How to achieve correct posture. Posture exercises - for all ages


Exercise 1. To strengthen the back muscles and abdominals, 2-3 times a day (before meals), stand up against the wall so that the back of your head, shoulders, pelvis and heels touch it. To avoid any gap between the wall and your lower back, pull in your stomach (especially your lower abdomen), and if you have a tendency to slouch, bend your arms so that your fingers touch your shoulders and your elbows touch your torso waist (the gap between the wall and the lower back should not increase).

The duration of this exercise (standing against the wall) is from 60 seconds to 2-3 minutes. The time spent doing the exercise should be increased gradually. You can breathe freely. After finishing “standing against the wall,” walk around the room, shaking your arms and legs alternately. Then walk with good posture, as if you were standing against a wall. Breathe freely.

During the day - standing, sitting - your neck should be kept vertical. When sitting, you need to lean on the back of the chair.

The exercise to restore good posture should be performed for 3-4 weeks.

Weakness of the back muscles causes curvature of the spine. Violation of the natural curvature of the spine, as previously indicated, impedes the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and causes displacement of the digestive organs. That’s why you need to regularly monitor your posture: don’t slouch, keep your neck vertical, tuck your lower abdomen a little.

The following exercises will help correct postural defects, which should be performed 2-3 times a day before meals or 2 hours after meals.

Exercise 2. While standing, inhale and exhale several times, while activating the exhalation, that is, drawing in the stomach in the second half of the exhalation.

Then, after inhaling, exhaling, sit on your heels, take the pose shown in Fig. 1a. Take the next inhalation while standing on your knees with your hands down, and as you exhale, again repeat the pose shown in the figure. And so 6-8 times in a row.

Exercise 3. Sit between your heels, as shown in Fig. 1b, bend your arms behind your back, place your palms with your fingers up (neck vertical). Stay in this pose for 10-30 seconds, then get up, walk and sit back in the pose. Repeat 6-8-12 times.

This exercise can also be done while walking. As your back muscles strengthen, alternate performing this exercise while standing and sitting.

Exercise 4. First standing, and then while walking, connect your fingers as shown in Fig. 1st century Every 5-10 seconds you need to change the position of your hands. If there are lateral curvatures of the spine, then you should check at what position of the hands the curvature of the spine decreases, and in this position perform the exercise repeatedly. This will help quickly eliminate lateral spinal defects. Breathe arbitrarily.

Exercise 5. Sitting on the mat, as shown in Fig. 1 g (legs bent, feet folded, neck vertical, chin slightly tucked), breathe arbitrarily, shallowly.

This exercise is useful for everyone to strengthen the tonic muscles of the back. At first, until the muscles are stronger, you can sit for every 20-30 seconds of tension, relaxing a little.

To improve your posture, in addition to developing your back muscles, you also need to strengthen your abdominal muscles. If they are not trained, they weaken and do not exert the necessary intra-abdominal pressure, which, in turn, maintains the abdominal organs in their normal position. This leads to the fact that the organs of the abdominal cavity seem to “fall out” - a spherical abdomen is formed. At the same time, the organs also sink a little, losing their working qualities. In addition, fat is most often deposited in the abdominal area. To counter this, it is necessary, along with performing the exercises described above, to specifically strengthen the abdominal muscles. You can do this while walking slowly.

Exercise 6. Take a shallow breath for 2 steps (the stomach sticks out a little) and exhale for the next 2 steps, strongly pulling the stomach - from the pit of the stomach to the groin. The exercise is simple, but at first it will require volitional efforts. Repeat the exercise twice a day (you can go to and from work) 10 times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 30, and then to 60.

Do these exercises and!

Anna Krachek | 01/09/2015 | 5065

Anna Krachek 01/9/2015 5065

Correct posture is the key to beauty. We offer you exercises that will straighten your back and help straighten your shoulders.

Royal posture is the dream of many women, but not everyone manages to hold their back and never slouch. Meanwhile, correct posture adds a slim figure to your figure, visually makes you taller and even enlarges your breasts.

