Lesson outline (middle group) on the topic: “Musical instruments. Creative project in the middle group of Koshutin preschool." Download for free and without registration

Olga Shamonina
Lesson notes in middle group"Tools"

Summary of GCD in the middle correctional group.

Subject: « Tools»

Learn to recognize tools: hammer, needle, pliers, screwdriver, thimble to distinguish them from many other things.

Denote in speech labor actions relevant words:

hammered... (nails);

sawing with a saw….;

chopping with an ax...;

screw it in with a screwdriver...

Learn to imitate labor actions with substitute items in role-playing game, dramatization game, in constructive games.

Introduce safety rules in games. Train to store toys tools in a strictly defined place.

Children sit around the table

Want to know what's in my chest?

Then guess the riddle: Small in stature I, thin and sharp.

I look for my way with my nose, and I drag my tail behind me.

Needle and thread

What is it for? Can you play with a needle? Why not? What is the needle made of? Once upon a time there were no such sharp metal needles. And ancient people had to sew their clothes using thick fish bones or sharpened animal bones (pictures). Do you think it was easy to sew clothes this way? Of course not. Then the man first came up with big needle from bronze, from silver, and later from iron. What other needles do you know? (Needles at the syringe, at the hedgehog, at the Christmas tree) Well done, how are they similar? Of course, they are sharp, and this can be dangerous. Therefore, how should you handle the needle correctly? (children's answers). Listen to another one riddle: Small head

sits on your finger

Hundreds of eyes

looks in all directions.


What is a thimble for? Is it possible to play with him? Why? The thimble protects your fingers while working with the needle.

Finger gymnastics

Tanya, take a needle,

Let's sew a shirt and a T-shirt,

Pants, blouse and dress,

And we will dress the Katya doll. Showing index finger right hand- a needle. Rotate index finger around each finger of the left hand. Repeat with the other hand.

Guess what else is in my chest? I am the most lively worker in the workshop.

I pound as hard as I can - Day after day.

How did you guess? Why is it needed? What is it made of? What types of hammers are there? (Toy, wooden, metal, musical, large, small) Okay, now let’s give your eyes a little rest.

Visual gymnastics

This is not a simple matter -

Swing an ax skillfully Move your gaze up and down

I chop with an ax deftly, close your eyes, open your eyes

This requires some skill. They blink their eyes.

Who saw the ax? What is it for? (Look at the picture). An ax helps chop wood and branches for a fire (pictures). What parts does it consist of? How should it be handled? Stand up and show me how to use an ax (physical minute).

Listen to another riddle. Whirlwind spinner. I rested my foot on the screw,

The chatterbox lost his peace. (screwdriver)

What is a screwdriver for? What parts does it consist of?

Where the tail rests,

There will be a hole later. (awl) Questions for children.

Well done. You solved a lot of riddles, tell me what they do with a hammer? A needle? Scissors? Saw? A broom? How can all these objects be called in one word? (Tools) . What are they for? tools? Why can't they be played? (Children make a conclusion)

Entertainment scenario for children 4-5 years old. Introducing children to children's musical instruments.

(Presentation of new children's musical instruments)
Program content
Target: draw children's attention to the richness and diverse world of sounds produced by various musical instruments.

1. Formation of ideas about musical and noise sounds.
2. Gaining knowledge about musical noise instruments, the history of their creation and sound features.
3. Acquaintance with the techniques of playing noise instruments.
4. Learning and performing Russian folk songs and chants.
5. Learn to distinguish instruments by sound.
6. Reinforce the names of instruments and skills in playing them.

1. Development of vocal-choral and rhythmic skills.
2. Development of musical memory, pitch hearing, attention.
3. Acquaintance with the initial skills of playing in an ensemble, introducing children to forms of joint music-making.
4. Development of creative skills (improvisation).
5. Consolidating children’s knowledge about the rattle as a musical instrument, teaching them to play rhythmically, start and finish on time.
6. Develop subtlety and sensitivity of timbre hearing, imagination and visualization in sound creation.

