Events on August 19 and 20. Flower exhibition “Colors of Summer” in the Botanical Garden

The capital will host the XX Moscow International Festival “Jazz in the Hermitage Garden” on August 19 and 20. Saxophonist Lu Tabakin and singer Sharon Clark (USA), vocalist and the most famous female trumpeter in the world of jazz Michaela Rabich and guitarist Robert Pavlik (Austria) will perform there. ).

Russian participants will also appear on stage: musicians of the Bolshoi Jazz Orchestra led by Pyotr Vostokov, the family ensemble of virtuoso saxophonists the Bril brothers, trumpeter Ivan Vasiliev and rising star vocal jazz Anastasia Lyutova.

An entertainment program is also prepared for guests on interactive platforms. In the dance zone, professionals will teach everyone how to various directions jazz dance - from modern jazz and blues to Lindy hop and solo jazz. At the “Colors of Jazz” site, visitors will draw colorful musical impressions on paper.

On the site “People like musical instruments» The creative team of Playtronica will present the TouchMe audio-kinesthetic technology for the first time in Russia. Guests will see how participants in this performance transform into musical instruments.

There's a lot waiting for the children animation program"Made in Cardboard". The children will create almost real musical instruments from plastic and cardboard.

Venue: Hermitage Garden

Quest, dedicated to the Day State flag of Russia

Museum guests are invited to take part in interactive game dedicated to the Day of the State Flag of Russia. They will have to find answers to the guidebook's questions at the stands.

One person, a family or a group of friends can take part in the quest. Those who answer the questions correctly will receive memorable prizes.

No additional payment is required for participation in the quest or pre-registration. And for very young guests who do not yet know how to read and write, museum staff have prepared entertaining coloring puzzles.

On the third Sunday of the month, August 20, the museum, as usual, will be open free of charge for all visitors.

Venue: Museum and Memorial Complex “History of the T-34 Tank”

Homeless Animals Day

The Salyut Palace of Culture will host Homeless Animals Day on August 19. Visitors will see about 40 dogs and cats, and will also be able to take their favorite animal home.

At 12:00 everyone is invited to master classes on painting, making toys for dogs and creating felt crafts. The festival will also host an exhibition-competition “My a pet" Group street artists will create artistic masterpiece, dedicated to Homeless Animals Day. A collection point for items for shelters will be organized at the Palace of Culture, where it will be possible to donate food, medicine, food, diapers, toys and unnecessary clothes that will keep pets warm in winter.

Venue: Palace of Culture "Salut" (Svoboda Street, building 37)

Master classes “Cultural vacancies in Moscow”

Master classes revealing the secrets of quickly finding work in the field of culture and art will be held by the personnel center of the Moscow Department of Culture on the central stage of Sokolniki Park.

The organizers will refute the myth that finding employment according to your profile is a difficult process, especially in cultural institutions for the desired position.

Meeting participants will be invited to a modern job search site. Thanks to it, guests will be able to find a suitable vacancy in one of the 430 institutions of the Department of Culture. Visitors will be taught how to use a resume to effectively and profitably present their professional qualities.

The master class is designed for representatives creative professions, managers different levels, young and aspiring professionals, anyone who is interested in working in the cultural and arts sectors, and those who want to gain the skill of writing an attractive resume. To participate, you must submit an application in advance.

Venue: Sokolniki Park

Photo exhibition “Caves of Russia” on Nikitsky Boulevard

The exhibition “Caves of Russia” presents 23 works by five photographers - Anton Yushko, Alexey Shelepin, Kirill Bagriy, Lyubov Gomareva and Peter Yakubson. From the pictures, guests will learn what it looks like underworld an abandoned quarry where the star gates open and where the ice does not melt even in summer.

Visitors to the exhibition will get acquainted with the world of mysterious caves Southern Urals, Crimea, Arkhangelsk region and Karelia. Under the photographs there will be detailed comments telling about the origin and features of the dungeons. For example, in the Shulgan-Tash cave you can see drawings from Paleolithic times, and in the Ruskeala mountain park you can see bizarre forms of stalactites.

Venue: Nikitsky Boulevard

Festival of ice cream and sweets in Sokolniki Park

The gastronomic festival of ice cream and sweets “Lakomka” will be held in Sokolniki Park on August 19-20. The concept of the festival will be modern approach to the theme of desserts and sweets “Eat and don’t get fat.”

