The best way to find out the future is to play ancient Russian solitaire

The word "pasians" means "patience" in French. Solitaire fortune telling is, as a rule, a single ritual in which there are certain rules for the layout, as well as a certain goal. Upon achieving this goal, a prediction of the future is made or an answer to the question posed is given. In such situations decisive role chance and fate play, because this is not a classic card game, where everything depends on the level of skills and intelligence!

A selection of 30 online solitaire games

In this section you will find a lot of interesting and free online solitaire fortune-telling games that can give you a prediction about love, the future, relationships, or simply give advice regarding the current situation!


Despite the French pronunciation of this word, the origin of the game itself and the fortune telling based on it still remains unclear. Some believe that its homeland is Scandinavia and was originally performed on runes.

Historian Parlet David believed that solitaire was originally played by two participants, each of whom laid out his own deck. Although all that is known for certain is that this was the favorite, and perhaps the only occupation of the prisoners of the Bastille during the time of Louis XIII.

This is interesting: According to one legend, it was Mary Stuart who played solitaire the night before her execution. There are rumors that she was promised a pardon if the situation worked out. However, what kind of arrangement this was and who exactly promised her freedom is unknown. Most likely, this story is nothing more than a legend!

Principles and rules of online fortune telling

Modern online solitaire - fortune telling, is a type of predicting the future that uses cards with symbols. Symbolic fortune telling is very ancient: Tarot cards, and even more so ordinary playing cards, arose much later. However, some types of solitaire still use a standard deck of 36 sheets.

Advice: If you wish, you can make cards yourself and carry out fortune telling in reality. In some cases, such as for the New Year, Christmastide, Christmas - the predictions will be very accurate!

An important point in carrying out such fortune-telling is a correctly formulated question. Although most often solitaire is played on a specific situation in order to determine possible directions for its development.

Most popular types

Exact amount existing species Solitaire games are unknown. Roughly speaking, there are several hundred of them. These fortune tellings captivate, entertain and of course predict the future. The accuracy of their forecasts is comparable to that of any other type of fortune telling! The following layouts are best known in Russia:

  • Indian;
  • Russian;
  • Swedenborg;
  • Love;
  • For the Near Future;
  • On playing cards;

The layout of the cards in them is not complicated, and is almost entirely done by the computer. Online fortune telling is carried out both on special cards and on regular decks with 36 or 52 sheets. If you are a beginner and would like to learn the meanings of the cards, then first of all remember that:

  • Worms - symbolize feelings and emotions;
  • Clubs - professional sphere and relationships with people;
  • Diamonds - money, finance, luck and failure;
  • Spades - physical effort, power, violence;


How you feel about fortune telling is entirely your business. It is best to perceive any online fortune telling as free and harmless entertainment. Don't take them too seriously; this is just one of several ways to look into the future, but nothing more.

And finally, don’t be too upset about what the cards predict for you! Always remember that your life is in your hands. While a person is alive, he can change his destiny. The main thing here is to believe in yourself!

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Our website contains a lot of fortune telling on Cards, Runes and Tarot, which help to lift the veil over your future. Free online fortune telling - solitaire "For the Near Future" - one of the most accurate and simple ways find out what awaits you in the future. ...

On our website there is an excellent selection of fortune telling, the meaning of which is to lay out 20-40 cards with unique symbols printed on them. Free online solitaire " True Fortune Telling" - this is one of these layouts for the future, relationships, love and...

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This card is the most mystical in all solitaire and in the ring of cards “completes the cycle” i.e. is both the first and last card of fortune telling solitaire. It appears only under exceptional circumstances in your life to warn you of the importance...

Here is an ancient solitaire game that our great-grandmothers and even great-grandfathers played. This, so simple at first glance, but requiring a lot of concentration, probably really appealed to them, since solitaire has survived to this day. There are several variants of this solitaire game with different sets of pictures. The rules of fortune telling are basically the same - the dropped pictures are combined and the dropped symbols are interpreted. There are solitaire games where you cannot rotate previously aligned cards along their axis.
In our solitaire game, previously matched cards can be matched again. And it is right! It is interesting to look at a symbol that has reversed the previous one. This has certain meaning— one situation replaces another. Study these symbols carefully.
For example, if first the lock fell out, and then it turned over and the cat fell out, then your problems will go away due to a new flirtation.

Meanings of all symbols:

Scales- Hesitation, doubt
Laurel wreath- Present
Road— Ride, road, path
Spruce- Loneliness. In the near future you will have to rely only on your own strength
Lock— Closed path
Snake- Trouble, good luck in the year of the snake
Umbrella— Dreams
Key— An open path, a solution to the key issue
Book- Government House
Bell- Impact, trouble
Ring— Explanation with a loved one, possibly marriage
Ship— Boundless happiness, this is a very favorable sign!
Crown— Highest achievement
Kopek- Money
Bonfire— Family hearth
Cat— Flirting
Cross- Fate
Swan- Good news
Girl's face- Acquaintance
Mill- Empty talk, gossip
Moon— News within a month
Swords- Argument
Lightning— Lightning-fast solution.
There are events when you have to make decisions very quickly, or a quick solution to your issue
Glasses- Thoughtfulness, you need to think about the state of your affairs
Letter— Izvestia
Horseshoe- Happiness. A very happy period in your life awaits you
Glass- Feast, holiday
Candle- Calm life
Heart pierced by an arrow— Broken heart, broken love, breakup or big fight
Sun— The flourishing of life, luck
SOS- Anxiety
Arrows (feathered)— Achieving the goal
Arrows (forked at the ends)— Strong passion
Duck— Decoy duck
Flag— New in work
Flower- Love, love and only love
Chains- Something is holding back, usually means delay
Watch- Changes in life
Scull- Illness, painful
Anchor— Stable position

History of fortune telling

Let's start with the history of this type of fortune telling as a way to foresee events. Word patience is translated from French as “patience”, “a game using cards by one person.” The cards are laid out randomly according to certain rules. Agree that you need to have patience and restraint so as not to lose your temper and abandon such a monotonous activity, and even in all alone! This type of divination is always gothic, terrifying and majestic at the same time.

Despite the fact that the name is French, the game has a Scandinavian or, according to some researchers, German origin. This type of prediction was first mentioned in the 18th century.

There are many types of such prophecy; it is difficult to name the exact number..

  1. Among them are prophecies predicting fate.
  2. They provide answers to the client's questions.
  3. Created to distract a person mentally (many people do this while working).

Over fortune-telling of the third type You really have to think and solving their puzzles requires showing your intelligence, your patience and your endurance. The main types of fortune telling using cards with pictures:

  1. Kerchief.
  2. Spider.
  3. Tapeworm.

These are not all the varieties that can test your thinking abilities.

Ancient Russian solitaire

Ancient solitaire games appeared a long time ago and depended on morals and customs societies of their time. Many types of such ancient predictions were overgrown with changes: something left in them, but something remained, and has come to us in its original form.

The ancient Russian solitaire game is a fortune-telling game that gives an answer to a clearly stated question and implies either “yes” or “no.” First of all, this is due to the characteristics and desires of Russian girls and women of old Rus' to receive an affirmative answer, devoid of ambiguity. Young men were almost not interested in such a “girlish” activity, although before battles they could easily turn to the witch with a request to tell fortunes and find out the outcome of the battle, since the level of trust in otherworldly forces was high in those ancient times.

