Guf biography personal life net worth. Couple's wedding and life together. Tracks not released on Guf's albums

Name: Guf
Real name: Alexey Dolmatov
Birthday: September 23, 1979 (age 37)
Place of birth: Moscow
Weight: 75 kg
Height: 182 cm
Zodiac sign: Scales
Eastern horoscope: Goat
Activity: singer

Biography of Guf

Guf (real name Alexey Sergeevich Dolmatov) is a talented rap artist who, during his short career musical career, who managed to achieve a lot. Listeners love his songs, his concerts always attract huge crowds. It is quite remarkable that our today’s hero was able to achieve great success not only as one of the participants in the famous Russian group"Center", but also as a solo artist.
Guf is a brilliant artist who cannot be ignored. His work is full of subtle meaning, and therefore it is always very pleasant to listen to his texts. However, this is probably already known to all fans of this extraordinary performer. But what else can you tell about this original artist? The answer to this question is the following article.

Guf's early years, childhood and family

Alexey Sergeevich Dolmatov (better known to the public under the pseudonym) “Guf” was born in Moscow on September 23, 1979. Russian and Jewish blood flows in his veins. As a child, Lesha was the most ordinary guy. He, like everyone else, skipped classes, and also loved music and long walks around his hometown.

Now Guf's Twitter is popular in the blogosphere

However, already in the mid-eighties, drastic changes took place in his life. His parents left for China, and he himself followed them. The future is in the Celestial Empire famous rapper lived for several years. Over the years, he managed to make new friends, learn Chinese well, and also study at one of the Chinese universities.
But the controversial life of China very soon bored the future musician. He missed Russia and very soon returned to Moscow, where he began to live with his grandmother. Bright character in ordinary life and creative life is grandmother Gufa Tamara Konstantinovna. Fans know her as Original Ba XX. The country recognized her thanks to the rapper's track "Gossip". But the composition “Original Ba”, which is included in the album “City of Roads” and in which Alexei’s grandmother even takes part, talks about the relationships between relatives and the character of Tamara Konstantinovna. Guf reads that “She can easily dance to Sean Paul for you.”
In Moscow, Dolmatov entered a new university and began recording his first tracks. Together with his then classmate Roman a.k.a. Marlin Guf recorded the song “ Chinese wall”, which, quite unexpectedly for everyone, ended up on some Moscow radio stations.

Since 2002, Guf has already been working on his own debut album. And his collaboration with Slim begins with the composition “Wedding”. By the way, at that time Slim was in the group “Smoke Screen”.
After this, there was some break in the performer’s work, caused by his studies at an economics university, as well as problems with drugs. As the rapper himself admits, for a long time he was a typical drug addict. Valuables disappeared from the apartment, periods of drug use were replaced by protracted withdrawal symptoms. However, Guf still managed to get rid of his addiction. One of the reasons for this was Alexey’s other passion – passion for music.

And at the age of 21, in 2000, Alexey already became a member of the Rolex-X group. He created it together with his classmates named Roman. He is known as Marlin. The name was based on the names of the band members. By the way, after participating in the Rolex-X project, Alexey Dolmatov became known as Guf.

Rapper Guf's career

At one point, Guf felt the need to move on and together with Princip he organized the group “CENTR”. This happened in 2004. Together with Princip, Guf released his first demo album. It was called "The Gift" and was actually given as a gift. The circulation of the record was only 13 copies. All of them were presented to close friends as a New Year's gift.

Since 2002, Guf, with the support of friends, began working on his debut album. During the same period, he began to work closely with another young musician, Slim, who very soon became one of the participants in the new project “Centr”. This group was created in 2004 by Alexey Dolmatov and his friend Nikolai Princip. At first, the group included only two performers, but later grew to four (in addition to the above-mentioned Slim, the group also included rapper Ptah).
Together they recorded two successful albums and even managed to write two special compositions for the famous Russian film “HEAT”. In the mid-2000s this project was very popular, but at some point everything began to fall apart on its own. Princip started having problems with the police, Guf became interested in solo work, as well as side projects. So, in particular, already in 2007, Guf presented to the public his debut “solo album” “City of Roads”, and some time later he recorded several successful tracks with the Rostov rapper Basta.
Despite the fact that already in the second half of the 2000s the group began to collect various prestigious awards one after another, in August 2009 our today's hero left the team. As noted in some interviews with performers, the reason for this decision was a quarrel between Guf on the one hand and Ptah and Slim on the other.
After leaving the group, Alexey Dolmatov created his own label ZM Nation, within which he began working on a new album. As a result, the second solo album was released in 2009. The album “At Home” immediately attracted the attention of listeners and became one of the main new releases after several months.
Soon Guf was recognized as the best by the major Internet portal "" Russian performer at the end of the year. In addition, prizes in the category “ Best Album" And " Best clip" also received the album "At Home".
However solo successes did not force the talented native of Moscow to stop there. In 2010, he began work on the joint album “Basta/Guf”, on the creation of which his old friend worked with him. The recorded album was presented to the public in 2010. After this, the two successful rap artists performed together for a long time.
In the same 2010, Guf was recognized as artist of the year according to the Russian Street Awards. Just a year later, he also received the MUZ-TV award in the “Best Hip-Hop Project” category.

