Circus style party: invitations, costumes, menu, entertainment. Making a home circus: interesting ideas for implementation Birthday circus scenario

Adults and children love to go to the circus. Sometimes you want not only to watch this fascinating performance, but also to take part in it. You can bring this idea to life for your child’s next birthday: hold a real “Circus Show”, where children will become not only spectators, but also participants.

Decorations and props: what is needed?

If you want to put on a real show, then you need the appropriate setting and props, which should be prepared in advance.


  1. Invitations for guests can be done using online graphic editors. In a special program you can create a colorful invitation: use photographs of your child and circus pictures, write the text (when and where the performance will take place). The flight of fancy is limited only by the fact that the resulting picture should look like a ticket. For this purpose in collage being created Leave a blank space on one side and write the word “Control” there, which will serve as a tear-off part.
  2. For competitions you will need wigs, clown noses, animal masks, balloons, which can be purchased at holiday stores.
  3. Costumes for two presenters- magician and clown.
  4. Play money(or tokens) to buy sweets from the buffet.
  5. Tubes for the number “Jugglers”. You can make them from bright New Year's rain: cut into piles 20-30 cm long and wrap them with a strip of cardboard at the base, and secure them with tape on top.


Ticket office

At the entrance, guests must give their invitation card to the ticket office. If space in the apartment allows, you can install a refrigerator box. Cover it with any available means (whatman paper, sheets of paper, old newspapers or magazines), and write “Cashier” on top. If you have little space in the hallway, then it is enough for one of the adults to meet the guests (necessarily in a suit) and tear off the control part from their tickets.

Circus tent

In the room where the main performance will take place, arrange a real circus tent. To do this, make a dome: attach a bunch of multi-colored balls and long strips of colored fabric to the chandelier (the end should be strengthened at other edges of the ceiling). Chairs for guests are placed in a semicircle.


Children will be interested if there is a real buffet waiting for them during intermission. To do this, a kind of retail outlet is installed in the kitchen. This could be an ordinary table (optionally, an ironing board), covered with a bright tablecloth.

One of the adults can sell lollipops, candy, soda, and so on for play money (which children will receive for competitions). In addition, colorful circus posters and garlands of multi-colored flags can be attached to the walls. We must not forget that a children's birthday implies a special menu. The following video offers you a master class on how to prepare: pancake cake, fruit salad and lemonade.

Holiday scenario

After the guests have taken their seats, the presenter, the magician, enters the circus tent. Magician: Welcome to our circus! An extraordinary performance awaits you today. “But what is so unusual about him?” - you might think. And the fact that with us you will be not only spectators, but also artists! And before we start the show, let's get to know each other. When I announce to you: “Today they are performing in an incredible circus show...”, everyone will shout their names loudly. It's clear? Then let's get started: “Today they are performing in an incredible circus show (children shout their names). Let's get to know each other! At this moment, some kind of music should be playing: it is better to make cuts of famous circus melodies in advance.

Magician: Now we know each other and can start the show. For each number you will receive tokens, which you can then exchange for sweets at the buffet. But we are missing one artist - the funniest participant in any circus. Can you guess who it is? Of course, a clown! Now we will call him together, and his name is Knopa. Ready? Three-four: "K-N-O-P-A." The clown Knopa comes in. Knopa: Hello kids! I see that our circus has a new addition of young artists. This is great, but I’ve been working here for a long time and know everyone who visits us. Do you know who usually performs in the circus? Then call me and I'll check (children list). Well done! But you don’t even realize that before the circus was only an equestrian one, so you could only see horse racing. And I love watching horses prance. Magician: Well, don't be sad, Knopa. Our young talents can do anything! Guys, let's put on a real horse show.

Competition "Riders"

Everyone is given a “horse”: it can be made from a stick, and an animal’s head can be glued on top. The music turns on and the participants ride in a circle on their horses. The magician stands in the center and throws the ball to the children. If the rider has lost his “horse” or the ball, then he leaves the arena. The game continues until there is only one competitor left. Tokens are given as a prize.

You need to carefully monitor this: by the end of the performance, all participants should have at least several tokens, so that there are no hard feelings.

