Money star of the year. Hostile Star #3 in the West. Future Prosperity Star #9 moves to the Southeast

Eastern practices are now more popular than ever, including Feng Shui, but many do not even realize how important the forecast is and what impact flying stars have on our lives and 2017 in particular.

I recently became interested in this topic and will share what I managed to learn about the forecast in the practice of Feng Shui and flying stars.

What are flying stars

Feng Shui technique under beautiful name"flying stars" is in no way related to stars in the traditional sense. This technique allows you to make a forecast for the future (for example, for the next year 2017) and prevent troubles. The method is not too complicated, and even those who are just starting their journey in Feng Shui can master it.

It is generally accepted that there are different types of Qi energy - namely 9 different types, and these energies move all the time, and not chaotically, but according to the same trajectory. These energies are usually called Flying Stars.

Flying stars are designated by numbers - from one to nine. Each energy designated by a number has its own character, its own distinctive features. However, these energies manifest themselves in different ways. There is a main energy of the period; there are many factors that can influence the character of certain stars.

How to use the Flying Stars technique

First of all, you need to draw a map. This is an ordinary nine-cell square, where the cells are marked in such a way that the upper central one is responsible for the south side of the world. The remaining cells are also marked with the corresponding cardinal directions, with the exception of the central cell.

The Flying Stars are painted on this map. It is important to take into account all the nuances - the history of the construction of the house, previous residents, the side where the facade faces. In multi-storey buildings, it is generally quite difficult to practice Feng Shui, but you can always find a solution.

You also need to keep in mind that each house has its own flying stars - Water (that is, front) and Mountain (that is, rear). The Water Star influences the financial success of the family, any financial matters, while the Mountain Star is primarily responsible for relationships and health.

This technique got its name because energies move all the time. That is, they move all the time, not being in a static position at all, and sometimes the situation changes dramatically - this happens once every twenty years.

Also, in each sector of the house (which can be conditionally brought to the same form as the map - draw a kind of apartment plan and correlate it with the cardinal directions), and you can mark on the map, Which sector did which star fly to in the New Year?

In addition to annual stars, there are also monthly stars - they exert their influence for a month, and then move to another sector.

If you make a Feng Shui forecast for your home, you can protect yourself from various misfortunes.

Learn to make a forecast for 2017 according to Feng Shui

All Eastern practices use eastern calendar, according to which the beginning of the year occurs at the end of January or February, it is important to take this into account in your calculations. Then you need to take your house card and correlate it with the lo-shu square - this is a special square where the flying stars for each year are marked.

You can create it yourself, or you can use a ready-made feng shui master. The lo-shu square is compiled anew for each year. By the way, there are many calculators on the Internet that help calculate the Lo-Shu map and indicate not only the annual stars, but also help to create special monthly cards, where the star of the year and the star of the month are indicated.

It is impossible to include all the secrets of the technique in one article, so here only basic principles, with which you can make your own Feng Shui forecast for 2017.

After you have correlated the Lo-Shu card with the house map, or received a special Lo-Shu calendar for each month, you can begin interpretation and analysis.

As I already said, each energy is numbered, it has its own color and element. By the way, color and element are not related to each other.

Why is the Lo Shu calendar needed? The point is that the card gives general ideas about how the year will go in each room, and the calendar helps to make a forecast and identify recommendations for each month. Making a calendar yourself is quite difficult, but you can always use an online calculator.

Descriptions of stars according to Feng Shui

To interpret upcoming events correctly, you need to figure out which star represents what.
  1. White unit, water element . In a positive sense, it symbolizes the triumph of intelligence - knowledge, inventions, skills. Can lead to both a successfully closed session and Nobel Prize.

    Negative meaning: blood and kidney diseases, as well as communication problems. In Feng Shui it is considered quite pleasant.

  2. Black two, element of earth. The good meaning of this star is associated with fertility and prosperity, luck and growth.

    BUT in the next few years this star appears only in a negative meaning - it carries gastrointestinal diseases and poisoning. For 2017, Feng Shui masters recommend being wary of deuces.

  3. Jade three, element of wood. One of the most stubborn and aggressive stars. Helps increase pressure, restore determination, and is capable of developing oratorical abilities.

    The negative side brings scandals, divorces, lawsuits. It is fraught with liver and leg diseases. In Feng Shui, it is generally accepted that it is better to maintain relationships with a three.

  4. Green four, element of wood . Interesting star, her focus is on love and science. May bring achievements in the field of literature or scientific work, significantly cultivates sexuality and charisma in people.

