Registration of a new digital signature on the electronic platform of the MICEX “Government Procurement. MICEX is a national electronic platform

National electronic platform- this is the new commercial designation of the MICEX ETP “Government Procurement”, located at This one of six federal sites, selected by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation for state, regional and municipal procurement in accordance with 44-FZ.


PURCHASES UNDER 44-FZ, location address

  • : 44-ФЗ + 223-ФЗ - 3 700
  • : 44-FZ + 223-FZ + AETP - 5 500
  • : 44-FZ + 223-FZ + AETP - 10 000

Tariffs for work in the section

PURCHASES UNDER 223-FZ, location address

What digital signatures will work in the section?

Any electronic signature from

Tariffs for work in the section

The fee is charged to the person with whom the contract is concluded. If the auction documentation establishes an application security, the fee is 2,000 rubles, but not more than the amount of the application security and not less than 100 rubles. If the application security is not established, the fee is 2,000 rubles.

Procurement for the purposes of overhaul apartment buildings according to RF PP No. 615, location address

What digital signatures will work in the section?

Any electronic signature from

Tariffs for work in the section

There is no fee for participation in electronic auctions, including for the winner with whom the contract is concluded.

PROPERTY TRADES, location address

What digital signatures will work in the section?

Any electronic signature from

Tariffs for work in the section

There is no fee for participating in the auction. The participant pays only the deposit specified in the notice.

Services for working on the ETP "National Electronic Platform"

Documents for accreditation (registration)


  • A copy of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, received no earlier than 6 months before the date of filing the application for accreditation. The extract must be scanned in its entirety, including the page with the firmware.
  • A copy of the Charter, scanned in full, including the title page and the firmware page.
  • Copies of documents confirming the authority of the head. If another person acts on behalf of the procurement participant, powers of attorney issued to an individual or individuals to carry out actions on behalf of the procurement participant. If the specified power of attorney is signed by a person authorized by the manager, a copy of the document confirming the authority of this person must be submitted.
  • Copies of documents confirming the person’s authority to obtain accreditation on behalf of the procurement participant: a decision on the appointment or election of a person to the position of manager or a power of attorney if another person is acting on behalf of the procurement participant. If the specified power of attorney is signed by a person authorized by the manager, a copy of the document confirming the authority of this person must be submitted.
  • A copy of the decision [minutes of the meeting signed by the founders or the chairman and secretary of the meeting (the issue of electing the chairman and secretary is included in the agenda of the meeting)] on approval or on the execution of transactions based on the results of auctions in electronic form on behalf of the procurement participant - legal entity indicating the maximum amount of one such transaction.
  • The maximum possible amount for concluding contracts based on the results of placing a state (municipal) order, rub. You should indicate an amount that coincides with the amount specified in the decision to approve transactions based on the results of auctions in electronic form.

  • FOR Individual Entrepreneurs:

  • A copy of an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, received no earlier than 6 months before the date of filing the application for accreditation. The extract must be scanned in its entirety, including the page with the firmware.
  • Copies of documents confirming the authority of the person to obtain accreditation on behalf of the procurement participant. If accreditation is not carried out by an individual entrepreneur, it is necessary to attach a signed power of attorney individual entrepreneur and certified by the seal of the individual entrepreneur.

The accreditation procedure provided for at the MICEX NEP is practically no different from that which a procurement participant undergoes at any other similar ETP. It includes going through the following stages:

    Verification of the digital signature submitted by the supplier or customer.

    Filling online applications to obtain accreditation.

    Submitting an application for accreditation, previously signed using an electronic signature, for verification.

    Confirmation of the correctness of the email address specified by the applicant, which is necessary to begin the procedure for verifying the application and the documents attached to it.

The current legislation provides for a period of consideration of an application received at the ETP equal to five days. After their expiration, the platform operator sends either confirmation of accreditation on the trading platform or a reasoned refusal to the supplier’s e-mail. In the second case, the applicant can correct any inaccuracies he has made and resubmit his application.

