Anticafe equipment. Calculation of monthly expenses and income. Registration, required permits and licenses

Have you decided to open an anti-cafe? We developed a concept and overcame the most difficult stages of establishing a business: we found premises, made renovations, purchased furniture and equipment. The staff is experienced and friendly, the sign is bright and attractive. But the anti-cafe is empty.

How to promote an anti-cafe and make the project profitable? We will look at the most effective methods.

We determine the reasons for the low attendance of anti-cafes

First, let's figure out why the time cafe does not bring the desired profit? If guests don't tend to visit you, maybe two main reasons:

  • First. They simply don't know about you. It is not enough to install a sign and wait for visitors. Moreover, one VKontakte group and a couple of advertisements on thematic platforms will not make the anti-cafe popular. Use all possible resources. Be more active!
  • Second. We heard about the anti-cafe, but weren’t interested in it. Perhaps your project got lost among others. Find your chip!

Next, we will look in detail at how to promote anti-cafes and what tools will increase profits. Perhaps many of them will seem banal and simple to you. However, if used correctly, they will make the time cafe a crowded place.

How to promote an anti-cafe and make yourself known?

The time cafe format is already familiar to potential visitors. Therefore, you need to understand how to encourage guests to come to your anti-cafe.

The easiest way - actively lead groups on social networks and Instagram, publish news about upcoming events, post photo reports, inform about promotions and discounts. Your accounts must be alive! Communicate with users, conduct contests and surveys. Update your news regularly.

In addition, if you have regular guests, even if there are only 10-15 of them, be sure to ask them to leave their contact information and periodically offer them small bonuses. For example, give them free visiting minutes for their loyalty. Promotions like “refer a friend” also work great. When organizing exhibitions and concerts, invite regular customers personally - via SMS or e-mail.

How anti-cafes make money: evaluate competitors

When deciding how to increase traffic to anti-cafes, pay attention to the work of competing companies. Take a closer look at what tools they use to attract guests. What is it: more low prices, a discount program, or maybe interesting events that attract crowds of visitors?

Offer to guests alternative. A competitor anti-cafe, like you, holds film screenings on the big screen, but is open only during the day? Organize night viewings favorable price. Retrospectives of the films of a particular director, movie nights of a popular actor or an idol of the past - these are in demand and popular. Try it different variants, because only in practice will you be able to understand which of them will bring profit to the anti-cafe.

How to increase traffic to an anti-cafe: how to interest guests

In addition to bonuses, there are other ways to make anti-cafes popular among Moscow residents. Make the visit beneficial for guests. What does this mean? You don't just provide space for work or relaxation, you make the site useful for visitors.

Set up a counter where guests can exchange business cards and contacts and establish collaboration. Flyers and invitations from your partners can also be posted here.

Don't know what else to do? Ask directly: organize a survey in a group, ask participants to offer their suggestions, work with people and base it on what your guests are interested in.

How to attract customers to an anti-cafe: personnel decide everything

The fact is that an anti-cafe will require staff who will work in multitasking mode. What does this mean and how many people will need to be hired?

2-3 qualified employees are enough. However, it is necessary to immediately explain to them the specifics of the work. For example, the responsibilities of the administrator include not only registering guests who come to the anti-cafe. He must be able to communicate with visitors: maintain a conversation, help turn on the x-box, check the equipment before the concert, or even act as a presenter.

In a word, By gathering a team of enthusiasts, you can turn new visitors into regular visitors and increase profits. Remember that word of mouth is one of the answers to the question of how anti-cafes can survive in a highly competitive environment. If guests like your project, they will definitely recommend it to their friends.

Friendly and welcoming staff is one of the reasons guests come back. Other Important Ingredients successful business— cozy interior, various events, bonuses for regular customers. All this will make the anti-cafe popular and bring profit.

How much does it cost to open an anti-cafe and how quickly will it pay for itself? starting investments? What services can be offered in the establishment, what furniture is needed and what kind of staff should be hired, and how much can one ultimately earn? About all this and more in this article.

