Elizabeth Taylor's stunning eye color - a mistake or a gift from nature? Elizabeth Taylor's Purple Eyes (Photo) Palmaris Longus

Do you want to know the answer to Elizabeth Taylor's incredible look? It often happens that in a movie or on stage we see the image of some actress, and we like it so much that we try to repeat it. Some films in this regard generally set fashion trends in makeup for many years.

So, after the release of the film “Cleopatra” with Elizabeth Taylor, men all over the world were amazed by the actress’s unusually seductive and bright eyes, and women decided to adopt “Egyptian” makeup, and expressive black eyeliner came into fashion.

However, Elizabeth Taylor's eyes have a special secret, which I will tell you about today.

A recognized beauty with a bright unusual fate and the same original appearance, talented actress, who was called the “Queen of Hollywood” and won three Academy Awards. Needless to say, her personal life itself may well form the basis of a fascinating melodrama film, because Elizabeth married eight times, twice to the same man.

Elizabeth Taylor's parents literally immediately after her birth noticed something unusual in the baby's appearance - she had too many thick eyelashes.

The frightened parents even showed the girl to the doctor, but the doctor reassured them, saying that the whole reason was a genetic mutation, as a result of which the eyelashes future star Hollywood grows not in one row, like most people, but in two. This anomaly, which has become one of the winning features of the actress, is called distichiasis. She gave Elizabeth's eyes incredible expressiveness.

By the way, once at a casting, a very young Elizabeth Taylor was urgently asked to remove makeup from her eyes, since it seemed that she had applied several layers of mascara to her eyelashes.

Imagine the surprise of the directors and others present at the screen tests when it turned out that there was not an ounce of makeup on the girl’s eyes, and she had such eyelashes by nature.

However, two rows of eyelashes- this is not the only feature of Elizabeth Taylor’s appearance, which will subsequently conquer men’s hearts and win tens of thousands of fans around the world.

Still very tiny, Liz's eyes changed color at the age of six months and acquired a very rare shade - purple. Thus, Elizabeth Taylor became the owner of violet eyes, which were again the result of a genetic mutation.

But not only her amazing bright appearance, but also real acting talent helped Elizabeth Taylor become the queen of Hollywood. She began acting in films at the age of 10.

Her first Oscar was won by the film Butterfield 8, where she played the elite prostitute Gloria Vandrose. The actress received this award in 1960, and literally 6 years later she earned a new statuette for the best female role in the film "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?", playing the vulgar, scandalous Martha.

By the way, for this role, Elizabeth had to gain as much as 15 kilograms.

Elizabeth Taylor received her third honorary Oscar in 1993 for her humanitarian work.

In the actress’s personal life, everything was never smooth; the actress needed bright emotions and passionate feelings like air. That is why she walked down the aisle eight times.

She first got married at a very young age - only 18 years old, then her husband was a young representative of the Hilton dynasty. He was rich and gave his beautiful wife a diamond, which marked the beginning of her future famous jewelry collection.

But, despite the fact that the marriage was for love, it was not destined to last long; a year later Nick and Elizabeth divorced.

I will not describe for a long time all the relationships and marriages of Elizabeth Taylor, but her greatest love and the main man of her life (whom she married twice) is the actor Richard Burton, whom she met on the set of the film “Cleopatra.” In this film he played the role of Mark Antony, and Elizabeth belonged to main role great Egyptian queen.

For her role in this film, Elizabeth Taylor asked for a huge fee at that time - $1 million. And she received this money! At that time, no other actor had ever been paid that kind of money. At the same time, another 200 thousand dollars were spent on 65 historical costumes - the magnificent outfits of Cleopatra.

It was in this film that Elizabeth Taylor appeared with long black arrows, which instantly became the number one trend. Many women have tried to replicate this stunning image and it is still capable of causing admiration.

Is it possible to recreate the captivating look of Elizabeth Taylor? Today we have all the possibilities for this.

It’s unlikely that anyone will be lucky enough to get such lush eyelashes from nature, but thanks to modern technology extensions you can achieve the same incredible expressiveness and seductiveness of the look.

