How to get a beer license. Do I need a license to trade? Specialized beer store

The ban on sales in tents and kiosks led to a decrease in the consumption of packaged beer. But the number of retail outlets offering draft beer is constantly growing. If the store format and location are chosen well, this business brings in good income.


Relatively low entry threshold and quick payback- a feature of the beer business. But it’s not enough to know how to open a store draft beer from scratch. To avoid having to close it after a year, you need to take into account legislative nuances. There are two main forms of beer retail:

  • catering point: bar, cafe, pub, restaurant - bottling and consumption at the point of sale;
  • store: retail space, place in a supermarket - retail Takeaway.

For the former, there are no restrictions on working hours and location. Attendance is more stable, with less seasonal fluctuations. But the financial costs are quite high. Retail sales of takeaway beer are more sensitive to the season; however, less beer is consumed in winter. The costs, however, are significantly lower, and there is also the opportunity to save on taxes and rent, since a large area is not required. When choosing a store, you need to figure out:

  • where is it better and in what format to open it
  • in what order and how to register a point
  • Is it profitable to open a franchise business?

Store format

Since 2013, sales at retail outlets have been prohibited non-stationary trade- pavilions, kiosks, summer tents. It was through them that most of the so popular “live beer” was sold. Now they use for trading:

  1. non-residential premises of houses, arranging small retail outlets;
  2. rented space or retail space in a supermarket;
  3. specialized stores in a separate building or part thereof.

Retail outlet in a residential building

Traditional type of beer retail. The most advantageous location is considered to be in a residential multi-storey area, or places where there is a large concentration of young people. Entrance is required from the street, store area from 30 to 50 sq.m. The territorial coverage is small, within a radius of 400 to 800 m. The assortment includes up to 10 varieties, focusing on the middle, low price category, popular brands of local producers. It very much depends on the season and the proximity of competitors.

Renting a retail space in a supermarket

An obvious plus is a lot of traffic. The best place is considered to be located opposite the grocery checkout or near the entrance. The rental cost, of course, is increased, but you don’t need a lot of space to place the equipment: usually 5-12 square meters are enough, from 5 to 15 types of beer are sold, more than half of them are inexpensive. In advance, you need to take a closer look at who goes to the store, what kind of contingent it is: the bulk of potential buyers are men from 20 to 40 years old.

According to the Beer Business magazine, after 2013 the redistribution of buyers actively changed in favor of modern species sales flowing into mini and supermarkets. Now this process has slowed down, but their share already significantly exceeds the share traditional types retail - convenience stores.

Specialized beer store

The location of a luxury store is usually chosen in the center, next to prestigious shopping centers. Held good repair, the design and clothing of the staff reflect a certain flavor. The assortment is maximally expanded, containing 20-30 varieties of drinks, including non-alcoholic varieties. Solid commercial equipment, cooling chambers, defoamers, racks for fish, cheeses, and shrimp are installed. The share of revenue from related sales is about 25%.

Step-by-step procedure for opening a store

In general, it differs little from the organization of other types of trade, with the exception of one feature. Beer is an alcoholic beverage, its circulation is limited by the relevant law (No. 171-FZ, November 22, 1995). Below we will look at what it takes to open a draft beer store, where to start, and several franchising options. If you do everything in order, you need:

  1. choose a location taking into account restrictions and prohibitions;
  2. register an enterprise; choose a tax system;
  3. obtain the necessary approvals and notify about the start of activities;
  4. prepare and place in the store all required documents.

Restrictions on area, location, trading mode

The location actually determines the entire chain: the number and contingent of buyers, assortment, price category, choice of suppliers, and ultimately, revenue. Let's note what limits the choice.

