How to make homemade goat cheese. Delicious and healthy goat's milk cheese

The more we learn about modern ways cooking and food storage conditions, the stronger the desire to remember long-forgotten home recipes and apply them in practice.

You can be completely confident in the quality of a self-prepared product, especially if it goat cheese.

It got its name due to the fact that it is not prepared from cow's milk, like most dairy products, but from goat.

How to make cheese from goat milk: product benefits

The beneficial properties of goat cheese are extensive and varied. Unlike cow's milk, goat's milk is well absorbed in the body and does not cause an allergy response. Homemade goat cheese has such beneficial substances and microelements as:


Vitamins B and D.

The advantage of cheese is its low calorie content. It has low cholesterol content. Therefore, it is ideal for people who want to get rid of excess weight. The antioxidants it contains help the body resist infectious agents and carcinogens. Cheese product from goat milk It has a characteristic taste with pungency and a pure white color. It is ideal with white wines and as a snack with beer.

Advantages of goat cheese over cow cheese:

The set of microelements and beneficial substances of goat cheese is easier and faster to digest;

A large number of calcium in the composition makes the product useful for people with joint diseases;

The absence of allergic reactions makes cheese a unique product that can be consumed even by people allergic to lactose.

To make goat cheese at home, you do not need a lot of time, effort and money. You just need to find fresh goat milk to create dietary product, the rest of the ingredients will be minimal. But it all depends on the type of cheese you want.

Recipe for hard varieties: how to make cheese from goat's milk

To make hard cheese from goat milk, you will need the following set of products:

Directly goat milk itself in the amount of 3 liters;

Homemade or store-bought cottage cheese - 1 kilogram;

One egg;

1 teaspoon of soda;

A small pinch of salt;

And half a glass vegetable oil.

Cooking steps:

1. First you need to pour the goat's milk into a saucepan and bring the liquid to a boil. Add all the prepared cottage cheese to the boiling milk and, stirring thoroughly, cook over high heat for another 20 minutes.

2. After the time has passed, transfer the curd and milk mass into a colander and wait until it is completely separated from the liquid. Then you need to transfer the raw materials to another container, for example, a bowl.

3. Add all other ingredients to the milk and curd raw materials. The mass must be thoroughly kneaded and placed in a bowl to simmer in a water bath for about 10 minutes. You need to detect them after the water boils.

4. Hard cheese is almost ready. All that remains is to remove the raw materials from the water bath and transfer them to a prepared plastic bottle, the neck of which has been cut off in advance. The cheese must be compacted tightly into the bottle. Then we put the filled bottle in the refrigerator so that the cheese has time to cool completely. It is better to store the cheese in the same bottle in the freezer; this will not affect its quality, and the taste will remain the same.

Soft and processed types: how to make cheese from goat milk

The following recipe will help you make soft cheese from goat milk. It will require the following components:

The main ingredient is goat milk in the amount of 2 liters;

400 gram package of sour cream, you can also take a homemade product;

6 pieces of chicken eggs;

2 regular tablespoons of salt, pour them without a slide.

How to make soft cheese:

Step 1. Boil milk with salt.

Step 2. At the same time, beat 6 eggs and mix them with sour cream.

Step 3. When the milk finally boils, pour the whipped sour cream and egg mixture into it and wait for the new mixture to boil. The result should be the separation of whey from the mixture.

Step 4. Pour our mixture into a colander; it is better to do this through gauze folded several times. Excess liquid should drain from it.

Step 5. When the whey has completely drained, wrap the future cheese in gauze and place it under a press. It can be created by placing cheese between two plates or boards, on top of which a weight of no more than 1 kg of weight is placed.

Step 6. In such conditions, the cheese should lie for about 5 hours, and then in the same gauze it must be transferred to a bowl and placed in the refrigerator for several hours to cool. The product is ready.

To make processed cheese, we need a ready-made product based on goat's milk - this is cottage cheese. In total we will need:

Half a kilogram of goat curd;

Butter (a couple of tablespoons);

A teaspoon of baking soda and a pinch of salt.


First you will need to melt the butter in a stainless steel pan. Squeeze the cottage cheese thoroughly, add salt and soda to it and also place it in the same pan. The mass being cooked over the fire must be constantly stirred so that it does not burn. The cottage cheese will begin to melt and acquire a consistency similar to processed cheese. At this point, you will need to transfer the product into a mold so that it hardens there. At this final stage it is possible to give the future processed cheese a characteristic taste, for example, by adding herbs or a certain seasoning.

