Niall Horan - Niall Horan. How did Niall Horan's star light up? Interesting facts about singer Niall Horan, how old is he?

Full name: Niall James Horan

Niall was born in Mullingar, Ireland. Only 20,103 people live in Mullingar and one of them has already become famous throughout the world. Producers – maybe it’s worth looking for a couple more gems there?

Niall's parents are Maura Gallagher and Bobby Horan. He also has an older brother, Greg. Alas, Horan's parents divorced when he was only five years old. The children lived between houses, however, after a few years they decided to live with their father in Mullingar.

Horan's talents were visible already from childhood - he sang in the school choir, which participated in events before Christmas.

Before becoming famous on The X Factor, Horan was already actively involved in creativity, and even opened for Lloyd Daniels. He actually started playing the guitar from childhood.

It should be noted that Horan has excellent taste in music; according to him, he is a big fan of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, The Eagles and Bon Jovi.

Full name: Liam James Payne

Liam was born in Wolverhampton, England. Apparently, Payne wanted to please his fans as quickly as possible and was born three weeks ahead of schedule. His parents are Karen and Geoff Payne. Liam has two older sisters, Ruth and Nicola.

Until the age of four, Payne was, alas, a regular visitor to the hospital, where doctors gave him 32 injections morning and evening, he had a problem with one of his kidneys. However, as he grew older, Liam became strong and actively involved in sports and even took up boxing. He also studied music, which later brought him a lot of benefit, as they say, the result is obvious.

According to Payne, his influences include Justin Timberlake and Gary Barlow.

Full name: Harry Edward Styles

Harry was born in the small town of Evesham (22,304 people in total). However, already in childhood, he, his parents and older sister moved to Holmes Chapel. His parents are Anne Cox and Des Styles. His parents divorced when he was seven, then his mother remarried. At the age of 16, Harry worked in a local bakery.

As a child, Styles loved to sing, especially Elvis Presley and The Beatles. Already as a child, Styles began to get used to awards; as the lead singer of the White Eskimo group, he won local competitions.

In 2010, Styles, like other members of 1D, came to The X Factor show, where the birth of the miracle group took place

Full name: Louis Troy Austin Tomlinson

Tomlinson was born in Doncaster, a small town in England with a population of 127,851 people. By the way, if you are going to the musician’s homeland, then you need to book tickets to the airport from beautiful name- Robin Hood Airport Doncaster Sheffield.

Louis could well have been performing under the surname Poulston or Austin, but he took the surname of his stepfather, Mark Tomlinson. Louis's parents, Joanna Poulston and Troy Austin, separated when the singer was very young. Louis has five sisters!

Before Tomlinson became famous, he could be found as an employee of a cinema, at the football stadium of a local club, as a waiter. However, even then it was clear that this was temporary - Louis gravitated towards creativity. Yes, he took part in some musical performances, one of which led him to the idea of ​​trying himself on The X Factor.

Tomlinson also appeared in films, where he appeared in minor role Fat Friends, and after filming he began attending film school. Following Fat Friends, he landed small roles in If I Had You and Waterloo Road.

What happened in 2010, we think, is not worth describing in detail. Tomlinson came to The X Factor and... lost. However, defeat helped him become one of greatest musicians on at the moment among young performers: together with other guys, by a judge's decision, they tried to create a group and, without becoming winners in the reality show, they defeated all competitors in real world: fans fill the halls, buy up tickets in seconds and are ready to wait for their favorites day and night.

He no longer works in cinemas and is considered one of the richest young men in Britain, but you can still meet him at football. Tomlinson is not just a fan of his home club Doncaster Rovers, but also its player! Louis signed a semi-professional contract with the club, which allows him to occasionally take part in matches of reserve teams.

“It's incredible. I'm a huge football fan and grew up in Doncaster. Becoming part of the club is my dream,” said Louis

1) What irritates you about yourself?
-my braces, and that habit when hugging. Just understand, I always bury my nose in my neck when they try to hug me.