Therefore, for example, the winner is given 3 tokens, and the rest of the participants are given one each. Button: Well done guys: they made the old clown happy! Nowadays you won’t see any kind of animals in the circus: tigers, bears, and parrots. Magician: Since we're talking about animals, let's make a number for the trainer and his charges. But before that, we will learn to applaud, because this is how the audience thanks the artists for their performance. How will you clap if you like the performance? (children clap) What if you like it a lot? (children applaud) Wonderful, we got a real standing ovation! Now you can start preparing the numbers.

Room "Trainers"

The birthday boy acts as a trainer, but if there are many children, then you can divide the children into several groups and choose one from each for this role. The animals are given masks, and the trainer is given a whip (can be made from a clothesline). Children must come up with a small number to cheerful music, and the presenters give them hints. Small chairs can be provided as props. If there are several teams, then the winner is chosen among them. Button: You probably think that the most important performance in the circus is mine, that is, the clown’s. But actually it is not. The most long-awaited and beloved performance by the audience is the deadly number. Is there a daredevil among you who can show it? The presenter chooses one person.

Room "Deadly"

The participant is given a tray and a bowl of fruit is placed on it, but not very heavy. He must bring them to the table without knocking them over or breaking them. At the same time, “obstacles” (skittles or bottles) are placed on his way, which he must bypass. After the daredevil remembers where they are standing, he is blindfolded. The funny thing is that after this all the obstacles are slowly removed, and the audience watches how the participant will overcome non-existent obstacles. Button: Well, you scared us! All the guys over there fell to the floor out of fear. So now I have to make you laugh, and you will help me with this. The button distributes funny noses, whistles, ties and wigs to everyone, and turns on funny music, to which children “go wild and fool around” with the clown. You can arrange a small photo session: children in costumes make faces for the camera. Magician: And now we will invite artists to the stage unusual genre: They can show anything with the help of facial expressions and gestures. They will demonstrate, and we will guess.

Competition "Crocodile"

Three participants are selected who will take turns showing words or phrases that the presenter will tell them. The remaining spectators must guess what they are depicting. Then the spectators and participants can be swapped. In fact, no one wins this competition, but it is a lot of fun. Knopa: I think you all deserve applause. But I watched you from behind the scenes and realized that you don’t know at all how the audience should behave. Maybe I can teach you?

  1. You can come to the show whenever you want. And when other spectators have already taken their places, then boldly go to yours, stepping on everyone’s feet.
  2. If you like the number, stomp and shout during the performance.
  3. If a girl is sitting in front of you, and you can’t see anything because of her head, then pull her pigtail harder so that she bends down.

Magician: Guys, in my opinion, Knopa does not know the rules of conduct in auditorium. Maybe you'd better teach him? The children tell where Knopa is wrong. Magician: Well, we figured it out. And now it’s time to show a couple of gymnastic tricks, because the audience really loves gymnasts.

Room "Acrobats"

It is better to involve all children here. To the music, they take turns tumbling, standing on the bridge, and jumping over each other. And at the end, together with adults or presenters, you can build a pyramid of bodies: everything depends only on the age of the children. Button: How talented our young circus performers are! Can you become real jugglers? I will show you, and you repeat.

Room "Jugglers"

They hand out pipes to the children. The music turns on and Knopa shows the movements that the participants must repeat. Magician: Who have we forgotten about? About the orchestra that plays music for our performance. Let them rest a little, and we will take their place.

Room "Orchestra"

Participants are given instruments - these can be toy drums, pipes, maracas and anything else. If all this is not available, then you can give children any loud-sounding objects (for example, pots and spoons). The music starts and everyone plays their instrument. Magician: We are very sorry to part with such wonderful artists, but nothing can be done - the performance is coming to an end. We will be waiting for you next year! Button: Just don't forget to spend the tokens you win in our buffet: there are a lot of goodies prepared for you! And after a sweet feast, return to our circus arena, where we will arrange a real disco. The children go to the buffet.

If you arrange such a holiday for your child, he will definitely be happy about it, and his friends will want to come to your home next year.

