Britney spears now. Britney Spears: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photos. Beginning of a musical career

The name Britney Spears is known, perhaps, to the whole world. The bright, stylish blonde was able to conquer the world of show business in her time, showing that you can achieve everything you want. She was a truly magnificent star in the early 2000s, when clips of her participation were constantly shown on television, and her voice was heard every now and then.

Although in our time, the hype regarding her personality has already passed somewhat, but still, she is still popular and in demand. But where did Britney Spears' life begin? How did she become popular in the first place, and how was she able to gain popularity and recognition from millions of people? We will talk about this in our article about the American star.

Height, weight, age. How old is Britney Spears

Height, weight, age. Over the years, Britney Spears has always aroused the interest of fans, if only because the stylish blonde has always amazed with her beautiful shape, white-toothed smile and inexhaustible charm. The woman always seems young, although today she is already 35 years old. The singer's height is 163 centimeters and her weight is 54 kilograms.

It cannot be said that she is now as slim as she once was, however, she is still in good shape, always ready to go on stage and amaze the audience with her talent. Was it difficult for her to get on stage, to prove to others that she was truly talented, that she deserved to be listened to all over the world? Let's look at all this in as much detail as possible.

Biography and personal life of Britney Spears

The biography and personal life of Britney Spears definitely deserve attention, because she, in fact, was born an ordinary girl, in the most unremarkable family. But at the same time, from childhood, the girl studied rhythmic gymnastics, even sometimes took part in competitions, where she took certain places. She also sang from a young age, and she really enjoyed this activity. She constantly visited dance and vocal tutors, and her mother greatly encouraged such performances; in addition, she took the girl to various competitions, hoping that there she would be able to prove herself with the best side. And I must say that the young girl did it perfectly, because she managed to win all the local competitions.

My solo career, the girl started when she was studying at high school. And after four years, she was able to release her first projects, which appealed to both producers and a certain audience. Britney realized that she had to act further, everything was in her hands, so she could not relax her efforts. The first album was followed by a second, a second, a third. At some point in time, there was a real fever going on in the world, which revolved entirely around Britney Spears. On the shelves one could find the most miscellaneous goods with her image. Then the singer becomes the face of the Pepsi brand. In addition to all this, the girl wrote a book where she talked about her life before she became popular. The singer also did a lot of charity work, helping children from low-income families and donating large amounts for those who suffered from hurricanes. In addition to the fact that she writes books, acts in films, and releases her own albums, she has also discovered a good commercial streak. The singer has her own developed perfumes, which she successfully sells. As for her personal life, this also has its ups and downs, because for Spears it all happens quite intensely. She was married several times, had vivid affairs, in general, she allowed herself everything she wanted.

Family and children of Britney Spears

Britney Spears' family and children are the most important thing to her. Today the family consists of herself and her two children. The fact is that the singer, most likely, does not really understand what it is family values, because in terms of family, she was constantly experiencing feuds and scandals. They even wanted to deprive her of parental rights because she did not look after the children very well; there were even cases when she was caught in a car with a child on her lap and while drunk. She repeatedly had lawsuits with her second ex-husband, although the singer herself claims that children mean a lot to her. Whether this is true or not, only she and her sons know about it.

Sons of Britney Spears - Sean Preston Spears Federline, Jayden James

Britney Spears' sons Sean Preston Spears Federline, Jayden James made him feel like a mother twice. Boys were born in 2005 and 2006 in the second marriage of Britney Spears and Kevin Federline. It was these children who at one time became the reason for disputes during the divorce of spouses. At one time, the ex-husband was even planning to deprive him of his ex-wife parental rights, because she just then plunged into a riotous lifestyle, and could not fulfill parental responsibilities. It’s difficult to say whether anything has changed for the singer in this regard, but she constantly repeats that her boys are very dear to her.

Britney Spears' Husbands - Jason Alexander, Kevin Federline

Britney Spears' husbands Jason Alexander and Kevin Federline became the singer's chosen ones at different times when she was looking for ordinary female happiness. True, one cannot say how persistently and sincerely she did this. For example, her marriage with her first husband lasted 55 hours, after which a divorce followed. Britney explained this by saying that she just wanted to know what it was like to be married, nothing more. With her second husband, the woman lived a little longer and had two sons. After her divorce from Kevin, she was planning another wedding, but it never came to fruition because the singer broke off the engagement. At the same time, she did not express any particular disappointment.

