State electronic trading platforms. List of electronic trading platforms

If you want to take part in any tender for the supply of goods (works, services), then you, as a participant in the competition, must submit an application. An application is a package of documents compiled in accordance with the customer’s requirements, which the latter describes in the tender documentation - we will talk about what an application should usually include in the following articles. The application can be submitted either on paper or electronically - the requirement for the type of application submission is always in the competition documentation.

Brief information about submitting applications

There is always a clause in the tender documentation about where this documentation is published and how the application is submitted. Typically, if a procurement is published only on the portal, then the application is submitted in paper form. This means that you fill out all the necessary forms, make copies of the required documents, collect them into one application, draw up an envelope and deliver it to the customer’s address (send by express mail or courier). Sometimes the customer asks to attach a disk with a recorded electronic version of the documents to the paper application.

If the purchase is published not only on, but also on one of the electronic trading platforms (ETP), then the application is submitted to this ETP in electronic form. There is no need to send an envelope with a paper version anywhere. This method of submitting applications is very convenient, as it allows you to work with customers located in other regions of the country, and also significantly saves time and reduces financial expenses. The development of electronic document management itself is intended to simplify the exchange of documents between two business entities.

What is an electronic trading platform

ETP is a set of information and technical means that allows tenders to be conducted electronically. Simply put, an ETP is a special website that has specially developed functionality that allows customers to hold competitions and suppliers to participate in them.

To work on any ETP, you must be registered and accredited for it. If you do not do this, you will not be able to participate in competitions - you simply will not have access to the functionality of the site. We will tell you how to get accredited for the ETP and obtain an electronic digital signature for this in the upcoming articles. Once accreditation is completed, you will be able to log into your personal account, make the necessary settings and begin direct work on the ETP.

If you do not register on the site, you will only be able to view competitions: you can say that you will have access in “reading mode”.

An ETP client who has been registered can become either a customer or a supplier. Today, ETP provides full tender support services for each of the parties, from the preparation and publication of tender documentation to the signing of the contract. What does this mean?

Modern ETPs can be integrated with the customer’s information system. This allows customers not only to announce and conduct tenders, but also to analyze compliance with their procurement policies and exercise control. The advantage of working with an ETP for the customer is the opportunity to reduce their operating costs, since the platform itself is responsible for conducting the bidding procedure and ensuring the corresponding operations on the ETP.

For ETP providers, platforms offer services for setting up software at the workplace, obtaining an electronic digital signature, and issuing bank guarantees required as security for an application or fulfillment of obligations under a concluded contract. The main function of the ETP in relation to suppliers remains providing access to information about requests for proposals announced on the site and the ability to submit an application for any of them.

Why are electronic tenders preferable for both sides of the process? A few points worth noting here:

  • All actions are carried out using a computer connected to the Internet - this is a great saving of time and costs for both participants and customers;
  • Procurement is carried out on a competitive basis, the customer chooses the best commercial offer, that is, it has the opportunity to reduce its purchasing costs and save money;
  • To hold a competition, the customer must sufficiently accurately determine his need - as a result, the accuracy of planning the needs of the customer enterprise increases;
  • The procurement process carried out using the ETP functionality is quite transparent, the influence of the human factor is significantly reduced here;
  • Suppliers can search for supplies they are interested in and new clients without leaving the office and without spending money on advertising - all the information is in the ETP, you just need to find the competitions that suit you.

Federal tender sites

There are quite a lot of existing electronic trading platforms, but all of them can be divided into two groups - federal electronic trading platforms and commercial electronic trading platforms. Federal ETPs are platforms that are specially selected by the authorities for conducting tenders in the field of public procurement. This means that any government customer at any level is obliged to publish their competitions only on these selected platforms.