Birthday boy

Number of guests
not limited

4 - 6 years
Duration of the holiday
2 hours
house and yard
Holiday idea
recreate all genres of circus performances
posters, balloons, ribbons, chiffon
red, yellow, blue, orange, green



We considered two options for invitation cards: in the form of a ticket for circus show, and in the shape of a circus tent.

I personally liked the second option better. Firstly, because such a postcard looked very original and mysterious (I just wanted to take a look, but what’s inside?). And secondly, because it’s very easy to make such an invitation with your own hands. For one postcard you need: 2 sheets of white cardboard (10 by 10 cm), red and yellow artistic gouache, a little nail polish (with glitter), scissors, PVA glue.

Step 1. Using a color printer, print the invitation text on a piece of cardboard:

“Dear ______ (guest’s name)! We invite you to become a participant in a big circus performance! Hurry! While you still have the opportunity to choose your own role! Who will you be? An acrobat? Tamer? A clown? The circus tent is located at: ____ (your address), the selection of participants for the performance will begin ___ (date, time). Don't miss your chance! Circus director ______ (name of the birthday boy) _____ he will turn (_ age __) on the day of the performance. A lot depends on his choice!”

The text should be placed in the center, with 4 cm indentations at the top, left and right.

Step 2. On another sheet we draw a tent drawing so that the “entrance” (the T-cut line) is located exactly in the middle. For the drawing we use red and yellow paint. When the yellow lapel dries, apply glitter varnish with a thin brush.

Step 3. Cut the “tent” and glue the two parts of the invitation card together.


As you know, the road to the circus begins with ticket office. We had one like that too!

We made it from a large cardboard box from under the refrigerator. We cut out a window and painted the inscription “Cashier”. Here our little guests exchanged the invitation for a ticket to the circus. If only you could see with what important persons The guys came up to the box office to get a ticket! And also, at the gates of the circus they were met by a huge “air clown” - as a symbol of the future holiday.

The second point is the circus tent

If the weather permits (your holiday falls in the warm season), you can build the main circus arena in the yard. To do this, you will need to set up a garden tent (cone-shaped) and decorate it with bright ribbons, balloons, garlands of flags.

Circus dome

Very interesting point decor (can be used both to decorate a tent in the yard and a playroom in the house) - decorating a circus dome.

To make such beauty you only need a few meters of multi-colored chiffon and a bunch of balloons. In addition, aerial gymnasts' trapezes can be attached to the dome. To do this you will need: a paper towel holder and several meters of clothesline. And place soft toys on the “trapeze” (surely, in every home there are a dozen of these “fluffy gifts”).

During intermission, play shop with your guests.

Set up several outlets (lemonade, popcorn, cotton candy, chips). Let some children “sell” and others “buy”. For this purpose, it is worth stocking up on printed paper “money”.

Help to maintain the fabulous atmosphere of the circus in your home (yard) posters(pictures) depicting the main participants in the performance. If you decorate the walls of a tent (or room) with them, you can create an excellent “presence effect” at a circus performance.

You can also place posters throughout your house (yard). stands with scenes from a circus performance, while cutting out the faces of the main characters (so that your little guests can stick their faces in there and take a photo).


It will be very good if in your invitation to a circus party you indicate the dress code: “come dressed as your favorite animal, clown, etc.” But if such an approach to the holiday is impossible for some reason (the parents of your little guests are too busy to take care of the costume, etc.), prepare the basic details yourself circus costumes.

Clown noses and bright ties

Red foam rubber spouts can be bought on sale, or made at home (it took me exactly 15 minutes to make a spout, a piece of red foam rubber 7 by 7 cm, a couple of drops of rubber glue and a piece of fishing gum). And ties can be cut from inexpensive bright fabric (secured in the same way, using a fishing elastic band) or a piece of wrapping paper for gifts.

Costumes for adults

It is advisable if both mom and dad (and all other volunteer helpers) are dressed in “circus fashion.” Also purchase other themed props for competitions (photo 4).

