Open a finishing work company. Minimum set of equipment. How much money do you need to open?

How to open an apartment renovation company: registration + 4 options for doing business + list of personnel + 4 solutions for attracting clients + financial calculations.

Capital investments in business: 330,800 rubles.
Payback period of the company: from 5 months.

How to open an apartment renovation company- The idea is good, although not new. However, to successfully enter the market, quickly gain clients and perform high-quality work, you need serious preparation.

Treat it with full responsibility!

News this type business without knowledge of the types of work, how to perform them, building materials, extremely difficult!

Most likely, you already understand something about the topic of repairs, since the thought of your own business in such a difficult direction has come into your head.

Usually, people who have worked in blue-collar repair jobs, superintendents, etc. come into this business.

But you need to understand that in addition to specialized knowledge, it is necessary to have an understanding of demand, that is, to conduct a market analysis.

Apartment renovations will also be required. And, of course, as experienced owners of apartment renovation companies say: “it spins and spins again.”

This article contains all the information that will help you get off to the right start.

Apartment renovation business: is it worth starting?

Let's look at the pros and cons of this business:

Relevance and market analysis

And immediately the good news is that the statistics are reassuring! Despite the crisis, housing is being purchased and built. The same statistics show that only 5% of people do repairs on their own. Others prefer to hire professionals.

Developers usually rent out apartments with bare walls or minimal finishing, which, of course, implies renovation.

And people buying a home most often include future renovations of a new home as expenses.

In addition to the renovations that are done after purchasing a home, they also carry out continuous renovations of apartments (on average once every 7-10 years). But all this is general information.

The analysis must be carried out based on the realities of the market in which you plan to work. If we are talking about major cities with a large population and constant construction is one thing.

A small regional center where there is no work is completely different.

Considering that the difference in costs for starting an apartment renovation business in big city and in the outback is small, we advise you to immediately focus on the “advanced” market.

So, when analyzing the market, pay attention to:

  • the number of the city's population and its solvency;
  • availability of primary housing under construction;
  • statistics for recent years in the field of purchase and sale (the easiest way to find such information is on the Internet resources of realtors in your region);
  • analyze competitors: their number, specialization, services provided, prices.

Detailed business plan for apartment renovation

1) Registration of an apartment renovation company

Since Soviet times, when business was banned, the habit of working “under the table” has remained. This trend is especially noticeable in the area of ​​apartment renovation.

This is also due to the fact that it is quite difficult for the tax service to monitor the provision of such services - cash simply changes hands.

The choice of organizational and legal form (individual entrepreneur or LLC) depends on whether you intend to carry out minor or major repairs.

To speed up the process, registering an apartment renovation company can be entrusted to intermediaries. Or do it yourself, which will save you several thousand rubles.

So the plan is:

2) Premises and equipment for running an apartment renovation business

You may need an office and warehouse for your business.

We suggest you consider these options:

  • do without them - communication with clients and signing of documents can be carried out on the customer’s premises, and construction materials can be delivered to the site directly from the market;
  • negotiate with some company (perhaps a friend of yours) and bring your clients to them for a nominal fee;
  • rent a small warehouse for tools and building materials, which will allow you to purchase them in bulk at better prices;
  • rent a room and use it as an office for organizing work, meetings with clients and a warehouse at the same time.

The situation with tools is approximately the same:

  • hire workers who have their own tools (and the payment for their work will be higher);
  • buy only consumables yourself: drills, crowns, etc.;
  • rent a tool (this is convenient for serious, expensive and bulky tools, such as a chipper, concrete mixer, etc.);
  • buy everything you need.

The choice depends on your financial capabilities.

You definitely need a Gazelle car in your business. If you can’t buy it, there are options for renting or carrier services.

3) Personnel to carry out repairs

First, let's talk about you. What functions can you perform?

Typically, in a business that is starting to operate, the role of foreman, estimator, architect, designer and accountant is performed by the owner personally.

If your competence is not enough, you should think about hiring, at a minimum, a foreman.

They can be both universal, that is, perform different types of work, and specialists of a narrow profile.

Experienced businessmen advise mostly using the services of specialists. As a rule, the quality of their work is much higher and with a large number of orders it is easier to organize their work.

Hiring a staff (and this is at least 4-5 workers) and paying them a rate at first may not be profitable. Many owners of such businesses work by agreement, hiring workers for a specific facility.

While you develop a base of trusted employees, use the services of those whom your friends can recommend or read reviews.

At a minimum, the specialists for your business will need:

  • dismantlers-loaders;
  • plumber;
  • electrician;
  • tiler;
  • plasterer.

4) Finding clients for a successful apartment renovation business

In a business like the apartment renovation business, advertising is a thankless task. The only 100% effective advertising is your satisfied customers.

The whole point is that people starting renovations approach the choice of workers with caution and look for them based on the recommendations of friends. So word of mouth is the best advertising.

If you have already received the object, give it your all! Provide the appropriate quality of work, commit to the agreed deadlines and, of course, do not deceive or shortchange the client.

But, nevertheless, you somehow need to develop a base. Which company promotion is better to choose?

  1. If you are focused on renovating apartments in new buildings, then flyers, booklets, and advertisements placed directly at the construction site work most effectively.
  2. It is possible to reach clients through real estate sales departments, but this will require excellent convincing skills. And be prepared to pay a kickback of 5-10% of the order.
  3. As with everything, now most people use the Internet to search for various services. So it would be useful to have a website for your company.

    But it will require serious investments in promotion, since the competition for sites like yours is great.

    There you can place a detailed price list, necessary materials, services for calculating the cost and timing of apartment renovations.

  4. Consider cooperation options with housing offices, designers, companies installing metal-plastic windows, brokers, etc. Again, for a “reward.”

