BTS, group members: biography, history and interesting facts. Korean group BTS, biography of BTS members Rap monster biography

South Korea has repeatedly surprised the world with its musical talents. Now this is a group BTS, operating under the BiqHitEntertainment label. Many people took part in its promotion famous musicians. And the selection of participants took place throughout the country.

Although the group was formed in 2010, its performance at a music show in June 2013 brought it fame. And the number 13 turned out to be lucky for the seven members of the group. The audience liked not only how the guys sing and move on stage, but also the fact that they came up with it all themselves. Before their debut performance, the group shot two videos for the tracks Bulletroof Boy Scouts Graduation and School Of Tears, so the audience appreciated their work in advance. To achieve success, you need to work long and hard on the composition of the team, the quality musical material, its execution. And the producers held great job, which brought tremendous success.

Currently, BTS has tens of thousands of fans all over the world. By the end of the summer of 2013, the band released their first album. And the synchronicity of dance movements and incredible choreography were presented in the trailer for ten tracks of the album.

The band began winning fans outside the country in 2015, performing in Japan. By the end of 2016, the musicians had already released three albums and dozens of videos. They are distinguished by the originality of the combination of words, music and choreography.

The oldest member of the team is Jin, who will soon be 25 years old. He comes from the city of Anyang, and never thought that fame would await him. His song played a major role in the group's success. Hence the attitude towards Jin as the face of BTS. He is an excellent melodist, has good vocal abilities and dancing abilities. Success for Jin Kim Seokjin is an opportunity to work on himself more and more. The guy knows that he needs to move forward. And despite his excellent appearance, he wants to lose weight. And this is so difficult when you love to cook and eat delicious food. There is little time for this, but Jin hopes that his girlfriend will surprise him with delicious dishes.

Jin speaks excellent Chinese and English, drives a car well, as he has driver license. Best friend in his group he is considered V - V.

Of average height - 176 cm, with a weight of 54 kg, Suga Yoongi is distinguished by his pale complexion, for which he was nicknamed Sugar. And he dresses in white clothes. But for him, life is a search for suitable rhymes and rhythms. He's constantly composing when he's not at the gym. He also gives his all to training. But short breaks are filled with lazy idleness or sitting on Twitter. The rapper's erudition is surprising. He can answer any question - this is how Jimin speaks of Suga. No wonder the member received the nickname daddy.

Suga has a sharp tongue, which Jimin often gets into. A friend likes to joke and ridicule. When a guy gets excited, he switches to the dialect of Daegu, where he was born in March 1993.

Dancer and rapper of the group Jay Hope Jung Hong-seok is from Gwangju. He’s a sports guy, but despite weighing 65 kg with a height of 177 cm, he doesn’t like to exercise physical activity. The member is distinguished by neatness. After rehearsals or training, there is no need to clean up after him - in this he is an example to follow.

Among the musicians, Jay is especially close to Dzhelo and Ange from the group V.A.R. The boy’s love of dancing is especially inherent - he can select movements for any track. Before joining the team, he was a member of the street dance group, auditioned for IUP. He is currently the dance director for BTS, and free time busy assembling Lego, which he spends a lot of money on. Of the devices, he selects only Apple.

Fans need to know what it's like for a rapper main feature beautiful girl must be long hair and mind. He bypasses those who cannot think or reason. After all, Jay graduated from university and believes that his experience in the group will be useful to him in the future.

The vocalist of the group, Park Jimin, is fine without a pseudonym. They simply didn’t pick him up. Maybe there wasn’t enough time for this, since Jimin joined the team a year before his debut. He was invited to join the group right on the street. He dances well and has an excellent sense of rhythm. He wants to dance with Kai from EXO.

But the guy has no desire to write, although he has tried. But his friends advised him not to write songs, otherwise his compositions would simply put the audience to sleep. Good quality Jimin's skill in making friends is his. No wonder both Suga and V love to communicate with him. The main colors in the guy's clothes are blue and black.

Kim Namjoon was born in the capital South Korea in 1994, lived for some time in the United States of America and New Zealand. Can communicate perfectly in the languages ​​common in these countries. The constant desire to expand one's knowledge and improve the language is characteristic of Rap Monster.