Talking about the circus is not so simple. Talk about circus genres and even more so about acts,
attractions, entire programs - just a thankless and pointless undertaking. After all, for spectators, the circus is first and foremost a spectacle. And judge for yourself, how can you talk about the spectacle? That's why it's a spectacle to watch!
So I would not so much like to tell you as to show you, using one of the many examples of a motley sea of ​​circus acts, how all this is done. I want you to take a closer look at the “kitchen” of our circus. So that we too become eyewitnesses of the extraordinary and the most ordinary, familiar, nothing that really stands out against the background of ours. Everyday life, a very prosaic process of creating a number and the result of what was suffered and born.
But first, let me make a short digression.
Once at the circus, after a performance, one of the spectators asked a question to one artist: “Well, you rehearse your act for two hours a day, perform with it in the arena for ten minutes and that’s all?” When do you actually work?”
Are additional comments needed on this remark?.........
I won’t bore you with banal truths that circus is courage, risk, beauty, strength, dexterity, etc.
First of all, the circus is WORK!

Circus performers and workers also say this: “Circus is a diagnosis!”
And I would also say: “Circus is a way of life!”
And not ten minutes of performance plus two hours of rehearsal, but all twenty-four hours a day, the masters of miracles - the workers of the circus arena - devote themselves to their favorite work. And then, in the arena filled with lights, we see the result of this work, which remains for each of us a magical holiday, a fireworks display of miracles.
I remember once I already mentioned those who just can’t wait after the performance to take at least one look behind the scenes and become, at least a short time an eyewitness to everything that happens there.

So let's go there - behind the forgang (artistic entrance to the arena). Perhaps then the secret of the birth of the circus act will be revealed to us, at least part of everything that has until now been hidden from our view.

So, get acquainted! Lyubov Timokhina – artist, trainer, creator, director and performer of the “BIKER DOGS” show

Using the example of a small fragment from the life of this artist and her performance, we will learn how all this is done. Despite her young years, Lyuba is an artist with almost twenty years of experience in the circus. She came here, so to speak, by accident. Before this, Lyuba graduated from a vocational school and worked for a while at a garment factory. Of course, she also had good sports training. Even as a child, the girl studied rhythmic gymnastics. So, without the participation of sports in her life, Lyubov might not have decided to choose a life filled with the romance of wanderings and constant nomadism. And later it happened, Lyuba became the wife of also a young, aspiring circus performer. Then everything went along a well-worn straight line. She began rehearsing with her husband, and later began working on the “Roller Skating Acrobats” act.

Like many people, life always prepares unexpected turns of fate. This cup did not pass our heroine either. The marriage turned out to be unstable and they soon had to separate.

Then the young artist had the opportunity to realize herself creatively. Lyuba began to prepare a new act on her own.
And here I want to make a short digression.
The circus has many different genre acts. Jugglers and gymnasts, tightrope walkers and vaulters, horse riders and stuntmen, magicians and trainers. That's why it's a circus, to amaze us, the spectators, with a kaleidoscope of acts of different design and complexity and entire attractions. It has always been this way, and, at first glance, it may seem that you won’t find anything new here. BUT! This is the quintessence of circus diversity, that each act not only should, but MUST be unique, inimitable, original, memorable and unlike other acts of a similar genre.
But it’s not that simple!
A trick plus an excellent acting performance, plus an interesting plot and many, many other advantages - this is the secret of success and the path to it.
And where does the work itself begin?
At first glance, everything is very simple. As the Great Michelangelo said, “To make a beautiful sculpture, it is enough to take a block of marble and cut off everything superfluous and unnecessary from it.” It’s about the same thing in the circus when creating a performance. But this is theoretical. But practically?

In the beginning, as usual, an idea is born. Then, like everything new, the circus act appears on paper in the form of a script proposal.
And then running around the offices of the circus department, waiting for all kinds of meetings and meetings, defending your brainchild in front of the strict and incorruptible Arts Council. It is necessary to prove, convince, insist and again write hundreds of sheets of paper, and again prove sometimes even the most common truths. The response, as a rule, is indifferent: “Do we need another issue of this genre?” or “The idea is good, but we don’t have the money” or else – “It’s simply impossible and unrealistic to do this! It will only be a waste of time and the same money.”