1. Fostering interest and love for folk music musical culture, to the world of beauty.
2. Fostering interest in playing simple musical instruments.
3. Cultivate interest in the various sounds of the surrounding world.

Attributes and equipment:
A collection of rattles, tambourines, tambourines, spoons, bells, metallophones, bells, triangles, rattles, rhythm sticks, maracas, homemade rattles.
Slide show equipment.

Preliminary work
music director:

Selection of repertoire for children and adults, selection of slides for presentation, selection of musical instruments for performing musical pieces in an orchestra, arrangement for an orchestra musical works.

Working with children:
Introduction to noise musical instruments and metallophone;
Learning how to play them;
Learning the chorus of the song "Rattle", a dance with rattles, the game "Who's Faster", musical pieces for playing children's musical instruments.

Working with teachers:
Learning the polka “Letka-Enka”, the song “Rattle”.
Working with parents:
Making homemade rattle toys for an exhibition.
Methods and techniques: game moment, artistic word, display, conversation, task, explanation, examination, reinforcement, encouragement, outcome.

Objectives of the integrated educational areas:
"Cognition". Fix the names of musical instruments: maracas, bells, rattle, tambourine, metallophone, rhythmic sticks, triangle.
"Socialization". Form friendly, friendly relationships between children and adults.
"Communication". Fix in the children's dictionary: rectangle, traffic light, signal, transition, stop public transport. Develop free communication with adults and children.
"Reading fiction" Develop the ability to guess riddles and correlate them with images, read short poems expressively.

Progress of entertainment.

Everywhere where people live, children play... Probably the most favorite toy for children is a rattle. No baby grows up without a rattle, which serves the child throughout the first year of life. Dried gourds, clay balls with pebbles inside and shells were the first rattles of mankind. The very word “rattle” in Russian comes from “to rattle by the ear.” Many artists loved to depict babies with rattles.

Slide show “Rattle in paintings»

Among the white towels
On a luxurious mattress
Baby lady snoozes
With a rattle in hand.
Exactly a month this lady
Exists among us.
There are four kilograms in it,
This is a diamond girl.
(author of poems Nikolai Oleinikov)

The most fun of all is the toy,
Painted rattle.
Give the crybaby a rattle -
The crybaby will become a laughing one.
This cute toy
Baby girlfriend.
She sings all day long
Doesn't let kids cry.

And in order for rattles to rattle so merrily and amuse the little ones, what kind of bulk materials fill them? (children's answers)
When you were little, you could only rattle with rattles. And now you are older, you can not just rattle, but play them like musical instruments. Show how you can play rattles (children take rattles and stand scattered).

Song "Rattle" music. V. Dobrynina, lyrics. M. Plyatskovsky
(The teacher sings the chorus, the children sing the chorus and play the rattles)

How well you sang and played the rattles! Do you want to dance with them?

Dance with rattles

What a wonderful musical instrument - a rattle! (draws attention to the exhibition of rattles that children and their parents made with their own hands)
Take a look at our display of rattles. These children and their parents made these rattles themselves, with their own hands! Want to hear what they sound like? Children, play with your rattles for us!

Orchestra of homemade rattles, music. Kukaracha-Kukaracha

Did everyone like the sound of these rattles? Let's play with them now!

Game "Who will take the rattle sooner"

In addition to rattles, there are many more interesting noise and musical
tools. Try to guess what they are called?..

(after the children answer correctly, the screen appears
slide with a picture of this tool)

1. He plays from the heart
The rhythm is very difficult.
What does it sound like, please tell me quickly?
Fidget... tambourine (slide show “tambourine”)

2. Also plays next to him
Also sonorous... tambourine (slide show “tambourine”)

3. He sits under his cap,
Don't disturb him - he's silent.
You just have to take it in your hands
And rock it a little,
A chime will be heard:
“Dili-don, Dili-don!” bell (slide show “bell”)

4. I look a little like a spatula,
I look a little like an oar
I help the kids eat porridge,
And my sister is a ladle... a spoon (showing the “spoon” slide)