  1. The premises for sale must be stationary; Own or rented - it doesn't matter. This must be a building (part of it) on a foundation, connected to utilities.
  2. There are no minimum requirements for the total area, but a separate retail space and storage space must be allocated.
  3. Stores cannot be placed:

    in children's, educational, medical, sports institutions and in the adjacent territory; the list includes camps, tourist centers, sports complexes, youth palaces - regardless of whether they are public or private; hospitals, clinics, ambulance stations (except pharmacies); stadiums, sports facilities;

    in crowded places: train stations, bus stops, waiting rooms, metro, cultural and recreational organizations; The ban does not apply to the sale of beer simultaneously with the provision of food services.
    Questions regularly arise about determining the permissible distance. It is established by order local authorities authorities, as well as a list of relevant objects. In different regions: from 25 m to 150 m. Measured from the entrance of the store to the door of the facility, or the entrance to the territory if it is fenced.

  4. Trading is prohibited from 11 pm to 8 am. Regional authorities may introduce additional restrictions, up to and including a complete ban. The restriction does not apply to low-alcohol drinks (up to 0.5%).

Business registration and registration

Organizations and private entrepreneurs can transport beer and sell it at retail. The latter do not have the right to engage in production, wholesale, import. If large scale is not planned, the easiest way is to register as an individual entrepreneur at your place of residence. It will take no more than 5 days and will be automatically registered with the Pension Fund of Russia and the Federal Compulsory Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. Advantages: simplification of accounting reporting and cash discipline.

See how the EGAIS system works in the retail sale of alcohol

Your own business or a franchise?

At the start, almost every entrepreneur considers the option of opening a draft beer store as a franchise. The advantages of using a proven business model are known; it provides savings:

  1. on advertising (developed brand, symbols, branded clothing);
  2. on the purchase of equipment (often included in the franchise package);
  3. on the price of the product (supplier discounts due to large volumes purchase).

There are also disadvantages. Some sellers ready-made business set restrictions: according to the population of the city, location. It is not always possible to find a suitable format or assortment, and it is often more profitable to work with local suppliers. Below is short description three franchises for the trade of draft beer.

  • "Buchen House". Price lump sum 10,000 (up to 10 varieties) - 60,000 (more than 20 varieties) rubles. Premises and equipment are provided independently. Centralized supplies, with an assortment of up to 30 imported (Germany, Czech Republic, Belgium) and Russian brands. It is possible to reduce the contribution to zero; the royalty amount is negotiated individually.
  • "Beer Boutique". The entrance fee starts from 185,000 rubles, includes: renovation and decoration of the premises, installation of a bar counter, rental of equipment, first delivery of goods, staff training, assistance in accounting. Rent of premises (8-12 sq.m.) at the expense of the franchisee. There are no royalties, but there are deductions for advertising.
  • "Beer&co". Initial payment from 300,000 rubles, no royalties. Own investments- from 1,100,000 rubles. Specialized stores with an area of ​​50 - 120 sq.m. They are decorated in a corporate style, with an assortment of drinks and snacks (snacks, seafood) from only one supplier, Pivzavoz.

If the franchise concept fits well into your plans, it’s a convenient option. But many businessmen choose independence and the opportunity to flexibly manage their business.


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Turnover of alcoholic products in the territory Russian Federation- a legislative issue. So, back in 1995, to regulate it, the authorities adopted a corresponding federal law, which is still in force today (naturally, taking into account some changes and additions). What does this legislative act imply? Do you need a license to sell beer today? What measures does the absence of this document entail? For these and others, no less interesting questions You can find the answers as you read the materials in this article.

Requirement for a license

Before considering the question of whether a license is needed to sell beer, it would be advisable to find out which types of product are in one way or another subject to the licensing procedure by the relevant government agencies. So, if the product contains less than fifteen percent ethyl alcohol, then a license certificate is not required. This means that such a product, in accordance with the law, is allowed to be sold on a general basis (the same as goods of other categories).

However, the manufacturer should be aware that the federal law mentioned above classifies products containing alcohol into food grade and non-food grade. Thus, along with almost all non-food products, beer products do not require a licensing procedure for their sale. This means that a license to sell beer is not needed except for certain cases described in the next chapter.