To fill out an application for accreditation, you must go to home page MICEX NEP, then sequentially select the “Suppliers” sections, and then “Accreditation”. There, the applicant will be able to find a list of documents that need to be uploaded to the ETP in addition to the application.

Before filling out the necessary forms, you should definitely check the functionality of the existing digital signature at this specific site. If the supplier receives a message that the issuing certification authority does not have the necessary authority, a new electronic digital signature will be required.

The process of participation in electronic auctions and tenders for the execution of government orders provides for a certain procedure, a sequence of actions that each of its participants must go through. In this article, we will consider the key points of this process, using the example of one of the five Russian electronic platforms (hereinafter referred to as ETP), namely the question “ETP MICEX government procurement electronic platform and its features.”

The main emphasis is placed on the process of conducting electronic government orders, from the point of view of such a participant as a supplier or contractor.

Currently, the MICEX ETP is part of the group of companies of the Fabrikant trading portal. She happens to be subsidiary this group.

For a more complete picture, here are a few more well-known enterprises that are part of the same group. These include: TS "Oborontorg" (purchases for the Russian Ministry of Defense), TS "Gazneftetorg" (purchases for the country's oil and gas industry enterprises).

The year of creation of the site is considered to be 2010 and initially it belonged to the largest holding company “Moscow Exchange”. The site passed to the current owner in 2014 through the purchase of 100% of the company’s shares.

According to Russian information sources the transaction amount was about 300 – 440 million rubles. The general director of the site is Gabestro S.V., who, among other things, also holds a leadership position in the expert council on investment and government procurement, working under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Stages of participation and their features

Government procurement of the MICEX ETP, like any other, provides for several successive stages that must be completed by participants in order to fully work on it in the future. The key ones are shown in the photo below.

Accreditation and registration

These steps are very important in the overall process of participating in an electronic tender. Without obtaining accreditation (registration) on the ETP website (see), the supplier simply will not be able to take part in this or that government order.

It should be noted that in order to carry out actions that are legally significant, the MICEX electronic trading platform for government procurement also requires its participants to have an electronic signature. It can be obtained from certification centers that are partners of the site. WITH full list which can be found on the ETP website.

If we consider this issue briefly, we will focus on only two points. First: the list includes about 97 centers that operate in all regions of Russia.

The second point is the “TOP 5” of them:

  • Federal Treasury Centers;
  • TC "CenterInform";
  • "Rus-Telecom";
  • "UC "BUTB";
  • "UC Tensor".

Advice! For those suppliers who plan to work with government contracts not only on the MICEX ETP, but also on others, you should choose the Federal Treasury CA. The electronic signature certificates they issue are listed on all Russian platforms working with government orders.

The application for accreditation is submitted on the official website of the ETP. To do this, select the item shown in the figure below in the main menu.

In addition to the completed form, the participant is required to provide documents. The list of which will depend only on the type or organizational and legal status of the person submitting the application (individual or legal entity).

Below is a list necessary documents for an entrepreneur (IE):

  • extract from the Unified State Register (USRIP);
  • a copy of the passport or other equivalent documents proving the identity of the individual entrepreneur;
  • in case of registration by another person who acts on behalf of the entrepreneur, documents confirming his authority are provided.

The stage of obtaining accreditation can be considered successfully completed for the participant after receiving the corresponding notification by email. This letter also indicates the account and its details, which is opened by the platform specifically for a specific supplier for the purpose of its further use in electronic auction operations. The period for making a decision, according to the regulations, is no more than 5 days.

Attention! After receiving accreditation, the participant can conduct operations on the site by logging into his Personal Account on the website. In this case, an assigned login and password or a previously obtained electronic signature can be used to log in.

Applying for participation

The MICEX government procurement electronic trading platform provides all accredited suppliers with the opportunity to submit an application for participation in the selected auction by submitting one on its website Personal account.

Key points to pay attention to at this stage:

  • the application is sent to the site operator for consideration and verification in the form of two electronic documents;
  • it must be confirmed by an electronic digital signature;
  • it is prohibited to submit more than one application by the same supplier/executor;
  • applications from suppliers are not accepted, the accreditation period is coming to an end (less than 3 months left);
  • the period for consideration of the first part of the application is no more than 7 days from the established deadline for their acceptance;
  • After sending for verification, the amount is blocked on the supplier’s account as security for participation fees in the event of winning the auction.

