Limp bizkit group and its composition. Biography. Biography score

One of the most energetic bands playing a fusion of metal, punk and hip-hop, sometimes called rapcore, Limp Bizkit was founded in 1994 by Fred Durst (William Frederick Durst, b. August 20, 1971) with the participation of bass guitarist Sam Rivers. The third member of the team was Sam's cousin, drummer John Otto. Durst himself first tried to play the guitar, but he was not good at it, and therefore, entrusting the instrument to Rob Waters, he concentrated on vocals. Rob's time in Limp Bizkit was limited to participating in the recording of the "Mental Aquaducts" demo, after which John's school friend, Wes Borland, took over the guitar position. When the personnel issue was resolved, the group began to actively perform in the vicinity of their native Jacksonville. Somewhere during this period, the guys met the musicians from “Korn” and presented their creations to them for judgment.

If "Mental Aquaducts" did not evoke any emotions, then the recordings made with Borland received due attention and were handed over to producer Ross Robinson for review. Ross volunteered to work with the team, while Fred built bridges with the Flip Records label. Shortly before concluding a contract with this company, a fifth member appeared in “Limp Bizkit” - DJ Lethal (Leor Dimant, b. December 18, 1972) from the collapsed rap gang “House Of Pain”.

The debut album sold poorly at first, but after the band’s participation in the “root” event “Family Values ​​Tour,” things began to improve and “Three Dollar Bill, Y”All$” climbed the charts to number 25. By mid-1998 “ Limp Bizkit" became one of the most popular rapcore teams, and its songs were increasingly heard on MTV. The second album debuted on Billboard at number one, and its circulation exceeded half a million in the first week. The hit that accompanied "Significant Other" -single "Nookie" entered the top ten of both rock and rap charts, and the group, meanwhile, appeared at Woodstock 99. The performance, however, did not take place. negative consequences, and Durst was accused of "inciting vandalism and violence." By the way, by that time Fred already had scandalous fame in the musical environment and was in conflict with such artists as Trent Reznor, Slipknot, Zakk Wylde, Scott Stapp, Eminem and Bruce Dickinson.

Despite all these “nuances” (or maybe thanks to them), in the fall of 2000, “Limp Bizkit” set a national “sales” record - a weekly circulation of “Chocolate Starfish” And The Hot Dog Flavored Water" sold over a million copies. The single "My Generation" became the team's biggest hit, and the success was further bolstered by the inclusion of "Take A Look Around" on the soundtrack to the film "Mission: Impossible 2".

Although the hype surrounding "Limp Bizkit" continued, many critics were lukewarm about "Chocolate Starfish". The situation became much worse when Borland left in mid-2002 and a pompous competition to find a replacement ended in failure. In the end, Mike Smith from Snot took Wes's place, but on the next album he was trusted to play on only five tracks, and on the rest the work was done by session guitarists. The release of "Results May Vary" could be regarded as the beginning of the end of the popularity of "Limp Bizkit". Although the album reached the platinum mark, and the Who's cover of "Behind Blue Eyes" became a mainstream hit, the naked eye could see a drop in demand for the Jacksonville band's products.

In 2004, rumors began to circulate among Bizkit fans about Borland's return to the team. As it turned out, they were not groundless, and Wes took part in the recording of the new EP "The Unquestionable Truth". However, his appearance did not improve the situation, and the disc did not even receive gold. At the end of the sessions, Borland went about his own business, and the future of Limp Bizkit remained uncertain.

Last update 04.09.06

Group Limp Bizkit was formed in 1994. Its founders Fred Durst(vocalist) and bassist ( Sam River c), it was the bass that brought his cousin, a jazz drummer named John Otto, into the group. Following him, a guitarist joined the band - Terry Balsamo, which after a short period of time left LB, he was replaced by no one else Wes Borland. 2 years later (in 1996), a DJ who had previously played in hip hop project called House of Pain.
The style of the group is easily characterized as \.

The name Limp Bizkit translates to "soft cookie" or "soft biscuit". This name appeared spontaneously, it was said jokingly by Sam Rivers. Fred liked this combination of words very much, and subsequently he only changed the spelling of two letters, replacing "biscuit" to " bizkit"(the structure of pronunciation has not changed at all, but visual appeal words has increased many times).