5. At the most fabulous moment
This tool will come in.
Quietly, gently it will ring,
It's like everything is silver.
Any preschooler will recognize
When... triangle plays (slide show "triangle")

6. Here are the metal plates,
There are a lot of them on the board.
From the records that are many,
The road runs off into the distance.
A wonderful ringing is heard.
This is what it sounds like... metallophone (slide show "metallophone")

7. Here the plates are different,
Wooden, large.
How they begin to crack -
You need to cover your ears... ratchet (show the “ratchet” slide)

8. This is not a rattle for you
And not a child's toy.
Makes us all very happy
Wooden ... maracas (slide show "maracas")

9. They beat each other - knock-knock-knock -
And everyone hears the beautiful sound... sticks (slide show “rhythmic sticks”)

10. Well done guys rang,
Delete ... bells (slide show “bells”)

Do you guys like all these musical instruments? (children answer)

Our children love it very much
More than any porridge
Spoons, rumbas, triangle,
Maracas, bell.
They also love the metallophone,
Because he is loud.
And also on a tambourine in the morning
Children love to knock...
At this time, mom and dad
I really want to sleep.

And if you put these instruments all together at once?.. Do you want to hear what happens? Grab your tools, guys!

(children take instruments and stand in front of the audience)

Admire the orchestra:
The tools are good!
Virtuoso musicians -
These are our babies!

Children: (take turns talking about their instrument)
1. Here is a beautiful, ringing tambourine!
He will not be silent in his hands! (Child plays tambourine)

2. Like friendly palms,
Our spoons are rattling! (Child plays on spoons)

3. And these are sticks,
Knock sticks! (The child knocks with chopsticks)

4. Like a rattle crackling -
Everyone will be surprised today! (Child plays the rattle)

5. Makes a beautiful ringing sound
Our sonorous metallophone! (The child plays glissando on the metallophone)

6. These are the tomboyish brothers,
Bells and bells! (The child rings the bells)

7. Will be here to play for you
Wooden maracas! (Child plays maracas)

8. Let's hit the triangles -
We will bring joy to all guests! (Child plays on a triangle)

9. Dili-don! Dili-don!
You can hear the ringing from all sides!
The bell rings so loudly
Like a stream babbling. (The child rings the bell)

Children in chorus:
We will play together for you,
All you have to do is clap!

Children play in the orchestra. "Moscow square dance"

Well done, guys! (addresses the guests) Did you like how our children play? In our kindergarten, not only children, but also adults love to play musical instruments.
Listen to them perform Finnish polka, which is called “Letka-Enka”.

Teachers perform the “Letka-Enka” polka.

That's how much fun we had this evening! Do you want to learn how to make some other instrument? Fine! Next time we will make bells with you. And now it's time for us to say goodbye. Let's say to the guests: “Goodbye, see you again”!

(children say goodbye and go to the group)

Music lesson notes

(preparatory group)

"In the world of musical instruments"

Abstract directly educational activities in music for children of the preparatory group.


Consolidation, formation and development musical abilities children, allowing them to apply the acquired knowledge in playing various children's musical instruments and in creative endeavors (necessary for learning to play musical instruments).



Consolidate and systematize knowledge on the classification of musical instruments.

enrich vocabulary musical terms.

To develop the ability to identify musical instruments by sound; sing consistently and expressively, conveying the character of the song in singing.


Develop musical and creative abilities through various types musical activity.


To develop communication skills, interest in musical instruments and the desire to play them.


Physical culture.


Reading fiction.



Multimedia installation for viewing slides.

Musical instruments: drum, rattle, spoons, tambourine, maracas, bell; homemade tools (boots - walkers).

Visual aid: tables - houses for placing pictures of musical instruments.

Children enter the music room.

E. Grieg's "Morning" from the suite "Peer Gynt" sounds

Musical director (greeting) Hello guys!

The children return the greeting.

Musical director. Guys, today we will go to unusual country. There is no such country on any of the geographical maps, but it exists where they love music. This is the Land of Musical Instruments. And we will go to this country in walking boots. Put them on quickly.