As it turned out, there are exception cases when licensing entrepreneurial activity for the sale of beer products is mandatory. In accordance with regulatory requirements, today there are two fundamental conditions in the beer trade process. Firstly, the area of ​​the premises where the product is sold can in no case exceed fifty square meters.

In addition, an additional requirement, which differs according to different regions, is the proximity of the retail outlet to children's, school, preschool, and sports facilities. Secondly, a license to sell draft beer is necessary and mandatory if the ethyl alcohol content in the product exceeds sixteen percent.

Important nuances

In addition to the above restrictions, it should be noted that the sale of beer products that are subject to licensing is in one way or another classified into retail and wholesale. The first is suitable for bars, cafes, catering establishments, shops and restaurants. IN in this case the cost of a license is 65,000 rubles per year.

The second presupposes the presence of additional requirements for warehouse premises, the area of ​​which is sufficient to carry out business activities of this type and with the appropriate technical characteristics. In addition, the cost permit document(licenses) in this case are slightly higher.

Current requirements

How to get a license to sell beer? To carry out licensed business activities, you must be guided by a number of requirements. Thus, in accordance with the above Federal Law and the Licensing Regulations, which were developed at the regional level, both Russian and foreign structures have the right to obtain a permit for the sale of beer products whose ethyl alcohol content exceeds sixteen percent, regardless of the form property.

A license to sell beer is issued only for a minimum amount authorized capital 10,000 rubles (1,000,000 rubles in Moscow), if it comes to retail. 10,000,000 rubles are required if we are talking about wholesale sales of beer products.

Current documentation

A license to sell beer is granted after a number of procedures have been completed. First you need to collect the documentation below:

  • A package of copies of the statutory documentation (the decision directly on creation, the final version of the Charter, state registration, document on registration in tax authorities, paper on the ownership of the premises, sanitary conclusion).
  • A copy of the floor plan.
  • A copy of the lease agreement for the facility (shop, restaurant, bar).
  • A copy of the fire safety inspection report.
  • A copy of the agreement confirming the availability Maintenance alarms.
  • Copy state registration in relation to a cash register.
  • Original confirmation that the premises fully complies with fire safety standards.
  • The original document confirming that the business owner has no tax debts.

Do you need a license to sell beer - 2017?

As it turned out, in certain cases, licensing activities for the sale of beer products is a mandatory procedure. How to get a permit in 2017?

It should be noted that the current year for entrepreneurs in the niche in question turned out to be quite revolutionary, because the requirements that apply to a candidate for a license agreement have changed in many ways. Today the license to sell beer is issued Federal service Russian alcohol regulation (Rosalkogolregulirovanie).

Variety of services

In order to somewhat simplify the difficult fate of entrepreneurs involved in the sale of alcoholic beverages, private intermediary companies have entered the market. The thing is that they received licenses to provide services for obtaining license certificates for the sale of beer and other alcoholic products, both for individuals and legal entities. Thus, these structures assist their own clients and help them obtain the documentation in question. In connection with these innovations, receiving all necessary documents for the sale of the products in question has been significantly simplified.

additional information

It is important to note that the application for the right to sell beer, the alcohol content of which exceeds sixteen percent, is submitted directly to the department for the development of trade and entrepreneurship at the place of registration (and residence) of the business entity. The permitting document itself has the right to be issued strictly by Rosalkogolregulirovanie. It should be added that no more than thirty calendar days should pass between completing the application and receiving the license certificate.

Selling beer without a license

As it turned out, the rules for licensing activities for the sale of beer products for the most part assume that it is possible to do without a permit. However, if the beer contains more than sixteen percent ethyl alcohol, a license becomes necessary. It is important to note that failure to comply or improper implementation this requirement one way or another entails not only large administrative fines, but also criminal prosecution in certain situations. That's why this question should be taken very seriously.