About 5 years ago, few people knew about such a phenomenon as anti-cafes. However, now such establishments are opening in every city and are beginning to be in good demand.

Experienced entrepreneurs advise opening such a business with the help of a ready-made one. This way you can quickly understand all the features and nuances of the chosen activity. But if you want to take a risk and start on your own, then read this article to the end.

Initial capital

It is impossible to give specific numbers, but you can list what investments will be required to open and develop a business.

The most optimal and profitable option is to buy a ready-made antique cafe. The point is that in last years Russia lives in a constant financial crisis. Due to the unstable situation in the country, many entrepreneurs are leaving the game and selling their establishments. But don’t rush to accept any offer. There is a possibility that a person is selling an antique cafe because it is not profitable. Therefore purchase ready-made business requires careful and comprehensive analysis.

A more stable option is to start a business from scratch. This includes finding and renting premises, purchasing furniture and equipment, hiring employees and other issues.

To calculate the initial budget, you need to take into account the following expenses:

  • Renting premises;
  • Payment of utility services;
  • Buying dishes;
  • Installation of security alarm;
  • Purchases of games (computer, board, etc.);
  • Purchase of stereo acoustic systems (if necessary);
  • Investments in advertising.

Based on all of the above, appropriate conclusions can be drawn. The starting capital required to open an anti-cafe is 500 – 800 thousand rubles.

Business payback

Before you decide to open an anti-cafe, you need to understand how long it will take for the initial investment to pay off and for the business to start generating net profit.

So, the monthly business expense is approximately 100 thousand rubles. (utilities, rent, etc.). Minimum income - 150 thousand rubles. per month. Total net profit is 50 thousand rubles. monthly. Business payback - 1 year.

You can achieve payback even earlier. Everything will depend on the demand for anti-cafe services among the population. Also not last role Marketing and advertising plays a role.

Range of services

Any modern anti-cafe offers several services at once. For example:

  • Conducting master classes, seminars, trainings, business meetings, etc.
  • Rental of educational and entertainment equipment.
  • Entertainment programs.
  • Free treats and Wi-Fi.

The range of services can be expanded at your own discretion. The more there are, the higher the popularity of the establishment and the demand among the population.

Required Personnel

It is difficult and almost impossible to monitor the anti-cafe alone. Therefore, assistants will be needed who will take on a number of administrative tasks and help run the business competently.

To work in an anti-cafe you will need to hire:

  • directors (if necessary);
  • administrator;
  • waiter;
  • specialist for working with clients;
  • marketer;
  • art directors;
  • cleaning specialist.

This list can be reduced or supplemented if necessary. Recruitment of personnel is an individual matter for each institution.

Registration of anti-cafe

In order to open an anti-cafe, it is enough to go through the standard procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur. A license to operate an establishment is not required. However, if alcohol is sold there or smoking is allowed, additional permits must be obtained.

In the case of alcohol, you must obtain a license to sell such drinks. If smoking is allowed, you will have to designate the premises as a smoking area and refuse some services. Get detailed information possible in tax office and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

If the work of the anti-cafe will take place with the conclusion of contracts with large private or government organizations, then the establishment may require corporatization.

You will also need the following documents for work:

  • package of external documentation;
  • package of internal documentation;
  • package of constituent documentation.

You can officially register a business yourself in order to save money Money, or entrust this work to a specialized company.

Selecting a room

The optimal area of ​​an anti-cafe is at least 50 square meters. meters. All premises must be equipped with heating, bathrooms and good ventilation. You also need to take care of furniture, equipment, appliances, inventory, etc.

There are no strict requirements for the location. However, you must adhere to some rules. For example, it is better to place a small anti-cafe in an area of ​​busy streets, near educational or entertainment institutions. A large anti-cafe can be located in any suitable part of the city - popularity in in this case does not depend on the chosen location.

Furniture and equipment

Furniture and interior items must match the style of the antique cafe. From equipment, first of all you need to buy kitchen appliances, especially coffee machines, kettles, microwaves, toasters, refrigerators and dishes.

