MCC diagram with transfer hubs on the map. All the most important things about the Moscow Central Circle

History of the Small Ring of Moscow railway more than a hundred years. Back in 1908, the circular route was opened for cargo transportation in 9 directions of the Moscow and 1 direction of the Oktyabrskaya railways. In 2012, the ring had 12 operating stations.

Now the Moscow Ring Railway is a “light metro” under construction, a new ground mode of transport integrated into the overall metropolitan system and allowing passengers to make convenient transfers to buses and trams, metro and electric trains.

The opening of the reconstructed tracks is just around the corner, so it’s time to tell Muscovites and guests of our city in more detail about their advantages.

Latest news about the Moscow Ring Railway

  • At a meeting in mid-April 2016, Vladimir Putin was informed that the first Moscow Ring Railway trains would be launched in September 2016. Further work on the construction of the small ring will be concentrated at the transfer points.
  • In the twentieth of December, updated metro maps appeared in the capital's subway, which included the Small Ring of the Moscow Railway. This was done specifically so that passengers could get acquainted with pleasant prospects in advance and plan future routes.
  • At the Moscow Ring Road there will be organized modern system informing passengers via smartphones - for example, a user, being in a specific point in the capital, will be able to receive a message about which station is nearby and how long the train will arrive at it.
  • As reported general manager Moscow Ring Railway Alexey Zotov, train intervals on the Small Ring can be reduced to 2-3 minutes if necessary. In general, trains will run according to the subway schedule - with 6-minute intervals during peak hours and 12-minute intervals at other times.
  • CCTV cameras will be installed at all stops and transport hubs on the Moscow Circle, which will help maintain the proper level of security.
  • Everyone knows that the capital’s metro is an architectural monument that amazes with its grandeur even people who are used to riding it every day. But the “light metro” will also be an interesting piece of architecture, albeit a modern one. Thus, it became known that its stations will be illuminated in the evening different colors, that under a transparent roof will probably look very interesting.
  • The Moscow Ring Road will be fully adapted for use by people with disabilities. In the ticket office areas of each station there is a special ticket office for wheelchair users, the window height of which is less than a meter.
The section is constantly updated with up-to-date information.

Moscow Ring Railway in numbers

The small ring is:

  • 54 km railway tracks, and taking into account the entrances and adjacent branches - 145 km;
  • 32 stopping points for future passenger transportation and 12 existing freight stations before the start of global reconstruction;
  • 212 billion rubles., invested in repair work;
  • 20 minutes time saved when traveling around the center of the capital;
  • 300 million passengers who will use the “light metro” by 2025;
  • to 100 pairs compositions per day.

Moscow Ring Railway station diagram on the map

The stations of the Small Ring Railway will be full-fledged transport hubs (TPU). This means that they will house offices, cafes, shops, and shopping malls. At each station there is a transfer to ground public transport.

The Moscow Ring Railway will include 32 stations. Let's divide them into categories.

Stations from which you can only transfer to ground transport

Koptevo, Presnya, Belokamennaya, Sokolinaya Gora, ZIL, Sevastopolskaya, Novopeschanaya, Khodynka, Volgogradskaya, Park of Legends

Stations from which a transfer to the metro is implied

Vladykino, Botanical Garden, Open Highway, Cherkizovo, Izmailovsky Park, Enthusiasts Highway, Ryazanskaya, Dubrovka, Avtozavodskaya, Gagarin Square, Luzhniki, Kutuzovo, Shelepikha, Khoroshevo, Voykovskaya, Okruzhnaya

Stations from which you can transfer to the Russian Railways radial line

Streshnevo, Nikolaevskaya, Yaroslavskaya, Andronovka, Novokhokhlovskaya, Warsaw

Stations that allow transfers to both the metro and the Russian Railways radial line

District, Ryazan, City

Construction plan and when will it open?

