Exercises for beautiful posture at home. A set of exercises for correct straight posture, to open the thoracic spine

Graceful posture has always attracted men. A woman walking with a straight back will always be noticed on the street. If you have been diagnosed with spinal curvature, scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis - do not despair, everything can be cured. All you need is desire and patience. The best way correcting problems with the spine is exercises for posture.

Posture is a comfortable position for a person to remain in for a long period of time. It is formed during many years. It is necessary to monitor the child and prevent the risks of developing scoliosis and other serious diseases. When the spine is curved, flat feet appear. This insidious disease does not give a person the right to a normal existence. Pain in the legs occurs during a short walk to the store. Flat feet of the last degree cannot be treated.

Benefits of good posture

In women with correct posture all muscles are tightened, the stomach goes inward, organs and systems are not compressed and correctly perform important functions. The gait of such people becomes smooth and easy. People with correct posture never suffer from constipation.

Important conditions of royal posture:

  • the back is straightened as much as possible;
  • shoulders spread to the sides;
  • head raised;
  • the chin looks slightly up;
  • shoulder blades are lowered;
  • The lower back should not bend.

Such a person will be surrounded interesting people, he will easily be able to present leadership qualities. Society loves noticeable, beautiful, athletic people. Royal posture and royal bearing indicate that a person’s life has turned out great.

Important! The condition of our face and the age we see in the mirror directly depend on our posture, the condition of our neck, back and spine.

Due to blocks, clamps, distortions in the neck and shoulder girdle the face becomes distorted, the muscles on it tighten, atrophy, blood flow to the neck worsens, causing the quality of the skin on the face to noticeably deteriorate, and because of all this, wrinkles and sagging are formed.

Therefore, on the way to your body, the first thing you should do is put your back, neck and spine in order.

Facial changes with age

Identifying poor posture

To identify curvatures of the back, you need to lean close to the wall, identify the protrusions: the back of the head, buttocks, shoulder blades should touch. There should be a space of no more than 5-10 cm between the wall and the lower back.

An orthopedist or surgeon can notice a slight curvature of posture. Moderate to severe visible naked eye. The more curved the spine is, the more difficult it will be to do the exercises. Posture correction is needed to treat some orthopedic diseases:

  • kyphosis;
  • lordosis;
  • scoliosis.

Exercises for back posture were developed by kinesiotherapists. Kinesitherapy is translated from Greek as movement therapy.

  • Left-sided scoliosis - the left muscles are severely stretched, while the right side of the back remains in the same position. All exercises must be done in right side;
  • Right-sided scoliosis The muscles on the right side of the back are stretched more, the left spinal column is shifted to the right side. Some systems in the body fail. Exercises to straighten posture should be carried out mainly in left side so that the back muscles on the left side become the same in length as the right. The spine will gradually align and, with persistent training, will fall into place;
  • Lordosis is the bending of the spine with the apex forward;
  • Kyphosis is an excessive backward bending of the thoracic spine.

Causes of poor posture

The causes of curvature of the spinal column can be: incorrect body position, carrying a heavy load, diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis), injuries.

Consequences of posture correction

Correcting your back posture makes it possible to improve your well-being and appearance. After just a 10-day course of exercises, you will feel freedom, ease of movement, and strength. Memory retention will improve, as lost blood flow leading to the brain will be restored. Nerve and brain cells will be well supplied with oxygen. If you have been suffering from oxygen starvation (hypoxia, dizziness, headache), you will no longer feel discomfort. Back and neck pain will go away.

Exercises to correct posture at home

To cure an orthopedic back disease, you don’t have to go to paid classes - you can train at home. Each posture exercise must be performed correctly, otherwise you will never see a positive effect.

Before practicing good posture exercises, please read the following information for a safe workout:

  • You cannot perform techniques for arterial hypertension, hypertension, on a full or empty stomach;
  • if you are starting to practice for the first time, do not try to do as much as possible, as quickly as possible;
  • all movements should be slow and smooth (so as not to tear the muscles);
  • gymnastics should not be performed in the evening before bedtime;
  • if you have strained a muscle, take a warm bath;
  • You should not do exercises in the sun.

Posture exercises can be done in water; if you live near a pond or have a swimming pool, that’s great. The water itself will gradually straighten your spine. The main advantage of exercising in water is the painlessness of muscle strain. It is important that during exercises there is a second person nearby, otherwise muscle cramps will unexpectedly occur. No one is immune from this.

What can you do to get your back in order? There are two ways:

  • Relax and stretch the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle, then strengthen them in the correct position. A course of massage, manual therapy and “pumping” already relaxed and stretched muscles into the desired position can help with this.
    In this case, you cannot do without specialists, since, naturally, only someone can give you a massage, and you must strengthen your muscles only with a specialist who sees you from the outside and can correct the wrong position and guide you in the right direction;
  • The second method is independent. Relaxation of muscles using osteopathic methods, special exercises that remove clamps and blocks and, when performed regularly, remove distortions in the body, pump the muscles into the desired position, which soon has a favorable effect on the appearance.