5) Capital investments and payback for opening an apartment renovation company

You should renovate apartments based on the decisions you made about organizing the work.

Only based on your specific costs and market prices is it possible to draw up an estimate. We can only offer you approximate figures for a general understanding.

So, we have calculated this option for an apartment renovation business: registering an individual entrepreneur under a simplified taxation system on our own, working without an office or warehouse, purchasing basic tools (we rent especially expensive ones as needed) and a car, attracting workers to a specific facility without registering for a job , creating a simple website.

6) Start-up investment in an apartment renovation business

In this type of business, all regular investments (rental of tools, purchase of building materials, wages of workers, gasoline) can be made from the client’s prepayment.

7) Profit from the apartment renovation business

Let's estimate the average prices:

The cost of cosmetic repairs is 1,500 rubles/sq.m., economy class is 2,000 rubles/sq.m., luxury class is 3,000 rubles/sq.m. On average – 2,150 rubles/sq.m.

General repairs in a 2-room apartment will cost about 110,000 rubles. The number of orders per month from a regular apartment renovation company is on average 2 pieces.

And the average profitability is 30%.

Your profit is 66,000 rubles/month.

We deliberately considered not the most “rosy” option. Profits from an apartment renovation business can be much higher.

But we should not forget that without proper organization of work, it is also very easy to burn out.

So, the payback period for the business is 5 months.

The success of any business depends on the number of customers. You will learn how and where to look for clients for your business from the video:

Apartment renovation business– interesting and profitable if organized correctly. Take the time to analyze, strategy, and prepare.

By the time you conclude an agreement with a client, you should already have a clear understanding of the prices for your work, building materials, cost estimates, professional workers ready to begin the project, contacts of tool rental companies.

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In Russia, the business of renovating and decorating apartments has always existed. Even in those days when the phrase “black entrepreneur” evoked horror among many, there was plenty of work in this field. At the moment, the number of companies that are engaged in renovation of premises is simply off the charts. But there is still enough work for everyone. Therefore, many people think about the question of how to open an apartment renovation company. Let's look at it in more detail.

What is attractive about such projects?

Well, first of all, you can open an apartment renovation business with a small amount of money. For example, about 30,000-40,000 rubles may be enough to create a small company.

Secondly, such a business is very profitable in terms of the fact that taxes here will be paid in the amount that you want. Why? It’s just that representatives of the tax service cannot know for sure who earned how much. Of course, if the company pays employees using receipts and takes money from clients, then this will no longer work. But, as a rule, even those enterprises that work with all permitting documents place most orders orally.

Thirdly, sometimes you can independently develop ideas for renovating an apartment. For many, this is a good chance for self-realization.

Where to start an apartment renovation business?

Before you start working, you need to decide on the form of your activity. There are two ways:

  • register as an individual entrepreneur. This implies a small set of employees (the owner and a couple of other people);
  • register the company as a company with limited liability. Here it is already possible to cover a wider spectrum of the market, since in in this case you will have the opportunity to conclude an agreement not only with individuals, but also with various enterprises and factories. You can make payments either by cash or by bank transfer.

Before opening an apartment renovation company and after a solution to the previous issue has been found, you need to think about getting all necessary permits, including licenses for carrying out repair work.

Of course, many companies do without this document, but most customers, especially large ones, prefer to work with those who have this license. This way they have at least some guarantee that the performers are committed to serious work, and will not disappear in a week, leaving behind a bunch of deficiencies.

A full license is issued for a period of up to 5 years. Its cost may vary. For example, for a license for plastering work you need to pay about 1,500 rubles. The same amount will be spent on paying for the work of a specialist who will help deal with all the issues that arise.

To obtain permission, you need to collect all the necessary documents and contact the relevant authorities. By the way, it is important to remember that different types of services are licensed separately. According to the law, finishing work is divided into several types:

  • glass;
  • decorative;
  • stucco and plaster;
  • facing;
  • installation of slabs, panels and suspended ceilings, including front finishing.

The more services are licensed, the higher the cost of the document will be.

How much money is needed to open a business?

As mentioned above, for many this business is very attractive because its promotion does not require large expenses.

Do the math yourself:

  • To register a business activity and obtain a license, you need about 10,000-15,000 rubles.
  • For the purchase of tools for work - from 100,000 to 150,000 rubles.
  • To purchase an average-priced car - from 150,000 to 200,000 rubles.

By the way, many will now think: “What about the office? After all, today you can’t live without him.” And they will be wrong - you can think about purchasing premises when you already have regular customers and stable income.

Search for clients

The best way to find someone who needs services such as decoration and renovation of apartments is by posting advertisements. They must describe all the services (for example, repair ideas) provided by your company, indicate the level of qualifications of the team, contact address and telephone number.

One of the most attractive places where potential customers will see your ad is the doors of multi-story buildings. As a rule, at each entrance there are special notice boards on which housing and utility companies post warnings and appeals to residents. In order to avoid problems with this organization, you will have to enter into an agreement with it that will allow you to post your advertisements on their boards.

You can also find clients by posting posters on public transport. With this action you kill two birds with one stone: you advertise your company and attract clients.

How much can you earn from renovating apartments?

Calculate even approximate profit of this business very difficult, since each region of the country has its own prices. Therefore, as an example, let’s take a company in Moscow, the cost of work of which is about 3,000 rubles per sq. m. m. At the same time, she renovates four apartments per month, each with an average area of ​​60 sq.m.


Before you open an apartment renovation company, you need to find good workers. The number of employees for one team must be at least 4 people.

Moreover, to obtain a license, half of them must have a higher education, be professionals in their field and have experience in performing construction work.