In addition, you need to know that any alcoholic products, including beer, that are sold through retail must have the following information:

  • Product name.
  • Information directly about the manufacturer.
  • The presence of some additives (for example, flavoring).
  • Presence of contraindications.
  • Date of manufacture.
  • Best before date.
  • Warning that alcohol is harmful to public health.

In conclusion, it should be noted that in most cases a licensing agreement is not necessary when carrying out business activities to sell beer products or beer directly. However, there is an exception, according to which a product is subject to licensing if it contains more than sixteen percent ethyl alcohol (today there is a minimum amount of this product on the market).

In addition, the sale of beer and other beer products, as well as the sale of alcohol in other categories, in any case requires the unconditional fulfillment of a number of requirements. Failure to comply with them, as a rule, entails large administrative fines. In addition, it happens that an illegal entrepreneur is subject to criminal prosecution by the relevant government agencies and, accordingly, further arrest.

Last year, 2017, the legislation in the field of circulation of alcoholic products, in particular beer, underwent some changes. Punishments for violations in this area have been tightened, and some provisions regarding the rules for the circulation of alcohol-containing products have been changed.

The essence of the law

The main legal document in the field of sales of alcohol, and beer in particular, is adopted. State Duma RF in July and approved by the Federation Council of the RF in November 1995.

Structurally, Law 171-FZ is presented in four chapters, including 27 articles. Let's consider summary law, outlining the main theses:

Chapter 1. General provisions : scope of the law, basic concepts, relevant legislation, state monopoly on the production and circulation of alcohol and alcohol, powers of federal and local authorities in this area.

Also read the Federal Law on Bankruptcy of Individuals. More details

Chapter 2. Requirements for the production and circulation of beer: rules for using equipment, circulation and supply of alcohol and alcohol, accompanying documentation, special requirements, taxation and labeling, regulation of import and export of alcoholic products, accounting and declaration of production volume, turnover and use of grape volume (in the production of wine and cognac products), registration production equipment, requirements for retail sales, drinking rules and restrictions.

Chapter 3. Licensing: types of activities subject to licensing, procedure for issuing a license, suspension, renewal and termination and cancellation of a license, procedure for appealing a refusal to issue a license.

Read about state secrets

Chapter 4. State supervision: control in the field of production, supervision of compliance with mandatory requirements, licensing control, supervision of the use of equipment, public control, SRO of winemakers and winegrowers, suppression of illegal production and trafficking of alcohol, restrictions, features of the application of certain provisions of Law 171-FZ.

As can be seen from the thesis structure of the law, the main subjects of regulation of this law are the production and circulation of ethyl production and alcoholic products, as well as restrictions on drinking alcohol.

As for beer, in paragraph 13.1 of part 1 of Art. 2 of Law 171-FZ provides a definition of this drink, a brief description of the production technology and a description of the tolerances for the content of components.

Also read: Federal Law 261 latest edition. Details

Also, the “beer law” stipulates that technological equipment for the production of beer and beer drinks must be equipped with automation that measures and takes into account the concentration (strength) of the drink, as well as the volume finished products, an exception is made for small breweries.

Article 12 of the law states that the requirements for mandatory labeling of alcoholic beverages do not apply to beer and beer drinks.

An exception has also been made for beer and beer drinks in the retail sector. In the retail trade of alcohol and provision of services Catering, only organizations have the right to sell alcoholic products. However, individual entrepreneurs also have the right to sell beer and beer drinks.

According to the provisions of Part 7 of Article 16 on special requirements for the retail sale of alcohol when providing public catering services, as well as for drinking alcohol, the ban on drinking alcohol in public places also applies to beer and beer drinks. If the drink was purchased at an establishment, it should only be consumed in that establishment.

According to Part 9 of the same article of the “law on the sale of beer,” the rule banning the sale of alcohol between 11 p.m. and 8 a.m. local time also applies to beer, but the sale of this drink in establishments (restaurants, bars, etc.) is permitted.