Guf now

At the beginning of 2012, in a series of concerts and performances, Guf began to methodically find time to begin work on his third studio album. The collection of material lasted for several months, but in the end, the prepared record was released. November 1st, 2012 new album according to tradition, it was presented on the website “Rep.Ru”, within which the record was available for free download.
By now last job Gufa is the single “420”, recorded together with the musician Rigos.

Guf's personal life

In the summer of 2008, Guf married his longtime girlfriend Aiza Vagapova (later Dolmatova). Many of the artist’s songs speak about love for her. In May 2010, there was an addition to their family - it was decided to name the “little goofy” with the very exotic name Sami.

Rapper Guf broke up with his wife Isa

For a long time, the relationship within the couple was ideal. However, in mid-2013, reports appeared in the press that Guf and his wife were on the verge of divorce due to the fact that the rapper was taking drugs again. Moreover, in some sources you can also find information that Aiza has a new friend - snowboarder Sergei Sterin. Guf himself also allegedly meets with new girl named Lera Gusarova.
Subsequently, Guf's wife denied reports of her new romance.

Alexey Dolmatov lived in China for seven years. He had to leave this country because of his problems with drugs.

The area where Guf lived, where his grandmother now lives and which he repeatedly sang in songs, Alexey calls ZM, that is, Zamoskvorechye.
Guf was born on the same day as rapper ST (Alexander Stepanov). However, Alexander is 9 years younger than Alexey. Colleagues recorded 2 tracks together. One was called “Differently”, and the second “Article”. Later, a video was shot for the first composition. By the way, both MCs burr.

Guf fan. He follows the games of Liverpool Football Club.

Alexey Dolmatov gave nicknames to all his relatives. In his songs, he can jokingly call himself Kagtavy Guf or Gufaka. Grandmother Tamara Konstantinovata became Original Ba XX, wife Aiza Dolmatova became Ice Baby, and son Sami became Gufik.

Alexey's biological father is from Rostov-on-Don. Guf himself has been there often and therefore knows the Casta group well. Once he even starred in their video for the song “We Take It on the Streets.” And a member of the group, Kasta Shym, wrote the music for Guf’s “New Year’s” song. In addition, Guf took part in the recording of Casta’s track “New Step”. The song was released in 2010 on the album “XZ”.

The rapper's favorite performer is American Nas.

The artist Guf managed to be part of several musical groups, and also record many songs in duets with various celebrities. In honor of the performer’s birthday, the site will tell you details of his personal life.

Guf's creativity

Alexey Sergeevich Dolmatov, and this is the name of our today’s birthday boy, was born in the Russian capital Soviet Republic- Moscow. When the boy was 12 years old, the family moved to live in China, where Lyosha graduated high school and received a diploma in linguist. The guy planned to open his own business in China and stay there forever. Drug addiction made adjustments to his plans. In order to escape Chinese justice, Dolmatov had to return to his homeland.

In Moscow, the future artist received a diploma in economics and started thinking about big stage. He had long been attracted to music. The guy even wrote several of his own songs.

In 2000, Dolmatov became a member of the musical group “Rolexx”, in which he gained his first fame.

Two years later, the musician decides to start working on his debut solo collection. He records new compositions and begins to collaborate with an artist known under the pseudonym Slim. Over time, this duo presented many jointly recorded compositions, including “Wedding”, “Error”, “Independence”, “Say”, “Gone”.

