Where is this taught? Free training from the employment center: specialties, reviews

Downsizing, loss of relevance of the existing specialty, relocation and inability to find a job due to education - these are not even all the reasons when a woman has to look for a job.

Today training new profession after 40 years it is more than relevant - other technologies appear and additional features, which it’s simply a sin not to use. Where and how to get additional skills and, most importantly, what can you learn in adulthood in order to successfully pass an interview and get a job?

What profession can you really find and what is better to choose?

When choosing a new profession after 40 years, you should not dream of drastic changes and make grandiose plans if you need money today, but do not have the time or funds for training. There are a lot of vacancies where you can get a job without a specialty and even without experience.

Retail networks - relevant and promising

The shortage of personnel in trade has led to the fact that retail chains are ready to train on site and absolutely free of charge. Most often supermarkets require:

  • cashiers;
  • sellers;
  • merchandise display employees;
  • packers and packers;
  • goods receivers.

At serious attitude there is a prospect for career growth, because retirement is still far away! You can learn a little on the job and take the position of merchandiser, senior salesperson, section manager, or senior cashier.

The advantage is that you do not have to pay for training, and also study without knowing whether you will be able to get a job in the profession you have received.

Another option for working in trade is to master the profession of a merchandiser. There are two ways here - work in one trading network or to the manufacturer (wholesale supplier), visiting various retail chains. In the second case, you will need a car or at least a license if the company provides transport. Responsibilities: monitor turnover, ensure display of goods, maintain assortment.

Social services – flexible schedule

If you need a flexible schedule, then look for vacancies in social services. The essence of the work is to help elderly and sedentary people with household chores. It is not necessary to do cleaning and cooking; you can simply deliver food and medicine ordered by your clients.

This kind of work is attractive due to its free schedule; at the same time, you will be able to solve your problems - take your child to school, go to the market, take care of the house and yourself. Working in a social service, you, of course, will not earn a lot of money, but you will feel needed and useful, you will become kinder and more soulful.

Real estate industry – realtor’s feet feed

If you want to learn a promising profession after 40 years, pay attention to the work of a realtor. The real estate sector is expanding; you can engage in rentals, exchanges, sales of secondary and new housing, concluding direct agreements with developers.

It's great if you have legal education, since today a successful and well-earning realtor does not just bring the buyer and seller together, but checks the purity of the transaction and accompanies it from start to finish.

Mastering the profession of a realtor on your own is difficult. The courses, of course, will help, but it is not a fact that immediately after them you will be able to work for yourself. The ideal option is to get a job at some agency that accepts employees without experience, start working from the very bottom, study, and, if necessary, take courses at the same time or find online training.

Beauty industry is a dream job

You should only consider learning a new profession in the beauty industry after 40 years of age if you have always enjoyed doing similar things. There are many possibilities here:

  • hair extensions - requires virtually no talent, easy and quick to learn, good income if you have regular customers;
  • pedicure, manicure and nail business - can be mastered, but you need to have the ability to draw;
  • make-up artist – suitable for women with good taste and artistic abilities;
  • cosmetologist is the ideal choice for medical workers, tired of patients$
  • hair removal master.

It is not difficult to learn all these professions - in every city there are courses that last only a few days. Finding a job in a regular hairdresser is also not difficult. The hardest thing is to get clients. Most women immediately start working for themselves; it is much more profitable and realistic.

Read more about this in our other publications.

Tourism business for sociable and erudite people

There are travel companies in every city - domestic tourism continues to develop and is even crowding out holidays abroad. If you are good with geography, love communicating with people and are able to quickly learn information, try becoming a tourism manager. Go through the agencies, find out what their requirements are for employees, whether you need to take courses or you can study right on the spot.

If you live in a city where tourists come, are familiar with the history of your area, do not mince words, have clear speech and remember numbers and facts well, it makes sense to think about becoming a tour guide.

Such employees are also required for weekend field trips. You can learn through courses, but you will also have to study a lot on your own. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​and related education will be a huge advantage.

Vocational training for unemployed citizens at state expense

The state also supports people left without work. By contacting the employment service, you can receive a referral to free training for a new profession. Most often, this requires registering for unemployment, but sometimes you can do without unnecessary formalities.

Everyone has a desire to get a profession in life. Motives can be different, but the most common is a simple, purely human desire to realize oneself in life.

I had the same desire. Therefore, I actively immersed myself in studying professions. In particular, where to get this very profession and, moreover, actually get it, so that you can then hire it.