After all, there are different effects of extensions; each natural eyelash can have one artificial eyelash, two, and, if desired, even three, depending on the result you want to get.

Most often, one artificial eyelash is glued to one natural one, but to imitate the legendary captivating look of Elizabeth Taylor's eyes, two artificial eyelashes can be glued to one eyelash.

If you want to completely replicate the actress’s unique eyes, you can also use purple contact lenses.

Today, girls have many ways to change their appearance and create the image they want. And I’m always ready to help you with this when it comes to eyelashes.

Tags: [ elizabeth taylor eyelashes, elizabeth taylor 2 rows of eyelashes, elizabeth taylor her eyelashes, elizabeth taylor eyes, elizabeth taylor double eyelashes, elizabeth taylor double row eyelashes, elizabeth taylor eyes eyelashes, elizabeth taylor double row of eyelashes ]

Elizabeth Taylor is one of the most beautiful actresses peace. The charm of the legendary actress is truly hers distinguishing feature and the reason for this is a genetic mutation. This mutation was visible even in infancy; the frightened parents even took Elizabeth to the doctor and showed her unusually thick eyelashes with horror. The doctor reassured the parents, explaining that the child had a double row and there was nothing to worry about. A little later, at 6 months, her eye color changed. To the extraordinary, rare, or rather, the rarest - purple.

The reason for this color is again a genetic mutation called “Alexandria origin”. From birth, such people have a normal eye color (blue, brown, gray), but when 6 months pass, a change begins closer to purple.

The process takes about six months and during puberty the color becomes darker or mixed with blue. To your health purple the eye is not affected, the person sees everything just as well as other people. Studies have shown that 7% of Alexandria Origin owners are highly susceptible to heart disease. For Taylor, these problems were the cause of her death.

She was born on February 27, 1932 - the queen of Hollywood, the most famous brunette beauty of the 20th century and simply a great actress - Elizabeth Taylor.

When she appeared in the studio for her first screen tests, she was asked to remove the makeup from her eyes; the directors thought there was too much mascara on her eyelashes. And they did not immediately believe that this was her natural feature.

Taylor was able to prove that she is not just a beautiful “accessory” for cinema. She won three Oscars. Her first golden statuette was won by her role as an elite prostitute in the film Butterfield 8 (1960). The second award went to Elizabeth for her work in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966), where she played the vulgar brawler Martha. And in 1993, Taylor received an honorary Oscar for her humanitarian work.

One of the main films in the actress’s career was “Cleopatra” (1961). Firstly, Elizabeth received $1 million for her reincarnation as the Egyptian queen - a fee that was considered simply unheard of at that time. Secondly, 65 historical costumes for Taylor cost almost $200 thousand - such a budget has never been provided to any film actor.

Finally, it was this film that introduced “Cleopatra eyes” into fashion, that is, strong black eyeliner and long arrows.

Elizabeth is famous for her numerous marriages. She walked down the aisle eight times, twice with the same lover - Richard Burton. This man is considered the main man in Taylor’s life. They met on the set of Cleopatra. A whirlwind romance ended with a wedding in 1964.

After 10 years, Elizabeth and Richard divorced, but a year later they married again. The second marriage lasted only a year. Taylor and Burton's relationship was turbulent not only in life, but also on screen. Together, the actors starred in 11 films, including Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf and The Taming of the Shrew.

One of Elizabeth's closest friends was Michael Jackson. Taylor was the godmother of the musician’s two eldest children and communicated very closely with him. They say that it was Taylor who called Jackson the “King of Pop,” after which this title was assigned to Michael forever. In addition, the artist actively defended her friend from all attacks and accusations of child molestation. History has shown that Elizabeth was right, as the singer was later found not guilty. Jackson's death was a terrible blow for Taylor.

Elizabeth loved gems and jewelry. Most often she received such gifts from her husbands, especially from Burton. In particular, Richard presented his beloved with the famous pearl La Peregrina, the previous owners of which were the daughter of Henry the Eighth, Mary Tudor and the Spanish queens Margaret and Isabella. "I wanted this diamond because it was incomparably beautiful and had to belong to myself. beautiful woman in the world,” Burton once admitted.