If you are lucky enough to hire a young specialist, then pay attention to the time he graduated from the educational institution - it should not exceed 5 years. It is also worth considering that such employees will need to improve their qualifications at higher levels over time. educational institution. Payment for these courses is usually made from the employer’s wallet, that is, yours.

Please remember that late payment wages workers may become the reason for their leaving and the inability to hire new specialists, since rumors about the company’s bad reputation spread very quickly.

Minimum set of equipment

To start your company, you need to have at least the basic tools. These include:

  • perforator;
  • a set of keys and screwdrivers;
  • spatulas of various sizes;
  • screwdriver;
  • roller;
  • industrial mixer;
  • set of brushes;
  • several hammers;
  • helmets for head protection;
  • stepladder

Most materials need to be purchased only after your crew has been specifically approved for the job. Although, for example, cement and glue can be purchased in advance.

Advice: if you are in charge of purchasing materials, then keep in mind that you should never save on them - you risk being left without a regular customer and acquiring a bad reputation.

Possible troubles

Conflicts abound in any service industry. It is not always possible to please the customer. For example, ideas for renovating an apartment are the point on which your opinions may differ.

Although, it’s probably not in vain that they say that the buyer (in our case, the customer) is always right. If the conflict arose due to minor flaws, then a self-respecting company will correct everything at its own expense.

If the contractor does not have time to complete the work within the time limit that was agreed upon orally or in writing, then the customer has the right to demand the payment of special penalties.

It should be taken into account that in the case when the size of these cash was not specified in the contract, claims can be made for any amount within the limits allowed (from 0.5 to 10% of the estimate for each overdue day).

Which works are most valued?

We already know a lot about how to open an apartment renovation company; just a little remains. Now let's talk about jobs that pay good money.

One of the most profitable types of activity can be considered simple scrapping. For example, in one day, only two people can “break” 3,000 rubles. Work related to electricity is also considered profitable.

For example, to completely install a three-room apartment, the owner will have to shell out at least 30,000 rubles. In this type of work, as in the installation of windows and air conditioners, the net profit can reach 50%. Plumbing work is no less expensive.

Bottom line

Now you know where to start an apartment renovation business, what initial amount is needed to start it, what problems there may be with the customer and how to solve them. Maybe now is the time to start implementing this business plan?

If you are engaged in finishing and renovation professionally, you may be interested in sample business plan to create a company in the corresponding direction. Several years ago, we participated in a competition for young entrepreneurs with this business plan and received funds to implement this project.

Business plan for creating a company to provide personal services to the population for the repair and decoration of premises.

Author of the project – x
Phone - x
Form of ownership – LLC
The cost of the project is 106,401 rubles.
The amount of the required subsidy is 70,560 rubles.

City X 2013
Table of contents

Description of the service (product, work)…………………………………………….……………….2
Market research and analysis…………………………………………………………………………………..3
Marketing plan………………………………………………………………………………4
Organizational plan………………………………………………………………………………….5
Production plan………………………………………………………………………………………6
Financial plan………………………………………………………………………………8
Risk analysis…………………………………………………………………………………9
Appendix 1…………………………………………………………………………………10
Appendix 2…………………………………………………………………………………11

1. Summary

The goal of the project is to create a stable, competitive organization that provides household services for the repair and decoration of premises to the population.
1) Registration of LLC.
2) Recruitment of personnel, attraction of a qualified specialist who trains workers without experience.
3) Buying a new tool.
4) Advertising.
5) Quality control of work.
The essence of the proposed project is the provision of household services to the population for the repair and decoration of premises.
A special feature of the services offered is the repair of turnkey facilities.
Advantages of services in comparison with similar products of competitors:
1) Lower prices for repair and finishing services.
2) Discounts on building materials.
Key financial results:
1) Average cost complex repair and finishing work is set at the level of 1100-1300 rubles. in one eight-hour working day. (According to personal experience)
2) The number of working days is, on average, 240-250 days per year. (According to personal experience)
The payback period of the project is 3 months.
Project financing. To implement the project, 106,401 rubles are needed.
1) Own funds– 35841 rub.
2) The requested subsidy is 70,560 rubles.
3) The volume of investment for the purchase of equipment is 95% of the total volume
Number of planned jobs – 8
Number of jobs created to employ unemployed citizens – 2

2. Description of the service (product, work)
The project provides for the provision of household services to the population for the repair and decoration of premises, which includes:
1) Repair and finishing work (filling the floor, tiles, laminate, wallpaper, plasterboard, plaster, putty, painting, etc.)
2) Sanitary work.
3) Redevelopment.
4) Electrical installation work.
5) Installation of windows and doors.
6) Delivery of construction materials and removal of construction waste.
3. Research and market analysis
Complex repair and finishing work is one of the most profitable and popular areas in the market of household services to the population.
Every year in our city 2–3 multi-storey two to five entrance houses are put into operation, which amounts to several hundred apartments, the owners of which often plan redevelopment and/or finishing to their liking. Also, despite the crisis, there are enough people in our city who can afford and want to do quite expensive renovations of apartments, offices and various premises. These are mainly engineering and technical workers of the city-forming enterprises of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Mining and Chemical Combine and OJSC ISS, as well as businessmen of various levels.
Typically large construction companies and private firms specializing in repair and finishing work take on projects costing more than 50 - 100 thousand rubles. which, in my opinion, is about 40% of the market for household services to the population for the repair and decoration of premises. The remaining 60% of the market comes from individual entrepreneurs, as well as citizens working without individual entrepreneur registration.