In order to develop correct posture, you need to strengthen the spine and create a supporting frame of muscles. Our exercises will help you with this.

Exercises performed while standing

Exercise 1

It is better to start gymnastics for the back with a light warm-up. To do this, place a small book or pillow on the top of your head and walk around the room for 2-3 minutes. Keep your back straight so that the item does not fall off your head.

Exercise 2

Squat down, lean forward and place a gymnastic stick horizontally on your back. Walk for 2-3 minutes in a half-squat so that the stick does not fall.

A gymnastic stick will help in developing good posture.

Exercise 3

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Straighten your back, turn your shoulders. Clasp your hands behind your back. Take your clasped hands back and bend your back well. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercises performed while lying down

Exercise 4

Initial position: lying on your stomach, arms bent at the elbows and spread apart, forehead resting on the floor, legs together, heels touching. As you inhale, lift your chest and try to spread your arms out to the sides as wide as possible to arch your back. Lower yourself to the floor and exhale. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise 5

Initial position: lying on your back, bend your knees and place your feet as close to your hips as possible. Place your arms in different directions. Using your hands, lift your upper body. The head should not be lifted off the floor. Take a deep breath. After this, lower yourself to the starting position and exhale. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 6

Kneel on the floor, then place your hands on the floor. Hands should be shoulder-width apart, knees slightly apart. Lift and pull at the same time right hand and left leg and inhale. Return to the starting position and exhale. Switch limbs and repeat the exercise. Do the exercise 10 times.

Starting position for Exercise 6.

Exercise 7

Sit on the floor with your hands behind you. Raise your pelvis, leaning on your hands, and move your head back. Hold this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 8

Initial position: former. Lean on your left leg, lift your right leg up and move it to the side. Return to the starting position and change legs. Repeat 10 times for each leg.

Exercise 9

Initial position: lying on your back, bend your knees and extend your arms along your body. Make a bridge: lift your pelvis and chest, resting on your feet and head. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 10

Initial position: lying on your stomach, arms extended along the body. Raise your head and shoulders so they are off the floor. Hold this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.

Perform these exercises regularly, and beautiful posture will form very quickly.

Do you want to have the slimness and elegant demeanor of a Pilates or yoga trainer? It all starts with good posture. Effective method improve it - focus on exercises that strengthen your core - the muscles of the abdomen and lower back that connect directly to your spine and pelvis. Such workouts are quite accessible to everyone, because they can be performed at home with minimum quantity inventory.

Is it possible to improve your posture at home?

The term “posture” means nothing more than the manner in which you hold your own body while standing, walking, running, etc. Your habitual upright posture not only tells others a lot about your personality, but is also an indicator of the functioning of your joints and muscles.

There are 4 generally accepted types of posture:

  • the first - also called the main one - a healthy spine with physiological curves;
  • the second - characterized by a flat or flat-concave back, flat chest, protruding shoulder blades, concave or weak stomach;
  • the third - distinguishable by the round back - hypertrophied physiological kyphosis (convexity) of the thoracic region, in contrast - increased lordosis (concavity) at the level of the lumbar and neck;
  • fourth - a stooped back, kyphosis prevails, the remaining anatomical curves are poorly expressed, often accompanied by scoliotic posture, when one shoulder is higher than the other.

Posture is the habitual position of the body, which is regulated unconsciously. This is what healthy posture should look like according to Staffel (basic type)

The benefits of exercises for slim posture

Appearance and well-being are directly related to posture. Despite the importance of a straight back, most people do nothing to correct the situation. A hunched back, unbalanced hips, and pain are so familiar to many that they do not seem abnormal.

Despite the fact that the parameters of posture are largely genetically and constitutionally determined initially, it undoubtedly can and should be improved in the process of individual development. Without regular exercises to improve posture, most people experience Negative consequences bad habits starting from a young age.