In 1997 LB release their debut album entitled Three Dollar Bill, Yall$, which was sold in incredible quantities (more million copies). A year later, success is already overtaking LB - touring concerts and tours began with such groups as Orgy, Incubus, and .

But real success caught up with the group only in 1999. It was brought by their second album " Significant Other" In 2000, the situation changed with the release of the album “Chocolate Starfish And The Hotdog Flavored Water.” It was awarded a platinum award, since its sales reached a million in just the first week of release. TV channel MTV presented the award and recognized it as album of the year. It was he who elevated the group to the pedestal of world-class stars.

In 2001, a real tragedy occurs - Wes Borland leaves the team. A replacement was found only two whole years later. It was former member project " Snot" - Mike Smith. With him LB They recorded an album, “Results May Vary”, but it did not achieve or repeat the expected success like their previous two creations.

The situation changes in 2004 - it unexpectedly returns Wes Borland. Already with his participation, LB is recording an EP album called “T he Unquestionable Truth (Part 1)" The band members deliberately refused to accompany the release of the album with PR companies, through radio interviews and any other means.

In 2005, the record label insisted on releasing a collection of hits “ Greatest Hitz" 2006 came and Wes Borland leaves again LB. In the same year he released the first album of his project Black Light Burns.

Over the next 2 years, there were many rumors about the life of the group, but not one of them was supported by facts. In 2009, rumors of a large-scale nature began to spread, namely the reunion of the group in the “standard” lineup.

Made an official statement in person Wes Borland:“We came to the conclusion that modern heavy music pisses us off more than we piss each other off. Despite the fact that our paths have diverged, we still understand how unique and powerful energy comes from us, from five people. Such energy cannot be found anywhere else. That's why Limp Bizkit came back to the stage."

Released in 2011 new album called " Gold Cobra"(Golden Cobra).

Among all American rock groups, Limp Bizkit is one of the most popular. Three Grammy nominations have contributed to her success around the world. Aggressive lyrics and their presentation, experiments with sound, bright concert shows- all these are just some of the reasons contributing to the constant increase in the army of fans of the team.

What is the group famous for?

Over its more than twenty-year history of existence, Limp Bizkit has repeatedly become a prize-winner in a variety of musical categories. According to music critics, its uniqueness lies in the skillful combination of rock music, rap and nu-metal elements, which emerged as a result of many years of experimentation with sound and the use of a wide variety of instruments.

It is worth noting that the bright concert programs, during which the members of the group devote themselves entirely to the process: actively work with the audience, perform their compositions as close as possible to the original and make each of their shows different from the previous one. Every year the group gives more than 50 concerts around the world, and it is sometimes simply impossible to get tickets for them.

How was the team formed?

The idea of ​​creating the group “Limp Bizkit” belonged to its lead singer, Fred Durst, who always dreamed of working in a team whose work would combine rock and hip-hop. At the beginning of 1993, he was involved in three little-known projects at once, each of which did not bring him any creative satisfaction. That is why he left them one by one, deciding to create something completely different.

In December of that year, Fred contacted bassist Sam Rivers, with whom he had worked in one of his former projects, and offered him cooperation. Sam became seriously interested in the idea of ​​creating a new band and immediately called his cousin John Otto, who knew how to play drums well. The most difficult thing was with the guitarists; they changed quite often until the appearance of Wes Borland, who became one of business cards team.

Band members

The composition of Limp Bizkit has remained virtually unchanged throughout the band's existence. The main members are: Fred Durst (vocals), Sam Rivers (bass, keys, backing), John Otto (drums), Wes Borland (guitar, backing) and DJ Lethal (keys, sampling), the last two left the group in 2001 and 2012, respectively, but after a break of several years they still returned, to the delight of their fans.

The musicians thought for a very long time about the name of the group, there were many ideas, but all of them were rejected by Fred. Sam could not withstand such a brainstorm and stated that his brain was like a softened cookie (limp biscuit), after some adjustments the name “Limp Bizkit” appeared, its translation remained the same. At one time, members of the group included Mike Smith, Terry Balsamo and Rob Waters, all of whom also became famous figures in show business.

