance its effect with a special spell and hold the tip of the pin over the fire of a church candle.

the old way protection, it helps protect against “bad gas” and damage. Take a red woolen thread and tie it on left hand. Make seven knots. In this case, you can read the “spell for the red thread” or the prayer “Our Father”. This amulet is very popular these days.

On the Internet you can see numerous photos of small celebrity children with a red thread tied to their hand. And adults themselves often wear this amulet on their hands.

Salt. This is the oldest and most effective means of protecting a home and the people living in it. Salt is present in many magical rituals and is a component of traditional folk rituals.

In ancient times, they poured a pile of salt under the threshold and said the following words:

“Everything bad that comes will go into salt and into the ground.”

For protection, they also sprinkled it in the corners of the house, and a pile of salt was poured at the head of a small child’s crib before guests arrived.

Charms that are easy to make yourself

"Sea amulet" It's very easy to do. In order for the child to wear it with pleasure, you can involve the baby in the process of making such a “magical decoration”. Look for shells with holes on the beach. Your child will work hard and teach you a dozen of them. Choose the one you like.

It is better to make such talismans for all family members. This will be both protection and a memory of a great time spent. A thread or fishing line is threaded through a hole in the narrow part of the shell. When tying a knot, you can say a short prayer for protection.

Or in your own words ask the sea for help for your child. Rinse the resulting talisman in salt water and be sure to say a few words of gratitude to the sea for such a gift.

Bells- a good amulet for a baby. The clear sound of the bell will cleanse the room of all the negativity that accumulates in every home. In the Middle Ages, in Europe, during the plague epidemic, the ringing of bells drove away the disease from the city walls.

Your little ringing friend, hung in the center of the room, will try to protect the house from damage and disease. You just have to remember to clean it and remove negative emanations with salt or running water.

Slavic amulets

The amulets of our distant ancestors had amazing power and power. During pagan times, people often asked for help from the spirits of the forest, lakes and fields. They used the material that nature gave them to protect their houses.

Dark, cold winter evenings, young expectant mothers prepared amulets for future use, even before the birth of their children. The love of a young mother, strength, wisdom and energy of the family were invested in such amulets.

Motanka doll- this is one of the first amulets that protected the homes and descendants of our distant ancestors. Those who made these dolls believed that they were the guardians of the family. Such amulets absorbed all mental power mother's love, so they were often passed down through the female line from generation to generation.

Even a schoolboy can handle making such a doll. IN Soviet time in schools during labor lessons, girls junior classes It was a pleasure to make such toys. Nowadays, you can find many recommendations and step-by-step master classes for making a motanka doll.

Bay leaves. Everyone knows that the heads of the winners were decorated with laurel wreaths. It was believed that the leaves of this plant bring victory over the enemy, good luck, courage and bravery. But in ancient times, laurel was used as a talisman for children. It helps protect your child from the negative impact of the outside world and drives away evil forces from the crib.

The mother sewed a small bag from yellow or blue material, decorating it with embroidery and casting protective spells on it. Placed inside bay leaves and placed such a talisman not far from the child’s bed. You can put a few laurel leaves in the corners of the children's room - this will enhance the protection of the room.

Rowan. Our ancestors have used the protective properties of rowan since ancient times. Tree branches picked from the garden or forest were hung over the newborn's bed. They were tied crosswise using a red flap. Bunches of rowan berries were used to decorate a crib, and the leaves were placed under a mattress or pillow.

When the child turned one year old, bunches of rowan berries were pinned to the baby’s clothes and the sentence was said:

“Burn with fire on your chest - turn away evil glances.”

Icons for child protection

Very strong defense counts With name, which your child wears. You can buy a large icon in the church and hang it in the “red corner” of the children’s bedroom. Such protection will be very strong. An icon with the child’s name will help protect him not only from damage and evil spirits, but will also help the baby grow strong and healthy.

The church sells small copies of icons that you can carry with you at all times in your wallet or as a small icon around your neck.

Icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God helps a woman during childbirth. It strengthens the mental connection between parents and child, helps protect children from illness and disobedience.

Icon of Sergius of Radonezh helps schoolchildren and students. It helps to better assimilate educational material, improves attention, memory and sharpens the desire to learn.

Any thing can be used to protect your family and your home. There are such amulets:

· Stationary amulets that will always be in the house.

· Mobile – you can carry these talismans with you.

· Medallions, amulet, icons - you can wear these amulets on yourself.