Children put on their feet “walking boots” made from Kinder Surprise.

Musical director. Well, are you ready to hit the road? Let's go!

Let's walk together in step,

A vigorous march will help us!

The “March” of music sounds. F. Nadenenko. (I part march)

Here we are running on our toes.

The “March” of music sounds. F. Nadenenko. (II hour running)

Musical director. Guys, here we are. Look how beautiful our country of musical instruments is. How many different musical instruments are there (we list them). They are all so different, but they can still be combined into four main groups. What are these groups called?

Children classify musical instruments into groups: drums, winds, strings, keyboards.

Musical director: Well done, guys! The musical instruments were preparing to meet you, but they were so excited and fussed that everyone got confused. Now you and I must help them find their houses. Shall we help?

The teacher shows the houses to the children.

Everyone on earth has a home.

It's good and fun and cozy in it.

The dog has a kennel, the fox has a hole,

The owl has a hollow, the robin has a nest.

Well, musical instruments live in these houses.

The first ones we will help will be percussion musical instruments, because they were the first to appear on Earth and are the simplest and most unpretentious. The game “Musical Guess” will help us put them in place.

Game "Musical Guess"

The teacher asks children riddles about musical instruments.

Who in the orchestra will help you,

He can knock on a complex rhythm.

Any rhythm, from different countries.

Well, of course…………….(Drum)

The child who has guessed the riddle attaches a picture of a drum to a cell of the house table.

Musical director: In ancient times, the drum was made from the skins of animals obtained from hunting, and it was important in people's lives. They used it, for example, as a telephone in order to transmit information to long distances, or warn your neighbors who live very far away about the danger.

Wooden chips,

Knock a little.

You can slurp cabbage soup with them,

Or you can play “The Lady”. (Wooden spoons)

Children place a card with a picture of wooden spoons in a table cell.

The palm knocks on it,

Shakes freely.

And it rings and thunders.

It doesn't hurt him at all. (Tambourine)

Children place a card with a picture of a tambourine in a table cell.

Take me in your palms.

Wooden, mischievous. (Ratchet)

A card with a picture of a ratchet is placed in a table cell.

Musical director: The rattle not only sang along with the tambourine and spoons on folk holidays, but also protected the garden from pests. It crackled loudly in the wind and scared away crows and rooks.

Take it in your palm

A chime will be heard.

Ding-ding-ding, dong-dong-dong,

Whose is this ringing? (Bell)

A card with a picture of a bell is placed in the table.

He looks like a rattle

Only this is not a toy!.. (Maracas)

A card with a picture of a maracas is placed in a table cell.

Musical director: Guys, our percussion instruments are not only cheerful musicians, but also skilled storytellers. Let's tell our guests Russian together folk tale"Turnip".

Children using percussion instruments voice the fairy tale “Turnip”.

Fairy tale "Turnip".

The “storyteller” (teacher or child) tells a fairy tale, and the children dramatize it.

Grandfather (walks heavily, limps) - drum, slow tempo, rhythmic pattern with pauses.

Grandmother (walks quickly and minces) - rattle, rhythmic pattern is calmer, moderate tempo.

Granddaughter (jopping) - tambourine, rhythmic pattern consists of eighths and quarters, fast tempo.

Bug (runs and barks loudly) - spoons.

Cat (takes its time and purrs) – maracas, rhythmic pattern with eighth notes, fast tempo.

Mouse (hurries and looks around) - bell, rhythmic pattern with eighth durations.

Musical director: Like this an interesting fairy tale We told you along with the tools. Guys, wind musical instruments have also prepared a game for you. The game is called "Guess who's singing?" First of all, let's remember what wind instruments we met in previous lessons?

Children list wind instruments, with which they became acquainted in previous lessons: flute, trumpet, saxophone, pity.

Musical director: The wind instruments will sing for you in turns, and you should find out which instrument sang for you?

Game "Guess who's singing?"

The teacher gives the children to listen to phonograms of the sounds of various wind instruments. Children, having recognized this instrument, find a card with its image and fix it in a cell of the table - the house.