He takes the position of a rapper in the group, wearing black clothes. And how difficult it was for him to master at first dance moves! Basketball was much closer to his soul. But over time, thanks to constant training, choreography succumbed to him.

The youngest BTS member Jungkook Maknae, born in 1997, began playing music professionally at the age of 13. The versatility of his position in the team is surprising - dancer, vocalist, rapper. Suga and Hongseok look after Jungkook like a younger brother.

Maknae's favorite pastime is drawing, so his room is always a mess. And he loves bright, contrasting colors - red, yin-yang.

V Kim Taehyung is friends with all the members of the boy band, although at first they were wary of him and did not understand his quirks. But soon the unusual behavior of the guy began to impress many. V out large family, wherein the main role belongs to the father. This is exactly what V would like to be like, to become a caring, interesting person.

The nickname Monkey was given to the vocalist not only for his habit of biting his nails and touching things with his hands, but also because a chimpanzee once spat at him at the zoo.

The group was conceived as a duet consisting of Rap Monster and Iron. But three years before their debut, the idea was revised, and the group BTS was formed - Bulletproof Boy Scouts - which means Bulletproof. If at first this made the guys laugh, now the name has become familiar, and there is no need for another.

The group has recorded over a hundred songs that they wrote together. The roles are usually distributed as follows: Rap Monster writes the music, Suga arranges it, and J Hope joins them to write the lyrics. Some tracks are rewritten several times. So the song No More Dream was remade more than twenty times. But now it is popular as a message to young people not to stray from their chosen path, to follow their dreams. And the choreography for this composition was staged by Jay Hope together with former member of the group Donghyuck.

The most popular members of the group are considered to be Jimin and V, who have the most fanboys.

Interestingly, the members have almost the same height, from 174 to 181 cm. The tallest is Rap Monster. According to the constitution, one can also note the same weight, not exceeding 60 kg.

BTS fans are growing more and more every day. After the debut performance four days later, about three thousand fans of the group registered in the fancafe, before that there were no more than two thousand.

Young Forever's latest video took sixth position in iTunes chat in 2016. The song Fire was highly rated by four million listeners and is one of the top twenty best-selling songs.

2015 was a fruitful year for the group for music awards, including the World Rookie Award, awarded annually in Monte Carlo.

Many BTS fans note that their tracks are mixed different styles, but it was done with great taste. Particularly pronounced stylistic diversity in the song I Need U. No wonder the group’s albums sell out instantly. This was the case, for example, with the album Run, which ranks thirteenth in the iTunes chat.

It is interesting that in the families of each of the participants there is either an older or younger brother or sister. And V has both a brother and a sister.

According to journalists' surveys, the musicians unanimously named the lion as their favorite animal.

In the future, ten years from now, South Korean members dream of remaining on the crest of fame, continuing to make music, being cool and famous. And Jay Hope believes that he will become one of the unique ones in the Banqtan group.

Birthday: 09/12/1994

Zodiac sign: Dog, Virgo:virgo:

Stage name: RM/RM

Former stage name: Runch Randa; Rap Monster / Rap Monster / 랩몬스터

Real name: Kim Nam Joon / Kim Nam Joon / 김남준

Nicknames: Repmon / RapMon, Leader Mon, God of Destruction, daddy, Monya, Dance miracle

Music group: BTS

Agency: BigHit Entertainment

Place of birth: Ilsan, South Korea

Blood type: A (II)

Height: 181 cm

Family: parents, younger sister

Education: Global Cyber ​​University (in progress)

Knowledge of languages: English, Korean, Japanese

Hobbies: Internet, listening and composing music, playing basketball and football

Interesting Facts:

BTS color: gray

Role models: Kanye West, A$AP Rocky

Favorite color: black

Favorite food: kalkuksu (short noodles with meat)

Habits: Stretch Your Shoulders

The best member in the group, according to Rep Monster, is himself.

Nam Joon has an IQ of 148 and ranks in the TOP 1% of national high school mock exams.

Close contact with Ilhoon from BtoB, Jackson from Got7.

Namjoon reads a lot of books different genres to increase your lexicon for writing songs.

- “If I have a girlfriend who is not an idol, I would like to write a song where I apologize for being an idol. Just imagine how much a girl would hate the fact that I'm an idol because I'm always busy and have a lot of female fans. I would like her to know that I am much better than she can imagine." - Repmon.