And so, having proven, convinced and re-convinced numerous officials that the act will be prepared without interruption from the main work, that animals, props and costumes will be purchased at your own expense, you force the motionless flywheel of the bureaucratic machine to still spin in favor of the plan. Preparatory and rehearsal process. They don’t understand you, and sometimes they just get in your way, each time creating some kind of far-fetched obstacles related either to rehearsal time, or to the provision of food and necessary props, or even specifically and purposefully to ruin the idea itself in the bud.

Hours add up to days, days to weeks, weeks to months. And these months seem like long years of literally hard labor.
Perhaps this is true. After all, sometimes it takes years to prepare and develop a new trick. It happens!
Again, let me make a short digression from the topic. In the theater, an artist is required to do only one thing - PLAY A ROLE! All other organizational and auxiliary work is done by the corresponding workshops: a makeup artist will work on the complex makeup, the decorations and all the props will be made by the design workshop, there is also someone to do costumes and shoes. And this whole process is led by the head of the production department. This is his “headache”. Before the performance, the costume designer will bring a ready-made, ironed costume to the makeup room and will also help you get dressed; if the costume has too many complex details, the makeup artist and hairdresser will work on the hair and face. That's all! It's time to show your skills on stage for the audience to judge. In the circus, it's not like that! The artist is here in his act, as they say, “a Swede, a reaper, and a pipe player.” That is, he is his own costume designer, prop man, make-up artist, and manager. staging part.

And besides this, there is also a veterinarian, if necessary, and much, much more. After all, the partners in numbers are unusual, and the creatures are of a very cool disposition. Training a group of Caucasian Shepherd Dogs, which are popularly called Wolfhounds, is no joke! And there are no such numbers in the circus system yet. This is also the uniqueness of the plan.

But the circus is also everyday life. Imagine life in a foreign city, in the official and not always comfortable walls of a hostel for artists, where all the same questions, and sometimes problems, that you and I face at every step: two children, the school where the eldest son studies, care taking care of your youngest son, doing laundry, going to the shops and the market, and sometimes it’s not a sin to think about leisure time. And all this falls on the same shoulders.

Previously, when I was just starting my circus career, it was clearly not clear to me why circus performers live so secluded, why they don’t visit theaters, libraries, and admire local historical and architectural sights. After all, by the nature of their activity, this seems to be almost their responsibility. Having lived a certain part of my life in the circus, I began to understand the reason for this. True, even now I do not justify or support them in this. After all, an artist is a creative being and his work must first of all remain intellectual. It’s impossible without this!

And again work!
So hot summer gives way Golden autumn. It is replaced by a harsh snow-white winter, and later the beautiful spring announces its arrival with a ringing drop.
There are only a few weeks left until the long-awaited and such an exciting moment when Lyuba will appear before the demanding commission (after everything described above) with the results of her work. And then there will be an even more important and responsible test for her - performing in front of the audience.

You just have to believe and hope that it will be successful. How else could it be otherwise?! After all, so much work, and energy, and sleepless nights, and stressful days were spent on preparing the act and lived with it!
I'm sure this bright day will come! Will definitely come! There will be applause, the first bouquets of flowers, congratulations and friendly wishes. There will be a holiday in the life of this purposeful artist.
It’s just a pity that joyful moments pass so quickly, and gray everyday life occurs more and more often. That is life! And here nothing can be added or subtracted. We chose it for ourselves.





Released in 1970 Feature Film Gleb Panfilov "The Beginning". Starring Inna Churikova and Leonid Kuravlev.

There was such an episode. Set. The scene of the execution of Joan of Arc is being filmed. But the heroine is not at all in the mood and is not ready for filming. Something always bothers her. She can’t concentrate. The director is nervous, the extras are waiting. All the support services are waiting. But it’s still not possible to film the scene Hours pass, but the result is still the same. And then the director manages to make one of his “provocations.” When the heroine, having listed everything and everyone who is preventing her from concentrating, explains that her hands are also interfering with her, the director gives the command “Saw.” hands!” The actress calms down, composes herself and plays exactly as required! seconds,” he answers.
This is how it is to prepare a performance in a circus - weeks, months, and sometimes years, for the sake of ten minutes of performance in the arena. But still, what ten minutes is that! Is there anything else worth adding to what has been said?