The reconstruction of the Small Ring, which will result in high-speed passenger traffic, began in 2011. Previously, it was planned to launch the light metro in four stages. Traffic on the section of the first stage Presnya - Kanatchikovo was going to be launched at the end of 2014, and on the section of the second, third and fourth stages Presnya - Lefortovo - Kanatchikovo - at the end of 2015.

Nevertheless, it was decided not to rush and launch the ring when it was fully ready - the project was too complex and large-scale.

In December 2015, trains on the Moscow Ring Road were supposed to depart in test mode, but as of the third quarter of 2015, the work was 70% completed.

It is expected that no earlier than the fall of 2016, full-fledged passenger transportation will be established on the Small Ring.

Moscow Ring Railway and World Cup 2018

Some time ago, information was announced that the Moscow Ring Road would be reconstructed for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. But now, according to those in charge, traffic along it will be launched in the fall of 2016.

Fares on the Moscow Ring Railway and train intervals

The cost of travel on the Small Ring will be the same as on the subway. The same tariffs and passes will apply here, which, you see, is very convenient for passengers.

Light metro trains will run every 6 minutes.
  • The Moscow Ring Railway is called the “road of the future”. Thanks to it, the “deserted” industrial zones of the capital will find a second wind and will be included in a busy transport ring.
  • The Small Ring will connect the gardening estates of Moscow, which is also very convenient for its guests and residents. We are talking about Sparrow Hills, the Mikhailovo and Streshnevo estates, the Botanical Garden, VDNKh, national park Elk Island.
  • Trains on the Moscow Ring Railway will be able to accelerate to 120 km/h, so travel is guaranteed. The cabin provides free Wi-Fi, sockets for phones and other gadgets, and a climate control system.
  • The tracks of the Moscow Ring Railway are already called “velvet” - Muscovites will not hear the sound of wheels, and special screens will protect them from excess noise.

Official website of the Moscow Ring Railway

The largest city in Europe, Moscow, is growing and developing year by year. It’s great that in our time we can observe such positive changes as the growth in the number of modern high-quality roads, metro stations and a fundamentally new type of transport that combines the speed and accessibility of the underground with the ability to transfer to buses, trams, and trolleybuses. We are confident that the Small Ring Railway and its trains will quickly gain popularity among residents of the capital, who value time like no one else.

Moskovskoe central ring(MCC) will open for passengers in early September. Approximately September 10th. This was stated by the head of the Moscow Metro, Dmitry Pegov.

The MCC line received number 14 in the Moscow Metro. The ring consists of 31 stations, 17 of them are connected to the metro, 10 to radial railway lines. Transfers between metro stations and the MCC will take no more than 10-12 minutes. The shortest and most comfortable transfers will be in “warm” (not requiring going outside) transitions from the stations: Mezhdunarodnaya, Leninsky Prospekt, Cherkizovskaya, Vladykino, Kutuzovskaya.

The main advantage of the Moscow Central Circle is that it should relieve the “Koltsevaya” line by 15%, the “Sokolnicheskaya” line by 20%, and all stations.


Since the Moscow Central Circle is metro line 14, the operating hours will be identical - daily from 5.30 to 1.00.


A single ticket for 20 trips will cost 650 rubles, for 40 trips - 1,300 rubles, 60 trips - 1,570 rubles. At the same time, travel for Troika card users on the MCC will cost the same as on the metro - 32 rubles. It is worth emphasizing that the possibility of transferring from the metro to the MCC and back will be free of charge.

Transfers within 90 minutes from the moment you first enter the station are free. Reprogramming of turnstiles, cash registers, and ticket vending machines has now begun,” said Dmitry Pegov.

You can use the second free metro transfer from MCC platforms only with tickets purchased after September 1. Passengers who purchased tickets before this date will be able to exchange them for new ones, with the benefit of a free transfer. Otherwise, the additional trip will be charged. And the first 30,000 people who exchange tickets purchased before September 1 will receive gifts from the metro. There will be no need to exchange social cards.