Exercises to relax and stretch the spine, opening the thoracic region

It’s good to start your workout with an exercise that relaxes and stretches the spinal column.

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart and slowly, starting from the neck, lower “one vertebra at a time” until the completely relaxed spine hangs on its sacral section. Place your relaxed hands under your head hanging down, clasping your elbows with your palms. The spine should hang relaxed with the slightest movement of the hips. Only the legs are tense in this technique. Stay in this position for 30 seconds to several minutes. Then begin to slowly lift the spine up, just as you lowered it, one vertebra at a time, only starting from the bottom.

  • Place your feet wider than your shoulders in front of the window sill, or place a chair with a backrest and a mop in front of you. Stretch your arms forward and tilt your body down so that a 90-degree angle is formed between your torso and legs and spring, the lower the better. The arms should be tense and resist the support;

  • Lying on a cushion. To do this you will need a roller. It can be either purchased or homemade from a tightly rolled towel covered with tape. Initially, the diameter is suitable 10-12 centimeters, over time it can be increased. Lie down on the floor. Place a cushion under your shoulder blades. Place your hands back behind your head, place your palms on the floor, clasping your little fingers together. Place your legs straight, heels apart, big toes together. Lie in this position for five to ten minutes (at first, if it’s not comfortable, maybe less). Then move the roller under the lower back. Lie down for 5 minutes. After the exercise, you will feel that your back has straightened and you will not want to slouch it again;

  • Rest your palms on the doorway alternately in three positions: on your arms extended upward, on your arms or forearms at chest level, on your arms at waist level. Hang in each position for 30 seconds. After sagging at each level, twist your back in the opposite direction, as if you were hugging a large ball, for 30 seconds.

Posture exercises

  • We spread our legs to the sides, raise our arms up and reach for the sky, count to 5, lower our arms down;
  • Feet shoulder-width apart, we do scissors with our hands on the right and left sides, we give preference to the side that we want to cure, if the scoliosis is right-sided, we stretch the back muscles of the left side and vice versa;
  • Feet shoulder-width apart, raise your arm up, bend 5-7 times to the right and left;
  • We walk on tiptoes. Hands up, for convenience, you can grab the stick by the two ends. Then stand on tiptoes and walk around the room for 5-10 minutes;
  • Starting position: lying on your stomach. At the same time, raise your straightened arms and legs up 30 degrees. Exercise strengthens all the muscles in our body. You should not do this exercise if you have lordosis;
  • Lie down on a couch or sofa, so that part of your body, starting from your feet, is down. Grab the opposite end of the bed. Stretch your back muscles for 5-10 seconds, 7-10 times (it all depends on your capabilities);
  • Starting position on your back. Bend upward, lean on your shoulders and heels. Stand in this position for 10-30 seconds;
  • Lie on your back in an asterisk position, pressing your palms and shoulders to the floor. Raise your legs, bending them in knee joints, turn them to the left, then to the right. At the end of the gymnastics, be sure to get on all fours, sit on your heels, palms should remain in place, arms and back straight. In this position, count 10 seconds and return to the starting position.

If you have uneven posture, exercises should be performed very slowly and smoothly. Pull-ups must be very careful.

Rubber resistance bands, sticks, and large rubber balls are used as auxiliary materials to correct posture.

If the spine is severely curved, exercises with jumping, running, and dancing are contraindicated. It is not recommended to make sudden movements, otherwise the risk of developing an intervertebral hernia increases. Gymnastic exercise for the spine comes first for diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

It is necessary to prevent curvature of the spine: read while lying on your stomach, swim more, send your child to rhythmic gymnastics, practice Nordic walking.


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This complex Exercises for straightening your posture at home include exercises that help develop the muscles of the back and neck, which are directly responsible for correct posture. Do this complex Exercises for posture are needed after warm-up exercises. The complex includes exercises performed from a standing position, lying down, and on all fours.

Exercise No. 1. Exodus. positive standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Hands on the belt. Make warm-up movements with your head forward - backward, left - right.

Exercise No. 2. Exodus. positive Same. Do warm-up movements for the neck. Turn your head to the right and left. Repeat several times. In the second part of the exercise, make rotational movements with your head to the left side, then to the right side, four to five times each.

Posture straightening exercise No. 3. Ref. floor. standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your elbows and touch your shoulders with your fingers. Make circular movements with your hands, first forward several times, then the same movements back several times. This exercise is a warm-up exercise for the shoulder girdle.

Posture exercise No. 4. Ref. positive same. Place your hands on your belt. Make circular movements with your pelvis, first to the left, then to the right. Gradually increase your range of motion.

Back exercise No. 5. Exodus. positive same. Bend your lower back back, then bend forward towards your left and right legs, trying to touch your toes. Repeat the exercise three to four times.

Exercises 4 and 5 from this posture complex are warm-up exercises for the lumbar region.



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ATTENTION: not all exercises can be performed if you or your child has back or spinal diseases. To do this, you need to consult a doctor. If you want to get an online consultation with a doctor (ORTHOPEDIST or any other), then follow the link:

Exercise for posture at home No. 1.