A home circus sounds cool and unusual. This is ideal for the scenario children's day birth. Find out how to organize a holiday and arrange a home circus or a party in the circus itself in this article.

It's no secret that a birthday in childhood is an expected and magical holiday. And, of course, the role of parents is very important here. You need to organize a holiday, think through everything down to the smallest detail. It is also necessary not to forget that it is a children’s party that needs to be organized, and, as you know, it has its own specifics. To make the celebration truly memorable, you can choose a circus as the main theme. After all, who among the children does not love the circus, especially the home circus.

Doing this is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. First you need to calculate the number of people who will attend the holiday. Each guest needs a costume if not just a performance is planned, but the participation of all those present. It is better for the organizers to take care of this in advance, since not everyone can responsibly respond to requests to come in costumes.

Costumes can be quite simple. For example, party hats for everyone or clown noses. These attributes can be given as input. A fakir costume consisting of a headdress and a cape is ideal for dad. Mom can dress up in a tightrope walker costume. Grandparents can make their own clown costumes. But the most important thing is to come up with an original costume for the birthday boy. It should stand out from everyone else.

There are several options for how to make a home circus - yourself or order a service from a company that specializes in holding children's parties. In this case, the company will take care of the script, costumes, etc. Parents may only be asked to buy necessary items. If you decide to organize a home circus, then everyone needs to come up with funny pseudonyms and interesting acts.

Dressed in a fakir costume, dad can perform simple tricks with a coin disappearing or come up with some experiments that will be not only interesting, but also useful for children. If you have a pet in the house, you can practice simple tricks with it. Everyone can take part in the performance - you can play funny scene, taking as a basis some anecdote. Or maybe one of the guests is involved in rhythmic gymnastics, then a number with a hoop or ribbon will be very useful.

But the circus can be done not only at home. You can arrange a child's birthday at the circus. This event will definitely be remembered for a lifetime. In order to celebrate a child's birthday at the circus, you must contact and coordinate all issues with the circus administration in advance.

Of course, making sure that the child is congratulated right during the performance is quite problematic and, most likely, the administration will not give its consent to this. But it is quite possible to organize a trip to the backstage after the performance. The birthday boy can also be given a gift by his favorite characters. It is only worth taking care of its transfer into the hands of the artists in advance in order to avoid awkward and sometimes ridiculous situations.

Undoubtedly, a child will be interested in seeing how the circus lives behind the scenes. You can organize a short excursion, and after that you can return and put on a show at home.

In the end, you can come up with any scenario - a birthday, a circus at which main topic or a zoo, or an amusement park, or a masquerade ball - the child will remember it in any case. The main thing is to do everything with love. After all, birthdays only come once a year.

Are you planning to organize a children's party or a child's birthday party in nature, but can't come up with a scenario? A holiday for children can be, for example, on a circus theme - any competitions for accuracy, do-it-yourself stilts, as well as a soap bubble show are suitable.

We invite you to the circus booth! We will not have a modern circus, but a tent. The same as before, when artists traveled in wagons to different cities and set up their tents on central squares. They were all one team and helped each other. A real circus is not only fun, but also the ability to make props, and training to hone your skills, and caring for the audience.

The games and competitions presented here are united by the theme of the circus. But they are all universal - you can get creative and apply them to anyone children's party. The main thing is that your child likes the theme of the holiday and accepts it with enthusiasm.

A real juggler needs to be able to create his own props. Don't forget that our circus is a traveling circus and we do everything ourselves.

Regular balls are too light and completely unsuitable for real artists. Therefore, we will make not only balls that you can throw several at a time and learn to juggle, but also expanders for training the muscles of the hand.

We will need:

  • air balloons
  • small packages
  • filler (grain, legumes, corn, flour, sugar, salt, earth, sand, sawdust)
  • cups, tin cans, etc.