Tickets can be purchased in the same way as for trips on the metro: at ticket offices, vending machines, or top up your Troika card via the Internet. It will also be possible to pay for travel by credit card. For this purpose, all stations are now equipped with machines for reading bank cards.


The stations will introduce similar services that exist in the metro. Passengers with limited mobility will be able to benefit from free mobility assistance. The stations will have chargers for gadgets, trees, and benches. And also trash cans, which are not in the Moscow metro itself. “Live Communication” counters will appear at five stations, where tourists can also get information English. In particular, it is already being installed at the Luzhniki station.


33 trains will be launched on the ring, which will have handrails for standing passengers. And just like on regular trains, there will be toilets. The interval between trains will be only 6 minutes.


By the time the Moscow Central Circle launches, the map will be updated in the Yandex Metro application, which is used by many Muscovites.

We have already taken measurements so that people can plan their time on the trip. People will also be informed about temporary closures of stations, said Alexander Shulgin, CEO of Yandex in Russia.


Navigation is hosted;

The trains practice movement intervals;

Information boards are installed on the platforms;

They are creating comfortable ground transport routes connecting with stations of the new subway line.


75 million passengers will be able to use the transportation in the first year, and by 2025 the number will increase to 350 million passengers annually;

The metro staff will increase by 800 people.

Online workload application

To implement this project, it is necessary to prepare the infrastructure to show this. But we have this in our plans. This will be a similar project to Yandex.Traffic. The Moscow Metro is working on the issue of providing Yandex with data on congestion. As soon as we are able to receive them, we will send them to Yandex, and they will be displayed in the application online,” said Dmitry Pegov, head of the metro.

Surely many have heard about the imminent launch of passenger traffic on the Moscow Ring Railway. But although the abbreviation MKZD in lately sounds from all the irons controlled by the mayor's office, found in one place brief information on the main issues of interest to a potential passenger, it is not at all easy. I came across this when I was recently preparing a publication on this topic. Therefore, since I had to find and collect all this information (from the city hall portal, the websites of Russian Railways and the Moscow Ring Railway, and from messages from the city government-owned publication, I decided to make a short review post about the Moscow Ring Railway as a whole and specifically focus on what will change launch of passenger traffic along the ring for residents of Zelenograd and other settlements in the Leningrad direction.

Scheme of the Moscow Ring Road. Image from

First, a few words about history. The Small Ring of the Moscow Railway (that is what the Moscow Ring Railway was correctly called until recently) was built in 1903-1908. The road was originally intended for intracity and transit freight traffic, but at first it also carried passenger traffic, which was stopped in 1934.
They started talking about the return of passenger traffic to the Moscow Ring Railway almost immediately after Sobyanin’s arrival, and initially they called it much more early dates its launch. But, apparently, the project required a significantly more serious reconstruction of the infrastructure than seemed necessary at first glance, and its implementation lasted for five seconds. extra years. They promise to launch electric train service in September 2016.

Moscow Ring Railway station "Luzhniki". Image from the Moscow construction complex website

As you can see in the diagrams, the Moscow Ring Road has different distances from the center in different sections: in some places the road comes almost close to the metro ring line, in others it is a considerable distance away from it. There will be 31 stations on the Moscow Ring Railway, which will provide 17 transfers to 11 metro lines (including the future second subway ring) and 10 transfers to 9 radial railway directions. The issue of the construction of the 32nd station, Presnya, which is marked on some diagrams, is planned to be resolved later. I will add that one station, “Gagarin Square” on Leninsky Prospekt, will be underground - the rest will be above ground. I’ll also note that the names of some stops, in my opinion, are still floating around, so don’t be surprised if you suddenly find some inconsistencies in the diagrams.

