Project “We want to be healthy” (using health-saving technologies). Project – programs “health-forming and health-saving technologies in working with preschool children”

From the experience of working as a primary school teacher. Health is an invaluable asset not only for every person, but also for the entire society. Recently, the catastrophic deterioration in the health of students has become more obvious. Along with unfavorable social and environmental factors, the cause is also recognized negative influence schools on children's health.



state budgetary educational institution of the Samara region

basic secondary school of the village. Ilyichevsky

Alekseevsky municipal district, Samara region

Pedagogical project

“Use of health-saving technologies

In elementary school"

(from work experience)

Petrochenko Svetlana Ivanovna

primary school teacher

GBOU OOSH village. Ilyichevsky


“Caring for health is the most important work of a teacher.
Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, self-confidence..."

A.V. Sukhomlinsky

Relevance of the project

Health is an invaluable asset not only for every person, but also for the entire society. Recently, the catastrophic deterioration in the health of students has become more obvious. Along with unfavorable social and environmental factors, the negative impact of school on children’s health is also recognized as a reason.

A person spends many years within the walls of educational institutions, and therefore a value-based attitude towards health cannot be formed without the participation of teachers. For a long time, our education did not pay due attention to the preservation, strengthening and development of health, avoided assessing the impact of the pedagogical process on the mental state of students, and did not consider educational technologies from the point of view of a health-preserving orientation. At best, it all came down to sporting events and recreational activities during the holidays.

With the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards

The idea of ​​preserving the health of students has acquired the status of a priority; this is a red thread national project“Education”, presidential initiative “Our New School”.


Numerous studies in recent years show that about 25–30% of children entering 1st grade have certain health problems. But the “school factor” is the most significant factor in terms of influence and duration that influences the health of children. Currently, the earlier start of systematic training and significant intensification of the educational process have led to an increase in the educational load on the functional capabilities of the children's body.

During the period of schooling, the number of healthy children decreases by 4 times, the number of myopic children increases from 1st grade to graduation from 3.9% to 12.3%, with neuropsychic disorders - from 5.6% to 16.4%, postural disorders from 1.9% to 16.8%. One of the most common pathologies in schoolchildren is impaired visual acuity.

Practice has revealed: judging by statistics, only a small part of school graduates are considered healthy. Thus, every teacher must take into account that a child present at a lesson in a regular school, as a rule, is not healthy.

The main goal of health-saving technologies is to preserve and strengthen the health of students, as the most important factor in the performance and development of the child’s body.

Preparing a child for a healthy lifestyle based on health-saving technologies should become a priority in the activities of teachers working with children of primary school age.

The main problem, in my opinion, is that children do not move much. 3 hours of physical education lessons do not save students from low physical activity in other lessons. Eye fatigue, strain on vision, resulting in headache and dizziness.

Having analyzed the causes of school illnesses, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to solve these problems in the field of health conservation in a comprehensive manner.

Target : creating conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of students during a period of increasing psychological and physical stress on the child’s body.

This is where the main tasks which I put in my work:

  • provide the student with opportunities to maintain health during the period of study at school;
  • reduce the morbidity rate among students;
  • maintain the efficiency of students in the classroom;
  • to develop in students knowledge, skills and abilities on a healthy lifestyle.

Expected results

  • positive dynamics of the health status of younger schoolchildren, a decrease in morbidity;
  • increasing interest in sporting events, motivation for physical activity;
  • valeological awareness of students;
  • increasing the number of students involved in sports sections;
  • increasing the level of independence and activity of schoolchildren;
  • priority increase healthy image life.


IN progress of the project I attract physical education teacher, medical assistant at the first aid station. Children undergo an annual medical examination at school. In my classes I follow the recommendations of doctors. I conduct classes in the classroom, school gym, and school playground. During classes I use balls, jump ropes and other sports equipment. During lessons and extracurricular activities I use an interactive whiteboard, laptops, and multimedia resources.

Project participants

By number of participants: 10 students, primary school teacher,

Parents of students, physical education teacher, paramedic at FAP

Duration: long-term

Project Implementation Plan

Organizational stage

To achieve the goal and solve the set tasks, I studied the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the Concept of Spiritual and Moral Development and Personality Education of a Russian Citizen, the main issues in health-saving areas:

  • Organization of a lesson in conditions of health-saving technology.
  • Gaming health technologies.
  • Fun physical exercises in elementary school lessons.
  • Work to prevent eye fatigue in the classroom.
  • Breathing exercises.
  • Formation of healthy lifestyle skills.
  • The role of the family in developing a healthy lifestyle in younger schoolchildren.
  • The relationship between student morbidity indicators and their organization educational activities in conditions of health-saving pedagogy.

Main stage

While working on the task of creating a health-preserving environment in the classroom, I came to the need to increase the physical activity of children. To accomplish this task, the following sports and recreational activities were introduced. (Appendix 1)

1. Morning exercises.At the beginning of each school week Before classes, we learn a complex of morning exercises. It is performed with musical accompaniment, which helps create a good mood and develop a desire to perform the exercises with pleasure.

2. Game changes.It has been noticed that if after a lesson junior students run out of the classroom in a crowd, this means that they are very tired. Overfatigue in primary schoolchildren manifests itself in physical activity. Dynamic changes help relieve fatigue in a few minutes between lessons. We conduct outdoor games with low and medium mobility right in the corridor in front of the primary school classrooms. In such games, the emotional coloring of the game plays a big role. Children not only relax physically, but also receive a charge of positive emotions. (Appendix 2)

3. Health days, which I spend once a month. I select different topics that are relevant for the students of this class, the main goal of which is the comprehensive development of the individual against the background of the level of physical culture of the personality of a junior schoolchild available at this age. For example, “Moidodyr has come to us!”, “If you want to be healthy” and others. Children learn poems, take part in quizzes, get to know each other or develop the rules of a healthy lifestyle themselves. As a result, children develop positive motivation to follow these rules.

Instilling personal hygiene skills in schoolchildren plays a major role in preventing a number of diseases. I work systematically to instill these skills in my students. There are orderlies in the classroom who check the condition of children’s hands and nails every morning before classes. Each student has a separate towel rack, soap, toilet paper and, always in a plastic bag, shoes for the dance club. Before lunch, children wash their hands with soap. The drinking regime is also observed. Everyone has their own mug. Children drink chilled, boiled water.

Protecting a schoolchild’s vision should be aimed not only at preventing myopia, but also at curbing its progression.

Medical workers are ours frequent guests. They conduct conversations with students on various topics. For example, when an extracurricular event “Take care of your eyes” was held, paramedic V.N. Lobina was invited, who held a conversation on the topic “How to maintain good vision?”

The next, in my opinion, important component of health-saving work is the rational organization of the lesson. An indicator of the rational organization of the educational process are:

  • Volume of teaching load – number of lessons and their duration, including time spent on homework;
  • Load from additional classes at school;
  • Active-motor activities: dynamic breaks, physical education lessons, sports events.

I build my lessons taking into account the individual capabilities and abilities of the student, and I use tasks at different levels.

Our school received educational and laboratory equipment in August 2012

and computer equipment according to the programImplementation of a Set of measures to modernize basic general education for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in primary grades. This equipment was installed in my classroom. I have completed a training course on the use of ICT equipment in the classroom and have a certificate. Lessons began to be conducted using ICT. This is work with an interactive whiteboard, a modular system of experiments PROLog, a control and monitoring system for the quality of knowledge PROClass. The boys are learning how to use laptops. Lessons have become more interesting, and the children have become more independent, inquisitive and active. But the use of ICT equipment puts a lot of strain on the eyes, so I comply with SanPiN standards. We work with an interactive whiteboard or laptops during the lesson for 15 minutes, and be sure to do eye exercises.

The functional state of schoolchildren in the process of learning activities mainly depends on compliance with hygienic and psychological-pedagogical conditions for conducting a lesson. (Appendix 3)

To increase the mental performance of children, prevent premature fatigue and relieve their static muscle tension, I conduct physical education sessions in the classroom. I conduct physical education sessions, taking into account the specifics of the subject, often accompanied by music and other means that help restore operational performance. (Appendix 4)

I include in the exercises for physical education:

  • exercises to develop posture,
  • strengthening vision,
  • strengthening arm muscles,
  • spine rest,
  • leg exercises,
  • relaxation exercises for facial expressions,
  • stretching,
  • exercises aimed at developing rational breathing

Most primary school students do not know how to breathe properly

during muscular exercise, walking, running, as well as in conditions of relative muscle rest. Improper breathing leads to disruption of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, decreased blood oxygen saturation, and metabolic disorders. That's why I introduce exercises to develop deep breathing, increased exhalation, combined with various movements of the torso and limbs. I also involve physical education teachers in this work.

The exercises performed give stress to muscles that were not loaded during the current activity, and also help to relax the muscles.

In addition, I determine and record the psychological climate in the lesson, provide emotional release, and strictly monitor students’ compliance with correct posture, posture, its compliance with the type of work and alternation during the lesson.

However, it is not only important to know and understand what a teacher should do in the classroom in order to maintain the mental health of students. I realized that the health-preserving focus of work requires deeper and more complex research and concluded that health-preserving education is aimed, first of all, at ensuring the mental health of students. If possible, I often encourage children with a look, a smile, a word, an assessment. Children are not afraid to express their thoughts out loud. I strictly make sure that the child enjoys the information received during the lesson. The state of a child's soul is determined by his facial expression and gait when he goes home.