Leading producers of ice cream, drinks, confectionery and national sweets will open 200 retail outlets along the central alleys of the park. They will present their products as large manufacturers, and small home-made confectionery shops.

Guests will be able to taste and purchase more than 150 varieties of delicacies from different regions of Russia and from abroad. Visitors will be offered both traditional varieties of ice cream - ice cream and creme brulee, and exotic Japanese rice ice cream - mochi. In addition, Muscovites will be able to taste confectionery(halva, kozinaki, marmalade and so on) and drinks (cocktails, homemade lemonades, bubble tea and others). Fans of a healthy lifestyle will have access to desserts without sugar, gluten, eggs, as well as fitness products.

The fair will be accompanied by an entertainment program for children and adults: musical and theatrical performances, creative and culinary master classes, game library, competitions. Bloggers and sports coaches will talk about healthy way life and nutrition, will conduct fitness training and master classes. Acting lessons and quests will be organized for young guests of the holiday. English language, an area with educational constructors will open, and young mothers and their babies will be able to work out

In addition, visitors are welcome sport competitions and dance training, cheat meal lectures, numerous tastings and, of course, free treats.

Dance camps for children and teenagers

The Altair club invites children aged seven to 17 years to take part in summer dance camps. Schoolchildren will enjoy master classes on modern dance styles and classes in acting. The training program also includes staging concert performances and a special enhanced program for general physical training.

Dance camps consist of eight classes, each lasting from one and a half to two hours. Pre-registration required.

Venue: Club "Altair" (Ulitsa Lukinskaya, building 9, building 1)

Course of lectures “Marina Tsvetaeva and decadence”

On the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the birth of Marina Tsvetaeva, the Manege museum and exhibition association is holding a course of lectures dedicated to the poetess. They will be read by the head of the literature department Silver Age State literary museum Mikhail Shaposhnikov.

Listeners will find out in what atmosphere the poetess was brought up, how her character and everyday preferences developed, how she survived difficult conditions and how life's vicissitudes reflected in her work. At the end of the lecture, everyone will make their own conclusion about why Tsvetaeva remains one of the most popular and beloved today.

Venue: Museum and Exhibition Association "Manege" (Ilyinka Street, building 4)

Exhibition “Moscow through the eyes of contemporary artists”

The creative union Art Exhibitions dedicated its next exhibition to the main holiday of Muscovites - City Day. The theme of the capital and its monuments is close to artists; most members of the community are graduates of the Moscow Academic art school in memory of 1905.

The works selected for the exhibition are made in the best traditions of the Moscow school of painting. Nikita Bestuzhev will present a series of works on Moscow themes, Evgeny Bardoshin captured the streets and alleys of old and new Moscow, Ilya Drozdov - the most recognizable views and attractions of the capital.

As part of a special section, the works of other participants will be shown creative union- graphics and photographs.

Location: State Museum- cultural center “Integration” named after N.A. Ostrovsky (Tverskaya Street, building 14)

Nobles, clergy and peasants: new exhibition at the Museum of Estates of Russia

A new exhibition has opened at the Museum of Estates of Russia. Visitors are invited to get acquainted with the peculiarities of the culture and life of the main classes pre-revolutionary Russia- nobility, clergy and peasantry. The exhibition is based on a personal collection folk artist USSR Ilya Glazunov.

The first floor of the museum is dedicated to culture noble Russia XVIII - early XX centuries. It reproduces the way of life of the nobility in classic manor interiors, furnished with antique furniture, paintings, and engravings.

The interiors of the second floor are inspired by the decoration of the chambers of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Here the viewer will see works of icon painting and wooden temple sculpture.

With traditional crafts and everyday life You can meet the peasants on the third floor of the museum. Viewers will see the decoration peasant hut, painted sleighs, chests and caskets, as well as samovars, spinning wheels and folk costumes different provinces of Russia.

The museum is open to the public from 11:00 to 19:00 with sessions: 11:15, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00 (Thursday additionally at 19:00 and 20:00). You can view the exhibition only as part of a tour group of up to 15 people.

