Secondary special education. Education system in Belarus

Reflections on the place of Belarusian universities in the world, whether assessments can be seen as an outdated approach to education and why our country was denied entry into the Bologna process

Webometrics , California Institute of Technology, Oxford and Stanford are leading the way in education this year. To find at least one Belarusian university on this list, you will have to try: BSU is in 639th place, GrSU is in 1861st place, and BSPU is in 2327th place . In Belarus, higher education can be obtained in 43 state universities and 10 private ones - and there is something wrong with all of them.

What does it mean to be part of the Bologna Process? These are the autonomy of universities, increased mobility of students, a two-level system of “bachelor’s + master’s degrees,” student participation in the management of higher education, comparability educational programs(which means a well-thought-out structure, a credit system and mutual recognition of diplomas by universities different countries) - all together creates that same single space. Apart from cosmetic changes in the direction of reducing the university program to 4 years (including by lengthening the school year to 12), our country is moving towards the necessary reforms very, very slowly.

“We declare that we don’t care about these European values, then why are we rushing there? If you don’t want to be like them, don’t go to them. If you don’t want to be like others in the Bologna process, don’t apply there. Stay alone no matter what similar country. Perhaps still North Korea will keep us company", - Professor Dunaev, former vice-rector of the European Humanities University, member of the public Bologna Committee, ironically.

“The Substitute Teacher” is a talented drama starring Adrien Brody about a teacher who specializes in temporary assignments, a forgotten school and a number of wonderful employees and students who have gone crazy.

4. Big price for a small salary: teachers

Lack of respect from society and low salaries, the need to conform educational plans and extensive standardizations that leave no room for creative solutions, the need to write tons of reports - this is an incomplete list of joys awaiting teachers. Although at the January press conference Minister of Education Maskevich stated that teachers do not write any 25 reports: “These are not reports, this is simply information that they send to various organizations. There could be much more information like this.” One less problem, right?

Due to the unpopularity of the profession, often anyone who meets the minimum criteria for the position is hired as a teacher. Famous Belarusian artist Zoya Lutsevich, worried about her son, told KU about what she thought main problem namely the personnel selection process. She suggests doing a kindness test before hiring someone to work with children. Which? The same Milgram experiment, for example.

It is assumed that some of the problems of teachers can be solved by increasing salaries, which will bring more interested and professional people, and those who devote a lot of time to outside work will be distracted from it. “Unfortunately, things happen differently. When the teacher in English their salary is doubled, he doesn’t stop doing part-time work and doesn’t start paying more attention to the needs of the school. On the contrary, any additional workload becomes a problem for him, since it costs surprisingly little compared to the rest of his salary,”- argues Mikhail Mokrinsky, director of the lyceum.

The series “School” by Valeria Gai Germanika is criticized for its blackness and thanked for its frenzy in exposing social diseases, and the magazine “Afisha” devotes an entire online section to it “Germanika-Daily” - about close-ups, epileptic seizures and analogies with Trier.

5. High cost

Often the opportunity to obtain a quality education is associated with high tuition fees. Doesn't help and it's bad developed system student loans.

According to the Ministry of Education, the cost of paid full-time education at universities ranges from 800$ to 1600$, which even the president rated as quite high. Interestingly, the report Rector of BSU Sergei Ablameiko At a meeting of the University Professorial Assembly, it was stated that the university receives its main income for providing paid services. Budget funding is approximately 45%. The situation is probably similar in other universities. Despite this, according to the Minister of Education, there are no resources to reduce prices in Belarus; on the contrary, another increase is planned for this year.

In Belarus, indeed, there has been no completely free education for a long time - after all, the third that is educated at the expense of budget funds, is required to work for 2 years as assigned after graduation. And if you refuse, you have to pay the full price, and even recalculated at the new rate.

“The cat has four legs and a long tail behind it.” The freedom-loving street children from the film of the same name named their school named after Dostoevsky the Republic of SHKID.

6. Subjective rating systems and limited methodology

One of the main problems is the methodology of teaching and assessing student performance. A simplified system with an extremely generalized approach leads to standardization: but these are mass institutions, and the most students study there. different people with a variety of abilities. And it is not at all clear what exactly to evaluate: effort in work, ability to think, amount of knowledge, potential?