In 2004, the group “Centr” appeared, organized by Guf together with Nikolai Nikulin, who is known under the pseudonym Principle. The musicians begin to work on new songs and, soon, present the first test album, called “Gift”.

Real success came to Guf in 2006. It was then that compositions such as “Gossip”, “New Year’s” and “My Game” appeared. These compositions become incredibly popular among listeners, and make Guf a real star. Having gained wide popularity, the performer often works in duets with such performers as AK-47, Noggano, Zhigan and Smokey Mo.

In 2007, our today's hero begins to work more and more often as a solo artist. In 2007, he presented his album, in which musician Basta participated. Two years later, Guf’s next record is released, which is called “At Home”. The album became quite successful, and Dolmatov received several music awards.

The collaboration between today's birthday boy and Basta turned out to be very fruitful. They started working a lot together in 2010 and soon presented the joint collection “Basta/Guf”. In addition, the performers gave several large-scale concerts, where they gathered huge amount their fans. As a reward for his fruitful work, Guf won the title “Artist of the Year” and strengthened his position on the domestic stage.

The singer actively collaborates with music group"Caspian cargo". Among their joint songs there are such as “Winter”, “Jackets and Suits”, “Houdini”.

In his original compositions, the artist often raises the topic of drug addiction and other social problems. Having experienced everything negative aspects drug addiction, Guf is trying to protect the younger generation from this addiction.

Guf's personal life

Alexey Dolmatov first married in 2008. His wife was Aiza Vagapova, whom the musician had known for a long time. Two years later, the couple had a son, Sami. This union lasted 5 years, after which a loud and scandalous divorce followed.

In 2015, the rapper underwent another course of treatment for drug addiction. Having completed the treatment, he again began his creative activity. continues to present his new compositions and often performs in front of listeners.

Alexey Sergeevich Dolmatov, known to us all as Guf (GUF), was born on September 23, 1979, in Moscow. From about the age of 10 I became interested in rap art. In the 5th grade he encountered drugs. He often began to skip class, after which he was taken by his parents to China. For seven years he lived in China, where he studied at one of the universities. Alexey has 2 higher education: economic and linguistic. After this he returned to Russia.

Already at the age of nineteen he performed his first track - “The Wall of China”. He was recorded together with Roma Korobchansky (with whom Guf studied together, in the same group). For 2 years, Guf took a short break (due to drugs) in his hobby.

Guf became more famous in 2000 when he joined the group “ROLEX-X”. And so he finally realized that he shouldn’t sit and wait for something, he needs to move forward. It was after this idea that he became one of the creators, known on at the moment groups - “CENTER”. This is how his first demo album “Gift” appeared. Few copies were produced, only 13 pieces, and they were given to close friends as a New Year's gift.

He was very familiar with the “KASTA” group, as he often visited his area. He took part in the filming of the video “We take it on the streets,” and one of the Casta members, Shym, wrote the music for “New Year’s.”

Many songs dealt with his favorite topic - “Drugs”; he began to be recognized among rappers for this topic. Guf claims that he forgot about drugs a long time ago and no longer uses them.

Already in 2002, she begins to work on her new, next album. I found a new friend – Slim, who at that time was part of the “Smoke Screen” group.


In 2006, the song “Gossip” became very popular. The album “City of Roads” contains the song “Original Ba”, dedicated to Guf’s grandmother Tamara Konstantinovna, in which she even takes part.

Also in 2006, a video called “New Year’s” was released for one of the documentaries called “Drug Users (drug addicts)”; this video soon became quite popular. A new hit was created with SMOKI MO “Traffic”, it was placed on the album “Air is Normal” (2008).

Already in 2007, a highly popular album called “City of Roads” was released. Soon a new track appears called “My Game” in a duet with the popular rapper Basta. Guf also begins his concert activities. The same year, on October 25, an album called “Swing” from the group “CENTR” was released. In 2008, ‘Center’ won the “Best Rap Group” category at the RMA.

In 2009, together with the group, Center performed on Muz-TV with the song “City of Roads”. Also in 2009, he voiced a doll named “Fifth” in Tim Burton, Timur Bekmambetov’s “Ninth”. By 2009, Guf decides to leave CENTER, he confirmed this in his interview. starting from September and ending in December, all members of the CENTER group release solo albums. The album from GUF - “At Home” was released on December 1, 2009.

Personal life of GUF

Soon after Guf decided to quit drugs, he began to lead a healthy lifestyle. He lasted only half a year, but then his girlfriend named Isa came to his aid.

