Vladislav Kosarev official club. Vladislav Kosarev: It took me a long time to decide to sing. Creative biography of the singer and artist

If we talk about a person who is capable of performing absolutely any genre, then this will undoubtedly be the singer Vladislav Kosarev. Folk songs, classics, rum...

From Masterweb

11.06.2018 12:00

If we talk about a person who is capable of performing absolutely any genre, then this will undoubtedly be the singer Vladislav Kosarev. Folk songs, classics, romances - that's all that is in his repertoire. His voice fascinates many listeners; it is about Kosarev that one can say that they cannot stop listening to him.

Vladislav Anatolyevich was born in the city of Smolensk on December 5, 1975. WITH early years his parents instilled in him a love of music. When his mother took him to music school, he just turned six years old. Sang in the choir. After some time I received musical education at the Smolensk Glinka School. By the way, many artists studied at this school. Obtaining a diploma provided a good start his musical career. After that he left hometown and went to conquer Moscow. There Kosarev continued his studies and entered the Gnessin Academy.

The beginning of a creative journey

Vladislav began his career with male choir“Peresvet”. First he was a soloist, then he became a conductor. Having walked this path, Vladislav still realized that he would like to be a solo singer. The Peresvet team gave concerts in many cities of Russia, but they conquered not only this country, but also others, such as Poland, Estonia, Spain, France, Sweden. Many countries fell in love with the extraordinary baritone of singer Vladislav Kosarev.

At the beginning of 2009, he finally decides to start solo career. The singer gave concerts in the largest halls of Moscow (P. I. Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, Great Hall of the Conservatory, Kremlin Palace of Congresses and many others). His songs could often be heard on many Russian channels.

The first concerts of singer Vladislav Kosarev were a great success, his incredible baritone captivated all the spectators, but it was the fact that he performed any genre that his fans remembered most of all.

Vladislav is very fond of composers of the 20th century, so he prefers to sing not pop music, which is heard almost everywhere, but compositions more classic style. The singer believes that there is very little of him on TV screens. He puts all of himself into all his songs, which is why they touch the soul. The most luxurious works from his repertoire, according to the audience, are the following: “Don’t wake her up at dawn”, “Bells”, “A blizzard is blowing along the street”.

The singer performs at all concerts where he is invited, and he also sings at various holidays, anniversaries and weddings. Works in partnership with many musical ensembles, such as the ensemble “Russia”, the pop symphony orchestra and many other wind and folk orchestras.

In 2017, he received the honorary title “Honored Artist of the Karelian Republic” and was awarded by the head of this state himself. Every year he takes part in the festival, dedicated to the Day families in Murom.

Personal life of singer Vladislav Kosarev

Many are very interested in the singer’s personal life, but no matter what provocative questions they ask him during an interview, he, like a tough nut to crack, doesn’t tell anything about it. Vladislav believes that such a topic as personal life is personal because no one should know anything about it.

(hsimage|Vladislav Kosarev ||||)

Vladislav sings about love, tender, touching, eternal, and this feeling resonates with the souls of the audience. Proof of this is the sold-out crowds at his concerts at the Philharmonic.

— You captivated the Petrozavodsk audience at your first concert in December. Women look at you with undisguised adoration. How difficult is it to keep the mark every time?

— I am happy to hear that my songs, which are very dear to me, resonate with women's souls. As a matter of fact, this is why I go on stage. I do not pursue any insidious goals to please the women who come to my concerts. I'm just singing!

I was once asked the question: “What is the most difficult thing in your profession?” So, the most difficult thing is to go on stage and sing better than last time.

— On stage you are incredibly charming and you probably know it. Are you deliberately charming or does it come naturally?

— When I go on stage, I feel sincere love for every person who sits in the audience. If this is not the case, then there is no point in going out and singing. I think I truly live and am truly happy only on stage when I feel unity with the audience. So, perhaps, charm arises naturally.

—Have you ever walked away to the sound of your heels?

- (laughs)There was no such thing that I was greeted with ominous silence or rotten tomatoes. One of the reasons why I came onto the scene quite late is that I am very self-critical. It took me a long time to decide to sing. Unfortunately, there are a lot of mediocre singers on stage now, I didn’t want to be one of them.