  1. To make one ball, take two balloon and cut off the tails from them.
  2. Pour enough filler into a plastic bag so that your future ball fits well in your hand. Release excess air and seal the bag.
  3. Now squeeze the bag into a round shape. Push this little bag into one of the balls, and put the other ball on the opposite side. Finally give it a round shape - and the ball is ready. The competition can begin.

You can easily make a ball from an old sock. Take a sock and cut off the part that once warmed your toes. Fill the resulting bag with buckwheat or rice and sew it, hiding the seams inside and giving your future ball the shape of a ball. You can play football with this ball at home, and it feels very pleasant to the touch.

Accurate shooter. Take a few cups or empty cans. Arrange them in a row or build a pyramid out of them. Children can take turns throwing balls, trying to knock down the cans.

We pump up the muscles. When the games are over, you can start training. To do this, let the child take the ball and crush it in his hands. If you do this long and often, your arms will become strong.

Juggling. Now you can learn to juggle. Let your child take two balls and throw them into the air one after another, catching them and throwing them from one hand to the other. When it turns out flawlessly, you can add a third ball, and then a fourth. It all depends only on the perseverance of the young circus performer.

Let's move on to dangerous stunts. We will learn the same way as trapeze artists and tightrope walkers do.

They walk high above our heads on thin ropes, and also perform jumps and all kinds of pirouettes, making the audience freeze with delight. All these exercises would be impossible if it were not for a person’s ability to maintain balance. This is what we have to learn.

We will need:

  • tin cans (preferably strong square ones)
  • 2 ropes
  • rubber bands
  • awl or can opener
  • colored paper
  • spray paint
  1. To make the simplest stilts, you will need our favorite circus props - tin cans. First cover them with colored paper or paint them with spray paint.
  2. In each jar, stepping back a little from the edge, punch two holes on opposite sides. Thread a rope through them so that both ends fit inside the jar. Tie the rope and pull it tight. The knot will be inside.
  3. The result was real stilts. They are difficult and dangerous to walk on (try it yourself!), and children will need insurance at first.

For younger children, you can take low cans, for example, from canned fish, and instead of ropes, attach elastic bands around the circumference of the baby’s feet. You will get funny stilt slippers.

Any circus performance ends with a bright final show. Soap bubble show - what could be more memorable! Moreover, we ourselves will learn how to make both a solution for soap bubbles and sticks. And we’ll even try to blow giant soap bubbles. Everyone will be surprised when they see this transparent miracle shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow!

For solution:

  • 1 liter of distilled water (you can use boiled water)
  • glycerol
  • 25 g gelatin
  • 250 ml dishwashing detergent, shampoo or liquid soap
  • 100 g sugar

For curly sticks:

  • wooden sticks (sharp ends should be cut off)
  • chenille wire

For large sticks:

  • long sticks
  • rope (preferably twine or wool)
  • bead or nut
  • scotch

The solution must be made in advance to allow it to infuse, at least the night before the performance. It can be stored for quite a long time.

  1. Let the gelatin swell with a little water. Then heat the gelatin solution (do not bring to a boil!), add sugar and stir. Cool, add glycerin to the warm gelatin solution (at least a little - you won’t be able to do without it) and detergent. Stir and let it infuse.

  1. Now let's move on to the most interesting part - making bubble sticks. To make one stick, take two pieces of chenille wire and twist them together to secure it. From the resulting blank you can create any shapes, from simple geometric to complex - abstract, in the shape of animals or people.

Children will do a great job with this task themselves, and at the same time choose shapes for their bubbles. Then attach the wire figure to the stick, adding a little glue at the joints to help it stick better.

Using sticks is very convenient for blowing bubbles: just dip them into the solution and wave them in different directions. Everything will work out even for kids who can’t cope with store-bought soap bubble kits.

  1. And we definitely need to learn how to blow huge bubbles. Take two long sticks. Cut off the sharp ends. Make a ring from the rope by tying the ends and threading a bead or other weight into the knot. Tape the rope ring to the sticks so that the weight is in the middle of the lower, longer part of the rope ring.

Now dip the rope into the bowl of solution, keeping both sticks together. When pulling out, slowly spread the sticks, moving the ring to the side and forming a huge bubble.