Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group “Bunny. Lesson summary: drawing with appliqué elements in the middle group. Topic: The gray bunny turned white Lesson in the middle group

Summary of a drawing lesson in middle group

Topic: “Bunny in a gray fur coat”

Program content:

consolidate and clarify children’s knowledge about wild animals and their adaptation to seasonal changes;

introduce children to unconventional drawing techniques: imprinting with foam rubber (fur), poking with a hard semi-dry brush (grass);

develop the ability to expressively convey the image of a hare;

develop a sense of composition, fine motor skills fingers and precision of movements;

teach safety rules on the street.

Equipment : album sheets of paper with images of hares according to the number of children, a white bunny toy, pictures of a hare in a white and gray fur coat, gouache, boxes with stamp pads made of thin foam rubber, cotton swabs, hard brushes, frogs, napkins.

Preliminary work : reading fiction, looking at illustrations, pictures, conversations, comparing hares in white and gray fur coats, didactic game“Help the Bunny hide”, outdoor game “The little gray Bunny is sitting”

Resource support: I.A. Lykova " Visual activities V kindergarten. Middle group", shopping center. "Sphere", Moscow, 2007.

I. E. Averina “Physical training minutes and dynamic pauses in preschool educational institutions”, Iris-Press, Moscow, 2006


I . Organizing time.

Guys, look who's sitting on the stump? (little bunny).

The little bunny is somehow sad, why do you think? (Children's answers).

Let's ask him what happened and try to help him.

(The teacher brings the toy to his ear and listens to what he tells her).

Guys, it turns out that spring has already come a long time ago, but the bunny still hasn’t changed his warm white fur coat. Instead of listening to his mother and changing clothes, he ran off for a walk in the forest, and alone at that. I barely managed to get away from the fox. He was very scared.

The hare runs as fast as he can,

The hare wants to hide.

Then he runs and circles,

Then he lies there, trembling all over.

Poor thing, he's afraid of everything...

Where to hide from evil -

From the fox and marten,

From the eagle and the eagle?

The bunny was running through the forest and did not notice that it was time to return home, but it was scary, and he upset his mother.

II. While the bunny is resting, children, let's tell the bunny about his bunny fur coat. And you, Bunny, listen and remember. You need to listen to mom! After all, she loves you very much and doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you.

Why is it dangerous to walk through the forest in a white fur coat?

- When do hares wear white coat? (winter)

Why does a hare change its coat in spring? (children's answers)

That's right, a bunny in a gray fur coat can hide behind a tree, a bush, or a stump, and dangerous predators will not notice him.

Guys, let's play with the bunny.

Physical education lesson “The little white bunny is sitting”

The little white bunny is sitting

He wiggles his ears.

It's cold for the bunny to sit

I need to warm my paws,

Paws up, paws down,

Pull yourself up on your toes.

We put our paws on the side,

On your toes, hop – hop – hop.

And then squat down so that your paws don’t get cold.

(Children perform appropriate movements with the words of the game)

Well done, the guys said everything correctly, and they made the bunny happy

Educator: - Guys, how can you help the bunny? (Children's answers).

Children, can we help Bunny? Now we need to put a summer coat on him. Let's all go to the forest workshop together and “sew” a new fur coat there.

The teacher shows and tells the sequence of work:

1. First you need to draw a gray fur coat (take the frog vertically, press it to the stamp pad with paint and lightly touch the sheet with quick rhythmic movements until the bunny turns gray)

2. Now we need to draw cotton swab eye.

3. We propose to complement the composition by painting green grass with a hard brush (the child dips the brush in gouache and draws vertical stripes next to each other - grass), as if a bunny was hiding in the grass from a fox or a wolf.

Now each of you can independently put a gray fur coat on the bunny.

Independent artistic creativity(drawing), individual assistance.

Let's show how the Bunny hid in the grass.

Finger gymnastics.