—Where does the sympathy for folk songs come from? You sing pop and military songs, but folk songs predominate...

Doesn't dominate, but occupies a lot great place. Probably because I am a Russian person. I also saw a time when weddings in villages lasted for several days, they did not walk with a tape recorder - they all just sang together “Oh, it’s not evening”, “The fog is fierce”, “Loach over the water”, “Unharness your horses, boys”...

I have very strong impressions of my grandmother, who was a unique Russian woman. She survived both the occupation and the post-war devastation, raised her family, helped her children and grandchildren. Grandma taught German at school, but all my life I ran a Russian song club at the same time. She knew great amount Russians folk songs, including songs with pagan roots. She knew all the verses in “Khas-Bulat the Daring” and “If I Had Golden Mountains”, and there are countless of them - she knew everything! I absorbed this spirit, somehow indescribable in words, from her. The grandmother said shortly before her death: “Children, when you bury me, don’t cry, don’t. Just sing Russian songs."

— So it turns out there were singers in your family?

— There were no professionals. It’s just that everyone in the family, especially on the maternal side, sang very well. My father has an amazing lyric-dramatic tenor. When we gather at the same table, you can’t hear me - he drowns out my voice twice. My father worked at the factory all his life, going from a machine operator to a shop manager. The hands are huge! And he could become a very good singer.

Father is always watching Youtube , what recordings from concerts have appeared. Sometimes he sits and cries at concerts. It's very touching.

- Once upon a time legendary soloist our Philharmonic Sirkka Rikka performed with the program “Songs of the Peoples of the World”: she sang folk songs different countries in original languages. Have you ever had an idea to make a program of this kind?

— To be honest, it didn’t arise. I don't think that this moment Personally, I would be interested in this. It seems to me that it is possible to sing a folk song truly sincerely only if you grew up in the culture of this people and absorbed its spirit. If I had extra time, I would look more for ancient pagan Slavic songs, ancient church chants or Cossack songs...

You should be proud that you are Russian, be proud that you have great story and the great culture that we are in best case scenario We know ten percent.

- Is it really so little?

— For some reason, all over the world it is customary to be proud of their national roots. Look, the wave of interest in Celtic music has not yet passed. And how proud the Balkans are of Bregovic and Kusturica, how proud they are of being Serbs, Croats, Macedonians! And the Russians... Forgive us, we have either a tavern, or a lubok, or something strongly reminiscent of Russian folklore, but only from afar: a woman in a kokoshnik, an accordion player jumping nearby, everything sparkles - only this has nothing to do with Russian folklore.

Thank God, now there are still folk groups who live on pennies, but no matter what they support the tradition: they go on expeditions, collect things, process them, sing, and give concerts. The program “Play, Harmony!” It’s still on Channel One. But who will watch Channel One on Sunday at half past nine in the morning? Nobody. But if you come to Germany or France, then among the huge variety of television or radio channels you will definitely find several ethnic ones, where they sound their own national melodies.

And here it seems to be alive, but we are still like Ivans, who do not remember their kinship. That's why I really love traveling around Russia and singing with Russian orchestras. folk instruments. Surprisingly, while receiving meager money, these orchestras survive and are in very good professional shape. With us, as always, everything is based on enthusiasm.

— How was it working with the Onego orchestra?

(hsimage|Vladislav Kosarev and the Onego orchestra||||)

- Amazing. The second time I felt more confident, as if I had arrived among my own people. Gennady Ivanovich Mironov - absolutely unique person, a storehouse of optimism, love of life, and jokes. Stories. And at the same time, he is an amazing professional: everything that concerns the orchestra, his conducting work is impeccable. And it’s nice to work with professionals - you learn a lot from them.

-Can you get excited about a romance if the melody is not very moving, but the text is wonderful?

You know, there has never been such a thing in my practice that I closed my ears to intonations that went against the word. I initially choose things for my repertoire that have left a mark on my soul. It happens like this: I hear a song, I walk around and suffer - I have to sing it. There is a lot of good music, but I don’t sing it - not because it’s bad, but because it’s not close to me. It’s like in life: you communicate with people close to you, but there are a huge number of nice people with whom relationships don’t work out. It’s the same with works, they are also alive.

— Is there a song in your repertoire that you could consider as your portrait?