I studied well and passed the English exam with flying colors.

Nam Joon knows English well, he has been learning it since he was 7 years old.

Started being interested in rap in 2007.

Old stage name Nam Joon - Runch Randa (recorded under this name joint track with Zico from Block B, when he still had the alias Nacseo).

Before his debut, he appeared on the underground hip-hop scene.

Supports same-sex couples.

Likes to go to cafes to listen to music, get inspired and work on songs.

Nam Joon and Hong Chul (one of former members) recorded a disc with Brave Brothers/YG - Hook.

Despite the fact that he is a leader, he likes to fool around.

Nam Joon had a hard time dancing when he first joined the agency, but then he fell in love with dancing.

Nam Joon's name appears in the credits for the songs "I Like That" and "XXO" by GLAM.

Loves the combination of black and white.

Favorite number is 1.

According to him, he breaks everything he touches.

Cares about V the most.

He believes that his charm lies in his style, in his voice, in his physique, in his dimples, in his intelligence, in his kindness, in his passion for his work.

He doesn't like seafood and cigarettes.

Thinks about dancing when he can't sleep.

Previously, he was constantly teased and teased by his younger sister. But all her bullying ended immediately after her debut.

Rapmon thinks that the girl looks especially beautiful with her hair tied in a high ponytail.

He snores in his sleep.

Rapmon constantly wore glasses during the "No More Dream" era. All because he was afraid that people would discuss and judge him by his appearance.

When Rapmon was in school, he, like everyone else, filled out forms where he wrote that the ideal profession for him was “a person who checks microphones.”

Rapmon constantly reads the news and monitors all sorts of events.

He started writing lyrics to songs at school, in a simple notebook.

When he was 5, he dreamed of becoming a security guard in a hotel apartment.

Rapmon was once fat. It's hard to believe, but Namjoon insists that he was so plump that he didn't have a chin. Because of this, he developed complexes.

Suga once said that Rapmon is like Wikipedia. Because he knows all the songs of female and male groups, including the lyrics. He can even tell each member's date of birth.

Namjoon keeps a diary every day to look back and plan his life in a new way.

He always throws his things around and Suga puts them away.

If all the members were girls, he would be dating J-Hope.

He is an atheist.

If Monya was a girl (for one day), then he wanted to try on a pink bikini. I would also try on the bustier style from Ariana Grande. (bustiers are short T-shirts, tops, or corsets)

Namjoon once said that none of the celebrities fit his ideal type.

Namjoon would like to write a song and sing it with the person he loves. He would like to marry someone who will truly love him, and he will love her.

Namjoon injured his hand while filming the "RUN" video.

He likes to go to cafes to get inspiration for new lyrics. However, after a while he forgets himself and simply admires beautiful girls.

Namjoon often meets with his mother and dog Rapmon.

Monya has another nickname: “Dancing Miracle”. He was so bad at dancing that his coach and staff gave him that middle name.

Namjoon studied in the engineering department before he debuted.

Namjoon would choose Jungkook if they created a unit group.

Rapmon can sleep with the light on, no matter if it's day or the lamp is on at night.

He doesn't like it when men do aegyo.

Jin calls Namjoon's dancing "mentally ill."

Tips for learning English from Namjoon:

✓ do all your homework on your laptop and divide it into 2-4 parts!

✓ write at least 50 words on each side, on English language and talk.

✓ Memorize words, go back and forth until you understand the word and how to pronounce it.

✓ try watching English TV series and films.

✓ remain patient! English is not an easy language, but don't give up and work hard is what will lead you to success. (my advice for you!)

Namjoon's mom bought him all 10 seasons of Friends, which he had to watch at least 30 times to improve his English skills.

If Namjoon was told to change his stage name, he would change it to Ryan Monster.

At the dorm, Namjoon is in charge of sweeping the floors.

Namjoon is the only member who loves cats more than dogs.

A girl's favorite scent on her body (meaning perfume) is the smell of a clean body.

Rapmon once stated that he would like people to fight for what they really care about and what they really want.


What other participants say about him:

J-Hope: Restless, inattentive, abnormal. Hmmm... Often feels guilty about something, takes good care of the other members when he should.