Living with crooked posture can be dangerous. Imbalance of muscles and ligaments, resulting from incorrect anatomical position of the spine, leads to many problems such as:

  • chronic pain in the back, neck and shoulders;
  • premature wear and injuries of the knee, hip and intervertebral joints;
  • migraine;
  • stiffness of movements;
  • fatigue;
  • muscle weakness and atrophy;
  • labored breathing;
  • digestive problems;
  • pinched and compressed nerves (eg, sciatica);
  • neurological diseases (carpal tunnel syndrome).

Correct posture aligns everything in your body. Bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons are able to function optimally when a person sits, stands, or moves. The organs take the correct position with good posture.
A person who hunches or slouches may find that these habits can affect how food is digested. This is explained by the low tone of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as spasms, compression or displacement of the gallbladder and ducts.

A harmless back deformity, in the opinion of many, creates greater physical problems over time as the body grows. Therefore, it is important to develop the right habits at an early stage of pathology.
Most exercises that teach you how to correct posture are easy to perform and do not require large quantity sports equipment. You can improve your own health right at home, without investing any special money in it. What is really important for a future successful result: persistence and regularity. These exercises will take you to new level health and beauty.

Features for adults and children

Poor posture in an adult, as a rule, originates precisely in childhood, when the spine and surrounding tissues are growing rapidly, the cartilage is still soft, and the muscles and ligaments are overly elastic, and are easily and unevenly overstretched. The deformation develops quite quickly. However, the immaturity of the skeleton and muscular system, on the other hand, provides ample opportunities for working out physical deficiencies. Posture can be corrected well if you start classes in a timely manner.

Session physical activity for children preschool age should last between 15 and 30 minutes. All exercises are performed with a minimum number of approaches and should not lead to overwork.

However, you should not neglect exercises in adulthood, since the guarantee of success is perseverance and technique. Excellent results will not take long to arrive.

Exercise sets

Exercising at home is always available; such physical education does not require additional time or money. And the results from regular exercise exceed all expectations.

To maintain the benefits you receive, perform these exercises daily, and also remember the correct position at the table: sit with your back against the back of a chair with your feet flat on the floor. When you look at a computer screen, your eyes should be level with the center of the screen. If not, raise or lower the monitor.

Elements of yoga to prevent spinal disorders

Five simple exercises from a yoga instructor will relieve tension, build muscles and provide you with energy, making your posture more even and your physique slimmer. Repeat the cycle twice. Exercises are used to prevent stooping.

  1. Exercise No. 1: “shoulder rolls”
  2. Exercise No. 2: “chest release”
  3. Exercise No. 3: “pyramid”
  4. Exercise 4: “chair pose”
  5. Exercise 5: “Standing Lateral Bend”

The result of your efforts will be a slender reflection in the mirror. But how to check the effect of exercise?

As a result of regular exercise, you will get a slim, physiologically healthy posture.

There's no need to balance a book on your head to check your posture. The back should have an elongated shape of the Latin letter S, when viewed from the side when the person is in an anatomically correct position. Follow these tips to make sure everything is done correctly:

  • Neck: Keep your head high and straight, without tilting it forward or to the side. Your ears should line up with the middle of your shoulders.
  • Shoulders: Pull your shoulder blades back and down to lift your ribcage.
  • Abdomen: Draw your stomach in, but be careful not to tilt your pelvis forward or backward.
  • Knees: Keep your knees slightly bent, shoulder-width apart.

If you have positioned all the above body parts correctly, then your healthy back should take an S-shaped, slightly elongated shape.

Exercises with fitball

By using a stability ball for exercise, you strengthen the muscles that support good posture. As they become stronger and more resilient, you will need less and less effort to sit or stand upright. Exercises are recommended in the initial stages of kyphosis, with a slouched back, as well as for the prevention and strengthening of muscles and ligaments. You need to stay in each position for 10–20 seconds.