4. Marketing plan
1) Prices for the services provided are set (Appendix 1), based on an analysis of the prices of organizations and entrepreneurs working in this service sector.
2) Prices for the services provided are below average relative to the common prices on the market for these services. Personal professional experience in repair and finishing work, qualified workers, timely delivery and removal of building materials, competent distribution of labor, professional tools, constant monitoring of the quality of repair work, as well as constant diversified development in the field of repair and finishing work allow us to reduce the price of services.
Sales promotion:
1) Search for potential customers of services:
a) Thanks to the already existing positive name in the market for these services (based on recommendations from clients who have already used our services), there are already potential orders.
b) Placement of advertisements in newspapers “Iz ruk v ruk”, “Wallet”, etc.
c) Distribution business cards through places with high daily foot traffic and building materials stores.
d) Placing advertisements about the services offered on bulletin boards specially designed for this purpose.
e) Distribution of price lists to mailboxes.

2) Interest and stimulation of service customers:
a) Security high quality work within a reasonable time, since there is a high qualification, it is planned to purchase a reliable and professional tool, as well as to attract highly qualified specialists to the work.
b) Established mutually beneficial relationships with large suppliers of building materials in city X make it possible to reduce the price of building materials and their delivery for the customer.
c) Offering a flexible system of discounts.
d) Service offer high level(expert advice on design, assessment of the cost of repairs and execution of a contract immediately on the spot, offering the most profitable place to purchase building materials).
e) Positive experience of communication with clients allows you to interest customers through personal persuasion.
f) Individual approach to each client.

3) Customer satisfaction is ensured in all aspects:
a) Quality.
b) Price.
c) Deadlines.
d) A wide range of work performed (Appendix 1) allows for complex repairs of premises “from scratch on a turnkey basis”.
e) The sale of services is carried out through the conclusion of an agreement, which stipulates the responsibilities of the parties, the timing of the work, the procedure and amount of payment of funds, and warranty obligations.

5. Organizational plan
1) Organizational and legal form of ownership – LLC.
2) Registration of the LLC will be carried out in March 2013 with the Federal Tax Service for the city of X
3) Project founders: X ( commercial director project, education - higher, work experience in management positions - 2 years, work experience in the field of repair and decoration of premises - 1 year), X (foreman, experience in the field of repair and decoration of premises - 5 years)
4) Accounts will be opened in March 2013 in ???"RosBank" X, at the address: ???
5) At the first stage (first month), it is necessary to attract 5 highly qualified hired workers with at least 5 years of experience in the field of repairs and finishing of premises, and one student for a combined or permanent work schedule and for piecework wages:
a) 4 generalist finishers
b) 1 electrician
c) 1 student-laborer
6) The estimated average salary is 20,000 rubles. We guarantee payment of wages on time (twice a month), which, from personal experience, is the main stimulating factor for employees’ work.
7) In the future, with the expansion of the material and technical base, new jobs will be created to form new teams. At the second stage (second month), it is planned to attract a highly qualified specialist to train workers without experience; thereby attracting young people promising specialists and reducing hidden unemployment.
8) Conducting high-quality personnel selection in the form of a personal interview allows our professional experience.
9) In future work we will use the services of an accountant and lawyer. These services in a complex were offered to us by the company "X" of the city of X on favorable terms.
10) The number of jobs for employing unemployed citizens with financial support employment services – 2.
a) By profession: finisher, general worker
b) Requirements for potential employees: the ability to work in the city of Kh. without drinking.
c) The selection of employees for jobs will take place in the form of a personal interview. Probation– 1 month.
d) The employee’s responsibilities include carrying out high-quality repair and finishing work, lifting building materials, and removing garbage.
e) An eight-hour working day (from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.) with a 1-hour break.
f) Remuneration - piecework-bonus.
g) The introduction of jobs will be carried out within 1-3 months.
h) The period for which employment of unemployed citizens in workplaces is ensured is not limited.

6. Production plan
To organize work to provide household services to the population for the repair and decoration of premises, it is necessary to purchase:
1) Power tools.
2) Tool.
3) Devices.
4) Consumables.
5) Overalls and protective equipment
Scroll necessary equipment and tools

No. Name Type or model Price per unit. in rub. Quantity Cost
1 Hitachi 5200 hammer drill 1
2 Cordless drill Hitachi 3500 1
3 Impact drill Makita HP1621 3000 1 —
4 Network drill 900 1 —
5 Electric jigsaw Makita 4329— 3200 1
6 Electric machine for “wet” cutting of thin ceramic tiles 3400 1
7 Compressor 6000 1 —
8 angle grinder Makita 3500 1

Manual cutting machine for thin ceramic tiles 1200 1
12 Laser level 4300 1
13 Drill set 700 1
14 Drill 6,8,10,12,14,16 500 1
15 Set of bits 220 1
16 Spades set for rotary hammer 280 1
17 Gun for polyurethane foam 600 1
18 Sealant gun 110 1
19 Level 20cm 115 1
20 Level 40cm Kapro 870 1
21 Level 60cm Kapro 870 1
22 Level 100cm Kapro 1960 1
23 Rule 1m 150 1
24 Rule 1.5m 250 1
25 Rule 2m 350 1
26 Square 40cm 50 1
27 Metal ruler 50cm 22 1