— There will be several of them: “Beauty Queen”, “Nocturne” by Babajanyan, “What does love know about love”, “Woman in the window”, “I’ll go out into the street”, “Oh, it’s not evening”, “Yes, a tree is blooming in the garden” . This is the combination.

Photo by Larisa Suraeva

Vladislav Kosarev - organization of the concert - ordering artists on the official website of the agency. To organize performances, tours, invitations to corporate events - call +7-499-343-53-23, +7-964-647-20-40

Welcome to the official website of agent Vladislav Kosarev. Vladislav’s pure baritone has long won the hearts of grateful audiences, both domestic and foreign. His undeniable talent and virtuosic performance bring true pleasure to listeners. He perfectly performs compositions of various genres: romances, ballads, opera arias and popular music.

Creative achievements

Vladislav took his first steps towards music very early. He was then barely six years old. Since childhood, the guy had excellent hearing, and an irresistible attraction to creativity left him with virtually no choice in the matter of future activities.

2001 – Vladislav Kosarev successfully completed the famous Gnessinka. I wanted to quickly give vent to numerous ideas and try my skills. The first place of labor and creative activity became for him the men's choir "Peresvet".
He successfully performed solo roles, and later began to conduct. Concerts of Vladislav Kosarev are held at the highest professional level. He always uses only high-quality sound equipment, therefore, regardless of the acoustics of the hall, the audience enjoys high-quality, powerful sound.

The singer has a wide range of interests. Vladislav’s repertoire includes amazingly beautiful classical compositions, as well as winning pop songs from the various topics. It has become prestigious to order a performance by Vladislav Kosarev. The best Moscow halls submitted to him. Kosarev's concerts drew applause in the famous Kremlin Palace of Congresses, the Great Hall of the Conservatory, the Concert Hall. Tchaikovsky and many others. He also participated in television concerts and recorded music for films.

The result of dedicated work was the First Prize of the first International Conducting Competition. Yurlova. His collection also includes numerous orders and prizes from various prestigious competitions.


Having started his solo career in 2009, Vladislav successfully performs for his fans. He has a wonderful, diverse repertoire. Each concert always takes place with maximum efficiency. You should now book a performance by Vladislav Kosarev in advance, because the singer has a busy schedule. He is charming, sincere and treats his admirers with genuine tenderness. The singer’s amazing baritone is natural both when performing classical operas, operettas, musicals, and Russian folk songs. More about Vladislav Kosarev can be found on his official website.

If we talk about a person who is capable of performing absolutely any genre, then this will undoubtedly be the singer Vladislav Kosarev. Folk songs, classics, romances - that's all that is in his repertoire. His voice fascinates many listeners; it is about Kosarev that one can say that they cannot stop listening to him.

Biography of singer Vladislav Kosarev

Vladislav Anatolyevich was born in the city of Smolensk on December 5, 1975. From an early age, his parents instilled in him a love of music. When his mother took him to music school, he had just turned six years old. Sang in the choir. After some time, he received a musical education at the Smolensk Glinka School. By the way, many artists studied at this school. Receiving a diploma provided a good start to his musical career. After that, he left his hometown and went to conquer Moscow. There Kosarev continued his studies and entered the Gnessin Academy.

The beginning of a creative journey

Vladislav began his career with the men's choir “Peresvet”. First he was a soloist, then he became a conductor. Having walked this path, Vladislav still realized that he would like to be a solo singer. The Peresvet team gave concerts in many cities of Russia, but they conquered not only this country, but also others, such as Poland, Estonia, Spain, France, Sweden. Many countries fell in love with the extraordinary baritone of singer Vladislav Kosarev.

At the beginning of 2009, he finally decided to start a solo career. The singer gave concerts in the largest halls of Moscow (P. I. Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, Great Hall of the Conservatory, Kremlin Palace of Congresses and many others). His songs could often be heard on many Russian channels.

The first concerts of singer Vladislav Kosarev were a great success, his incredible baritone captivated all the spectators, but it was the fact that he performed any genre that his fans remembered most of all.

Vladislav is very fond of composers of the 20th century, so he prefers to sing not pop music, which is heard almost everywhere, but compositions of a more classical style. The singer believes that there is very little of him on TV screens. He puts all of himself into all his songs, which is why they touch the soul. The most luxurious works from his repertoire, according to the audience, are the following: “Don’t wake her up at dawn”, “Bells”, “A blizzard is blowing along the street”.