Date and time: until December 31 (from 11:00 to 19:00) Venue: Art Gallery Ilya Glazunov (Volkhonka Street, building 13, building 2)

Exhibition of participants in the art project “In the Footsteps of the Red Book”

During the month, in the “Apothecary Garden” you will be able to see works by participants in the art project “In the Footsteps of the Red Book,” which started in February 2017. The artists enthusiastically took up their brushes and paints, began to study the pages of the Red Book and transfer their impressions to canvases. From their canvases a snow leopard, a gyrfalcon, polar bear and other animals.

In just two months, more than 100 paintings were painted, each of which tells about the nature of the Earth, disappeared or endangered animals and plants.

“We, the artists of the art project “In the Footsteps of the Red Book,” do not want and cannot remain aloof from actual problem preserving the beauty of our planet, its flora and fauna. With our works we want to draw people’s attention to the elusive beauty of our world,” said project curator Natalya Nikolaeva.

You can get to the exhibition by entrance ticket in the "Apothecary Garden".

Date and time: until September 10 (from 10:00 to 18:00) Venue: Botanical Garden of Moscow State University "Apothecary Garden"

Festival "MamaPapaSlet" in Zelenograd

The Zelenograd cultural center will host the MamaPapaSlet family festival. Guests of the holiday will enjoy children's animation shows, creative programs, a beauty studio, face painting, table tennis and disco.

On the summer veranda of the cultural center, children will be able to make crafts from clay or plasticine, learn to draw different techniques and create designer souvenirs. During the festival, a summer cafe with ice cream and cotton candy will be open at the site.

Location: Cultural Center"Zelenograd"

Aviator Day in Vnukovo

The Vnukovo Cultural Center invites citizens to celebrate Aviator Day. The organizers of the holiday prepared concert program congratulations to veterans civil aviation and musical gifts from the stars national stage. On the square in front of the cultural center there will be sounds musical compositions, familiar to everyone. There will also be an exhibition where you can see rare photographs, books and otherairport related things.

The history of the area and its inhabitants is inextricably linked with the airport. Its construction began in 1938, at the same time the Vnukovo village was founded for airfield workers and pilots. The first stage of the airfield was ready on July 2, 1941, in the first days of the Great Patriotic War. The pilots repeatedly participated in combat operations against the Nazis. They made more than 60 thousand sorties to the front line and behind enemy lines, transported 300 thousand people and more than 365 thousand tons of cargo, including for besieged Leningrad.

Date and time: August 20 (from 12:00 to 14:00) Venue: Vnukovo Cultural Center

Exhibition “History of Moscow Philanthropy”

An exhibition dedicated to philanthropy will open at the Central City Business Library. This phenomenon was an important feature of the business world in Moscow in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

From the exhibition materials, visitors will learn about the history of Moscow philanthropy and its most prominent representatives. Among them are Savva Morozov, the Tretyakov brothers, book publisher Ivan Sytin, the ancient and famous dynasties of Russian merchants and nobility - the Demidovs, Ryabushinskys, Prokhorovs, Rakhmanovs, as well as other representatives of the business world who became famous for serving the benefit of science, culture and art of Moscow.

Venue: Central City Business Library: (Boris Galushkin Street, building! 9, building 1)

Open Air Fitness in Severnoye Tushino Park

On central square SWeGymOpenAir fitness convention will be held in the Severnoye Tushino park. Guests will attend master classes by Russian trainers in the areas of Dance and FreeStyle, and will also see mixes of Les Mills programs: Body Combat, Body Balance, BodyJam, Sh"Bam and Grit.

Both professionals and fitness enthusiasts can take part in the master classes.

Entrance to the site is free, participation in master classes is paid.

Venue: Park "Northern Tushino"

Moscow will once again become the center of a pyrotechnic show this year. On August 19–20, an international fireworks festival will be held in the Brateevsky Cascade Park of our capital. This festival will be the third in a row. In addition to Russia, representatives of seven countries will take part in the competition show.

This year the festival is timed to coincide with the anniversary of the Russian capital. Its theme is “Moscow on Seven Hills.”

The best pyrotechnicians from Europe, Asia and Latin America. The festival will include performances by the groups “Splin”, “Umaturman” and the Turetsky Choir.