Musical director: Guys, look at our wonderful houses. Two are already occupied. The instruments were comfortably placed in their windows. This shows that you listened very carefully in previous lessons and you have many friends who are musical instruments.

An excerpt from Vivaldi's violin concerto is played.

Musical director:

Smooth bow movements

The strings make you tremble.

The motive sounds from afar,

Sings about a moonlit evening.

How clear the sounds are overflowing.

There is joy and a smile in them.

It sounds like a dreamy tune

Its name is violin!

It's time, guys, to talk about string instruments. String instruments prepared colorful slides for us telling about their diversity.

Every violin has a bow.

He is a loyal, devoted friend.

When the violinist moves his bow

And the violin cries and sings.

“The harp is a magical instrument” -

Said the thoughtful poet.

As soon as the hands touch the strings -

And gentle sounds will flow.

Guitars sounds by the fire.

There is so much light and goodness in them.

Like my deepest friend,

Her melodious, gentle sound.

Under the gusli ringing tunes

Young men and maidens fell in love.

At weddings the harp sang,

And the young were blessed

Louder than a balalaika

Not in the whole world.

She is originally Russian

Folk instrument.

They sang and danced to it

And they were sad and sighed

On holidays, the buffoons had fun with gasps

Musical director: Guys, only one house is left free. What group of instruments will we put in it?

Children answer: Keyboard instruments.

Musical director: The first place of honor should be taken by our good piano, which plays many musical works for us and is the main assistant at our holidays and classes.

A card with an image of a piano is placed in a table cell - a house.

Musical director: This instrument is also called a piano. If its name is translated into Russian, it will sound like “loud - quiet”. Inside keyboard instruments live hammers that strike taut strings and give birth to beautiful sounds of music that can tell about a beautiful morning or cold winter, about a kind grandmother's fairy tale and the evil Baba Yaga, about beautiful butterflies and wonderful flowers.

Musical director: Guys, what other keyboard instruments do you know?

Children's answers: Piano, accordion, synthesizer.

Cards depicting these instruments take their places in the table.

Musical director: Guys, we helped the musical instruments find their homes. I am sure that you will never forget such a beautiful country of musical instruments. We will definitely come back here again, but for now, before we go to kindergarten, let's give a gift to our friends - instruments. Let's sing a song for them, and our piano will help us.

The song “World of Music” is performed, words and music by E. V. Mashechkova.

Musical director: Let's say goodbye to our friends - the instruments. Close your eyes and count to 5

IN kindergarten again.

Musical director: Guys, did you like our trip?

Children talk about what they did in class and what they liked.

The music director says goodbye to de

There are many different possibilities for using such musical instruments in preschool institutions: individual music playing during leisure hours, and collective performance in a children's orchestra.

The teacher strives, first of all, to encourage children to independently practice music with the help of instruments. Children learn to play familiar songs, improvise simple rhythms or individual intonations, select familiar melodies by ear, play “musical echo,” sing and play along with themselves, etc.

In addition, some tool toys are used as visual teaching aids. They help the teacher develop the musical and sensory abilities of preschoolers and introduce them to individual elements musical literacy. Depending on the method of sound production and the nature of the sound, children's musical toys and musical instruments can be grouped into certain types.

Silent. These toys only represent musical instruments, such as a piano with a mute keyboard. Sounding: 1. Tool toys with sound of indefinite pitch: rattles, tambourines, drums, castanets, triangles.

2. Toy instruments that produce sound of only one pitch, with which you can reproduce different rhythms - pipes, pipes, horns.

3. Toys with a fixed melody: organs, music boxes, music boxes; When playing on them, children's actions are only mechanical in nature.

4. Toy instruments with a diatonic or chromatic scale: metallophones, pianos, grand pianos, clarinets.

There is a certain classification of all musical instruments: they are divided into strings, winds and percussion.

Children, playing instruments, satisfy their individual needs, interests and get used to acting in a team in a coordinated manner.