Isa helped Guf a lot with this problem. Once, when she found out about his drug addiction, she locked herself and him in the apartment for 5 days, and soon helped him completely forget about them.

Dolmatov Alexey Sergeevich, popularly known as Guf , born 09/23/1979 in Moscow.

Guf wrote his first track “” at the age of 19. This track was recorded together with Roma (aka Marlin), with whom Guf studied in the same group at the Moscow State Pedagogical University. Lenin, and was first heard on radio “2000”. Then Guf had a creative break, which lasted 2 years.

Guf has two higher educations: economics and linguistics (Chinese). In the 90s, he and his parents lived in China for several years and managed to study at a Chinese university. Guf entered the hip-hop world in 2000 as part of the group “Rolex-x”, whose name comes from the names of the project participants: Roma and Lyosha. It was after participating in the group that Guf became known as Rolex-X.
Guf has often visited Rostov, so he is well acquainted with the Casta group. One of the Casta members named Shym wrote the music for Guf's track "", and Guf himself took part in the filming of the Casta song "We take it on the streets". Since 2002, Guf began work on his debut album.

Many of Guf's early songs are dedicated to his past life, and it was these songs that became his " business card"in the rap community, forming a new specific style. Guf used drugs, as he himself said, but has now completely given them up.
In the same year, his collaboration with Slim, who at that time was a member of the Smoke Screen group, began with the song ““.

IN creative life Gufa there is another one bright character- his grandmother Tamara Konstantinovna, known to fans of Guf’s work as Original Ba two x. The whole country learned from the track “” that she reads the newspaper “Life”. The song "" tells about their relationship, about her character. In the same year, by Ren-TV for documentary film"DRUG USERS (drug users)" from the series "Project "Reflection"" a video was shot for an equally popular composition - " ". In April 2007, the album “” was released. Guf records a duet with Rostov rapper Basta - a song called “”. In addition, the artist begins active concert activity. On October 25, 2007, the album “” of the Centr group was released, and a year later, on October 22, 2008, the second album “” of the Centr group, of which Guf was a member, was released. Also in October 2008, Guf married a girl named Isa.

In 2009, he decided to leave the Centr group. He clearly stated this in his . Also in 2009, he voiced one of the characters in the cartoon "" "".

At the end of 2009, namely on December 1st, Guf released the second solo album"", which is based on the results of voting in 2009 among readers of

The famous rapper Guf, named Alexey Dolmatov, found more popularity not thanks to his music, but due to the fact that, being alive, he became a “dead hero.”

He also became famous not only because he was constantly buried by the media and fans, but also because there were too many references to drugs in his works. Guf was a soloist in the group "CENTR". In addition, the artist created a label called ZM Nation.

Rumors of death

In January 2011, a rumor appeared that the rapper had died during a terrorist attack in Domodedovo along with rapper Basta. At that time, everyone believed only in Dolmatov’s death. There was a lot of controversy surrounding the rumors. This information was quickly refuted, but short time Internet users created a meme on this topic.

After some time, a new rumor appeared. Some media outlets published information that the CENTR group was in car accident, in which Dolmatov and another guy died. One was seriously injured and ended up in intensive care. The group's producers officially stated that nothing of the sort happened and that all members were safe and sound.

For recent years 5 Guf has already died several times. Some fans or, conversely, competitors attributed the artist’s death to drugs. Several times information appeared in the press about a terrible car accident in which the rapper died. In one of the albums, the singer and his band released a track dedicated to these fictions. The death of Dolmatov’s group colleagues was mentioned several times.
Currently in many social networks and Internet resources there is supposedly confirmed information about death famous performer. Of course this is not true. Today the performer has many concerts and meetings planned.

Photos on the topic: Guf died

Video on the topic: Guf died

Who needs rumors about Guf's death

Nobody knows who is spreading these rumors. There are many versions about what is behind this. Some believe that these rumors are spread by the artist himself so that he will not be forgotten and talked about. Some people think that behind them are people from their PR department, who are used to making up any information so that their client is recognized.

Some believe that spreading rumors is just a game of fans who love dark humor.

The artist himself shows that he treats such rumors with irony. Like all members of the group, he laughs at this gossip and says that if this happens, fans will certainly immediately find out the confirmed information. The artist himself hopes that such a situation will not happen for a long time.

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