There are currently five such sites:

  • Sberbank-AST is a subsidiary of Sberbank, conducts government procurement and corporate auctions;
  • Unified electronic trading platform (Roseltorg) - established by the Government of Moscow and the Bank of Moscow, conducts government procurement for large constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Republic of Bashkortostan, etc.), for large departments (Ministry of Defense, MSCh), for large corporate customers;
  • "RTS-tender" - works with government customers of the Siberian Federal District, as well as some federal departments, for corporate customers it provides the opportunity to conduct tenders through integration with a partner - the "OTS-tender" platform;
  • MICEX "Government Procurement" - works in the field of government procurement with the Federal Treasury, the Federal Defense Procurement Service, some constituent entities of the Russian Federation, for corporate customers it provides the opportunity to conduct trading through integration with a partner - the platform;
  • All-Russian e-commerce system ZakazRF - initially works with government customers of different levels across the Republic. Tatarstan now provides the opportunity to trade large group other customers.

If you want to work with competitions in the field of public procurement, then you should pay attention to these five platforms. In this case, you will need to make an electronic digital signature with the scope of application “Government Order” - it will work on any of the listed systems.

Commercial tender sites

Commercial ETPs are platforms where other customers publish their competitions: legal and individuals, including individual entrepreneurs. Commercial ETPs have their own classification: they can be specialized or multidisciplinary. There is only one customer working at a specialized ETP, who created the ETP directly for himself. There are many customers represented on the multi-profile ETP, and the list of requested goods and services is not limited.

The number of commercial platforms is greater than the federal ones; information about most of them can be found on the website of the Association of Electronic Trading Platforms, which includes the main representatives of this group of electronic trading platforms.

Among the main commercial ETPs are:

  • B2B-center – the platform works with customers in various sectors of the economy, including metallurgy, chemistry, nuclear energy, agriculture, housing and communal services and aviation;
  • - the system works in partnership with RTS-tender and includes platforms different directions OTC-tender, OTC-market, OTC-agro, OTC-finance and others;
  • - the platform is focused on procedures for the sale of seized property and bankrupt property, as well as on conducting auctions that fall under the scope of Law No. 223-FZ;
  • TP "Fabrikant" - conducts tenders for purchases in the nuclear industry, shipbuilding, tenders for enterprises of the Norilsk Nickel group, purchases under 223-FZ;
  • ETP Gazprombank (ETP GPB) is a subsidiary of Gazprombank created for the organization’s clients. It has three sectors of work with procurement: the sector of the Gazprom group of companies, the sector of other corporate customers and the sector of bidding for the sale of illiquid property.

The listed ETPs are only a small part of the existing trading platforms on which you can work. Distinctive feature working on commercial sites is that registration and participation in competitions here are paid. Not all commercial platforms require a registration fee; large electronic trading platforms allow suppliers to register for free. Almost everyone charges a fee for submitting applications to competitions, with the exception of competitions for a certain list of customers.

How to choose a work site

To choose an ETP for work, you need to determine the purpose of your participation in competitions. If you are going to participate only in procurement related to government procurement, then the object of your attention should be federal ETP. The issued signature key works on each of them; if necessary, you can register and work in all five systems.

When choosing a site, you should also take into account where the customers you are interested in work. If, for example, you are focused on working with customers in different sectors of the economy, then you can try your hand at the B2B-center, if you are interested in customers of the Gazprom Group - Gazprombank ETP. You should not strive to work on all sites at once, especially if you offer a specific product - choose the ETP where your potential customers work and who really need your product or services.

When choosing a platform, evaluate the ease of working with it and the financial costs that you will incur if you register on a commercial ETP. Currently, commercial platforms have several payment options for providing access services to work with electronic competitions:

  • The subscription fee for the year is differentiated by the number of competitions in which you intend to take part, or by the amount of competitions for which you are going to submit applications: than more than the amount competitions in which you want to participate, the higher the fee for work on the site;
  • Fee for each competition - there is no subscription fee for the year, but a fee is charged for each application submitted: some sites charge a fee from all participants who submitted an application, others - only from the winner, and the rest return the blocked money.

There are other options for paying for ETP services; before registering and starting work on any of them, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the financial regulations.

In this section we will try to show in detail and reveal all the issues that may arise when participating in tenders. This article will be of interest primarily to those who are just starting to think about participation in tenders. We will try to figure out together what steps need to be taken at the very beginning. And is it worth trying to participate in tenders at all?

  • +3

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  • 0

    So, you have decided to become a participant in commercial tenders or government procurement. What is needed for this?

    Let's consider two options. The first option is to participate in procurement without preliminary financial investments, or in other words, for free. The second option involves some cash costs.