Health-saving training leads to the prevention of fatigue and fatigue; increasing motivation for educational activities; increase in educational achievements.

It is impossible not to mention that I also involve in the work on health conservation parents. These are joint class activities. Among them are sports and recreational competitions and relay races: “Dad, Mom, Me, Sports Family”, “Meeting with Parents: Comic Fun Starts between Boys and Dads” and others. On parent meetings conducted a course of conversations “Health-saving technologies in school and family”, where we also invited paramedic Vera Nikolaevna. Topics such as “About the child’s daily routine in the family”, “Personal hygiene”, “For parents about the health of the schoolchild” were touched upon. Conducted a survey among parents on the following topics:

  • “Are you in good shape?”
  • “Can your lifestyle be considered healthy?”
  • “Does stress happen often in your daily life?”
  • “Do you know how to protect your life and health?”

Observations show that the use of health-saving technologies in the educational process allows students to adapt more successfully in the educational and social space.

A healthy lifestyle does not yet occupy first place among human values ​​in our country. But if we demonstrate a healthy lifestyle by personal example, then only in this case can we hope that future generations will be healthier and developed not only personally, intellectually, spiritually, but also physically. If they used to say: “In a healthy body - healthy mind”, then the one who says that without the spiritual cannot be healthy will not be mistaken.

Proper organization of education makes it possible to prevent overload and fatigue in schoolchildren, and also helps children realize the importance of maintaining health.

In conclusion, following the great humanist and teacher J.-J. Rousseau, I would like to say:“To make a child smart and sensible, make him strong and healthy.”

Final stage

By working with this problem, studying and applying health-saving technologies in practice, we can make conclusion . The introduction of health-saving technologies into the educational process allowed me to achieve positive changes in the health of my students.

A certain system of using health-saving technologies in work has emerged. The results of the activity are as follows. Based on student attendance at lessons, the dynamics of morbidity showed: there is no increase in acute respiratory infections compared to last year. 70% of students have never been sick. There were no cases of other diseases. The results of the interim diagnostics are reflected in the diagram.

Questionnaire “My health”
Target: identify the attitude of schoolchildren to their health, understanding the importance of physical perfection.

1.Do you often miss classes due to illness?
2. Do you do physical exercises in the morning?
3.Do you regularly attend physical education classes?
4. Do you study in physical education class:
a) with full dedication
b) without desire
c) as long as they don’t scold
5.Do you play sports for a long time?
6. Are there physical exercises in your lessons?

The survey results showed
- often miss classes due to illness – 0%
- do exercises in the morning - 50%
- regularly attend physical education lessons - 100%
- do physical education classes
a) with full dedication - 96%
b) without desire - 4%
c) as long as they don’t scold – 0%
- go in for sports for a long time - 20%
- there are moments in physical education lessons - 100%

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution Child Development Center - “Kindergarten No. 3 “Solnyshko”

Health saving project

"If you want to be healthy"

Senior group teacher:

Malinovskaya Valentina Olegovna

ZATO Sibirsky



Stages: organizational, main (practical), final.



Relevance of the project “If you want to be healthy”

Protecting life and strengthening the physical and mental health of children is one of the main tasks of preschool education. The well-being of modern society depends on the health of children. Recently, there has been a trend towards deterioration in the health of children throughout the world. Environmental issues, various negative household factors, chemical additives in food, poor-quality water, accumulating irritations in society associated with an unsatisfactory economic situation, low physical activity and physical activity of children, insufficient family attention to strengthening the physical and mental health of children, indifferent attitude of parents to physical education and sports - factors that aggressively affect children's health. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly remember that there are very few healthy children now.

Against the backdrop of environmental and social tension in the country, against the backdrop of a huge increase in diseases of “civilization,” in order to be healthy, you need to master the art of preserving and strengthening it. This art should be given as much attention as possible in a preschool institution. During this period, the child develops basic skills for developing health; this is the most favorable time for developing the right habits, which, in combination with teaching preschoolers how to improve and maintain health, will lead to positive results. It is at this age that the child has a closer connection with his family and teacher than during the school period, which helps to most effectively influence not only the child, but also his family members. Moreover, research by domestic and foreign scientists has long established that human health depends only 7-8% on the success of healthcare and 50% on lifestyle.

Based on the above, the kindergarten team annually faces tasks related to the health and preservation of preschool children.

Based on the above, a long-term project for preserving the health of pupils “If you want to be healthy” was developed for 2 years.

Project goal: formation of a conscious attitude of children towards their health.

Project objects:

pupils of an educational organization (from 3 to 7 years);

families of pupils;

teaching staff.

4. Project objectives:

Working with children:

Working with parents:

Working with the teaching staff:

Instilling strong cultural and hygienic skills;
- development of ideas about the structure of one’s own body, the purpose of organs;
- training in caring for your body, skills in providing basic assistance;

Formation of ideas about what is healthy and what is harmful to health;
- formation of basic ideas about the environment;
- forming a habit of daily physical exercise;

Formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Increasing parents' competence in using health-saving opportunities at home.

Formation of the needs of the child’s family (parents) for a healthy lifestyle.

Exchange of experience;

Organization of interaction with specialists

5. Principles:

The scientific principle is the reinforcement of all ongoing activities aimed at improving health with scientifically based and practically proven methods.

The principle of activity and consciousness is the search for new, effective methods and targeted activities to preserve the health of children.

The principle of complexity and integrativeness is the solution of health-preserving and preventive tasks in the system of the entire educational process and all types of activities.

The principle of targeting and continuity is maintaining connections between age categories, taking into account multi-level and different-age development and health status.

The principle of effectiveness and guarantee - the realization of the rights and needs of children to receive the necessary medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance and support, a guarantee of a positive result regardless of age category children and their level of physical development.

6. Main stages:

Stage 1 - organizational:

Studying psychological and pedagogical experience in protecting children's health;

Drawing up schemes of interaction with specialized specialists;

Systematized material:

“Conversations about healthy lifestyle”,

"Finger games"

"Game massage"

"Articulation gymnastics"

"Elements of breathing exercises"

“Games with elements of psycho-gymnastics”, visual material.

Stage 2 - main (practical).

At the second stage, the health-saving orientation of the educational process was implemented: the use of health-saving technologies: in the course of organized educational activities (ECD, entertainment, individual work, subgroup work):

"conversations about healthy lifestyle"

“games with elements of psycho-gymnastics”

"finger games"

"articulation gymnastics"

"play massage";

“elements of breathing exercises.”

Health-saving technologies:

During routine moments: outdoor games while walking, play massage when waking up;

Development of general motor skills - during the organization of the motor regime.

Together with musical director During music classes, a motor regimen is organized and articulatory gymnastics are used.

Together with a teacher-psychologist, games with elements of psycho-gymnastics are held.

Stage 3 is the final stage.

At the end of each year the results are summed up:

Knowledge about healthy lifestyle;

Development of the motor sphere, general and fine motor skills

Stability of children's emotional well-being.

Stability of physical and mental performance.

To achieve the goals of health-saving technologies in preschool age, the following groups of means are recommended:

1. Outdoor games while walking or in the gym.

Movable and sports games- as part of a physical education lesson, on a walk, in a group room - low, medium and high degrees of mobility.

G.A. Speransky wrote: “A day spent by a child without a walk is lost to his health.” A preschool child should be outside for at least 3 hours every day. It is necessary to be with children as much as possible fresh air.

2. Physical education minutes and dynamic pauses.

Dynamic pauses - during classes, 2-5 minutes, as children get tired. Recommended for all children as a preventive measure against fatigue. May include elements of eye exercises, breathing exercises and others, depending on the type of activity.

3. Finger gymnastics.

Gymnastics is carried out from a young age individually or with a subgroup daily. Recommended for all children, especially those with speech problems. Conducted at any convenient time.

4. Breathing exercises.

- “Find and show your nose”;

- “Help your nose get ready for a walk” (cleaning your nose with a napkin or handkerchief).

- “The nose is walking” - inhale and exhale through the nose.

- “The nose is playing around” - inhale through the nose with resistance.

- “The nose smells a pleasant smell” - 10 inhalations and exhalations through the right and left nostrils alternately.

- “The nose sings a song” - while exhaling, tap the wings of the nose with your index finger and say “ba-bo-bu.”

- “Let's warm up the nose” - massage the nose with the index fingers.

5. Gymnastics for the eyes- daily for 3-5 minutes. at any time free time depending on the intensity of visual load from a young age. It is recommended to use visual material and demonstration by the teacher.

Eye massage - performed during morning exercises and during classes. Massage helps children relieve fatigue, tension, and improves metabolism in the tissues of the eye. Visual gymnastics - enables the eye to cope with significant visual load. Use gymnastics in drawing classes, looking at pictures, and during long-term observation. Perform eye training exercises several times a day, depending on the activity that causes tension. Visual landmarks (spots) - relieve eye fatigue and increase motor activity during the day.


"The sun is rolling in the sky -

Like a yellow ball.

Then he will hide behind a cloud,

Then he jumps through the trees.

Walked around, turned around

And it rolled behind a cloud.”

6. Hardening.

Hardening is an important link in the system of physical education of children. It provides training of the body's defenses, increasing its resistance to the effects of constantly changing environmental conditions. Hardening gives a healing effect only if it is carried out competently and the following principles are strictly observed:

  • hardening activities fit harmoniously into all routine moments;
  • are carried out systematically against the background of the optimal thermal state of children, against the background of their positive emotional mood;
  • are carried out taking into account the individual, age characteristics of children, health status, level of hardening;
  • the strength of impact and duration of hardening procedures increases gradually.