Features of the Old Russian layout

Fortune telling on cards with pictures, ancient solitaire, in Ancient Rus' differs significantly from the types of such predictions among other peoples. It contains a lot of images, which is also due to the peculiarities of its ethnic character, its figurative system ideas about the world and ways of perceiving information. Solitaire is one of the languages ​​of an entire people, reflecting his worldview. This, probably, was the difference between solitaire games in different countries.

Predicting in this way is simple, but informative for understanding your life. The client asks a question during the shuffle, which is typical for card fortune-telling, and receives an answer as a result of the layout. Then you need to arrange the cards in 4 columns vertically and 5 horizontally. After this, the fortuneteller looks at the coincidences of the pictures, of which there may be several.

Important! Please note that that it is difficult to interpret coincidences, since many connections of cards give rise to many meanings, sometimes closely related to each other, and this makes it difficult to decipher the prophecy, but makes it complete and complete in structure.

Online forecasts

More and more often you can see old card fortune telling, astrological forecasts in the Internet. Many of us enjoy using this. It used to be that you go to another site with prophecies, lay out the cards, and wait for the result, but it’s paid. This little trick was made so that people who post predictions can make money, although many remain free.

Whether we want it or not, any fortune telling or other types of divination migrate over time to the Internet, which is associated with the “departure” of people virtual world. In order not to disappear, solitaire with “friends” changes real life to existence on the Internet. Of course, not all people trust the algorithms prescribed by the machine and its programs, so live fortune telling remains in real life to this day.

For those who are interested in online fortune telling, there is an old prophecy on the website Here you can tell your fortune and find out what awaits you in the near future. The schedule is free, so visit the site from time to time and find out about your future, and also bring your loved ones and friends. Guess together.

Principles and rules of fortune telling

Traditionally, fortune telling solitaire games are played during the Christmas and New Year's holidays. At this point in time, he predicts the future for a fairly long period, in addition, it is believed that it is at this time that all predictions have the maximum degree of reliability.

However, you have the opportunity to conduct online fortune-telling “Ancient Russian Solitaire” for free at any time of the year on our website, but in this case you should think in advance about the period of time for which you are fortune-telling - as a rule, no more than 3-4 months.

Online version

Make a question that interests you or imagine a situation for which you want to receive advice from the cards, concentrate, and start fortune-telling.

Layout diagram

  • All cards are laid out in 5 rows and 5 columns, one under one with the pictures facing up;
  • Among the pictures that are separated by a slash, you need to find two or more matching images;
  • You can rotate each card in any direction to achieve the desired match;
  • It is prohibited to move or swap cards;
  • To get a ready-made prediction, you need to read the interpretation of each symbol and “combine” them into one whole. Do it slowly and you will definitely succeed!
  • If not a single picture matches, you should play Russian solitaire online fortune telling again.

Interpretation of the meaning of symbols

  • Drum. A symbol of the successful completion of a task begun, the completion of a task. It means victory over circumstances or an enemy. Everything that interfered will be defeated, and you will be on horseback.

  • Bow. A symbol of an upcoming love affair, the beginning of a romantic relationship, some secret meetings that are carefully hidden from family and friends.
  • Scales. Hesitation, doubt, inability to take the final or decisive step, the upcoming choice between something or someone. They can also mean a successful way out of the current situation.
  • Hair. Symbol of strong relationships, family ties, long romantic relationship leading to marriage and family.
  • Woman. A symbol of the appearance of a rival on your horizon, an unkind envious woman or a gossip annoying you.
  • Coins. Finding financial income and good luck, success in business with big profits, a successful deal, good luck in your career, solving material problems.
  • Trees. A symbol of some change in your life, the appearance of a new person, a change in the environment around you.
  • Lock. A symbol of carefully hidden information, perhaps you don’t know something, some kind of secret, riddle, conspirators.
  • Coach. A symbol of an upcoming quick trip or work trip, leaving your home, a long journey.
  • Dagger. A symbol of warning about possible betrayal on the part of your close friends or entourage; intrigues and conflicts with one of your relatives are possible; you need to be careful.

  • Key. A symbol of a quick resolution of all problems, a way out of a deadlock situation, the emergence of new opportunities and prospects, the opportunity to sort out your affairs, a free path.
  • Book. Papers or documents, some litigation related to them, an appeal to officials for help.
  • Bell. A symbol of receiving good, long-awaited news, joyful and good events, boundless openness.
  • Quiver and arrows. Symbol of difficulties in love relationships, anxious mood, upcoming experiences, excitement, depressive state, nervousness.
  • Rings. Love, upcoming marriage, matrimony, connection, inseparability.
  • Envelope. Symbol of receiving news from dear person, favorable news, good news.
  • Bonfire. A quarrel with a loved one, empty chores, useless and unnecessary conversations, chatter.
  • Crown. Perhaps you think too much of yourself? Solitaire recommends getting rid of it as soon as possible to avoid trouble.
  • Cross. Protracted illness, labor-intensive work, large exercise stress, heavy burden, guilt, unpaid debt, broken promise, shattered hope. Circumstances are stacked against you. Something is oppressing you and preventing you from living a full life.
  • Swan. Selflessness, devotion, fidelity, mutual feelings, altruism, self-sacrifice. You give more than you receive.

  • Moon and stars. A symbol of an upcoming acquaintance with an interesting interlocutor, useful connections, patronage. New and interesting events.
  • Man. A symbol of the appearance of a male soul mate on the horizon. Perhaps a rival for a man.
  • Horseshoe. Symbol lucky coincidence circumstances, successful outcome business, pleasant surprise. Good luck has come to your house.
  • Sailboat. A symbol of a fair wind, the beginning of a new path, travel, freedom, openness.
  • Rainbow. A symbol of happiness, joy, a good meeting, a love date.
  • Glass A cheerful mood, meeting with guests, a rich feast, a holiday.
  • Candles. Sad mood, sadness and tears, unpleasant events, unsuccessful love, problems in business.
  • Heart. Symbol of a secret admirer, confession of one's feelings, romantic relationships.
  • Sun. Resolution of all problems, clear horizon, happy time, joyful event, white stripe in life.
  • Arrow. A symbol of an upcoming surprise, receiving a gift or surprise, a coincidence of circumstances. Perhaps you have come to some point in your life, after which a lot can change.
  • Sultan. The appearance of a reliable and strong patron, guardianship, care. Someone wants to give you selfless help.
  • Snail. Your wish will come true very soon. Wait a little longer.
  • Veil. A symbol of a happy wedding, the appearance of a soulmate, a successful marriage, matchmaking, a marriage proposal, a solemn holiday.
  • Flower. A symbol of bitter suffering, wasted tears, love without reciprocity, futility of expectations, despondency. Your expectations will never be fulfilled.
  • Chains. A symbol of difficult trials, constraint in your actions, the appearance of obstacles in your path, upcoming difficulties, difficult problems.
  • Church. A symbol of changes in your life, a change of environment, new interests.
  • Watch. Symbol of transience life path, a reminder to complete long-postponed tasks.
  • Flag. Symbol of action, courage, commitment brave act, courage, heroism.
  • Crap. Losses, lies, deception of loved ones, fraudulent actions, court cases.
  • Scull. Illness, long-standing anxiety, hopelessness.
  • Anchor. Self-confidence, good intentions, manifestation best qualities, calmness.

Indian maps are presented in the form of symbolism. They are laid out five cards in five rows. A prediction is a matching picture of two halves that are on two different cards. In order for the pattern to match, the cards must be rotated around their axis; they cannot be swapped. You can read cards either vertically or horizontally. Be sure to take into account the relationship of the pictures if there are several images nearby. In this online fortune telling, the meaning of the picture appears under the grid of cards itself, immediately after you compose the image itself.