In the end, I managed to find out everything I needed. And I outlined all my experience gained in this article. I can assure you that after reading you will have a clear understanding of where you can get a profession.

University\technical school

The first thing that comes to mind. This is not surprising, because the bulk people are coming get a profession there.

The advantage is that these educational institutions provide a wide range of professions. Only if in technical schools these are, for the most part, blue-collar professions, then in universities they are whatever your heart desires.

The disadvantages include the training period and entry threshold. In technical schools it is 2-3 years, and in universities 4-6. And for admission you will need to pass exams, and the training itself begins only once a year. Therefore, you won’t be able to start learning right away. You will need to prepare and wait.

If you pass the exams successfully, you can count on free training, although free is only relatively free. Because expenses for the office, travel, food and the like will have to be paid by yourself. But compared to tuition fees, this is not so much.

The next disadvantage applies more to universities, although for some it is even an advantage rather than a disadvantage. It consists of the following: you will receive not only specific knowledge in your profession, but also in other disciplines. Therefore, part of the training will consist of exactly this. Which one depends on the profession.

As for immersion in the profession itself, the advantage of educational institutions is that they are a platform with which employers interact. They post vacancies on boards, hold meetings, offer internships and jobs.Is the same educational practice can easily flow into work at the place where it took place.

Be sure to consider the opportunity to get a job when choosing educational institution and areas of study, because getting a profession and then not working in it will be very disappointing. And it turns out that the time spent on studying was wasted.

It turns out that mastering a profession at a university or technical school is more suitable for people who want not only to master a profession, but also gain general knowledge, and are also willing to spend several years on training.

For those who want to get a profession faster, you should pay attention to other options. True, with the exception of those professions that necessarily require higher or secondary special education. For example: medical.


This is an option that is aimed at studying a specific profession and is quite short time. Such courses most often serve as the first step to mastering a profession, but thanks to which you can already get a job and develop further.

The downside is that almost all such courses are paid. But how else? People spend time, teach, and therefore should receive something in return. Moreover, they teach what will give a person income in the future. That is, much more than what a person will invest in training.

Be careful when choosing courses, because now there are a lot of scammers who take money, but in exchange they give something completely different from what they initially promised.

Also, if possible, choose those places that provide real practice, or better yet, an internship. Where this exists, the quality of education will a priori be higher. Verified.

I remember when I studied at Netology, it was like that there. The final work was carried out on a real project, and those interested took internships and even got jobs.

If you are interested, you can look at the list of professions on the Netology website. There are even free courses there, although they are more introductory, but you can check what it’s like to study there. And, if it suits you, choose a profession and get it.

There is also a similar school called Gikbrains, but it is geared more towards training programmers. You can see for yourself - look. They also provide training on real projects, provide internships, and have many vacancies posted for students.

The advantage of these two platforms is not only that they teach professions on real projects, provide internships and the opportunity to get a job, but also that all this takes place online. There is no need to travel anywhere, which means there are fewer unnecessary expenses and it is easier to combine this training with any other activity: study, work, leisure.

At work

Another place where you can gain a profession is the job itself. At least in the area of ​​the profession in which you are interested. As you work, you will gain experience, delve into it and find out what is necessary for the profession/position you want to get.

If you need higher education, you will be able to pay for it, as well as courses that can be combined with work without any problems.

True, the difficulty is to get this very job. But if you tell the employer that your motivation is to delve into it and grow further, and not just to earn money, then he will like you more than others, since you will be motivated to work conscientiously, and therefore bring maximum benefit to the employer.

Bottom line

As you can see, each place suits a person’s specific situation. Therefore, it is worth deciding which one is best suited for you and go get a profession.

What professions will be in demand tomorrow? Where will the big money be made? WomanJournal will tell you about the most relevant specialties of the near future.

Promising professions

Are you eighteen and facing a choice of profession? Or are you already graduating from university, but are not sure that a diploma will help you find a decent job? Or has your specialty stopped generating income? No problem! It's never too late to master a new profitable profession.

We conducted a large-scale study and found out which specialties will become truly in demand in the labor market in the near future and what kind of income you can expect in a particular industry.

Professionals in the field information technologies, telecommunications and communications

Already today, according to Job.ru, the demand for specialists in the field of IT and telecommunications is more than twice as high as the supply.

The right choice of profession in this industry: programmers, database administrators, technical support specialists, system administrators and analysts. The growth rate in the IT industry in Russia is quite high, and there is no talk of complete saturation of the market in the near future.