7. Gymnastics after sleep.

Nowadays, gymnastics has firmly entered the system of physical education of children and occupies an important place in it. Gymnastics after daytime sleep is a set of activities that facilitate the transition from sleep to wakefulness, which, with proper guidance, has a health-improving nature.

The transition from the sleep state to the waking state occurs gradually. Immediately after awakening, the predominance of inhibitory processes remains in the nervous system, the child has reduced mental and physical performance, almost all types of sensitivity, and the speed of reactions is significantly reduced. Inhibited state of the central nervous system can persist for several tens of minutes or even several hours. This is in to a large extent depends on the quality of sleep and the degree of general fatigue of the body.
Such a long transition from a state of sleep to a state of wakefulness is not only inconvenient, but also harmful to the health of the child’s body, which, after waking up, is subjected to mental and intellectual stress when the nervous system is not yet ready to perceive them.

Therefore, activities that help facilitate the transition to a state of wakefulness after daytime sleep are extremely important. The rate of transition from a state of rest to a state of active wakefulness can be significantly influenced. The most effective acceleration of this process is those influences that stimulate excitation processes in the nervous system. In turn, excitation processes in the central nervous system are stimulated by a variety of external signals entering the nervous system, both from the environment and from various organs of the body. The more of these signals and the more intense they are, the more the activity of the nervous system increases.
Excitation processes in the nervous system are stimulated by:

  • sound signals (for example, music)
  • visual cues (eg, bright light, especially sunlight)
  • impulses from various organs of the body (skeletal muscles, skin and others, for example, during physical exercise, during massage or when the skin is exposed to cold).

8. Self-massage.

Along with traditional forms of work, give children self-massage for colds (author A.I. Umanskaya). Everyone knows that a person has special points on his body that regulate the activity of internal organs. Massaging these points increases the body's defenses as a whole. Self-massage is easy to do. Children lightly press on the point and make circular movements 9 times clockwise and 9 times counterclockwise. Do massage 1-2 times a day.

9. Orthopedic gymnastics- in various forms of physical education and health work. Recommended for children with flat feet and as a prevention of diseases of the supporting arch of the foot.

10. Relaxation.

Children's mental health requires a balance of positive and negative emotions, ensuring the maintenance of mental balance and life-affirming behavior. Our task is not to suppress or eradicate emotions, but to teach children to feel their emotions, manage their behavior, and hear their body. For this purpose, specially selected exercises are used to relax certain parts of the body and the whole organism. Conducted in any suitable room. Depending on the condition of the children and goals, the intensity of the technology is determined. Used for quiet work classical music(Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov), sounds of nature. Children really like doing such exercises, because they have an element of play. They quickly learn this difficult skill of relaxing.

Take advantage of quiet moments more often:

Let's sit silently with our eyes closed; Let's sit and admire the burning candle; - let's lie on our backs and relax as if we rag dolls; - let's dream to this beautiful music.

11. Aromatherapy.

“Aromatherapy” - the process of breathing aromas - has a great healing effect. This has a positive effect on the nervous system and the brain. The smell of pine - cleanses the respiratory system, increases tone. The smell of birch - improves the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The smell of spruce and poplar - cleanses digestive tract. The smell of nettle destroys bacilli. Bouquets of birch, pine, cedar, juniper branches (Bouquets also purify the air in dry form).


1. Anokhina I.A. Introducing preschool children to a healthy lifestyle: methodological recommendations. - Ulyanovsk: UIPKPRO, 2007.-80p.

2. Averina I.E. Physical education minutes and dynamic pauses in preschool educational institutions.-M: Iris-Press, 2006.-136p.

3. Anokhina I.A. Model of developing a culture of health among preschoolers in preschool educational institutions: methodological recommendations. - Ulyanovsk: UIPKPRO, 2008.-44p.

4. Gavryuchina L.V. Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions: methodological manual. - M.: TC Sfera, 2008. - 160 p.


Completed by: Svetlana Vladimirovna Silinskaya - teacher of GS(K)OU boarding school No. 4
To develop the content of correctional pedagogical work on the use of health-saving technologies in educational activities with 8-9 year old students with visual impairments.

1. Develop activities that reduce the incidence rate
students, reduce the risk of chronic diseases
2. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle, to develop in students knowledge, skills and abilities on a healthy lifestyle.
3. Help each child realize their abilities, create conditions for further development and adaptation of students in society
4. Contribute to the preservation and strengthening of the child’s health, implement a person-centered approach to training and education
5. Make adjustments to the content as necessary
The goal of health-saving technologies aimed at correcting and normalizing impaired functions.
The problems of preserving the health of students have become especially relevant at the present stage. Health is the most important factor in the performance and development of a child’s body. Preparing a child for a healthy lifestyle based on health-saving technologies should become a priority in the activities of educators working with children of primary school age. The relevance is due to the need of individuals, society and the state for health-preserving education. For a long time, our education did not pay due attention to the preservation, strengthening and development of health, avoided assessing the impact of the pedagogical process on the mental state of students, and did not consider educational technologies from the point of view of a health-saving orientation. There was a need to change the attitude towards the tasks of the educational and educational process of health improvement pedagogy, which involves not only achieving didactic goals, but also the development of students with maximum health. There is a need to solve these problems in the field of health conservation in a comprehensive manner, based on the principles of health conservation.
Principles and system of health-saving technologies:
*Use data from monitoring the health status of students carried out by health workers and their own observations in the process of implementing technology, its correction in accordance with the available data.
*Taking into account the characteristics of the age development of schoolchildren and the development of an educational strategy that corresponds to the characteristics of memory, thinking, performance, and activity of this age group
*Creating a favorable emotional and psychological climate in the process of technology implementation
*Use of various types of health-saving activities aimed at preserving and increasing health reserves and working capacity.
Health-saving technologies are an organization of educational and upbringing space at all levels in which high-quality training, development, and upbringing of students is not accompanied by damage to their health. The following target settings are used:
*Stimulate children's desire to live and be healthy;
*Teach them to feel joy from every day they live;
*Show them that life is beautiful;

*Induce positive self-esteem in them.
In educational activities, it is recommended to use the following health-saving technologies:
- motor-oriented means (physical exercises, physical exercise, outdoor games, dance classes)
- healing forces of nature (sun and air baths based on walks in the air, water procedures based on exercises in the pool, vitamin therapy)
-hygienic factors (compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, ventilation and wet cleaning of premises, compliance with the general daily routine)
The most popular definition given by the World Health Organization: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Based on this definition, the following components of health are distinguished: physical health, mental health, social health and moral health. Our goal is to take care of the health of students, not forgetting what components it consists of.
Our school has created all the necessary conditions for the implementation of health-saving activities.
1. Air-thermal conditions, illumination of study areas, compliance with furniture dimensions meet certain requirements.
2. For sports activities there are two gyms and a sports ground.
3. Six meals a day are provided.
4. Dedicated great attention organizing physical education and health work. This includes conducting physical education lessons, conducting physical exercises, school sports events, conversations about health with students and their parents, designing classroom and school “Health Corners”, using health-saving technologies in lessons and extracurricular activities.
5. Conducting thematic work with parents aimed at creating health-preserving conditions, a healthy lifestyle and prevention in their families bad habits.
The goal of all these activities is to develop healthy lifestyle skills.
In order to effectively implement health-saving technology in educational activities, we use some educational technologies in their health-saving orientation.
Assessment of these areas:
Personality-oriented, where we place the child’s personality at the center of the educational system, we try to provide comfortable conditions for its development and the realization of natural capabilities. The child’s personality turns into a priority subject and becomes the goal of the educational system. Within this group, we identify several groups as independent areas that use different approaches to health care, and, accordingly, different methods and forms of work
Health-saving technologies:
1.Medical and hygienic technologies. These include monitoring and assistance in ensuring hygienic conditions, organizing and conducting vaccinations for students, providing advisory and emergency assistance, preventing and treating eye diseases.
2. Physical education and health technologies. They are aimed at developing coordination movements and are implemented during sports and recreational activities and in the work of sports sections.
3.Environmental health-saving technologies. They are aimed at a harmonious relationship with nature. These include walks around the school grounds, caring for plants in classrooms, and participation in environmental events: “Earth Day”, “Take care of nature”.
3. Technologies for ensuring life safety. They are implemented during events on the topic“Traffic rules”, “Health Week”, compliance and implementation of the recommendations of an ophthalmologist for vision protection.

4.Health-saving educational technologies:
* organizational and pedagogical technologies and psychological and pedagogical technologies that help prevent the state of overwork and physical inactivity (physical exercises, communicative games, self-massage).
*educational technologies: include programs for teaching competent care of one’s health and creating a culture of health among students, motivating them to lead a healthy lifestyle, and preventing bad habits. These are class hours and conversations on the topics:
“Cleanliness is the key to health”, “Bad habits”, sports competitions,
instilling cultural and hygienic skills.
*socially adapting and personally developing technologies that ensure the formation and strengthening of the psychological health of students, increasing the resources of psychological adaptation of the individual. This includes conducting psychological trainings, games, conversations with parents.
The work involves specialists who perform certain functions:
Confident behavior training
Development of mental processes
Mental exercises
Speech therapist:
Correction of defective sounds
Practical mastery of word formation and word substitution skills.
Development of fine motor skills
Development of cognitive activity
Work to eliminate a secondary defect
Music director:
Music therapy
Working on breathing
Development of a sense of rhythm and coordination of movements
Medical workers:
Prevention and treatment of eye diseases
Consulting teachers and parents on preserving students' vision.