  1. Exercise No. 1 - stretching the back
  2. Exercise No. 2 - stretching the sides
  3. Exercise No. 3 - torso turns while lying on the ball with your stomach
  4. Exercise No. 4 - side stretching with torso rotations
  5. Exercise No. 5 - stretching the latissimus dorsi muscles
  6. Exercise No. 6 - stretching the back and gluteal muscles
  7. Exercise No. 7 - back bending while lying on your stomach
  8. Exercise No. 8 - stretching the thoracic spine, lying on your back

Therapeutic physical education (physical therapy) for plano-concave posture (with a roller, roller, ball)

With this type of posture, lumbar lordosis is greatly increased - a concave back in the lumbar region, while at the same time physiological thoracic kyphosis is reduced. The abdominal muscles are flabby and weak, the spinal muscles in the lumbar region are overly tense. Scoliosis often occurs as a reaction to poor shock absorption of the spine, due to a lack of physiological curves at chest level. Improperly distributed load, which is a consequence of plano-concave posture, is a favorable condition for the development of early osteochondrosis.

On the left - flat-concave posture, on the right - healthy

You need to work on such posture with the help of special therapeutic exercises, using sports equipment, in particular, a flat roller and a foam roller, these devices are used to correct the position of the spine during exercise. It is advisable to conduct the first classes under the guidance of an instructor who will explain and demonstrate the technique.

Example of a corrective exercise program:

  1. Pelvic tilts. While lying on your back, legs bent, place a flat cushion under your pelvis (you can roll up a gymnastics mat). It is necessary to tilt the pelvis towards the stomach, lifting the pubic bone as much as possible.
  2. Pelvic tilts with a ball. Perform the previous exercise by holding a gymnastic ball (miniball) tightly between knee joints. When tilting the pelvis, it is necessary to apply the maximum possible pressure on the ball with the inner thighs. The angle of bending of the legs at the knees can be varied, this will change the load on the pelvis.
  3. Cat pose. In a kneeling position, leaning your straight arms on the floor, arch your back as much as possible (stay in this position a little), then bend your back down, but only slightly. The emphasis is on the convexity of the back.
  4. Corrective stretching of the spine. In a sitting position, buttocks touching heels, lean forward with straight arms. You need to put a round roller under your palms, the second - a flat roller - needs to be placed under your head. Make sure that your back is not rounded and that your ischial tuberosities are directed downward as much as possible. In this position, stretch forward, trying to lengthen your spine.
  5. Correction using a roll and abdominal training. Lie on your back, place a gymnastic roll under the area between your lower back and pelvis. Raise your straight legs at an angle of 90 degrees. Working with your abdominal muscles, lower your legs alternately and keep them suspended so that there is no arching in your lower back. During the exercise, the pelvis is motionless, the hips are tense, and the toes need to be pulled towards you.
  6. Corrective “boat” on the stomach. Lie on your stomach, place a flat cushion under your lower abdomen, heels pointing outward, hips inward, arms along your body, palms down. Lift your upper body off the floor, while simultaneously lifting your legs one by one, with your toes pointing towards you.
  7. Pelvic tilts with knees apart. Lie on your back, place a flat cushion under your pelvis, legs bent, heels together, and knees spread to the sides. Tilt your pelvis towards yourself, trying to lift your pubic bone as vertically as possible.

These exercises and their variations should be performed for 15–20 repetitions each. The video will help you get acquainted with the complex in detail.

Video: training for plano-concave posture

Exercises from Dr. S. M. Bubnovsky for beautiful posture

The founder of kinesitherapy - treatment with the help of correct movements, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky introduced into clinical practice approaches previously used in the medicine of “high performance sports”.

  1. Tree. Stand with your back to the wall on your toes. Press your heels, shins, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of your head against the wall, raise your arms straight and stretch your whole body upward. The stomach is pulled in. You need to stand in this position for 60 seconds. Then move away from the wall and repeat the same thing without support. Try to stay in this position for about 1 minute.
  2. Balls. Coordination exercise. Holding onto a support, stand with both feet on the tennis balls. Watch your posture and squat slowly, trying to stay on the balls. It's better to have someone at home insure you from behind, just in case. Perform 15 times.
  3. Fish. Lie on your back, placing a small gymnastic ball between your shoulder blades. Stay in this pose for a while. Remember your body position. Do the same exercise, only without the ball: your back is arched above the horizontal surface, your shoulder blades are brought together, your neck is extended. The exercise is ideally performed in the morning after sleep, for 10-30 seconds.
  4. Stretching. While sitting, stretch your hands to your toes, try to lie on your hips as low as possible. Stay in this position for 10 seconds.
  5. Bridge. Lying with your legs bent, raise and lower your pelvis. Try to squeeze your buttocks as much as possible when your pelvis is at the top. Repeat 20 times.