Britney Spears before and after surgery photos

Photos of Britney Spears before and after surgery have always aroused interest among fans, as well as what Britney Spears looks like now in 2017. About scandalous singer lately walked enough large number rumors that changed at the speed of light.

Of course, the question arises whether the singer plastic surgery or can it do without them? The fact is that at one time, Spears really didn't look as good as before. There is reason to believe that she used the services of plastic surgeons, although she denies this, saying that she always put herself in order herself.

Photo of Britney Spears in Playboy magazine

It must be said that Britney Spears has never considered herself a shy person. Therefore, it is not surprising that she appeared on the pages of Playboy magazine. There you could see the singer posing naked or in a swimsuit. You can even find a photo of the star without makeup, which is very rare to see among celebrities.

Britney Spears apparently believes that you should trade your face and body as much as possible, and then you will never lose value among the audience. However, it should still be noted that when Spears posed for these photos, she really looked good. Photos of Britney Spears in Playboy magazine can be easily found on the Internet.

Instagram and Wikipedia Britney Spears

Despite the fact that Britney Spears' active popularity is already behind her, she is still quite famous. Therefore, if fans want to know more about her, a Wikipedia page is available (,_Britney).

It tells about the singer’s childhood years, about how she started creative career, what she went through before she became famous. Also, if you want to go to her personal page on social networks, you can use the Instagram page ( There the woman posts a photo and shares her future plans. Instagram and Wikipedia Britney Spears are always at the service of those who want to get closer to the celebrity.

In the biography of Britney Spears, her childhood was spent in classes: in addition to school, the girl sang in the choir and was fond of rhythmic gymnastics. Britney's musical career began with participation in the show " New Club Mickey Mouse." Having started singing solo, she recorded a disc and signed a contract with Jive Records. At first I sang before group performances.

Britney Spears gained enormous popularity in her biography after the song “Baby One More Time.” Her album was released in 1999 and spent 60 weeks in the top 20. best albums. Britney's world tour kicked off after the release of her second album, Oops!

…. I Did It Again." The third album in Spears' biography (“Britney”) confirmed her status as a star. The fourth – “In The Zone” was released in 2003.

For the song “Toxic” and the dance performed to it, Britney received a Grammy award. In October 2007, the album “Blackout” was released, but did not turn out to be as popular as the previous 4 albums. But the song “Piece of Me” and its video in 2008 brought Britney 3 victories at the VMA.

Regarding acting career in the biography of Britney Spears, then popular singer participates in various productions from 8 years old. Her first big role in the film Crossroads (2002) earned Spears the title of worst actress. Then Britney starred in several cameo roles, began hosting the television show “Saturday Night.”

The singer’s personal life is of great interest to fans. At the beginning of her biography, Britney Spears was associated with Justin Timberlake, with whom she dated for 4 years and broke off relations in 2001. And in 2004, Spears married Kevin Federline, with whom she gave birth to two sons (in 2005, Sean Preston, and in 2006, Jayden James ). In 2007, Spears' biography saw her divorce from Kevin Federline.

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Britney Spears was born on December 2, 1981 in McComb, Mississippi, but grew up in Kentwood, Louisiana.

As a child, Britney sang constantly. At graduation in kindergarten she sang the Christian song “What Child Is This,” and at the meetings of the Kentwood Baptist Church, of which her parents were regular members, she sang religious hymns countless times.

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The mother of the future star, Lynn Spears, noticed her daughter’s talent and decided to help her become a star: she hired vocal and dance tutors, encouraged little Britney’s “home concerts” and took the little girl to various competitions for young talents.

When little Britney won every local competition she could, Lynn took her to Atlanta, where they were casting for a remake of the popular 1950s show “The Mickey Mouse Club.”

Britney was rejected at the casting - she was too small for the show, but the producer saw talent in her and gave Lynn Spears the address of an experienced agent from New York.

For three years, Britney studied dancing and singing in Manhattan, while also appearing in commercials and playing an enfant terrible in the 1991 Broadway production of Ruthless.

In 1992, at the age of ten, Britney participated and won the Star Search competition; her song “Love can build a bridge” received a positive response from the jury, but the victory was given to another contestant.

This was followed by a second attempt to get into “The Mickey Mouse Show,” which was successful, and at the age of 11, Britney became the so-called MOUSEketeer. She was the youngest of the participants, and it was on this show that she met two other future world stars - Justin Timberlake and Christina Aguilera.