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  • 0 Tender Specialist (Tender Manager):...

    Hello, dear readers. The topic of today's article is related to such a specialty as a tender specialist. There are various variations of the names of such a position, for example, tender manager, tender manager, auction manager, competition manager, but the essence remains the same. The main activity is preparing applications for various tender procedures on the part of the supplier. This specialty became popular and in demand relatively recently, after 94-FZ “On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, and provision of services for state and municipal needs” came into force in 2005. This law created certain conditions under which tenders began to be used everywhere in procurement for government needs. In 2013, 8 years later, 94-FZ was replaced by 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs.”

  • The list of electronic trading platforms that carry out electronic procurement for various commercial organizations is quite large. It is quite natural that it includes all the ETPs listed above, which are engaged not only in the implementation of trading under 44-FZ and 223-FZ.

    Moreover, it is safe to say that the sites with the largest government procurement volumes almost always top the ranking of commercial auctions.

    This can be explained quite simply - to customers who in this case represent various commercial organizations and companies with state participation, but not subject to the above laws, are much more convenient and easier to work with well-known and long-established trading platforms.

    In addition, it is precisely such ETPs as ETP GPB, Sberbank-AST, B2B-Center and the like that have the most large number registered suppliers, which is a serious argument in favor of working with them.

    At the same time, the list of commercial ETPs includes a wide variety of trading platforms, some of which are universal, some are industry-specific, and others are clearly tied to a particular region. Such a variety of ETP allows any customer and supplier to choose the most suitable trading platform for them. The most well-known commercial ETPs include:

      Procurement of PJSC Gazprom.

      ETP TEK-Torg Gazprom-drilling.

      Procurement of PJSC Rosneft and its subsidiaries joint stock companies.

      Procurement portal of the Rosatom State Corporation.

      Rusnano bidding and procurement system. Part of the B2B-Center group.

      Procurement of PJSC Lukoil.

      Procurement of PJSC Transneft.

      Tenders of URPS PJSC Tatneft.

      Procurement of OJSC “Surgutneftegas”.

      Procurement Russneft.

      ETP Bashneft. Part of the B2B-Center group.

      Procurement of JSC Novatek.

      Sibur tenders. Part of the B2B-Center group.

      Electronic purchasing and trading platform ETZP Russian Railways.

      Alrosa electronic procurement platform.

      VTB tenders.

      Procurement Skolkovo.

      ETP Avtodor.

      ETP GAS. Part of the B2B-Center group.

      ETP AvtoVAZ. Part of the B2B-Center group.


      EVRAZ trading platform.

      Rusal purchases.

      ETP Avtotor. Part of the B2B-Center group.

      Procurement of Severstal Group of Companies.

      Eldorado purchases.

      Beeline purchases.

      Euroset procurement.

      MTS electronic trading system.

      Procurement of AFK Sistema.

      ETP Megafon. Part of the B2B-center group.

      Procurement of the Baltika company.

      Procurement of the Megapolis group of companies.

      Tenders and competitions of Alfa-Bank.

      Tenders and competitions of Otkritie Bank.

      Tenders of OTP-Bank.

      Tenders of Russian Standard Bank.

      Aeroflot procurement and tenders.

      Procurement of PJSC Mosenergo.

      ETP PJSC “Russian Grids”.

      Procurement of PJSC “Central Telegraph”.

      Procurement of the RAO Inter group of companies.

      ETP UMMC.

      SUEK trading platform.

      Tenders and procurement of TGC-1.

      Uralchem ​​tenders.

      Tenders and procurement Imperial Energy.

      Procurement of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC).

      Procurement and competitions of the United Engine Corporation. Part of the ETP B2B-Center group.

      Eurosibenergo tenders.

      T-plus trading platform.

      Trading platform of Russian Helicopters JSC. Part of the ETP B2B-Center group.

      ETP of the company “Eurocement Resource”.

      Procurement website of IC “Rosgosstrakh”.

      Procurement of the trade and retail chain of stores “Magnit”.

      Procurement trading network“The ABC of Taste”.

      ETP of the agro-industrial holding “Miratorg”. Part of the ETP B2B-Center group.

      Dixie purchases.

      Electronic trading platform X5 Retail Group.