Computers and laptops may be needed to entertain visitors, Wi-Fi routers, board games, equipment for performances and various events.

Fire safety

Customers of the future anti-cafe should feel safe. To do this, before opening, you need to visit Gospozhnadzor and:

  • organize evacuation routes for staff and clients in advance;
  • determine the degree of fire resistance of building and finishing materials;
  • equip premises with fire extinguishing and warning systems.

All this must be organized in accordance with the regulations of SNiP and SP.

Once the premises are inspected by the fire department, permission to operate will be issued.

Work organization

For such a non-standard establishment as an anti-cafe, you need to choose the right operating mode.

There is no point in opening the establishment early in the morning, since there will be practically no customers at this time. It is best to start working at 11 am. And the establishment must close on weekdays at approximately 23:00-00:00, and on weekends at 01:00-02:00.

Simply put, the operating mode needs to be adjusted to suit the clients. To do this, it is enough to observe at what time the main flow of people is there, and when there are practically no people.

Anticafe advertising

It wouldn’t hurt to open an anti-cafe website where upcoming promotions or events will be announced. It can be added to the Yandex.Direct or Google AdWords advertising network to get guaranteed results from online advertising.

If it works out, then a good option would be to advertise the establishment in traditional cafes or bars. Although in such a situation it will be difficult to come to an agreement with competitors and you will have to offer them something in return. Despite the complexity of such advertising, it is still worth a try.

How much can you ultimately earn?

If we take the minimum price for visiting an anti-cafe of 2-3 rubles per minute and the average duration of a visit is 1-3 hours with a daily volume of visitors of 50-60 people, then you can confidently earn up to 400 thousand rubles per month. Accordingly, business profitability can reach 40%.

This shows that opening an anti-cafe is a profitable business. The main thing is to decide how the business will develop - by purchasing a franchise or starting from scratch.

Attention! The free business plan offered for download below is a sample. Business plan, the best way appropriate to the conditions of your business, you need to create it with the help of specialists.

The concept of anti-cafe is quite new for our society. Having appeared in 2011, such institutions very quickly gained popularity and found their niche in major cities. What is an anti-cafe?

This is a room designed for meetings, conversations and pleasant pastime in a cozy, unobtrusive atmosphere.

Unlike a regular catering establishment, food and drink are not served here, with the exception of tea and coffee with chocolate, cookies or small toasts.

The anti-cafe exists due to the fee charged for being on the premises.

Classically established rates are 1.5 rubles per minute.

This establishment is popular with businessmen holding business meetings here, freelancers who are attracted by the free Wi-Fi, or simply young people who want to socialize and spend time with board games.

What is needed to open an anti-cafe?

First of all, it is worth determining whether the city in which the opening is planned has a sufficiently developed business and youth infrastructure for such an establishment to be in demand.

The second important point is the design of the room. It is not advisable to save on it.

After all, you must stand out from your competitors and make the visitor feel comfortable and relaxed at first glance.

It is better to choose a location in a busy area of ​​the city.

It would be good if it was a business or student center of the locality. It is important to have a good transport connection nearby.

The room itself must be at least 250-300 sq.m. and is divided into several rooms and a large common room. In addition, a utility room and a bathroom are needed.

Required Personnel

  • - Director;
  • – accountant (part-time employment possible);
  • – hall managers (3-4 people);
  • – auxiliary worker;
  • – security guards (2 people).


The cafe has a per-minute fee. A sufficient cost would be 2 rubles per minute for the first hour, and 1 ruble each. for every minute thereafter. Subsequently, you can provide a system of discounts and bonuses for regular visitors.

Estimated profit

The average occupancy of the premises will bring up to 800 thousand rubles monthly. It is also worth considering that the flow of visitors will increase during the inclement cold months and naturally decrease during the heat and the holiday period.