Ref. floor. Standing on the floor on all fours. On the count of “One” - tense your muscles, bending your back as much as possible. Raise your head up.

Hold this position for 4 - 5 seconds, then relax and return to the original position. Repeat the exercise 7 - 10 times.

Posture straightening exercise No. 2. It is done lying on your back, on a hard, flat surface. Bend your legs at the knees, place your feet closer to your pelvis. Arms along the body, palms down. Lift your pelvis off the floor, leaning on top part back (shoulder blades).

Hold this position for 3–4 seconds, then return to the starting position. positive Do the exercise six to eight times.

Posture exercise No. 3. Performed while lying on your stomach. Place your forearms on the floor, your hands at the level of your shoulder joints. Tightening your back muscles, arch your back as much as possible, helping with your hands. If your flexibility allows, you can rest your palms on the floor (as in the picture).

Lock the position for 3 -4 seconds. Do eight to ten repetitions.


You save your time

and correct your posture!


Exercise for back posture No. 4. It is done lying on your stomach. Extend your arms forward. Tightening your back muscles, while inhaling, lift your torso and, if possible, your legs as high as possible. Stay in this position for two to three seconds and lower yourself to the floor. Repeat the exercise eight to ten times.

This is a difficult exercise, and is performed only if you have sufficiently trained long back muscles. During the first training sessions, this posture exercise can be performed with the arms lying along the body, as shown in the figure below:

When performing this version of the exercise, try to move your shoulder joints back as much as possible during the bend, closing your shoulder blades. This will also strengthen the rhomboid muscles well.


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Another option for performing this exercise is to arch your back with your arms straight out to the side, as shown in the photo below:

The first, second, third and fourth exercises are aimed at developing and strengthening long muscles backs.

These muscles are directly responsible for correct posture, maintaining the physiological curves of the spine.

The following: 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 - the second exercise of this set of posture exercises are performed to develop and strengthen the rhomboid muscles of the back.

These muscles pull the shoulder joints back. If these muscles are not sufficiently developed, then the arms, being in front of the spinal column, place additional stress on the thoracic spine. This can lead to postural problems such as stooping.

Exercise No. 5. Exodus. position: sitting on a chair or on the floor (as in the picture). Place your hands on your belt. Make sideways turns with your entire body. In the second part of the exercise, raise your arms and place your hands on the back of your head. Make the same body turns in different directions.

This posture exercise strengthens the oblique abdominal muscles and lumbar back muscles. These muscles are involved in maintaining the lumbar curve (lordosis) necessary to prevent postural disorders.

Exercise for posture at home No. 6. Performed while standing. Place your hands behind your back, clasp your hands behind your buttocks. Turn your shoulders back as much as possible, bringing your shoulder blades together, and stay in this position for three to four seconds. Then return to the origin. positive Repeat 7-9 times.

Posture exercise No. 7. It is done standing with feet shoulder-width apart, or sitting on the floor (as shown in the figure below). Left hand lift up and bend at the elbow, right hand move it as far behind your back as possible and try to interlock your fingers. Hold this position for three to four seconds. Return to Exodus. positive and do the same, changing hands. Perform the exercise 3-4 times.

Posture straightening exercise No. 8. Performed standing or sitting on a flat surface. Raise your arms, bend them at the elbows, place your palms on your upper back. Now try to move your shoulders as far apart as possible, bringing your shoulder blades together. Stay in this position for three to four seconds, then return to the starting position. positive Repeat the exercise six to eight times.

Posture exercise No. 9

Ref. positive standing, hands are near the waist. On the count of “one”, move your shoulders back as much as possible, bending your thoracic spine. On the count of two, raise your shoulders as high as possible.

On the count of “three,” bring your shoulders together in your chest as much as possible; on the count of “four,” straighten up freely, lower your arms and make sure your back is straight.

Repeat all these movements 5 - 7 times.

If you have a horizontal bar (bar) at home, then periodically perform a simple hang on it. This will stretch the spine and eliminate any slight displacements of the vertebrae relative to each other.

Exercise to improve posture on the bar.

If your physical fitness allows, then for correct posture it is good to use the exercise: “Pull-up on the bar behind the head with a wide grip.”

This exercise helps to strengthen the rhomboid muscles, which are located in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and are responsible for moving the shoulder joints back. If the shoulder joints are located in front of the axis of the spinal column, that is, brought forward, then the mass of the arms will be in front of the axis of the spine. this will create additional stress. In addition to the unesthetic appearance, this will have a negative impact on good posture. The “Pull-up by the head” exercise helps strengthen the rhomboid muscles and eliminates this poor posture.

Exercise for beautiful posture with dumbbells.

Posture exercise with dumbbells No. 1

Raise the dumbbells to the sides, hold the position for 1 second, then slowly lower. Repeat the exercise 12 - 15 times.

Posture exercise with dumbbells No. 2

This exercise can be performed with dumbbells heavier than in exercise 1.

Take dumbbells in your hands. Lean forward, trying not to arch in the lower back (the lower back should not be “round”).