Federal Law on Trade in a new edition

Paragraph 1 of Article 18 states that production and circulation of beer and beer drinks are not subject to licensing. Let us recall that the term “turnover” (according to paragraph 16 of Article 2) includes purchase, delivery, storage, transportation and retail sales.

On January 1, 2018, the deferrals and relaxations that applied to Crimea and the city of Sevastopol ended. Now the requirements for the production and circulation of alcohol in this territory are imposed in full.

Are there penalties for breaking the law?

In July 2017, the President signed a law amending the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which provides for increased liability for the illegal sale of alcohol. Responsibility for violating the rules for the production and sale of alcoholic products is prescribed in Articles 14.16 - 14.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Let's figure it out how to sell beer under the new law. When selling bottled and draft beer, the seller must consider and observe the following main points:

Trading time. According to Law 171-FZ, the permissible time for the sale of alcohol in the country is from 8 to 23 hours local time. In some cities and regions, even stricter restrictions have been established, and separate night bans may also be added. holidays, where retail alcohol cannot be sold - for example, on school graduation days.

For violation there is a fine in the amount of:

  • For the seller - 30 - 50 thousand rubles;
  • For the owner of a store or retail outlet: 5-10 thousand rubles;
  • For individual entrepreneur And legal entity: up to 100 thousand rubles with confiscation.

Place of trade. Beer can only be sold in stationary shopping facilities(the building must be capital and be included in the unified real estate register). Selling beer in stalls and kiosks is prohibited. It is also prohibited to sell beer in the following facilities and in the areas adjacent to them: children's, educational and medical institutions, sports and cultural sites, public transport of all types and its stops, gas stations, markets, train stations, airports and other public places (except for public catering), military facilities.

For selling alcohol in the wrong place, a fine is imposed in the amount of:

  • From business owners 10-15 thousand rubles;
  • From a legal entity - up to 300 thousand rubles.

EGAIS— Unified state automated information system. Organizations and individual entrepreneurs purchasing beer for retail sale are required to connect to the system only to confirm purchases of wholesale quantities from legal suppliers. The seller must register on the Rosalkogolregulirovanie website. After this, the system will need to confirm the fact of purchasing a batch each time and reflect the remaining product.

For violation of the procedure for recording information on the volume of alcohol turnover in the Unified State Automated Information System (EGAIS) fines are imposed in the following amounts:

  • For individuals (company manager) - from 10 to 15 thousand rubles;
  • For legal entities - 150,000 - 200,000 rubles.

In both cases, confiscation of illegally sold products is possible.

Availability of a cash register. From March 31, 2017, the sale of beer, including in public catering, is possible only with the use of a cash register - regardless of tax regime. Selling beer without using a cash register is punishable according to Article 14.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The fine is:

  • For individual entrepreneurs and heads of organizations - 25% - 50% of the settlement amount, but not less than 10,000 rubles;
  • For organizations - from 75% to 100% of the settlement amount, but not less than 30,000 rubles.

Buyer's age. If there is the slightest doubt about the buyer’s age, the seller should ask him to present an identification document.

For the sale of alcoholic beverages to minors, an administrative fine is provided in the amount (Part 2.1 of Article 14.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

  • For the seller - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles;
  • For a manager (official) - from 100 to 200 thousand rubles;
  • For legal entities - from 300 to 500 thousand rubles.

Maintaining a journal of retail trade volumes is mandatory requirement for sellers of alcohol and in particular beer. The log must be completed daily.

For violation of this requirement or incorrect journal keeping, a fine is imposed in the amount of:

  • For individual entrepreneurs - from 10 to 15 thousand rubles;
  • For organizations - from 150 to 200 thousand.

In addition, a declaration on beer turnover must be submitted quarterly to Rosalkogolregulirovanie. Download useful files:

Container and its volume. A sensational innovation in relatively recent times prescribes a ban on the production and sale of beer bottled in plastic containers with a volume of more than 1.5 liters. This change was related to the state policy of combating beer alcoholism and was made to reduce alcohol consumption by the population.