Download the game to your computer

Play with real people (free)

Play with a real person (for money)

Indian solitaire stands out from other card solitaire games, because in in this case in front of you are not playing cards, but cards with life symbols. This fortune telling will captivate you, but Indian solitaire is not worth playing too often. Indian fortune telling can tell you about the prospect of future events that will happen over the next two months. The fortune-telling grid consists of five rows and each will sequentially describe events on average for the next ten days. You can guess for short periods of time, in which case one row will correspond to one day. Virtual cards can even show you the answer to your question. All you have to do is think about this question and press the “Expand” button. For example, the symbols of the Wreath, Camel and Chest will tell you about profit. The annual cards are considered to be the Coffin and Wedding ring. Even if you ask the cards about the events of the next five days, these two symbolisms will only come true within a year. There is nothing random about Indian solitaire.

Remember, when you play solitaire for the first time after asking a question, the answers will be the most likely and plausible. The more often you re-arrange the symbolism, the fewer truthful answers you will receive. Therefore, you cannot use Indian solitaire online many times in a row. It is better to do this at regular intervals.

Here you can get answers to your questions for free using ancient fortune telling.

Here is one of the most interesting fortune-telling games of recent times - online fortune-telling “old solitaire”. Now it is difficult to determine when this solitaire fortune-telling game first appeared; time hides its creators from us. Rather, this fortune-telling is a reflection of folk wisdom, because its symbols are close and understandable to every person and come from life situations, and not from the magic of magic or the interpretation of some other fortune-telling.

So, oh happy man They always said and say that the sun shines brightly above it, the symbol of lovers has always been a flower, the shine of swords has been associated with war and quarrel. “A penny saves a ruble,” a popular proverb teaches us, and about a windbag they say, “Meli, shallow, mill,” etc.

It is this worldly wisdom that forms the basis of the magical fortune-telling offered to you, to which popular rumor ascribes the property of reflecting the present and predicting the future. Whether this is true or not - judge for yourself. However, we can say with confidence: playing solitaire is truly a very exciting activity. It calms and brightens up your leisure time, and unexpected coincidences with certain personal plans and situations will make an inquisitive mind think. Like any other fortune telling, solitaire requires communication with your magical subconscious. To do this, you must empty your mind of all thoughts except the desire to know a specific present or future.

So, the rules for playing solitaire. Choose its design and how the cards will be laid out. Cards can be laid out either from a deck laid out on the screen, or by pressing a button. Clearly formulate the question that worries you most about given time and click the “start layout” button. After this, you will be taken to the solitaire page, where the process of laying out the cards begins. The layout ends after all 20 pieces are dropped. Cards fall out from left to right, 4 in each row. As you noticed, each solitaire card shows half of the four pictures. If adjacent cards contain halves of the same picture, then such cards need to be combined.

A little more detail. If to the left or above the last card drawn there is a card with the second half of the picture located on the last card, then such cards need to be combined. To do this, click on the word that appears, indicating the matching picture. If both to the left and above the last card drawn there are cards with the second halves of the picture on the last card, then you will need to choose only one picture that you would like to combine. To do this, click on one of the two words that appear, indicating the matching pictures. You cannot rotate previously aligned cards along their axis.

This solitaire game is almost completely automated, so don't be put off by some of the confusing rules. Good luck!

Try to relax and fully concentrate on your question, do not be distracted by extraneous noise. After this, say your question in your mind as specifically as possible.

This layout is based on very old Russian fortune-telling using special cards. Russian solitaire - fortune telling, online version which you can find below is very similar to similar layouts: Josephine Beauharnais, Indian Solitaire and. All these layouts are carried out according to a similar scheme; only the interpretations of individual symbols and, in some cases, the order of layout differ. But in this article we will take a closer look at Russian Solitaire.

“Ancient Russian solitaire fortune telling” - online for free will answer all your questions about love, relationships and the future!

Principles and rules of fortune telling

Traditionally laid out during the Christmas and New Year holidays. At this point in time, he predicts the future for a fairly long period, in addition, it is believed that it is at this time that all predictions have the maximum degree of reliability.

However, you have the opportunity to conduct online fortune-telling “Ancient Russian Solitaire” for free at any time of the year on our website, but in this case you should think in advance about the period of time for which you are fortune-telling - as a rule, no more than 3-4 months.

Online version

Make a question that interests you or imagine a situation for which you want to receive advice from the cards, concentrate, and start fortune-telling.

Layout diagram

  • All cards are laid out in 5 rows and 5 columns, one under one with the pictures facing up;
  • Among the pictures that are separated by a slash, you need to find two or more matching images;
  • You can rotate each card in any direction to achieve the desired match;
  • It is prohibited to move or swap cards;
  • To get a ready-made prediction, you need to read the interpretation of each symbol and “combine” them into one whole. Do it slowly and you will definitely succeed!
  • If not a single picture matches, you should play Russian solitaire online fortune telling again.

Interpretation of the meaning of symbols

  • Drum. A symbol of the successful completion of a task begun, the completion of a task. It means victory over circumstances or an enemy. Everything that interfered will be defeated, and you will be on horseback.
  • Bow. A symbol of an upcoming love affair, the beginning of a romantic relationship, some secret meetings that are carefully hidden from family and friends.
  • Scales. Hesitation, doubt, inability to take the final or decisive step, the upcoming choice between something or someone. They can also mean a successful way out of the current situation.
  • Hair. A symbol of strong relationships, family ties, long romantic relationships that led to marriage and finding a family.
  • Woman. A symbol of the appearance of a rival on your horizon, an unkind envious woman or a gossip annoying you.
  • Coins. Finding financial income and good luck, success in business with big profits, a successful deal, good luck in your career, solving material problems.
  • Trees. A symbol of some change in your life, the appearance of a new person, a change in the environment around you.
  • Lock. A symbol of carefully hidden information, perhaps you don’t know something, some kind of secret, riddle, conspirators.
  • Coach. A symbol of an upcoming quick trip or work trip, leaving your home, a long journey.
  • Dagger. A symbol of warning about possible betrayal on the part of your close friends or entourage; intrigues and conflicts with one of your relatives are possible; you need to be careful.
  • Key. A symbol of a quick resolution of all problems, a way out of a deadlock situation, the emergence of new opportunities and prospects, the opportunity to sort out your affairs, a free path.
  • Book. Papers or documents, some litigation related to them, an appeal to officials for help.
  • Bell. A symbol of receiving good, long-awaited news, joyful and good events, boundless openness.
  • Quiver and arrows. A symbol of difficulties in love relationships, an anxious mood, upcoming experiences, excitement, a depressing state, nervousness.
  • Rings. Love, upcoming marriage, matrimony, connection, inseparability.
  • Envelope. A symbol of receiving news from a dear person, favorable news, good news.
  • Bonfire. A quarrel with a loved one, empty chores, useless and unnecessary conversations, chatter.
  • Crown. Perhaps you think too much of yourself? Solitaire recommends getting rid of it as soon as possible to avoid trouble.
  • Cross. A long illness, a demanding job, a lot of physical activity, a heavy burden, guilt, an unpaid debt, a broken promise, a broken hope. Circumstances are stacked against you. Something is oppressing you and preventing you from living a full life.
  • Swan. Selflessness, devotion, fidelity, mutual feelings, altruism, self-sacrifice. You give more than you receive.
  • Moon and stars. A symbol of an upcoming acquaintance with an interesting interlocutor, useful connections, patronage. New and interesting events await.
  • Man. A symbol of the appearance of a male soul mate on the horizon. Perhaps a rival for a man.
  • Horseshoe. A symbol of a successful combination of circumstances, a successful outcome of a case, a pleasant surprise. Good luck has come to your house.
  • Sailboat. A symbol of a fair wind, the beginning of a new path, travel, freedom, openness.
  • Rainbow. A symbol of happiness, joy, a good meeting, a love date.
  • Glass A cheerful mood, meeting with guests, a rich feast, a holiday.
  • Candles. Sad mood, sadness and tears, unpleasant events, unsuccessful love, problems in business.
  • Heart. Symbol of a secret admirer, confession of one's feelings, romantic relationships.
  • Sun. Resolution of all problems, a clear horizon, a happy time, a joyful event, a white streak in life.
  • Arrow. A symbol of an upcoming surprise, receiving a gift or surprise, a coincidence of circumstances. Perhaps you have come to some point in your life, after which a lot can change.
  • Sultan. The appearance of a reliable and strong patron, guardianship, care. Someone wants to give you selfless help.
  • Snail. Your wish will come true very soon. Wait a little longer.
  • Veil. A symbol of a happy wedding, the appearance of a soulmate, a successful marriage, matchmaking, a marriage proposal, a solemn holiday.
  • Flower. A symbol of bitter suffering, wasted tears, love without reciprocity, futility of expectations, despondency. Your expectations will never be fulfilled.
  • Chains. A symbol of difficult trials, constraint in your actions, the appearance of obstacles in your path, upcoming difficulties, difficult problems.
  • Church. A symbol of changes in your life, a change of environment, new interests.
  • Watch. A symbol of the fleeting nature of life’s journey, a reminder of completing long-postponed tasks.
  • Flag. A symbol of action, courage, committing a bold act, bravery, heroism.
  • Crap. Losses, lies, deception of loved ones, fraudulent actions, court cases.
  • Scull. Illness, long-standing anxiety, hopelessness.
  • Anchor. Self-confidence, good intentions, manifestation of the best qualities, calmness.