Using your arms, pull the dumbbells towards your body. At the same time (importantly) try to move the shoulder joints back as much as possible, connecting the shoulder blades as much as you can.

The number of repetitions is 12-15 times.

A set of exercises for posture should be performed no earlier than 1.5 - 2 hours after eating.

Performing exercises for the back stimulates blood circulation in the muscles and in the area of ​​​​the bone tissue of the spinal column. This, in turn, supplies the tissues with oxygen, nutrients, and removes waste toxins. This prevents the formation muscle spasms, and helps strengthen the bone tissue of the vertebrae.

Exercises for posture at home, like any other physical activity, promotes the production of pleasure hormones and counteracts the production of stress hormones, which, by constricting blood vessels, help reduce the nutrition of body tissues, and can provoke the appearance of muscle spasms and other disorders in the body. In addition, pleasure hormones provide you with a good mood, which in itself helps maintain correct posture.

2. Exercises to improve posture at home.

The set of exercises to improve posture necessarily includes exercises for the cervical spine, which are needed to strengthen the neck muscles. If the muscles of the cervical spine are not strong enough, the head will tend to protrude forward. This will create additional stress on the long back muscles, which are directly responsible for the correct position of the back. If the head is constantly tilted forward, then there is no need to talk about beautiful posture.

It is how correctly a person holds his head that will determine the beauty of his entire posture.

This head position puts increased stress on the thoracic spine. As a result, the thoracic spine bends, forming a stoop.

Exercise to improve posture at home No. 1. Starting position: standing or sitting on a level hard surface. Look ahead in front of you. On the count of one: turn your head to the left; on the count of two, return to the starting position (i.p.). On the count of three, turn your head to the right; on the count of four, return your head to its original position. Repeat the exercise four to five times.

Posture exercise No. 2. I. p. is the same. On the count of one, lower your head down; on the count of two, return your head to its original position (i.p.). On the count of three, raise your head up; on the count of four - return to i. n. Repeat the exercise four to five times.

Posture exercise No. 3. I.p. the same. At the count of times, tilt your head to your left shoulder; on the count of two - return to i. p. On the count of three, tilt your head to the right shoulder, on the count of four - return to the original. floor. Repeat the exercise four to five times.

Exercise to improve posture at home No. 4. Ref. floor. same. Lower your head down, touch your chin to your chest. Moving your head to the left, make rotational movements. Make four rotations.

Then repeat the exercise, rotating to the right side.

Exercises to straighten your posture at home.

This set of exercises for posture at home can be performed throughout the day, regardless of meals or other activities. To perform it, no special devices or simulators are required. Posture exercises from this complex are designed to develop muscle memory, which helps maintain a back position that corresponds to correct posture.

Exercise to straighten your posture at home No. 1. Stand with your back to the wall (preferably without a baseboard) so that your heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of your head touch the wall.

For the vast majority of people, this situation will not be familiar. However, it is this position of the body that demonstrates correct posture. Place your palm between your lower back and the wall. It should pass, that is, this distance should be 2-3 centimeters, no more. This will correspond to the correct natural lumbar curve (lordosis).

Stay like that for a while. Trying to remember this body position. Now move away from the wall, maintaining the same position. Stand for a while, then go back to the wall and stand in the same way, checking the correctness of your posture. Move a little away from the wall again, stand a little and return to the wall again. Do several of these approaches, each time trying longer and longer to maintain correct posture. During the day, periodically approach the wall and control your posture.

Exercise for posture at home No. 2. Take the heaviest book you can find (if you have an excellent library with copies weighing more than 5 kilograms, then limit yourself to this weight). Place the book on your head, keeping your balance and holding it. Focus on maintaining your balance. Once you get used to it, try walking around a little with a book on your head. After you get used to it, you can diversify your movements, gradually making them more difficult. It's okay if the book sometimes falls.

It is very good if you sit at the computer for a while, looking at the monitor. This will be good training for the habit of holding your head straight, which means it will good exercise to straighten your posture. Often, while sitting at a PC, the head leans forward somewhat, putting additional stress on the cervical vertebrae and the muscles of the back of the thoracic region.

This posture exercise can also be done at any time convenient for you. Its implementation can be complicated if you use a book with a glossy cover. It will be more difficult to hold onto such a book.

As you perform these posture exercises at home, your muscle memory will increasingly reinforce the position of your body that corresponds to correct posture. In the future, you will be pleased to notice that control correct posture, will happen – “automatically”. You will only need to periodically perform this set of exercises for correct posture, and you will not only maintain an attractive appearance, but also get rid of possible diseases associated with poor posture.

Exercises to correct posture at home.

The third set of exercises for correcting posture includes three rules of one of the most famous Japanese healers, Katsuzo Nishi. The application of these rules has proven to be effective for various diseases of the spine, even such serious ones as herniated intervertebral discs. Following these three rules helps eliminate the main cause of spinal diseases. This reason is a violation of correct posture.