Three years of participation in the show became an excellent show business school for Spears. Then the project was closed, and Britney was forced to return home, where she spent a whole year like an ordinary teenager - dating boys, playing basketball and going to school.

However, Britney still dreamed of the stage, so she recorded a demo tape, which her mother sent to various record labels.

She was offered a place in the girl group “Innosense” (“Innocence”), but Britney was determined to make a solo career and therefore refused.

Larry Rudolph, her New York agent, never ceased to believe in his ward and constantly dragged her to studios. At one of the auditions, Britney brilliantly performed Whitney Houston's song "I have nothing", and the label took Britney under its wing and sent her to Sweden to work with such professionals as Max Martin and Rami (at one time they ensured the success of the Backstreet Boys). Max Martin wrote the song for Britney that made her a star, “Baby one more time.”

In mid-1998, Britney went on tour for the first time - although so far it was just a tour of shopping centers. She performed songs from her newly recorded debut album. Slowly but surely she won fans.

A few months later, “Baby one more time” appeared in rotation on the radio, and a week later it became number one in all the charts.

Then the album of the same name was released, which broke all possible sales records. The album went multi-platinum in Canada, Sweden, France, Japan, Germany and Taiwan. In the entire history of music in the UK, only three artists have sold more records in the first week than her (eg The Beatles), but among all record holders she is the youngest artist to sell more than a million copies in the first week. On the first day, 124,000 cassettes and CDs were sold in the UK.

The next singles from Britney's first album, “Sometimes” and “You Drive Me Crazy,” were also huge successes, the latter of which became the soundtrack to the film “Melissa Joan Hart.”

In January 2000, the mega-popular single “Born to make you happy” was released from the same album, which in theory was supposed to appear in the USA immediately after “From the bottom of my broken heart”, but ultimately became exclusive exclusively for European countries . At the same time, work on Spears' second album was already completed.

The release of the album “Oops!.. I did it again” took place in May 2000. The title song "Oops!.. I did it again" and the singles "Lucky", "Stronger" and "Don"t let me be the last to know" showed that Britney has become more relaxed, sexier and more confident. Spears' updated image was received with a bang by fans.

At the end of 2000, Britney went on tour in Europe. The “Oops!.. I Did It Again” tour proved to the world that Britney was not just a singer - her shows were truly simply amazing. top level.

Meanwhile, “Britney Spears fever” began all over the world: the market for various products was filled with goods with her images - be it T-shirts, dolls, mugs, calendars, keychains, posters, plush toys, cards and much more. Advertising contracts (for example, with PEPSI) were not long in coming.

Together with her mother, Britney writes a book called “Heart to Heart”, in which she describes her life before she became famous, as well as her early successes.

Britney wanted to express her gratitude to society and fans for loving her, and she founded charitable organization, named after her, which every year organizes a camp for talented children from poor families.

Britney's charitable activities did not end there; more than once the singer donated huge sums - for example, for the victims of September 11, 2001 or for the victims of Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

To finally achieve a leading position in all areas of media, Britney starred in the film “Crossroads” in 2001. The role was written specifically for her, and Britney herself had a hand in writing the script.

The income from this film was many times higher than the money spent on it, and the film reached second place in the American charts and fourth in the British (although film critics considered the film bad).

Then the third musical creation arrived, modestly called simply “Britney”. By releasing this album, Britney risked losing some of her fans - these were songs far from the good girl that everyone was used to...

The name of the first single spoke for itself - “I"m a slave 4 u” (“I am your slave”). The music was now more diverse, the voice became more like a gentle whisper, and features of hip-hop were added.

2002 became a very difficult year for Spears - she worked without knowing any rest: tours, endless performances, interviews, promotion of her third album and “Crossroads”...

Sure, she topped the US charts and sold more than 8 million copies of her third album, but compared to the 25 million copies of Oops... I Did It Again and the 30 million of Baby One More Time, the album was a flop.

To top it all off, Miss Spears suffered a setback in her personal life - she broke up with Justin Timberlake, whom she dated for five years.

And Timberlake behaved very unworthily during the breakup: he publicly stated many times that Britney had somehow betrayed him; told the world that he had deprived Britney of her virginity (while Britney herself skillfully exploited the image of America's last virgin and insisted that she planned to wait until marriage).

This was followed by a scandalous performance at the MTV Video Music Awards, where she once again pushed the boundaries of imagination, this time together with Madonna, Christina Aguilera (the three singers’ kiss will probably be remembered forever).