Gene: In Reply 1994 there is a character - Trash. They are very similar.

V: If you don't take into account the music, he's very similar to Trash from Reply 1994.

Suga: Very attentive to his work. Cares about what others think.

Jungkook: He's a genius, as smart as he is dumb. Good at music and destroying things.

Jimin: He is shy, restless and acts on emotions. But he is also caring, he is very attentive and thinks about the participants.

Three of the participants: Rap Monster, Suga And J-Hope have been friends since the days of working on the underground scene, where the three of us performed (before joining the company and forming BTS). They are the ones who write all the songs for the group. Rap Monster acts as a composer, Suga as an arranger, J-Hope puts dance numbers, the lyrics are written by the three of us.
The new boy band was formed back in 2010, at the same time their debut was supposed to take place, but due to constant changes in the lineup, the debut was postponed. And in the spring of 2013 Big Hit Entertainment, have finally announced the debut of a new group.
The leader of the group is the only member from the original lineup, which is why he is the leader BangTan Boys.
Before the official debut, the guys presented two videos for the tracks “Scout Graduation” and “School Of Tears” to introduce viewers to the members of the new boy band.
On June 6, the debut album “2 Cool 4 Skool” was released; on the 12th, the label presented a video for the track “No More Dream”. The group's official debut took place on June 13 on the stage of the music show "M! Countdownon".
On July 16, the company presented a video for another track, “We Are Bulletproof Pt.2”.
On September 11, the second album was released, called “O!RUL8,2?”, which stands for “Oh, Are You Late, Too?”. The title track was the composition "N.O", for which a video was presented.
Rap Monster, Suga And J-Hope took an active part in writing tracks for " O! R U L8, 2?".
At the end of 2013, the guys were recognized as “Best Debut” at the major MelOn Music Awards ceremony. BTS was recognized as the bright debut of 2013 and quite a few victories are expected from the group in the future.

2014: development:

The third part of their "school trilogy", their second mini-album "Skool Luv Affair" was released on February 12, 2014. The group also released the track "Boy in Luv" in support of it on February 11. The album peaked at number 3 on the Billboard World Albums Chart. On April 6, the group returned with the song "Just One Day" and its video.
March 7 Big Hit announced that BTS will release their first Japanese album, which will consist of Japanese versions of existing songs. Album " 2 Cool 4 Skool" was released on April 23. The first single to support it was the Japanese version of "No More Dream".
On June 14, the group took part in the Bridge to Korea festival, which took place in Russia and was aimed at strengthening ties and developing tourism between the two countries. There they became judges for a K-pop dance competition and later performed on stage in front of an audience of 10 thousand people. On August 10 they became guests music festival KCON in Los Angeles. On August 19, they released the single "Danger" from the full-length album "Dark & ​​Wild", which sold 109,098 copies. The song "War of Hormone" from the same album was later released, and its video was released on October 21. BTS continued their promotions in Japan, releasing their first Japanese album, "Wake Up", on December 24. It included not only Japanese versions of their songs, but also two new ones: "Wake Up" and "The Stars".
During the Mnet Asian Music Awards, the group was nominated in the "Best Dance Performance" and "Song of the Year" categories. In addition to performing with " Boy In Love", they also performed together with Block B.
In October, November and December BTS were on tour in Korea, the Philippines, Singapore, Japan, Thailand and Malaysia. Their first tour was called "2014 BTS Live Trilogy – Episode II: The Red Bullet".