2) Do you dye your hair?
-You know

3)Have you talked to fans on Skype?
- of course!

4)What day are you looking forward to?
-my wedding day

5) How often do you wash your hair?
-When Zayn reminds me of this. (Eh..What would you do without Zayn?)

6) Are you involved in charity?
-From 16 years old

7) Do you only wear designer clothes?
-I often go to second-hand stores

8) Favorite ice cream?
- Banana. And strawberry yumm

9) Bi? Gay? Straight?
-you're crazy!! (laughs)

10)Have you played spin the bottle?
-Yes, but when Louis forced me to kiss him on the lips, I ran away. Never play this crazy game!

11) What do you say to a fan you like?
-Nothing! I will immediately begin to feel embarrassed, become clumsy, and in general I will act like a fool, blushing terribly at the same time.

12)What makes you angry?
-Stupid girls...rrrr

13) What things are with you now?
-Phone, keys and... wait a minute... (rummaging in his pockets) Oh no, you can't know about this. (embarrassed)

14)What do you prefer: hugs or kisses?
-Hugs...kisses...hugs...and more kisses...both. and anyway, let's have the next question.

15)Rihanna or Nicki Minaj?
-Rihanna's legs and butts... and Minaj's face... Both girls

16)What are your friends' names?
They call me: “Niall?!” It's you?!" Do you also think this is stupid?

17) Puppies or kittens?
-Pussies? Hmm, both puppies and pussies.

19) Do you have more girl or guy friends?

20)Kissed in the rain?
-How disgusting.

21) Do you consider yourself a romantic?
-Ehehehe... yes.

22)Have you taken a shower with someone, I mean, not alone?
-...Next question.

23)What eye color do you prefer? Blue or Brown?

24) Three favorite colors?
-Green, blue, black

25) Three favorite animals?
-Dogs, turtles, chipmunks
-Why chipmunks?
-well... they love nuts, that's cute

26) Favorite male name?
-Hmmm... Niall (laughs)

27) Favorite female name?
-Idunno. (I'm a little surprised)

28) How about “love at first sight?”
- I believe, but I don’t practice

29) Do you believe in Santa Claus?
-Yes, when I was little, I was sleeping before Christmas, and in my dream I saw a huge bowl of salad. I thought: I really want a salad! So what do you think? When I woke up, there was a whole bunch of salad plates on the table. And sandwiches too. Santa, thank you!

30) Do you drink alcohol?
-…..curious bitch

31) Ideal girl?
-With brown eyes and dimples on the cheeks. yummy!

32)How many children do you want?

33)When was your last kiss?
-Um, I don’t remember.

34) If you laugh for a long time, does this mean that it is a stupid laugh before tears?'s true.

35)How many brothers or sisters do you have?
-One brother, and my favorite sandwiches... yes, one brother.

36) Favorite sport?

37) What will you do when you grow up?
-I’ll finally become a man

38)Have you had a fracture?
-Yes, and not alone.

39)What or who is annoying you right now?
-Liam eating cake

40)What day do you never look forward to?
-Birthday ugh..

41)What kind of chocolate do you eat?
-I don't like chocolate

42)Have you had sex?
- No-o-o-o-o! (noope)

43)Have you appeared naked in front of someone?
-yes (disappointed)

44)Have you watched a porn video?
-PFF. Nope!

45)Have you kissed a guy?

46)Have you broken anyone's heart?

47) Was there sex on the first date?
Mmm, you know......wait, I said I didn't have sex! >< (Ну и пиздюк же, ты Хоран-__)

48)Which website do you visit most often?

49) Would you like to change your name?
-Excuse me what? NEVER.