The singer performs at all concerts where he is invited, and he also sings at various holidays, anniversaries and weddings. Works in partnership with many musical ensembles, such as the Rossiya ensemble, the pop symphony orchestra and many other wind and folk ensembles.

In 2017, he received the honorary title “Honored Artist of the Karelian Republic” and was awarded by the head of this state himself. Every year he takes part in the celebration of Family Day in Murom.

Personal life of singer Vladislav Kosarev

Many are very interested in the singer’s personal life, but no matter what provocative questions they ask him during an interview, he, like a tough nut to crack, doesn’t tell anything about it. Vladislav believes that such a topic as personal life is personal because no one should know anything about it.

Professional artist and singer (baritone) Vladislav Kosarev has a clear and soulful voice. The performer's repertoire is very diverse: romances, opera, foreign pop music, Russian folk songs. In his songs there lives the love that is in the heart of any Russian person when he thinks about his mother, about his grandfather - a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, or about his beloved. However, neither Vladislav Kosarev’s wife nor his personal life are ever put on display by the artist.

About the personal life of Vladislav Kosarev

In one of his interviews, Vladislav Kosarev honestly admitted that he tries to avoid issues related to his personal life. “This sensitive topic has been and will be difficult for any artist, so I don’t discuss it,” he says. — The personal life of Vladislav Kosarev should always remain personal, and this is important for any person, and not just for an artist; therefore, my personal relationships cannot be made public by discussing them throughout the country.”

The life of an artist, according to the deep conviction of Vladislav Kosarev, should always be dedicated to the people. He had to travel half the country, performing in various cities and villages. This requires enormous dedication, which is why singers and musicians who devote their lives to creativity, most often, when asked about their personal lives, with their characteristic sense of humor, answer that they are married on stage. And this is not bravado, but rather the inner state of the artist’s soul.

Vladislav Kosarev's wife, his parents

The singer speaks about his family with great warmth and love. Vladislav Kosarev’s wife is not a myth, but if the singer himself does not want to talk about this topic, then fans of his talent, paying tribute to their idol, should understand the artist. Everyone in the friendly Kosarev family sings. Parents played a big role in the singer’s creative destiny. Both Vladislav’s mother and father worked at the factory, but they themselves sang beautifully, often performed on the stage of their native cultural center and taught their son to sing.

“To be honest, I don’t remember how or when I started singing, but there were always songs around me. My beloved granny sang, she is a wonderful teacher, and led amateur performances for a long time. I learned war songs from my grandfather, and my mother loved listening to the songs of such wonderful singers as Muslim Magomayev, Georg Ots and Eduard Khil,” recalls Kosarev.

“We often sang on holidays. Once, when I was six, during a concert I sang the famous “Cruiser Aurora”, while experiencing a deep feeling of delight, which did not escape my mother’s attention. Soon she sent me to a music school, where I learned to play the piano and sang in the choir.”

In the repertoire children's choir there were many songs by the wonderful composer Alexandra Pakhmutova from her famous musical cycle"Constellation of Gagarin". Now, many years later, Vladislav Kosarev often performs the same, his favorite songs. This was the case, for example, in Saratov in 2011, when the singer received an invitation to perform at a gala concert in honor of the sixtieth anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s first flight into space.

Creative biography of the singer and artist

Vladislav’s musical studies began at the age of six, every day for several hours. In 2001, Kosarev received an academic education and began performing in the Peresvet group. This is the famous choir, where the future singer is eight for long years grew, not only as a performer, but also as choral conductor. Since 2009, Vladislav Kosarev begins his solo career.

Now he is a performer of pop songs. The audience applauds him Concert hall named after Tchaikovsky, Great Hall Conservatories, etc. He performs throughout the country. Vladislav records songs for films, he is a welcome guest television shows And holiday concerts on TV.

My concert program the artist selects very carefully and rehearses for a long time. The performer's extraordinary charm and talent help him find his way to the viewer's heart. For his work, Vladislav Kosarev was awarded the First Prize and the title of Laureate at the First International Competition conductors named after Yurlov, awarded the golden order “Service to Art” and the order “Faith, Hope, Love”.