From 10 to 19 February 2015 BTS performed in Japan with the "Wake Up: Open Your Eyes" tour. They held concerts in front of 25,000 people in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya and Fukuoka. Their second tour begins on March 28 Korea- "BTS Live Trilogy – Episode 1: BTS Begins".
The group's third mini-album, entitled "The Most Beautiful Moment in Life, Part 1", was released on April 29. In June he was added to the "27" list best albums 2015" by the American TV channel Fuse and became the only Korean album included in this list. On May 5, the main track "I Need U" won first place in music program"The Show", which marked the group's first victory since their debut on this show. According to Signal Entertainment, the album has sold over 180 thousand copies since its release.
On June 4, the fourth Japanese single "For You" was released, dedicated to the anniversary of the band's debut in Japan. On the same day it was released music video. The track reached the top of the daily chart Oricon and sold 42,611 copies on its first day. June 23 BTS released a video for their single "DOPE" from "The Most Beautiful Moment in Life, Part 1", which managed to gain over 1 million views in the first 15 hours of release. The song also peaked at number 3 on the World Singles Chart Billboard, although it was released two months earlier.
The "2015 Live Trilogy Episode: The Red Bullet" tour continued with stops in Malaysia, Latin America, Australia, USA and ended in Hong Kong on August 29.
BTS were part of the Summer Sonic Festival, during which they performed on August 15 Tokyo, and on August 16 - in Osaka. On September 8, it was announced that they would return on November 30 with the album "The Most Beautiful Moment in Life, Part 2". They also held a three-day tour "The Most Beautiful Moment in Life: On Stage" from November 27 to 29, where they presented the track "Run". On October 19, it was announced that the group would become the new ambassadors for sports brand PUMA.
At the awards Mnet Asian Music Awards they won the "Best International Performer" category in recognition of their international fans. They performed" Run", and they also had a small collaboration on stage with GOT7.
The Japanese version was released on December 8th" I Need U" as the fifth Japanese single.


In January 2016, game production company Nexon announced that it would release avatars for characters in the game Elsword, based on the group's members. They were also identified as models for SK Telecom and the face of BBQ Chicken in April.
On May 2, a special edition of the album "The Most Beautiful Moment in Life: Young Forever" was released; the group held two concerts in Seoul at the Olympic Gymnastics Arena on May 7 and 8 in support of the albums. 24,000 people attended the show. Following this, the group began touring Asia and sold 144,000 tickets to their concerts. BTS also headlined the festival KCON in Los Angeles in June and New York in July, and both times were completely sold out.
On September 7, their second Japanese album “Youth” was released, which sold 44,000 copies in the first 24 hours after release and soared to the top of the charts Japan.
On October 10, the group released their second full-length album, called "Wings" with the main track - "Blood Sweat & Tears". On September 28, pre-orders for the album, consisting of 15 tracks, began, and in the first week their number amounted to 500 thousand copies. The group achieved a "direct hit" on the Korean music charts and also reached number one on iTunes in over 26 countries around the world. In less than a day, the video for " Blood Sweat & Tears" gained over 6 million views. This became a new record among all Korean groups. The album also managed to enter the UK Albums Chart, which became historical event– not a single album by a Korean group has ever been included in it. It also peaked at number 26 on the main US album chart Billboard 200, updating the record (the previous one was held by

Stage name: R.M.

Former stage name: Runch Randa; R ep Monster / Rap Monster / 랩몬스터

Real name: Kim Nam Joon / Kim Nam Joon / 김남준

Nicknames: Rapmon / RapMon, Leader Mon, God of Destruction, daddy, Monya, Dance miracle, Black hole

Position in the group: leader, main rapper, song's author

Agency: BigHit Entertainment

Place of Birth: Ilsan, South Korea

Blood type: A (II)

Height: 181 cm

Weight: 64 kg

Family:parents, younger sister

Education: Global Cyber ​​University (in progress)

Language knowledge: English, Korean, Japanese

Hobby: Internet, listen and compose music, play basketball and football

Interesting Facts:

BTS color: gray

Role models: Kanye West, A$AP Rocky

Favorite color: black

Favorite food: kalkuksu (short noodles with meat), teokkbokki, mandu (Korean dumplings, mostly filled with vegetables and meat)

Habits: Stretch Your Shoulders

The best member in the group, according to Rep Monster, is himself.