      Tenders and procurement of the Metro company.

      Auchan purchases.

      Tenders of the Seventh Continent retail chain.

      ETP Wildberries.

      Tenders for the Rigla pharmacy chain.

      Trading platform of the Aromatny Mir network.

      Procurement of Protek Group of Companies.

      Tenders of OJSC “Medicine”.

      Tenders of the Rusagro group of companies.

      TMK procurement.

    1. Procurement of the Polyus-Gold company.

      Tenders of the TechnoNIKOL corporation.

      Tenders of the company “Glavstroy Development”.

      Procurement of the RDI group of companies.

      Trading platform of the Absolut investment group.

      Procurement of the Phosagro company.

      Trading platform of the PIK group of companies.

    When conducting electronic trading on the above and other similar platforms, procurement organizers are guided by the rules established on them, which may differ significantly from the provisions Federal laws 44-FZ and 223-FZ.

    An online service that allows product sellers to quickly create their storefronts. Thanks to, even those entrepreneurs who have not previously engaged in e-commerce and do not have their own website can start their own business on the Internet. Currently, the portal contains products from 655 thousand companies. The most popular product categories: auto parts, tires and wheels, gas boilers, windows and doors, clothing and children's products. The resource's attendance is 25 million visitors per month.

    Allbiz International Internet Trade Center is one of the oldest B2B online platforms in the CIS. The marketplace features more than 1.3 million companies from 90 countries and 102 markets for goods and services. The most popular categories: auto-moto-bicycle equipment, agriculture, industry, clothing and footwear, building materials, food and drinks. Since March 2015, the marketplace has been running a lead generation service that provides platform users with “live” applications from buyers. Today has 11 million visitors per month.

    Essentially, this is a catalog of goods and selling companies indicating prices for goods and services. As on other similar marketplaces, the buyer can place a request to purchase the required product. The most popular sections on the site: materials, equipment, construction and repair, transport, industrial goods. It is also possible to create your own website here. About 7 million visitors visit monthly.

    Of course, the Alibaba marketplace is the largest platform for both the consumer and business segments. It was created primarily to provide Chinese sellers with buyers. Companies from all over the world are registered on the site. If you want to post a request for a product, use the service. It is free for buyers. After sending the order, site managers check the suppliers, from which they select the ten most suitable ones and offer them to the buyer. You can also use the extended package - Premier by o. The buyer pays for the goods through the service - the money is transferred to the Alibaba account, and after the buyer confirms the delivery of the goods, it is transferred to the seller. This is one of the few B2B services that takes care of closing the transaction, guaranteeing the security of the transaction and the reliability of the transaction for both the seller and the buyer.

    Tradekey is an international trade aggregator , as well as a trading platform that serves to sell a variety of goods. Today, this aggregator has over 6 million online stores from more than 250 countries. The site monitors the availability of mandatory certification of goods and compliance with ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 standards. On the site you can quickly find the right supplier of goods, as well as put your goods up for sale.
    1,100,000 visitors visit the site per month.

    On the site you can find the necessary products in the Product Catalog or leave a Request for a product in a special section. On, orders are made by both SMEs and big business. Registration on the site is free. The fastest way to upload your files with products is in YML (Yandex Market Language) format. Employees of the same company can be registered on the service under different accounts, which is very convenient. The website maintains a rating of suppliers, which is based on the number of company employees, partners and their reviews.
    Popular categories of the site: consumer goods wholesale, auto, special equipment, manufactured goods and raw materials, machinery and equipment.

    Free and free marketplace for small businesses. The purchase and sale of goods and services is simplified through electronic mailing to eligible companies. The mailing list includes more than 2 million companies from Russia and the CIS countries.
    How does this work?
    How do you usually purchase any goods for any company? They use 2GIS or Google, study company websites, then call them to clarify details - this takes days. suggests making it easier by placing an order on the website. The trading platform will send emails to all companies in the desired category and region. Some contractors will offer their terms of delivery and price. You will consider all the offers and choose the one that you like best in terms of quality and price. At the same time, both you and the contractor will use the trading platform for free.

    The largest Indian marketplace that helps manufacturers, buyers and exporters trade on one reliable platform. Both small and medium-sized businesses and large companies trade on the marketplace. The site has about 14 million visitors monthly.