29 Universal square 60 1
30 Tool box VT66 20.5 2000 1
31 Capacity 20 l 40 1

34 Painting bucket 9l 50 1
35 Spatula 6cm 16 1
36 Spatula 10cm 22 1
37 Spatula 20cm 400 1
38 Spatula 60cm 60 1
39 Rubber spatula 40mm 15 1
40 Rubber spatula 100mm 20 1
41 Rubber spatula 150mm 25 1
42 Rubber spatula with handle 100mm 40 1
43 Notched spatula 20cm 35 1
44 Notched spatula 30cm 47 1
45 Malka 20cm 110 1
46 Malka 40cm 150 1
47 Small toothed 40cm 170 1
48 Malkovitsa brush 150*40mm 30 1 —
49 Malkovitsa brush 120*30mm 25 1 —
50 Flat brush 20mm 7 1
51 Flat brush 40mm 15 1
52 Flat brush 80mm 18 1 —
53 Round brush 12 1
54 Radiator brush 30 1 —
55 Mallet 90 1 —
56 Chisel 14mm 120 1 —
57 Chisel 20mm 130 1 —
58 Chisel 30mm 140 1 —
59 Sledgehammer 1 kg 190 1
60 Metal shears 500 1
61 Profile cutter 230 1
62 Needle roller 200 1
63 Planer 40mm 240 1 —
64 Planer 50mm 270 1
65 Pliers 70 1
66 Needle nose pliers 65 1
67 Curved pliers 75 1
68 Side cutters 50 1
69 Stripping pliers 100 1
70 Clamp meter 600 1
71 Device for determining the presence of voltage 120 1
72 Ladder stepladder 4 steps 2000 1
73 Ladder stepladder 6 steps 3500 1 —
74 Extension 10m 120 1
75 Work suit 2000 1
76 Boots 600 1
77 Respirator 120 1
78 Protective shield 150 1
79 Gloves 12 1
80 Printer 4200 1
TOTAL: 101381

The entire list of equipment and tools is planned to be purchased in specialized stores G.H "Hozopttorg", "Aquarius", "Pylon".
Production costs:
1) Purchase of consumables for equipment and tools. 90% of these costs are paid by the customer of the services, since their cost is included in the working estimate.
2) Wear and tear of equipment, tools, protective clothing and protective equipment. Their payback is quite fast, so repairs and purchase of new tools to replace worn ones are carried out at your own expense. fuel communication advertising office

7. Taxation
8. Financial plan
1) Calculation of cash receipts
Table "Sources of financing"
No. Name of source Amount, rub.
1. Own funds 35841
2. Subsidy for organizing business activities 70560
TOTAL 106401

2) Cost calculation
Table “Estimates of one-time costs”
N item Cost items Amount, rub.
1. Costs associated with registering business activities
1.1. state fee for registration of business activities 400
1.2. notary services (consultant services) 200
1.3. production of seal and stamp 200
1.4 payment for opening a bank account
1.5. other
2. Organizational and technical costs:
2.1. equipment and tools 101381
2.2. advertisement 2220
2.3. transport costs 1000
2.4. unexpected expenses 1000
TOTAL: 106401
3) Expenses for subsidies for organizing business activities
Table “Subsidy expenses”

No. Name of expenses Type or model Amount, rubles Note
Subsidy for organizing business activities 70560
Equipment, tools, workwear, etc.
1 Cordless drill Makita 6281D 5900
2 Impact drill Makita HP1621 3000
3 Electric jigsaw Makita 4329 6780
4 Compressor 6000
5 Industrial vacuum cleaner 9600
6 Wall chaser Makita SG1250 18250
7 Level 40cm Kapro 871
8 Level 100cm Kapro 1959
9 Tool box VT66 20.5 2000
10 Ladder stepladder 4 steps 2000
11 Work suit 2000
12 Printer 4200
13 Laser level 8000

Total: 70560

TOTAL: 70560

9. Risk analysis.
Technical risks:
1) Failure or loss of tools and equipment. This can be avoided by using safe methods work, working on the recommendation of previous customers, drawing up a bilateral contract for the provision of services and receiving 20% ​​of the estimated cost in the form of an advance payment. mat otv
2) Low quality of work performed. It is necessary to carry out work with the highest possible quality, because... The safety of the customer and our own reputation directly depend on this. It is necessary to constantly improve your own qualifications by studying specialized literature, attending construction and specialized seminars, exhibitions, master classes, and also using modern professional tools in your work.
Financial risks:
1) The main factor of financial risks in the field of personal services to the population for repairs and decoration of premises is the low level of sales of the above-mentioned services. The main reason for this is the seasonal decline in demand. As a rule, at the beginning of each year (January-February) there is a slight decline in demand for repair and decoration services. At this time, you can work on small, one-time orders or take a vacation and spend this time with your family, especially since the winter decline in demand is more than compensated for in the so-called construction season from March to September, as well as during the pre-New Year peak in demand for finishing work in end of the year.

Individual entrepreneur X
kt.8 913 ХХХ ХХ ХХ
Prices for main types of work
From 01/01/2010
Name of work units unit cost in rub.
1 Dismantling a concrete floor base m2 500 up to 10 cm thick
2 Dismantling of cement-sand screed without using a jackhammer m2 150 + 50 rub. when using jackhammer
3 Dismantling of wooden floors m2 150
4 Dismantling of plaster partitions m2 350
5 Dismantling of brick partitions m2 500 Thickness up to 1/2 brick
6 Dismantling of wooden partitions m2 150
Dismantling of concrete partitions m2 800 Thickness up to 10 cm
7 Dismantling skirting boards m/p 20
8 Dismantling linoleum and fiberboard coverings m2 25
9 Removing gypsum, cement plaster walls / ceiling m2 50/70
10 Removing old wallpaper m2 45
11 Removing oil paint from walls/ceiling m2 50/70
12 Removal of lime, water-based, chalk deposits m2 50/70
13 Removing the coating CN walls / ceiling m2 50/70
14 Dismantling ceramic wall tiles m2 50
15 Removal of door blocks pcs. 200
16 Dismantling of toilets, urinals, sinks pcs. 150
Dismantling cast iron bathtubs pcs. 300 Without takeout
17 Dismantling of cast iron sewer pipes m/p 100
18 Dismantling of glass blocks m2 100
19 Dismantling the corner seams of the wall / ceiling m/p 50/70
20 Hollowing out seams between floors m/n 100
21 Dismantling external electrical wiring m/p 5
22 Dismantling of electrical installation devices pcs. 10
23 Removal of window sill board pcs. 100
24 Dismantling cast iron radiators pcs. 150 Without takeout
25 Dismantling of built-in wardrobes, mezzanines pcs. from 250
26 Removal of heavy, oversized cargo fl. 100