“The stupid arguments that “if you don’t study well, you’ll work as a janitor” didn’t really work in the 90s, and now, I think, too. Judging by my class, the poor students turned out to be guys with a strong entrepreneurial spirit, while many excellent students are still waiting for rewards for their honors in life. However, not all of them receive these same incentives,” -

In September, about 1 million students will go to educational establishments Belarus, and many of them are not citizens of this country. Two official languages ​​are accepted for study in these institutions of Belarus: Belarusian and Russian. Relations between Russia and Belarus have always been strong.

The preschool education system is designed to prepare children for school and give them a start into the world of knowledge. About a year before school, kindergarten groups conduct preparatory classes for kids, with the goal of a painless transition for them to school next year. By the age of 6, children begin to receive a school course, which, depending on the level (basic and intermediate), will last 9 or 11 years.

After 9 years of study, you can choose several ways to develop your future: secondary education at school, vocational school or college, where you can get a fairly prestigious education. Vocational schools provide not only a profession, but also secondary education according to a standard school curriculum. The main document confirming training is a certificate of secondary, secondary specialized or secondary vocational education. Any of these documents is the main one for admission to a university. Higher education is the last step in the country's educational system. It is from universities that the most the best specialists. The quality of training and education in Belarus is very high, as the state pays a lot of attention to it.

Higher education in Belarus is at a very high level and covers a very significant percentage of school graduates. These indicators were made possible due to the availability of educational institutions in the country. Receive scientific knowledge students come to both public higher institutions and private ones. There are a total of 50 universities in Belarus. Private educational institutions are divided into the classical system, academies, institutes and colleges that graduate specialists at the higher education. Also, a private university can have a narrowly specialized focus. In Belarus, private higher education institutions are not afraid, since training in them is controlled and supported at all stages by government agencies.

The form of study can be chosen by the student upon admission. There is a full-time course, evening course, convenient for students who have work, and part-time study for students, for example, from another city. Full-time education usually lasts for 5 years. Students who choose this education system can count on government support in the form of a scholarship if they successfully study. All universities, regardless of whether they belong to the state or private individuals, issue a state-issued diploma. All universities in the country are subordinated to the Ministry of Education of Belarus.

Foreign citizens also study in higher educational institutions, but mainly on a paid basis. The fees at different institutions are not the same and depend on the specialty and form of training. It is not difficult for a foreign citizen to enroll in a university in Belarus. The main thing is to contact the one you like and provide a certain package of documents, namely:

  • application form based on the university model;
  • copy of the passport;
  • a copy of the birth certificate certified by a notary;
  • a certificate with an insert of grades in the subjects studied or their certified copies;
  • medical documents aimed at certifying the student’s ability to live on the territory of Belarus (whether the climate is suitable). The documents must be issued by the medical institution of the applicant’s country of permanent residence.

When admitted to a university, the student must replace all copies of the documents provided with copies and provide standard photos for the documents. Of course, studying in the country is impossible without obtaining a Belarus visa. Another requirement for universities upon admission is to provide a medical certificate stating that the student does not have HIV infection.

The student submits documents for admission to the institute in person. Belarusian laws in the education system are quite loyal and allow you to submit documents to a university even for foreign languages, for example: German, Spanish or English, although in such cases a translation certified by a notary may be required.

If a student who comes to study in the country does not speak Russian and Belarusian languages, he will most likely have to undergo an additional training course for about a year. Typically, such work is carried out by universities themselves within the framework of general training for admission of applicants. Of course, it is not necessary to undergo language training in Belarus. It is easiest for Russian students to enroll in universities in this country.

Training programs include many nuances. For example, housing for nonresident students is provided in each educational institution with the help of a special department. The same department helps foreign students find housing and obtain permission to reside in the country. Most often, student dormitories are assigned to higher educational institutions. This type of living space is quite cheap for students, although living there is quite cozy and comfortable.

There are more than 4,000 preschool institutions in Belarus (nurseries, kindergartens, preparatory school groups, family-type child care institutions), which are attended by almost half a million children (67%).

The children's education program includes their native language, culture, folk traditions. Expenses for children's stay preschool institutions 88% are subsidized by the state.

General secondary education is basic and includes levels:

· Primary School(grades 1-4),

· second level (grades 5-9),

· third level (grades 10-11).

The second and third levels are completed by passing exams and issuing certificates of general secondary education. School education begins at the age of 6. There are more than 4.5 thousand secondary schools, gymnasiums and lyceums in Belarus. Currently the system school education undergoes reform establishing a 12-year full course secondary school(with the possibility of graduation after 10th grade). There are auxiliary and special schools for children with special needs in physical and mental development. Graduates of the second and third levels have the opportunity to continue their studies in secondary specialized educational institutions (colleges, technical schools). Admission to higher education institutions is carried out only after completing a full general education course based on exams.