    What distinguishes B2B transactions from consumer transactions? Possibility to bargain. The marketplace specializes not only in the B2B segment. But this is perhaps the only platform where the buyer has the opportunity to make a counter-offer on the price to the seller. Now trading online has become appropriate!

    The National Association of Electronic Commerce Participants (NAUET) has compiled a rating of the leading electronic platforms in Russia.

    The government procurement market is one of the most important sectors of the economy of any country. The functioning of its main elements directly depends on the efficiency of its work - government organizations. Experts, in this sense, draw an analogy between the government procurement infrastructure and the human circulatory system.

    In Russia this market is lately received quite powerful development. The share of trade transactions carried out in the public sector electronically over the past 5–7 years has increased from 10% to 55%, which is quite consistent with the indicators of leading countries such as the United States. For comparison, in the UK this figure is about 30%. The turnover of domestic electronic platforms has recently been growing by about 10% - 15% per year. According to the all-Russian official website for posting information on placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services (OOS), in 2012 more than 1 million trades were conducted on electronic platforms, the turnover of which exceeded 4.2 trillion. rubles At the same time, the number of contracts concluded in 2012 increased by 36%, and applications submitted by more than 46% compared to 2011. It is worth noting that the transfer of procurement procedures into electronic form also makes it possible to significantly increase the transparency of its main mechanisms and achieve savings budget funds up to 15 - 16%.

    Special status of the market electronic government procurement also emphasizes the fact that the State Council of Russia was held in early October on issues of its condition and development prospects. The attention to this segment on the part of the country's leadership, as well as all its participants, is also due to the entry into force of the new Law No. 44 on the Federal Contract System on January 1, 2014, which will replace the 94-FZ on government procurement in force until the end of the year. In relation to 94-FZ, for several years now different levels criticism is expressed.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin noted that what sometimes happens in this area causes both bewilderment and fair questions from citizens. The inflated prices and strange and sometimes even ridiculous conditions of government procurement are striking.

    There are a lot of innovations in the Federal contract system. They relate to the organization of the procurement business process from planning to contract execution, and methods of conducting competitive procedures, and the creation of a unified information system that ensures procurement, etc. New concepts will also appear, for example, such as “moratorium on the announcement of a purchase”, “additional purchase”, “anti-dumping measures when concluding a contract”.

    Now about market participants. In Russia on at the moment, the electronic trading market largely belongs to the largest financial institutions, main role among which are VTB Group and Sberbank. They control the two largest electronic platforms: OJSC Unified Electronic Trading Platform (EETP) and Sberbank-AST, which, in turn, are operators of most trading procedures. This state of affairs largely determines the balance of power in this segment.

    It is known that to carry out electronic trading Today in Russia only five sites that have the status of national operators have the right. In addition to EETP and Sberbank - AST, this number includes the State Unitary Enterprise "Agency for State Order of the Republic of Tatarstan", "RTS-Tender" and the "Electronic trading platform "State procurement" MICEX.

    "Sberbank - AST" (

    The electronic platform "Sberbank - AST" is a subsidiary of Sberbank of Russia. It began operating on July 1, 2009. The site conducts government and corporate procurement, as well as the sale of property of bankrupt enterprises. Its clients also include energy audit self-regulatory organizations, auditors and investors. In the summer of 2013, a b2c platform was opened at Sberbank-AST.
    According to the OOS (as of 10/14/13), about 1.6 million trades have been carried out on Sberbank-AST since the start of trading with a total turnover of more than 5.3 trillion. rubles, which is about 49% of the market share and is currently the best indicator among all sites.

    "Unified electronic trading platform" (

    The “Unified Electronic Trading Platform” was also registered in 2009. Its founders are the Moscow government (52%) and the Bank of Moscow (18%). The main clients of EETP are in the public sector, such constituent entities of the Russian Federation as Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Republic of Bashkortostan, as well as a number of departmental “large companies”: the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation and others.

    According to information from the OOS (as of 10/14/13), since the start of trading on the EETP, about 0.6 million trades have been conducted with a turnover of about 2.8 trillion. rubles (25.43% of the market), which is the second indicator after Sberbank - AST.