    The other side of the coin in this case is almost entirely related to sexuality - infidelity, debauchery, problems with gynecology. Feng Shui consultants often talk about the need to balance the four and free it from the influence of the sector.

  5. Yellow five, earth element . The yellow five is usually called ominous. In fact, this is one of the most powerful stars, and if it is in a positive stage, then it can bring incredible success. Unfortunately, the successful stage of this star will begin in a few years, so for now we should be wary of it.

    In its current state, it can bring various misfortunes and disasters, troubles and health problems.

  6. White six, metal element. A symbol of power, a sign of authority and good discipline. All areas that are tied to power and authority are under the influence of this star - military structures, various intelligence services, the army.

    The downside of the star is brain disease, difficulties with the law and problems with the authorities.

  7. Red seven, element of metal. Mystical star - favors learning foreign languages, and also contributes to the development of any metaphysical knowledge.

    In a negative stage it can lead to fire and imprisonment.

  8. White eight, element of earth. Star of money and wealth.

    In a negative stage, it can contribute to illnesses in young children, as well as loneliness and social isolation. The only good news is that the White Eight is rarely in a negative stage.

  9. Purple Nine, element of fire. One of the brightest stars, responsible for success, victories and great achievements.

    In the negative stage, it can cause damage to vision or eyes, and also leads to mental health problems.

How to interpret the forecast according to Feng Shui

The central sector is dominated by the White Unit; those people who spend most of their time in the center of the room (for example, in the center of the office) will be able to feel the influence of the White Unit - good luck will accompany them in business. If you want to strengthen her feng shui influence throughout 2017, then use talismans.

The black two in the northwest represents the Star of Diseases. Check on the map of the house to see if there is a place where babies or old people, or simply people with very poor health, spend time. Try to neutralize the influence of the Two on the feng shui of the room with the help of wind chimes or pumpkins.

The Jade Three will continue to sow discord in the west, although its influence will be weakened in 2017. You can protect the sector using decorative candles and lamps in red tones. Also in Feng Shui it is customary to use movable elements - this can be any decorative device that is both red and movable. For example, an oil lamp in which drops roll.

The Green Four in the Northeast will be quite weak due to the influence of the sector, so you need to try to strengthen it if you want to bring love and creativity into your life. Try to strengthen the influence of the Green Four with a figurine or a painting with a dragon; also, any Feng Shui symbols aimed at strengthening can help.

The yellow five in the south can bring negativity to all areas of a person’s life, so it is imperative to protect yourself and your home from the negative influence of the five. The best remedy- water with salt.

The white six in the north will be favorable if activated. It is best to use porcelain for this.

The red seven in 2017 may promise robbery. The element of the red seven is metal, and the element of its sector, the southwest, is earth. Metal comes from the earth according to Feng Shui, and therefore the southwest sector must certainly be pacified, best with the help of water.

The White Eight will occupy the eastern zone for 2017. For her the best side this is rather bad, because the east will slow down its action. An apple can help activate the power of the White Eight in the eastern sector - let it be crystal or stone, you can also choose an original lamp with the image of an apple or in its shape.

Purple Nine in the Southeast will be very strong, which means that any endeavors will be successful in 2017!