Nam June has an IQ of 148 and is included in TOP 1 % of National Secondary School Mock Examinations.
- Communicates closely with from, from.
- Namjoon reads a lot of books of completely different genres to increase his vocabulary for writing songs.
“If I have a girlfriend who is not an idol, I would like to write a song where I apologize for being an idol. Just imagine how much a girl would hate the fact that I'm an idol because I'm always busy and have a lot of female fans. I would like her to know that I am much better than she can imagine." - Repmon.
- I studied well and passed the English exam with flying colors.
- Nam June knows English well, he has been learning it since he was 7 years old.
- Started being interested in rap in 2007.
- Nam Joon’s old stage name is Runch Randa (under this name he recorded a joint track with from, when he still had the pseudonym Nacseo).
- Before debut, he appeared on the underground hip-hop scene.
- Supports same-sex couples.
- Likes to go to cafes to listen to music, get inspired and work on songs.
- Nam June and Hong Chul (one of the former members) recorded a disc with Brave Brothers/YG - Hook.
- Despite the fact that he is a leader, he likes to fool around.
- It was difficult for Nam Jun to dance when he first joined the agency, but then he fell in love with dancing.
- Nam Joon's name appears in the credits for the group's songs "I Like That" and "XXO".
- Loves the combination of black and white.
- Favorite number is 1.
- According to him, he breaks everything he touches.
- Cares about V most of all.

He believes that his charm lies in his style, in his voice, in his physique, in his dimples, in his intelligence, in his kindness, in his passion for his work.

He doesn't like seafood and cigarettes.

Thinks about dancing when he can't sleep.

Previously, he was constantly teased and teased by his younger sister. But all her bullying ended immediately after her debut.

Rapmon thinks that the girl looks especially beautiful with her hair tied in a high ponytail.

He snores in his sleep.

Rapmon constantly wore glasses during the "No More Dream" era. All because he was afraid that people would discuss and judge him by his appearance.

When Rapmon was in school, he, like everyone else, filled out forms where he wrote that the ideal profession for him was “a person who checks microphones.”

Rapmon constantly reads the news and monitors all sorts of events.

He started writing lyrics to songs at school, in a simple notebook.

When he was 5, he dreamed of becoming a security guard in a hotel apartment.

Rapmon was once fat. It's hard to believe, but Namjoon insists that he was so plump that he didn't have a chin. Because of this, he developed complexes.

Suga once said that Rapmon is like Wikipedia. Because he knows all the songs of female and male groups, including the lyrics. He can even tell each member's date of birth.

Namjoon keeps a diary every day to look back and plan his life in a new way.

He always throws his things around and Suga puts them away.

If all the members were girls, he would be dating J-Hope.

He is an atheist.

If Monya was a girl (for one day), then he wanted to try on a pink bikini. I would also try on the bustier style from Ariana Grande. (bustiers are short T-shirts, tops, or corsets)

Namjoon once said that none of the celebrities fit his ideal type.

Namjoon would like to write a song and sing it with the person he loves. He would like to marry someone who will truly love him, and he will love her.

✓ Memorize words, go back and forth until you understand the word and how to pronounce it.
✓ try watching English TV series and films.
✓ remain patient! English is not an easy language, but don't give up and work hard is what will lead you to success. (my advice for you!)

Namjoon's mom bought him all 10 seasons of Friends, which he had to watch at least 30 times to improve his English skills.

If Namjoon was told to change his stage name, he would change it to Ryan Monster.

At the dorm, Namjoon is in charge of sweeping the floors.

Namjoon is the only member who loves cats more than dogs.

A girl's favorite scent on her body (meaning perfume) is the smell of a clean body.

Rapmon once stated that he would like people to fight for what they really care about and what they really want.

What other participants say about him:

J-Hope: Restless, inattentive, abnormal. Hmmm... Often feels guilty about something, takes good care of the other members when he should.

Gin: in Reply 1994 there is a character - Trash. They are very similar.
In and: If you don't take into account the music, he's very similar to Thrash from Reply 1994.
Suga: Very attentive to his work. Cares about what others think.
Jungkook: He's a genius, as smart as he is dumb. Good at music and destroying things.
Jimin: He is shy, restless and acts on emotions. But he is also caring, very attentive and thinks about the participants.

Stage name: Rap Monster / 랩몬스터 / Rap Monster
Real name: Kim Nam Joon / 김남준 / Kim Nam Joon

Date of Birth: September 12, 1994
Hometown: Ilsan
Height: 181 cm
Weight: 64 kg
Blood type: A
Nicknames: RapMon/Repmon, Leader of Mon, God of Destruction
Family: father, mother, younger sister
Zodiac sign: Virgo