The word "solitaire" translated from French means "patience."

Solitaire fortune telling is, as a rule, Single player game, in which there are certain rules for the layout of cards and also a certain goal, upon achievement and failure of which the future is predicted.

In such situations, chance plays a decisive role, because it is not classic game solitaire, where everything depends on the level of human intelligence!

Despite the French pronunciation of the word, the origin of the game itself still remains unclear. Some believe that fortune telling solitaire originates from Scandinavia.

Historian Parlet David believed that solitaire was originally played by two participants, each of whom laid out his own deck. What is certain is that this was the favorite, and perhaps the only occupation of the prisoners of the Bastille during the time of Louis XIII.

Modern solitaire - fortune telling, both online and offline versions of it - is a type of prediction that uses symbols. And symbolic fortune-telling is very ancient; Tarot cards, and even more so ordinary playing cards, arose much later. However, some types of solitaire still use a standard deck of 36 sheets.

If you wish, you can make solitaire cards yourself and carry out fortune telling in reality. In some cases, such as for the New Year, Christmastide, Christmas - the predictions will be very accurate!

A very important point in fortune telling is a correctly formulated question. Although most often solitaire fortune-telling is played on a specific situation in order to determine possible directions for its development.

The exact number of existing types of solitaire is unknown. Roughly speaking, there are several hundred of them. Fortune telling solitaire for the future online for free captivates, entertains and predicts the future. The accuracy of their forecasts is comparable to that of any other type of fortune telling! The following layouts are best known in Russia:

  • Indian Solitaire;
  • Ancient pasyas;
  • Swedenborg Solitaire;
  • Love Solitaire;

On our website you can find these and many other fortune-telling solitaire games.

The layout of the cards in them is usually not complicated, but the likelihood that the layout will converge is small. Fortune telling is carried out either on special cards or on a deck with 36 or 52 cards. If you are a beginner and would like to learn the meanings of the cards, then first of all remember that:

  • Worms are a symbol of emotions, feelings;
  • Clubs – professional sphere, relationships, road;
  • Diamonds are all about money;
  • Spades - efforts (yours and other people who can either help or hinder in business), the definition of power.

Perceive online solitaire games as free and harmless entertainment, do not attach too much importance to them. Playing them is just one of the existing ways to look into the future, but nothing more.

Interpretation of the Anchor symbol in Indian Solitaire

Whether you want it or not, fate stops you, as if slowing down the very course of life. Unexpected obstacles appear out of nowhere and even normal, routine processes take longer. All this, of course, is not without reason. The “Anchor” symbol in fortune telling...

Interpretation of the Moon and Stars symbol in Indian Solitaire

This card is the most mystical in all of solitaire and in the ring of cards “completes the cycle”, i.e. is both the first and last card of fortune telling solitaire. It appears only under exceptional circumstances in your life to warn you of the importance...

Interpretation of the Bell symbol in Indian Solitaire

Interpretation of the “Letter in a Ring” symbol in Indian Solitaire

You will get what you want, but with such a delay that it will hardly be relevant to you now. This could be just good news or significant changes regarding career and personal relationships. The “Letter in a Ring” symbol in fortune telling...

Interpretation of the Dove symbol in Indian Solitaire

In your life there is a companion with qualities that are rare and valuable in our fleeting life - he is faithful and devoted to you completely, protects and protects you throughout, most likely, your entire life or a long time. Symbol "Dove" in Indian fortune telling...

Interpretation of the Sun symbol in Indian Solitaire

We can safely say that life has embraced you in a tight embrace, causing active creative and emotional upsurge. The dark clouds dissipate, the path is cleared, and joy comes to the heart. Symbol "Sun" in fortune telling Indian Solitaire Interpretations ...

Interpretation of the "Road" symbol in Indian Solitaire

The map signals in a literal sense - about upcoming travel, promising routes and the execution of planned movements and transfers. In a metaphorical sense, it should be interpreted as favorable circumstances for you in which you can act...

Interpretation of the "Hospital Bed" symbol in Indian Solitaire

You have received a sign that promises illness and loss of strength. Be careful on the roads and in public places, as well as when handling sharp objects - the near future is very dangerous, and there is a high risk of becoming involved in an incident or unfortunate event. ...

Interpretation of the Snake symbol in Indian Solitaire

Rumors and all sorts of rumors, mostly negative, will soon begin to circulate around you. This can be either an adequate reaction from people to your actions when you do something unacceptable from the point of view of the public, or ado about nothing. ...

Interpretation of the Lightning Bolt symbol in Indian Solitaire

A sudden incident will take you by surprise and pull the rug out from under your feet, especially since, most likely, it will be unpleasant. You will need courage and will to manage your reaction. Symbol "Lightning" in fortune telling Indian Solitaire...

Interpretation of the "Bed with a Heart" symbol in Indian Solitaire

This card is an omen of a passionate night or a sensual date, where new thrills will take you over. You have a choice - to succumb to the volcano of emotions or try to suppress it, repeating to yourself “I’m a serious person,” but the Indian...

Interpretation of the "Castle" symbol in Indian Solitaire

A symbol of some kind of dead end or insoluble problem, when you objectively and subjectively cannot move forward. Having approached such a border, we must clearly realize that not everything is within our human power. The “Castle” symbol in Indian Solitaire fortune telling...

The word solitaire translated from French means patience. This is not surprising, because in order to correctly lay out the cards you need to be extremely focused, know many nuances and have a sufficient supply of time.

Having ingenuity and development logical thinking is prerequisite successful card layout. Solitaire is usually played as a form of entertainment, as a simple card game for one player. Cards are laid out both in real life and in numerous virtual games.