Feng Shui forecast of flying stars for July 2017 On July 7, the flying stars of the month will officially change their location, but since these stars, in addition to numbers, also represent energy, the changes will not be abrupt, but will begin smoothly from the sixth day and will come into full force around by July 11. What awaits us this month? One of the most difficult directions in July will be the southeast. A flying “Black Star” will land there - this is a star that brings with it health problems, exacerbation of chronic diseases, weakness and the like. It wouldn't be so bad (we all get sick from time to time), but in the southeast it would team up with the annual Purple Flying Star. This star is one of the best in its own right, but when it meets Black Star, it gives it unprecedented power. As a result, even mild discomfort can lead to serious problems. True, the southeast will struggle with the negative impact of this star. But if in July the number of illnesses in the family exceeds the statistical average, then you must definitely find the south-eastern part of the house and place something metal there, preferably Chinese coins or singing winds. The jade flying star is this star of conflicts and quarrels. She can quarrel with anyone. And, unfortunately, in July she will occupy the center of the house - “the center of heaven.” The center of the house, along with the entrance and bedroom, is one of the most important places. The center influences all the inhabitants of the house. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful about the Jade Star. She is afraid of the color red and bright light. If you place something red in the central part of the house and turn on the light as often as possible, the Jade Star will calm down and practically will not influence the life of the family. Now for the good stuff. The star of mind and intellectual activity will fly to the northwest. This star is a faithful assistant to those who study, develop, engage in creativity, and the like. So what if front door looks to the northwest, then it’s worth starting to implement what you’ve long wanted but haven’t gotten around to, for example, learn Chinese or start building an airplane. In the east, the flying star of the month will be a white star financial success. True, it is not very strong, and is unlikely to bring mountains of gold with it, but it is certain that the financial situation of those whose doors and bedrooms face the east will improve in July. This star can be given additional strength by placing water in the eastern part of the house; this will not only strengthen the star, but also activate the eastern sector - the Dragon sector. One of best destinations in July it will become northeast. A metallic white star will fly there. This is also a star of financial success, but this is already a real success. Moreover, this star will fall into a sector that will greatly enhance its capabilities. In general, the northeast will be a source of money in July. You can give it an extra boost by placing something in this part of the house that symbolizes the Earth - quartz crystals, crystal, lapis lazuli. Well, the leader in terms of luck in July will definitely be the north. The ruling star of the period will reign there. This star is responsible for all types of luck, it will help in everything and bring with it a lot of happiness and joy. But that's not all, she will team up with the year's financial success star. This is one of the best combinations of flying stars in Feng Shui. And if someone's doors and bedrooms face north, then that's just great - July will be a month of abundance and success for them. Good luck and lucky stars! All text.

Let's start our Feng Shui forecast for 2017 with the fact that the year of the Fire Rooster will begin according to the Chinese (Oriental) horoscope on the morning of January 28, 2017 at 04:07 a.m. and will last until February 15, 2018. This is a bright animal, so all year round you need to be energetic, cheerful, easy-going, fiery and hardworking. Such people are guaranteed victory and success!

To symbol of the year 2017 – Fire Rooster was even more loyal, put the Rooster figurine on your desktop. Choose one in the store that your hand will reach for. Periodically feed the betta with grains and treat him with something tasty. The god of wealth in 2017 is King Gesar, coming from the southeast. We will meet him from January 28 to February 3. Special dishes and treats are prepared in order to appease and attract the energy of prosperity, wealth, health, and good luck to your home.

There is a lot of Fire element in the Ba Tzu chart 2017, so it is very auspicious symbol success and prosperity this year is the image of the Eagle and Red Phoenix.

Astrologers advise making friends with coral, because... The planet Mars will be the patron of 2017. Everything gloomy and pessimistic goes away into frustration, so tune in to a good and positive mood for the whole year! As the song says: “And good mood will never leave you again..!” Feng Shui can help you!

Treat yourself to a new ring with a large crystal or stone. The stone can be anything, it is important that it suits you. Listen to your inner voice.

Feng Shui 2017 flying stars - forecast of success and prosperity

Let's look at the Feng Shui forecast for 2017 based on flying stars. They are also called wandering. Well-being, health and success - every person strives for these aspects of life. Someone is leading healthy image life, trying to realize dreams or climb career ladder. But not always and not everyone succeeds. It would seem that a person is doing everything possible to achieve success, but fortune passes him by. What's the matter? The answer can be given by the ancient Chinese teaching - Feng Shui. According to this science, a person's troubles can be easily solved by simply moving a few objects in the house or changing the direction of one's sleeping position. If you want to be on top of success all the time and not complain about your health, you should listen to the Feng Shui forecast of flying stars for 2017. They symbolize the different types of energy that settle in our homes for the whole year. Every year, flying stars change their position. Therefore, it is so important to track their route and take timely measures. Let's see which flying stars will “live” in the sectors of the house this year. Let's learn to neutralize or strengthen them.

For those who first encountered the interpretation of the lo-shu square of flying stars, it is necessary to understand the meanings of the sectors. The map grid is divided into nine squares, each of which represents a specific cardinal direction. The main sector of the house is the center, which also influences neighboring areas. The map features south, north, west, east, southwest, southeast, northwest and northeast. As a result, the square reflects all directions and the center. Using a compass, they determine where things are and act according to the forecast of flying stars. Let's see what stars will appear in the sectors according to the Lo Shu square for 2017.

Let's consider the sectors in order and remember that first we remove, put protection against bad (harmful, negative) stars, and only after that we activate favorable (positive) flying stars in 2017 according to Feng Shui.