Different groups of instruments require mastering playing techniques of varying degrees of difficulty. Therefore, participants in the orchestra should be given differentiated tasks, taking into account their individual capabilities. In the process of learning, you will develop auditory concepts, a sense of rhythm, timbre, dynamics, develop independence in action, organize attention, as well as cultivate endurance, perseverance and other volitional qualities. In addition, playing the dmi brings a certain amount of information, introduces the timbre sound, the special arrangement of the keys, and methods of sound production.

8.Methods and techniques for introducing preschool children to playing children's musical instruments.

Playing musical instruments- one of the types of children's performance. The use of children's musical instruments and toys (in the classroom and in everyday life) enriches children's musical experiences and develops their musical abilities.

The forms of work on teaching children musical instruments are different: individual lessons, lessons with ensemble and orchestra.

Playing percussion musical instruments that do not have a scale helps develop a sense of rhythm and expands children's timbre perceptions. Melodic musical instruments develop all three basic musical abilities: modal sense, musical-auditory perception and sense of rhythm.

Children's acquaintance with musical instruments begins as early as early age. The teacher strives to give the children their first musical impressions in an entertaining and playful way. When children begin to walk and are able to march to music, the teacher can accompany the sound of the march by playing a tambourine or drum to emphasize the rhythm and diversify the sound. Running can be accompanied by playing with wooden sticks, spoons, and a bell.

As children begin to feel and reproduce the rhythm of music in their movements (walking, clapping), they are instructed to play these instruments themselves. First, the adult helps the children keep in time with the music (rattle a rattle, knock on a tambourine, shake a bell), then their actions become more and more independent. Training begins with a group of percussion instruments that do not have a scale. Classes are conducted with small groups of children and individually.

In the second junior group Children can already play a tambourine, wooden spoons, cubes, rattles, drums, and bells. At this age they become familiar with the metallophone. It is important to draw their attention to the expressive timbre of each instrument. You can use figurative comparisons, characteristics: gentle (bell), ringing (metallophone), clear, knocking (drum). It is useful to use didactic games to help children distinguish the timbres of musical instruments.

In the middle group For the first time they begin to teach children to play musical instruments that have a scale. The metallophone is most convenient for this. The techniques for playing the glockenspiel are quite simple. Children are taught sound production techniques: hold the hammer correctly, direct the blow to the middle of the plate.

Techniques: the technique of subtexting durations is effective (quarter notes are indicated by the syllable ta-ta, and eighth notes ti-ti), clapping technique rhythmic pattern.

There are several ways to learn to play melodic musical instruments: by notes, by color or digital symbols, by ear.

Teaching children notes very labor intensive. Not all preschoolers master musical notation. It is important that children understand the connection between the location of notes on the staff and their sound in the melody.

Color system convenient for children to quickly master playing instruments. A color designation (colored keys, metallophone plates) is assigned to each sound.

This is how children are taught play by numbers, pasted near each metallophone plate.

Both methods of teaching children (using color and number symbols) make it easy and quick to get the desired result, but do not have a developmental effect.

The greatest developmental effect of learning is achieved only by playing by ear. This method requires continuous development hearing (listen to the sounds of a melody, compare them, distinguish them by pitch). Use teaching aids that model the up and down movements of the melody. This is a musical ladder moving from flower to flower, butterfly, etc. You can show with your hand the movement of the sounds of a melody while simultaneously playing it.

In senior and in preparatory school groups, the range of songs is expanding. Children are already better oriented in the location of the sounds of a melody and act more independently. After the metallophone is mastered, children are taught to play other melodic instruments - strings, wind instruments, keyboards and reeds.

Thus, learning to play musical instruments includes three stages: on the first– children listen to and remember melodies, sing them, become familiar with playing techniques; on the second- select songs, on the third- perform them at will

Dominant music lesson in the middle group: Traveling through the country of “Unusual Musical Instruments”

Target: Introducing children to non-traditional musical instruments and their classification.
Introduce children to new musical instruments (traditional - kantele, non-traditional),
Develop the ability to play along with them.
To promote the development of emotional and figurative performance of musical works, a sense of rhythm
Develop an interest in music and a desire to listen to it;
Enrich musical impressions, contribute to the further formation of the foundations of musical culture.
Create a desire to play musical instruments.