Stationary amulets designed to protect your home. They should always be in the house, absorb negative energy, drive away evil spirits and help family members in their affairs.

Often, the role of protectors is played by them, which from time immemorial have been hung in the “red corner” of the central room of the house, where family members spent a lot of time together.

In pagan times, every Slav considered it his duty to carve out an image of Yaril the Sun (Radogost) from wood and place it at the head of the bed. The image of this deity was associated with the awakening and growth of all living things after a long and cold winter.

Radogost is the patron saint of fertility, passion and carnal love. In those days, weddings took place in the Autumn, after the harvest. On dark winter evenings, the amulet of Yaril the Sun added strength to men and helped them conceive strong and strong offspring.

Nowadays, it is also common to protect your home. They hang him in the “red corner”, he often sings quietly under the ceiling "The music of wind", and bells or other traditional amulets are placed next to the baby’s crib.

Mobile amulets You can always carry it with you in your purse or purse. You can order such a talisman from professionals or make it yourself. These can be various small items. The main thing is that this item evokes in you positive emotions and was easy to use.

It could be an acorn brought from the forest; a bright stone with a hole (chicken god) picked up on the seashore; an illuminated rosary or a beautiful button. Your child will be happy to carry these items in his pocket. And a banal charmed coin in your wallet will protect you from theft or loss of money.

Icons, incense and medallions- traditional amulets to protect not only adults, but also children. This amulet is comfortable to wear. By touching the naked body, the amulet provides mental protection and improves the overall well-being of the owner.

How to spell things for a talisman yourself? Each magical ritual requires not only silence and a comfortable environment around, but also true faith in what you are doing.

Left alone, take a comfortable position at the table on which you place lighted candles. Place the future amulet in front of you. Examine it carefully, as if absorbing its entire essence. Touch it with your hands, close your eyes and mentally ask for protection for your child.

Remember! Any strong conspiracy must be performed by professionals. Some powerful spells have the opposite effect or require good preparation and special knowledge. The ritual of summoning power is a powerful magical action.

It is better to speak amulets for your baby in your own words, coming from your heart. It is important to believe in what is happening and understand that you are the keeper of the ancient magic of your ancestors. Call on the power of your family, ask departed relatives to protect their descendants.

Try to convey to the future “guardian” of your child all the energy of maternal love, which was and is the most powerful magical shield for a child.

When can young children start wearing the amulet?

Almost from birth. With the arrival of a newborn in the family, a large crowd of relatives and friends gathers. This is the time to protect your baby from a careless glance or mental attack.

The “evil eye” is not always a product of envy or hatred. Even your own grandparents can cause this trouble to your little one.

How to remove the evil eye from your baby yourself? Sometimes young mothers, having brought their child back from a walk, are frightened by a sudden change in the behavior and well-being of their precious child. The child is capricious, screams, and his temperature rises.

Or vice versa - the baby becomes lethargic, pale and apathetic. Any deviation from the usual norm of behavior of a child for no apparent reason should alert his loved ones. As a rule, grandmothers are always “aware” of such changes with their “child”. Wise in life, they can tell a young mother how to cleanse her child from the evil eye on her own.

1. Wash your child with holy water and then lightly pat your face with the hem. The girl's face is wiped with the hem of her dress. The boy's face is wiped with the hem of his mother or grandmother.

2. Wash the child with holy water so that the water flows from the face to the floor. At the same time they say: “Where it came from, that’s where it came from.”

3. Light a church candle and walk around the child three times clockwise. Then the child is cleaned with a candle in the direction from the head to the feet. Stopping at the solar plexus area. At the same time, they read the “Our Father” or a prayer for cleansing.

These are just a few examples. In more difficult cases you need to contact professionals.

Other types of child protection from mental influence

1. Charms - symbols

A striking example of ancient Slavic symbols for protection are - Radinets And . These symbols were carved into pendants or embroidered on the child’s clothes.

Radinets often painted on the cradle. This is the sign given to the baby restful sleep, pacification, protected from damage and the evil eye. Evil spirits, seeing such a talisman on a child’s crib, could not get close and harm the baby.

- this is a gift from God Rod, so he protected from generational curse, from an evil word and slander.

2. Herbs are amulets against envy.

Envy is a feeling that not only burns the envious person from the inside, but also fundamentally harms the one towards whom it is directed. Our ancestors, in order to protect their family from the harmful effects of an envious glance, turned to nature. Women went to the field or forest and collected herbs, which they used fresh or dried.

· Thistle was placed under a baby’s bed to protect him from the evil eye and evil spirits.