Where is this taught?

    Moscow State Technical University named after. N.E. Bauman (MSTU)

    Moscow State University named after Lomonosov, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI)

    Any engineering university that has a faculty of computational mathematics and cybernetics

Income level:

30–80 thousand rubles per month (1C programmer).

If you also master technical English and are lucky enough to get an internship at one of the large companies in the industry, then your starting salary will increase by 10–15%.

Specialists of the fuel and energy complex (FEC)

Unmistakable choice of profession, even in conditions of economic crisis. Most of all, such specialists are expected in the regions. In the coming years, specialists in the development of gas and oil fields will be in special demand.

Where is this taught?

    Gubkin branch of the modern humanitarian academy

    Ufa State Petroleum Technical University

    Tyumen State Oil and Gas University

Income level:

The starting rate in large holdings is no more than 40 thousand rubles per month. But with experience career guaranteed.

Since there are few universities that train such specialists, graduates are almost in full force go to work strictly in their specialty.

Specialists in the field of fine chemical technology and pharmaceuticals, as well as metallurgy

Where is this taught?

    Moscow Academy named after. Sechenov (MMA named after Sechenov)

    Russian State University(RGMU)

    Moscow State University named after Lomonosov (Faculty of Fundamental Medicine) and other similar universities

Income level:

On average, 20–50 thousand rubles per month.

Promising professions

Specialists in economics and finance

Do not be surprised. Despite the fact that there are traditionally a lot of such personnel in Russia and one can even note an overabundance of economists, accountants, commodity experts and lawyers, the specialization “auditing and accounting” will remain in demand.

Where is this taught?

    Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation

    specialized faculty of Moscow State University

    Russian Economic Academy named after. G.V. Plekhanov (REA)

Income level:

11–65 thousand rubles per month for an accountant, 23–135 thousand rubles per month for a chief accountant.

Specialists in the field of psychology, psychotherapy, especially specialists in getting rid of psychological complexes and addictions, such as alcoholism, drug addiction, workaholism, gambling addiction, unhappy love, etc.

Where is this taught?

    Moscow State University named after. M.V. Lomonosov

    Moscow City Psychological Pedagogical University(MGPPU)

    Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU)

    Moscow City Pedagogical University (MSPU)

Income level:

It is difficult to determine, since it depends on many factors. Are you individual entrepreneur or you work for a company, serve in a commercial structure or in a government one. Nevertheless, professional psychologists always have plenty of opportunities to earn money: conducting group trainings, consulting for the media, assessing personnel in business structures, etc.

For success in this area, one piece of paper higher education it won't be enough. To become a truly popular specialist, you should master as many techniques as possible. Another way to increase the value of your services is through publishing, from online publications and magazine articles to books.

Promising professions

Design engineers, design engineers, technical supervision specialists in a construction company

Where is this taught?

  • Any technical university. For example, Moscow Automobile and Highway Institute (MADI)

If you have chosen the Moscow Architectural Institute (MArchI), Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU), it is recommended to simultaneously study in specialized management programs, which will significantly improve your prospects for a high salary .

Income level:

10–50 thousand rubles per month in the regions, 15–70 thousand rubles per month in St. Petersburg and 20–120 thousand rubles per month in Moscow.

Logistics specialists

These are warehouse employees, car workers, specialists in commodity and transport operations, logisticians, and transportation managers.

Where is this taught?

    Moscow Automobile and Highway Institute (MADI)

    Moscow State Institute of Railways (MIIT)

    Moscow Aviation Institute

Income level:

16–32 thousand rubles per month (for storekeepers), for other specialists, for example, managers, forwarders, the salary is approximately 1–1.5 thousand dollars per month. And knowledge foreign language will immediately increase your earnings by 20-30%.

Nanotechnology specialists

The application is inexhaustible: mechanical engineering, computer technology, food industry, medicine. Nanotechnology is used in the production of hard drives for computers, dressing materials, tennis balls with a long service life, tools for cutting metals - it’s impossible to list everything. People who master this profession in time will have a brilliant career. And the country that makes a breakthrough in this area is even predicted to become a world leader!

Where is this taught?

Training of specialists is carried out on the basis of fundamental interdisciplinary educational program in the direction of “physics, chemistry, mechanics of materials”, the field of natural sciences and information technology.

Income level:

Can grow every day as this industry develops.