Another famous donor of jewelry to the artist was Michael Jackson: Elizabeth received from him an exquisite ring with sapphires and diamonds. It is not surprising that in December 2011, Taylor’s jewelry collection went under the hammer for an impressive $116 million (with a preliminary estimate of $20 million).

Throughout her life, the artist was plagued by injuries and illnesses. She broke her spine five times. Back problems began after filming the film National Velvet (1945), when young Liz fell from a horse. In addition, Taylor underwent surgery on her hip joints, had a benign brain tumor removed, and different times she suffered from addiction to sleeping pills, painkillers and alcohol. And that's not yet full list. “My body sometimes drives me crazy,” the actress admitted.

At the end of February 1932, Elizabeth Taylor was born in London - a little girl with violet eyes and huge double eyelashes. Seeing rare occurrence nature, doctors diagnosed the newborn with distichiasis. Back then, no one could have imagined that the girl would become a great legendary actress, and that her strange but beautiful eyelashes would bring her worldwide fame.

Elizabeth Taylor is an Anglo-American actress of the last century, whose appearance was admired by all men. She was an enigmatic legend, a talented and beautiful “Queen of Hollywood.” Most women envied her beauty and uniqueness, many tried to imitate and be like her. Elizabeth was an object of admiration, a standard of beauty. The most important mystery was hidden in the gaze of the actress - a goddess, and thick dark eyelashes and rich color eyes were kept secret for many years.

Purple eyes and double row of eyelashes

Elizabeth lived brightly and spectacularly. She coped with any role. Everyone remembers bright image Cleopatra, who associated the actress with a mysterious look and expensive jewelry. For this role, the actress received a fee of $1 million.

To the first step career ladder she climbed at the age of 11. The girl with dark eyelashes was brought to the set for the first time to participate in the film “Lassie Come Home.” The director thought that the young actress had too much makeup on, and he sent her to wash her face. Everyone was surprised when it turned out that Liz didn’t have a drop of makeup on her face: nature gave the child bright eyes and fluffy eyelashes in two rows.

So, in 1943, she gained fame thanks to the mysterious look of her deep violet eyes and thick eyelashes.

At the age of 16, Taylor gained fame all over the world. Like a true star, she behaved boldly, tragically and happily throughout her life. Liz was late for meetings and events, threw tantrums, and pretended to be sick. She got away with everything. Men loved her, and women idolized and envied her. The actress was friends with Michael Jackson, and during the decline of her film career she supported her husband, a senator.

Taylor received three Oscars, and in 1999 her name was in seventh place on the list of the most bright stars in the history of cinema. Films starring the living legend are considered golden classics of cinema.

According to Time magazine, the violet-eyed actress was considered a "magnificent jewel." She lived with a serious spinal injury suffered in her youth during a fall from a horse while filming. Numerous whims, marriages, novels and adventures made her more attractive and charming. The purple iris and double row of eyelashes helped the actress win the hearts of new fans.

Reasons for the actress' double eyelashes

Under normal conditions, eyelashes grow along the edge of the eyelid. Behind the hairs are the meibomian glands, the secretion of which falls on the eyelid, lubricates the skin and prevents the eyelid from getting wet from tears. The upper eyelid contains 40 gland pores, the lower - 35. If hairs begin to grow through the pores, we can talk about pathology.

Eyelashes growing in an extra row are considered a genetic pathology that can lead to problems with the eyes and vision. Depending on the direction of hair growth, pain and irritation of the eyeball may be observed (when the hairs are directed towards the cornea) or no harm to the patient (if the eyelashes grow in the direction of the main ones).

Elizabeth's second eyelashes were growing in the right direction. They became the actress's assistant for life, without causing any discomfort.

Distichiasis - description of the disease

The genetic disease, first described by the German ophthalmologist Blatt in 1924, was called Blatt's distichiasis. Symptoms of the disease are considered to be an additional row of eyelashes on the upper and lower eyelids.

The disease manifests itself in extremely rare cases and does not depend on gender, age, or skin color.