Center of the house – star 1

In 2017, the tone is set by a positive unit or White Star 1. It is located in the central sector of the house (apartment). The star “one” promotes success and prosperity. With the help of this energy, you can achieve amazing success in your studies and any endeavors. Since the star is in the center, and this is usually the corridor of the house, residents are advised to cross this zone as often as possible. This is done to activate energy. If space allows, you can put a small sofa or a sitting area in this place. The longer the residents are under the influence of the White Star, the more success they will achieve. Also, to activate the positive energy of the star “1”, place objects that symbolize the element of water - crystal vases, good luck talismans. True, the aquarium should be excluded. This is how wisdom, luck and prosperity will come to your home.

North of the house - star 6

The white star “6” symbolizes luck, success and luck in all endeavors. The positive energy of the white star “six” will live in the northern part of the house in 2017. It’s good if there is a study or bedroom there. In this case, residents (especially those born in the year of the Rat) will experience success. Fortune will finally turn its face to you and will help you throughout the year. However, if the northern part of the house is cluttered, good luck and financial well-being you won't have to wait. Therefore, clear this place of unnecessary things and debris. Spend as much time as possible in the northern sector. A favorable location for an aquarium. To activate positive energy, place a couple of metal objects or talismans. For example, you can hang a string of six metal coins. The main thing is to constantly live in this sector. This will improve the financial aspect, as well as the personal and creative one. Feel free to turn to heavenly helpers for help, they live here all year.

East – star 8

The eastern sector (Rabbit sector) will bring prosperity to the family in 2017. The money star "8" symbolizes the well-being and well-being of the residents. By activating the eastern sector of your home in 2017, you will be able to forget about financial failures or difficulties forever. To do this, you need to place objects made of clay, ceramics or porcelain in the East. A money or dollar tree would be a great addition. You can do this - place a clay vase, and put a symbol of abundance inside. Place an aquarium in the east, figurines of hottei, the god of Wealth (King Gesar is the patron this year), a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth, and all that remains is to receive gifts of fate in the form of a promotion in your career or an unexpected offer of a highly paid position. Do not bypass this sector and the positive energy of the “eight” will definitely bring good luck to your home.

Southeast – star 9

This star generally carries positive energy. But you have to be a little careful with it. A star can only be strengthened if it is not surrounded by negative energies. In our case, in 2017 there are 8, 1 and 5 next to it. Five is a harmful and dangerous energy. Therefore, it is better not to strengthen the nine. You can place a small wooden vase or other wooden object in the southeastern sector. However, if there is furniture made of this material in this place, there is no need to place anything. Nine brings good luck in matters planned for the distant future. The Dragon and the Snake will be lucky. A small card with 9 peacocks or phoenixes will do good. An elephant figurine will have a good effect - one or seven, your choice.

Northeast – star 4

The Ox and Tiger sector (northeast) in 2017, the “four” is surrounded by positive stars. This suggests that she will bring mutual understanding between the spouses. If there is discord in the family, the situation in 2017 can be corrected with the help of the northeastern sector. Stay in this place more often and activate the positive energy of the star. You can do this by placing symbols of good luck and love in the room. For example, mandarin ducks, a pair of doves, pink hearts. It is important to remove objects that symbolize the element of water - glass or crystal flowerpots, paintings with its image or aquariums. There shouldn't be a lot of blue. In this case, real peace will come to the family, peace and harmony will reign. The star of romance has a beneficial effect on creative activity.

North-West – star 2

Two is considered one of the most malicious energies. She brings troubles and illnesses. Last year, 2016, this energy was in the center of the house and spread negative energy to all sectors. In 2017, the “black two” star moved to the North-West. Now the situation is not so dangerous, but it is necessary to neutralize this star. After all, the northwestern sector is a male sector. Place the image of the Unicorn and the Moon Yantra here. To protect against the “two”, place a figurine of the Medicine Buddha, a symbol of longevity, and a Wu-Lu pumpkin. It is desirable that the objects are metal. A bunch of 6 metal coins and a singing bowl will also help. Those born in the year of the Pig (Boar) and Dog need to take more care of their health, strengthen it, and take preventive measures. Avoid this sector of the house and stay there as little as possible.

West – star 3

If you do not want to ruin family relationships, avoid the Western sector. In 2017, the malefic jade troika will spread its energy in this direction. It brings discord, quarrels and conflicts. It is bad if the bedroom is in the West. Constant scandals and disagreements will become commonplace. Those born in the year of the Rooster should be especially careful, because... West is its sector. To avoid this, star “3” must be neutralized. To do this, the room must be lit bright light. You can also put candles and light them in the evenings. However, you cannot overdo it with the element of fire. Bright lighting will be enough. Light candles here periodically. Place a ksitigarbha figurine, lay down a red rug or hang red curtains. If there is a toilet with a bathtub in the west under the influence of the star “3”, then simply tie the pipes with a red ribbon, all the negativity will be washed away. Thus, the three is neutralized.