Frontman of the group

Limp Bizkit lead singer Fred Durst was born into a poor family; his biological father left her when the musician was only a few weeks old. For a couple of years, Anita, Fred's mother, tried to make money and decide huge amount problems, they had to live in the attic of the church, where ministers sheltered her and her child. Soon the woman married Bill, a police officer who raised Durst as own son. As a teenager, Fred listened to heavy music and tried to write rap, this helped him get rid of negative emotions.

After graduating from school, he decides to go to Gaston to support himself, he has to work in fast food, parks, clubs, but he doesn’t stay anywhere for long. In 1988, he decides to go to serve in the navy, after which he gets married. The marriage turns out to be fleeting, Fred's only positive memory of him is his daughter Adriana. Later, cohabiting with Jennifer Revero, Durst becomes a father for the second time - the girl gave birth to his son Dallas. The musician later returned to Gastonia, where he formed new group, stylized as Vanilla Ice, but to no avail.

The real success began in Durst's life after returning to Jacksonville, where he met his future colleagues in Limp Bizkit. Now the musician is married to a Russian woman, Ksenia Beryazeva, a native of the Kemerovo region. In their latest interviews Durst noted that he would like to officially become a citizen of Russia, but for now this is only in the plans.

LB: 1994-2005

The entire history of the existence of the Limp Bizkit group can be divided into two stages. The first of them began in 1994 and lasted until 2005. Initially, the team gained popularity as an underground group, but after several concerts it became clear that without having their own “tricks” the big stage you won't be able to get through. By 1996, the team already had its own own style, and a year later acquired a producer and his own team at the label.

A huge number of tours, concerts and filming seriously influenced all members of the group - they became more serious, which affected the quality of the lyrics and music. The team has repeatedly been criticized for their shocking behavior, as well as for their lack of restraint towards their colleagues. However, Durst and his team ignored the caustic remarks and continued to do their job to the delight of the fans.

The period from 2001 to 2004 was quite controversial for Limp Bizkit, which was also affected by the absence of Wes Borland; the album Results May Vary, released in his absence, was torn to smithereens by critics. The musicians were consoled by the fact that the record was successful from a commercial point of view. Disputes begin in the group about the need to continue collaboration, as a result of which the team members decide to take a break.

LB: 2009 to present

The pause was beneficial for the group: during this time, the music of “Limp Bizkit” not only did not lose its relevance, but also became a kind of guide for young people. In 2009, the group visited Russia and many other countries as part of their tour, after which they sat down in the studio to record a new album. The work took about two years; a significant increase in the number of keyboards helped the musicians finally achieve the favor of critics.

Despite DJ Lethal leaving the group in 2012, the musicians continued their successful touring activities, alternating it with filming videos and recording new material. As of 2018, the group is busy recording their seventh album; in March of this year, the DJ who left 6 years ago returned to the group, which should also have a significant impact on the record.

Video support

Another key feature of the Limp Bizkit group is the clips, when you first watch them it seems that they carry absolutely no meaning. This is exactly the impression that comes from the video created for the band’s very first song, Counterfeit, directed by Fred Durst. The frontman of the group directed almost all the videos, thanks to this they managed to achieve maximum integrity of the picture and sound.

Russian fans learned about Limp Bizkit by watching the video for the song Faith, created from video archives accumulated during the tour. The group's friends Korn also appeared in the video, and for the first time the images of the alter egos of the band's leaders Fred Durst and Wes Borland were used. Some of the group's creations were banned in a number of countries due to the controversial lyrics of the compositions, accompanied by a peculiar video sequence.

The song Rollin` became a turning point in the career of “Limp Bizkit”; the clips that appeared earlier did not have any semantic meaning. The video is best remembered for being filmed in New York City's infamous towers, but is considered one of the highest-budget in rock music history. Subsequently, the group indulged fans with videos less often, and most often they were just clips from tours.