Project "Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions"

Health-saving technologies are a system of measures that include the interrelation and interaction of all factors of the educational environment aimed at preserving the health of a child at all stages of his learning and development.

Wellness technologies also include finger exercises, which I want to tell you about, which I use before each lesson:

The tips of the fingers are the second brain. The hand plays an important role in human life throughout his life.

When a person touches something with his hand, he immediately recognizes what it is. The work of the fingers is truly infinitely varied and important for every person. You can touch, take, stroke, squeeze with your fingers... It is impossible to list all the verbs that describe everything that can be done with our hands and fingers.

Systematic exercises for training finger movements, along with a stimulating effect on speech development, are a powerful means of increasing brain performance. The formation of a child’s verbal speech begins when the movements of the fingers reach sufficient accuracy. The development of finger motor skills prepares the ground for the subsequent formation of speech. Since there is a close relationship and interdependence of speech and motor activity, if a child has a speech defect, special attention must be paid to training his fingers.

Thus, the role of stimulus for the development of the central nervous system, all mental processes, and in particular speech, is played by the formation and improvement of fine motor skills of the hand and fingers. Exercises with younger preschoolers must be performed at a slow pace from 3 to 5 times, first with one hand, then with the other, and finally with both hands together. Instructions to the child should be calm, friendly and clear.

In music classes, finger games are most often performed to music - like sing-alongs, songs, accompanied by the display of illustrations, finger or shadow theater. A special place is occupied "finger tales" - familiar to preschoolers - "Mitten" , “Teremok”, “Kolobok” and others are adapted to be shown with hand movements and most often have a poetic form.

Regular inclusion of musical finger games and fairy tales during the lesson:

  • stimulates the action of the speech zones of the cerebral cortex of children;
  • improves attention and memory;
  • forms associative-figurative thinking;
  • makes it easier for future schoolchildren to master writing skills.

Finger gymnastics with triangular pencils.

To perform the exercises, you need unsharpened triangular pencils and a roller.

Exercise No. 1 "Stilts"

Using two pencils, depict how they move on stilts:

The man is not bored

Walking along the path

He approached the swamp

And he went over all the bumps.

(you can offer a drawn path. See below)

Exercise No. 2 "Interceptions"

Grasp the pencil with the bent index fingers of your left and right hands

Like clever bugs,

With fingers like hooks,

Let's grab the pencil.

Exercise No. 3 "Dudochka"

Take the pencil with your thumb and forefinger and, without helping yourself with the other hand, grab it with your thumb and middle finger, thumb and ring finger, etc.

Fingers don't rest

The pencil is being fingered,

How they play the pipe.

Exercise #4 "Warming our palms"

Squeeze the roller between your palms while counting from 1 to 5, then, counting from 6 to 10, relax your hands while holding the roller; on the count of 1, squeeze the roller tightly between your palms, on the count of 2, relax your hands, holding the roller. Repeat several times.

Roll a roller or pencil:

palms on the table;

on the table with your fingertips;

between palms:

Pencil, rolled in hands

And we warm our palms.

We ride very fast,

We never freeze.

The pressure and rate of rotation should be gradually increased.

Exercise #5 "Collecting logs"

Pick up a pencil or counting stick from the table: with thumb and forefinger, thumb and middle finger, thumb and ring finger, thumb and little finger

Brothers help dad

Big brother and little brother

Very clever and skillful

They lift a large load.

with the same fingers of different hands;

with one hand at both ends (counting sticks).

The exercise is performed first with one hand, then with the other, and then with both hands at the same time.

Exercise #6 "Firewood"

It is necessary to collect as many pencils or counting sticks as possible with one hand

The truck brought firewood,

Let's collect them from the yard.

Repeat the exercise with the second hand.

Exercise No. 7 "Woodpecker"

Hold the pencil with your thumb and middle finger and tap it with your index finger.

Woodpecker, woodpecker, knock.

Where are you sitting? Show me

Exercise #8 "Sharpener"

Hold one end of the pencil in your left fist and use your fingers to right hand twist the other end of the pencil. You can scroll the pencil with two fingers, changing them. Then change hands:

We take a sharpener

We put a pencil in it.

Ours will be spicy

Blue pencil.

Exercise #9 "Well"

It is necessary to take one of them from a pile of pencils with two fingers so that the others do not move;

It is possible to introduce a game element into the exercise if there are two or more participants who take turns taking out pencils. If the pencils move, the player misses a move. The participant who has the most pencils at the end of the game wins. The final stage of the game can be the construction of a well:

We lay the logs evenly,

We'll build a well

May we always have it.

Very clean water.

or laying out various figures from collected pencils.

Exercise No. 10 "Pendulum" , "Swing"

You need to take the pencil alternately with your thumb and index finger, thumb and middle finger, etc., position it vertically and start swinging - "pendulum"

take the pencil by its middle with your thumb and forefinger and start swinging it - "swing" ;

Exercise No. 11 “Learning to write correctly”

  • twirl the pencil with the thumb, middle and index fingers of one hand, then the other, then with both hands at the same time (for children 4 years old);
  • put a pencil on your palm and scroll it with all the fingers of your hand, without helping yourself with the other;
  • take a triangular pencil, placing your thumb, index and middle fingers on different edges (as when writing). Hold it in this position for a count from 1 to 5, then:

a) alternately lift your fingers from the pencil, counting from 6 to 10;

b) tap the pencil alternately with the index, thumb and middle fingers

I'm learning to hold a pencil

To write letters correctly.

Exercise No. 12 "Caterpillar"

Move the pencil up and down while holding it with three fingers:

The caterpillar crawls up and down -

It won't fall off the branch.

  • tap the pencil alternately with your index finger

thumb and middle finger;

  • move the pencil up and down, holding it with three fingers;

The exercise is performed first with the leading hand, then with the other, after which

with both hands at the same time.

They are also held in our garden, namely in my practice plastic ballet


Strengthen children's health and develop their physical qualities.


Promote the development and functional improvement of the respiratory and circulatory organs, cardiovascular and nervous systems of the body, and the musculoskeletal system.

Shape correct posture and strengthen the muscle corset.

Develop flexibility, plasticity, grace and elegance in movements.

Temper the body.

Promote children's creative expression.

It is quite obvious that today the majority of preschool children have problems related to health, and most often with motor development.

IN recent years There has been a noticeable increase in the number of weakened newborn children due to injuries to the sixth, lumbar region, as well as traumatic brain injuries received during childbirth. In addition, their muscle load decreases due to objective reasons: children have practically no opportunity to play outdoor games while walking, and some parents are very interested in the intellectual development of the child (computer games, visiting various clubs to prepare for school). This is why preschool children have poor posture.

The physical education system in kindergarten allows you to increase interest in physical activities and stimulate their physical activity without compromising their health.

Currently, due to the alarming trend of deterioration in children's health, there is a need for the successful integration of preventive and health-improving technologies into the educational process of preschool educational institutions.

One of the most important problems in the physical education and health work of preschool educational institutions is the introduction and use of innovative technologies in the process of children’s physical development. The severity of the problem is that many children need special technologies for physical development, which must take into account the whole range of systematic and intellectual problems.

A large burden of physical development falls on physical education classes. But despite this, physical education classes are sometimes not enough to further develop the physical qualities of children. Therefore, it was decided to create a physical development club "Dragonfly" . To organize and carry out the work, the basis was taken educational technology "Theater of physical education and health improvement for children of preschool and primary school age" N.N. Efimenko. Key positions are strict adherence to the laws of nature and a comprehensive gaming method.

The work program presents an unconventional form of work to improve the health of children.

Horizontal plastic ballet is new system physical education, sports training, correction, health improvement and creative self-expression of children. The work style has enormous positive physical, mental and emotional effects on children. While performing the horizontal plastic ballet program, students seem to be immersed in a special world of movements, music, and images that generate corresponding associations.

The novelty of this physical education and health program lies in the comprehensive solution to health problems. The program provides for the construction of the educational process based on the integration of educational areas

(physical culture, health, socialization, communication, cognition, artistic creativity, music) as one of the most important principles for organizing work with preschoolers in accordance with federal state requirements for the structure of the basic educational program preschool education.

The use of the horizontal plastic ballet technique in the physical education and educational work of preschool educational institutions guarantees children the correct development of the functional systems of the body, beautiful posture, an easy gait, and is the prevention of postural disorders.

The technique of this technology is that all exercises are performed in supine - horizontal poses (exercises in a lying position on your back, on your stomach, crawling on your bellies, on medium and high all fours, exercises in a sitting position, on low and high knees). Movements in a standing position are not excluded. Thus, in this form of work, the emphasis is transferred from traditional dance and recreational movements to a horizontal, four-legged vector, a relatively slow, smooth style of movements to music. In horizontal plastic ballet there is natural beauty of movements, grace, completeness, expressiveness. All exercises are accompanied by a text-fairy tale, which allows you to train the body, develop the intellect and form the necessary spiritual qualities in children. The essence of this program is that the teacher, together with the children, using movements and their drawings, show the world around us.

The program provides for the involvement of parents in the educational process through participation in open classes, physical education festivals, and photo reporting organizations.

Plastic ballet "Spring mood" .