These exercises are clearly demonstrated in the video.

Video: exercises for beautiful posture from Dr. Bubnovsky

A set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the stooped back (dumbbells, expander, gymnastic stick, roll)

Slouching does not just visually shorten and thicken the silhouette, it also causes neck and back pain, reduces the flow of oxygen to the muscles, reduces flexibility, increasing the risk of injury. Developed by Santa Barbara, Calif.-based trainer Doug Holt, the routine combats upper back stiffness (which contributes to poor posture) and strengthens the muscles in the scapular region. Result: sculptural top part body that balances out fuller thighs, making you appear slimmer.

You can do posture exercises in the fresh air

How it works: Two or three times a week, do 1 set (set) of each of the first three exercises in order, resting up to 60 seconds between sets. Repeat twice. Finish the routine with stretching.

You will need: a pair of dumbbells weighing 1–2 kg, a fitball, a gymnastic stick, an expander with handles and a foam roll.


  1. Exercise No. 1 - fork - working the shoulders and upper back
  2. Exercise No. 2 - right angle press - working out the upper back area
  3. Exercise No. 3 - strong tension - working the shoulders and upper back
  4. Exercise No. 4 - T-stretch - working out the pectoral girdle

Contraindications and possible harm

Physical activity must be limited if rapid progression of spinal deformity is diagnosed, pain appears, or concomitant diseases worsen, which are a contraindication for physical activity.

You need to carefully select an exercise program if poor posture is complicated by scoliosis, as well as severe forms of kyphosis or lordosis. In this case, the decision on the need for exercise therapy and the selection of specific activities is made by an orthopedic doctor or rehabilitation specialist.

Some types of loads are prohibited when the spine is deformed, since they are dangerous because they increase its instability:

  • body twisting;
  • concussions of the spine while running and jumping (with sudden jolts);
  • acrobatic elements (somersaults, rolls, coups);
  • physical education with elements of weightlifting, weights (barbell, kettlebell, etc.);
  • stretching the spine with your own weight (pull-ups, hanging on the bar).

All of the above elements can provoke significant deterioration in the health of the spine, further leading to increased curvature of the spinal column, displacement internal organs, violations in their work.

Video: Dr. S. M. Bubnovsky “Keep your back straight”

When you neglect your posture today, you invite chronic back pain in the future. Long time being in an uncomfortable position at the computer, without breaks for physical activity, is like signing a death sentence for your joints and cartilage. To ensure that debilitating pain and stiffness never touches you, devote just half an hour a day to exercise for the purpose of prevention. And if problems already exist, special therapeutic gymnastics complexes will help correct the position of the spine.

A straight back is not only beautiful, it is also a guarantee proper operation all internal organs. By doing posture exercises at home, just a couple of times a week, you can prevent back pain and slouching.

Most people experience curvature of the spine as they age, and their posture changes. Every year, without constant exercise, the back muscles lose their flexibility and weaken; sedentary work and lack of physical activity accelerate this process many times over.

Causes of curvature of posture

There can be many reasons why you have incorrect posture. These include injuries and hereditary diseases, but most often spinal curvature occurs at an early age.

Spinal problems are caused by:

  1. Hereditary diseases.
  2. An uncomfortable mattress that makes you feel uncomfortable.
  3. Excess weight.
  4. Injured back during childbirth.
  5. Microtraumas of the spine.
  6. Working in a sitting and uncomfortable position.
  7. Constantly carrying bags on one shoulder.
  8. Wearing shoes only with heels.
  9. Atonicity of the back muscles.

Back problems occur much more often in children than in adults. This is due to the fact that a child’s spine develops very quickly, and the elastic muscles of the back deform much more quickly if the rules are not followed. But also in childhood, it is much easier to correct your posture if you do daily exercises.