Scheme of transfers from the Moscow Ring Railway to the metro. Image from the Moscow construction complex website

Perspective (for 2020) metro and Moscow Ring Road map. Image from the Moscow construction complex website

In essence, the Moscow Ring Railway will become a ring line of the city commuter train, integrated into the metro system. You can pay for travel on the above-ground ring with a metro ticket. At the same time, the transfer between the Moscow Ring Railway and the subway will be free for passengers if they do it within 15 minutes. Well, that is, apparently, both on the Moscow Ring Railway and in the metro you will have to go through the turnstiles, but if you did not go on a spree between them, the money (trips) will not be written off when you re-enter.
“Swallows” will be used as rolling stock on the ground ring. It is stated that during rush hours they will run at intervals of no more than 6 minutes, and in the future the intervals may be reduced.

High-speed electric train "Lastochka". Photo Zelenograd information portal

Now, briefly about the transfer from the Moscow Ring Railway to the Leningrad direction. It will be carried out through the NATI platform, which until recently was the deadliest stopping point between Moscow and Zelenograd. The phrase “the train runs with all stops except NATI” in the minds of passengers meant “with all stops,” because no one stopped at NATI anyway. :) Now this platform promises to live a new life.
The thing is that 350 meters from it (if you count in a straight line), there is the Nikolaevskaya station of the Moscow Ring Railway. These two stopping points will be combined into a transport hub, for the construction of which the Moscow Urban Planning and Land Commission recently allocated a plot of 0.38 hectares. According to Moskomstroyinvest, in addition to the transport terminal, there will be areas for consumer services, public catering, and vehicle maintenance. I don’t know exactly what all this will look like. I can only appeal to pictures from the Moscow Ring Railway website, the relevance of which I am not sure.

The TPU scheme, for example, dates exactly from 2013 - perhaps something has changed in the plans since then.

I also don’t know what the situation is with the construction, but I seriously doubt that by September there will be such a healthy transport hub building with transitions there, because the message about the allocation of land for construction was only a few months ago. However, no matter when and in what form this transport hub is built, the opportunity to transfer from NATI to the Moscow Ring Railway should appear in September of this year. This means that Zelenograd residents (and our neighbors in the Leningrad direction) will have new options for laying routes to many districts of Moscow.

The Moscow Central Ring MCC is a global and largest recent years a project related to urban planning in Moscow. Moscow Central Ring MCC - another type public transport on the territory of Moscow. The MCC is called the road of the future, capable of inhaling new life to industrial areas of Moscow.

The Moscow Central Ring is an urban ring railway that will connect the capital's subway, railway and ground transport Moscow into a unified transport system. An important function of the MCC will be to relieve the burden on public transport, in particular the metro. There is a version that the construction of the MCC is an alternative to the construction of another ring metro line. It has already been calculated that with the full implementation of the MCC system, the average Muscovite will reduce the average travel time to work by twenty minutes. Some routes will become highly optimized. For example, from the Vladykino metro station to the Botanical Garden station you now need to travel ten stations and make two transfers. new system- it will be one stop and the travel time will be three minutes. There are many such examples.

Moscow Central Circle photo:

Over time, at seventeen stations it will be possible to change to the metro, at thirty-one stations - to ground transport (bus), and transitions at ten stations will also allow you to change to commuter trains. Moreover, by 2018, all transitions will be classified as “dry feet”, that is, there will be no need to go outside to transfer. Even numbers are given: the average time for a transfer will be twelve minutes, and the minimum will be only thirty seconds.

History of the Moscow Central Circle

At the beginning of the 20th century, on the orders of the Tsar (Nicholas II), the Circular Railway was built around Moscow. The task at that time was to establish uninterrupted and timely movement of cargo flows, because the main burden of transporting goods throughout the city districts at that time fell on ordinary cab drivers who ran from stations throughout Moscow. Radial railway lines did not solve the problem of constantly increasing freight traffic, and on the railways of that time, freight trains were forced to stand in line for several hours. During the design and construction, a unified design format for the buildings of the Circular Railway stations was even developed; everything looked very decent and fit into the general style of the city. The construction was personally supervised by the Moscow Governor General. The circular railway was used to transport goods; the passengers were mainly workers from adjacent factories. Since 1934, the Circular Railway began to be used only for the transportation of goods. Gradually, entire industrial zones formed around the railway, some of them were recently used as warehouses or rented out for a variety of purposes. The general condition of Moscow industrial zones was also not satisfactory. The launch of traffic along the Moscow Central Circle will also stimulate the development of many former industrial zones; they will be integrated into the general architectural and economic system of the city.