Doctors make a diagnosis at birth. The disease can appear after parental eye diseases. The following are considered dangerous:

  • blepharoconjunctivitis is a chronic disease associated with inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane of the eyes and skin of the eyelids;
  • Lymphedema is a disease accompanied by the accumulation of fluid in the tissues.

Distichiasis in humans can appear as a result of a mutation at the genetic level. Research by scientists has shown the relationship of the disease with other forms of disease in the body: diabetes mellitus type 2, spinal cysts, heart disease.

Double eyelashes can also occur in animals, particularly in special breeds of dogs. Boxers, retrievers, collies, dachshunds, bulldogs, pugs, Labradors, and terriers can become carriers of double rows of eyelashes.

The prevalence of the disease among people is known: 1 case per 1 million. People diagnosed with tristichiasis and tetrastichiasis (varieties of the underlying disease) must treat the pathology so as not to lose vision and not damage the eye cornea. In childhood, the extra eyelashes are thin and look like fluff. Over time, they thicken and become tougher.

The direction of the second row of hairs is of two types. When eyelashes grow normally, the patient has no painful symptoms. On the contrary, his eyelashes appear thick and fluffy. Girls with such diseases do not need to use eye cosmetics. It is worse for patients whose second row of eyelashes is directed into the eye.

Hard bristles will irritate and scratch the eyeball, causing pain and discomfort. In some cases, the patient's vision may deteriorate.

The second row of eyelashes with the wrong direction can be removed surgically. There are several ways:

  1. Laser removal. Under the influence of the laser, the hairs become thinner with each subsequent session, but are not completely removed.
  2. Electrolysis. Electric current It is stronger, the effect is better, but the eyelashes also grow back over time.
  3. Cryotherapy. This method allows you to get rid of hair by quickly destroying the hair follicle under ultra-low temperature conditions.

How to artificially achieve the effect

Every girl dreams of her eyelashes being long and fluffy. In the last century, it was difficult to imagine that eyelash extensions and the use of colored lenses would become commonplace.

Elizabeth Taylor's genetic mutation helped her gain popularity and success. The successful placement of the second eyelashes made the star's gaze luxurious - bewitching, serious and mysterious.

A girl who wants to be like Hollywood actress- legend, can achieve the desired result.

  1. Violet or deep blue eyes can be achieved by using colored lenses. They began to be produced in the early 80s, so the purple color of the star's eyes was created by nature.
  2. You can get eyelash tattooing by choosing the size and shape of the arrow or simply filling the space between the eyelashes. To create such an image, you should carefully study customer reviews of the artist and choose a suitable specialist.
  3. You will get a magnetic, bewitching look if your eyelashes are naturally long and beautiful. It is enough to apply voluminous mascara on them, draw an arrow, and the result will not be long in coming.
  4. When nature has rewarded a girl with problem eyelashes (short, light, straight), you can go to a beauty salon and have hair extensions to the desired volume, correct the shape of the eye shape, or emphasize natural beauty. False eyelashes do not require additional cosmetics: your eyes will look great in any situation, at different times of the day. You can swim in a pool or river with hair extensions. The sea, however, is within reason.

Eyelash extensions require constant care, correction and expense. If a girl carefully handles artificial eyelashes, correction can be carried out a month after extensions. Depending on the shape of the eyelash curl, correction is carried out after 4 – 6 – 8 weeks.

Eyelash extensions can be done in a beauty salon or at home. There are two techniques: beam and ciliary. At the client’s request, the master can glue eyelashes with rhinestones, colored ones, etc.

Eyelash extension techniques are different. Classic, squirrel or fox, 2D-5D techniques, Hollywood look - it all depends on the desire of the client and on the skill of the lash maker. Technologies are updated every day, forcing specialists to keep up with the times.

A competent cosmetologist will advise and select individual image. If a girl likes the look of Liz Taylor, the extension specialist will give your shape the necessary volume and force you to pay attention, which will make the client more self-confident.

Eyelash row and smooth transition of lengths (video):

Eyelash extensions step by step (video):


Elizabeth Taylor died in Los Angeles at the age of 79. Fans remember her image, her mysterious look and luxurious double row of eyelashes. Girls dream of imitating great actress. An experienced master is able to radically change the client’s appearance, making her look like a Hollywood star. It is important to contact a good specialist and choose the right eyelashes. Everything else is a matter of technique.