However, preparing for the release of her fourth album, Britney was again not afraid to experiment: she added electronics. It all started with the song “Me Against The Music” (duet with Madonna), and the public liked the new sound.

The disc “In The Zone” was released on November 17, 2003. And again the first place in all the charts. Britney became the first artist to have four consecutive albums reach number one on the US Billboard album charts.

At that time, Britney was already a darling of the tabloids - she was caught smoking several times; there were rumors about her affair with Hollywood womanizer Colin Farrell, so there is no publication that would not write about Britney’s marriage in 2003.

The star married her childhood friend Jason Alexander in a small chapel in Las Vegas, but called it off two days later. Britney then said: “Yes, it was crazy, but I just wanted to know what it was like to be married!”

At this very time at the top musical Olympus Spears' hits “Toxic”, “Me against the music” and the frank ballad written by Britney herself, “Everytime”, reigned supreme, and all of Britney’s shows enjoyed constant success.

The next single from the album “In The Zone” was supposed to be the song “Outrageous”, but the video for it was never fully shot - the star seriously injured her leg during filming.

For the first time in a long time, Spears had a vacation, albeit a forced one. This allowed the singer to pay attention to her personal life. And now the press is thundering with reports about the pop princess’s affair with dancer Kevin Federline.

In September 2004, the couple got married. It seems that Britney continues to work - the very successful single “My Prerogative” (a cover version of Bobby Brown’s 1989 song) is released. However, a full-fledged fifth album called “Original Doll”, which was supposed to be released in the summer of that year, was never released.

Instead, Britney releases the collection “Greatest Hits: My Prerogative”, which, however, does not prevent the disc from starting straight from third place in the UK charts and reaching second place in the album charts in the USA - no one’s “Greatest Hits” has ever sold out with such success.

At the beginning of 2005, the song “Do Somethin” reigned at the top of the charts (the single was taken from the show), and in March 2005, Spears’ first perfume, “Curious,” created together with Elizabeth Arden, was released. Needless to say, how popular they were and still are.

In April, Britney admitted to fans on her website that she was pregnant. Around the same time, the reality show “Britney & Kevin: Chaotic” was released on American television. Viewers watched how Britney and Kevin's relationship developed. Fifth and last episode The show gave viewers a unique opportunity to see Britney's new video for the song "Someday I will understand," which she wrote back in January after learning of her pregnancy. Then the show was released on DVD along with the above-mentioned video and two songs - “Mona Lisa” and the song “Chaotic”, which became the main song theme song for the show.

On September 14, 2005, Britney gave birth to a boy in Los Angeles, who was named Sean Preston. Rumors spread that an incredible return of the pop princess to the stage was planned in 2006, fueled by the release of the collection of remixes “B In The Mix” in November.

But in 2006, Britney pleased the public with only a cameo role in the sitcom “Will & Grace,” and already in May of this year, on the David Letterman show, Spears announced her second pregnancy.

By then, Britney's mothering skills had already been called into question twice: the first time when she was seen driving a car with Sean Preston on her lap, and the second time when she was walking with him in one hand, a glass of water in the other... As a result I almost dropped my son. And every time, paparazzi hovered around her, ready to capture her every wrong move.

In July, she decided to appear on Matt Lauer's show "Dateline" on NBC to shake off the label of a bad mother. It turned out very frankly - Britney talked about all her feelings and cried right during the broadcast.

But the public did not appreciate this sincerity, and the interview rather damaged the star’s reputation than strengthened it (now Spears was also suspected of being unbalanced).

However, Britney decided not to give up and soon appeared before us naked with her son in her arms on the cover of a glossy publication.

On September 12, 2006, in the same Los Angeles hospital, Britney gave birth to her second son, Jayden James.

After giving birth, Spears disappeared from view for some time and appeared in public only on October 31, 2006 at a party dedicated to the release of her husband's album Playing With Fire. By that time, everyone around had been saying for a year that the couple were unhappy together and the marriage was about to fall apart (Kevin tried hard here, spending his nights in nightclubs among strippers).

On November 7, 2006, these rumors were already confirmed - Britney filed for divorce, in which she stated that from now on each party must pay their own bills, and the property must be divided, and properly, so that Britney’s income does not go to her husband. A scandalous and painful divorce process began.