Just remember what success among office workers has the well-known “Klondike”, and solitaire “Spider” or “Worms”. And few people know that solitaire games are also played to predict the future. The arrangement of cards in solitaire can tell a lot about a person and his destiny.

Each layout of cards is unique, it has its own characteristics and specifics. Not everyone can cope with this difficult craft. Fortune telling online solitaire for free and quickly will lay out all the cards, in accordance with all the rules and customs told by professional fortune tellers from all over the world.

He will talk about the past and the future, about the near and far, about joys and failures. Choose the solitaire game you like and learn a lot of new and useful things.

Indian solitaire online

Indian maps are presented in the form of symbolism. They are laid out five cards in five rows. A prediction is a matching picture of two halves that are on two different cards.

In order for the pattern to match, the cards must be rotated around their axis; they cannot be swapped. You can read cards either vertically or horizontally. Be sure to take into account the relationship of the pictures if there are several images nearby.

In this online fortune telling, the meaning of the picture appears under the grid of cards itself, immediately after you compose the image itself.

Indian solitaire stands out from other card solitaire games, because in this case you are not looking at playing cards, but cards with life symbols. This fortune telling will captivate you, but Indian solitaire is not worth playing too often.

Indian fortune telling can tell you about the prospect of future events that will happen over the next two months. The fortune-telling grid consists of five rows and each will sequentially describe events on average for the next ten days.

You can guess for short periods of time, in which case one row will correspond to one day. Virtual cards can even show you the answer to your question. All you have to do is think about this question and press the “Expand” button. For example, the symbols of the Wreath, Camel and Chest will tell you about profit.

The annual cards are the Coffin and the Wedding Ring. Even if you ask the cards about the events of the next five days, these two symbolisms will only come true within a year. There is nothing random about Indian solitaire.

Remember, when you play solitaire for the first time after asking a question, the answers will be the most likely and plausible. The more often you re-arrange the symbolism, the fewer truthful answers you will receive. Therefore, you cannot use Indian solitaire online many times in a row. It is better to do this at regular intervals.

Here you can get answers to your questions for free using ancient fortune telling.

Many people believe that by playing solitaire, you can find out your destiny. Most likely, this is true. If a person thoughtfully plays solitaire, then it is no secret that many events really coincide.

There are simple solitaire games - this is a layout of cards that answers questions unambiguously: “yes” or “no”. Accordingly, you need to ask easy questions. There are also difficult solitaire games. Thanks to them, it is possible to predict the past, present and future.

Each card layout has its own rule and interpretation. Well? Not scary? Then let's begin.

Who doesn't want to know their future and check their past? Of course, almost every person dreams of this. This is why there is such a game as ancient solitaire. This layout of cards came to us in the mid-19th century from France. Today, the topic of solitaire is also relevant. After all, we all want to take at least one peek at what awaits us.

Remember that if you are a very suspicious person, then maybe you don’t need to play solitaire. After all, the cards can tell you something that will greatly upset you. The most truthful fortune telling is “Ancient Solitaire”. It was invented a long time ago, and, of course, tested by many women. Since then, people, especially ladies, have been confident in the accuracy of the predictions.

There is an ancient solitaire game for the Archangel Michael, Tarot cards, regular playing cards, and Medici solitaire. Read on to learn how to lay them out correctly.

To play ancient solitaire, you don’t have to go to a fortune teller. You can purchase special cards, learn their decoding and lay them out at any time convenient for you. Next, we will look at several types of solitaire.

An interesting and exciting ancient solitaire game: “Medici”

Shuffle the deck and remove the top 3 cards. Give them an analysis. These are the most important cards. Especially the average one. If it is between two identical cards (suits or pictures), then move it to the first one. If there are no matches, then draw the fourth card and analyze it, and so on until the cards match.

This solitaire game works out very rarely. However, the first cards tell the most important points for you.

King - submission to someone.

A lady is a woman who plays an important role in your life.

Jack – your desire or groom.

Nine is what you do.

Eight – close conversation or frankness.

What do the suits mean:

Peaks – strength, strong will.

Tambourine - money, interest.

Worms - love or friendship.

Cross - everyday or routine problems.

This fortune telling is an old solitaire game that rarely matches, but it is fun and exciting to play.

This layout is one of the simplest. This is an ancient solitaire game - Indian. There are only 20 cards in the deck and 4 halves of a fragment are drawn on each. Take them and mix them thoroughly. At the same time, ask a question that interests you in order to get an answer.

Lay out the cards from the top left row so that there are 5 cards on one line. So do the remaining 3 rows. The fragments that coincided are in your life. It's no secret that a horseshoe is for luck, a church is for prayer, a skull is for illness, etc.

This solitaire game is very interesting and exciting not only for young girls, but also for more mature ladies.

This card layout is the easiest and most common. In this solitaire game, the cards clearly answer whether your wish will come true or not.

Shuffle the deck of 36 cards very carefully and knock down with your left hand. At the same time, making a wish where you can only answer “yes” or “no.” Divide them into 9 piles. Each will contain 4 cards.

Open all 9 top cards, set aside those cards where you got a pair. Put the rest in their places. And so on until the last card.

If all the pairs match, it means your wish will come true; if there are cards left in the piles, it means it won’t come true.

This solitaire game is antique. He came to us from the 19th century. There is an opinion that such solitaire is true. Try it, what if your cherished wish comes true?

This solitaire game is interesting and exciting. Also ask the cards a question that can be answered unambiguously. This solitaire game will tell you about past, present or future relationships. Important! As soon as you bought the cards, you need them to lie next to your things for a day and take on your energy.

For this solitaire game you need to have a deck of 36 cards with you. Mix them together very thoroughly. Lay out 4 rows, 3 columns. Then we look for a person in them for whom they play solitaire. If women, then a lady: light - worms, dark eyes, but light hair - tambourines, if dark, then cross. If it is a man, then we are also looking for a king.

We look at the columns from left to right.

If in the first one you find a fortuneteller, it means that this person cannot let go of the past. He compares everything that happens to him today with the old days.

If you find a fortuneteller's card in the central column, then the person lives for today or the present day. Look at the cards surrounding him, what exactly surrounds the person now. These can be grooms (king, jack) or brides (queen).

If your card is in the last column, this means that the person does not consider past or present relationships to be sincere and pure, but is waiting for a new admirer or admirer in the future.

If you get the jack of spades first, it means that the cards are not inclined to predict the truth today. Then try playing solitaire next time.

In solitaire games, a lot depends on your imagination. After all, for each person the same card has different meanings.

As can be seen from the name, this is an old women's fortune-telling solitaire game, fortune-telling for the groom. Very widespread.

A very popular ancient women's fortune-telling solitaire game, telling fortunes about the groom by his name.

One of the most popular women's fortune-telling solitaire games of the present time. Origin unclear.

According to legend, one prisoner played this solitaire game day after day for many years, and he never succeeded. Try it, maybe it will work for you?

It got its name from the final figure - the king of hearts, surrounded by four queens.

An ancient solitaire game that got its name from the variegated layout. Rarely converges. Currently practically never found.

The solitaire game is called “stubborn” because it is not easy to achieve it, but if you are stubborn, anything is possible.

An ancient solitaire game known in Russia since the beginning of the 19th century. As in many other cases, the name of the solitaire game corresponds to the layout figure.

An ancient solitaire game known in Russia since the beginning of the 19th century. It is still found today, mainly in the version “It will come true or not,” which has a fortune-telling meaning.