There are 42 state and 13 non-state higher educational institutions in Belarus - Universities, Academies, Institutes, where more than 260 thousand students study in 230 specialties.

The oldest educational centers are the Belarusian Agricultural Academy, the Belarusian, Mogilev and Vitebsk State Universities, the Belarusian Polytechnic Academy, the Vitebsk Veterinary and Medical Academy. Higher education can be obtained both on a paid and free basis.

Belarus has adopted world standards of higher education, the first stage of which is a bachelor's degree, the second is a master's degree. The most gifted students have the opportunity to engage in science by entering graduate school or as applicants.

The principle of continuous education involves advanced training after completion of higher education; In Belarus, 130 educational institutions provide postgraduate education, which covers 450 thousand people annually.

The science

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus is the highest state scientific organization of the republic, with state support The Belarusian Republican Fund has been created and is functioning basic research(BRFFR), Belarusian Innovation Fund (Belinfond), Informatization Foundation of the Republic of Belarus.

Currently there are about 300 operating in Belarus scientific organizations. Over 30 thousand people are involved in scientific research and development, including more than 830 doctors of science and 3,690 candidates of science.

Research and development in the field of technical sciences traditionally prevail in the republic. Priority directions scientific and technological development are also mechanical engineering, information technology, drugs and medicine, ecology, Agriculture, development of promising scientific research and developments in the field of laser and plasma technologies, optoelectronics, new materials with special properties, methods of technical diagnostics, chemical synthesis of substances, plant breeding, biotechnologies, methods of information processing, special computer technology.

A national patent system has been created in the republic. In 2002, 688 patents for inventions and 86 patents for industrial designs were registered. Every year, Belarusian organizations patent 100-120 inventions abroad, with more than 90% of them in Russia.

Interaction with such international organizations as the International Association for Cooperation with Scientists from the Newly Independent States of the Former Soviet Union(INTAS), International Science and Technology Center (ISTC), International Center for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI), Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, European Organization for Nuclear Research (Switzerland), NATO Scientific Committee, SCOPES and others.

The priority in the field of science is cooperation with Russia within the framework of the Union of Belarus and Russia and the CIS countries.


Currency – Belarusian ruble

Belarus is considered one of the most economically developed countries of the CIS (former USSR).

In terms of industrial reserves of potassium salts, Belarus ranks among the first in Europe. Today, fertilizers extracted from the mines of Soligorsk remain the most important strategic product of the country - they bring a significant part of export profits.

Proven oil reserves are small: the republic currently produces about 2 million tons per year.

The economy is dominated by several monster holdings - production associations Belneftekhim, Belenergo, Beltransgaz, etc. The share of the private sector in GDP does not exceed 25%, and Belneftekhim alone accounts for 45% of all export earnings of Belarus. The structure of the industry has not undergone any significant changes - tractors and dump trucks still roll off Belarusian assembly lines, but no revolutionary technologies have been introduced into their production. Labor productivity growth lags behind the rate of wage growth, and foreign investment (mainly Russian) plays virtually no role - 1% of GDP. The only jump in 2002 ($450 million) was associated with the construction of the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline. There are new production facilities operating for export, but the country does not have large natural resources This is clearly not enough for modernization. In terms of GDP per capita (at purchasing power parities), the country is inferior to Russia, Lithuania and Poland, but superior to Ukraine and - almost twice - the neighboring Smolensk region. So what determines the growth of the Belarusian economy? Belarus, despite its almost complete dependence on external energy supplies, has become one of the few European countries benefited from rising world oil prices. Belarus inherited two modern oil refineries from the USSR - Mozyr and Novopolotsk. Belarus was able to quickly respond to the growing market demand for petroleum products - capacities were partially modernized (with the participation of the Russian Slavneft), and the volume of oil processed began to increase annually. In physical terms, this volume increased from 11.9 million tons in 2001 to about 20 million tons in 2006. Petroleum products have also become the main export item of Belarus. In dollar terms, exports of petroleum products from 2002 to 2006 increased 4.7 times and amounted to $7.5 billion. The share of petroleum products in the country's total commodity exports in 2006 will be 40%. It is worth noting here that the export of all goods excluding petroleum products in 2004-2005. did not change. According to preliminary data for 2006, the total volume of Belarusian exports will increase again, but to a large extent the increase will again be based on an increase in the export of petroleum products.