· St. John's wort – protects the child from the evil eye.

· Calendula is a powerful remedy against the evil eye and damage. The flowers of the plant were sewn into bags and placed in children's cribs.

· Mullein – scares away the witch and can neutralize the negative intentions of your enemies.

Mallow - good remedy protection from the evil eye and damage.

· Fern is a talisman against the evil eye.

· Dill – it is believed that witches simply cannot stand the smell of this plant. Children put a sprig of dill in their pocket to protect them from evil spells.

Is it possible to wear a cross and a talisman at the same time?

It’s everyone’s personal business how to protect their child. Nowadays, finding YouTube videos on the Internet “how to make your own amulet” is not a problem. But you need to understand all the responsibility that you take on when turning to higher powers.

You should always differentiate your actions according to the strength of the ritual used. Complex conspiracies and rituals should be left to those who do this professionally. Ask them for help if you need it. You can make harmless amulets and amulets yourself.

The same question is often asked: “A cross and a talisman – are they compatible?”

A pectoral cross is not an accessory, it is a symbol of faith and must be treated with respect. If you listen to the advice of the church, then wearing ancient Slavic and pagan symbols together with a cross is prohibited. You also cannot wear a cross and a zodiac sign together.

You can wear an icon along with a cross. Many people keep their pectoral crosses, which they received during baptism, in a special place. They do not wear the signs of the Christian faith, but they treat them with due respect. In this case, you can wear any protective amulets, talismans and amulets. The choice is always yours.

People of various religions often approached me asking me to make them an amulet, talisman or amulet. Muslims asked to do Slavic amulet, Orthodox Christians ordered runic talismans northern tradition. And believe me, nothing bad happened, and magical objects to this day bring them happiness, protection and good luck.

I think that you still need to look deeper at what higher powers think about what kind of subject you have and what tradition it comes from.

Higher Powers have higher consciousness and do not think the way people think. Experience shows that the Higher Powers do not care whether you mix traditions or not.

But if you still have doubts, then it is better not to go against your intuition.

The most significant amulet for baby– of course it’s his dear mother. She always knows what dangers await the baby in this world, and tries to protect him with all her might. Most mothers have a good instinct: knowing practically nothing about amulets, they randomly choose things or objects that will protect her baby from evil eyes and bad energy.

If the baby is under seven years old, it is impossible to damage him; at this time he is under powerful protection mommy's energy field. And here from the evil eye It’s better to protect the baby. This can be done as follows. As soon as the child is born for the first time, it is not recommended to show the month to anyone other than people living nearby - at this moment there is a high probability that guests will be able to break through the energy barrier.

On one's own notice the evil eye in a baby It’s not difficult: the baby screams for no reason, doesn’t take the breast, has spasmodic and profuse regurgitation after feeding, sleeps poorly, and arches.

The initial remedy for any evil eye is Holy water. You should read the “Our Father” prayer three times, wash the baby with holy water, and wipe your face with the hem of your dress 3 times counterclockwise.

Main types of amulets

To protect your child from the evil eye, place one of the following amulets next to the baby:

  • For overalls or hat Pin a decorative pin across it, which will distract the eyes of strangers from the child. You can also use bright gem jewelry.
  • Will protect the baby from harm icon, which depicts the patron saint.
  • Do DIY amulet, for example, a beautiful soft doll or toy, place it in the baby’s stroller or crib. A doll without a face has great power (it has long been believed that it absorbs all bad energy well). Earlier this type toys were made without needles and scissors, so as not to harm the child’s life with blows of fate.
  • If you are going with a child for a visit or for a walk, invite him to take his favorite hare or fox.
  • Well protects against negative energy silver. You can attach any silver jewelry to the crib, and when the baby grows up, put a chain with a silver cross around his neck.
  • Used as a talisman semiprecious stones and stone paintings, which can also be placed at the head of the room. Yes, from bad energy protects malachite and chrysolite, and rock crystal will help from the evil eye.
  • Above the door of the children's room attach an image in the form of a sun, and above the baby’s crib – a toy cockerel. It will be even better if the cockerel is cross-stitched on white fabric.

Can serve as a talisman for a child almost any toy, which satisfies the following requirements: the child and mother like it, carries some information about the baby’s parents, for example, smells like the mother’s perfume, was purchased in a store with the consent of the child on an auspicious day (when there were no quarrels, there were no injuries to family members ).