For violation of this provision there is a fine:

  • For individual entrepreneurs - from 100 to 200 thousand rubles;
  • For organizations - from 300 to 500 thousand.

When illegal sale of alcohol an individual , the violator faces a fine of 30 to 50 thousand rubles (Article 14.17.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

What changes have been made?

Amendments came into force on January 1, 2018, prescribed in Federal Law No. 278-FZ of July 29, 2017. In many ways, the amendments affected the circulation of medicines, medical products and preparations containing alcohol.

Below we will discuss in more detail the amendments to the law that specifically affected the circulation of beer and alcoholic beverages.

Clause 2.3 art. 11 was presented in a different edition. Thus, an organization producing alcoholic products must own, operate, manage or lease for a period of one year the corresponding established requirements production and warehouses, which are real estate objects.

Article 11 of Law 171-FZ was also supplemented by clause 8, according to which the production of alcoholic beverages whose strength is less than 15% and containing tonic substances is prohibited. Such drinks are allowed to be produced only for export purposes.

Clause 1 of Article 14 has been reworded. Its provisions mostly affected the recording of the volume of production of alcoholic products and the procedure for declaring them, which was described in detail in the subsection of this article on fines.

Clause 1 of Article 26 on restrictions in the production and circulation of alcohol was supplemented with a paragraph stating that from now on, when moving across the territory of Russia and across the state border, either on foot or by car or other transport, one person should have no more than 10 liters of unmarked alcohol. alcohol products.

The fine for disseminating such information will be:

  • For citizens from 3 thousand to 5 thousand rubles;
  • For officials - from 20 thousand to 40 thousand rubles;
  • For legal entities - from 100 thousand to 300 thousand rubles.

Download the current version of the law

This information will be useful to both producers and consumers of beer and beer drinks. In addition, the information presented in the article can serve as a reminder for owners and managers of stores and establishments selling these products.

For more detailed information about the provisions of the law, we offer No. 171-FZ dated November 22, 1995 “On state regulation of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products” with amendments and additions that came into force on 1 January 2018.

From July 1, 2017, individual entrepreneurs may be prohibited from selling beer at retail. This is reported by “” with reference to a bill prepared by the Ministry of Finance. If the law is passed, it will be a big blow for both small businesses and manufacturers.

To bookmarks

According to the document, the bill proposes amendments to Article 171 of the Federal Law on state regulation of the production and circulation of alcohol. With these amendments, the Ministry of Finance wants to prohibit the sale of beer and beer drinks, cider, poire, and mead in retail outlets owned by individual entrepreneurs. Only organizations will be able to sell these drinks.

As stated in the explanatory note to the bill, the amendments need to be adopted because individual entrepreneurs do not fully declare the volume of retail beer sales. As an example, the authors of the document say that some breweries declared in 2015 several times less volume of beer than was sold at retail.

As the Ministry of Finance explained, this is due to the fact that for individual entrepreneurs the fine for failure to submit declarations is tens of times lower than for legal entities.

In this regard, organizations selling beer and beer drinks, in order to evade liability, enter into fictitious lease agreements with individual entrepreneurs for the sale of these products.

From explanatory note to the bill

Representatives of brewing companies received such news with caution and bewilderment. As interlocutors from the largest beer producers in Russia told the publication, the decision to ban individual entrepreneurs from selling beer is “far-fetched.”

Moreover, declaring beer sales in itself is “an excessive measure, since since July 2016 all retailers, regardless of their form of ownership, must provide information about its turnover to EGAIS” (the system of state control over the turnover of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products).

Also, representatives of the beer industry said that when talking about the difference in declarations, the Ministry of Finance did not provide any specific figures and statistics.