Financial part

No need to purchase a license to sell alcohol will significantly reduce the costs required to open a premises. Costs include:

  • – Renting or buying premises, renovating them.
  • – Acquisition necessary furniture and household appliances.
  • – Advertising costs.

In this article I will clearly show how to draw up a business plan using the example of opening an antique cafe. For a sample, I will give specific numbers and calculations

Greetings, dear readers! Alexander Berezhnov is with you.

Let me remind you that this instruction consists of 3 parts. If you haven’t read them yet, I recommend that you read them first: part 2.

According to the contents of the business plan, I will give an example of writing a business plan for opening an antique cafe in Stavropol. This establishment is already successfully operating in our city and is called time-cafe «Reality» . I myself have visited it more than once and held events there.

So, Dear friends, from Part 2 we learned what the sections of a business plan should look like and what questions the information contained in them should answer. Now, in accordance with our business plan points, we will open an “anti-cafe”.

I’ll say right away that there will be no description of the production plan here, since the anti-cafe is not engaged in production, but provides entertainment and leisure services.

1. Introductory part (summary)

general information about the project is presented in the form of a visual table below:

Item nameDescription
1 Company nameTime-cafe "Reality"
2 Organizational and legal formIndividual entrepreneurship
3 Services
  • Rental of educational and entertainment equipment;
  • Trainings and seminars;
  • Entertainment programs.
4 Geography of presence and sales marketStavropol
5 Operating modefrom 12.00 to 24.00 (7 days a week)
6 Establishment staff7 people, namely:
  • Manager – 1 person.
  • Administrator-waiter – 3 people.
  • Information promotion and customer service specialist – 1 person.
  • Art director – 1 person.
  • Cleaning lady – 1 person.
7 Necessary starting (one-time) investments800,000 rubles
8 Recurring expenses/month100,000 rubles
9 Return on investment period13 months
10 Competition in the target marketLow
11 Demand for similar servicesAverage
12 Planned income per month162,000 rubles
13 Planned monthly consumption100,000 rubles
14 Planned net profit per month62,000 rubles

2. Description of goods and services

2.1. Establishment services

Time-cafe “Reality” will sell the time spent in the establishment at the rate of 1.5 rubles per minute. In exchange for this payment, the establishment will provide its visitors with:

1. Access to use of educational and entertainment equipment:

  • Books;
  • Game console X-box;
  • Laptop;
  • Projector;
  • Karaoke system.

2. Access to participation in training and entertainment events:

  • Musical evenings;
  • Dance evenings;
  • English language courses;
  • Public speaking courses.

In addition, every visitor to the establishment can use without restrictions WI-FI Internet on the territory of the anti-cafe, as well as drink tea and eat sweets provided by the bar of the establishment.

The ideal consumer of our anti-cafe services are people in age group from 18 to 40 years old with active life position, with average income, without bad habits who want to spend time usefully for themselves, receiving good emotions, new knowledge and skills. Our ideal consumer should spend at least 20 hours per month in the establishment. Thus, it will bring the establishment at least 1,800 rubles per month.

3. Market analysis and marketing strategy

3.1. Competitor analysis

In the market of the city of Stavropol there is currently one player in this segment - this is the anti-cafe "InTime". Currently, our competitor has 2 establishments in the city. One is geographically far from us. The second one is opening in our area, within a radius of 1 km, which poses a potential threat to Time-cafe “Reality”. Our competitor is promoted using the following methods:

3.2. Our tools for promoting and retaining clients

1. Direct sales

We will meet with potential “wholesale” clients and sell them corporate evenings and matinees in our anti-cafe. This tool for generating clients, in my opinion, should create stability in the establishment’s income. We plan to sell our services to schools, universities, interest clubs, public organizations, small commercial firms.

The qualities outlined in the portrait of our ideal consumer largely coincide with the audience of social networks, primarily in terms of their age criterion. The most important thing is that working with an audience on social networks allows you to receive high-quality feedback from the consumer and quickly respond to their preferences.

3. Building partnerships with companies for organizing holidays and events

Our establishment can become a contractor for city companies specializing in corporate events, children's parties, theater shows, and so on.