Muscovites and guests of the city will be able to take part in all kinds of quests, increase their level of knowledge in the history of their city by visiting various lectures, a craft bazaar and a historic food court.

The fireworks festival is dedicated to the 870th anniversary of the capital Russian Federation. On the hills of Brateevsky Park, seven young architects installed seven art objects telling the history of the city of Moscow.

The central object of the exhibition dedicated to the capital’s history will be the five-meter robot “Yuri Dolgoruky”. It will be installed on a platform in the form of a clock. The robot will be dressed in armor, given a sword in its hands, and a red cape will develop on its shoulders.

Visitors to Brateevsky Park will be able to communicate with “Yuri “Dolgoruky”, exchanging greetings.

The competitive program of the fireworks festival will take place over two days.

On August 19, Austrian, Romanian, Japanese and Armenian pyrotechnicians will perform before the audience. Their performance will begin at 21:00 Moscow time.

The next day, pyrotechnicians from Russia, Brazil, China and Croatia will take up the competition baton.

A competent jury will select three winners from among the participants.

For large-scale show twenty-seven tons of pyrotechnics were brought. Participants plan to fire about sixty thousand salvos. Contestants promise to launch two-hundred-meter fireworks.

The fireworks festival will take place on August 19 and 20 in Moscow. For those who want to have a pleasant weekend, a large day program, performances by artists and, in fact, an evening fireworks show.

At 12:00, craft markets, historical food courts, quests, and street performances will begin operating. All entertainment combined common theme: history of Moscow.

From 18:30 to 20:30, festival guests will be entertained by pop stars: “Umaturman”, “Splin”, and the Turetsky Choir.

The pyrotechnic show will begin at 21:00 Moscow time.

Tickets for the festival can be purchased on the official website of the festival. There are standard tickets and grandstand tickets. Accordingly, ticket prices differ.

A standard ticket entitles you to enter the park, participate in entertainment program and watching the show in one day. Its cost is 400 rubles.

The price of a ticket to the stands by the water is 2000 rubles. For a ticket to the upper tier you will have to pay 1,700 rubles. These tickets include comfortable seating to watch the pyrotechnics show.

One ticket is valid for one day only. Accordingly, if you want to attend the festival on both days, you need to buy two tickets.

For boys and girls under the age of seven, admission to Brateevsky Park is free on any day.

The festival organizers made sure that you could enjoy the mesmerizing show from the water.

A ship will be waiting for everyone near the Brateevo pier at 19:00. At 19:30 the ship will depart. The cruise program includes an hour and a half walk along the Moscow River and watching a fireworks show from on board the ship.

There will be a cafe on deck throughout the cruise. At the end of the show, the ship will take everyone to the Brateevo pier. A ticket for such a cruise will cost 3,000 rubles.

August does not want to give up so easily; he is definitely going to win the title of the busiest month of summer. We don’t mind at all, many events are still interesting, and the Moscow poster for August 19 and 20 promises a lot of new and exciting things. Even some festivals are still held, for example, you can still admire the masterpieces visual arts. In general, get ready for a busy and eventful weekend in the capital.

1. International Fireworks Festival

When: August 19-20, from 12:00
Where: Brateevsky Cascade Park, Borisovo metro station
Cost: admission is free!

You don’t have to wait for major holidays, which happen two or three times a year, to enjoy a celestial performance involving light and fire. ROSTEC holds the 3rd fireworks festival in the capital in the summer. Leading pyrotechnicians from around the world will demonstrate their art and modern technologies. And all this accompanied by a large-scale performance of stars on stage.

This year the organizers really came up with a lot of entertainment for the weekend for Muscovites and guests of the capital. Not only fireworks and leading stars with a concert await you, but also food courts, master classes, extreme shows during the day, and mini-stages where you can listen to jazz or entertain children with animators. But the main thing, of course, is the fireworks. 8 teams from different parts Sveta. In terms of scope, this will be an unprecedented show that will eclipse the pyrotechnic part of Moscow for 850 years. During the day, you can have fun in the park, watch skateboarders and street dancers, listen to performances by various groups, and at nine o’clock, when it gets dark, enjoy the flashes and brightness in the sky.

2. Festival of ice cream and sweets

When: August 19-20, from 10:00
Where: Sokolniki Park, Sokolniki metro station
Cost: admission is free!