An ancient, very exciting solitaire game that has become extremely popular due to the inclusion of one of the options in the delivery of the Windows operating system.

An ancient solitaire game whose name directly reflects the shape of the layout. It is still seen occasionally today.

The layout looks like a square of twelve cards.

An ancient solitaire game whose name describes the shape of the layout. Solitaire is beautiful, but complicated in layout.

Spider Solitaire, which has become so popular in Lately is actually very old. Of course, the popularity of spider solitaire is mainly due to the fact that it is included in the Windows operating system.

But there are other reasons - this solitaire game is quite simple and at the same time very interesting. Spider solitaire is named after the fact that as the layout progresses, the cards are collected in several vertical rows, and the cards are moved between the rows.

The deck cards are laid out on top of the last cards in the rows, so the process of playing spider solitaire is reminiscent of weaving a web.

One of the newest solitaire games. Has a slight distribution.

The game uses decks of 32 or 36 cards. The top card is revealed and placed on the table. The next card is placed next to the first one also openly. In this way, the entire deck is laid out card by card.

What does a sneeze on Monday mean?

Solitaire is an ancient science that can predict the fate of many people.

This opportunity allows many to significantly improve their future lives. These kinds of questions can be resolved using all sorts of mystical techniques, including solitaire fortune telling.

No one can accurately name the creator of the ancient solitaire game.

This story did not spare Marie Antoinette either. While in a prison cell, the French queen decided to tell fortunes and, through the interpretation of solitaire, earn a pardon. She learned from the prisoners that if the situation worked out, she could safely avoid execution. The queen's game of solitaire did not work out.

Today it is impossible to understand which of the existing stories actually took place and which remained fiction. Although one thing can be completely sure, all the origins of the fortune telling of ancient solitaire lead to France.

Translated from French, “solitaire” means “patience,” which is quite justified, since the layout of the cards represents a kind of meditation and spiritual solitude. The fortuneteller's task is to slowly lay out the cards.

As he unfolds, he must find meanings to the questions that interest him.

Today, ancient solitaire is played online for free using regular playing cards. And this happens both online and live.

In ancient times, our ancestors used to tell fortunes using homemade card drawings. Such cards are not similar to playing cards because of their symbolism, methods of solving and interpretation.

It can be noted that there are several types of such interesting fortune telling as solitaire. Each of them depends on a set of pictures, but their rules are similar, since in each one the dropped pictures are laid out, which then need to be combined with each other. Matching pictures are interpreted in a certain system. In ancient solitaire, the layout follows a strict rule.

Many people know how important it is to learn to be patient when doing fortune telling. Cards must be laid out in a calm environment, completely relaxed. During fortune telling, fully concentrate your attention on the issue that interests you.

While shuffling the cards, think about the problem that concerns you. Using your right hand, you need to remove several pictures from the deck and lay the cards face down. Play solitaire slowly.

The meaning of folded pictures can be found out using a special list.

One of the answers received will have a dominant role, the other will serve as a supplement.

What does the reliability of fortune telling depend on?

If you want the old solitaire game to bring you reliable results in the end, ask just one question that concerns you in one session.

Fortune telling for the same situation should not be repeated, since the veracity of the scenario will be significantly reduced.

If the meaning of the dropped interpretation is not clear to you, postpone the solitaire game until the next day or ask your question a little differently.

Video: fortune telling “Antique Solitaire”

An effective way to get answers to questions regarding love or future events is fortune-telling solitaire. Anyone can play ancient solitaire and reveal hidden secrets, even those who have never worked with cards.

Various solitaire games have survived to this day. This method of divination was used in ancient times and today is available to everyone. To conduct a simple fortune telling for love, you need to arm yourself with a classic deck of 36 cards. It is advisable, before starting work, to familiarize yourself with the rules of fortune telling on a regular deck.

When shuffling the cards, think about the person you care about. Remove 6 cards and lay them out (face-up) from left to right. Shuffle the deck again and lay out another row of 6 pieces. If in the first and second rows diagonally (top left, bottom right) there are two images of the same value, remove their side.

Place new attributes on the two (or more) vacant spaces. First, the card is placed in the first row, then in the second. If images of the same value diagonally appear again, they are removed. If there are no suitable images, post the third row. No again - post the fourth one.

When only those images remain, among which there are no diagonally paired ones and the remaining deck lies to the side, collect the attributes lying in front of you and play the solitaire game again. In this case, there will now be 5 images in one row. The next time you play solitaire, there will be 4 cards in a row, then 3 and the last time - 2.

When all the cards have been reviewed and selected, look at how many pairs of cards are left (directly in the rows).

  1. 1 pair or none - a person loves you and wants to connect his life with you.
  2. 2 couples - has strong feelings.
  3. 3 couples - experiences tender feelings.
  4. 4 couples - remembers and misses very often.
  5. 5 couples - occasionally thinks about you.
  6. 6 couples - unfaithful partner.
  7. 7 pairs or more - the person does not have any feelings for you.

You will need a deck of 52 cards. You need to find images that will symbolize you and your intended partner. If the person is under 25 years old, then a diamond card (queen or king) is selected. If more than 25 years, then it’s a heart. If more than 40 years - a cross.

Place the king in front of you, and place the queen at the very end of the deck. Mix the cards well first. On the right side of the king, place 5 images. Remove all attributes of the same value or suit between the first and last image.

The goal of solitaire is to remove the cards between the king and queen. If the images remain, there are obstacles between you and your loved one, something is getting in the way.

In this case, you can use the classic meanings to decipher the remaining images (you will find out what prevents you from being happy with your loved one). If you are interested in truthful and effective love solitaire games, you can use Indian solitaire or Madame Recamier's fortune telling.

To play solitaire for the future, you also need a playing deck of 52 cards. Mix them well and place them in four rows. Each should contain 13 images. They should all lie face down. While you shuffle and lay out the cards, think about the person whose future you want to know.

Be sure to think of an image that will symbolize this person (significator). First, look at which row the individual’s significator card is located.

If it lies in the middle of the second or third row, very interesting events await the person in the near future, life will be very dynamic. Whether the situations will be positive or negative will be shown by the cards lying nearby.

The hidden image is located with right side any row (1-5 images on the right side) - negative events.

The significator lies in the upper left corner - predicts good prospects in the near future. Negative cards located around will not prevent this person from achieving what he wants.

A chosen king/queen located elsewhere does not foretell major changes.

Around the significator there are cards of clubs or diamonds - in the near future it is possible to advance at work, rise up the career ladder, the authorities will be favorable.

The presence of the hearts suit indicates a happy family life and a good home environment. The presence of a suit of diamonds indicates possible disappointments and gossip, while a suit of spades indicates illness and intrigue. The appearance of the king and queen of hearts speaks of rivals, but kings of spades and ladies indicate strong patrons.

Look at the merits of the nearby images. Tens, volts, kings, queens are significant events, small images are a familiar routine. If the question concerns a career, a king of spades or king of clubs standing nearby predicts that you will soon receive the desired position thanks to the help of an influential person.

When starting to work with a deck, remember that for solitaire you cannot take a regular one, which was used directly for entertainment. Experienced fortune tellers allocate a separate deck for working only with solitaire.

You need to take the fortune telling process seriously. If this is pampering for you, the result will be appropriate. While mixing and arranging images, you can not just ask a question, but mentally imagine the situation that worries you. This will help you get an accurate answer.

If you decide to resort to fortune telling solitaire, take the manipulations seriously. Don't be upset if the result doesn't meet your expectations. After all, the opportunity to fix everything is in your hands.