Then Britney was noticed in the company of Paris Hilton - this is how her party life in Los Angeles began. Lack of underwear, too much alcohol and drugs.

Realizing how much this was damaging her credibility, Britney published a letter on her website, in which she said that “recently it has been very difficult for her, the press and television criticized her every action, and people, unfortunately, had the idea that far from reality..."

But on New Year's Eve (2007) in a nightclub, Spears loses consciousness - because (according to those present) she drank too much and hardly ate.

When Aunt Britney died of breast cancer on January 21, 2007, the star's morale became even worse. And then there is her former assistant, Felicia Culotta, who spent nine and a half years with Britney, declares that she no longer wants to watch Britney’s life collapse and leaves her place.

Britney succumbs to the persuasion of her family and friends and goes to a rehabilitation clinic in Antigua. However, after a couple of hours, doctors came to the conclusion that Britney’s blood was absolutely pure and there was no point in keeping her under supervision.

And on February 17, 2007, Britney shocked the world - right in front of the paparazzi, she shaved her hair off her head. She walked into a hairdresser and asked to shave her head. When the employees refused, she took the clipper herself and finished the job with the words: “Oh my God, I shaved them off completely... How upset mom will be.”

After that, she headed to the tattoo parlor and got a new tattoo.

The next day, Britney goes to Kevin's house to see the children, but her husband won't let her in. Spears breaks down and attacks the paparazzi's car with an umbrella.

In May 2007, Spears suddenly began appearing on stage for short appearances in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Orlando and San Diego. The numbers were very short and consisted of excerpts from her greatest hits.

In July, Britney got busy preparing for her return to the stage. In particular, filming of the video clip for the first single “Gimme more” from her fifth studio album began. It was also decided to hold a photo shoot for OK magazine, which turned into another scandal - the photo shoot was not a success; according to rumors, Britney was constantly capricious, and besides, she ruined half of the things that were specially prepared for her.

On July 31, it was officially announced that the divorce process from Kevin Federline was finally completed. However, disputes about who the children should stay with did not stop. Kevin Federline, meanwhile, found people close to Britney who could confirm all the most unpleasant rumors about her in court - with the goal, of course, of gaining full rights to the children.

The single “Gimme more” was first presented at the 2007 MTV Video Music Awards. This performance was the most anticipated. However, unfortunately, critics and the public considered it an absolute failure.

But the multi-million army of Spears fans didn’t care - they love and support their queen, no matter what she is. And this can be confirmed by the success enjoyed by her fifth album, “Blackout,” released in November 2007.

And what’s most surprising is that not only the singer’s fans liked the album, but also the harshest critics - it received best reviews in the most respected printed publications like " Rolling Stone" and "NME".

Whatever the singer does, no matter how her fate unfolds, one thing is certain: she is truly talented and people all over the world love her for it.

In October 2007, a Los Angeles court took away custody of her sons from Britney, which leads to several more breakdowns for Britney: she publicly sobs while sitting on the sidewalk, locks herself in her home, breaks off relations with her family and threatens to commit suicide...

It is her father, Jamie Spears, who decides to save Britney, who officially becomes her “guardian” and gains control over his daughter’s financial transactions.

Since February 2008, Britney has stopped appearing in nightclubs and drinking alcohol, she fights for literally every date with her sons (and is making progress), spends a lot of time in the fitness center and dance studio

In addition, the singer appears again on television - a small role in the series “How I Met My Mother” on the CBS channel. Britney's participation in the filming of this sitcom almost doubles the show's ratings! CBS quickly invites the star to continue cooperation, and Britney agrees.

In May 2008, information appeared that Britney Spears was preparing a triumphant return to the stage and a world tour. And this information turned out to be correct!

From June to September 2008, the whole world watched Britney’s wonderful transformation: the singer lost weight, became prettier, and devoted all her time to work, sports and, of course, children.

On September 8, 2008, Britney not only appeared in all her splendor at the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards, but also became an absolute winner of the award: the pop princess won three awards at once: her video “Piece of me” became the best video of the year and the best pop video, Britney was recognized as the best performer of the year.

On October 10, the ABC channel premiered Britney’s new video for the song “Womanizer”; The composition soared to 1st place on the Billboard Hot-100 within a week, and also became the leader in sales for the first week. Until this moment, Britney had only hit the top spot in the Billboard 100 once, when in 1999 the pop princess first announced herself with the hit “Baby One More Time.”