50)What would you do if you became a girl for a day?
- I would touch my... my... my... ah, breasts all day long. (yeah, but before that he said that he had never watched porn. He’s a pervert, he’s a pervert in Ireland too:)

-Nyler and only

100 facts: Niall Horan 1. Niall Horan does not follow Justin Bieber on Twitter. 2. Niall once argued for 30 minutes with a security guard at the airport because he was not allowed to bring food on the plane. 3. Niall: One night Harry (1/5 1D) pointed a flashlight at me and I couldn’t sleep, and to be honest I thought it was aliens and started screaming 4. At concerts, managers give Niall the quietest microphone, and Harry - the loudest, once Harry changed them. 5. Niall: “I’d date a fan if she didn’t scream in my face!” 6. Liam (1/5 1D): Niall is like my girlfriend. Every time we go out, I buy him food if he's hungry. 7. Niall once wanted to give up his hotel room for the fans waiting in the cold. 8. Harry once poured iced tea on Niall while he was sleeping. 9. Niall would never refuse a cheeseburger. 10. Niall doesn't deny the idea of ​​dating a fan. 11. The worst thing for Niall is getting up early in the morning. 12. Of all the boys from in One Direction, only Niall followed Mark Tomlinson, Louis Tomlinson's father, on Twitter. Even Louis himself didn’t follow him. 13. Selena Gomez gave Demi Niall's phone number. 14. Niall puts 3 tablespoons of sugar in the tea. 15. Niall started wearing braces in December 2011. He had them removed in April 2013. 16. Niall's favorite flavor of candy is - green apple. He also likes the cherry flavor. 17. Niall passed his driving test. 18. When Niall is nervous, he laughs more than usual and tries not to make eye contact. 19. Niall likes it when a girl wears Victoria's Secret perfume. 20. Niall has claustrophobia. 21. On last concert Up All Night tour, Niall thanked the crowd and cried. 22. Niall said that if his girlfriend was a Director, he would sing songs to her every day. 23. Niall is the most followed Irish person on Twitter. 24. Niall says that his future girlfriend should be fun and as crazy as him. 25. Niall takes great pains to make sure he doesn't lose his Irish accent. 26. Niall said he couldn't live without Liam. 27. Idol-Muckle Buble. 28. Niall is the only one in the group who prefers to eat sweets for breakfast. 29. When Niall was 5, he sat on his uncle's wedding cake. 30. Niall is the only member of the group who hasn't dated anyone since X Factor. 31. One day Niall was punished and was not allowed to go to school for 3 days in a row because he talked too much in class. 32. He screamed when he saw Justin Bieber following him on Twitter. 33. When Niall hugs someone, he always hides his face in the neck of the person he hugs. That's why everyone loves his hugs 34. Demi said that Niall is cute, but nothing will happen between them, as she wants to remain single. 35. Niall and Zayn have a secret handshake that no one else knows. 36. Niall knows almost all the lyrics to Justin Bieber's songs. His favorite: U Smile 37. For his birthday, Niall wants to get a tattoo of his birth date on his wrist. 38. Niall always drinks a glass of water before falling asleep. 39. If Niall attended Hogwarts, he would want to be on the Slytherin team. 40. Niall: “I can fall in love with absolutely any girl, because I love not with my eyes, but with my heart.” 41. The only one from the group who is left-handed. 42. His first tweet was for Justin Bieber. 43. Niall: “If I looked like Zayn, I'd date myself.” 44. In addition to singing, Niall has also been good at playing the guitar since childhood. 45. Niall is very friendly with girls. 46. ​​He likes summer more than winter. 47. Niall likes girls with brown eyes. 48. Niall has never taken a girl home. 49. Once at a concert, a fan threw a hamster at Niall. 50. Niall likes to promise a lot, so he often remains silent in interviews. 51.Niall is always in touch with his fans. He has more than 2 million followers on Twitter. 52. Pop star Katy Perry is a big Niall fan. Katie cheered for him on X-Factor in the UK in 2010 and recently congratulated him on his band's success in the US via Twitter: "Niall, congratulations, keep up the good work! xo" 53. Niall Horan has " iron nerves. At the beginning of this year he got into car accident in England. After that, he said that he felt funny. "I actually laughed a lot afterwards. I don't even know why, but I thought it was funny," Horan said. 54.Previously, he had problems with his teeth. Before One Direction went to conquer the USA, the group's managers forced Niall to put braces on his jaw and now he has a charming smile. 55. He likes women much older than him. Niall once said: "I like Irish TV presenter Christina Bleakley, she's a friend of mine. She's absolutely incredible and I think she's gorgeous. I like older women." (Bleakley is 15 years older than Horan) 56. In addition to the fact that he talented singer Niall is also a great guitar player. Niall says he got a guitar for Christmas and it was best gift which he received. 