Who's jumping on the lawn? (look through the telescope)

This is a long-eared bunny (stretch your arms up above your head - ears)

The gray bunny is sitting (put your hands in front of your chest - paws)

And he moves his ears (we alternately bend both arms)

One - two, one - two (clap)

Feeling dizzy (shaking our head)

III . Exhibition design, analysis and evaluation of children’s works (mark the most interesting and original works, accuracy in work)

Well done, everyone completed the task! Real helpers! Mother bunny will no longer scold the bunny.

Guys, what can we wish for our little bunny when he returns home? (listen to your mom, don’t go for a walk without adults’ permission, don’t go for walks without parental supervision, don’t forget to ask your mom for forgiveness)

Olga Pichugina

Abstract open class in drawing in the middle group

Topic: "Hare in winter."

Painting using the poking method with a hard semi-dry brush.

Program content

Goal: continue to teach children how to poke with a hard semi-dry brush, draw along the contour and inside the contour.



To develop the ability to draw with gouache using the poking method.

Apply the design over the entire surface.

Convey features in a drawing appearance hare


Develop imagination and perception of the world around you,

Cognitive abilities;

Promote the development of curiosity.


Foster a caring attitude towards living nature;

To consolidate knowledge about the appearance and life of a hare in winter.

Cultivate accuracy while working.

Equipment and material: sheet of blue paper with an outline of a hare, gouache white, black gouache, hard brushes No. 6 and thin brushes, stands for brushes, napkins for each child. A sample of a bunny drawn using the “poke method” on a board. Toy hare.

Preliminary work: looking at pictures of a hare with children. Reading works of art about hares (K.D. Ushinsky, V.V. Bianki, E.I. Charushin, B.V. Zakhoder, reading riddles about hares.

Progress of the lesson.

Guys, we have guests today, look at them, smile and say hello.

Guys, I am very glad to see you in kindergarten. Are you in a good mood today?

Educator: Let's smile at each other.

There is a knock on the door.

Oh guys, someone is knocking on our door. Probably another guest is rushing to us.

But first I’ll tell you a riddle, and you try to guess it.

He quickly jumps through the thicket.

And hides himself reliably

From outside inquisitive eyes.

He's so fast and hasty

Early in the morning - early in the morning -

Runs out into the clearing.

It's not a wolf or a fox,

And not a fast marten.

Try it and guess

Because, of course, this is... (bunny).

Let's see if we guessed correctly.

The teacher brings in a toy hare.

Guys, let's take a closer look at our hare.

What kind of fur coat does a hare have? (fluffy)

What color is it (white)

Educator: Well done! That's right, in winter it is white.

– Who does the hare’s white fur save from? (From a fox, a wolf.)

– You answered correctly, the snow is white, and the bunny is white. Where do you notice this?

But our bunny is alone. He's sad. Guys, how can we help him?

We can find friends for our bunny. We can draw them.

Now, guys, sit down on your chairs.

Guys, what method will we draw to make our bunnies fluffy? (poking)

Children, take the brushes to right hand. And try to repeat after me, while using a brush without paint.

First, we will poke the outline of our hare, and then fill the middle.

This is the kind of bunny we got.

What else did I forget to finish drawing for the hare? (eyes and nose)

The teacher finishes painting the eyes, nose, and mustache with a thin brush and black gouache.

(The teacher shows on the board step by step drawing hare).

– Do you remember how to draw? Tell me, Lera, where do we start drawing? (First we make the outline with a poke). Then what do we draw, Veronica? (fill the middle with a poke).

The teacher invites the children to stretch their fingers before work.

Finger gymnastics: “The bunny is jumping.”

Deftly from finger to finger.

The bunny is jumping, the bunny is jumping

(On the left hand, all fingers are spread wide apart. On the right hand, all fingers, except the index, are clenched into a fist.)

He rolled down and turned around. And he came back again.

Again from finger to finger.