1 Preparation of the floor surface before priming m2 50 cleaning
2 Priming the floor surface before installing a central screed m2 20
3 Heat-sound-waterproofing of the floor m2 100 PENOFOL
4 Rough screed on beacons (cement M-500, sand, PVA) m2 200 to 10 cm
5 Priming the floor m2 20
6 Installation of self-leveling self-leveling floor m2 100 Up to 5 mm
7 Prefabricated gypsum fiber board floors filled with expanded clay m2 350 dry method
8 Linoleum flooring, carpet, with cutting m2 250
9 Welding linoleum seams (double-sided tape, mastic) m/p 100
10 Cork sticker, plain / mosaic m2 250/400
11 Laminated parquet flooring (with underlayment) m2 250
12 Laying wooden logs m2 120
13 Installation of flooring from floor slats m2 170
14 Chipboard flooring m2 0 with cutting
15 Flooring made of multi-layer plywood m2 200 with cutting
16 Impregnation with drying oil of chipboard, fiberboard m2 100 in two times
17 Puttying fiberboard joints m2 30
18 Puttying chipboard coverings m2 90 in two times
19 Painting floors m2 150
20 Varnishing m2 150
21 Repair of seams m/p 30
22 Waterproofing of seams m/p 40
23 Installation of plastic plinth m/p 70 On straight walls
24 Installation of plastic plinth m/p 150 on radial walls
25 Painting and varnishing of wooden plinth m/p 50
26 Installation of metal threshold pcs. 200
27 Construction of podiums m2 500

2 Cladding gypsum plasterboard walls along metal guides in one layer of 300 m2 without sealing seams
3 Cladding gypsum board walls along metal guides in two layers m2 350 without sealing seams
4 Wall cladding with gypsum plasterboard using m2 200 glue without sealing seams

Installation of straight partitions from gypsum plasterboard along metal guides (gypsum plasterboard on 2 sides in one layer) m2 350 without sealing seams
Installation of straight gypsum plasterboard partitions along metal guides (gypsum plasterboard on 2 sides in two layers) m2 450 without sealing seams
6 Installation of radial partitions from gypsum plasterboard along metal guides (gypsum plasterboard on 2 sides in one layer) m2 500 without sealing seams
Installation of radial partitions from gypsum plasterboard along metal guides (gypsum plasterboard on 2 sides in two layers) 600
7 Soundproofing of walls and partitions m2 70 ISOVER, URSA
8 Soundproofing of walls and partitions m2 90 FOAM
9 Sealing gypsum board joints with sizing reinforcing tape m2 120

12 Installation of straight gypsum board ceilings 1st level m2 400
Installation of straight gypsum board ceilings 2nd level m2 450
13 Installation of radial gypsum board ceilings 1st level m2 500
Installation of radial gypsum board ceilings 2nd level m2 550
14 Construction of doorways in gypsum board walls and partitions m2 150
15 Installation of decorative windows, openings in gypsum board walls and partitions pcs. From 1500 Estimated individually depending on complexity and labor costs
16 Construction of simple arches pcs. From 1200 standard opening, rounded top
17 Construction of complex arches pcs. From 2500 Estimated individually depending on complexity and labor costs
18 Arrangement of decorative elements and non-standard structures from gypsum board pcs. From 1500 Estimated individually depending on complexity and labor costs
19 Installation of slopes GKL m/p 300
20 Thermal insulation of slopes m/p 100 ISOVER, URSA, polyurethane foam

1 Installation of suspended ceilings type “ARMSTRONG” m2 300
2 Installation of rack ceiling m2 500
3 Decorative tile sticker m2 100
Sticker of decorative ceiling plinth with sealing of cracks with acrylic sealant m/p 50 On straight walls
5 Sticker of decorative ceiling plinth with sealing of cracks with acrylic sealant m/n 100 On radial walls

1 Preparation of wall / ceiling m2 50/70 Removing paint, plaster, wallpaper
2 Sealing of floor joints m/p 120 Acrylic sealant, uniflot, fugenfüller
3 Sealing the grooves with putty m/p 30
4 Repair of mating corners m/p 100
5 Primer m2 15/20
6 Alignment at adjacent corners m2 70
7 Alignment with beacons m2 150
8 Sticker of reinforcing mesh after the first layer of putty m2 50
9 Installation of perforated corner along straight planes m/p 20/30
10 Installation of perforated corner along radial planes m/p 40/55
11 Rough putty m2 80/100
12 Sanding m2 50/60
13 Primer m2 15/20
14 Finishing putty m2 50/60
15 Sanding m2 50/60
16 Primer m2 15/20
17 Fiberglass sticker “spider web” m2 70/100
18 Coloring CC, ACRYLATE. m2 80/100 For two times
19 Decor sticker m2 100
20 Paper wallpaper sticker m2 100
21 Sticker of vinyl (non-woven) wallpaper m2 120
22 Glass wallpaper sticker for painting m2 100
23 Construction of a wooden frame for cladding with MDF panels m2 100
24 Installation of MDF, chipboard, PLASTIC panels on a finished frame m2 150
25 Gluing the universal MDF corner m/p 100
26 Gluing plastic corner m/p 100
1 Primer of walls and floors before leveling m2 20 twice
2 Leveling walls m2 80 ROTBAND, tile adhesive
3 Waterproofing of walls and floors m2 100
4 Priming the walls before ceramic cladding. tiles m2 20 For two times
5 Wall cladding m2 400 Ceramic sticker only. tiles - without associated work.
6 Floor covering m2 450 Ceramic sticker only. tiles - without associated work.
7 Grouting m2 100
8 Impregnation of joints m2 50
9 Laying ceramic plinths (mastic “Garant”) m/p 250
10 Making plinths from ceramic tiles m/p 300 With chamfering on a machine
11 Cladding of slopes and shelves with ceramic. tiles in a joint 90* m/p 600 With chamfering on a machine
12 Laying ceramic frieze, baguette, border m/p 150
13 Construction of a box for pipes (up to 2.5 m long) pcs. From 1200 Estimated individually depending on complexity and labor costs
14 Construction of a box with a removable lid (length up to 2.5 m) pcs. From 1500 Estimated individually
15 Construction of a box with an inspection hatch for the comb pcs. From 1800 Standard inspection hatch
16 Installation of a standard screen under the 200 bath
17 Device of a removable screen lined with ceramic. tiles, under the bath pcs. From 2000 Estimated individually
18 Construction of a removable screen and door lined with ceramic. tiles for bathtub pcs. From 3000 Estimated individually
19 Installation of a ceramic lined sliding screen. tiles for bathtub pcs. From 3000 Estimated individually
20 Drilling ceramic holes tiles: up to 10mm. Piece 10
More than 10mm. Pieces 50
21 Diagonal cladding +200 Per m2