Objectives: To promote the development and improvement of organs and body systems of children. Form correct posture. Promote the ability to coordinate movements with music. Promote creative expression. Strengthen knowledge about the world around you.

A recording of birdsong sounds. Then slow, exciting music is turned on, against which the teacher’s words are heard. (the teacher does all the exercises together with the children):

With the onset of spring, nature wakes up. The sun warms up.

A gentle breeze blew. Leaves appear from the swollen buds, soft, juicy grass spreads. Spring flowers admire their beauty and the first rays of the sun.

  1. "Sleeping Flower". I.p. lying on your back, group.
  2. "The flower wakes up." I.p. straighten up from the tuck, raise your arms up.

The flower was wondering if there was anyone nearby?

3. "Curiosity." I.p. from a lying position on your back, turn your head to the right - to the left.

And he saw green, lush grass around him, moving slightly from the breath of the spring breeze.

4. “Grass-ant”. I.p. lying on your back, wave-like movements with your arms.

A breath of wind touched the green leaves of the birch tree.

5. “Leaves from the bud.” I.p. lying on your stomach, arms forward, bend over.

And suddenly, hearing the sweetish smell of birch leaves, the ants crawled up the tree one after another.

6. "Ants" . I. p. standing on low all fours, crawling one after another.

A worker bee sat down on an open flower.

7. "Working Bee" . I.p. standing on middle all fours, rise to high all fours.

The cockchafer puffed, trying to take off after hibernation.

8. "Chafer bug." I.p. sitting with your back in a circle, rise on your back all fours and sway back and forth.

A butterfly flying past, as if laughing at a clumsy beetle, waved its wings.

9. “Beauty Butterfly.” I.p. sitting on the floor, smooth movements with your arms and legs.

The spring sun saw frolicking insects and decided to tickle them with its rays

10. "Rays." I.p. sitting, legs apart, hands behind you - various swinging movements of the legs.

Suddenly the sun noticed a delicate spring flower that was looking at him, smiled, and the flower extended its petals to him.

11. “Tender look.” I.p. sitting on low knees, stretch your arms forward and up and bend back.

The flower was glad that the sun noticed him, and began to offer his leafy cheeks to him.

12. “Cheeks-leaves.” I.p. standing on high knees, marking time, hands imitating the movements of leaves.

Soaring high in the sky, birds chirp.

13. "Birds" . I.p. standing, slightly spring your legs, arms perform wing movements. Looking at such beauty, I want to collect all the flowers and give them to all the people on earth.

14. “Collecting flowers.” I.p. moving back, spread your arms to the sides and converge in a circle, smoothly crossing your arms and raising them up and to the sides.

Gathering around the flowers in a spring round dance, butterflies, dragonflies, beetles, bees and birds merrily circled, praising spring.

15. "Spring round dance" . I. p. standing in a circle, perform circles with various arm movements.

Fragments of photos of my plastic ballet "Spring mood"


preservation and strengthening

health of preschool children

(for children from 4 to 6 years old)

“We want to be healthy”

for 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 academic years

Group: senior (multi-age)


Tarasova Ekaterina Sergeevna

    Brief information and summary

1.1. Project goal: Organization of work to preserve and strengthen the mental, physical and social health of children through health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions.

Project objectives.

To achieve the project goals, the following are defined: tasks:

    To study modern health-saving technologies, and their main content, principles and directions of use in a modern preschool educational institution.

    Create conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of children in preschool educational institutions and families

    Develop activities for preschool children and their parents using health-saving technologies.

    Develop a card index of health-saving technologies for working with preschoolers.

    Describe the model of work of an educational institution to protect children's health in preschool educational institutions.

    Create electronic presentations on the topic of health conservation.

    Create reminders for teachers of preschool educational institutions and parents of preschool children “Healthy lifestyle” to improve pedagogical competence on the issue of health care

    To increase parental competence on the issue of preserving and strengthening the health of preschool children through health-saving technologies (hereinafter referred to as HST) in preschool and family settings.

Relevance of the project.

Every person has great opportunities to strengthen and maintain their health, to maintain capacity for work, physical activity and vigor until old age. The most pressing problem today is preserving and strengthening the health of children.

Sukhomlinsky V.A. wrote: “Physical education should ensure that children have a conscious attitude towards their own body, develop the ability to spare their health, strengthen it with the correct regime of work, rest, nutrition, gymnastics and sports, strengthen physical and nervous strength, and prevent disease...”

Family and kindergarten are those social structures that mainly strengthen and preserve the health of the child. When entering kindergarten, many children have deviations in physical development: poor posture, excess weight, delay in the development of coordination of movements. Due to the unfavorable environmental situation in the city and constant temperature changes, many of them suffered from ARVI, acute respiratory infections, and influenza 6-7 times before entering kindergarten.

Having analyzed the questionnaire data received in our preschool educational institution, we came to the conclusion that although all parents have secondary (and some higher) education, the level of knowledge and skills in the field of instilling healthy lifestyle habits of most of them is low, and interest in this problem occurs only when their child already requires medical or psychological help.

This means that preschool employees need to carry out systematic, comprehensive pedagogical education of parents, including assistance in acquiring practical skills and theoretical knowledge, as well as in disseminating positive family experience in the physical education of children.

From this it is clear how important it is, starting with early childhood, to cultivate in children an active attitude towards their health, an understanding that health is the greatest value given to man by nature. To achieve harmony with nature, you need to learn to take care of your health from childhood. It is very important today to formulate in preschool children the conviction of the need to preserve their health and strengthen it through health-saving technologies and introduction to a healthy lifestyle.

1.2. Expected result:

    preserving and strengthening the health of children through FTA in preschool and family settings;

    the formation of a sustainable interest in the rules of healthy and safe behavior, the development of the subjective position of children in health-preserving activities;

    increasing parental competence on the issue of preserving and strengthening the health of preschool children through FST in preschool and family settings;

    increasing the prestige of a preschool educational institution;

    the child experiences a state of emotional comfort from his own motor activity and the activities of peers, adults, its successful results, sympathizes with sports defeats and rejoices in sports victories, is happy or upset about the state of his health, the health of others.

1.3. Project execution mechanism

Control over the implementation of the project is carried out by the head of the preschool educational institution and the senior teacher within the limits of their powers and in accordance with the law.

Children and parents actively attend sports sections and mugs.


2.1. Development object: the process of preserving children's health.
Item: use of health-saving technologies in educational activities.

2.2. Results of the activities of the preschool educational institution.

The main achievements of our preschool educational institution are the following:

    Systematic physical education, health and preventive work contributes to stable attendance of children. The dynamics of the decline in the incidence of ARVI and influenza in preschoolers (for the 2016/2017 academic year) is a clear indicator of the effectiveness of the work of the kindergarten team in improving the health of children.

    Children's performance of basic movements meets age and program requirements.

    Parents actively support the teaching staff and assist the kindergarten in its work to improve the health of their children.

2.3. Innovation potential

Physical education and health program;

2.4. Project development program



Member activities creative group

Activities of the methodological service of the preschool educational institution



Definition of the problem (topic) construction of an activity model.

Clarification of available information, discussion of the task, awareness of the motive and purpose of the activity. Reflection.

Design motivation, explanation of the project goal




    decision making


Problem analysis. Identification of information sources. Setting objectives and selecting equipment and criteria for assessing the results of the project. Discussion of alternatives. Choosing the optimal option. Clarification of activity plans

Project execution

Formulating tasks, collecting the necessary information, drawing up a work plan for the project. Selection and justification of success criteria. Reflection.

Information processing. Synthesis and analysis of ideas. Work on the project, its design.



Analysis of the implementation of the project, the contribution of each participant to the work, and the results achieved.

Participation in collective analysis of the project and self-assessment of activities. Taking into account critical comments. Reflection.

Observation. Coordination of the analysis process, if necessary, adjustment of the project.


Preparing the project for defense. Rationale for the design process. Explanation of the results obtained, their evaluation.

Preparing the activity product for presentation. Defense of the project at the republican seminar. Reflection.

Participation in collective analysis and evaluation of the results of general and individual work.

February 2018

3. Scientific and methodological support of the project

    Alyamovskaya V.G. New approaches to planning educational work in kindergarten. - //Management of preschool educational institutions, N3, 2002, p. 21 – 27.

    Borisova, N.N. Organization of health work with children and parents. // Health worker DOU-2010-No. 8-P.62-65.

    Gavryuchina, L.V. Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions. Methodical manual. - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2010.

    Zvereva, O.L. Communication between teachers and parents in preschool educational institutions. - M.: TC Sfera, 2009.

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 23, 2009 No. 655 “On the approval and implementation of federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education” // Preschool Education Management - 2010 - No. 3. - P.51-63.

    Ryabysheva, O.I., Lenetskaya, L.A. Health-saving environment of a kindergarten // Preschool educational institution management - 2011 - No. 1. - P. 22-25.

    Solovyova, I.V. Management aspect of health-preserving activities // Preschool Education Management - 2011 - No. 1. - P.17-22.

    Sokratov N.V. Modern technologies preserving and strengthening children's health. –M.: Sphere shopping center, 2005.

    Stepanenkova, E.Ya. Physical education in kindergarten. – M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2010.

    Shebeko, V. Raising a child as a subject of physical culture and health activities // Preschool education - 2011. - No. 5. – P.28-33.