However, in October 2008, the Los Angeles court did not lift Britney's guardianship; her father continued to control the personal and business affairs of his famous daughter.

In November 2008, Spears received the 2008 MTV Europe Music Awards: her album “Blackout” became album of the year, and Britney best performer year.

From the end of November, Britney began performing: first she appeared on stage as a guest at a Madonna concert, then she performed solo at the 2008 Bambi Awards, then there were performances in various TV shows.

On December 2, 2008, Britney Spears celebrated her 27th birthday, on the same day her 6th studio album “Circus” launched. Needless to say, the record sold well and was a huge success.

The personal life of American pop singer Britney Spears has always been a topic of conversation and gossip. Her bright and intense novels made many people jealous and spread dirty rumors. However, there were those who supported Britney no matter what. After all, Spears’ life wasn’t always all about ups and downs. For quite a long period, the singer was in a very difficult situation, the reason for which was precisely her personal life.

Biography and personal life of Britney Spears

The once sweet girl with a charming smile who starred in commercials for the Mickey Mouse show has become the youngest recipient of a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. From the first days of her vocal career, Britney Spears established herself as a person with an impeccable reputation. She could not be accused of promiscuous sexual relations, she did not scandalize in public, and her personal life was in complete order. While releasing her first hits, Britney Spears dated young pop musician Justin Timberlake. Their romance was loud, but at the same time one of the most romantic among the stars. For four long years, Britney and Justin, who fell in love at first sight, maintained a relationship. However, being busy, constantly touring and breaking up played a cruel joke in the lives of young people. As a result, they remained friends.

Two years after breaking up with Timberlake, Britney Spears began dating her childhood friend Jason Alexander. Very soon the couple submitted an application and signed. But just as quickly their romance began, it ended just as quickly. 55 days after the painting, their marriage was annulled. According to Britney, she realized that she had chosen the wrong person as her life partner.

The longest and most striking event was Britney Spears' affair with her husband Kevin Federline. They signed after three months of dating in 2004. A year later, the first son was born in the family of Britney Spears and Federline. And after another year, their second boy was born. However, after her second birth, Spears very soon filed for divorce. Despite the fact that Britney was the initiator of the breakup, throughout the subsequent period she was in very in serious condition. Britney Spears' ex-husband sued her children, as a result of which the singer turned to a destructive lifestyle. Addiction to drugs, shaving his head bald, a crisis in his career - that’s what the star did. However, Britney Spears still managed to start a new life.

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Today, the singer is dating her former manager Jason Trewick. And so far their relationship is going very well.

Britney Spears (born 12/02/1981) – popular American singer, songwriter, actress, winner of many music awards. One of the most commercially successful singers, her album sales amount to hundreds of millions.


Britney Jean Spears was born in the small Mississippi town of McComb. Her mother Lynn worked as a teacher primary classes, later began teaching aerobics. Father James worked in construction and also as a cook. Britney has a brother and a sister. WITH early childhood Until the age of nine, the girl was seriously involved in gymnastics and participated in competitions at various levels.

Music also attracted Spears from a young age. She sang in the choir at the Baptist church and took part in singing competitions. In addition, she tried her hand at beauty contests several times. When Britney was 8 years old, she came to the Disney Channel casting. Despite her young age, the jury members listened to her and put her in touch with a New York agent. So the girl ended up in acting school.

In 1993 – 1994 she participated in the Mickey Mouse Club program. Then many celebrities began their careers on the Disney Channel, among them D. Timberlake, K. Aguilera, R. Gosling and others. After the TV show ended, Spears became a member of the teenage group “Innosence,” but she did not sing there for long, deciding to go solo. The girl recorded several songs and signed a contract with Jive Records. Her career began with performances in shopping centers and tours as part of the concerts of the popular groups “Backstreet Boys” and “N”Sync.

Spears and Timberlake at the Mickey Mouse Club

Career development in 1999 – 2003

The first album in the biography of Britney Spears was called “Baby one more time” and was released in early 1999. It was a resounding success, made Spears super popular all over the world and is still considered her most successful disc. The album contained five hits. The release of the disc was followed by a small tour at financial support brand "L'Oreal". The tour, which lasted from June to April, included 80 concerts, at each of which Britney performed live. At the same time, the singer showed herself to be a talented dancer, above concert programs and worked on costumes independently. The Spears concert video went triple platinum.