1 Calculation of electrical connections and
development of wiring diagram pcs. 300 For each room
2 Punching grooves in concrete walls m/p 200
3 Punching grooves in plaster and brick walls m/p 100
4 Laying the cable in the m/p 20 channel
5 Cable laying m/p 15
6 Cable pulling in corrugated pipe m/p 5
7 Laying the cable in a corrugated pipe under gypsum board m/p 10
8 Drilling holes for distribution boxes in concrete walls pcs. 200
9 Drilling holes for distribution boxes in plaster and brick walls pcs. 100
10 Drilling holes for distribution boxes in plasterboard pcs. 20
11 Drilling holes for installation boxes (socket boxes) in concrete walls pcs. 150
12 Drilling holes for installation boxes (socket boxes) in plaster and brick walls pcs. 100
13 Drilling holes for installation boxes (socket boxes) in gypsum board pcs. 10
14 Installation of distribution and installation boxes in concrete, plaster and brick walls. pcs. 20
15 Installation of distribution and installation boxes in plasterboard pcs. 10
16 Installation and connection of sockets, switches pcs. 50
17 Installation and connection of the furnace connector pcs. 200
18 Installation and connection of the distribution box pcs. 150
19 Drilling holes for spotlights GKL, ARMSTRONG pcs. 10
20 Drilling holes for spotlights in a slatted ceiling pcs. 50
22 Installation and connection of spotlights GKL, ARMSTRONG pcs. 50
23 Installation and connection of a wall lamp pcs. 70
24 Installation and connection of a chandelier pcs. From 250
25 Electrical connection plates pcs. 500
26 Installation and connection of a water heater pcs. From 1000

Installation of distribution board:
1 Installation and connection El. counter pcs. 500
2 Installation and connection of the input circuit breaker pcs. 250
3 Installation and connection of a magnetic starter with a control button pcs. 300
4 Installation and connection of RCD pcs. 200
5 Installation and connection of linear circuit breakers pcs. 100
6 Installation of distribution board pcs. 300
7 Connection of live power cable pcs. 500
8 Connecting the power cable to “zero” pcs. 100
9 Connection of power cable grounding pcs. 50
10 Wiring of power cable in the electrical panel m/p 100

1 Installation of entrance metal door pcs. 2500
Thermal and sound insulation device for door leaf m2 200
2 Thermal and sound insulation of slopes m2 200
3 Panel cladding of door leaf m2 400 one side
4 Installation of decorative cashing on the frame of the door block pcs. 300 one side
5 Installation of decorative cashing on the door leaf pcs. 300 one side
6 Installation of lock pcs. From 350
7 Installation of viewing eye pcs. From 100
8 Cladding of doorway slopes with panels m2 From 500
9 Installation of a threshold made of laminated parquet pcs. From 300
10 Painting m2 100
11 Straightening and adjusting the door pcs. From 200
12 Gluing heat-sound-insulating tape around the perimeter of the door block and door leaf m/n 50

1 Installation of the door block on frame dowels and/or mounting foam pcs. 500
2 Inserting awnings into the door leaf pcs. 100
3 Hanging the door leaf pcs. 200
4 Mortise of a simple lock pcs. 150
5 Mortise of complex lock pcs. From 150
6 Cashing device with sealing of cracks with acrylic sealant pcs. 200 one side
7 Setting the threshold pcs. 200
8 Painting the door block (one layer). m/n 50
9 Painting the door leaf (one layer). m2 100
10 Repair interior door without removing the door leaf pcs. From 200
11 Repair of interior door with removal of door leaf pcs. From 300
12 Installation and installation of door closer pcs. 300
13 Installation of door opening limiter pcs. 70
14 Assembly and installation of sliding doors from aluminum profile “NAIDI” Installation of sliding wardrobes, interior doors.
15 Assembling the door leaf, preparing the upper and lower guides pcs. 2500
16 Installation of the upper and lower guides on the wall and installation of the door leaf. pcs. 500

1 Installation of plastic sewer pipes m/p 120
2 Installation and connection of the bath pcs. From 600
3 Installation and connection of the toilet pcs. 400
4 Installation and connection of the “Tulip” washbasin pcs. 500
5 Installation and connection of the mixer pcs. 150
6 Installation of flexible water supply on washbasins and toilets pcs. 50
7 Installation of a plastic corner on a bath m/p 100