The path to a profession is usually long and difficult. If you make a mistake at the very beginning of this path and choose the wrong specialty, it will be very difficult to work in the future. And if education was paid, the situation is even sadder. However, you can always change it. All you need is desire, patience and work.

To master many types of activities, neither higher nor secondary specialized education is required. It may be enough to complete special courses. But it is not uncommon for a person’s hobby to become his profession. This means that it is quite possible to master some professions on your own.

To succeed in this matter, you will have to work hard. Most likely, you will need to put in even more effort than when studying at a university or college. The main obstacle may be your own laziness. After all, no one will control you, there will not even be an incentive in the form of getting good grades.

The basis of any profession is knowledge. You can get them from subject literature, textbooks and from numerous Internet sources. Last option will be even more effective. Unfortunately, the information in the book is not updated. A textbook published several decades ago can still be very useful today. However, a specialist who wants to succeed in his work needs to be aware of the current state of affairs. It's easier to find the latest information on the Internet. You can quickly find answers to your questions in numerous thematic articles, blogs, groups social networks and on the forums.

For example, in order to master the computer programs necessary for the work of any designer, it is not necessary to attend the appropriate courses. Explore all the functions of the same Corel Draw, InDesign or PRO100 online. A beginner in interior design or web design will be able to find detailed, step by step instructions on the use of these programs on special sites. And on forums dedicated to design, you have the opportunity to communicate with more experienced specialists and ask for their advice. The same applies to such professions as layout designer, HTML layout designer, web programmer, content manager, site administrator, etc. But it is worth understanding that it is still necessary to have some basic knowledge and skills in these areas: you need to be good at computers, have artistic taste and abilities.

Theory is undoubtedly important. But without practice, you cannot become a full-fledged specialist. Can be studied thoroughly modern tendencies, for example, in the art of floristry, hairdressing and manicure, but without practice, all this knowledge will be useful only for broadening your horizons. It is undoubtedly better to understand the intricacies of a particular craft while working. Let it be by trial and error, but learning a profession by experience will be faster. Therefore, if you decide to master any profession on your own, do not miss the opportunity to watch the work of an already established professional and practice yourself. This can be done, for example, by getting a job in a company as an intern, assistant or junior employee.

Nowadays, there are many relevant professions, about which we have already written several articles. Each of them is good in its own way, and the choice depends solely on your preferences. In today's article we will talk about several professions that you can get for a relatively a short time. Yes, you will have to work hard, learn new things, but the effort, time and money spent on learning will pay off very soon.

1. Animator

Modern animation has reached such a level that it can be difficult to distinguish where reality ends and begins. computer graphics. Animators are needed in many areas: from creating commercials to filming feature films with a budget of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Will help you master a new specialty. Training takes place remotely online, so you don’t even have to get up from your chair. You will study with the teacher and complete assignments. Every week you will receive a detailed analysis of the completed lesson, correct mistakes and improve your skills.

Classes are held on weekends and last 2 hours. Upon completion of the training, you will receive a certificate by email with the name of the course, the name of the teacher and your success. If you are the best in the course, you will be recommended to the best animation studios, so effort is really important here.

2. Barista

The aroma and taste of coffee depend on the variety and type of coffee, be it single-origin or blend, but a lot depends on the skills of the person who brews the drink. Even the most delicious variety in the hands of an inept barista will turn into a bitter, tasteless liquid without aroma. An experienced barista can brew really tasty and aromatic coffee from a simple variety, and a masterpiece with bright flavors from a good one.

This is a roasting production with its own training center. The company not only sells freshly roasted beans, but also provides barista training courses for both beginners and experienced professionals who want to improve their skills. The school has several programs.

For those starting from scratch, the company conducts the “Basic Barista” course, which is the basis of all the fundamentals of this profession. During the course you will study the theory of grain from berry to cup, you will find out what and how influenced the taste of the drink. In addition, you will learn how to make excellent espresso and cappuccino from any variety. In the “Practice and Theory of Taste Perception” course, you will learn to work with receptors as a measuring instrument, to use not simple judgments such as “tasty or tasteless,” but to understand why and how one cup differs from another. “Filter coffee. Basic" is suitable for someone who does not know what a Chemex, V-60, Aeropress is, but wants to learn about it, or knows about these devices and wants to learn how to use them.

An experienced barista will be interested in the “Theory of Coffee Brewing” course, which explains the principles of measuring coffee quality and creating the ideal drink. “Basics of Latte Art” is suitable for those who want to hone the technique of pouring milk and master new elements and designs.