57.Who inspired Niall Horan to sing? Michael Buble. When Niall sang in the car, his family noticed his vocal abilities. "My aunt thought the music was on the radio. The same thing happened with Michael Bublé and his father. He's my idol, I love that we have similar stories." 58.Niall: One night Harry pointed a flashlight at me and I couldn't sleep and to be honest I thought it was aliens and started screaming. 59.Niall: I won't date a model because models are perfect and completely boring. 60.If Niall attended Hogwarts, he would want to be on the Slytherin team. 61. We all have fake Twitter accounts where we pretend to be directors. 62.When Niall is bored or finds something difficult, he starts dancing a strange Irish dance. 63. In front of the stars, Niall is the only one who doesn’t act cool and is shy. 64.Niall: I hate it when girls act stupid, they think it's cute but it's not at all. 65.Once, when Harry was talking in his sleep, Niall thought it was a fan. He ran and jumped into Zane's bed to defend himself. 66.If Niall gives you his last chip, you must be very special. 67.Idol-Muckle Buble. 68.Always joyful. 69. Niall: We don't litter in hotels, but we do run around naked from time to time. 70. Liam: I still believe in Santa. Zayn: yes, he exists Niall: OOO Zayn: You think he doesn't exist? Niall: Of course not Zayn: Shut up, you devilish leprechaun!!! 71. Niall: I know you love me, I know you care. Liam: how did you know, Nialler? Harry: He didn't talk about you Liam. Narri Storan forever, baby. Louis: what about Larry Stylinson?! Zayn: Liam, I thought Ziam was real. Niall: guys, I was talking about food. 72. Niall: I have songs on my iPod. Spanish. They are perfect for Louis and Harry's crazy dances. 73.Zayn: How can you not love Niall? He's like teddy bear- you press on the tummy and he says: “I love Bieber.” 74. Niall: Sometimes, some fans hug other guys in the group, but not me. I smile, but in fact I’m not very pleased. 75. Niall: whenever I have free time, I like to listen to different music. Zane: Not different music! Let's face it - only Bieber! 76. Niall: I hate watching guys abuse and mistreat their girlfriend. Then the thought immediately comes to me that she would be better off with me. 77. “One day, Niall, sitting on the floor, spent hours trying to put his m&m’s in alphabetical order.” 78. If you weren’t in 1D, what would you be doing now: studying at a sound engineering institute 79. which celebrities crushed you: Demi Lovato or Cheryl Cole do you play any instrument: I play guitar 80. What three things can you not live without: my phone, my heart and my family Which celebrity's style do you prefer: Tinie tempah!... 81. Who is your favorite band/artist: the Script I love them because A- they are Irish B- every song has a story to tell 82. What is your biggest achievement still so far away: obviously the X Factor final and recording this album 83. The Sun or snow: sun 84.If you had one super strength what it would be like: invisibility 85. Which actor do you think would play you in a film: if this film is about my past years of my life, then it would be my hero - Liam Neeson. 86. At school, Niall didn’t know math well, but he knew French well. 87. If Niall really loves a girl, he will be a faithful and loyal guy 88. "I'm looking forward to the day when I marry a fan" 89. Niall is the only one member of the group who hasn't been in a relationship since the formation of 1D. 90. Niall believes that directors are the best beautiful people in the world!!! 91. Niall cried on the first day of school when his mother left because he thought that she had abandoned him. 92. One day, Niall saw a fan crying in a hotel. He hugged her and said, “Please don’t cry.” Niall doesn't like it when girls cry. 93. If Niall feels comfortable, then he lays his head on the shoulders of the one he hugs. 94. Niall announced to all his fans that he was itching... and scratched ahahaha 95. Niall likes to speak with his Irish accent. 96. Niall likes it when a girl hugs him without asking permission. 97.If any fan comes from another country for my sake, then we will definitely eat Nandos together. - Niall 98. When a girl talks to Niall, he silently listens carefully to every word she says. - Louis 98. One day we were at Harry's house and he decided to pretend to be a whale, then his mother came in and told us to stop making sexual noises. - Niall 99. I once saw my girlfriend hugging another guy. I got very angry with her and said a lot of unnecessary things. Then it turned out that it was her brother. -Niall 100. Age is just a number. Who cares how old the girl I'm dating is? -Niall