As an underground rapper, I used the name Runch Randa. This nickname comes from a character my friend and I looked after in Maple Story. I read a lot of books and various written sources while writing raps to increase my vocabulary. But I haven't done much of it since debut since we're so busy. But as soon as I have an idea or remember Nice words, I always write them down in a notebook. For a while I had the nickname "The Dance Miracle" - I was so bad at dancing that my dance teacher and company staff nicknamed me that. The difference between the things I'm good at and the things I'm not good at is quite obvious. About dancing, I thought, “Well, that’s not my calling. Everyone has things they are good at and things they shouldn’t do.” But it turns out that anything is possible. Now they tell me that I dance like the very a common person. Although the participants may not agree with this (laughs). Although I don't show it, I get very nervous on stage. I'm used to seeing people on TV coming out of the illuminated doors on Mnet M! Countdown, so doing it yourself is very exciting and exciting. One day I went on stage without any microphone equipment, so I started to worry about that too. But when I stepped on stage, I had the feeling that I was in charge of this place. I think that kind of mentality is necessary for hip-hop. Because I have a strong image, I often think, “I’m the best here.” But, unlike what you see, in real life I'm quite shy. The guys say that there is a huge difference between me on stage and off. (Suga: “He wears sunglasses on stage and puts on a powerful image, but in reality he loves cute things. The Pokemon ball he got at a book signing is always on his bed.”) I have a habit of singing loudly at night in the dorm. I always sing, so I never thought that it would interfere with the participants. I realized this after some time, but the guys never said anything against it - apparently because I am the leader and was the first to move into the dorm (laughs). I think I improved by 7.80 percent. I'm always up to date latest news and topics discussed. It's very easy to forget about what's going on around the world due to our busy schedules. I am not happy with this arrangement of affairs, so I am following the news. If I ever have a non-celebrity girlfriend, I want to write her a song apologizing for being an idol. Imagine how much a girl will not like the fact that I am famous, since I am always busy and there are many fans who will still love me despite having a girl. I wish she knew that “I’m not as bad as you think.” Because no matter what others do or say, I know myself better. Also, even if it sounds arrogant, I want to say that I have not yet shown even one-fourth of my abilities. I have many talents and I hope to showcase them in the future.

Favorite food: meat, kalguksu.
Favorite color: black.
Favourite things: clothes, computer, books.
Ideal type: girl with in a pleasant voice, fairly tall, with fair skin, someone who would look good in a white T-shirt, jeans and Converse.
Habits: warm your throat before No More Dream.
The word that describes it: rapper, joker.
An example to follow: Kanye West, A$AP Rocky.
In 10 years it will be: rich rapper.
1. The best member in the group, according to Rep Monster, is himself.
2. Close contact with BtoB's Ilhoon.
3. Loves to read and expand his vocabulary.
4. “If I have a girlfriend who is not an idol, I would like to write a song where I apologize for being an idol. Just imagine how much a girl would hate the fact that I'm an idol because I'm always busy and have a lot of female fans. I would like her to know that I am much better than she can imagine." - Repmon.
5. I studied well and passed the English exam with flying colors.
6. NamJoon knows English well, he has been learning it since he was 7 years old.
7. I started getting interested in rap in 2007.
8. Been to New Zealand and the USA.
9. Namjoon's old stage name is Runch Randa (under this name he recorded a joint track with Block B's Zico, when he still had the stage name Nacseo).
10. Loves Kanye West, Drake, ASAP Rocky and many other American hip-hop artists.
11. Before his debut, he appeared on the underground hip-hop scene.
12. Hobby: basketball.
13. Has nothing against homosexual relationships (but does not “openly support”, these are different things).
14. Likes to go to cafes to listen to music, get inspired and work on songs.
15. Nam June and Hong Chul (one of the former members) recorded a disc with Brave Brothers/YG - Hook.
16. Despite the fact that he is a leader, he likes to fool around. Really a really nice guy.
17. Very responsible.
18. Nam Joon had a hard time dancing when he first joined the agency, but then he fell in love with dancing.
19. Nam Joon's name appears in the credits for the songs "I Like That" and "XXO" by GLAM.
20. Loves the combination of black and white.
21. Music lover.
22. Likes to surf the Internet.
23. Favorite number is 1.
24. According to him, he breaks everything he touches.
25. Used the phrase “Rap monster” in one of his pre-debut tracks. Later it stuck to him as a nickname, and he decided to use it as a pseudonym.

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