The bunny is jumping, the bunny is jumping!

(The index finger rhythmically “jumps” up and down the fingers of the left hand.)

Now you can start drawing.

Guys, what wonderful bunnies you made.

Come on out, guys, let's play with the bunny.

Lesson reflection. Motor warm-up.

Skok - skok, skok - skok,

The bunny jumped onto a tree stump.

It's cold for the bunny to sit

Need to warm up my paws.

Paws up, paws down,

Pull yourself up on your toes.

We put our paws on the side

On your toes, hop – hop – hop.

And then squat down,

So that your paws don't get cold.

At the end of the lesson, the results are summed up.

Educator: Guys, who visited us today? (bunny)

What kind of fur coat does he have? (white, soft, fluffy)

Where does the hare live? (In the woods).

Well done! Guys, now our hare has friends. The bunny thanks you and says thank you.

These are the bunnies we got.

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Maltseva Irina Anatolyevna
Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group “Bunny”

Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group« Bunny»

Target: continue to introduce the reception poke drawing technique"dry brush".

Tasks: learn to transmit characteristics bunny, teach children how to use brushes and gouache paints correctly

Materials: cardboard of blue color, white gouache, bristle brushes, black markers, jars of water, brush stands, fabric napkins, bunny.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, today we have an unusual guest. Do you want to know who he is? Guess riddle:

The ears are long and timid.

Either it is gray, or it is white.

Sometimes he runs, sometimes he jumps,

The short tail hides from the wolf.

Children: This bunny.

IN: that's right bunny. Let's get to know him. This bunny, his name is Ushastik. What kind of ears does he have? (long) What kind of fur coat does he have? (fluffy, gray) What shape is the head? (round) What shape is the body? (oval) What else do you have? bunny? (eyes, nose.

He has long ears, a short tail and a fluffy gray coat. But ours the bunny is upset about something. Let's ask him what.

Bunny. Winter will come soon, snow will fall, everything around will be white, but my fur coat is gray, and all my hare friends are gray. The wolf will find us and eat us.

V. The guys and I will help you, draw a white fur coat. We will need white paint and a brush. And you won't need water today. To make the fur coat soft and fluffy we will draw using the poking method. We dip the tip of a dry brush into the paint so that the iron of the brush does not get dirty, otherwise our brush will quickly break and will not be able to paint. Let's get some paint and get started paint, first paint along the contour. The brush seems to be jumping on the leaf. Then we paint over everything else.

Now let’s play with our fingers a little and rest.

Bunny jump, bunny hop,

He hid under a bush. (hide your fist in your palm)

Silently under a bush (we shake our fingers)

Only ears upright (fingers show ears, which bend and unbend)

IN: Have you rested? Now take your brushes and get started. paint. Make the pokes so that the fur coat has no holes. Otherwise the bunny will freeze in winter. Now, wash your brushes and wait a little for the fur coat to dry so that draw bunny eyes and nose. While the paint dries, we'll play. Leave your desks.

Gray bunny sitting

And he wiggles his ears. (makes ears on the head with hands and moves them)

Like this, like this

And he wiggles his ears. (2 lines 2 times)

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm our paws. (claps his hands)

Like this, like this

We need to warm our paws. (2 lines 2 times)

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump. (jumps)

Like this, like this

The bunny needs to jump. (2 times)

Wolf scared the bunny.

The bunny jumped and ran away.

Now sit down in your seats, we will finish drawing the bunny’s eyes and nose.

Educator: Well done, your bunnies They turned out to be wonderful coats. I think in such warm and fluffy coats our bunnies will not freeze in the cold and the wolf will not find them.