Conducting an auction and concluding a contract

The main essence of an electronic auction: each participant offers a contract price, and the winner is the one whose price is the best (lowest). Submission of price proposals occurs electronically through the form available in your Personal Account. The auction winner is included in the register, and the results are recorded in the protocol and posted on the ETP.

After choosing the best price offer, the procedure is as follows:

  • the protocol and the second parts of the applications are sent by the site operator to the customer;
  • the customer reviews them and makes a decision on the basis of which the final protocol is formed;
  • through the operator, the draft contract is sent to the winner within 5 working days;
  • if there is no disagreement on both sides, the project card is signed with an electronic signature;
  • funds (participation fee) are debited from the winner’s account.

Attention! The contract can be finally signed no earlier than 10 days from the date of publication of the final protocol.

The share of government orders placed by the St. Petersburg State Order Committee on the NEP site increased from 28 to 54% over the 6 months of 2017. Last November, Vice-Governor Igor Albin tried to transfer government orders from nine subordinate committees to this site, but he was prohibited by the Federal Antimonopoly Service, which considered this a violation of competition.

Despite the fact that the Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg withdrew upon request the order to transfer all government orders to the only electronic platform of JSC “ ” (National Electronic Platform - NEP), its share in the auctions of the government procurement committee increased from 28% in 2016 to 54% in the first half year 2017. Last year, the department placed orders on the site for 11.6 billion rubles, but already in January-June 2017 their amount exceeded 10.3 billion rubles.

JSC “ETS” is one of five platforms accredited for conducting state electronic auctions. The management of the site, apparently, does not seek to expand the geography of its use throughout the country - only 3-4% of orders have been placed there in the last 3 years, however, in several regions the site has managed to occupy a dominant position due to the desire of officials to place orders only on it. Among such regions are St. Petersburg, Leningrad region, Volgograd region, Chechnya and others.

Immersion in NEP

In 2016, the NEP electronic trading platform was not so popular among St. Petersburg officials. According to open data from the government procurement website, about 40% of the total amount of contracts was placed on the Sberbank-AST site (over 16 billion rubles), another 29% on "" (11.9 billion rubles), 28% - NEP (11.6 billion rubles) and another 3% by "(1.8 billion rubles).

Judging by the data for the first half of 2017, Smolny’s sympathies shifted towards NEP, whose share in monetary terms increased to 54% - more than 10.3 billion rubles. The share of the previous leader, Sberbank-AST, decreased to 17%; over six months, orders worth 3.2 billion rubles were placed on the site. EETP - 18%, "RTS-Tender" - 10%. The official platform of the Republic of Tatarstan AGZ RT in St. Petersburg is not yet used at all.

The St. Petersburg State Order Committee responded to DP’s request that now the number of orders between sites is distributed evenly, and since 2015, on the contrary, they have taken a step forward in dividing orders between sites. Thus, in 2015, the department placed 98% of orders for the EETP.

Distribution of government orders in monetary terms

Quantitative distribution of contracts

Source: Data from the State Procurement Committee of St. Petersburg for January-June 2017

NEP in 2016 also became the favorite platform of officials in four other Russian regions: in the Chechen Republic, according to open data, 94% of government orders pass through the platform, in Volgograd region- 81%, in Sevastopol - 73%, in Nizhny Novgorod - 63%. The government procurement committee of the Leningrad region "DP" reported that since the beginning of 2017, 61% of all electronic auctions have been placed on the NEP. It is difficult to say why the NEP prevails in these regions, and what may connect them. Each of them is located on different positions in the ratings of competitiveness and economy of the Russian government. So, if Chechnya is in both ratings last positions, that is, procurement there is not competitive, and they do not save on them, then, for example, Sevastopol is among the leaders. St. Petersburg is also a leader in competitiveness and ranks 19th in the economy ranking. The Leningrad region is in 26th place in terms of competitiveness and 66th in terms of economy.