Today Belarus is a highly developed state that does not lag behind European countries. The literacy rate of the people is quite high and is now 99%. The percentage of the population with secondary, secondary vocational education is 98%. Education in Belarus is now well funded. In this regard, the country is not inferior to European powers. In this developed state there are more than 8 thousand secondary, higher and special educational institutions, in which about 3 million people study.

Education system of the Republic of Belarus

The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus allowed people to receive basic, additional and special education free of charge. This meets all international standards.

In terms of education level, Belarus took 21st place, after highly developed European countries. The rating was compiled by the international UN Development Program.

Education in Belarus now has quite high level, this is evidenced by the fact that this state was admitted to the European Higher Education Area in 2015.

Vocational and secondary specialized education

The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus has taken care of vocational and secondary specialized education, which has been functioning perfectly since the times of the USSR, which cannot be said about the CIS countries. The Belarusian experience is used by many countries, including even Russia. There are about 200 colleges in the republic, which annually graduate 35 thousand people in various specialties. Secondary specialized education in Belarus is provided by 130 institutions, which annually train 40 thousand people. Colleges in Belarus have an excellent technical base, thanks to which qualified specialists graduate in a couple of years.

Today, a lot of people leave school after 9th grade and go to get a special secondary education. The best institutions where this can be done are colleges.


In Belarus, citizens of this country, foreigners and stateless people can enroll in colleges from the age of 17 if they have a secondary education.

It is allowed to combine studies at colleges with studies at another institution.

Students are admitted to colleges in Belarus based on the results of entrance exams, which contain tests in several subjects. They must be determined and compiled by the teachers of this institution.

Admission to colleges in Belarus is based on a competition; the best ones are determined by entrance exams or interview results.

Entrance exams will be carried out by decree of the rector, that is, he must decide where it will be held, at what time and when it is necessary to submit documents for enrollment.

Admission of applicants

In order for an applicant to be admitted to college, he must bring the necessary papers within the specified period. As a rule, this is a document on secondary education, a passport, a medical report, a document that confirms that you have completed preparatory courses (optional), 6 photographs and an application addressed to the rector, which will need to be written at the college itself.

Without entrance exams the following can apply to the budget:

  • Winners of international Olympiads.
  • Winners of various regional competitions.
  • Applicants who have a secondary education with a medal.
  • Orphans.
  • People who graduated from cadet school.

Popular colleges in Belarus

Today, the most popular are the Minsk College of Entrepreneurship, the Minsk College of Architecture and Civil Engineering and the Minsk College of Business and Law. They are the ones who occupy the leading positions in the rating of 300 institutions throughout Belarus. Of course, it will be quite difficult to get there, but if you are focused on this, study, try, and you will definitely succeed.

Higher education

Higher education in Belarus is provided by 52 institutions, of which 9 are privately owned. Every year they train about 70 thousand highly qualified specialists.

Specialists are trained in 16 profiles, which include 350 specialties of both first and second degrees. In the republic, higher education can be obtained through full-time and part-time forms of study.

Higher education institutions provide the opportunity to choose the language in which the educational process will take place. It can be Belarusian, Russian or English for foreigners. There are 120 organizations in the country that have postgraduate courses, and 60 institutions that offer doctoral studies, where they train scientists.

Higher education institutions in Belarus cooperate with enterprises of the country and with international companies. This, for example, is the Belarusian State University. After graduation, students should be offered a job, this is a huge plus considering the high unemployment rate. It is worth noting the pedagogical universities in Belarus, thanks to which about 10 thousand talented teachers appear annually, and the state helps them find employment.

Higher education for foreign citizens

For foreigners who intend to enroll in higher education institutions, but do not have citizenship, there are separate rules in Belarus. Foreigners can get an education:

  • At the expense of the state or for a fee - this complies with all international treaties.
  • On a paid basis - foreign citizens can enroll in a university after final certification, when they have mastered the educational program.
  • Another option for admission on a paid basis is that an interview will be held where the foreigner must show his level of proficiency in the Belarusian or Russian language.

Cost of higher education

During the admission campaign, every applicant wants to enroll on a budget. But there are far fewer places than there are people willing to take them. Those people who were unable to get through on a budget can take advantage of a paid form of training. As a rule, different universities have different prices for education.

Today the Belarusian State University is considered the most expensive higher education institution in Belarus. Students who study there must pay an average of 63,000 rubles per year. And the highest prices are at the Faculty of International Relations. Oddly enough, in Belarus this is now considered the most popular specialty.