Rule #1. The first rule from this set of exercises for correcting posture is: “Sleep on a hard bed.” Various spring mattresses do not allow the spine to straighten. During the day, under the influence of various loads, some individual vertebrae move relative to each other. And only an even position of the spine can help restore their correct relative position.

Rule #2. The second rule from this set of exercises for posture is: “You need to sleep on a hard pillow or bolster.” In this case, you need to position your head in such a way that the cushion is under the third and fourth vertebrae of the cervical spine. A pillow that is too large and soft can almost never create conditions for the cervical spine to not be in a curved state. As a consequence of this, pinching of the nerve endings occurs, through which nerve impulses enter the brain and organs of the head. As a result, diseases of the eyes, ears, and throat may develop over time.

Rule #3. The third rule of this set of exercises for posture at home is called “ Goldfish" To perform it, you need to lie on your back, on a hard, flat surface (floor, bed). Hands behind your head, hands on the back of your head. Toes raised up, pull towards yourself. Keep your legs together. With your legs closed, begin to make vibrating oscillatory movements in the horizontal plane, similar to the movement of a fish tail. Next, your spine will also begin to make wave-like oscillatory movements.

This rule is the main one of this set of exercises for correct posture. It helps restore the correct position of the vertebrae relative to each other. Also, this exercise helps to synchronize the contractions of the back muscles, which is a good prevention against the formation of painful muscle spasms. In addition, this rule from the second set of exercises for posture has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines and other internal organs.

Like any other physical activity, a set of exercises for posture helps the body produce “pleasure” hormones - endorphins. They, in turn, give us good mood, and protect us from stressful and depressive states. Stress, on the contrary, promotes the production of stress hormones. These hormones have a constricting effect on blood vessels. There is insufficient nutrition of muscle and bone tissue with oxygen and nutrients. Performing sets of exercises for posture, on the contrary, dilates blood vessels, increases blood supply to all tissues of the body, supplying them with oxygen and nutrients. In addition, it helps remove toxins from the body's cells. All this definitely has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole, and of course on your posture. If you periodically experience pain in your back muscles, for example from sitting in one place for a long time, then a set of posture exercises will help relieve these pains.

Development of muscle memory.

Developing “muscle memory” of the correct position of the back and spine.

“Muscle memory” allows the back muscles to “automatically” maintain the correct position of the spine. Even if the back muscles are well developed, correct posture will only occur if the muscles support the spine in the correct position. That is, there is a “muscle memory” effect.

Muscle memory is necessary so that the back muscles, which are directly responsible for correct posture, automatically without outside control, and without self-control (since this is always impossible), maintained the correct position of the spine. You can sometimes meet a person who has very well developed muscles, but nevertheless, there is a clearly stooped posture.

To develop the “muscle memory” effect, good for occasional use . When wearing it, many people make the mistake of trying to wear it all the time. You need to wear the back corrector for 30-40 minutes, up to 4-5 times a day. The corrector is made in such a way that when wearing it, a person is forced to maintain correct posture. Otherwise, the straps of the back corrector will put pressure on the shoulders, thereby reminding of the incorrect position of the shoulder joints and excessive bending of the thoracic spine. In a relatively short period of time, with periodic use of the corrector, a person develops a “muscle memory” effect. As a result, in the future, he himself is able to, without additional reminders, begin to maintain correct back posture. But, this is only possible with sufficiently strong back muscles, especially the long back muscles and the rhomboids (which pull the shoulders back). Therefore, a back corrector in itself is not a panacea for posture problems. Although, nevertheless, with sufficiently developed muscles, the corrector, while wearing it, forces the muscles to work and maintain correct posture. But this is only if there is something to maintain your posture. For poorly developed back muscles, without exercises to develop and strengthen them - can't get by.

When choosing a back corrector, there may be some features that you need to pay attention to. This includes poor quality workmanship, an unscrupulous manufacturer, etc. How and based on what criteria to choose a corrector, which you should definitely pay attention to, is discussed in detail in the article


This is especially true for those people who, due to their line of work, have to sit at a desk for several hours a day.

The main cause of poor posture is sitting on a chair for long periods of time. This position Not is physiological for humans. To understand the problem, let’s take a closer look at how this happens.

The spine in its natural form has natural curves as shown in the figure:

They are designed to soften and absorb the resulting vertical loads on the spine. Such overloads are usually formed during movement.

During prolonged sitting, the lumbar curves straighten (lordosis):

If you have to spend several hours a day sitting on a chair, then the lumbar curve (lordosis) is completely straightened. Produced muscle memory of WRONG spinal position! This means that under vertical loads, it will not absorb the pressure on the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. All this over time has a destructive effect on the tissues of the spine. Various diseases of the spine arise, which are accompanied by pain of various types.

The natural curves of the spine (curves) are directed in different directions. The lumbar curve is in an arc forward, the thoracic curve is in an arc backward. When straightening the lumbar curves while sitting, the center of gravity shifts forward. Therefore, when sitting on a chair, we often lean on the table in order to lean on the table to take a more stable position. This, in turn, leads to excessive curvature of the thoracic curve. Appears - SLUPPING.