1 Installation of slopes from sandwich panels pcs. 700
2 Replacement of glass on glazing beads pcs. 200
3 Preparing the door for painting pcs. 200
4 Painting of heating and water supply pipes m/p 50
5 Painting of heating radiators pcs. 200
6 Installation of curtains pcs. 300

1 Lifting heavy and oversized building materials manually (gypsum plasterboard, bags, profiles, ceramic tiles, etc.) pcs. 10 Per person for each floor in buildings without an elevator
pcs. 10 Per person in buildings with an elevator
2 Removal of construction waste (in bags) pcs. 10 In buildings with an elevator
3 Removal of construction waste (in bags) pcs. 20 In buildings without an elevator
4 Loading construction waste into vehicles (in bags) pcs. 5

The production of non-standard work is estimated at 250 rubles. for 1 hour per 1 person. hour 250

Decide on the areas that will become your main specialization. Make the most detailed business plan possible and find the best specialists, which will become the basis of your team.

Main risks

Employment in this area depends significantly on the season. The peak of repairs occurs in spring and summer; in winter, many are idle. Offer discounts during recessions. Look for orders for finishing or laying communications in office premises. With the right approach to solving this problem, you will be minimally dependent on the season.

Correction of errors and penalties for failure to meet deadlines. If you want to succeed in your chosen direction, give your customers quality guarantees and strictly adhere to the repair schedule. Errors must be corrected at your own expense. This will entail material losses, but will avoid losses in reputation. Only the professionalism of the employees will allow you to avoid mistakes in repairs; focus on finding professionals with a narrow specialization.

Delays are also fraught with fines. Consider in advance the likelihood that some materials may take longer to dry due to bad weather and other circumstances that slow down the repair process. When concluding an agreement, document all obligations, guarantees and fines.


At first, the company can do without an office, because communication with clients takes place directly on site. You can include a phone number in your advertisement. If things go well, you begin to expand your staff and work with wealthy clients, the office will become a necessity.

If you decide to immediately make yourself known loudly and receive solid orders, a small office in a business district will do. Also, it is worth looking for premises in areas where new buildings are actively being built - here you can find most of the clients who need to renovate their purchased apartments.


For each type of repair work performed, a specific set of tools is provided. Buy only professional ones - this increases productivity and quality. In general, you should prepare 250,000 rubles for the purchase of tools.

It is extremely difficult to work without your own transport. The best option for a company specializing in repairs is a Gazelle cargo truck. On average, such a car costs about 550,000 rubles.


Highly professional employees are the main component of your team's success. Look for narrow specialists in each type of service you plan to provide. If necessary, each of them can perform unskilled work, although 2-3 general employees should also be hired.

The highest profitability (up to 50%) is typical for electrical wiring, installation of double-glazed windows and air conditioners. Also, plumbing work shows high profitability. There must be a qualified electrician and plumber on staff.

Wall demolition work is very profitable because it is carried out quickly and does not require high qualifications.

If you do not have the opportunity to provide constant work to all the specialists who are needed to carry out repair work in full, enter into cooperation agreements and engage them, if necessary, on a contract basis.


It is impossible to provide exact figures for this parameter for apartment renovations. Profitability, depending on the services provided and the season, ranges from 15 to 50%. Experts do not recommend that newcomers immediately offer their services in the Luxury sector. Expensive repairs take a lot of time and require the use of exclusive materials and finishing elements.

The most popular and profitable area is economy class repairs. This direction is also more profitable, since the work is completed much faster.

Also, renovation of non-residential premises shows good profitability. Having received an order for finishing or carrying out communications in offices, shopping centers or in enterprises, you benefit from large areas and uniformity of work.

Documents and licenses

Many apartment renovation companies do without registering and licensing their activities. But if you plan to develop your business, receive orders from large clients and carry out luxury renovations, complete the entire package of necessary documents. Customers in this category prefer to deal with companies that have all the permits and licenses - this guarantees that the contractor is committed to serious work and will fulfill all his obligations in a high-quality and timely manner.

The choice of type of business depends on which market spectrum you expect to cover:

An individual entrepreneur means a small team of the owner and several other employees.
- LLC allows you to enter into contracts with enterprises and organizations. Also, you will be able to receive payment by bank transfer.

For each area of ​​work, a separate license is issued for a period of up to 5 years. On average, for one direction, obtaining a license costs 1,500-2,000 rubles. You will have to pay about the same amount to a lawyer who will help you sort out the nuances.

In general, the duration of registering a business and obtaining all permits takes from one to three months. The cost depends on the number of types of work for which you plan to obtain a license.


According to the owners of companies that have managed to achieve success in the direction of apartment renovation, 80% of new clients come by recommendation. The most effective advertising is a job done perfectly and satisfied customers.

Where can a start-up firm look for clients? Please pay close attention for new buildings. When buying apartments in new buildings, residents begin to look for a team to carry out repairs. Hang it on houses and bus stops public transport announcements, put them in mailboxes and simply distribute booklets. The first satisfied client will bring his neighbors and acquaintances.

Create a company website with a detailed list of services and tariffs. According to statistics, he brings in the remaining 20% ​​of clients. Advertising in the media for companies specializing in repairs is useless. Even the personal contacts of each employee will bring you more new orders.

The most important point is cooperation with wholesale suppliers and manufacturers of high-quality and environmentally friendly building materials. If you can guarantee your customers safe materials at the manufacturer's price, this will be a significant advantage over your competitors.


The starting capital for entering the apartment renovation business is low. Anyone who has the slightest idea about the construction and finishing industry can start an activity. But only professionals who can ensure quality can achieve customer gratitude and, as a result, profit growth. Reducing costs and time loss is achieved through proper planning of all stages, the use of high-quality materials and professional tools.