Hollywood is rich in talent; in the vastness of Beverly Hills, stars quickly light up and illuminate people with their creativity and beauty for a long time. One of the most famous and legendary actresses, who is still idolized all over the world, was Elizabeth Taylor. Men admired her appearance, and women envied and imitated her. Passionate nature conquered the hearts of millions with early age and until old age. This unique person, capable of drawing you into your network with one glance. It was in her gaze that the mystery lay hidden. Fluffy eyelashes were one of the secrets that made Elizabeth famous.

She remained the standard of beauty even when her brightness faded. Rare women manage to achieve such heights; films with Taylor's participation have become part of the golden classics of cinema.

She is a queen, but not by blood, but by her proud nature. This is a legend for centuries for many reasons: for huge amount memorable roles, including the image of Cleopatra, for her craving for expensive jewelry, for her love for men and for her attractive, mysterious look.

She lived a beautiful and long life, in which there was a place for tragedy and happiness. Having become famous in childhood, she boldly walked through life, which with enviable consistency subjected her to difficult trials. While filming The Velvet Champion, young Taylor fell from a horse and suffered a serious spinal injury that haunted her until her death. Throughout her life, she has undergone 5 back surgeries, had hip joints implanted, a brain tumor removed, and much more, including plastic surgery.

By the age of sixteen she was already wildly popular and known all over the world. But along with career growth Elizabeth's demands also grew, she was late for meetings, feigned illness and constantly threw tantrums. But against all odds, Time magazine called her a promising Hollywood star and called her a “magnificent jewel.”

More than half a century famous actress entertained the tabloids with her antics, numerous novels and marriages, whims, luxurious jewelry and eccentricities.

What is the secret of an attractive look

Elizabeth Taylor's eyes still raise many questions to this day. Their color and fluffy eyelashes were truly wonderful that it was difficult to pass by. The color of the iris is purple. This is a rare phenomenon in medicine, and the doctors were excited when such a child was born and immediately predicted a great future for the girl.

The prophecy came true. As a small child, Elizabeth was called a beauty. She played her first film role at the age of 9.

The star herself said that she did not know the time when she was a simple girl; it seemed to her that fame was born with her.

The role that opened the doors of Hollywood for the girl was played in the film “Lassie Come Home” in 1943. The first day of filming was memorable for everyone present on set - the director decided that the young actress had applied an excessive amount of mascara to her eyes and ordered her to wash her face. But nothing came of it, because there was no decorative cosmetics, and the volume of eyelashes was a natural gift of beauty. The hairs grew in 2 rows. It was this double volume that gave the eyes incredible seriousness, expressiveness and mystery.

Elizabeth Taylor's double eyelashes - what's the reason?

The Hollywood star was the envy of all the women of that time; they wanted to have such beautiful, lush eyelashes and they tried to do it with mascara. But, perhaps, the fans’ fervor would have faded if they had learned that the secret of splendor lies in a congenital mutation.

Additional row of eyelashes - side effect a genetic disease that often causes health problems, complications and pain. The hairs can line up not only behind the usual frame, but can also take the direction towards eyeball and annoy him.

In rare cases, eyelashes grow into the cornea, and patients experience hellish pain, as if millions of needles are piercing their eyes.

When the girl was born, her parents were shocked by the appearance of her eyes. Distichiasis is extremely rare and few people knew about this disease. In addition, the color of the eyes was surprisingly dark blue. The baby looked at the world with an adult, conscious and incredibly beautiful look.

Fortunately, Elizabeth Taylor avoided such complications, and her mutation became business card and a pass to Hollywood. After all, back then there were not so many cosmetic procedures, and only natural beauty could help in career growth.

How to achieve the same eyelash effect as a Hollywood actress?

Elizabeth Taylor's genetic disease can be called one of the cutest. But not all women are naturally blessed with voluminous eyelashes and violet eyes. You can change the color of the iris using colored lenses, which can be purchased at any optician, and you can add a second row of eyelashes using eyelash extensions. Although many Hollywood stars imitate Taylor using false eyelashes, this is not very convenient for daily wear.