4. Financial and economic support of the project

The main sources for financial and economic support for the implementation of the project are: funding from the local budget , at the expense of parental payments (purchase of play equipment: construction sets, educational games; equipment for the gym: hop balls, rubber balls, basketball hoop, gymnastic sticks, hockey sets, Swedish ladder, hoops and jump ropes, golf sets and etc.); financial and economic support by attracting sponsorship. Issue of leaflets for children and parents about a healthy lifestyle.

Material and technical conditions for the implementation of the project

    A medical block has been created: medical and physiotherapy rooms, a sensory room.

    In the kindergarten there are music and physical education halls, an environmental room, an art studio, and a Russian hut, in which a subject-development environment has been created for the implementation of the tasks of the physical education and health area.

3. Each group is equipped with physical education corners for children’s daily physical activity and individual work with the child on the development of movements. Models of hardening after daytime sleep and physical education and health activities were adjusted.

4. An “ecological trail” has been created on the territory of the kindergarten, where children relax, environmental holidays are held in a fun way, and entertainment (“Journey to the Land of Health”).

5. Methodological material was selected, the following files were prepared:

Morning exercises in game form

Organization of daily walks in all age groups(in accordance with SanPiN)


Finger gymnastics, physical exercises,

Outdoor and didactic games.

    Results presentation form

    Additional educational programs have been developed at the preschool educational institution:

Physical education and health program

On ecology “Green School”;

Training program “Me and my emotions”;

    A series of consultations for parents has been developed “Education of the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle in children of early and preschool age”


A series of consultations for parents

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children

Is cleanliness the key to health? Most of us will answer “yes” and be right. “...Cleanliness brings a person closer to the deity,” noted one European sociologist. The word “hygiene” itself comes from the name of one of the daughters of the Greek healer god Asclepius - Hygeia (goddess of cleanliness and health).

Hygiene skills are a very important part of the culture of behavior. The need for neatness, keeping the face, body, hairstyle, clothes, shoes clean, they are dictated not only by the requirements of hygiene, but also by the norms of human relations. Children should understand that if they regularly follow these rules, then they will show respect for others and will have the idea that a sloppy person who does not know how to take care of himself, his appearance, and actions, as a rule, will not be approved by the people around him. Educating children in personal and public hygiene skills plays a vital role in protecting their health and promotes correct behavior at home and in public places. Ultimately, not only their health, but also the health of other children and adults depends on children’s knowledge and compliance with the necessary hygiene rules and norms of behavior.

In the process of everyday work with children, it is necessary to strive to ensure that following the rules of personal hygiene becomes natural for them, and that hygiene skills are constantly improved with age. At the beginning, children are taught to follow basic rules: wash their hands with soap, lather them until foam forms and wipe them dry, use an individual towel, a comb, a glass for rinsing the mouth, and make sure that all things are kept clean. That's why

Work on developing personal hygiene skills in children should begin in early preschool age.

To instill in children a good habit of washing hands, you can use little rhymes:

Water, water,
Wash my face
To make your eyes sparkle,
To make your cheeks blush,
To make your mouth laugh,
So that the tooth bites.

The cat washed himself without water.
I washed my eyes and mouth with my paw.
But I can’t wash myself like that
Mom might get angry...
V. Naumenko

In the bath.

Vanya loves to swim
In the white sea - in the bath.
It's just a shame -
The shore is not visible.
Visibility is gone
Soap got in my eye...
A. Shlygin

Water and soap

You're dirty!
There's ink on your forehead! –
Water exclaimed,
Seeing Soap.
- Yes, - Soap says, -
I know it
But others from the dirt

I'm saving!

The river has run out of water
Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble -
The river has run out of water!
This is because of Vali:
Valya - washed!!!
V. Shurzhik

The task of adults in the formation of cultural and hygienic skills is to develop self-control when following the rules and norms of personal hygiene. We invite you to learn with your children how to wash their hands correctly.

The responsibility of parents is to constantly reinforce the hygiene skills developed in the child in kindergarten. It is important that adults set an example for the child and always follow them themselves. We hope that our recommendations will help you.

How to dress a child?

Many parents believe that their child should be dressed warmer. Children who are bundled up get sick more often. Movements in themselves warm the body, and the help of “a hundred clothes” is unnecessary. Heat exchange in the body is disrupted, and as a result it overheats. Then even a slight draft is enough to catch a cold.

Many people believe that in order to retain heat, clothing must fit snugly to the body. Paradoxically, the most reliable remedy for cold is air. It turns out that in order to better protect yourself from low temperatures, you need to create a layer of air around the body. Warm but loose clothing is suitable for this. What to wear under a jacket or coat? First, a T-shirt or T-shirt made of cotton, which absorbs sweat well, then a pullover or woolen sweater, loose but tight around the neck and wrists. On your feet - woolen socks and warm boots with fur or boots, but not tight, but such that thumb the legs could easily move inside.

Many people think that in winter it is enough to walk for an hour. There are no strict rules on this matter. It all depends on the child’s temperament and the outside temperature. Children tolerate the cold better if they are fed before a walk - food rich in carbohydrates and fats provides special warmth.

Many people think it’s a disaster if a child’s ears are frozen. In severe frost, fearing otitis, mothers and grandmothers use a whole arsenal, consisting of scarves, hats with ear flaps, hats - helmets. However, if a child has an ear infection, this does not mean that they are the ones who are hypothermic. Take care to cover the baby's neck and back of the head more tightly - this is where the greatest heat loss occurs.

Prevention of colds

For many years, we have all been amazed by the sad statistics on the incidence of illness in children of preschool and primary school age. Every third child has deviations in physical development. Now the situation has worsened even further: 50–80% of children have various diseases. There are many reasons for this: economic, social, genetic, and medical. One of them is the lack of attention of adults to the health of their child. We, of course, love our child and diligently treat him when he gets sick. In everyday life, we do not use the entire arsenal of means and methods, based on living conditions and children’s activities.

The main reason Most colds in children are caused by the child’s clothes and shoes not matching the temperature. This means that it is always necessary to compare the air temperature and the child’s clothing, avoiding both overheating and hypothermia of the body.

Music therapy and smell therapy are very important for the child’s health, as components in creating the background, the environment where the child lives.

    Mode. It has always been and remains the basis for the full physical development of children. It is no coincidence that it has been noticed that on Mondays children come to kindergarten nervous and difficult. Probably because on weekends children move away from their usual routine and live according to the adults’ schedule; they get up late, don’t go out for walks, and go to bed late at night (because of guests). This makes children capricious, because the established stereotype of the child’s body is violated.

    Morning exercises. It’s so good when a family has a tradition of doing morning exercises every day.

    Walk. Physiologists and psychologists have scientifically proven that a child performs 6–13 thousand movements per day. Moreover, it has been noted that if a child makes less than 6 thousand movements, the child experiences discomfort. In conditions of physical inactivity, the baby develops worse and becomes capricious. Motor comfort for a preschooler is best provided in the fresh air. In inclement weather: rain, snowfall, severe frost - children, as a rule, stay at home. Thus, children are deprived of oxygen and communication with peers. In that case,

We recommend using so-called “room walks” at home. We advise you to conduct them like this: everyone should dress warmly (woolen socks, tracksuit, hat), open the balcony door and actively move and play for 30–40 minutes. And on regular walks, practice hiking and running, as universal means of improving health.

    Outdoor games. It's good when parents and children have their favorite outdoor games. Among which may be “lapta”, “third wheel”, “classics”. A child will definitely play if he sees his father and mother, grandmother and grandfather playing.

    Pantomime. Pantomime plays an important role in ensuring children's motor activity.

    Sports games. Of course, it’s too early to talk about real sports in preschool age, but various types games with sports elements are quite accessible to children 5-6 years old (and even younger). Children, like food, should have their own sports equipment from an early age. This could be a sled, skis, skates, a rubber circle, a bicycle, badminton rackets or balls, skittles, towns, checkers and chess. Thus, physical culture is a capacious concept. And only through a set of procedures, taking into account the health of children, will we be able to achieve positive results in this primary issue.

If the child is sick...

Diseases are an unpleasant thing, especially for children. But it’s winter on the calendar, which means it’s most likely impossible to avoid numerous colds. Children very often do not like to be treated, therefore, as soon as the first “hot days” are left behind, they demand an immediate end to bed rest, considering it boring and unnecessary. Cheerful and cheerful kids cope with infection much better and recover faster, and some outdoor games not only maintain a good mood, but also know how to heal! The psycho-emotional state of the child plays a positive role in health improvement. If in adults more than 70% of diseases have a psychosomatic basis, i.e. the disease is the body’s reaction to our emotional problems, then children often “respond” with illness to the anxiety and concern of their parents. This is exactly the state parents are in when their children are sick. This negative emotional background interferes with the child’s recovery.

Another feature of a child’s body is the constant growth of organs. Consequently, those muscles to which a stronger blood flow is directed develop more intensively, i.e. to organs in motion. In addition, it is known that the muscular system at an early age has a close connection with the main regulatory mechanisms. Restriction of movement negatively affects not only the diseased organ, but also the nervous, endocrine and neurotransmitter systems as a whole. Restriction of movement affects posture, weakening of respiratory and circulatory functions. A decrease in natural motor activity in children leads to a decrease in the flow of irritations that arise during movement and are perceived by the nerve endings of the skin, muscles, joints, in the visual and auditory analyzers, going to the cerebral cortex. As a result, disorders of the central nervous system and internal organs may develop: emotional tone decreases, the neuromuscular system weakens, and the cardiovascular and respiratory systems weaken. This means that the body as a whole is weakened, which leads to more frequent diseases. These observations about the role of movement in human development and health are reflected in an entire field of medicine - exercise therapy. However, the child’s psyche, especially at an early age, is structured in such a way that it is almost impossible to force the child to purposefully perform any, even the most useful, exercises. The child should be interested and engaged. That is why exercises on health improvement and disease prevention are adapted and modified in the form of a game. Games played in the fresh air strengthen the body and strengthen the immune system. It should be remembered that the healing effect of games is possible only with frequent and long-term exercise.