In this position, the correct position of the cervical spine is also disrupted. The natural curve of the neck straightens (if we look at the table) or bends excessively (if we look forward, for example at the monitor).

A seat trainer was created specifically to eliminate the main cause of poor posture. It is used directly while sitting on any(!) chair

The practice of its use has proven that during its use, natural lumbar lordosis does not straighten. This happens because the angle between the hips and the pelvic bones is more natural than when sitting on a regular chair. As a result: a seated person, when using the simulator, is forced to sit with a straight body. As a result, the formation of stoop and negative disorders in the cervical spine is eliminated! You can see more details about using the Doctor Cypress posture trainer.

Comparative table of the main methods for correcting poor posture at home.


Advantages: Best price. Trains and strengthens the muscles responsible for correct posture. Develops “muscle memory” of the correct position of the back and spine.

Disadvantage: as the child grows, you need to purchase a larger size corrector.

Usage: 30 minutes several times a day.

1200 – 1500 rubles .

It is better to choose a trusted company with magnetic inserts, for example:

magnetic corset from the official seller, with delivery:

1290 rub.

Advantages: Most effectively trains and strengthens the muscles responsible for correct posture. Develops “muscle memory” of the correct position of the back and spine.

Use: starting from 30 minutes (then longer) to several times a day.

From 3500 rubles

(different design models).

Advantages: Trains and strengthens the muscles responsible for correct posture. Develops “muscle memory” of the correct position of the back and spine.

Usage: for permanent use for working while sitting at a desk.

From 5,450 rubles – metal construction is preferable; wooden structures creak and become loose over time

Fabric upholstery is preferable. Leatherette cracks and tears over time.

If, due to your work or study, you have to spend a lot of time sitting at a desk, then first you need to eliminate main reason postural disorders: long-term wrong sitting on a chair! And only then pay attention to others important points posture corrections.

5. Exercises for posture at home VIDEO.

Very effective exercise. And very difficult. It is difficult not only physically, but also technically. If this pull-up makes you hunched over, then it’s better not to do it at all. And that's what most people do. The shoulder blades should be brought together and you should rise and fall clearly up and down, without tilting your head. Otherwise, such pull-ups will not lead to improved posture. This exercise trains the latissimus muscles and rear deltas.

The advantage of these pull-ups is that even girls and skinny girls can do them. And the effectiveness in terms of muscle training and posture is almost the same as the previous pull-ups. For those who find it difficult, bend your legs to make the exercise easier. You can also try doing it with a reverse grip. This makes it easier to get your back to work.

Exercises with dumbbells

The exercise trains the rear deltoid and the muscles surrounding the shoulder blades. With each swing of your arms, you need to bring your shoulder blades together, while arching your back. Its effectiveness in terms of muscle pumping is low, but it has an effect on posture.

Technically, this is a rather difficult exercise. If you simply pull without arching your back or squeezing your shoulder blades, you will work mainly with your arms. And we need your back. If you do it correctly, the entire upper back will be involved.

Exercises on simulators

The exercise is analogous to swinging dumbbells to the sides. The point is to tone the muscles of the upper central part of the back. The stronger the tone of these muscles, the straighter your posture. Not all gyms have such simulators. You can replace it with swings in a crossover.

This exercise imitates a head pull-up. Again, if you can't do this exercise straight and without hunching, then don't do it at all. You need to keep your head straight and not tilt, and bring your shoulder blades together. This requires a certain flexibility in the shoulder girdle. In the case of severe stoop, few people manage to do this deadlift correctly.

Analogue of dumbbell rows and pull-ups in a Smith machine. For posture, it is better to hold your back not statically, but to bend slightly following the handle and move your back back when you pull it towards you. in general, as shown in the video, it can be even a little stronger.

The essence is the same as the previous exercise. The only difference is that it can be done with one hand. But for the sake of posture it is better not to do this. For posture, it is better to do all exercises with both hands at the same time. This works the central back muscles better. As with the previous exercise, you do not need to keep your back static.


1. Let me emphasize once again that during all these exercises you should arch your back, bring your shoulder blades together and straighten your shoulders. Otherwise, these exercises will not help you correct your posture.

2. You don't have to do them all. Although, anything is possible. For example, from exercises 5 and 7 you can choose one thing. It is also enough to do one of exercises 4 and 6 and exercises 9 and 10.

3. You need to stand against the wall every day. The remaining exercises can be divided in half and done 2 times a week. Once a week one part of the exercises, another time another.

4. In general, all exercises that train the back muscles affect posture to one degree or another. I just took 10 that, in my opinion, do it better than the rest.

5. The younger and more flexible you are, the better this will all work. But even if you are old and wooden, then at least you can develop a habit and tone your muscles. And this, judging by what I said at the beginning of the article, is 50% success. Which is not so little, and will be visually noticeable. Good luck!

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Even posture is the basis of a beautiful and slender figure. When a person slouches, his figure looks ugly. A person with correct posture looks taller, slimmer, more graceful, and more confident.