You can add volume using different techniques building up. Particularly popular is the classic method, in which tufts or single hairs are attached to natural hairs. Also, many bright ladies choose 2D-5D techniques, Hollywood look, etc. IN in this case it all depends on the client’s personal preferences. A lash maker with extensive experience can create absolutely any effect. Cosmetology is regularly updated with new technologies and it is possible to create not only a black frame for the eyes, but also attach hair with rhinestones, pearls, colored buns, etc.

Eyelash extensions will help you forget about mascara and always stay on top.

Photos of Elizabeth Taylor and her eyelashes haunt you? Then quickly go to an eyelash extension specialist and change your look. Lush volume, extreme length and charming curve will give you confidence in your image and will make others pay attention to you. It is important for a woman to feel irresistible, so do not deny yourself this pleasure. Strive towards your dreams boldly, as the Hollywood star, Queen Elizabeth Taylor, did in the 50s of the last century. You can enjoy the benefits of the beauty industry at an affordable price. Today you are a sly fox with long eyelashes along the edges, and tomorrow you are a languid beauty. Select the main thing good master and quality materials.

Elizabeth Taylor

Men leave, but jewelry remains forever. Elizabeth Taylor, who would have turned 83 on February 27, knew this better than anyone else. Numerous spouses and fans of the Hollywood diva adored her and literally showered her with luxurious jewelry, which made up the world-famous “Elizabeth Taylor Collection”. Today we are looking at a photo album" Elizabeth Taylor eyes and beauty's jewelry"

Elizabeth Taylor said that when she was born, she did not open her eyes for eight days. But when I did this, the first thing I saw was wedding ring her mother

WITH teenage years Elizabeth Taylor was fond of collecting jewelry with keychains telling about some memorable events in her life. On this gold bracelet you can see a keychain in the form of a movie clapper in memory of the film "The Taming of the Shrew", as well as a sphere with four medallions inside, on which are written the names and dates of birth of her children

Historical, iconic, legendary and even epochal are just some of the words that can be used to describe the jewelry that makes up Elizabeth Taylor's luxurious collection. The main Cleopatra of Hollywood was called a collector not only of precious stones, but also of the husbands who gave her these stones.

Without a doubt, one of the most generous donors was Richard Burton, whom Elizabeth Taylor married twice! It was this actor, whom our heroine met on the set of the film “Cleopatra”, which made her famous, who presented her with a 69-carat diamond ring as a gift. Gemstone, called Taylor-Barton, is still considered one of the largest in the world.

Elizabeth Taylor conquered the hearts of men who were ready to lay all the jewels of the world at her feet. Like this diamond ring dubbed "Taylor-Barton"

The famous Taylor-Barton diamond weighs just over 69 carats, the history of which dates back to 1966, when a rough diamond was found in South Africa. Jeweler Harry Winston made a pear-shaped diamond from it, which Richard Burton soon bought

While working on Cleopatra, Richard showered his Elizabeth with emeralds. The stunning Bulgari set was a reminder of a wonderful time in their lives. It was then that Barton uttered the phrase that became famous: “I introduced Liz to beer, and she introduced me to Bulgari.”

Elizabeth Taylor with her most generous husband, Richard Burton

Let's remember that Barton and Taylor's romance began on the set of the film "Cleopatra"

“Cleopatra's Mirror”, created by Bulgari jewelers specifically for the filming of the film starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. Made of gold and turquoise, it became one of the unique items in the actress’s collection.

Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra in the film of the same name

An emerald Bulgari necklace that was part of a set given to Taylor by Barton in memory of her filming of Cleopatra.

Taylor wore this necklace to the 1967 Oscars. It became happy for her: the actress received the coveted golden statuette for her role in the film “Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?”

Diamond brooch with emeralds and sapphires, given to Taylor by Barton in 1965. According to Elizabeth, this piece of jewelry from Tiffany&Co forever remained for her a symbol of the first stormy days of her marriage to Richard.

An indicator of Richard's enormous passion for Elizabeth was another impressive diamond (this time weighing 33 carats), named after the actress. She received it from her husband on Valentine's Day in 1968. This sparkling piece of jewelry was one of Taylor's favorites. She did not part with him until her death in 2011.