Ancient solitaire - free fortune telling for the near future

Ancient solitaire is one of those pastimes when you can find out the future, and also get rid of negativity and put your thoughts in order. And our ancestors were well aware of this, who developed special cards with their own pictures for the ceremony. In the article we will look at the cards that are used for fortune telling and the process of performing the ritual itself.

  • 1 Maps and interpretations
  • 2 Ancient solitaire - layout

In order to carry out fortune telling, you will need special cards, which are best created with your own hands.

So, you will need 80 cardboard cards, on which the following images should be applied:

  • Libra – doubt;
  • Laurel wreath – gift, surprise;
  • Road – journey, adventure;
  • Spruce - loneliness, you will have to rely only on yourself;
  • Castle - closed doors, opportunities;
  • Snake - troubles, problems;
  • Umbrella - dreams;
  • The key is the path, the implementation of the idea;
  • Book - affairs;
  • Bell - problems, trouble;
  • Ring – love, happiness, reciprocity;
  • A ship is good luck, an excellent sign;
  • Crown - achievements, success, victory;
  • Kopek - money, wealth;
  • Bonfire - well-being in marriage, family;
  • Swan - good news;
  • The girl’s face means meeting a new person;
  • Moon – news, good events;
  • Mill - gossip, gossip;
  • Swords - quarrel, problems, discord;
  • Lightning is a solution to a problem;
  • Glasses - you need attention;
  • A letter is unexpected news;
  • Horseshoe - harmony;
  • A glass is a holiday, a feast;
  • Candle – calm, regularity;
  • Heart with an arrow - divorce, breakup, problems in love;
  • Sun – success and luck;
  • Exclamation mark – alarm;
  • Arrows - achievements, luck;
  • Arrows at the ends are forked - new relationships;
  • Duck - quarrel, discord, deception;
  • Flag – changes in work;
  • Flower - new love, pleasant acquaintance;
  • Chains - slowness in business;
  • Hours - change, new business;
  • Skull – illness, problems with well-being;
  • Anchor – stability, confidence in the future.

There should be 80 cards in total, which means that each image is applied to two cards.

If you have just made the cards, then you should put off the old solitaire game until tomorrow. You need to leave the cards under moonlight, and before placing them on the windowsill, you should shuffle them for about half an hour so that the cards get used to the owner.

In the morning you can already guess. To do this, you should shuffle the cards well and ask a question or think through the situation. At the time of fortune telling, you can turn to past events, as well as to future and present ones. One solitaire session refers to one event or issue.

When you shuffle the cards, think only about the problem or situation, and don’t be distracted by anything else. When the cards are shuffled, they need to be laid out 10 in one row, which should result in 8 rows.

If some cards are repeated side by side (top/bottom, right/left) or diagonally, then this means a coincidence and you need to look at the meaning.

If there are no matches, then this is a sign that the ritual should be repeated tomorrow; today the cards will not tell you the truth and will not give you an answer to what worries you.

You shouldn’t take the interpreter too literally, because everyone has their own situation and you need to use meanings relying on intuition. If there are several matches nearby, then most likely this is a sign for you that only you can decipher.

Solitaire means “patience” in French. And it is really necessary for those who play solitaire!

There are many legends about the origin of solitaire. One of them says that it was invented by the French mathematician Pelisson, for the pleasure of the French king Louis XIV. According to another legend, solitaire was invented by prisoners imprisoned in the Bastille.

Solitaire- laying out cards according to special rules, often used for fortune telling.

Solitaire is a pleasant, relaxing, meditative activity that requires concentration and concentration on the logical manipulations performed with the cards.

Solitaire games, depending on the purpose and method of laying out the cards, are divided into two types - simple and complex.

Complex solitaire layouts are typical for traditional fortune telling.

The goal of a complex solitaire game is to obtain information about the past, future and present of the fortuneteller or the one on whose person they are guessing.

In simple solitaire games it is used different ways card layouts, the purpose of which is to collect cards in a certain order.

Also, the solitaire player can ask a simple question, which can be answered “yes” or “no,” “will come true” or “will not come true,” and based on whether the solitaire game will work or not, the player will receive an affirmative or negative answer to his question.

Nowadays, not only simple, but also ancient complex solitaire games are popular. And quite a lot of different online solitaire games.

Fortune telling ancient solitaire, attributed to Josephine Beauharnais. This fortune telling uses images that are cut in half. Then they are mixed and laid out. Those images that fell out intact are the answer to your question.

Now you can use online fortune telling ancient solitaire.

Fortune telling on tarot cards for the situation

This online version of the ancient solitaire game is based on the famous card fortune telling of Josephine Bonaparte, the first wife of Napoleon and the French Empress.

According to Josephine herself, also known by the name of her first husband as Beauharnais, she began to believe in other world from a young age, namely since an unfamiliar old woman predicted that in the future she was destined to become more than a queen.

As Josephine grew older, she did not give up her passion. On the contrary, she herself became interested in fortune-telling and spiritualistic séances, which became extremely fashionable at Napoleon’s court.

According to one widespread legend, Josephine Beauharnais's favorite fortune-telling game was the ancient game of solitaire. It is alleged that she laid it out in an attempt to look into the future, waiting for her husband to return from the war.

To do this, instead of the usual cards, she used special pictures with special symbols, which were cut and mixed in a chaotic manner. You can still guess this way today, but Razgadamus invites you to use the old solitaire game online for free, which greatly simplifies the process of fortune telling.

Although it is much easier to use ancient solitaire online than the “paper” version, there are also some subtleties and nuances that allow you to achieve maximum accuracy and truthfulness of the prediction:

  • After you start fortune telling, the first thing you need to do is formulate the question you are interested in as precisely and specifically as possible. Sit in a quiet environment where no one and nothing will disturb you, close your eyes, take a deep breath, concentrate on the question that worries you, repeat it several times to yourself and enter it in the appropriate field on the screen.
  • Now that the question has been formulated and asked, you need to “cut” all forty available cards and then “shuffle” them.
  • Then the most important process begins. The program will lay out the previously cut pictures in two lines in front of you (in the first - open, in the second - hidden, face down). You need to “flip” each card from the second line one by one to find matching pictures. The same actions in the described order must be done with all four paired rows of cards.
  • When the old online solitaire game is completely played out and all the cards are open, click on the “Result” button - the program will give you the values ​​of the dropped pictures.

To make fortune telling as reliable as possible, it is advisable to ask one specific question in one session. It is not recommended to repeat fortune telling during the day for the same situation, otherwise the veracity of the scenario will be significantly reduced. If the result turns out to be too vague, postpone the layout for the next day or formulate your question more precisely.

Everyone at least once turned to a fortune teller for help, because they found themselves in a situation from which they themselves could not find a way out, or simply together with a girlfriend, but fortune tellers are different and can lie, the few fortune tellers estimate their abilities cheaply, they usually do not ask for astronomical the amounts that you are willing to bear just to find out to be with Petya or Kolya.

So, if you have encountered a similar situation and you yourself cannot determine further actions and it seems to you that you need the help of fortune telling, then we recommend playing the game Ancient Solitaire Fortune Telling and it will help you find the very answer, especially since it’s all free and there is no need to walk, and the result will definitely be correct and the most accurate of all.

Moreover, unlike other online fortune telling, this fortune telling Ancient Solitaire Fortune telling will give you such a detailed answer that it will simply seem incredible. This will be an answer that will include both a prediction for the future and an answer to your main question.