South – star 5

The harmful and restless yellow five will live in the southern sector of the apartment in 2017. It symbolizes a certain chaos, brings troubles and misfortunes. It is advisable to avoid this sector of the house and visit it as rarely as possible. Those born in the year of the Horse should generally avoid southern sector. The Five is neutralized without fail, despite the fact that it is surrounded by positive and strong stars. This can be done using wind chimes with metal tubes. Also place metal coins in a visible place - 6 pieces in a bunch or in bulk. The most effective way to neutralize is to ignore this sector of the house. For protection, use the right “salt-water-coins” remedy.

South-West – star 7

The Chinese really don't like this star. It brings many problems - robberies, bloodshed, health problems and many other misfortunes. In 2017, on top of that, it is surrounded by harmful stars, which further aggravates the situation. In the southwestern part there is the Goat (Sheep) and Monkey sector. Be sure to neutralize the seven with objects related to the water element. For example, install an aquarium or a small fountain. You can place glass, crystal or black objects. Try to avoid the southwest direction of the house, do not sit in this sector for a long time. Otherwise, trouble will certainly come to your home. Feng Shui tools come to the rescue here too; place 3 sprigs of bamboo in a crystal vase or lay down a blue rug. If the southwest does not fall on the bedroom, then you can also place an aquarium in this sector.

Follow the Feng Shui flying star forecast for 2017. Take steps to neutralize negative energies and enhance positive energies. As a result, you will protect your family from troubles and misfortunes, illnesses and business failures. By correctly strengthening the good stars, good luck will come to your home, financial difficulties will be resolved, and conflicts and troubles will leave the family for at least one year. Good luck!

Wallet color 2017 according to Feng Shui

It's time to find out what color the wallet is for the money.

The money color of the wallet in 2017 is red, scarlet, and coral.

Tips for raising money using a wallet:

  • Strengthen the effect money energy The image of a red rooster in your wallet will help. And if you make any efforts, then the work will only be beneficial. Print out the image of the Rooster and color it as you wish.
  • Place a bag of mint green tea in your wallet. This will also attract wealth and prosperity.
  • Update Chinese coins. Thank last year's coins and throw them away.
  • Fumigate your wallet with incense at least once a month.
  • On the new moon and during the waxing moon, perform a ritual with a green ribbon.

Let magic into your life and ride the waves of good luck throughout 2017!

East 2017 (Financial Well-being):

In the area Eastern Bagua your home in 2017 year will pass a very favorable Feng Shui star. There is potential for excellent Qi energy here, which can attract good luck and prosperity.

The 2017 Feng Shui star in this sector is Wealth Star #8 and its element is Earth. This is good because the element of the eastern region (Wood) is in harmony with the element of the Earth - the arriving star.

How to Feng Shui prepare the Eastern zone for a successful 2017:

Decorate with your favorite wealth-attracting amulets such as Chinese coins, wood, gems, money frog etc. The eastern sector of Bagua is good area to store your financial papers in 2017 and also to house your wealth vase.

Place some attributes of the Fire element here and a lot of decoration and interior elements of the Earth, avoid the strong presence of the Metal element here in 2017. Feng Shui crystals are especially good in the eastern sector this year. You may choose citrine or pyrite for their association with wealth. Tiger's Eye for strong protective earth energy or Amethyst for cleansing.

Make sure the energy of the eastern part of your home or office is clean and beautiful. Keep the energy fresh, flowing and happy.

Since this year is present here negative energy(the so-called three murders) - it is best to remain calm in the Eastern sector, and also use the Feng Shui remedy - salt water.

Southeast sector of Feng Shui 2017 (Future wealth):

Feng Shui Star No. 9, also called the Star of Future Wealth, or the Purple Star, is in the southeast region for 2017. This is a favorable star that brings a lot of good things with it.

The feng shui element of the Southeast sector (Wood) feeds the element of the incoming Star (Fire), so this is excellent.

How to prepare the South-East zone for a favorable 2017:

Put in money, such as Chinese coins tied with a mystic knot, money tree, three-legged toad, etc. A small amount of crystals, with the exception of stone beads (most decorative beads are not actually crystals).