Niall Horan is popular American singer. He was born on September 13 (Virgo according to the horoscope) 1993 in Mullingar, Republic of Ireland. Full name– Niall James Horan. His height is 173 centimeters.

Niall grew up in ordinary family. His mother's name is Maura Gallagher and his father's name is Bobby Horan. Unfortunately, the Horan family was not as happy as they wanted, and therefore, five years after the birth of their son, they decide to divorce. Soon the mother finds herself a new life partner. Niall began receiving his first education in his life at St. Kenny National School and Catholic high school" But he also loved music, and often played his brother Greg's guitar. It was for this reason that he was frequent guest at the Mullingar Arts Centre.

In addition, the guy was very fond of sports and was an ardent fan of sports such as cricket, football and tennis. For this reason in school years he often played football with his friends.

Path to glory

Life was simply wonderful because Niall always had music around him. She accompanied him on the difficult path of adulthood, stayed with him in those very difficult times and was always a part of his life. It was with music that the desire to achieve his dream began to manifest itself - to become in the future popular singer. Perhaps it was faith and perseverance that were the qualities that could help young Horan become who he is at the moment.

As Niall himself states, his idols and brightest inspirations were such famous and talented people as Michael Bublé, Frank Sinatra and Bon Jovi. He also said that he has a lot in common with Michael Bublé, as their life stories are very similar.

Niall Horan first made his presence known in 2010, when he attended the auditions for the seventh season of the famous television reality show “The X Factor”. His performance of "So Sick" did not impress judges Cheryl Cole and Katy Perry, although Simon Cowell was very pleased with the performance young singer. Thus, his journey on reality television did not turn out to be fruitful.

He was one of the few contestants from this season who were chosen for the X Factor Bootcamp to polish his skills. Famous singer Nicole Scherzinger, who was one of the reality show's guest judges, suggested that Niall Horan would team up with four other contestants and form their own band.

Thus, Niall Horan collaborated with Zayn Malik, Harry Style, Louis Tomlinson and Liam Payne to create the group One Direction.

Life in One Direction

The band began their fruitful collaboration by covering several popular songs, such as Kelly Clarkson's "My Life Suck Without You" and Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse Of The Heart." The group performed on several shows and, with the help of X Factor judge Simon Cowell, secured a £2 million deal with the Syco label.

Soon after, they embark on a tour to several cities in the United Kingdom. During this entire period, many fans of the show watched us and when they learned about their tour of the United Kingdom, tickets began to sell out at lightning speed. Thus, all the halls were simply overcrowded. It is believed that around 500,000 people attended their concerts. Not bad for a new boy band.

In 2011, the group's first album, “Up All Night,” was released. They then released several other albums, namely Take Me Home and Midnight Memories, which were also successful.

Having been part of One Direction for some time, Niall Horan signed with Capitol Records for his solo career in 2016. His single "This Town" was released in September 2016. It achieved numbers 9 and 20 on the UK Singles Chart and Billboard Hot 100.


Niall Horan also participated in football match in 2016, organized by UNICEF to raise funds for charity. He played in a team that included several celebrities such as actor and activist Michael Sheen, singer Nicky Byrne, and chef Gordon Ramsay.