You just need to believe and be in the right mood before fortune telling. The main thing is faith, otherwise the cards will lie and nothing will work out. This is not just fortune telling; if the cards don’t see anything, then they don’t predict anything. You will get an inscription saying something like, everything is so vague, try again another time and so on.

The cards in this fortune telling do not lie just to give the fortuneteller an answer.

The game Ancient Solitaire Fortune telling invites you to tell fortunes on cards in one ancient way. This method has long proven itself and guarantees an accurate result and answer to the question.

You just need to mentally imagine your question, focus on it, imagine all the images in your head that are associated with it. Next, make a layout that will give you the answer.

The answer may be vague, however, it will help you come to the truth.

You can play the game Antique Solitaire Fortune Telling on our website, anyone can play with us, you just have to be online.

All games are freely available and you can play them completely free of charge and without registration.

If you are a fan of such online fortune telling and want to find something similar, we recommend that you follow the following link and play Madame Recamier Solitaire. Try to find out the answer to your question using another method of fortune telling.

Laying out cards in the game Antique Solitaire Fortune telling

Excellent prediction in the game Antique Solitaire Fortune telling

Explanation: In the figure, the game rows are marked in red, that is, cards that can be moved. Aces are marked in lilac. The gray cards in each row are not active until the red cards are removed.

Several cards in a chain (2, 3, 4, etc.) cannot be transferred at the same time, that is, at one time, so immediately analyze the entire layout so as not to block access to the ones you need on the next turn with your movements maps

Cards are placed on the aces in ascending order, that is, from twos to kings. If you have a deuce in the game row, immediately place it on the ace of the corresponding suit. Try to get to the bottom of the cards of lower value in order to move them to the aces.

If you have a horizontal row freed up, then you can put one extreme card from other rows in this place and start collecting a chain on it. The more rows you free up, the easier it will be for you to complete the entire solitaire game.

The goal of solitaire is to move all the cards by suit to their corresponding aces.

There was one in Reading prison famous writer, which the world still admires today. There he not only wrote one of the most piercing ballads, but also, as legend has it, invented a solitaire game that has survived to this day almost in its original form. By the way, they say that he met with the writer only once - on the day when the prison warden announced: “Sir, you are free!”

How to play solitaire:

For this solitaire game you will need a deck of 36 sheets. Shuffle it and place nine cards face down in a horizontal row. Under this row, also place three more cards face up.

If there are cards in the top row of the same value as the middle card in the bottom row, then move them to this middle one.

So, for example, there is a jack in the middle, which means that all the jacks (if any) from the top row must be placed on it. You cannot put anything on the outer cards.

If there is nothing more to move, then lay out three more cards from the deck and again collect cards of the same value from the top row onto the middle sheet.

The solitaire game is considered successful if, having laid out all three cards from the deck, you completely transfer all the cards from the top row to the middle sheets.

There is a beautiful legend that Elizabeth I of England played this solitaire game at a time when Parliament insistently demanded her marriage to one of the contenders. The Queen desperately did not want to get married. She believed that until the solitaire game worked out, she would be free. Judging by the fact that Elizabeth remained unmarried, the game of solitaire never worked out.

Ancient Russian solitaire

One of the testaments of our ancestors says: Live according to your conscience, in harmony with Nature and with yourself. Everything seems to be simple and clear. In reality, this does not always happen. Something is in the way, there is no knowledge, there is no basic understanding of the situation, there is no support and God knows what else.

The ancient online solitaire game, which we are pleased to present to you, has absorbed all the wisdom of our ancestors, all their experience, all their knowledge. This is not just a free Russian solitaire game, which, when played, will give you predictions for the near future. This is a system of knowledge, by touching which you can receive good advice and hints, warnings and messages that can help you understand the intricacies of your own life.

It is impossible to determine the exact time when Russian solitaire was born. Moreover, some call it Russian solitaire, some call it old solitaire, and some even call it old Russian solitaire. The point is not that, the main thing is that you can resort to him at any time, in the most difficult and incomprehensible situation, and he will always help and advise you, like a thread sticking out from a ball, by pulling which you can come out into the light.

Solitaire is played automatically, with five cards each and consists of four rows. Your task is to find matches of signs. In order for the signs on the cards to match, they can be rotated by clicking on each of the cards. As soon as the values ​​match (from one to several), you should find the interpretation of the matched symbol in the table of values ​​​​given below.

Guess for free and have fun playing ancient Russian solitaire.


It is worth strengthening your own position. This will give you strength and confidence in the future

Beautiful courtship, beautiful words and actions that can make you lose your head

Wreath of flowers

A calm period of life. There is an opportunity to contemplate, slowly create, and enjoy the fruits of one’s own labor

Horn (musical instrument)

When you are persistently called upon to do something, do not rush. Think about what this will do for you: benefit or harm?

You shouldn’t make a mess that you won’t be able to clear up later.

Solving cases in a “state” house. It’s not always quick, it’s not always pleasant, but you have to decide

Thunder and lightning

A storm has broken out, minutes of you, if you don’t flirt with it and tempt your own fate

Growth, gain, new knowledge, new aspirations and new horizons

The road is still closed. You won't get what you've been waiting for

The time has come to tear off the masks and disguises. Are you ready for this? Sometimes the revelations received are not encouraging

A woman with poison dripping from her lips. Beware of that poison, because you can be poisoned by it

It takes time and desire to unravel the tangle. Don’t be angry, just deal with the difficulties and misunderstandings that have arisen. Walk towards the light

A solution will be found, the secret will be revealed, approval will be received

The road from which many things begin. Change in life

News from afar, both good and not so good

Quiver of arrows

You can send a hundred arrows, but never hit, or maybe just one arrow that hits the target. Less fuss. More grit

Declaration of love, proposal to “build a family nest”

There are decisions that are not easy to make. However, this must be done, because there is nowhere to go further

Wallet with coins

Profit, profitable proposition, income generation

Hypocritical person in the immediate environment

No one will do for you what you should do. Don't waste your time on self-deception

Rook (sailboat)

New horizons, new distances, new impressions

White swan

The wish will come true if there is no stone in your bosom, and if no harm will come from your wish to anyone

Cradle (smoking pipe)

Reflections, thoughts, not joyful thoughts, empty talking shop

Lots of fuss, little use. Now is not the time to waste time

Month in the window

Hope that lives in everyone's heart to the last

Family hearth, time with family, family celebration, possibly a wedding or name day

Opened door

The path is open, the time has come, the solution to old cases

An obstacle that can be overcome. We need to get together and act, then the issue will be resolved positively

A joyful sign. But don't think that happiness is a freebie. Keep light and kindness in your heart and then you will be happy

A wonderful sign. Recovery, happiness, love, well-being in everything

Everything is your experience. Sometimes, to become wiser, you need to inject yourself many times. Don't let this upset you. Now you are stronger by one more thorn

Before you start something unkind, think carefully. The dirt to which you are dooming yourself will not be easy to wash off.

Heart with arrow

Falling in love, love confession, love. Sometimes unrequited love

Crossed sabers

Quarrel, disagreement, dust to the ceiling due to division

Good news, recovery, someone's patronage or help

A new idea, a new idea, thanks to which you will reach new circle life

An enemy, an envious person, a dirty trickster, who is just waiting to annoy you.

Shtof with a glass

A feast during which you can lose your “face”. Don't get drunk

Time to collect stones, time to take stock, time to stand still

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We apologize, but at the moment this fortune telling is closed for users of mobile devices for technical reasons. We suggest you choose the following, available on mobile phones and smartphones, solitaire games: Catherine's fortune-telling, gold fish, Berendey's solitaire