Musical style

The founder of the group, Fred Durst, initially assumed that the group would combine a huge number of different musical styles. The leaders at the moment are alternative metal, nu metal, rap, funk, rock, in parallel with this, musicians constantly include elements of post-grunge, hard rock, heavy, progressive, as well as alternative rock in their compositions. All compositions are processed using a variety of techniques, resulting in an unusual sound that has no analogues.

Most of the lyrics of the compositions were written by Durst; they often contain abscense vocabulary, are imbued with aggression and are associated with the peculiarities of society. Some songs ridicule society and parody media personalities, including recent years There has been a tendency for the lyrics to reflect the personal experiences of the band's vocalist and his position regarding certain political events.

Is it worth going to the show?

Limp Bizkit's songs might not be as popular if it weren't for the elaborate concerts for which the group is famous. All show programs consist of stage productions combined with visual effects. One of the most striking is the 1999 Family Values ​​Tour, when the band members used a mock-up of an alien ship to perform.

The “calling card” at concerts is costumes that frighten and mesmerize fans. Wes comes up with them himself and special attention devotes himself to body painting, painting his body in a wide variety of colors. In an interview, the musician repeatedly talked about the fact that for some performances he uses only shoes and underwear, and the rest of his body is completely covered with paint.

Scandalous image

The image of hooligans and brawlers stuck to the group from the moment of its first performance. After the release of the video for the song Rolling, Limp Bizkit began to be written about in the press as musicians who do not hesitate to express their opinions on any issue. The group members did not shy away from quarreling with their colleagues. In particular, we are talking about Eminem, with whom the musicians were at first friends, but later the relationship deteriorated when the team refused to support the rapper in a conflict with Everlast.

Perhaps the most famous is the scandal associated with the group Slipknot, when Fred, in one of his interviews, did not speak very correctly about its fans. The drummer of the project threatened Durst with physical violence if such statements were repeated. The latter replied on the band's official website that he was happy that Slipknot hated Limp Bizkit, because it only made their music better.

The band's hits

Despite the fact that the band became popular thanks to their own songs, some listeners remembered only one Limp Bizkit composition - “Behind Blue Eyes”. Cover of the song The group Who, with a re-arranged melody and added electronic sounds, remained at the top of the planet's leading music charts for several months. Some fans of the group were surprised to learn that this composition was created by other musicians, and not “Limp Bizkit”, “Blue Eyes” - that’s what they initially called the song.

The list of the group's most recognizable songs also includes the following tracks: Nookie, Break Stuff, Combat Jazz, Shotgun and a whole series others. Not long ago, the band released a new single, called Ready to Go, which should be included in the band's new studio album. Fans love rhythmic songs that you can dance to at concerts, the group tries to take their opinion into account and release as many similar creations as possible.


It is quite difficult to find a group that could come close in sound to Limp Bizkit; the musicians have already released six albums, and are now recording the seventh. The first of them - Three Dollar Bill, Y"all$ - was released in 1997; when preparing it, the band was guided by the principle of using names that would repel listeners and evoke negative emotions. Original effects and a clearly structured rhythm section helped Limp Bizkit released an album that, although criticized by various music reviewers, still sold well.

The albums Significant Other, Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water and Results May Vary, released in 1999, 2000 and 2003 respectively, only strengthened the band’s position in the music market. Limp Bizkit's last album was released in 2011; fans have been waiting for a new disc for seven years, about which nothing is known except the title - Stampede of the Disco Elephants.

Group achievements

Limp Bizkit has existed for more than 20 years, except for a four-year hiatus, during which time the band was nominated three times for the most prestigious music award on the planet, the Grammy, and also received a huge number of prizes. The group received its first award, the Billboard Music Awards, in 1999 for the Nookie video, which was also repeatedly nominated for a number of other prizes.

More often than others, the group was highlighted by MTV, which is aimed at a young audience who respects rock and alternative music. In 2009, the team was inducted into the Kerrang Hall of Fame! for their achievements and the formation of a progressive audience who loves rock music.

What happens if you rap hip-hop to metal? One of the pioneers of the nu-metal scene, veterans of alternative sound, famous brawlers and aggressors - this is a group with the strange name “soaked cookies”. Limp Bizkit's style features the armor-piercing rapping of Fred Durst, the masterful scratching of DJ Lethal and the insane visuals of guitarist Wes Borland.