You can come up with any conspiracy yourself, the most important thing is that no one hears the words of the conspiracy when you speak it. You can’t talk about a spoken child’s toy - in this case, the amulet will lose its power. You cannot use church expressions in a conspiracy if the baby and mother are not baptized.

And lastly: you can create amulets until you are seven years old. At this age, the baby’s energy field separates, and influences future fate a child is not desirable.

Amulet for a child V Slavic tradition- an integral part of our culture. The amulets given to a child not only protect him from harm, but also help to set the mood in his soul, helping little man grow up foldable and okay. The traditions of Slavic amulets for children require that a newborn be wrapped in old parental clothes. Amulet for a boy is father's shirt, amulet for a newborn girl- mother's shirt. For the child himself three years They did not wear body amulets, believing that this would interfere with his independent growth. Then there are different rules. Read the details in this article.

Why do you need a talisman for a child? For the same thing as an adult - to develop the body, nurture the soul.

Amulet for a child 0-3 years old

A newborn child first of all needs parental protection, which was provided by the parents' worn clothes (a boy - his father's shirt, a girl - his mother's). Previously, clothes had embroidered protective patterns and their presence created a protective cloud around the child.

Example of a pattern for a newborn

The child’s amulet, of course, was the cradle and the walls of the house themselves. In the room where the cradle was hung, amulets were traditionally placed: on the door - a Kupala wreath, on the altar with images of the Gods - an embroidered towel.

Nowadays it is difficult for a city person to recreate the protective power of his home, but you can get closer by hanging signs next to the cradle or crib (which were traditionally embroidered on protective towels). Charms can be embroidered (on a blanket, or separate panels on the wall, or napkins) or made of wood (birch, spruce, etc.), even painted - on the bed, curtains, on the wall, etc.

An example of a traditional protective sign is “alatyr”, which protected a child from scratch (and throughout his life):

This sign also includes the “Sign of the Family”, which is appropriate from “zero” age and throughout life.

Traditional children's amulets for newborns and beyond:

  • bell - it was believed that the sound of a silver bell (or many of them) drove away evil spirits from the baby;
  • horse - wooden rocking horse (small floor swing);
  • diaper doll - a protective doll that was always placed in the bed of an infant;
  • Sun;
  • bunny

Amulet for a child 3 - 7 years old

From the age of three, the child was already wearing personal amulets. They were made from wood, fabric, silver, and in the north - from bone, horn, and birch bark. There was no special embroidery on clothes. Boys and girls ran around in identical linen shirts, altered from adult clothes. Slavic amulets for children even at this age did not have much difference - up to the age of seven, the amulet for both boys and girls were “Ladins” - signs of almost forgotten veneration of the Goddess Lada (the “alatyr” sign could now move from a wall or embroidered sign to a body sign amulet).

Examples of signs of the Goddess Lada for children from three years old:

Traditionally, “kopoushki” (a kind of small spoons) and “keys” were hung on the belt, and “bells” were sewn onto clothes.

So, traditional children's Slavic amulets of this age:

  • spoon;
  • copushka;
  • beater (rattle);
  • wooden toy;
  • ring;
  • bells;
  • pendants - woven, leather, birch bark, etc. with the signs “Ladinets”, “Molvinets”, “light”, “family”.

Amulet for a child 7 years old - 11/14 years old

After seven years, they began to take a closer look at the child’s abilities and show the girl and boy the basics of “adult” crafts. Accordingly, the amulets were suitable: for boys - anvils, images of tools, for girls - spindles. Images of totem animals were also considered Slavic amulets for children.

For girls, in addition to symbols of family and crafts, wood and plant ornaments served as amulets:

Earth symbols, but different from adults:

And remember that Before initiation, girls did not wear the characteristic decoration for girls and women - the moon.

Amulet for a child after 11/14 years

This age, at which a child reaches puberty, was accompanied by rites of initiation and naming. Thus, during the naming ceremony, the child was given not only a name that connected him with the clan and reflected the qualities of the child’s soul, but also a talisman that he would wear for some time so that the name would “stick.” The ritual was carried out starting from the age when the child could no longer be called a “child” or “child,” but a “youth” (teenager). During the naming ceremony, the child received the Slavic amulet at approximately 11-14 years of age.

The signs on the amulets related to spirits, totems, or Native Gods who patronized this particular family. In this case, we talk about the continuity of generic qualities, character, characteristics and even class.

From this age you can wear “Kolyadnik”, “Rodimich”, “Makosh”, “Kolovrat”, “Yarovik”, “Perun’s Axe”, “Fern Flower”, etc.

What were Slavic amulets for children made of?