Cooking delicious feta cheese, or how to make cheese from goat's milk

The cheese, beloved by many, can be made not only from cow’s milk, but also from goat’s milk. His recipe is quite simple. If you come across goat's milk, you can easily find the rest of the ingredients on your farm. So, we will need:

6 liters of goat milk;

200 grams of 6% vinegar;

A little salt.

Let's start cooking:

1. It is imperative to start creating feta cheese by straining the milk through cheesecloth to avoid getting animal hair into the finished product. In principle, this rule applies to the preparation of any other types of homemade cheeses.

2. Put the milk on the fire and wait for it to boil, stirring slowly. Add salt and vinegar to the boiling liquid.

3. The result should be the consistency of whey, on the surface of which small pieces of cheese will form.

4. Using a slotted spoon, catch them and place them on a plate with gauze.

5. The cheese will need to be squeezed out well.

6. All that remains is to place the product under the press and leave it in a cool place to cool completely. When this happens, it means the product is ready for use.

You can prepare absolutely any amount of cheese in this recipe. The estimated calculation of vinegar is 100 grams for every 3 liters of goat milk.

How to make goat's milk cheese extraordinarily tender

Cheese with the most delicate taste, which will not leave even the most picky gourmets indifferent, is prepared quite simply. For it you will need the following set of products:

Fresh goat milk in a volume of 2 liters;

Two full tablespoons of cottage cheese and sour cream, you can take both homemade and store-bought products;

Salt in the amount of one teaspoon;

Vinegar. One spoon of this substance will be useful if the milk does not curdle well.

Let's start preparing soft cheese:

1. Put the milk on the fire and heat it to 50 °C.

2. Grind the cottage cheese with milk and add this mass to the heated liquid.

3. Salt the solution and bring to a boil.

4. Reduce the heat to low and add the prepared sour cream to the milk.

5. Next you have to keep your eyes on the mixture, constantly stirring it until the milk begins to thicken. This should happen within a maximum of 15 minutes. If this does not happen, then it is time to add vinegar.

6. The resulting curd should be transferred to gauze stretched over a sieve.

7. Leave our mass lying in this position, cover it on top with a napkin, preferably made of fabric, pressing it with a small weight on top. Its weight should not exceed 300 grams.

8. After an hour, you will receive the most delicate goat cheese, which can be served.

More information about goat milk

The benefits of goat milk are enormous. Experts highlight it as a unique remedy traditional medicine. It helps cope with the following diseases:



Sexual weakness;



Liver diseases;


Goat milk is not only a hypoallergenic product, but also can treat allergies. Therefore, it is not surprising that milk is used to produce such a healthy and versatile product as goat cheese.

Dairy products are in great demand among the population. They should be in the diet of every person; they should be eaten by small children, adults, and the elderly. However, it is worth noting that industrially produced dairy products do not always meet quality standards. Therefore, many housewives try to prepare them on their own. Goat milk cheese is considered one of the healthiest dairy products. It has enormous nutritional value and contains a lot of vital elements. Let's talk about how to make homemade goat's milk cheese, we'll give a proven recipe and discuss the preparation of such a product in a little more detail.

The easiest recipe for homemade goat cheese

To prepare such a dish you need to prepare two liters, thirty to fifty grams of salt and four tablespoons of vinegar (9%).

Making goat's milk cheese. First, place the pan of milk on the stove. Bring it to a boil and pour vinegar into the container while stirring constantly. The milk should begin to curdle. Keep the pan on the stove until it forms a fairly dense curd. Place it in a colander and line it with gauze. After all the whey has drained from the future cheese, transfer it to a bowl and add salt. Mash the cheese and salt thoroughly and form it into a thick flat cake.

Place the workpiece in a cast iron frying pan (dry) and place it over medium heat. After the cheese has melted, set the container in a fairly cool place. Wait for the goat cheese to set. After this, the dish can be considered ready for consumption.

How to make homemade goat's milk cheese tender and tender?

Use this recipe. To prepare such a dish, you need to prepare a couple of liters of milk, two tablespoons of full-fat sour cream, the same amount of cottage cheese, a teaspoon and a tablespoon of vinegar (you may not need it).

Heat the milk to about forty to fifty degrees. Mash the cottage cheese with a fork with a small amount of milk, add it to the pan with the rest of the milk. Add salt to the mixture and bring it to a boil. After the milk starts to boil, add sour cream. Stir the heating mixture constantly and wait until the milk forms a curd. If after ten to fifteen minutes this does not happen, pour vinegar into the pan. Throw the resulting clot onto a sieve, covering it with gauze. Cover the cheese with a cloth napkin and press down the cheese with any suitable weight (weighing two hundred to three hundred grams). After an hour, the cooked goat cheese can be eaten.