The training is conducted by Brand Barista of the company Asya Chekhovich, who has a SCAE Brewing Intermediate and Sensory Skills Intermediate certificate. You will study on a professional La Marzocco Linea PB coffee machine with Auto Brew Ratio technology.

3. Director

If you enjoy classic films that have gone down in cinematic history and want to do your part by filming cult movie and thereby imprint your name on the Walk of Fame, then director’s courses are for you. The Moscow Film School "" conducts a directing course "Cinema Author. Quick Start”, where you will gain knowledge about the profession of director, learn how to make films and release your own masterpiece. The film school’s slogan “Take the course and create your own film from idea to release” corresponds to the training program.

This course is taught in two stages. The first is an immersion in directing, dramaturgy and filmmaking. You will shoot the first sketches individually and in a group. At the end of the module, you will have a mini-film ready and you will understand the profession. This module is for those who want to try themselves in this interesting business.

The second module is an advanced continuation. In it you will work with actors, do post-production, filming and defending your own short film - you will receive the profession of director.

Classes are conducted under the guidance of experienced teachers with many years of experience in directing. In addition, you will study on Saturdays, which will allow you to combine studying at the university or work with studying for courses. But the main advantage of the school is that during the course you will not only learn the craft, but also step by step, under the supervision of professionals, create your own movie from idea to release. During the courses you will be able to unlock your potential and put your soul into what you love.

4. Internet marketer

There are many courses on Internet marketing on the Internet, and everyone writes that they are based on knowledge collected over several years. But this is not mathematics or physics, where fundamental knowledge does not change for many years. Internet marketing is constantly being improved, and what was the most progressive method yesterday is today giving way to a new one, and tomorrow it will become so outdated that using it is bad manners.

At the Internet Marketing School, you will gain theoretical knowledge and learn to apply it in practice under the guidance of teachers.

What courses are available to you? SEO, SMM, contextual advertising, e-mail marketing, working with brand reputation, CPA and arbitration, as well as a comprehensive course in Internet marketing. After completing these courses, you will become a shark in the world of advertising, promoting brands so that clients will come to you again and again.

To enroll in courses, you need to fill out an application and pay for training. It is assumed that you have basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and SEO.

5. Welder

There are two types of welders: alcoholics from next door who work for pennies, and real professionals. And let’s say thank you that there are many of the former, which is why the latter are doubly valued. Yes, you can say that this profession, unlike the previous ones, is dirty, requires manual work, and is unlikely to be well paid. In fact, a welder with straight arms earns no less than a top manager in small company. Let's repeat - with straight arms.

In welding courses you can learn several types of welding: manual arc, semi-automatic or automatic. There are other types, but they are rarely used in the civilian sector.

Manual arc welding is the standard. Once you learn it, you can work for companies or be a freelancer, choosing orders yourself. It's a decent amount of money, and there's always a lot of work. Semi-automatic welding is used mainly in service stations. Hundreds of accidents occur every day, and many cars require cosmetic repairs. You will always be provided with orders, weeks and sometimes even months in advance. You should learn automatic welding if you plan to work in high-tech production. Salaries there are also high.

The courses last on average from three to six months. The training pays off in the first month of work, and from the second you will be in the black, provided you have direct hands and the necessary knowledge.

6. Programmer

Today, almost every guy or girl knows how to use a computer. And there definitely comes a time when some of them want to become a programming guru and start working on killer projects that will bring in a ton of money.
There are more than 20 areas in the IT field. The market is constantly growing, and specialists who work in projects receive from 60 thousand rubles, while freely traveling around the world and can live either in their regional center or in Thailand.
Wow, you say, is everything really so rosy in the IT world? Well, practically yes, there is only one “but”: the training is quite hard, but very interesting, and in order to remain competitive, you constantly need to learn new information. So, where should you go to study? Going to a university where they will teach you the old technical basis, an outdated knowledge base is not an option. Courses - perhaps, but what?

At the IT Step computer academy you can gain basic knowledge or take advanced training courses. Let's say you don't know anything about programming, but you have a passion for doing it interesting thing, and even get a lot of money for it. Then you have a direct path to the “Professional computer education", where in 2.5 years you will receive up-to-date knowledge that will definitely help you earn crisp bills. No despondency, training is built on the principle of “maximum practice, minimum theory.”

And if you are a pro, then your option is “Professional Special Courses”, where you will gain basic knowledge and skills in a highly specialized IT specialty. After all, as you know, it is better to be a professional in one thing than to be mediocre in everything.