My throat feels sore, my nose starts to run, and two days later a cough appears. This is swelling that affects the nasal mucosa and also affects the bronchi. The child began to have difficulty breathing. And then there is sputum, which the inflamed lymphoid ring of the nasopharynx generously secretes day and night, flows down the bronchial tree. If the child lies down, the mucus stagnates, does not cough up, the microbes multiply in it, and pneumonia is not far away.

But children intuitively feel; no need to lie down. And as soon as the temperature drops, and it can be high for acute respiratory infections for at most a day or two, they immediately begin to jump around in bed. And they do it right. While jumping and running, babies breathe more intensely, resulting in a kind of automassage. At the same time, the bronchi are freed from phlegm, the cough goes away faster and the fidgets are not in danger of complications.

On the first day after the temperature drops, you can start doing therapeutic exercises. Here are exercises for middle preschool children.

"Soldier's step."

Calm walking around the room followed by marching. We raise our legs high, bending at the knees. You need to breathe through your nose and keep your back straight. Execution time – 1 minute.


Running with your arms spread out to the sides at shoulder level. At the same time, the child makes the sound “oo-oo-oo”. 10-15 seconds before the end of the run, the pace gradually slows down.

"The clock is ticking."

Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. Tilt to the right – “tick”. Tilt to the left - “so”. The back does not slouch, the words are pronounced loudly. The exercise is performed 4-5 times.

The natural factors surrounding a person: the sun, air and water constantly influence the hardening of the body, and our thermoregulation system turns on when it is hot or cold. Hardening should be considered as natural (the influence of natural factors on a person in everyday life) and specially organized, with the fulfillment of mandatory conditions.

Specially organized hardening, although shorter in dosage, is much more effective in its effect. Air has a powerful effect on humans. From birth to the end of life, we breathe air primarily through our lungs and skin. And our health depends on what the air is like and what temperature it is. If we constantly breathe air at room temperature, then no hardening effect will occur. It is more beneficial to be in the fresh air or in a ventilated area.

You need to sleep in a cool room. Those who sleep at a temperature of 17 - 18 * remain young longer. As people lost contact with nature, people began to lose their health. Previously, peasants worked all the time in nature, women rinsed clothes in an ice hole in winter... All peasant work was done by the sweat of their brow, with a constant change in the thermal balance in the body - heat and cold. Man walked barefoot on the ground and thereby did not violate biological laws.

The disease of the century is psychological stress. Fighting them: more frequent exposure to the air (dacha, fishing, in the forest). Many of us prefer to stay in the apartment watching TV - the scourge of our health. Having enjoyed nature, a person is charged with positive bioenergy, removes negative mental emotions, and receives the necessary physical training.

Fresh air also helps to quickly recover from colds. Water is an integral source of our life. The more water you take in, the more solids are absorbed. Cold water, when applied externally, produces irritation that is transmitted to the nervous system and then to the circulatory system. Hot water, on the contrary, has a calming and relaxing effect.

The latest scientific evidence suggests that cold shower gives positive bioenergy, and hot even more so. It is more beneficial to take a cold shower in the morning, and a hot bath or shower in the evening. Cold water treatments have a positive effect on performance, i.e. Charge the body, give vigor and confidence. Even the ancient Greeks believed that “water washes away all suffering.” The most potent are cold procedures with snow, walking in the snow with bare feet, and rubbing with snow. The greater the temperature difference between a heated body and the environment at the time of hardening, the greater the physiological effect we receive. When systematically hardening the body, not only does habituation occur, adaptation of the physiological restructuring of the body, but also much more - the need for systematic repetition. According to experts, a person should be naked for at least 2 hours a day, with bare feet as much as possible, and even better in contact with the ground.

On vacation with family.

Whenever the next summer season begins, the number of vacationers with children increases significantly. And this is not surprising. Summer is rightfully considered the most favorable time for relaxation. Some parents prefer to go to the south, where there is a lot of sun and a warm, gentle sea, others prefer to go to the Baltic states, where there is a sea, but not so hot. Still others remain on vacation in the middle zone. But there are those who are still discussing their route, weighing all the pros and cons... And they are doing the right thing. The question of where is the best place to vacation with children is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. And the point here is not at all whether there is a ticket, whether it is difficult to get tickets or whether the beach will be crowded.

The most important thing is how the child will feel in the new place, whether the given climate will suit him. Unfortunately, some parents sometimes miss this important aspect. Our country is far from homogeneous in its climate. At the same time, each climate has its own effect on the human body, and on children in particular. Moreover, the smaller the child, the worse he adapts to the new place. Most people feel good within the zone that is familiar to them. Therefore, the desire of parents to take their child hundreds of kilometers away is not always justified. Many simply underestimate the possibilities of climate therapy in our conditions. middle zone. Acclimatization in these conditions does not present any great difficulties, even for the smallest ones. The forest areas of the middle zone are the best holiday destination for weakened children, especially those coming from the North. Wonderful air, infused with the aroma of pine needles and forest flowers, rich in ozone, fills the lungs with life-giving power.

In many ways, the climate of the Baltic states is similar to the climate of the middle zone. Summers here are warm, slight temperature fluctuations, beautiful beaches. This climate has a beneficial effect on children with chronic respiratory diseases and rheumatism.

You can also train your body in a sauna. The main healing factor of a sauna is exposure to dry steam. Hot air warms up the body, opens pores, and expands capillaries. As a result, all fluids in the body are brought into active motion. Thanks to this, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to cells is improved, and human protective functions are increased. In other words, the body is actively training.

We experience something similar when we find ourselves in a steppe climate. This climate is characteristic of the south of Ukraine and the North Caucasus, up to the southern Transbaikalia. The air here is warm and dry. Frequent winds promote air ventilation and soften the heat. Experts consider this climate as hardening. This climate is favorable for children with kidney disease and upper respiratory tract diseases.

The mountain climate means clean air with a high ozone content. The air here is dry and cool, rich in the aromatic substances of forests and meadows. There are an abundance of resorts (Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Truskavets) with mineral water sources. Mountain air has a stimulating, training and hardening effect. Mountain air is indicated for diseases of the blood, lungs, rheumatism and asthma, and disorders of the nervous system.

Black Sea coast. The coast of Crimea and the Caucasian coast (from Anapa to Tuapse) are considered favorable for holidays with children. Summers here are moderately hot, sunny and dry. The humidity is low, so children tolerate the heat well. These conditions are most favorable for children with diseases of the kidneys, lungs and nasopharynx, and tuberculosis.

As you can see, holidays on different shores of the same sea can give different results. Therefore, when going on vacation with a child, be sure to consult with specialists.

Parents should know the characteristics of their child by heart. If a child has increased nervous excitability, then it is better not to take him to the south during the hot summer months. Take full advantage of your vacation and all weekends for active recreation.

When and how much to exercise

The opportunity to include compatible knowledge of one of the parents and the child into the daily routine almost always exists. It is necessary to devote at least a few minutes to your child every day. Try to figure out the best time to work out for your family and then stick to it. First of all, the principle of systematicity should be observed so that they become a daily need for him.

The duration of classes between parents and children varies: it depends on the age of the child, on the parents’ time limit, on the time of day, and also on what the child does before or after classes (if the child is tired after

long walk or walk is still ahead, the duration of exercise will be less than after rest).

Morning exercises have the advantage that immediately after sleep, the muscles of the body “warm up” and blood circulation in the tissues improves. When charging, it is better to use easy and already familiar exercises, since there is usually not enough time and patience to learn new, more complex exercises. The duration of morning classes is no more than 10 minutes. Daily exposure to fresh air is very important for the normal development of a child. An interesting fact: while the child is in infancy, parents conscientiously comply with this requirement, but when the children grow up, parents often forget about it. A child needs active movements in the air, in any weather, this has a particularly beneficial effect on his physical development.

Compliance with basic rules of personal hygiene should be instilled from an early age. By this concept, we are accustomed to understanding washing, brushing teeth, observing the frequency of hands, body, and clothes. Cleanliness often means the outward absence of dirt that can be seen with the eyes. But it happens not only external, but also “internal dirt” - the so-called toxins that are released through the sweat glands. If they are not washed off, self-poisoning occurs, which is expressed in fatigue, irritation, and nervousness. To avoid this, you need daily water treatments, preferably twice a day: morning and evening. Lack of habit of pouring water over the whole body or wiping with a wet towel can lead to a weakening of the body and frequent colds.

BATH, SHOWER, BATHING - an excellent means of hardening and a kind of massage.


Many children are susceptible to colds and runny nose. A runny nose interferes with breathing through the nose. Yogis advise rinsing your nose with salted water in the morning and evening. How to do this? Add 0.5 teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water and stir well. Pour water into your palm, tilt your head towards it, close one nostril, and draw in the water with the other. Then blow it out and do the same with the other nostril. Then tilt your head back and spit out the remaining water through your mouth. Rinsing with salted water normalizes the functioning of the nasopharynx and increases resistance to colds and headaches.