If you offer such companies profitable terms cooperation, you can significantly increase the sales volume of the establishment’s services.

4. Sale of subscriptions

Our anti-cafe will sell subscriptions for unlimited visits to the establishment at a price of 4,800 rubles. The validity period of the subscription is 1 month. This is the optimal price, but we understand that the client may not bring a single ruble of profit to the establishment. Selling subscriptions is more of a marketing ploy to increase loyalty to the anti-cafe and attract additional visitors through word of mouth.

5. Word of mouth

After carrying out the entire range of marketing activities, it is planned to launch a “viral marketing” strategy, for example, to create a legend about our establishment, which will be passed on by word of mouth and thus attract additional customers.

3.3. Seasonality of business

Our business is seasonal. The anti-cafe reaches its peak attendance in the cold season and, conversely, there are fewer visitors if the weather outside is favorable for walking and relaxing in nature. In this regard, we plan to focus on the establishment’s earnings during peak attendance, and in the warm season, the main task is not to make a loss.

4. Organizational plan

The planned organizational activities are presented below in table form:

5. Financial plan

Attention! I won’t describe everything in detail in this part of the plan. necessary equipment and inventory, the calculations will be schematic, but I already wrote earlier how to carry them out correctly.

5.1. One-time costs

Name of expenseQuantity (pcs.)Cost, rub.)Amount (rub.)
1 Purchase of equipment70 5 000 350 000
2 Purchase of inventory100 1000 100 000
3 Room renovation1 350 000 350 000
Total: 800 000

5.2. Recurring costs

Name of expenseUnit measurements or quantitiesCost, rub.)Amount (rub.)
1 Rent of premises 150 sq. m.1 month40 000 40 000
2 Employee's salary including pension contributions6 people5 000 30 000
3 Utility bills and Internet1 month3 000 3 000
4 Buying tea and sweets700 sets10 7 000
5 Tax deductions1 month5 000 5 000
6 Depreciation deductions1 month15 000 15 000
Total: 100 000

5.3. Break even

Based on monthly recurring costs, our break-even point will be the moment when the establishment’s income is more than 100,000 rubles per month.

5.4. Payback period

The payback period is determined by the formula:


It is important to understand that this is a simplified formula. To use it, 2 conditions must be met:

  1. Every month the establishment must sell 1,800 man-hours (an average of 30 people per day for 2 hours)
  2. The establishment will reach the break-even point immediately after all one-time investments

Based on these data, let's solve a simple mathematical problem:


One-time costs = 800,000 rubles;

Monthly expense = RUB 100,000;

Find: Payback period - ?


Payback period = One-time costs / Net profit per month

1) Calculate net profit per month

Net profit per month = Income per month - Expense per month;

Income per month = (Income per day) * 30 days = (30 people * 2 hours * 90 rub./hour) * 30 days = 162,000 rubles

Net profit per month = 162,000 rubles. - 100,000 rub. = 62,000 rubles

2) Calculate the payback period

Payback period = 800,000 rubles (one-time costs) / 62,000 rubles (net profit per month) = 13 months

6. Expected results and prospects (final part)

So, we can assume that with proper planning, competent management and perseverance, our project has every chance of success. However, the opening of an anti-cafe occurs during the warm season, which can negatively affect the establishment’s income.

Having tracked the dynamics of attendance at our anti-cafe, we can assume that if in the summer we manage to bring the establishment to the break-even point, then in the future it will most likely be profitable. After successful work anti-cafe within a year, you can think about scaling the business by opening another cafe and so on.

Thus, we examined a model for writing a business plan for a small business and, using a practical example, analyzed its key sections. I repeat that for large projects it is better to turn to specialists to develop a business plan, because, as we know, the stingy pays twice.

Therefore, if you have a large multi-million dollar project, then it is better to pay a small part of this money to professionals who will write you a detailed and competent business plan than to lose your investment or part of it.

I wish everyone good luck in their business!