In the wake of popularity, scandalous moments also appeared. So, after a few candid photo shoot for Rolling Stone, there were rumors about silicone in the star’s body. In addition, Spears announced plans for her virginity, which gave rise to talk about her childhood and romance with D. Timberlake.

Britney Spears at the Grammy Awards, 2000

The second album, released in 2000, only confirmed the singer’s enormous popularity. Within a week, fans had sold over a million copies of “Oops! I did it again,” and the album became a Grammy nominee. After this, Pepsi made Britney very advantageous offer to participate in product advertising.

The next album, entitled “Britney,” was released at the end of 2001 and, like the first two albums, started at the top of the charts. After the tour in support of the album, the singer announced that she would take a break from work for six months due to the separation of her parents and the death of her grandmother. At the same time, she ended her four-year relationship with her boyfriend Timberlake. In 2002, Britney opened her own restaurant, Nyla, which had to be closed by the decision of her managers a year later.

Released at the end of 2003 new album singer "In the zone", in which eight songs were written by Spears herself. She also became the producer of the record. The most popular was the song “Toxic,” for which Britney received her first Grammy. A tour was planned, but due to a knee injury the singer suffered while filming a video, it had to be cancelled. At that time, against the backdrop of friendly relations with Madonna, Britney became interested in studying Kabbalah, which she soon abandoned. In 2004, Spears announced a career break.

Britney during her difficult period, 2007

Britney after the break

In 2007, the singer began work on her new disc. Spears' appearance was accompanied by scandals. After losing her aunt, whom she loved very much, she shaved her head. After that, at the insistence of her relatives, she spent a month in a rehabilitation center. The question of limiting her maternal rights was raised, and information appeared about Britney's addiction to drugs. There were also problems with the law: Spears was accused of leaving the scene of an accident and driving with invalid documents. The charges were later dropped, but custody of the children went to their father.

In the fall, the album “Blackout” was released, which turned out to be the least successful among the singer’s other records, despite the fact that it received platinum status. In addition, Spears' performance at the MTV ceremony with the song "Gimmi More" was unprofessional; she did not appear in the dance or in the soundtrack. At the beginning of 2008, she was hospitalized twice and was subsequently declared temporarily incompetent.

At the end of 2008, a new disc “Circus” was released. For the song “Peace of me,” the singer received three MTV awards. A film was also released about how the work on the album was carried out. A tour followed, but during the tour in Australia a scandal broke out; Britney was accused of using a soundtrack. In 2009, she was among the top five highest-paid musicians, earning almost $40 million.

B. Spears with the People's Choice Awards, 2014

The 2011 album “Femme Fatale” was successful, was highly praised by critics and received platinum status. The release of the disc was somewhat overshadowed by the premature leak of most of the songs online. In 2012, the singer became the highest paid member of the jury of the vocal competition “The X Factor”. At the end of 2013, a new album, “Britney Jean,” was released. Since 2015, Spears has been actively working with many show business stars, recording joint compositions with famous performers. In 2016, her new album “Glory” was leaked onto the Internet.

Besides musical career, the singer participates a lot in television shows, played main role in the film “Crossroads”, then starred in several more films and TV series. Released in 2008 documentary about her life. In total, Spears released nine studio albums, four books, and launched a reality show. The singer has also released video games, dolls, a line of fragrances and cosmetics, and underwear.

Personal life of Britney Spears

Britney's relationship with her first boyfriend, who also became a star, Justin Timberlake, lasted four years. In 2003, journalists became interested in the alleged relationship with F. Durst from “ Limp Bizkit" At the beginning of 2004, in Las Vegas, the singer married her old friend D. Alexander, but two days later the marriage was annulled.

Spears and sons at the chocolate factory

In 2004, she met K. Federline, three months later they became engaged, despite his pregnancy ex-girlfriend. In 2005, the couple had a son, Sean, and a year later, their second son, Jayden. A couple of months after birth youngest son Britney initiated divorce proceedings, which lasted several months. In 2008, after a series of scandals and accusations of the singer’s wild life, drug and alcohol use, custody of the children was transferred to the father.

From 2009 to 2013, Spears was in a relationship with her agent D. Trawick. Their wedding was planned for 2012, but never took place. At the beginning of 2013, the couple broke up. Afterwards there was an affair with lawyer D. Lucado, which lasted a year. In 2014, the singer announced her relationship with producer C. Ebersol; she broke up with him a few months later. In 2016, her affair with 22-year-old handsome model S. Asgari was actively discussed in the press.