Salt hardening technique

Indications: The salt hardening method is indicated for all preschool children.

Technique: Hardening is carried out after daytime sleep under the supervision of a teacher. The child walks barefoot on a flannel mat moistened with a 10% solution of table salt at room temperature. Stomp on the mat for 2 minutes. Children then move to the second mat, wiping the salt off the soles of their feet, and then move to a dry mat and wipe their feet dry. An important point when carrying out hardening is that the foot must be preheated. For this purpose, foot massagers, button and stick paths are used.

Mechanism of action: Mechanical and chemical through thermo- and chemoreceptors in the skin of the feet. The saline solution irritates the chemoreceptors, causing expansion of the “game” of the peripheral vessels of the feet. Heat generation reflexively increases, blood flow to the lower extremities and feet increases, long time heat is retained. Mechanical actions arise as a result of irritation of biological points on the sole.

Equipment: 3 flannel rugs,

a) with different-sized sewn buttons,

b) with sewn sticks.

10% solution of table salt temperature +10°+18°C 1 kg of salt per 10 l. water 0.5 kg per 5 l. water 0.25 kg per 2.5 l. water.

This hardening method is accessible and simple, does not require large material costs and time, brings pleasure to children. And most importantly, it has a pronounced effect and plays a significant role in the prevention of colds in children.

Extensive washing

for children aged 4 to 7 years.

Wiping is done with a mitten soaked in water, the fabric of which must satisfy the following conditions: absorb water well, not be too soft. It is advisable that the mittens are well moistened, but water should not drip from them.
After drying, the body is rubbed with a dry towel. Rubbing is accompanied by light massaging movements, and the massage is always done from the periphery to the center, in the following sequence:

on the count “1” - rub the chest in a circular motion clockwise;

on the count “2” - wipe your hands from the bottom up to the shoulder;

on the count “3” - rub your legs in the direction from the foot to the knee;

on the count of “4” - simultaneously wipe your neck with both hands in the direction from the back of the head to the chin;

on the count of “5” - wipe your face and ears.

At the end of the wet wiping, the child’s body is rubbed with a dry towel until slightly reddened.

At the beginning of learning this hardening procedure, children are helped by adults (teacher, assistant teacher, nurse). Next, children complete all stages independently.

Walking barefoot

Technically the simplest non-traditional hardening method is at the same time good remedy strengthening the arch of the foot and ligaments. We start walking barefoot when the temperature of the ground or floor is not lower than +18. First, this is done in socks for 4-5 days, then completely barefoot for 3-4 minutes. We increase the procedure time by 1 minute daily and bring it to 20-25 minutes. The procedure is very physiological and well tolerated by children of any age.

Contrast air baths in combination with the “Riga” method

The procedure takes place after a nap: it starts at 15.00, lasts 12 - 13 minutes and has the character of running from a “cold” room to a “warm” one with mandatory musical accompaniment. This technique consists of the following procedures. While children are sleeping in the sleeping area, the windows are opened and the air temperature is raised to +13 +16 degrees. After waking up, children wake up and do physical exercises. This is followed by a run to the group room, where the air temperature reaches +21 +24 degrees.

The activities of children in a “warm” room are as follows:

Walking on a mat soaked in saline solution;

Walking on a path soaked in clean water;

Walking on a dry mat;

Walking along the "Health Path".

The pace of walking along the paths is normal, and over time the pace can be gradually increased.

Then the children move to a “cold” room, where, under the guidance of a teacher, they perform physical exercises, dance elements, and play outdoor games.
In a warm room, exercise at a moderate pace should be maintained to prevent children from overheating.
The number of movements from one room to another should be at least 6 times, staying in each room for 1 - 1.5 minutes. The whole procedure ends with a dash from the “warm” room to the “cold” one, where, under the guidance of a teacher, breathing exercises.
Children who have had acute respiratory infections undergo hardening for one week at half the specified time. The salt mat is temporarily contraindicated for these children for 1 week.

When combining air contrast hardening with the "Riga" method and the "Health Path", in addition to the hardening effect, massage and contrast salt hardening of the feet are carried out, preventing flat feet and poor posture. In general, this technique is part of the nonspecific prevention of respiratory diseases and is aimed at increasing the body's resistance to adverse environmental influences.

Hygienic shower

In the summer, we use a shower for hardening purposes. A shower has a stronger effect than, for example, dousing or wiping, since here the effect of jet pressure is added to the temperature factor. Water flowing from the shower under pressure has a massaging effect. The water from the shower feels warmer than water of the same temperature when doused or rubbed.
This raises the tone of the muscular system, increases efficiency, gives vigor, and helps increase energy.
Water temperature that does not cause a feeling of cooling at first (approximately +36+37 degrees) with a gradual decrease with careful monitoring of the children’s reaction. But for this procedure, the temperature decrease occurs slowly. The time spent in the shower is 20-40 seconds.
The shower is also used to keep the child's body clean. In the summer, this is especially important, because... exposed parts of the body get dirty easily. Therefore, first of all, you need to wash your feet and hands with soap.

Acupressure "Magic points"

(according to A.A. Umanskaya)

Massage increases the protective properties of the mucous membrane of the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and other human organs. Under the influence of massage, the body begins to produce its own medicines, which are very often much more effective and safer than tablets.

Acupressure techniques are very easy for adults to learn and then teach to children.

Point 1. Located in the center of the sternum, at the level of the attachment of the 4th rib. Associated with the mucous membrane of the trachea, bronchi, and bone marrow. Massaging this area reduces coughing and improves hematopoiesis.

Point 2. Located in the center of the jugular notch of the sternum. Regulates the body's immune functions. Increases resistance to infectious diseases.

Point 3. Located symmetrically at the level of the upper edge of the thyroid cartilage, at the anterior edge of the muscle. Controls the chemical composition of the blood and at the same time the mucous membrane of the larynx.

Point 4. Located symmetrically, behind the ear, on the border of the scalp, in the center of the occipital cavity. The back of the neck needs to be massaged from top to bottom. The neck zones are associated with the regulator of vascular activity in the head, neck and torso. The functioning of the vestibular apparatus is normalized.

Point 5. Located between the 7th cervical and 1st thoracic vertebrae, where when you tilt your head forward, you feel a depression below the most protruding vertebra

Point 6. Located symmetrically between the nasolabial fold in the middle of the wing of the nose. Improves blood supply to the mucous membranes of the nose and maxillary cavity. Breathing through the nose becomes free, the runny nose goes away.

Point 7. Located symmetrically at the inner edge of the brow ridge. Improves blood supply to the area eyeball and frontal regions of the brain.

Point 8. Located symmetrically in the recess in front of the tragus of the ear. Massage of this area affects the hearing organs and vestibular apparatus.

Point 9. Symmetrical, between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones, at the end of the skin fold when the thumb is abducted. Human hands are connected to all organs. When massaging these points, many body functions are normalized.

Massage technique

You need to massage biologically active zones with pads of the thumb, index or middle finger.

finger with horizontal rotational movements clockwise and counterclockwise for 4-5 seconds in each direction. The massage should not be rough and harsh, and should not leave bruises. It is better to start with light pressure, gradually increasing the intensity of the impact.

Zone 3 (neck area) should be massaged with light finger movements from top to bottom. If the massaged area is very painful, a light circular massage is performed. If the skin in the area of ​​the massaged area is changed (suppuration, abrasions, bruises), then the massage is canceled.

Hands should be washed frequently before a massage. Warm, with well-cut nails. You should not massage immediately after eating. For preventive purposes, massage is recommended to be performed 2-3 times a day, as well as after contact with a patient with an acute respiratory infection.

As a preventive measure, massage of biologically active zones can be carried out for a long time, especially in autumn and winter. It must be remembered that only regular massage maintains high body resistance.

Air hardening

Ventilation of premises

For preschool children, it is necessary to create an optimal air regime. Indoors is the main condition for the effectiveness of hardening. Room temperature:

· From 1 to 3 years - +20 o C

· From 3 to 7 years - + +18 o C, +20 o C

It is necessary to ventilate the room 4-5 times a day for 10-15 minutes through the transoms: before morning exercises, before physical education and musical activity, before bed. During this time, children should be taken to the next room. During walks, through ventilation is carried out, which ends 30-45 minutes before the children arrive (during the cold season).

The thermometer in the group, bedroom and washrooms should be located at the height of children.

Walking is a way to harden with air

Children in kindergarten go for walks 2 times a day. A day spent without walking is lost to his health (G.N. Speransky).

Children's activities during walks on frosty days should change frequently: include jogging and climbing a slide. Climbing over shafts, walking on shafts and jumping into them. Skating on icy paths. Within 40-60 minutes, the teacher should intensify the children’s movement.

Mouth rinse

It is carried out with boiled water at room temperature after each meal. It is an excellent remedy for preventing diseases of the teeth and oral mucosa. Mouth rinsing is carried out from 3-4 years.

Children 4-5 years old and older can be taught to gargle. Daily gargling in the morning after sleep and in the evening before bed with clean boiled water at room temperature is a very effective means of preventing sore throats, proliferation of tonsils and adenoids.

For each rinse, use approximately 1/2 - 1/3 glass of water, and the “gurgling” of water in the throat should continue for as long as possible, for which, before taking water into your mouth, take a deep breath and throw back your head so that the water flows into the pharynx, exhale very slowly and continuously through the mouth. For control, it is more convenient to say “ah-ah-ah-ah!” in a voice.