Where is the Moscow Central Circle?

Moscow is becoming closer to remote areas. The MCC passes through twenty-six districts of Moscow. In some areas where there is no metro, new MCC stations will appear - Khoroshevo-Mnevniki, Kotlovka, Beskudnikovsky, Koptevo, Nizhegorodsky, Metrogorodok. In addition, the Moscow Central Ring covers the so-called academic ring on which famous universities of the capital are located.

Moscow Central Circle diagram

On September 10, 2016, Moscow City Day, the first stage of the launch of the Moscow Central Circle took place. Our President was the first passenger. The first stage of the MCC has opened - twenty-six stations, at ten of them you can change to the metro. By the end of the year, the plan is to launch the second stage and seven more stations. There will be thirty-one stations in total. Commercial real estate, shops, cafes, and shopping complexes will appear in the nearest industrial zones. The MCC will be designated on the Moscow metro map as the 14th metro line.

Among the unusual things, passengers will see trees, phone chargers, and benches. Entrance is through the turnstiles, it is possible to enter with a bank card.

They will run on the MCC high speed trains"Martin". Each train has five cars. The average wait time is six minutes. For comfortable travel, all trains will have toilets, sockets, Wi-Fi, an air conditioning system, video cameras, and ramps for passengers with limited mobility. Special mounts for bicycles are also provided. To open the carriage door for entry and exit, passengers will need to press a button that is active after the movement has completely stopped.

About financing of the Moscow Central Circle MCC project

Half of the funds for the construction and reorganization of the Moscow Railway were allocated from the federal budget, the second half from the Moscow treasury.

To attract Muscovites and city guests to use the new type of public transport, the Moscow authorities made free travel on the Moscow Central Circle for one month from September 10, 2016. This action is intended to show and prove the convenience and efficiency of the new road system.

Moscow Central Circle tolls

Travel along the Moscow Central Circle should be economical, namely: without transfers to other types of transport - there is a one-time payment. If the journey is combined with the metro, then, suppose, the passenger pays for the passage when entering the metro, then pays nothing - transfers to one of the MCC stations, then again pays nothing, returns to the metro and goes out into the city. There is some clarification. When entering the metro for the second time, you just need to attach the ticket used at the first entry to the turnstile; if less than ninety minutes have passed since the first entry, you do not need to pay; if more, sorry, but here you will have to pay for entry again.

Moscow Central Circle, what are the rates and what about tickets? The MCC tariff system will be identical to the metro. Metro tickets, which can be used according to the above scheme, must be purchased no earlier than September 1, 2016. If the ticket was purchased earlier, it must be reprogrammed at the metro ticket office. People on the subway talk about this all the time now. The most hassle-free way is to use the TROIKA card; there is no need to restart or reconfigure anything. Possibility of use bank card They promise by the end of 2016 with the launch of the second stage.

About pleasant things

During the first free month - for sure, then - it is still unknown, but MCC passengers, sitting in comfortable chairs, will be able to listen to the story of the electronic guide about the history of the MCC and the sights of the city that flash outside the window.

The unification of all types of public urban transport into a single system in Moscow is so far the only example in Russia. But it is far from the only one in the world. In particular, many cite as an example a similar system in Berlin, Barcelona and others European cities. The unified and coordinated public transport scheme "MCC Scheme" is already available on new scheme Moscow metro.