If the law banning the retail sale of beer for individual entrepreneurs is adopted, both producers and owners of retail outlets will suffer from it. For example, according to the director of legal affairs at SUN Inbev (Bud, Stella Artois, Staropramen, Klinskoye, etc.) Oraz Durdyev, individual entrepreneurs make up at least 37% of the total volume of the company’s retail outlets. The Baltika brewing company reported that they work with approximately 100 thousand individual entrepreneurs in the beer retail industry.

As company representatives explained, in small retail outlets beer is one of the highest-margin goods. Therefore, through its sale, it is possible to contain prices for socially important products. If individual entrepreneurs are banned from selling beer, this will “seriously hit legal small businesses.”

The stores that specialize in selling beer will be hit the hardest, including popular stores selling beer on tap. In addition, the adoption of the law will harm small brewing companies that lack the funds to enter large companies. retail chains, and selling products through small retail outlets was their only chance of survival.

In the summer of 2016, the State Duma adopted a law according to which, from the same June 1, 2017, brewing companies will produce beer in plastic bottles with a volume of more than 1.5 liters. Then representatives of the beer industry said that the disappearance of beer in plastic from shelves would lead to an increase in sales of vodka, rather than the use of aluminum cans, as aluminum producers hope.

On September 29, 2016, the Ministry of Industry and Trade reduced the minimum price for vodka to 100 rubles per 0.5 liters. As stated in the department’s report, the state needs to abandon some “excessive and unjustified” restrictions on the sale of alcoholic beverages.

On October 7, 2016, a bill on a state monopoly on alcohol was submitted to the State Duma. According to legislators, a state monopoly on alcohol will help not only in the fight against surrogacy, but will also bring considerable income to the state.

Open an individual entrepreneur selling draft beer– the dream of many young entrepreneurs. Interesting product, good demand, equipment and rental costs are not too burdensome trading platform. And everything would be fine, but special requirements for the beer trade and constant inspections by regulatory authorities often negate both the pleasure and profit from running your business. What will a businessman have to face when choosing such a specialization for his business? This is exactly what our article is dedicated to. So, let's begin…

The most popular questions about beer sales asked by individual entrepreneurs:

  • Can an individual entrepreneur sell beer in 2018?
  • What documents are needed to sell beer in 2018 for individual entrepreneurs?
  • Do I need a license to trade beer for individual entrepreneurs in 2018?
  • What are they for individual entrepreneurs? last news about beer and EGAIS?

First of all, we note that the sale of beer for individual entrepreneurs in 2018 is the only permitted type of sale of products that contain alcohol. Beer, cider, mead and other beer-based drinks are all that an individual entrepreneur can sell. Strong alcohol can only be sold by legal entities. Therefore, to the question whether an individual entrepreneur can sell beer, the answer is unequivocal - yes, he can. Another question is whether he wants to get involved with this... Yes a number of requirements, which significantly limit the businessman who chose this particular one.

Beer business requirements:

  1. Beer can be sold at retail only in stationary premises. You cannot sell beer in temporary premises - in stalls, mobile pavilions, etc. The only exception is a temporary premises functioning as a catering outlet (for example, a bar or an outdoor cafe): here beer can be offered for sale among other services.
  2. There are a number of requirements for EGAIS reporting for individual entrepreneurs on beer (we will discuss it in detail below).
  3. A beer store should not be adjacent to medical, educational, or various cultural institutions.
  4. It is prohibited to sell beer at gas stations, train stations, public transport, markets and other crowded places.
  5. You cannot sell beer to minors.
  6. It is prohibited to sell beer without accompanying documents for the goods.
  7. According to the sales time, there is a ban on the sale of beer from 10 pm to 10 am the next day.
  8. It is mandatory to maintain a book taking into account the sale of beer in a special form approved by RosAlkoRegulation.

EGAIS for individual entrepreneurs selling beer

What is EGAIS for beer for an individual entrepreneur? The purpose of introducing EGAIS is to improve control over the production, movement and sale of products containing alcohol, including beer. This applies to all manufacturers, suppliers and final distributors of alcoholic products.