In the non-state National Procurement Transparency Rating of 2016, all of these regions also occupy different places: in Chechnya, for example, high procurement transparency was found, in St. Petersburg it was average, in the Leningrad, Nizhny Novgorod and Volgograd regions it was basic, that is, transparency requirements are formally met there, but it could be better. Sevastopol and Crimea have not yet participated in the ranking. In other words, there is no problem with the site - according to the government procurement website, for the last few years it has hosted 3-4% of all auctions in the country.

As noted by the NEP, there is nothing surprising in the fact that their site predominates in some regions - each of the sites can be stronger represented in one or another part of the country. "Customers themselves choose which electronic trading platform(ETP) work based on convenience. We, in turn, are constantly improving ETP services in terms of both infrastructural support and information and methodological support. The task of the ETP is to reduce the time and financial costs of its clients when conducting tenders and procurements, to ensure maximum automation of work processes, eliminating the possibility of technical errors by procurement participants. All NEP clients receive a user-friendly interface, technical reliability, personal support, free education, operational legal and technical support, assistance in attracting suppliers, tender lending services and bank guarantees and other services,” the NEP emphasized.

Not by bread alone

Initially, NEP was a “daughter” of the Moscow Exchange, but in January 2014, the exchange sold the trading platform to the Fabrikant group of companies. The latter unites, in addition to the federal-level NEP platform, three more industry-specific electronic government trading sites: the GazNeftetorg.Ru trading system and OboronTorg and Spetsstroytorg, which are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense. According to the official website of Fabrikant, the total trading amount on all sites exceeds 4.5 trillion rubles.

According to open data from SPARK, the largest shareholder of Fabrikant is entrepreneur Sergei Gabestro (41%), who was previously noted for creating the project. Since 2006, he has headed the board of directors of Fabrikant, and since 2010 - its CEO. In addition to business, Sergey Gabestro also runs social activities. In particular, he is a co-founder of the Orthodox magazine “Thomas” and the foundation of the same name, and is also a co-founder and executive director charitable foundation St. Seraphim of Sarov, registered in Nizhny Novgorod Sarov. According to media reports, as governor of the Kostroma region, Igor Albin actively supported the activities of the foundation, its “Orthodox Initiative” competition, and participated in the foundation’s events. The Lieutenant Governor probably especially reveres this Orthodox saint. While still at the post of Kostroma governor, he came to the Diveyevo Monastery, where the relics of Seraphim of Sarov are located, and attended festive liturgies.

Monopoly Committee

Directly subordinate to Igor Albin are nine departments, which mainly relate to construction, transport, investment and tariffs. Departments distribute more than 5 billion rubles annually through electronic platforms. Last year, his office sent each of them instructions to launch a pilot project for the transition of all procurement to a single NEP platform. Officials were required to be fully prepared for the transition by November 22.

In the OFAS, that the actions of the vice-governor showed signs of violation of the legislation on competition and lobbying the interests of the NEP, the official replied to “DP” that he had nothing to do with it - he was only carrying out instructions from the government procurement committee, from which the initiative allegedly came. The NEP stated that they already had a similar experience and in the Volgograd region it was considered successful. “Consolidation of procurement of organizations subordinate to the vice-governor from 34 committees of St. Petersburg will ensure objective monitoring and control of procurement, reduce time, financial and labor costs, expand the customer’s competencies and much more,” the company reported. But this did not help the site operators - Albin gave his instructions .

How it works

Government customers (departments or state-owned enterprises) carry out electronic auctions on one of five accredited platforms: “Sberbank-AST”, “Unified Electronic Trading Platform” (UETP), “All-Russian Electronic Trade System” (OSET or AGZ RT), “RTS Tender” and “National Electronic Platform” (NEP). The first three are state-owned. The OSET site was organized by an entire State Unitary Enterprise - “Government Order Agency, investment activities and interregional communications of the Republic of Tatarstan.” The last two are private: the controlling stake in RTS-Tender belongs to Sovcombank (66%), NEP appeared in 2008 as a subsidiary of the Moscow Exchange, but was later bought by Fabrikant Group of Companies. Also, a sixth trading platform is now being created on the basis of the Russian auction house. Each customer can freely choose between trading platforms.