MCC and Moscow metro map 2018

Moscow Central Circle and metro map

Scheme of the Moscow Central Circle

MCC station map

MCC station diagram on the map of Moscow

MCC station diagram on the map of Moscow

Moscow Central Interchange Ring

free MCC transfers

Useful Information

No matter how trite it may sound, but the pace human life is accelerating day by day. A person is constantly in a hurry to somewhere: to work, to school, to university. In addition to proper time management, a well-functioning transport system helps you get everything done. One of its parts is the MCC or Moscow Central Circle.

History and layout of the MCC

In the past, the ring had a different name - the Moscow Circular Railway. The first mentions of it date back to the end of the 19th century, a time when the industrial boom was actively developing. Back then, goods were transported using dray cabs. The process required large quantity energy and time. That is why tycoon F.I. Chizhov proposed the idea of ​​​​building a ring road. On the one hand, it was just in time. But on the other hand, a number of problems arose.

As it turned out, the state owns only 5% of all railways. All others are private property. Each has its own rules and prices. It took a lot of time to resolve this issue. But by the end of the 19th century, most of the roads became state-owned.

The order for the construction of the Moscow Circular Railway was given by Emperor Nicholas II on November 7, 1897. The commencement ceremony took place on August 3, 1903.

Moscow MCC map of those times included several objects:

  • 22 branches connecting to the main railway tracks;
  • 14 stations;
  • 2 stopping points;
  • 3 telegraph posts;
  • 72 bridges, including those that cross the Moscow River;
  • 30 overpasses;
  • 185 culvert structures;
  • 19 buildings for passengers;
  • 30 houses;
  • 2 houses for employees;
  • 2 baths;
  • 2 reception rooms.

The work was carried out under the supervision of the best Russian engineers and architects. These include N. A. Belelyubsky, L. D. Proskuryakov, A. N. Pomerantsev.

Now MCC station map looks like this:

  • 31 stations;
  • 17 stations for transfer to other metro lines;
  • 10 stations for transferring to trains.

More than 200,000,000,000 rubles were spent on the construction of the structure. The total length of roads is 54 km. The round trip takes 84 minutes. Each train running between stations can accommodate 1,200 passengers.

Moscow metro map with MCC, trips and statistics

In fact, the MCC is part of the Moscow metro. In the documents it is designated as the Second Ring Line of the metro. This transport system is inextricably linked with it in the form of fares and transfers. On metro maps, routes are indicated by a line white with red border. Each of them has the signature of the MCC and a serial number.

Transportation is carried out by more than three dozen Lastochka trains. Each of them accommodates 1,200 people. Maximum speed reaches 120 km/h, but the operating speed will remain at 40-50 km/h. Train intervals range from 5 to 15 minutes. It all depends on the time of day. During rush hour they will travel more often.

All Lastochkas are equipped with soft seats and climate control systems. Passengers have the opportunity to connect to WI-FI and even charge their gadgets.

Trains do not have vestibules. However, their wide double doors make it easy to transport passengers with limited mobility.

MCC has a lot of features and nuances. The figures below will help you see how ambitious the idea for its construction was.

  1. The ring road, which later became the MCC, was built 111 years ago.
  2. 130 pairs of trains pass here every day.
  3. To establish regular traffic, the state had to spend more than 70 billion rubles.
  4. Thanks to the work of the MCC, the Koltsevaya metro line has been decongested by 15%.
  5. In the first year, 75 million people were transported by Lastochkas.
  6. MCC provided citizens with 40,000 jobs.
  7. There are car parks near most stations.
  8. According to the plan, trains will be able to transport more than 300,000,000 people within a year.

Thanks to the ring, it was possible to significantly relieve urban transport.

So, MCC is a good alternative to cars. This is the absence of traffic jams, affordable travel costs and the ability to be punctual. Metro map with MCC will show how and at which station you can transfer to a train in the desired direction, and the availability of parking lots and convenient transition to the station will save both time and effort.