More about various festivals, which in one way or another are dedicated to some kind of sweets - these were honey, and ice cream, and chocolate days in the capital. In August, sweet tooths can also rejoice. The Lakomka ice cream festival will allow you to try a wide variety of rare or strange flavors of sweets. Would you like to try some black ice cream? What about cheese? What about ginger? Everything is possible!

The country's leading sweet industry producers will treat both adults and children in Sokolniki Park. You can taste recipes from different corners peace. For example, Japanese ice cream is made from rice, Italian ice cream is made from goat milk. Exotic additives include mangoes, bananas, prunes, and all the fruits that come to mind. So that you don't just eat sweets, the organizers will install stages on which the capital's bands, street musicians and animators will perform all day long.

3. Festival of shelter cats and dogs “Home!”

When: August 19, from 12:00
Where: Krasnaya Presnya Park, Vystavochnaya metro station
Cost: admission is free!

We must remember about those who are completely defenseless and need our help. We are, of course, talking about animals. Thanks to the “Giving Hope” foundation and PURINA animal food, an event will be held in Moscow this weekend where everyone can get a kind and loyal pet.

In the Krasnaya Presnya park you will find dogs from cats from more than 20 shelters in the capital. They are all vaccinated, bathed and want to find a home, or rather, loving owners. You can pick up any pet absolutely free, the main thing is to have a passport with you. Even if you can’t adopt a dog or cat right now, but want to help, bring food, medicine, toys. All these things will go to the needs of shelters. Concerts, master classes on animal care and training, and dancing with dogs will be held for guests. But the most important thing is that you can play with all the animals, communicate and learn more about them.

4. Argentine festival

When: August 19, 11:00
Where: Muzeon Park, Park Kultury metro station
Cost: admission is free!

Throughout the summer, Moscow hosted festivals dedicated to the cultures and customs of other countries. There you could get acquainted with creativity, other views, cuisine and dances of the peoples of the world. This time we waited for the festival of one of the summeriest countries - Argentina. And where there is Argentina, there is Argentine tango.

In the Muzeon park there will be a large-scale a festival where everyone can not only watch recognized world dance masters, but also dance themselves and learn how to do it correctly. It's no secret that some psychologists prescribe tango therapy because the intimacy and openness that arises during dance literally heals. You can feel it. You will be taught the basics to the enchanting tunes of Argentinean musicians who will play throughout the day in the park. It doesn’t matter if there is no match, they will find one for you. You can also buy souvenirs at the fair of Argentine craftsmen, try National dishes and take other master classes.

5. Signal Festival 2017

When: August 17-20, 24 hours a day
Where: art park "Nikola-Lenivets"
Cost: 4000 rubles

If the art space, electronics and self-discovery are not empty sounds for you, then you need to visit Signal 2017. You will be able to enjoy fresh air far from civilization to the sets of the best electronic artists from all over the world. For four days around the clock, music will become your element and atmosphere.

The organizers promise to build 4 stages in the Nikola-Lenivets conservation area so that more than 70 artists from all over the world will show what modern Electonic music highest quality. The park will also be decorated with an exhibition modern architecture. Here and there you can look at quirky objects or visit extensive visual art studios. Don’t worry about housing, the organizers promise to create an ecological event system where there is a place for everyone and everything they need for life.

This weekend in Moscow promises to be no less eventful than the last. So, under no circumstances stay at home, but go out for adventure and new experiences.

Fireworks Festival in this year will pass in August. Almost 27 tons of pyrotechnics will be prepared for the fire show.

On August 19 and 20, Moscow will host the third International festival fireworks "Rostec". Teams from eight countries will fire about 60 thousand volleys into the sky - 10 thousand more than last year. For competitive program About 27 tons of pyrotechnics will be used. The height of fireworks will reach 200 meters.

Like last year, the festival will be held in Brateevsky Park in the south of the capital. The site will be open from 12:00, the fireworks themselves are planned to be launched from 21:00 to 22:45.

Eight teams will take part in the festival: from Russia, Austria, Armenia, Brazil, China, Romania, Croatia and Japan. The first four will perform on Saturday, August 19th, the rest on Sunday, August 20th. A professional jury will select three winners. They will receive gold, silver and bronze cups.