    It is worth saying that among its competitors, EETP represents greatest number additional services for customers and bidders. The site also has a representative block for working with corporate clients within the framework of Federal Law 223. These include OJSC Rostelecom, Rosatom, Moscow and St. Petersburg Metro, etc.
    Finally, the EETP is the only platform that has its own financial products with a bank included in the TOP - 10 leading Russian banks.

    All-Russian electronic trading system of State Unitary Enterprise "AGZRT" (

    The all-Russian electronic trading system of the State Unitary Enterprise “AGZRT” is the oldest platform serving government procurement. It appeared in 2005 and initially served organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan, but subsequently expanded its scope.

    Over the entire period of work at AGZRT, a little more than 0.1 million trades were carried out with a volume of about 0.7 trillion. rubles (6.45% of the market), which today is significantly inferior to the indicators of Sberbank-AST and EETP (data from OOS as of 10/14/13).

    Among the site’s clients are: municipalities republics, as well as various regional structures executive branch, Academy of Agricultural Sciences, military organizations.

    "RTS-Tender" (

    The electronic trading platform "RTS-Tender" was formed on October 1, 2010. Its owner is non-profit partnership development financial market NP RTS.

    In terms of the number of trades (0.38 million) and turnover (1.4 trillion rubles) since the start of work, it is also inferior to the leading sites and occupies 13.28% of the market (data from the OOS as of 10/14/13).

    The platform does not have its own unit for conducting commercial trading under 223-FZ, but provides its clients with such an opportunity through the services of its partner “OTC-tender”.

    About 60% of government procurement in the Siberian Federal District is placed on the RTS tender. Its clients also include a number of federal agencies. This summer, the Moscow Government refused the RTS-tender services.

    Electronic trading platform “Government procurement” MICEX (

    The MICEX electronic platform “Government Procurement” was formed in early October 2010. It is managed by the MICEX, and its operator is CJSC MICEX-Information Technologies. Since its inception, 0.1 million trades have been carried out on the MICEX State Purchases, while its turnover barely exceeded 0.6 trillion. rubles, which is 5.6% of the market share (data from the Environmental Protection Agency as of 10/14/13). According to this indicator, the platform is in the top five of the main electronic trading operators.

    The platform also does not have its own block for conducting commercial trades, conducting them on the partner platform

    Its clients include the Federal Treasury, Federal service for defense orders, Nizhny Novgorod region and others.

    As criteria for assessing the activities of the sites, 34 parameters were identified relating to quantitative indicators (data on trading volumes for various sections of the market), characteristics of the infrastructure of electronic platforms (number of representative offices of the Operator for working with clients, Geography of location of representative offices of the Operator for working with clients, Availability of its own certification center etc.), the capabilities of sites in terms of information security, as well as assessments of the quality of customer service.

    Most of the data was taken from open sources (OOS, websites of electronic platforms, information on the Internet), and also obtained on the basis of the expert opinion of specialists National Association participants in electronic commerce (NAUET). Grades were given on a 5-point system. The final score was obtained by summing the points scored for all criteria.

    According to the results obtained, the leaders of the rating with a significant gap from their competitors are the electronic platforms “EETP” and “Sberbank - AST”. Moreover, a significant difference in scores between them and outsiders was noted in almost all criteria. The only exception was data on the speed of loading and searching for contacts on the sites of the sites.

    It should be noted that the gap between the winner of the EETP study and the second place, Sberbank - AST, can be considered conditional. However, if the high positions of Sberbank - AST are determined mainly by trading volumes, then EETP achieved results by ensuring the appropriate quality of customer service (additional, including financial, services, quality of technical support, interface, etc. ). The third position in terms of the level of provision of service capabilities can be given to the electronic platform “Government Procurement” of the MICEX.
    You should also pay attention to the significant gap between the leaders of the rating in terms of ensuring information security, which is extremely important in our time due to the unprecedented increase in the number of cybercrimes.

    According to executive director NAUET Anton Nazarkin, “the picture obtained as a result of compiling the rating is fully consistent with the current market situation. Data published in open sources and especially the portal are an excellent tool for research in the field of public procurement. Based on them, you can always get objective analytics.”