Healthy back

The main rule of a straight back is maximum preservation of the natural curves of the spine. Good posture means optimal alignment of all parts of the body. It is important to maintain the golden mean here. Of course, slouching is harmful, but you shouldn’t keep your back too straight all the time. At the same time, the spine is exposed to almost the same stress. Poor posture quickly becomes a habit. Over time, this leads to chronic stretching or shortening of the muscles and ligaments of the back. As a result, the unsuccessful posture becomes fixed and becomes increasingly difficult to correct; a crooked back is formed.

The word “scoliosis” is so familiar to everyone that many, when determining whether a child has it, do nothing. IN best case scenario are limited to rare comments addressed to the teenager about his posture while doing schoolwork or sitting at the computer. In fact, scoliosis often leads to serious problems that affect not only the spine, but also all internal organs.


The word “scoliosis” comes from the Greek word for “curvature,” and the disease itself is characterized by curvature of the spine to the right or left. In this case, the vertebrae rotate, the chest is deformed, and subsequently pathological changes, one way or another, affect the entire musculoskeletal system. In advanced cases, it leads not only to posture in the form of a crooked back, but also to dysfunction of internal organs, and sometimes the spinal cord.

Causes of scoliosis

In most cases, the cause of scoliosis is disturbances in the metabolic processes of connective tissue, which includes bone tissue. The discs between the vertebrae gradually move to the side, and those located above tilt. The work of the muscles and ligaments that connect them becomes asymmetrical, and this, during the growth of the body, leads to twisting of the vertebra.

Since the spinal column is held in a certain position by muscles and ligaments, the cause of the development of spinal deformity may be weakness of the muscular system, prolonged exposure to an incorrect position during school, at the computer or TV. In this case, the muscles tense, increase in size and fix it in an abnormal position.

Signs of poor posture:

  • different shoulder heights;
  • the lower angle of the scapula on one side is higher than the angle of the scapula on the other side;
  • the arms dropped down form triangles with the side lines of the waist, which will be asymmetrical with scoliosis; with a flat back they are identical.

If a child exhibits at least one of the listed signs, you should contact an orthopedist or pediatrician to clarify the diagnosis.

At what age should you take care of your child’s posture?

Experts are sure that from the birth of the baby it is necessary to take care that the baby has an even posture.

While the child is 2-4 years old, it is enough for him to be active, and parents need to follow these recommendations:

  1. The baby's bed should be quite hard to protect the spine from curvature. In the first year of life, the pillow should be small; it can easily be replaced by a towel folded several times.
  2. The best position while sleeping is on your back.
  3. It is important to place your baby on his tummy in a timely manner.
  4. When carrying the baby in an upright position, it must be held by the back.
  5. If the baby tries to sit up, do not cover him with pillows, as a bent position increases pressure on the fragile spine.
  6. Observe his posture, do not allow him to sit in one position for a long time.
  7. The table and chair must correspond to the height and age of the child. He needs to sit so that his knees are bent at right angles and his soles rest completely on the floor. The height of the table should be such that when sitting at it, your arms are bent at a right angle.
  8. For schoolchildren, it is necessary to purchase a backpack to be worn on the back, and not on one shoulder, so the load is distributed evenly, the shoulders and back are aligned, ensuring an even posture.

Types of postural deformation

With poor posture, deformation of the main ones may be observed:

  • cervical lordosis;
  • lumbar lordosis;
  • thoracic kyphosis.

If poor posture is caused by physical inactivity, such as spending many hours at the computer or watching TV, the back muscles weaken, which leads to degeneration of the spinal discs.

In this case, the following types of posture are distinguished:

  1. Slouch. In this case, thoracic kyphosis increases, which leads to the formation of a hump. There is a reduction of the shoulders to the chest and elevation of the shoulder blades.
  2. This type of posture is also called straightened. In this case, all curves of the spinal column are practically aligned. The pelvis protrudes forward.
  3. A round back is the opposite of a flat back, where there is an increase in thoracic kyphosis. It resembles an arc. The man's arms hang down, his head protrudes forward.

What will help you maintain correct posture?

Strong, balanced muscles are important for maintaining good posture and protecting joints. Poor posture and weak muscles Every year they cause more and more harm to health. Must be given in moderation physical activity at least 45 minutes three times a week, including strength and stretching exercises for straight posture. Activities such as Pilates, yoga and dancing are especially useful:

  • Pilates. Precise, controlled movements strengthen the axial muscles, improve coordination and balance the muscles.
  • Yoga. The gentle stretching movements of yoga increase flexibility. Asana is a special yoga exercise that involves gradual stretching of muscles and ligaments, which increases their blood supply, elasticity and tone.
  • Dancing. Improves posture, sense of balance and coordination of movements.

Exercises to strengthen your back muscles and improve your posture

These exercises for straight posture significantly improve the health of your back and internal organs.

Selecting a simulator

In order to prevent back problems and eliminate postural defects at an early stage of the disease, home exercise machines for the spine are useful. In specialty stores there are many options, which are roughly divided into:

  • T-neck design;
  • block;
  • extension benches;
  • "humpbacks".