Delicious goat cheese

This version of goat cheese has a fairly high calorie content, but it has remarkable taste qualities. To prepare it, you need to prepare two liters of goat milk, four hundred grams, six and a couple of tablespoons of table salt.

First of all, beat the sour cream and eggs thoroughly. Place the milk on the fire, heat it well and add salt. Add the sour cream and egg mixture to the hot milk. With constant stirring, bring the thick mixture almost to a boil. After the curd has formed, place it on a three-layer gauze napkin. Carefully tie the corners of the gauze, hang the resulting knot over the sink or over a suitable container (the whey will drip into it). Once the cheese has completely stopped dripping, place it on a fairly wide board. Place the same board on top and fix a weight on it - a two-liter jar filled with water. After five to six hours, place the cheese in the refrigerator and wait until it hardens.

Homemade goat cheese with kefir

This is one of the varieties simple recipe goat cheese. To prepare it, prepare one and a half liters of goat milk, a liter of kefir and a teaspoon of salt.

Making homemade goat cheese. Pour into a suitable enamel container and heat over medium heat until boiling. Place the clots that have formed on the surface onto a sieve. You won't need them. Strain the whey and leave for a couple of days at room temperature (in extreme heat, the settling time can be reduced by a day).

Then heat the goat milk in a separate container until it boils. Pour kefir whey into the boiling liquid. Pretty soon the milk will begin to curdle and form clumps. This mass needs to be strained and salted. Place the resulting clots in cheesecloth and hang it over the sink to drain the cheese. excess liquid. Then put the cheese under pressure for two to three hours (how to do this is described in the previous recipe), and drain the resulting whey from it. After this time has expired, put the cheese directly under pressure in the refrigerator for eight to ten hours.

Hard cheese from goat milk

To prepare this version of cheese, prepare three liters of goat milk, a kilogram (store-bought or homemade), one egg, twelve grams, a pinch of salt and one hundred milliliters of vegetable oil.

Pour the milk into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Pour the cottage cheese into the container and cook with constant stirring over low heat for twenty minutes. Place the resulting mass in a colander and wait until the excess whey drains from it. Place the resulting mixture in a bowl. Mix the egg with soda, oil and salt into it. Mix thoroughly and place in a boiling water bath, where you cook the cheese mixture for ten minutes.

Compact the resulting product into a plastic bottle; cut off the neck of it. Place the filled container in the refrigerator and wait until it cools completely. You can store this cheese directly in the bottle.

Additional Information

Goat milk is an amazingly healthy product. It can be used for the preparation of various dairy products and even for the treatment of many pathological conditions. So traditional medicine specialists claim that such a product helps. To prepare the medicine, you need to boil the milk and cool it slightly. Dissolve a teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of badger or goat fat in it. Drink the resulting cocktail in small sips and go to bed.

Pour the oats into a suitable container up to half a glass, fill it with milk to the top and place in a hot oven. As it boils, add milk into the container. After the oats have completely steamed, cool the broth. Take it a couple of tablespoons three or four times a day.

Traditional medicine experts say that goat's milk can be used for... To do this, pour a tablespoon of carrot seeds into a glass of goat milk and boil it like jelly with half a teaspoon of starch. This remedy should be taken cooled, in the morning on an empty stomach. Repeat the dose for twenty-eight days.

If you suffer from , dilute a quarter teaspoon of garlic juice in half a glass of fresh goat milk. Drink every day in the morning on an empty stomach.

Healers claim that goat's milk can be used as a good cure for. To achieve a therapeutic effect, you need to combine the juice squeezed from one medium carrot with a glass of fresh milk. Drink on an empty stomach, then do not eat anything for an hour. Repeat daily.

For patients suffering from, traditional medicine experts advise diluting five to ten drops of birch tar in a glass of warmed goat milk. Take a third of a glass three times a day.

Curdled milk or goat's milk cottage cheese will help cope with. To prepare the medicine, you need to combine such raw materials with finely chopped wormwood. Apply the resulting mixture like a cake to the affected area and secure with a band-aid.

If you are worried about a severe migraine, break one raw chicken egg into a glass of just boiled milk. Shake quickly and drink hot on an empty stomach. Repeat for one week.