The Krupp diamond ring that Taylor received from Barton for Valentine's Day in 1968

“This ring brings me the most amazing feeling of beauty,” Taylor loved to say.

Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton

In 1971, in honor of the birth of Elizabeth Taylor's first grandchild, when she was 39 years old, Richard Burton gave her a Van Cleef & Arpels set with the words “You are so beautiful that no one will believe that you are a grandmother.”

Many ill-wishers claim that Barton tried to make amends for his betrayal with such generous gifts. Whether this is true or not, no one will know, but we must pay tribute to the actor - he gave not just jewelry, but a whole story. Like, for example, the Taj Mahal diamond, which the actress received for her 40th birthday.

Elizabeth Taylor wearing the Taj Mahal diamond pendant

It takes your breath away not so much from its beauty as from its “biography”. As the name makes clear, the stone is associated with one of the new seven wonders of the world - the mausoleum built in memory of his young wife by Emperor Shah Jahan. It was he who presented this diamond to his beloved Mumtaz Mahal four years before her sudden death.

A sapphire sautoir from Bulgari in the Art Deco style was one of Richard's gifts for Elizabeth's 40th birthday. A little later she complemented it with the same ring

The story of the famous “wandering” pearl Peregrina is also fascinating. As legend has it, the 55-carat mother-of-pearl stone was found in the 16th century and subsequently became part of the Spanish crown, in which Queen Isabella posed for the legendary Velazquez. Having acquired “the most flawless pearl in the world” (with the help of Barton, of course), Taylor handed it over to the jewelers of the House of Cartier, who made a luxurious pendant out of it.

In this form, Barton presented Taylor with Peregrine's legendary pearl. A little later, she ordered a frame decorated with rubies for her from Cartier

The legendary "wandering" pearl of Peregrina

Taylor called the “wandering” pearl the most perfect in the world

The saying “Men go, but the jewelry stays” was, to some extent, the definition of Taylor’s entire life

Elizabeth Taylor

The actress adored diamonds for the shine they gave to her look.

Elizabeth Taylor's special relationship with jewelry is also characterized by the fact that her famous book she wrote specifically about jewelry. In it, the actress talked about how she was a queen for all her husbands. It’s not for nothing that Mike Todd, the star’s third husband, presented her with an ancient diamond tiara with the words “You are my queen!” It was in it that she shone at the Oscar ceremony in 1957.

Elizabeth Taylor with Mike Todd, who presented her with a vintage tiara with the words “You are my queen” as one of the gifts

The same diamond crown made in 1880

In August 1957, Elizabeth Taylor and Mike Todd (her third husband) were vacationing in a villa in France. Elizabeth was swimming in the pool when Mike unexpectedly presented her with three red boxes with the Cartier logo, inside of which was an amazing ruby ​​set

Elizabeth Taylor

Cartier ruby ​​set

However, from time to time the actress presented such generous gifts to herself. For example, she once ordered sapphire clips from French jeweler Joël Arthur Rosenthal. They were made using stones of different shades to convey the special shade of Elizabeth's eyes. “She told me that her eyes were blue, like mine, sometimes green, but to everyone else they seemed purple,” the designer recalled.

Those same earrings from the French jewelry house JAR, conveying the subtle shade of the actress’s eyes

Elizabeth Taylor parted with her jewelry as easily as she accepted it. “I know that there is a certain amount of magic in my jewelry, and I hope that it will be passed on to other people, to store and protect those who will possess them, because we are all just temporary guardians of this beauty,” the actress admitted in recent years of your life.

Elizabeth Taylor

At an auction held after the death of a Hollywood star, her jewelry collection was sold for a record amount of $119 million.

Taylor wore almost all her jewelry until the end of her life.

During the auction in 2012, later called the most extraordinary, the starting price of 20 million dollars (this is the amount the star’s collection was valued at) was exceeded almost 6 (!) times. All proceeds were directed to various charities, just as Taylor herself wanted.
Maybe it was for such a big heart, and not just for her beauty and sensuality, that she was so loved by these generous men?