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Non-traditional technology for children 4-6 years old in kindergarten. Master class "Bunny"

Target: making a drawing using the “poke” technique using a hard semi-dry brush.
Tasks:- learn to make drawings using non-traditional techniques;
- promote the development of children's creative abilities;
- learn to be careful when working with gouache.
Description: The master class introduces children to unconventional technology drawing - painting with a hard semi-dry brush using the “poke” method.
Purpose: This master class will be of interest to everyone who likes to draw. For example, teachers working with children of middle and senior preschool age.
Materials: drawing paper, hard brush No. 5, simple brushes No. 5 and No. 3, a glass of water, gouache and a cloth napkin.
Educator: Guys, today we will draw with you! Paint in an interesting way. Look, you have everything you need for this on your table: brushes, a glass of water, gouache, and paper.

What are we going to draw? Listen to the riddle:
"I manage very cleverly,
With juicy, fresh carrots.
I also love cabbage
There's no reason they think I'm a coward,
I admit that I'm quick on my feet,
Dust is a long road for me,
Well, guess who I am,
After all, my name is brother - (Bunny).

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right guys, it's a bunny. We will draw a bunny. What kind of bunny is there?

Children's answers.

Educator: Yes, the bunny is white in winter and gray in summer. Listen to the poem:
"The bunny walked through the forest,
Changed my white fur coat
On beautiful gray fur
To hide from everyone
Under the trees, bushes, between
Huge stones
So that both in the field and in the forest
Managed to outwit the fox." M. Piudunen
Educator: This is exactly the gray bunny we will draw. And we will draw it not simple, but unusual method-method“poke” with a hard, semi-dry brush. This method is very easy to perform. Take a sheet of paper, gouache and a hard brush. Dip the brush a little into the gouache and “poke” it into a sheet of paper - this is the “poke” method. Basic rules of this method:
- paint with a dry brush,
- after washing the brush, wipe it dry with a cloth,
- we don’t apply traditional strokes, but apply a “poke” pattern into a sheet of paper.
Now you can start drawing.
1. Tint the background. To do this, apply water with a brush No. 5 to a sheet of paper, leaving the edge of the sheet dry. Then we apply paint and place it evenly on the sheet. The background is ready.

2. Take a hard brush No. 5, draw an oval with gray gouache in the middle of the sheet, located horizontally. Do not forget that we do not apply traditional strokes, but use the “poke” method.

3. Now on the left, a little higher, draw a circle, this is the head.

4. Now the ears.

5. Tail.

6. Paws.

7. White gouache - eye, pink nose, for this we use brush No. 3.

8. Now we draw the cheeks and mustache with white gouache. This is done so that the antennae are clearly visible against a dark gray background.

9.Now let’s decorate the face with black gouache, using the same thin brush.

The bunny is ready.

And here is Katyusha E’s bunny.

She drew it herself, following step by step photos. Just made a few changes.
The bunny turned out beautiful.

Don't be afraid to try drawing! You will succeed!!!