Ideally, with such a system, each bottle would be labeled and tracked from the factory to the buyer. As usual, good intentions(the fight against counterfeit products) has resulted in a big headache for individual entrepreneurs.

Where to start as an individual entrepreneur for EGAIS (beer retail):

  1. An individual entrepreneur must connect to the federal information system EGAIS through his computer. In this case, you will need to purchase a crypto key, buy an electronic signature (ES), register on the website, download and install the UTM utility, and check the compatibility of your goods accounting program with UTM.
  2. When receiving goods from the supplier, the individual entrepreneur receives an invoice on his computer and checks the goods with the data in it.
  3. If the information in the invoice corresponds to the facts, then the individual entrepreneur must accept the invoice and record the purchase in EGAIS.
  4. If the information in the electronic invoice does not correspond to the actual indicators for the product (for example, there are discrepancies in the quantity of products or the markings on individual products are damaged), then the entrepreneur rejects the electronic invoice or draws up a report documenting the discrepancy.
  5. Next, the data on the purchased beer must be loaded into the cash register program (if the individual entrepreneur uses a cash register).

The question of the feasibility of introducing such a procedure still haunts business; it is often discussed on the Internet, in printed publications, in television programs. Here is one of the interesting posts on this topic:

What does an individual entrepreneur need to trade beer from January 1, 2018

The main changes to the law on retail trade in beer for individual entrepreneurs in 2018 relate to recording in the EGAIS system the fact of purchasing beer from a supplier. EGAIS has been introduced for individual entrepreneurs (beer in retail) since 2016, but only in terms of confirming the purchase of beer from the supplier. Individual entrepreneurs are not required to confirm the facts of beer sales.

Generally speaking, the introduction of EGAIS for individual entrepreneurs (beer retail) in rural areas really brings a lot of difficulties, if only because of the lack of Internet in many settlements.

The new rules for the sale of beer in 2018 for individual entrepreneurs in rural areas do not make any exceptions - the fact of purchase will have to be recorded in EGAIS regardless of the size of the rural settlement and the availability of the Internet. Otherwise it will be a violation Federal Law dated June 29, 2015 No. 182-FZ.

That is, in order to sell beer, an individual entrepreneur must purchase the necessary equipment to transfer information about purchases to EGAIS, and also be sure to keep a log of sales of beer (any alcohol). To summarize, we note once again that the legislators introduced new things about the sale of beer in 2018 for individual entrepreneurs.

What to do first:

  • Be sure to connect to the EGAIS system.
  • It is mandatory to record beer purchases in EGAIS (sales are not required to be recorded yet).
  • It is mandatory to keep a log of sales of beer products.
  • Must apply cash machine new sample (read more in the article).

Thus, reporting on beer for individual entrepreneurs in 2018 means recording purchases in EGAIS and recording sales in the sales journal.

License to sell beer in 2018 for individual entrepreneurs

Let's consider whether a license is needed to trade beer for an individual entrepreneur in 2018. We have already discussed this issue earlier, in the article, but we will briefly summarize it here.

Based on Federal Law No. 171-FZ of November 22, 1995, retail sale of beer is not a licensed activity. Therefore, it is not necessary to obtain a beer license for an individual entrepreneur (as well as for an LLC).

People often ask what is better for beer retailing - an individual entrepreneur or an LLC? In our opinion, individual entrepreneurs are preferable for beer trade, if only for the reason of lower fines for violations. Taking into account the information provided in the article, it is now not at all easy to trade beer without violations.

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Calculate the most favorable tariff for individual entrepreneur current account
V bank tariff calculator:

Move the “sliders”, expand and select “Additional conditions” so that the Calculator will select for you the optimal offer for opening a current account. Leave a request and the bank manager will call you back: he will advise you on the tariff and reserve a current account.

Beer trading in 2018 for individual entrepreneurs: new rules updated: January 10, 2019 by: Everything for individual entrepreneurs