Decorate this area with 9 items, such as 9 candles or 9 beads. Be creative and find a decor solution that works best for your home.

Healthy lush plants and beautiful fresh flowers can create great feng shui energy in the southeast area in 2017. A good treatment here would be lucky bamboo with 9 stems.

Bring a moderate amount of Fire colors, figures, illustrations and Fire items. There are many ways to bring the Fire element into your decorative items. Choose those that work well with your space and appeal to you for aesthetic reasons.

Northeast sector Feng Shui 2017 (Love and education):

In the area of ​​the northeastern sector of your home, the auspicious Feng Shui star No. 4, the star of Love and Romance, as well as Education, flies.

Think of the Northeast Bagua area of ​​your home or office as a powerful area that can nourish your love relationships and bring thoughtful imagery and even feng shui cures. If you have children, this is also a good area to increase energy for study and education.

How to prepare the North-East zone for a successful 2017:

Activate the energy of love here in 2017 with your choice of remedies such as double lucky sign, 2 hearts (choose rose crystals), a couple of tangerine slices, etc.

A variety of crystals can be laid out here, as well as the delicate Element of Water, both in the colors of blue or black, and a shiny mirror.

Lush green plants are superb in the Northeast sector in 2017.

Avoid the presence of a metallic element in your decor, such as large metal objects or a strong presence of colors such as white, grey, silver and gold.

Another element to avoid in decorating in the Northeast sector is Fire, which is expressed in red, orange, purple and hot pink, lots of candles, fire images, etc.

If you are considering a new career and/or want to gain more knowledge in a certain field - this is a good sector to store your books/ educational materials, as well as visual content related to your field of study.

North Feng Shui 2017 (Luck and Career Success):

In 2017, the Feng Shui star, which can help you with career success, visits the area of ​​the northern sector of your home. White Star No. 6 - Element Metal.

How to prepare the Northern Sector for success in 2017:

Place furnishings made of metal there, which can enhance your career energy. For example, you can put pictures of people you admire in a metal frame, or choose highlights from my own career. Be creative with your content in this sector.

The feng shui crystals here are also excellent, so good treatment there will be 6 crystals arranged beautifully. Choose any rock crystals you like and in any form - from natural formations such as clusters and minerals to crafted objects and spheres. For example, pyrite may work well in the northern part of your home (or office) in 2017.

Central Sector Feng Shui 2017 (General Success):

The No. 1 star visiting the Center in 2017 is a feng shui star associated with overall success - be it in career, love relationships, money or education.

It is the Water Element that visits the Earth Element zone, so it is best to focus on strengthening the Water Element and keep the Earth Element design under control.

How to prepare the center for a prosperous 2017:

In 2017, water and metal elements will be featured at the center of your home/office.

Colors blue, black, charcoal gray and white are all good choice to decorate the center in 2017 due to the energy of the feng shui elements.

It is necessary to avoid the presence of wood elements in the central sector in 2017 (Wood depletes the energy of Water). So avoid strong presence of green and brown colors, as well as tall large plants or focal images with plants/lush greenery.

Also here it is better to avoid the strong presence of colors of the Fire element in 2017, since Fire collides with Water, and thus weakens its energy. The Fire element also feeds the Earth, which can then further weaken the incoming Star's Water element.

The best feng shui treatment for the Center in 2017 is treatment with strong, victorious, joyful energy.

Horse imagery is a classic feng shui treatment that can work very well here. Wu Lou (Chinese gourd) metal is also recommended, as are round shaped items.

Northwest Feng Shui 2017 (Eliminate disease):

In 2017, the so-called disease star No. 2 is located in the northwestern sector. The element of the arriving star is Earth, and the element of Northwestern Bagua is Metal. Right off the bat, if you are familiar with the five elements of feng shui, you know how to use the design and healing elements for the Metal Element because Metal weakens the Earth in the cycle of destruction of the feng shui elements. I hope you will be wise enough not to decorate the sector with objects and colors of the Element that generates the Earth and, accordingly, strengthens it negative impact. This element is Fire.

Here's how to neutralize the bad influence of Northwest Sector energy in 2017:

Familiarity with the rules of design for the Metal Element will help the treatment, the purpose of which is to weaken the Earth Element of this complex annual star. You can take a metal singing bowl, such as the Wu Lu metal bowl, six chinese coins or any metal decorative item, preferably with round or circular shapes.