"The performance of each team will last about 10 minutes. When evaluating fire shows, the jury will take into account their entertainment value, the synchronization of the volleys, the integrity of the composition and musical accompaniment", said the festival's press service.

“In August, we are waiting for one of the brightest and most colorful weekends of the summer. The fireworks festival has already firmly established itself in the calendar of the most interesting events capital Cities. Tens of thousands of volleys attract the attention of not only Muscovites, but also numerous tourists. Similar projects are being launched new level one of the areas that we are actively developing in last years, - event tourism,” said Nikolai Gulyaev, head of the Moscow Department of Sports and Tourism.

Also, at the current fireworks festival, a more eventful daytime program is planned than last year. Participants can expect performances from stars Russian stage, master classes, quests, meetings with poets and actors, zone sports entertainment and much more. The theme of this year's festival is "Moscow on Seven Hills" - dedicated to the city's upcoming anniversary. The hills of Brateevsky Park will be named after historical hills and original art objects will be installed there.

For example, a 12-meter wooden swing will be installed on Borovitsky Hill; you can swing on it while standing. An eight-meter loom will be installed on the “Tagansky Hill” (“Shvivoy” or “Lousy Hill”), where tailors (Swedens) historically lived. On it, anyone can create their own canvas from multi-colored threads.

Visitors will also be able to stroll through the crafts market and go to the “historic food court”, where they can try dishes national cuisines different countries.

Entrance to the festival is paid. Tickets will be available to purchase soon on the website

Last year the fireworks festival took place on July 23 and 24. Over two days, the event was attended by more than 200 thousand spectators.


On August 19 and 20, more than 80 participants of the Russian circuit racing series will meet near Volokolamsk to continue the fight for Russian Championship and Cup points. The eventful weekend will be held in conjunction with a stage of the international championship SMP Formula 4 NEZ Championship, and one of the fans who came to the stands of Moscow Raceway will go home in a new car.

In the most powerful and prestigious Touring competition, where 17 athletes are fighting for the championship title, the confrontation will continue between FIA ETCC European Cup holders Dmitry Bragin and Nikolai Karamyshev, FIA WTCC World Championship participant Alexey Dudukalo, winner of the ELMS series and bronze medalist of the 24 Hours of Le Mans "Kirill Ladygin.

In the Super-Production competition for the Russian Cup, multiple winners and prize-winners of Russian competitions compete. In the Touring-Lite class, 200-horsepower hatchbacks Kia Rio, Hyundai Solaris, Volkswagen Polo, Ford Fiesta, Peugeot 208 and Renault Twingo are piloted by experienced racers, including the FIA ​​WEC World Marathon Champion and Le Mans winner Alexey Basov, two-time vice-champion of Europe in rallycross Ildar Rakhmatullin, and vice-champion of the Northern European series SMP Formula 4 NEZ Championship Vladimir Atoev.

The most popular class of the Russian circuit racing series is National. Here, three dozen participants take the start line, including men and women, novice pilots and experienced athletes. It was not for nothing that he was nicknamed “Emotional” - such a number of contacts, departures and overtakings on the verge of the possible is not possible, perhaps, in any of the famous world series. In recent years, the National class has become a battleground between the domestic LADA brand and “naturalized foreign cars” assembled in Russia: pilots in 160-horsepower Kalinas either successfully or not very successfully repel the attacks of athletes in Kia Rio, Volkswagen Polo and Ford Fiesta.

The young age and passion of young pilots from different European countries taking part in the SMP Formula 4 NEZ Championship turn formula races into an exciting attraction. Don't know who to root for? Cheer for ours: the boys from Russia are up against equally talented Spaniards, Finns, Estonians, Dutch and Danes.

In addition to the racing this weekend, you will be able to chat with the drivers during an autograph session, walk around the paddock, see with your own eyes the final preparations for the race and enjoy the pre-start procedure, during which the drivers take their places on the starting grid next to charming girls. One of the spectators will leave the Moscow Raceway in a new LADA Kalina hatchback: to participate in the drawing, it is enough to take the flyer in advance at the gas station of the ROSNEFT network and from the LADA dealer - or right at the SMP RSKG stage, put it in the lottery drum and wait for the results of the drawing, which will take place in the paddock August 20.

Entry to the circuit is free for all spectators.