Healers claim that goat's milk is a good treatment for allergies. To prepare the medicine, you need to brew two hundred grams of crushed birch coals with one liter of goat's milk. Boil for a quarter of an hour, then leave overnight (six to eight hours). Take half a glass of the strained drink every half hour.

Goat cheese is an amazingly healthy product that you can easily prepare on your own at home. And the main ingredient for its preparation – goat’s milk – has a lot of medicinal qualities.


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  • 2 liters of fresh goat milk;
  • 1 teaspoon of citric acid;
  • 1/2 teaspoon of fine kitchen salt;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of finely chopped greens (optional).

Cooking process:

To begin, mix 1 teaspoon of citric acid with a quarter glass of water.
Stir until the acid is completely dissolved.

Heat the milk in a saucepan over medium heat until about 88 degrees. C. (check using a thermometer).

Reduce the heat to low and pour the citric acid solution into the milk. Mix thoroughly.

Heat the pan over low heat for one minute, keeping the temperature no more than 90 degrees Celsius. You will almost immediately see the milk curdle. Don't bring it to a boil!
Remove the pan from the heat, cover with a lid. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes.

Prepare a colander by placing it over a wide bowl. Line a colander with a piece of gauze folded several times. Strain the cottage cheese through cheesecloth. Collect whey from milk - this is a unique, also very healthy product. Don't throw it away!

After the cottage cheese has stood in a colander for 5-10 minutes, gently mix it with 1/2 teaspoon of fine salt (not iodized!). Taste to your taste and add more salt if needed.

Separate half of the resulting curd mass and add fresh chopped parsley (or other herbs, for example green onions, dill, or coriander). I divided the goat curd into two parts and added chopped onion to one half.

Squeeze out the remaining moisture through cheesecloth (don't overdo it! The goat cheese should be soft). Place it in plastic molds or wrap it in a wax paper roll. Place it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, where it will reach its final elastic consistency.

Serve homemade goat cheese with herbs with vegetable salad.
Pure cheese without additives is very good with honey and a cup of coffee, with white bread and butter - whatever suits your taste.
Bon appetit!

Goat milk is one of the healthiest dairy products. Therefore, if it is available, you can prepare very tasty goat cheese at home. You won’t find this delicacy in the store, since they only sell products made with goat’s milk.

And the homemade product comes out real and very tender, so all family members and guests will appreciate it. You can make goat cheese at home in a variety of ways.

We offer you options simple recipes making cheese from goat's milk yourself, if, of course, you have fresh milk available or the opportunity to purchase it.

What is goat cheese made of?

Many people know that goat's milk, compared to cow's milk, has more useful properties, since it contains a higher percentage of vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12 and D, including phosphorus and calcium. At the same time, goat milk is absorbed faster by the body. However, store it in pure form You can’t even keep it in the refrigerator for a long time, so it is recommended to make homemade cheese from it.

The main advantages of this product include:

  • lower fat content;
  • has virtually no cholesterol;
  • contains more calcium;
  • does not cause an allergic reaction.

Now all that’s left is to choose a recipe to quickly make cheese at home with your own hands and try not only a tasty, but also a healthy dairy product.

In stores, the price of goat fat leaves much to be desired, and home production This product is much cheaper. In addition, every housewife will know what ingredients were used and what kind of processing they were subjected to.

Homemade goat cheese recipe calls for minimum set products, and the essence of the process is to heat the milk and add an acidic ingredient to it, due to which the mass curdles, forming the consistency of soft cottage cheese. In the future, you will need to strain and infuse the mixture.

Classic goat cheese

To do this you will need the following products:

  • goat milk - 2 l;
  • salt to taste (about 1.5-2 tablespoons);
  • vinegar - 4 tbsp. spoons.

It is necessary to pour the milk into the pan and bring it to a boil. While stirring with a wooden spatula, gradually pour in the vinegar. The milk will begin to curdle, and when it has already acquired a dense consistency, the pan must be removed from the heat.

Line a colander with gauze, preferably in several layers, and pour the mass of cottage cheese into it. After this, you need to add salt and make a tight circle out of gauze. The resulting workpiece must be heated in a cast-iron frying pan until melted, and then remove the container with the cottage cheese mixture to a cool place. When the mass hardens, which will take approximately 2-4 hours, homemade goat milk cheese will be ready for use.

You can also slightly change the cooking process. When the milk curdles when adding vinegar, you need to remove the mass of curd from the surface with a slotted spoon. Transfer it to gauze in a colander, squeeze it out first with your hands, almost ready cheese, and then put him under pressure. At this stage, the product can be given any desired shape, because it is under pressure that it will solidify in a given position under the influence of cold temperature.