Of course, natural materials were used:

  • linen, silk, cotton;
  • threads - linen, silk, cotton;
  • birch bark;
  • metal – silver, bronze;
  • tree;
  • cleaned bone
  • horns.

Fangs and claws were not used for children's amulets.

How to revive amulets for a child

No cleaning required once the item is done kind person. It is believed that if a master keeps good thoughts in his head and heart all the time, this means that the result of his work will be good and pure. If the amulet was purchased in a store from strangers or there are doubts about its purity, then the item should be placed in salt for several days.

To revive the amulet, you must take it in your hand. If adults themselves can mentally or verbally address the amulet, consciously wear it, pay attention, take it out, stroke it, repeat the spell, then small children cannot do this. That’s why parents revive the amulet - mother or father, or grandmother, or grandfather. The conspiracy itself is addressed to higher powers, the Native Gods, asking for protection and amulet for the child.

Slavic amulets for children are placed in the following places:

  • over cribs, cradles, cradles;
  • under the child’s sleeping place;
  • under the pillow, mattress, at the head;
  • let the child play like a toy;
  • put on the body;
  • above the door at the entrance to the bedroom where the baby is, or above the windows;
  • The mother carries it with her when she holds the child in her arms.

When choosing a Slavic amulet for your child, you need to pay attention to certain rules:

  1. Signs and symbols of the fire element do not apply to babies and young children who are not yet 11-14 years old.
  2. It is desirable that fabric amulets be made with red threads when the sign itself is embroidered or woven.
  3. Determine what exactly the amulet will serve for - to cure a disease, give a sound sleep to a child, attract good luck, attract the protection of the patron gods, and more.

The rules for selecting a talisman for a child presupposed basic ideas about the world order - it was believed that children came from the World of Navi and were in an intermediate state until they were seven years old. In the world of Reveal, the child has not yet become sufficiently strong or strong, therefore he needs protection from the forces of evil and darkness. After seven years, the attitude towards the child changed and was recognized as strengthened and definite. After initiation, a person was recognized as an adult and capable of taking responsibility for his actions.

Kiryanova Olga Viktorovna

Specialist in working with amulets and amulets. Expert in ancient Slavic symbols. Has extensive experience in selecting individual amulets. He independently charges amulets and provides free consultations to readers of our resource.

Articles written

What could be more important than a child? For a mother, this sounds strange, since a woman would give her life to save her baby. Slavic amulets for children, such as Radinets, contributed to the preservation of not only the body, but also the soul.

The ancestors believed that the main purpose of the family and the main goal was to protect the soul from evil spirits who are diligently looking for shelter. The baby's body is the most convenient vessel. Children do not understand when they are little how to behave correctly, what to be afraid of. All parents tried to protect their child from evil with the help of ancient Slavic magic from the moment they were born.

Moreover, each age had its own talismans, amulets, and amulets. But which ones are considered strong amulets? What protective qualities have been tested by many in ancient times? Is it possible to use the power of our ancestors today? And is it possible to make such an amulet for newborns with your own hands?

Children's protective talismans

Only a mother could make Slavic amulets for children. As a last resort, maternal grandmother. Maternal energy is the most powerful, capable of protecting from troubles. Children are more susceptible than adults negative impact. Removing the magic spell will be difficult and will take a long time.

Creating a talisman with her own hands, the mother wished for her child long life and well-being, provided an invisible film. This magical protection that covered the child did not allow dark spirits to take over the body, mind, and soul of the cub.

Amulet for a child 0-3 years old

For the child from the moment of birth there was a special Slavic amulet. It is intended for newborns and infants only. It belonged to the god Rod. But the ancient Slavs also have a goddess. Her symbols and signs were supposed to protect the child in the mother’s womb. Not a single practitioner of black magic would dare to cast a spell or put the evil eye on a woman carrying a baby under her heart.

Even if one is found, such a talisman of the Lada of the Virgin Mary carries with it mirror protection: send it like a boomerang to the sorcerer, then let him blame himself.

No one will forgive such sins. The signs of the goddess were embroidered on pregnant women's clothes. Most often it was a shirt. Babies up to one year old were wrapped in it. He protected the newborn unquestioningly. For babies, it meant the protection of all gods, and at the same time it was charged with the energy of the mother. Until he was one year old, the boy was protected threefold.

It lay nearby, and by the age of 10 it was already worn around the neck as an additional attribute for the mercy of the supreme deity. A photo of such an amulet is presented below.