Synopsis of direct educational activities in the middle drawing group on the topic: “Running Bunny”
Educational: strengthen the skills of drawing round, oval shapes; convey in the drawing the characteristic features of the appearance of animals (long ears, a short tail of a hare), the different internal states of the little hare (listening or calmly resting) through different position his ears; apply the learned techniques of painting with a brush: with all the bristles in shape (torso); side stroke when depicting small and small parts; drawing with the end of a brush (poke).
Developmental: consolidate knowledge about colors, skills of compositionally correctly placing an image on a sheet of paper.
Educational: cultivate interest and Attentive attitude to animals, independence, desire for aesthetic appreciation.
Equipment: toy bunny, brushes, sticks, stands for brushes, glass of water, tinted sheet of paper, gouache in black, gray, white colors. Preliminary work: looking at illustrations and playing with the toy bunny; verbal description, reading stories, learning poems about bunnies.
Progress of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment.
2. Game motivation for educational and cognitive activities.
Educator: Children, on Sunday I was in the forest and met... Guess who?
Guessing the riddle:
Guess what kind of hat it is?
Gray armful of fur.
The hat is running in the forest,
It gnaws the bark of the trunks. (Hare)
Educator: Yes, it's a hare! It was Bunny that I met. I saw how quickly he ran and jumped deftly, and invited him to visit. Here he is - a bunny! (Places the bunny in front of the children.) The bunny told me that he ran away from the fox and hid under the tree. He complained: “If I were not alone, if I had many bunny friends, the fox would never have dared to attack us.” Children, let's help the Bunny, draw friends for him - there are many long-eared bunnies just like him.
Bunny, jump here on a stump so that the children can get a good look at you, what shape your body and head are.
Little Bunny: Let the children tell me what shape my head and body are. What are they like? (On the testicle.) What is this form called? (Oval.)
3. Finger gymnastics.
The bunny jumped from the porch
And I found a ring in the grass.
And the ring is not easy -
Shines like gold.
The exercise is based on moving from one position to another:
a) fingers into a fist, extend the index and middle fingers and spread them apart;
b) connect the thumb and index finger into a ring.
Educator: Why do you think the Bunny sits and is silent? (Children make their guesses, build logical chains.) He whispers in my ear that he is calm, he is resting, so his ears lie on his back, and when he hears any rustling or steps, he immediately raises his ears up and listens.
The teacher invites the children to start drawing and asks where they will begin to create the image.
4.Demonstration and explanation of how to do the work.
Educator: I take a brush, dip it first in water, dry it on a napkin, pick up gray or white paint(depending on the time of year) and draw an oval that looks like an egg. I paint according to the shape of the body. Like this. At the top of the body I draw an oval head. I also paint it over without going beyond the outline. I'm still putting paint on desired color and I draw long ears on the head (sticking up or, lowered, lying on the back) with long strokes at a certain distance. At the bottom of the body, using side strokes, I draw long, strong legs (the little bunny is sitting). What is the bunny missing? Yes, eyes, nose. On the back of the back there is a tail (you can draw it with your finger), I draw the eyes and nose using a poking method with black paint. Here is my bunny ready. Do you like him?
5. Phys. just a minute.
Jumping, jumping in the woods (jumping in place)
Hares are gray balls. (hands near the chest, like the paws of hares, jumping)
Jump - hop, jump - hop - (jumping back and forth, back and forth)
The little bunny stood on a stump. (stand straight, hands on waist)
Lined everyone up in order (turned the body to the right, right arm to the side, then to the left and left hand to the side)
Began to show charging.
Once! Everyone walks in place. (steps in place)
Two! Hands wave together (hands in front of you, perform a scissors movement)
Three! They sat down and stood up together. (sit down, stand up)
Everyone scratched behind the ear. (scratch behind the ear)
They reached for “four”. (hands up, then to the waist)
Five! They bent over and bent over. (bend over, lean forward)
Six! Everyone stood in a row again (stand up straight, lower your arms)
They walked like a squad. (steps in place)
6.Children’s independent work.
Children draw on their own. While painting, the teacher makes sure that the children make circular movements with the brush as accurately as possible, pick up enough paint, remove the excess on the edge of the glass, carefully wash the brush, blot it with a napkin, and do not splash the water.
The teacher observes the sequence of work, uses questions to clarify the name of the form, proportional ratio. Draws children's attention to the position of the bunny's ears, explains this by the internal state of the animal - resting calmly, alert or listening.
He praises those who added additional elements to their work, for example, drew a bunny in a different pose, changed the position of the paws.
7.Result of the lesson.
At the end of the lesson, the teacher asks Bunny if he is satisfied that he has so many friends, because with friends it’s fun and not as scary as being alone.
Educator: Well done, children! You - kind kids, now the Bunny will not be lonely. He's very happy. How affectionately can you call a Bunny? (Hare, bunny)
Analyzing the children's drawings, the teacher constructs the answers so that they include an assessment of the characters drawn (shape of body parts, their proportions, position of the ears, etc.).

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