The North-West sector in 2017 is a good bagua area where you can perform treatment with salt water or just a bowl of clean water. The main thing is to keep this sector constantly clean and fresh.

Avoid Fire Element colors because Fire energy enhances the difficult 2017 star you want to weaken. Fire fuels the Earth Element of this star. Avoid strong bright lights and visible triangular trim pieces and candles here.

Feel free to decorate the Northwest sector with the colors of the Water, Wood and Metal Elements - blue, black, brown, green, grey, white and all metallic shades.

Avoid major repairs or finishing works in this area in 2017. By the way, a metal statue of Buddha will be an excellent feng shui element here.

West Feng Shui 2017 (Protection of Relationships):

Star No. 3 visits the Western sector of your home in 2017, making it a difficult feng shui bagua area. This star's energy is associated with strife and arguments, so be sure you know how to take good care of the West in 2017 to avoid negativity in your relationships.

The element of the arriving star is Wood, and the element of the West is Metal.
Since Fire and Metal are the elements that weaken Wood in the 5 Elements Feng Shui Cycle, let's focus on strengthening these two elements in the West in 2017. This will weaken the Tree Star's energy, thus neutralizing or at least minimizing its negative effects.

Here's how to neutralize the destructive influence of energy in the Western Sector in 2017:

A strong presence of the Fire Element is recommended here. Decorate with red and purple flowers, have candles, bright lights and triangular shaped elements. If none of this suits your particular Western sector, then even a couple of books with red covers might work. Or change your lampshade to bright red and buy red pillows.

Avoid water and wood elements here in 2017, which means limiting the strong presence of blue, black, green and brown. Make sure you do not decorate the sector with elements such as large plants (Wood element) or a large mirror (Water element).

The presence of Kuan Yin is an excellent healing tool to calm the energies present in 2017 in this sector.

Also, avoid loud noise and do not turn on the TV or computer in this area. You do not need to activate this sector, you need to create strong Fire energy, but not take it to the extreme. Find that unique balance where the Fire Element in your design is strong, but not so extreme that it causes heated emotions and controversy.

In 2017, there is the presence of a specific negative energy (traditional feng shui name - Tai Sui, Grand Duke of Jupiter) in the Western sector. Therefore, caution is necessary. One of the most popular cures is Pi Yao - place it in the area opposite the Grand Duke's annual location.

South Feng Shui 2017 (Avoid Failures)

In the Southern sector of your home or office in 2017 there are several strong energies- the so-called 5 (Yellow Star). Speaking in simple words What these feng shui energies can provoke if not adequately taken care of is various instances of failure in various areas of your life.

In the language of the 5 elements of Feng Shui, the complex annual energy of a star belongs to the element Earth. So, what you need to do to remove its negative effect is to use medicines that belong to the elements of Water or Metal. Why? Because these two elements weaken the Earth Element (in accordance with the same theory of 5 elements).

Here's how to neutralize the influence of the energy of the five in the Southern sector in 2017:

Post your yearly treatment here sea ​​water. Additionally, you can place a bowl of clean water, but do not install a fountain here throughout 2017.

Metal bells or heavy metal jewelry are a must in the South in 2017. In addition to the six-hole fan hammer, you can also put six metal Chinese coins, Wu Lu metal or wood, a metal bell or bowl of your choice, or Chi Lin metal.

Be creative and use different metals such as gold, silver, copper and brass.

Avoid fire element colors, which are red, purple, blue and orange, as well as earth element colors, which are sand and brown. Also, avoid triangular shapes (Fire element) and candles.

The 2017 Southern sector is best for metal items and certain colors such as white and gray (Metal) or blue and black (Water element).

Kuan Yin Statue, Goddess of Mercy, Wu Lu Metal or Feng Shui Dragon Statue will also be in place here. Make sure that the statues you use are not red in color.

As usual with the complex annual energies of Feng Shui, it is best to keep the southern sector of your home or office quiet. Do not activate this area loud music, watching TV or being too active.

Southwest Feng Shui 2017 (Protect your Home):

In the area of ​​the southwest sector is the complex star number 7, a star associated with unexpected negative events relating to you and the protection of your home. The element of this incoming star is Metal, and the element of the southwestern sector is Earth.

This means that you should do everything possible to limit the attributes inherent to Earth here, as this only enhances the influence of the incoming star.

For healing, you need to focus on the water elements to weaken the Earth element, because Earth gives more strength to Metal, according to the five cycles of feng shui elements. Also avoid the presence of Fire attributes here (which ones we have discussed more than once above).