Amulet for a child 3 - 7 years old

For children, at the age of three, individual amulets were carefully selected. By this point, it is already possible to determine what kind of character a girl or boy has. The father's shirt served to strengthen the spirit for the boy, and the mother's for the girls. Special signs were embroidered on them. After which the little ones put such a shirt in the cradle. Older children could sleep in it and walk around the house.

Amulets for children under 7 years old were made from:

  • animal bones;
  • birch bark;
  • wooden;
  • elk or deer horn;
  • fabric and silver base.

Ladinets or was also an excellent protection for children. It was either painted above the crib or embroidered on clothing, and some were carved on the crib.

Amulet for a child 7 years old - 14 years old

Children's amulets at this age were already divided into types: male and female. Could be common. For example, Radinets. Suitable for both boys and girls. Slavic amulets of the Family are universal, but at the same time they could be made only for children and passed on from generation to generation. In this case, they gained more strength and did not require cleaning and recharging, since children are protected by gods and ancestors.

Distinctive feature Slavic people– hanging bells, bells or Kopoushki (small spoons) on the belt. By the way: all people should wear belts, so evil spirits will not be able to do anything to a person. This amulet was also worn at this age. Up to the age of 7, children are protected by the gods, ancestors and the mother’s energy. After reaching 7-10 years of age, the invisible thread is interrupted.

Amulet for a child after 14 years

By adolescence, girls and boys had to choose a craft for themselves. And accordingly, amulets. Craft Slavic amulets for children were exactly the same as those used by an adult craftsman. Made from wood. It was believed that
Such a talisman not only protected, but also provided good training in the craft. Chosen for girls floral ornament, and for boys in the form of animals. If a teenager had military abilities, then symbols of the gods could be presented as a gift, which developed physical and mental capacity. Most often, children at this age had several talismans.

The amulets of the Slavs, especially for children, to protect newborns and infants, should be intended not only for protection, but also to help develop. For this purpose, the material was carefully selected. Required condition it was natural. The stones were not used until the age of 14. They are heavy to wear and do not allow the child to actively move. What material is suitable:

Animal fangs, teeth and claws are prohibited for making amulets. It is also not recommended to wear a chicken foot. Only after the 18th birthday will such talismans be able to help and protect. Options for ready-made amulets are presented in the photo.

Oksana (34 years old). Can a child wear amulets?

Answer: Most mothers worry that the Slavic amulet or talisman will harm the child. If you choose correctly, there will be no problems. The main types of dolls involve the protection of not only children, but also families. The only thing that needs to be taken into account when making any toy in the form of an amulet: do not draw a face. The doll must be faceless. It is imbued with your energy. When you apply a face, you animate it, give it a soul.

Elena (23 years old): “At what age can I put a talisman on my child?”

Answer: It is recommended to put a Slavic amulet on the bodies of children from the age of 3. Remove at night. This rule does not apply only to the pectoral cross.

Margarita (28 years old). Who should make a talisman for a child and why is it needed?

Answer: The mother must make a talisman for the child. She is connected to him from the moment of conception. This connection will last a lifetime. In cases where for some reason the mother is absent, the amulet is made either by the maternal grandmother or the father. But only blood ties will contribute to perfect protection.

Valeria (33 years old): Can I wear a talisman and a cross?

Answer: If this is Molvinets, then it is quite possible to combine embroidery with a pectoral cross. Amulets that are required to be worn around the neck are not worn together with the cross.

Ksenia (25 years old): Can my child and I wear one amulet in turn?

Answer: It is not advisable to wear the same talisman to two people. If this is clothing with a certain ornament, then the youngest children put such a shirt on the bed. In any case, once the gift of their item has occurred, the mother or father should not take it back, even to wear it once. Photos of such patterns are presented below.

Do it yourself

Charms for children are often used in the form of a drawing. The child can draw the image of the picture on a sheet of paper and attach it where it is convenient. It's easy to make a diaper doll. Both adults and children can cope with this. But there are some nuances: do all the amulets better in summer, and also attract a child (from 6 years old).

Amulet for a child made of bay leaves

The most in a simple way to protect a newborn in a dream from the attacks of evil spirits that wander at night in search of victims - a wreath of laurel. Making it yourself is quite easy. While the branches are fresh and the leaves are not falling off, weave and hang at the head.

Amulet for a child made of rowan

Rowan is considered the most powerful plant amulet. With its help they not only treated colds, strengthened the immune system, but protected the children. The bunches were used to make pendants over the crib, and the dried berries were used as a mist.