The second place is occupied by the Belarusian State Economic University. The cost of training at this institution will cost an average of 47,000 rubles per year.

Gomel State University closes the top three. For a year of study at this prestigious university you need to pay about 46,000 rubles.

The cheapest education can be found, as a rule, in non-prestigious universities, one of which is the Private Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship, where the price for all specialties is almost the same and amounts to 16,000 rubles per year of study. Next to it is the Institute entrepreneurial activity, in which you will need to pay about 16,500 rubles for a year of study. In this higher educational institution, the cost of training in all specialties is the same.

If we consider everything Belarusian universities, then the average tuition fee is 28,000-37,000 rubles. For example, pedagogical universities in Belarus accept students on a paid basis if they are willing to pay 35,000 rubles. For the entire period of study, a student who studies on a paid basis must pay more than 140,000 rubles.

Belarusian education is highly valued throughout the world, which is why studying in Belarus attracts many foreign students

Preschool education

Belarus has a well-developed system preschool education. Although it is not compulsory, most children attend preschool before starting school.

School education in Belarus

School education in Belarus begins at the age of 6 and includes two levels: general basic and general secondary. Well basic school is designed for 9 years,average- on 11 years. Having successfully completed basic school, young people have the opportunity to continue their education in colleges, lyceums and vocational schools, where they simultaneously receive secondary education and vocational training. Those who wish can obtain a general secondary education by continuing their studies at school. A certificate of general secondary or secondary specialized education is the main document giving the right to admission to a higher educational institution.

The Belarusian education system uses two official languages - Russian and Belarusian.

Further education in Belarus

In Belarus, the ratio of students to the total population is one of the highest in Europe. Higher education in the republic is prestigious and accessible. Professional and scientific training of students is carried out by both public and private higher education institutions of various types:

    classical universities

    specialized universities and academies


    higher colleges

When entering a higher education institution, the future student chooses a form of study, which can be full-time, evening or part-time.

The training program in higher educational institutions of the republic is designed mainly for 5 years. Full-time students who successfully study receive a scholarship. All graduates of higher educational institutions various forms property receive a state diploma.

In Belarus, all higher education institutions, both public and private, are subordinate to the Ministry of Education.

In May 2015 Belarus officially became a member Bologna process- European Higher Education Area.

Can foreign students study at universities in Belarus?

A lot of foreign students study at higher educational institutions in Belarus. Education for citizens of other countries is usually paid. His price depends on the chosen specialty, form of study and educational institution.

How do foreign students enter universities in Belarus?

After the applicant has chosen a specialty and higher education institution, he should apply to university to receive an invitation to study. To do this, the following documents are sent to the educational institution:

    application form of a foreign citizen (samples are posted on the websites of universities);

    a notarized copy of the education document indicating the subjects studied and the grades (scores) received in the exams;

    a notarized copy of the birth certificate;

    a copy of the pages of the national (or foreign) passport with photograph and surname;

    a notarized copy of a medical report on health status confirming the possibility of studying at climatic conditions of the Republic of Belarus, certified by the official health authorities of the country sending the candidate for study.

Then you need to obtain a visa allowing entry into the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

Upon arrival in Belarus for consideration admissions committee The university provides the following package of documents:

    application form of the established form for admission to study;

    originals of education documents indicating the subjects studied and the grades (scores) obtained in them on exams;

    the original medical report on the state of health confirming the possibility of studying for a foreign citizen in the climatic conditions of the Republic of Belarus, certified by the official health authorities of the country sending the candidate for study;

    a medical certificate confirming the absence of HIV infection, issued by the official health authority of the country of arrival of the candidate for study;

    certified by in the prescribed manner a copy of the birth certificate;

    6 or 8 photographs measuring 4x6 cm.

A national passport with a visa to enter the Republic of Belarus is presented foreign citizen personally.

Documents can be provided in Belarusian or Russian, as well as in English, French, Spanish, and German. In this case, it is necessary to attach their translation into Belarusian or Russian, certified by a notary.

The language of instruction in universities of the republic is Russian or Belarusian. Most foreign students, before starting their studies, need to take a one-year language course in Belarus at the pre-university preparation department of the educational institution.

Housing for international students

All higher education institutions in Belarus have housing departments who provide assistance in obtaining a temporary residence permit and help find a place of residence. Most students live in student dormitories. It's comfortable and quite cheap.

Where can I study?

In Belarus more than 50 higher education institutions.