The choice of a spinal trainer depends on the degree and type of postural deformation. For example, “hunchbacks” are an ideal choice for children school age, they help maintain healthy posture while sitting at a desk, keep the muscles of the back and cervical region in good shape, and strengthen the spine.

Regular physical activity is important at any age, because it brings invaluable benefits to the whole body: strengthens muscles and joints, maintains bone strength, improves posture and coordination of movements.

Useful exercises for girls that will help you shape your figure and achieve beautiful posture .

Exercises for a straight back

Lie on your back. Bend your legs and spread them slightly to the sides. Press your feet to the floor,

bend your arms at the elbows. Sit up with a jerk, touching your chest to your hips.

Return to the starting position and do the same exercise in reverse - bend your back upward in the thoracic region several times, leaning on your elbows and clenching your fingers into fists. Tilt your head back slightly.

Perform both exercises 5 times, at a slow pace, without stopping.

Stand up straight. Lower your hands and bring them together behind you, clasp your fingers together. Take your arms back, bend over, spring up.

Repeat the exercise 8-10 times.

Get on all fours. Spread your legs slightly and bend your arms slightly at the elbows.

In this position, alternately straighten and arch your back like a cat. Your movements should be rhythmic and uniform. In between movements, try not to raise your head - it should be in line with the spine. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Stand up straight. Spread your legs slightly and clasp your hands behind you. Bend your head sharply forward, trying to touch your chin to the base of your neck. Stay in this position for 3-5 seconds. Without changing your position, throw your head back as far as possible and stay in this position for 3-5 seconds. Then return to the starting position and repeat these exercises several times.

Sit on the floor. Straighten your legs and place your hands behind you. Raise your pelvis, throw your head back, bend over and stay in this position for 3-5 seconds. Then return to the starting position. Do the exercise 8 times.

Lie on your stomach, bend your arms at the elbows. The hands should be turned down and parallel to the shoulders.

Straighten your arms, lifting your upper body, arching your spine and slightly tilting your head back. Hold this position for 3 seconds and then lower to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 8 times.

Exercise 7

Lie on your stomach and fix your feet (for example, lean against the wall). Stretch your arms forward. As you inhale, lift your head, shoulders and straight arms off the floor. Exhale and return to the starting position. Do the exercise 8-10 times.

Exercise 8

Get on your knees, place your hands on the floor, placing them shoulder-width apart. Your arms and hips should be at right angles to your body. Spread your knees slightly.

Inhale and raise your right arm forward and up while simultaneously lifting your left straight leg back and up.

Return to the starting position. Then do the same with your left hand and right foot.

Repeat the exercise 8-10 times.

Exercise 9

Get on your knees and bring your legs together. Raise your arms above your head, palms forward.

Straighten your back and stretch your neck.

Lean forward very slowly while sitting on your heels.

Do not lower your arms down - they should always be in line with the body, as if continuing it.

The head should also be motionless.

When your chest touches your knees, relax your back muscles.

Touching your palms to the floor, relax your shoulder muscles and lower your head freely.

Return to the starting position, resting your palms on the floor, while simultaneously straining your back muscles.

Slowly straighten up, accepting vertical position. And at the end, lower your arms along your body.

When bending, exhale; when straightening, inhale.

Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

Sit on the floor. The back, legs and neck are straight. Toes point forward. Extend your arms in front of you at shoulder level, palms down. Breathe.

As you exhale, draw your stomach towards your spine, lower your head without tension and bend your back (your body should be shaped like the letter “C”). Hold this position for 5 seconds, and then return to the starting position.

Repeat the exercise 5 times.

Lie on your back. Bend your legs at the knees, place your feet as close to your hips as possible.

Stretch your arms out to the sides, palms facing the floor. Inhale, pressing your hands and head firmly into the floor, arch your chest, trying to keep your lower body as close to the floor as possible. Repeat the exercise 5-8 times.

Lie on your stomach. Fix your feet (for example, rest them against the wall).

Stretch your arms forward above your head. Exhale and arch your back (lowering your head freely).

Feel the stretch along your spine. After 5 seconds, return to the starting position.

Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.

Lie on your back. Connect your legs and bend at the knees. Place your hands along your body, palms down. Breathe. As you exhale, bend your legs to one side, feeling the stretch in the muscles on the opposite side of your body. At the same time, continue to keep your legs together, do not lift your shoulders and upper back from the floor. Exhale and return to the starting position.

Then do the same in the other direction.

Repeat the exercise 5 times in each direction.

Sit on a chair. Place both hands on your left knee. Shift your body weight slightly forward, straighten your back, pull in your stomach. Hold this pose for as long as possible.

Try to take this position several times throughout the day - it is very useful.

Walk on your toes or with a normal gait, placing a small pillow on your head.

Tips for exercises

Don't lift one shoulder up or move it toward the stretch.

If you want to correct your shoulders, try not to squeeze your shoulder blades.

If you are more concerned about posture, then when performing the exercise, connect your shoulder blades as much as possible.