According to open data, the largest trading platform in 2016 was Sberbank-AST, which placed more than 48% of all orders in the country. RTS-Tender holds about 25%, and EETP - 19.4%. NEP is in fourth place - 3.6% of all orders, and OSET - 2.9%.

Electronic platforms make money by placing orders: when a company submits an application for a contract, it must deposit from 0.5 to 5% of the initial contract price into the account of the site conducting the auction. The percentage is set by the state customer.

Select the fragment with the error text and press Ctrl+Enter

The MICEX ETP is the property of the MICEX State Purchases company. Founded in October 2010. In 2011, after a merger with, it became Russia's largest electronic trading platform.

ETP MICEX - electronic trading platform, specializing in concluding transactions in accordance with 94-FZ and. The number of accredited participants exceeds 95,000 enterprises, and the total turnover as of September 2013 amounted to more than 300 billion rubles.

Advantages of using the MICEX ETP

The MICEX ETP “Government Procurement” is one of the platforms that have been selected for the publication of government orders and the possibility of concluding a contract with government customers. The owners of the site, MICEX Group, are an exchange structure specializing in providing clearing, electronic trading, deposit storage, and information services.

The MICEX team has extensive experience in creating all-Russian currency, stock and bond markets. In addition, the group also operates a commodity and financial markets. Since 2006, the company has been investing resources in the development of technological support for bidding for the right to fulfill government orders - both federal and regional. Those interested can use its services in any of the numerous regional centers, including in cities such as:

    Saint Petersburg



  • Nizhny Novgorod





The main principles of operation of the MICEX ETP have remained unchanged for many years: openness, friendliness, readiness for mutually beneficial partnership, flexibility, efficiency, use modern technologies and many years of experience of the team, ensuring the efficiency of the site and the safety of transactions.

Obtaining accreditation on the MICEX trading platform

The procedure for obtaining accreditation to participate in the MICEX ETP requires the candidate to have . You can get it at any Certification Center that is available to you. The receipt itself occurs in several stages.

The first stage is checking the digital signature. Next is filling out the application, sending a standard set of documentation, signing the application using an electronic digital signature and sending it for consideration. Using the link received at the email address specified during registration, you must confirm your consent to the operator’s processing of the information received. Within five days you will receive a notification that you have been accredited or a list of reasons why you were denied.

The application procedure itself. MICEX – electronic trading platform, organized according to the same principle as the others, and therefore you can find the registration field in the same place as on other ETPs - in the “For Suppliers” tab, select the “Accreditation” item.

After this, a new window will open in which you will need to indicate all the data about your company: company type, INN, OGRN and certificate. After filling out, use the tools that allow you to check your digital signature and TLS, after which the application will be sent.

    Full company name

    Legal entity registration date

    Primary and secondary email addresses

    Phone number

    Personal details of the contact person

The next section is the submission of all necessary registration documents. The first field should be filled out, indicating the maximum contract amount you expect to receive, as well as the maximum amount of the transaction your company has ever concluded. Then you need to attach the following documents in the appropriate fields:

After this, the application must be signed using the EDS and sent to the operator. After sending, a notification with a link to activate the mailing address will be sent to the postal address specified in the application. By clicking on the link, enter your login and password in the appropriate fields. After this, the application will be accepted by the operator for consideration. After five days you will receive a message with a decision on granting accreditation to your company.

If the registration of a company has already been started, but not completed, and there is no access to the user who started it, MICEX electronic platform provides the opportunity for another user to issue a power of attorney for the right to obtain accreditation and conduct trading on behalf of the registered company.

To do this, in the same “Suppliers” section, you need to select the “Registration of power of attorney” tab and fill out an application indicating all the necessary information about the company. Next, the algorithm is the same as when obtaining accreditation: checking the electronic digital signature and the communication encryption channel, sending the application, filling out the application. After completing the power of attorney, a tab with incomplete accreditation will appear in the “My Account” section, which can be completed.


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