Goat milk cheese can be made not only of a soft consistency, but also of a hard one. This delicacy will be especially appreciated by people who watch their figure, because it is low in calories.

To make hard goat meat yourself, you will need the following components:

  • goat milk - 3 l;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • weight of cottage cheese (homemade or store-bought) - 1 kg;
  • soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt to taste (about a pinch);
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml.

Pour milk into a saucepan, bring to a boil, then add cottage cheese. After this, the heat must be reduced and the mixture held for another 20 minutes, stirring constantly. The cooked mixture should be placed in a colander and later, when the excess liquid has drained, it should be transferred to a separate container. Now you need to add the remaining ingredients to the cottage cheese mass and mix everything well. Place the container in a water bath and cook for another 10 minutes after the water boils. This action is required so that the finished product does not crumble as a result.

Cut off plastic bottle top and place the almost finished cheese into it, while trying to compact it tightly. The filled container should be placed in the refrigerator to cool, and for a longer shelf life, it is better to put the goat cheese in the freezer, where it will not lose its beneficial properties. This recipe can be supplemented with your favorite spices and herbs. Bon appetit!

Goat cheese is a storehouse of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that our body constantly needs. In addition, this type of cheese is low in calories compared to other types.

Apart from all the beneficial properties, this product also has other advantages.

One of the main ones is its culinary use. It is used in salads and a wide variety of dishes, to which it, as an ingredient, gives a wonderful flavor.

Goat cheese “Homemade”

Making this cheese is not too difficult, but it requires care.

First you need to remove the cream from the milk - the top thick layer. After this, the milk is placed in a saucepan over medium heat.

When the milk boils, you will need to reduce the heat and add vinegar. After this, you need to start stirring the milk so that it curdles faster and better.

After the milk has thickened, you need to strain it through cheesecloth. We need all the clot that remains in the gauze. It is advisable to leave it suspended on gauze for a day so that the milk drips completely.

The next day you need to take the curd, salt it and knead it thoroughly, like dough. Then knead it into a flat cake and put it in a thick frying pan, which you put on the fire. You will need to wait until the cheese melts.

When it becomes liquid, remove it from the heat so that it can thicken. After all these manipulations, the product is ready, all that remains is to cut it and sprinkle with caraway seeds.

Homemade cheese “Soft”

Cooking time 35 min. + 24 hours of infusion. Calorie content – ​​275 kcal.

You need to put the milk on low heat and bring it to a boil. When the foam starts to rise, you need to add cottage cheese and start stirring for 3-5 minutes. After the milk has curdled, you need to strain it through cheesecloth and take the curd that remains in the gauze. It is advisable to squeeze this clot thoroughly to remove excess liquid or leave it hanging in gauze for a day.

After this, you need to mix the egg, salt and butter until smooth. Afterwards, mix it all with the clot and put it in a water bath until the mass melts. Then you need to pour it into the form you need and wait until it thickens - it is advisable to place a press on top.

Goat cheese "Hard"

Cooking time – 30 minutes. + 24 hours of infusion. Calorie content – ​​280 kcal.

You need to take sour goat milk and add eggs to it, then stir until smooth.

After this, take fresh milk, add salt to it and put it on the fire, starting to stir. Then you need to slowly pour the mixture of sour milk and eggs, remembering to stir.

Cooking is required until a thick mass, reminiscent of curd, forms on the surface. All this must be filtered through cheesecloth and leave only the curd mass. You will need to squeeze it thoroughly to get rid of all the unnecessary liquid.

After all the manipulations, the resulting mass should be placed under a press overnight, or for a day - the more, the better. Well, that's all - the product is ready.

  1. It is worth saying that if you have an ulcer or gastritis, it is not recommended to consume goat cheese, or you may need to reduce the amount of this product. The fact is that it has high acidity, which will have a bad effect on such gastrointestinal disorders;
  2. Store cheese homemade Can be used for 2-3 weeks and preferably in the refrigerator. It is better to put it in a bag, so it will be less susceptible to bacteria and, as a result, will not spoil soon;
  3. Among the drinks, wine, beer and coffee are very suitable for this product. The combined taste of the drink and cheese will be great;
  4. Cheese does not have a specific smell, unlike goat milk, which is a good reason to transform milk into a more tasty and healthy product;
  5. The prepared delicacy can be added to various, even everyday, dishes.

Bon appetit!