Here's how to neutralize the influence of negative energy in the Southwest sector in 2017:

Decorate the sector with the colors of the Water element - blue and black - with various home decorations such as pillows, lampshade, rug or curtains.

Avoid strong metallic presence in colors (white and grey) or actual furnishings. Also avoid the earth element in color or actual pieces such as crystals and ceramics.

As with all challenging feng shui areas, keep the southwest sector calm in 2017, free of renovations and noise-free.

So, to summarize - be sure to take care of those Feng Shui areas that are affected by negative energy so-called "bad stars". And, of course, strengthen and take advantage of favorable sectors with “good” stars that have flown there!

Some of the information in the article is taken from the materials of the excellent Feng Shui master, Lilian Tu.

Flying stars 2017

According to Chinese Solar calendar, On February 3, 2017, the annual flying stars will change. In what sector will each star fall this time?

Southeast - (star 9) - favorable The purple nine in the Southeast can give not only love, but also good luck in work. Long-term projects will be especially successful. It's good to organize a workplace here.

Star activation: Place any “motion generator” in the sector (for example, a flickering light source, a fan, a pendulum) and turn it on from time to time.

South - (star 5) most unfavorable Yellow Five is a flying star of problems and misfortunes. It can destroy any area of ​​a person’s life. It is advisable not to disturb the southern sector again and refrain from repairs. It is highly not recommended to sleep in the South. If for a number of reasons you cannot leave the southern sector of the apartment, at least move the bed to a more favorable sector within the room.

Star Neutralization: Be sure to remove all red objects, candles and other elements of the Fire element. To weaken the star, place a powerful neutralizing agent in the South -. If your front door is located in the South, hang metal air bells with 6 hollow tubes here.

Southwest (star 7) - unfavorable The Red Seven will attract to the Southwest monetary losses and robberies. The cash register, safe and even an ordinary piggy bank should be removed from this sector. If your front door is located in the South West, it is a good idea to change the locks and exercise extreme caution. It is especially important not to open the door to strangers and, even more so, strangers. The sector is so unstable that it is better not to work here (especially for men!).

Star Neutralization: The element of Water will help to extinguish the ardor of a negative flying star, namely blue or black objects, three branches of bamboo in water, or just a vessel with water. Please note: we need Yin Water, which means no fountains or aquariums!

East (star 8) - favorable. White Eight is a flying star of money, prosperity, well-being and wealth. It promotes stable receipt of money. But the conflict of energies in the East will inhibit the favorable influence of the star. This means that in order to receive benefits and a large income, you will have to make efforts, namely, work well and fruitfully. Only in this case will you be able to reap a truly impressive “harvest.”

Star activation: Items made of clay, ceramics, crystal and other elements of the Earth element will help enhance the effect of the star.

Center (star 1) - favorable White unit is a flying star of well-being, prosperity, stability, career growth, creative and intellectual activity. A favorable star will set the tone for the whole year, which means that in 2017, studies will be especially successful, as well as work related to active thought processes.

West (star 3) - unfavorable The Three of Jade will bring conflicts, enmity, disagreements and legal disputes to the West. If you sleep in this sector, be prepared for regular scandals and outbreaks of aggression. Of course, it is better to move the bed to a more favorable place.

Star Neutralization: To weaken the adverse effects of the triple, you need Fire, namely light (lamp) or any objects of red light (rug, curtains).

Northeast (star 4) - favorable. The Green Four is the flying star of study, romance and creativity. It will help strengthen the relationship between lovers or attract your soulmate. In addition, the quartet has a beneficial effect on scientific and literary activity, the field of arts. You can sleep and work in this sector.

Star activation: To attract love, place any paired items here. For example, mandarin ducks, two pillows or something else.

North (star 6) - favorable The White Six will bring success in business, career advancement and financial stability to the house. If your work is in one way or another connected with government and military structures, politics or production (this means manual labor), then to get a promotion, you should spend as much time as possible in the North. If your front door is located in the North, expect great luck!

Star activation: Metal objects will help enhance the effect of the star (but do not overuse them!)

North-West (star 2) - unfavorable Black Two is a flying star of diseases. If you are often in the Northwest, take care of your health! Pay attention to every ailment and take preventive measures. Elderly people will be especially vulnerable; it is highly advisable for them to avoid this sector altogether. If your front door is located in the North-West, the most main member families.

Star Neutralization: Famous neutralizers include gourds and wind chimes. You can simply place a metal object here.

Anastasia Volkova for the column