The name was coined by the band's bassist Sam Rivers. Or rather, it was not invented - after many attempts to identify the formed team, Sam exclaimed that his brain was “a softened biscuit.” Fred liked this statement, and the newly formed team set off to smash the provincial punk clubs of Florida with their rapcore.

Since 1994, the group had to knock on labels and perform as an opening act for various more famous bands. Within a few months, Durst and his comrades were able to gather a thousand people in a small Milk Bar. Thanks to Borland's flamboyant image, the addition of DJ Lethal, and his cover of "" Limp Bizkit's audience is growing exponentially.

Three Dollar Bill's first album, Yall$, interestingly, was in some way a parody of the work of the group, known for its philosophical lyrics and heavy, oppressive musical atmosphere. Durst even parodied the vocals of the band's lead singer, Maynard Keenan. DJ Lethal, in turn, set an experimental vector in writing music - the sound of LB developed in an attractive and fresh way. The next album, Significant Other, became more qualitative in sound and a true classic of new school metal.

Limp Bizkit, despite the aggressive lyrics that expose the evils of society with pure obscenities, can sound more lyrical - bright that example album 2003 Results May Vary. The song "" became an atypical experiment for the group, and one of the most trendy stars of the early 2000s, Halle Berry, starred in the video.

In 2004, LB's sound became more depressive, political and social topics. The musicians decide not to promote the release of “Unquestionable Truth” (in two parts) in terms of advertising and promotion. Despite successful sales and good reviews critics about the group's unfolding potential, Durst was rumored to be dissatisfied with the work done. In 2006, the group went on sabbatical, and according to Borland, Limp Bizkit is unlikely to get back together.

As it turns out, Wes was wrong. In 2009, Durst announced the release of a new album, Gold Cobra, which, after the release of the single “Shotgun,” produced the effect of a bomb exploding. The group again confirmed its own tough sound and craving for experimentation, this time adding keyboard parts. In addition, after the release of the album, the musicians broke ties with the major label Interscope. The group goes on a world tour.

2012 was overshadowed by a conflict with DJ Lethal: the vinyl master, as they say in the media, had a serious quarrel with John Otto and Fred Durst, after which he left the group, it seems, forever. Borland commented on Lital's departure as follows: the dj is part of the group's family, and his life without LB is impossible.

By 2015, Limp Bizkit began touring frequently in Russia, and Fred Durst declared his love for the country, where, according to a recent interview, he plans to look for a wife and play 20 concerts in different cities. The band is currently working on a new album, “Stampede Of The Disco Elephants”: the release is expected to be released before the end of the year.

The band came together in 1994 in Jacksonville, Florida, when vocalist Fred Durst joined Sam Rivers, Wes Borland, and Rivers' cousin John Otto. Later, DJ Lethal joined the team. This is how the history of the Limp Bizkit group began.

The first album, entitled “Three Dollar Bill Y'All,” was released in 1998. Thanks to him, Limp Bizkit appeared at the MTV Spring Break '98 fashion show.

The second album, Significant Other, released in 1999, stayed at the top of the charts for three weeks.

However, their performance at Woodstock '99 was met with disapproval due to outbreaks of civil unrest, forcing the festival to be abandoned. Disputes and discussions are always good for the music business because they help maintain the popularity of artists. So the condemnation of the musicians did not have a negative impact on their new album.

In 2000, Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water was released. The album broke all sales records, selling more than a million copies in the first week of release. Due to Fred Durst's back illness, the group had to stop performing in Europe in the summer of 2001.

Since then, some members have been replaced, and Limp Bizkit has released several more albums: New Old Songs (2001), The Rare And The Remixes (2002), Results May Vary (2003), A Tribute To Limp Bizkit" (2004), "The Unquestionable Truth" (2005), "Greatest Hitz" (2005), "Rock Im Park" 2001 (2008).

Group composition:

Vocals: Fred Durst

Bass: Sam Rivers (former guitarists Rob Waters, Wes Borland, Mike Smith)

Drums: John Otto

Scratching: DJ Lethal.

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