How to check correct posture

If you have correct posture, then your head and body should be at the same vertical level. At the same time, the shoulders are slightly turned and are located at the same height and are equal horizontally.

If you visually observe, then the spine itself, along its axis, should be without curvature. The chest area may be somewhat convex, as well as the abdominal area, it may be slightly retracted or convex. If there are no back problems, then a person can easily straighten his legs at the knees and does not experience discomfort when he uses the hip muscles. When brought together, your legs should be straight and your knees, hips, heels and shins should be completely closed.

In order to find out if you have problems with posture, you need to stand with your back to the wall and lean tightly. The feet should also be brought together and pressed firmly against the wall. The head is straight and the back of the head is leaning against the wall. Lower your arms down and hold them at your sides. Ask someone close to you to stick your palm between the wall and the lumbar region. If your hand passes freely between the wall and the lumbar area, then this means that you have an even posture. When the abdominal muscles are weakened and move the spine backward, then curvature of posture occurs.

Exercises to correct posture in adults and children may differ. The best thing, of course, is to contact specialists who will develop for you individual program training. It will take a lot of work to improve your posture, and it will take more than one month. General training recommendations are as follows:

  • Before starting each lesson, warm up the muscles of the whole body for at least 10 minutes;
  • The training program should include working out not only the back muscles, but also the abdominal area, pelvis, neck, shoulder girdle;
  • The intensity of training should be increased gradually, and very slowly, in order not to further worsen the situation;
  • Start exercising no less than an hour after eating, no matter how uncomfortable you feel;
  • Train every other day, at the same time, in order to give your muscles a rest and recovery.

You must realize that you will not improve your posture in just a few workouts. Set yourself up for long work.

Posture Exercises

The set of posture exercises presented below targets a wide range of muscles in the back and throughout the body. All exercises go to chronological order, and it is not advisable to change their sequence.

· Pushups

A series of exercises to improve posture should start with push-ups. This is a very versatile exercise that will strengthen your core and shoulder muscles.
2 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

· Exercise “Boat”

Lie on your stomach on the floor and stretch your arms forward, palms should be on the floor. Your arms and legs should be slightly apart, approximately shoulder-width apart. You need to try to bend back at the same time, using your arms and legs, staying in this position for 10-15 seconds.
Initial number of repetitions: 4 deflections for 10-15 seconds.

· Exercise “Swallow”

Lie down, just like in the previous exercise. This time you need to bend only your body and arms back, trying to bring your arms together behind your back as much as possible. Stay in this position for 10-15 seconds. It will be a little difficult at first, and you can start with five seconds and gradually increase the time.
Initial number of repetitions: 4 deflections for 10-15 seconds.

It will be no secret to anyone that visual appeal people largely depend on correct posture. In addition, the normal functioning of all systems and internal organs of the body also depends on posture.

Over the years, changes in posture occur in every person, as flexibility is lost and the muscle corset is weakened. Many defects can be corrected by exercises to improve posture, which must be performed regularly.

The term "posture"

Posture is the usual posture of a person who stands relaxed, with his heels close and toes apart. The peculiarities of posture are determined taking into account all measurements from head to toe: head position, vertebral curves, shape of the abdomen and chest, muscle tone, pelvic tilt, shape of the feet.

There are many reasons on which posture depends: the development of the muscles of the back, abdomen, neck, chest, the functionality of the muscles and how capable it is of long-term tension. In addition, the presence of various problems with the spinal column affects.

Good posture is a companion to excellent health, but bad posture indicates that a person has health problems.

If posture is disturbed, discomfort and pain occur, the skeleton is deformed, and internal organs are affected. Its violation occurs due to a sedentary lifestyle, wearing uncomfortable clothes and shoes.

The influence of posture on human health

If a person has poor posture, this will certainly lead to a number of health problems. First of all, the spinal column and the roots of the spinal cord begin to suffer, the failure of which disrupts the functioning of many internal organs.

Often, postural problems occur during puberty or during rapid growth.