Children enter the hall. Musical greeting.

You guys came to visit me in the music room today. Let us say hello not just, but musically. (children's answers). Oh, did you bring musical instruments with you? (answers) How can this be?, After all, every person has several tools with him. Look, I have prepared tips for you.

M.R.: Guys, I invite you on a journey. Let's go to the land of unusual musical instruments. What can you travel with?
(Children's answers)
M.R. Maybe we can go by bus? (Yes)

Exercise “Bus” Zheleznova.

M.R. So we arrived at the first station.

Station "Udarnaya".
M.R. I wonder why it's called that.
Children come to the table where percussion musical instruments are laid out. We look at musical instruments. Questions: what are they made of? How to extract sound?
Conclusion: this is why the station is called UDKANAYA.
M.R. It's time for us to continue our journey. Let's go on a plane.

Exercise "Airplane"
M.R. I wonder what awaits us next?
M.R. Station "DUHOVAYA".
We approach the table and examine the wind instruments. We look at musical instruments. Questions: what are they made of? How to extract sound?
M.R. Shall we go further by train?

Select a driver (cap) Exercise “Train”

M.R. Station "STRING"

M.r.. brings the children to the table there, the kantele. Guys, look what unusual instrument, I think I know him. This instrument is called a kantele. What kind of instrument do you think is the kantele? (string)

A long time ago I went on a boat to Väinämöinen to fish. But the boat got stuck in the mouth of a huge pike.
Then Väinämöinen cut the huge monster with his sword and made a kantele from its jaws.
Väinämöinen gave many people a chance to try playing an unprecedented instrument:
But no one was able to extract beautiful sounds from the kantele.
Väinämöinen was even advised to... drown the instrument! - until, finally, the kantele itself begged:
I don't want to go into the water
Dive into the depths of the sea;
Let the master play on me
With his own skillful hand.
Then the master, the wise Väinämöinen, took the kantele into his hands.
He takes Kantele in his hands,
Brings you to your knees,
Holds the kantele with his hands,
He says the following words:
"Come here to listen,
Who hasn't heard it before
I will delight these eternal strings
Along with the kantele chant!”
But a storm of unprecedented force occurred and the kantele disappeared in the “depths of the sea.”
And Väinemöinen decided to make a second kantele - from Karelian birch.
Väinämöinen took the pegs and nails for the new kantele from the cuckoo that cuckooed “five tones.” But where can I get the strings? The strings were donated by the blacksmith Ilmarinen
Finally, “the kantele was ready.” The master tuned the instrument, took it on his lap and began to play.
M.R. performs "Cow Dance"
M.R. You listened to the music called “cow dance”, and it was written by the Karelian composer Sergei Stangrit.
M.R. I want to show you a cartoon, which, just like the music you listened to, is called Cow Dance.
(Watch the cartoon)
M.R. Did something happen to the sound? It doesn’t matter, we have musical instruments that will help us voice the cartoon.
Sunbeams - voice
Breeze - pipes
Weed - kinders
Cow – kantele and bars
Rain - keys
Well, what shall we try?

Early in the morning the sun woke up and gave its rays to everyone. (children ah-ah)
One of the rays woke up a mischievous breeze (blowing on pipes)

The breeze woke up the grass (kinders)

Then a cow came out into the clearing, dancing. (kantele + bars)

Suddenly a cloud flew into the sun. (blow on horns)

And the warm summer rain began (keys).

The wind got tired of getting wet in the rain, it blew even harder and drove the cloud out of the clearing. (blow on horns)

Ah, the cow moved on. (kantele + bars)
M.R. What a wonderful cartoon we got. So, what helped us voice it?
(musical instruments)
M.R. What tools have we met today? (answers)
We said hello with the help of our muses. tools, maybe they will help us say goodbye.

Song “Goodbye Hands” (Kartushina)