It is during this period that posture is negatively affected by a soft bed, incorrect body position while sitting, as well as improper load on the vertebra, for example, carrying a weight in only one hand.

There is a violation of the outflow of bile and problems with the intestines, since the body is constantly in a bent position, and the abdominal muscles are weakened. All this leads to problems with digestion, the body becomes polluted, immunity decreases, frequent headaches and fatigue appear.

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The resistance of the vertebra to various types of deformations decreases, and there is a risk of developing scoliosis. As a rule, poor posture is accompanied by muscle weakening, and this can lead to a disease such as a hernia of the pelvis and abdomen.

How to determine correct posture?

Assessing correct or incorrect posture in a person is quite simple.

You need to stand close to the wall with your back, close your feet, keep your head level, that is, lie tightly against the wall, and lower your arms.

The posture is correct if you cannot stick your palm between the lower back and the wall, and if the palm passes freely, then this indicates the presence of lordosis, that is, the muscular corset is weak and pulls the spinal column forward.

Good posture is when the torso and head are located on the same vertical. As for the shoulders, they are turned out, but slightly lowered and symmetrical, and the neck should also be symmetrical on both sides.

The shoulder blades should not protrude, the physiological curvature should be within normal limits. The abdomen should be retracted and the feet should be without visible deformation.

By following the simple tips for good posture that will be listed, you can form correct posture and prevent the occurrence of various complications, which will be much more difficult to get rid of.

  1. If there are problems with overweight, then this problem must be resolved as quickly as possible.
  2. In order for correct posture to be correct, you must not lower your head, look forward, your spine straightens, and your shoulders move back a little.
  3. You can purchase special posture correctors, but before doing this you should definitely consult with a specialist.
  4. While working, you need to sit closer to the table.
  5. Carry a book on your head more often.
  6. If you sit somewhere, listen to your body and sit in a way that is comfortable for you. Don't stay in one position, change your position more often to prevent fatigue.
  7. Don't sit for more than two hours, be sure to get up and do a little warm-up.
  8. While sitting, the head, neck and back should be vertical.
  9. When walking, you need to place your foot on the entire surface, and not on the heel.
  10. If you are carrying something heavy, then keep it closer to your chest.
  11. When carrying a bag, change the bag so that the load is the same.
  12. You need to sleep on a flat, hard mattress with a non-down pillow.
  13. You can't sleep on your side, only straight.
  14. Before you begin posture exercises, you need to warm up.

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A set of exercises against the wall

To complete this you will need a free wall.

  1. You need to press your whole body tightly against the wall. Take 8 deep breaths and stand in this position for a minute. Next, you need to fix it without changing the position of your body and imagine that the wall is stuck. In this position, you need to walk around the room for as long as possible and under no circumstances change position. This exercise will be very difficult at first for those who slouch a lot.
  2. The position is exactly the same as in the first exercise, but here you need to bend your leg at the knee and do 10 leg swings.
  3. In the same position, do 10 arm swings.
  4. Leaning against the wall, stand on your toes and raise your arms up. Stay in this position for a minute.

Other types of exercises for correct posture

For proper posture, you must perform the following exercises for at least four weeks.

  1. Starting position - legs crossed, back straight. Tilt your head left and right 10 times in each direction.
  2. The starting position is exactly the same as the previous one. Turn your head to the right, hold it for five seconds, and return to the starting position. Do the same to the left. Repeat six times in each direction.
  3. Same starting position. Push your shoulders back and forth 15 times.
  4. The starting position is to kneel and focus on your hands. Bend your back, raise your head up, then bend your back and lower your head down. Repeat fifteen times.
  5. Starting position - lie down on bent arms, legs together. Straighten your arms, bending at the lower back, but do not lift your pelvis from the floor. Repeat the exercise six times.
  6. The starting position is to stand one step away from the wall, touching it with your hands. Bend back as much as possible and hold in this position for five seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat six times.
  7. Starting position - standing, legs apart. Place a book on your head. You need to do five squats so that your head and back are level and the book does not fall.
  8. Same starting position. Hold a book on your head and walk a few meters.